Super YOSHI 3D World!! (2-Players) - WORLD STAR!!

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are you ready yes we haven't played in a few days so let's see what happens when we come over to these guys do you remember saving all these fairies this trixies what do you think they're gonna do they're gonna unlock a new level did you expect that what a rocket ship let's go into the rocket ship it's like natural disaster survival in Roblox remember yeah you went into the rocket ship but then your rocket ship fell over hopefully this one doesn't fall over hopefully we're okay here where do you think we're going I think we're going to go to um Galaxy space level you're right isn't the music so nice yeah it's nice wow look at the first level lots of rainbows so cool a new world has opened isn't the music so beautiful I can breathe oh yeah yeah Yoshi you can't breathe here no don't worry you have a space suit your cat suit's really a spacesuit aren't the strings so nice in this music yeah and look at this little star here isn't that suspicious okay so let's go to this first level World Star dash one rainbow run oh watch out don't get hit by the wave oh I got hit by it oh no I tried to warn you but then I got hurt by it here I'll stand up now you can go by safely but watch out for the next one there is going to be something that we have to climb up to there's no controls again oh yeah yeah did you forget how the controls work how do I do it whoa whoa yeah just be careful how do I do the thing where I keep climbing the wall without ever falling uh it's not without ever falling you could only re-grab it once yeah there you go that's how you do it okay are you ready to go I'll stand on this for one more moment because while I'm standing on this the waves don't come out and attack us but watch out for these guys good job I'm holding you now okay here I'll put you down and if I put you down I guess I gotta throw you into the wall now look we want to come up here see this spot can you get up here where I am let's try can you make it up try again you can do it especially because you have the cat power up you should be able to get up here very easily oh you don't even have to do a spin jump just re-grab the wall oh you don't even have to re-grab the wall yay okay let's go down this pipe now do you want to do this or wait oh I think we have to activate both so you step on the right one and then I'll do the left one okay now when you jump control the jumps okay ready when now oh okay good good good okay you know I'll do the next one okay don't jump now okay I'm responsible for this I'm responsible for what happens here I have to make sure these balls all go to the right spot now I am responsible for this remember that okay I'm responsible for this and what and jump jump no not yet oh no that's heaven was too late yeah I set the jump yeah okay how about you do it yeah I thought I was being nice by letting you get it I thought you know what I'll let you do it because I could easily do it by myself but I'll just let you do it just to be nice but it looks like I maybe need your help oh maybe not that those can go the other way okay so this is our first time ever trying this let's see if we can get it do you know how to get this on the first strike let's first go up like this now you control the next jump okay go yeah oh we got it okay now let's do this one okay wait let's go like this Kate's going yeah when do you want to do this time no no okay now let me do this one okay I know how to do this one I'll get it no problem don't you worry when do you have to jump for this the time for this is so weird it's like right there yes thank you there we go okay let's get out of here now who do you think is gonna have the crown for this level I thank you come on Mario what are you doing here oh and look it's Plessy you remember Plessy yes we just have to jump on oh no they didn't get on Plessy let me unless you there we go okay now wait wait wait wait wait because there is a stamp somewhere here that we have to get I'm pretty sure it's here so let's just get all the coins first all right there to the right do you see that oh yeah I see it now yeah see because this is a very colorful area so it almost looks like that sticks out oh sorry it looks like it doesn't stick out it looks like it just Blends in oh wait we need a fire flower wait wait come here is there an invisible uh block around here oh it must be this what's up here yes this is what we need hold on hold on come back come back come back there's nothing up there what we have to do is light these up and then this opens up course we can go into the cloud isn't that something that's cool I like this yeah did you expect that to be there no oh now we have to light all these up so uh just go and do some ground pounds nearby and light everything up we need all the squares to be lit up yay wait come down a bit let me make sure I got everything here okay I think I got everything there and we just need that one there and the one in the top left who's gonna get this start now oh did you know yeah yeah and did you notice that it was playing the uh Zelda music where are you going down here yeah because we have to go back oh we only have 55 seconds left oh can we complete the level let's see if we can get this gotta get the green coins go go yeah oh no oh nice and where is it yeah I got it good job yeah and I gotta do it she's nice [Music] I thought you would get it I thought you would get it I never did this level before same I'm just kidding now we get extra time which is great yeah I'll wait for you to respawn oh you have to sneeze careful you don't want to sneeze while driving that could be dangerous probably also Donuts okay I'll wait for you for a moment then wait where are you gonna respond I don't know maybe jump yeah okay I'll just go then oh no I tried to respawn uh-oh okay and I'm little I'm Stuart Little whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm dead okay I gotta be careful then oh I keep grabbing it by accident okay come down and I'm dead again okay um maybe I'll come back more then or you know what maybe I'll just go through it I'll go through it there we go you into it and I fell okay now can I make this jumper do I have to bounce off these guys okay there we go now we're gonna be able to finish level you know it's crazy how many people watch the previous video in this series I'm glad that so many people enjoyed it so many people watched it so we both go together spin jump into it [Applause] and look at all the coins raining down there if we had the floating uh Power voice like called Tanuki leaf that we could have like got more of those coins yeah yeah which would have been great who do you think's going to get the crown yeah who's gonna get the crown I don't know it'll be close because you did die but I don't know oh by 100 points that means you got one coin more than me because I think the coins are worth 100 points wow little mini Mario over here with Yoshi the king oh look there's a captain Toad level up there too we should do the captain Toad level next let's do this first we'll get to the captain Toad level once we're closer to it Super Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy yeah it is it is a game whoa you're throwing me wait sorry okay now look these platforms they rotate from time to time like that you see yeah you got to be careful there wait is there anything under there or no okay nothing under there you gotta be on the lookout for where the uh green stars might be you hit that block yeah yeah maybe okay and you can start to see like where they're going to move you can see that the pink ones move then when they're done then the blue ones start to move see how it works yup and then I'm done oh oopsies that's okay blue looking pigs stay on the platform the octoombas yeah I guess because they're kind of like an octopus and they've kind of got like suction or something that holds them on what's this uh Aluma I think it's called the Luma they're from Super Mario Galaxy and there's anything we can do or no with it uh I don't know oh here let me throw you okay ready to go yeah this turns around worlds start going okay don't go into the box at the end yet though oh okay gotta be careful oh whoa and I was still running quicker to you pop out there we go there you go okay now in one of these sections there's gonna be a warp box but wait wait don't go into the warp box yet because I don't know if there's a green star on the other side yeah you did very good okay it looks like there isn't a green star on the other side so just be careful okay let me just be careful here don't want to accidentally slide off okay don't grab me don't grab me be careful how many times are you gonna blow up I'm Gonna Keep crying and dying oh do you think this is a hard level a little yeah take it a little bit more challenging yeah oh no I fell off don't fall don't fall don't fall go there to the left go to the left don't fall off yeah there's gonna be something there that we want you think it's a stamp uh maybe oh oh try this getting up here is actually really really difficult want to see how you can do it sure yeah this is actually very hard I almost made it oh I'm done wait for me yeah I'll wait for you to respond so if you fall down then we don't have to restart yeah this is really challenging it's one of the hardest levels I think you can do it now and you know what else is an even easier way what you can just use the super Bell power up to get up there you get it yeah you could just climb up it yeah you know wait for me yeah yeah but I didn't want to use it now look look you see the star on the red platform there we can't miss that one oh so remember we gotta go for that whoever gets the first wins oh there it is yeah I thought it's on the blue one oh you said it's on the record okay so we need uh one more green star still so let's see where the final one is keep an eye open for it oh I think it might be at the bottom actually don't go into the world yeah it's at the bottom there do you see yeah oh you were gonna try hey do you want to go for it and I'll go into the warp box yes okay so go get it get it good job I keep falling maybe you've come back up oh look at the thing in the background there that's from Super Mario Galaxy look at who that is wanna talk to her yeah oh look happens when you jump on her it's like we can't hurt her it's like Mew from Pokemon yeah there's like a protective shield over here ready for then yes good you got it wait where's your crown oh I fell off at the beginning the left I died so many times and right when you die you lose your crown look who's joining us wow you think she'll we will be able to place Rosalina maybe let's see I don't know I never got this far now I'm just kidding we got a Rosalina that's awesome she's reading a book with two of those Stars yeah Lumas I think you win yeah I get the crown hooray nice wow so so far you had the crown after the first level now I have the crown now whose turn is it gonna be yeah well maybe if I don't die I'll get to creep keep it wow we can place Rosalina do you want to be Rosalina then sure do you wanna be Yoshi yeah okay I'll be Yoshi though okay yeah I didn't want to spoil it I didn't want to tell you that there's Rosalina there's one part or wait sorry you want to be Rosalie and I'll be Yoshi there's one part earlier in the game where I made a comment about oh there are five characters on Rosalina has a Spin Attack oh oh but whoa yeah if you jump oh oh okay stay on stay on the right side stay towards the right yeah if you stay towards the right then it just keeps going like this it's kind of like you know that yeah yeah the gimba comes on too goodbye Goomba hopefully you don't fall like the Doom by dead yes if you jump then press the Run button you'll do a spin attack jump and press the Run button jump and press the Run button while you're in the air oh that's cool so it gives you like a boost it's almost like a double jump it's kind of similar to a double jump how do you like being a Rosalina that is cool let me try out some things I need to remember the moves in this yeah you don't remember how cause it's been a while since you've played nope how do you dive again you run ground pound and run once you start ground pounding you can dive oh I see yeah okay ready to keep going okay yeah let's do it okay let's go I'll stay on this one oh hold on hold on I'll bring it back to you maybe there you go oh no I died already okay come back to me whoa whoa whoa stay on stay on stay on it okay I'm just walking yeah just walking there we go now we made it somewhere that's so difficult with two people it is oh oh wait don't move don't move yeah we could also gotten the one up there too I look like a stamp what do you mean you look like like and wait do we want to go down here let's see okay it doesn't look like there's anything there you want to see what's ahead I guess not let's just go well there's the checkpoint flag and look there's a green star down there do you see it yeah I'm getting confused now am I you or am I Rosalina yeah you're in Rosalina because you're used to being Yoshi right yeah I was playing Yoshi for the whole game yeah and now on the different characters you have to get the green star here whoa just wanted to jump on are you gonna get the star [Music] Rosalina oh look Boomerang power-ups yeah you can have one too thanks there you go now you get to see Rosalina she looks awesome you want to come up here cool how about we go down here oh maybe we want to actually bring that over I don't know if yeah we probably have to bring that bar over uh just let me up please okay let's try and defeat these sting bees if we can with our boomerangs okay that's good we got him now let's see come on come over to the this way yeah because we have to bring it over this way okay I'll try and survive without you for a moment okay come back come on up this way okay good good yeah we have to move it over this way now let's see is there something in here for us this stamp or something maybe oh I think we might actually need Rosalina in this level yeah there we go whoa step on it [Music] I almost got it before I got this dead before you got it I thought that maybe I would get it before you let's keep going on this roller yeah oh oh don't die don't die don't die don't die I died okay so we were here before we got this one now we I'm guessing we still have to move this over I think so too I just want some extra points there okay come on up this way now be careful the pink eyes hurt you remember the blurkers they do hurt you nice now watch out for the Conch door there we go okay now then lots of guys over here maybe we should go on to the platform maybe careful don't die don't die [Music] don't throw me out I gotta be here oh no oh no oh no don't both die don't both die oh nice you got it like that there we go okay but now we're both small so this is very dangerous and we still need another green star this is very dangerous let's go further this way yeah let's come up there let's see I'm fine oh I fell too imagine playing this with four people and having to coordinate everyone yeah that would be quite challenging we can do this oh come on I keep dying dying yeah you do no put me down oh hey boost me up here actually oh okay what give me a spin jump give me a spin how's that b not seeing us give me a spin jump yes yay oh yes I'm up here all right hold on let me come up here and I'll teleport you up here I guess okay okay now you're up here with me wait can we boost up even more yeah we can you see up here right here I'll post you oh wow I didn't expect that oh but now we should be able to get up here easily we can go like oh wait can you go up anymore is there invisible wall no there's invisible Wallace teams I can't go up anymore oh wait yeah what's going on wait what about here okay we can also get up here wow yeah just write down there perfect that was easy oh wait but wait can we make it to the end of the level now I don't know what's down here let's go find out let's check he just killed okay you died there okay but it looks like we could just jump across there to the right oh because look see that platform down there see the number two let's go see I don't see the platform number two no no it was over to the left because normally you need uh two people or something let's go oh okay I got the bottom oh they almost didn't reach it luckily you got the top I was worried that you would agree for it I was but I didn't think you'd go so soon I said go oh yeah he's that really quietly he almost didn't say it wow so many stamps look how many we have that's actually one oh we almost have all of them then what happens uh you probably win this one you'll see what happens when we get all them maybe you'll see maybe we'll get that far 252 green stars level three of Super Galaxy World Star World Star the great goal poll this is an interesting one is it funny uh no short one here you go I'll just follow you okay go ahead I'll follow you look then's right there [Laughter] yeah come back here you're a little goal pull look at it run oh yeah those are all going down down I'm dead I'll wait for you here oh wait but not a lot of time there's only 100 seconds for this level so we've got to go kind of fast right yeah yeah and Rosalina is not a super fast oh I'm dead again just keep going okay well I need this until you get that move bro move bro I need that there we go now Rosalina is not the quickest character for this game yeah she's not the brightest tool in this shed this tool in the shed she's slow yeah oh boy oh nice please wait wait don't jump into it yet because we need the final green star still I'm dead I was almost dead anyways the last green star here where is it I can't remember there it is okay I didn't get the doctor [Music] yeah but that's okay we almost got everything don't have to worry about the green stars again at least do you want to be Yoshi yeah maybe I'm used to using Yoshi are you done with Rosalina I had enough of Rosalina I like Rosalina but I'm used to Yoshi I think I'll be towed for this level I'll try and get the top of the gopal quickly if possible okay I don't know if I could just get it right away but I'll try maybe maybe wait wait wait don't move don't move don't move don't move I don't know if I could just get it quickly like this or not oh you want to just get the top yeah ah didn't reach the top oh try again okay sorry Luigi maybe he can jump higher no Toad's the fastest it's just as long as you're high enough on the goal pull you could just get it right away oh I see yeah and you have the cat power up yeah okay let's see if we can just get this gold pole quickly here ah come on there we go did you get some other points are you getting the crowd now I think no I think you got it yeah did I have the crown before climbing up to the top no cause remember you died no I don't know oh no cause we just did that first World level yeah you won by far yeah so I must have the crown okay so now I'm gonna go back to being Mario I just want to be totes we can get the top of the goal pulled there quickly let's do super oh super block land is a super cool one this one I think is it either makes some references to Super Mario 3D land or it's kind of based on it plays is just like it too look out oh and lots of uh super Bells also but you know what uh yeah take one if you want it but I really like these super Bells did I call them super bells or super Leafs yeah I actually prefer the Super Bowl because now I can't climb ah oh there's a mushroom here if you want it I'm okay okay oh watch out for these guys these guys they can uh charge through the blocks and break them oh and you know what else you can do if you ground pound on that block go ground pound on that block and hold the ground pound button that is cool I didn't know that yeah that's something that's pretty cool about that ground pounding yeah yeah if you hold the ground pound button that you just keep Grand pounding like that and then you could just oh look at that yeah now come down here look these guys are gonna charge towards us and smash through everything boy those charging trucks are scary he's gonna come through now watch out oh I almost got hit by him and now then there's something up here that's flying yeah so did I I stopped your block from going all the way up no it only goes that high okay let's go in here yeah because the purple ones they have green stars who's gonna get to it first the climbing one or the floating one yeah you can just climb like that okay now wait is there anything before you go in before you go in wait let's see if there's anything else here I can't remember if there is oh oh yeah you definitely want to go through there and get this stamp good job good thing that you checked that you know let's see anything in these or no I don't think there's anything in these no no since we got the stamp yeah here go into the box let's go I almost made it okay checkpoint flight hold the Crouch button [Music] already hit the pow block guys yay now wait do we want to go down here do you die down here let me throw a oh it's gonna say Let me throw a bomb at it oh that one missed hold on I need this look You Gotta Throw the Bombs over there oh I see oh I missed okay so I have to get it with one of these then here we gotta do this then like this oh come on yeah unless we could get the charging Chucks across but I don't think that they can now because there's no platform here so I think we have to restart yeah so let's jump off then okay oh look at the little Luigi right there you see him yeah that's cute they've got a retro Luigi like that hidden in a lot of levels how many do you think there are uh I'm probably about a hundred or so that's cool okay let me try this now oh you got it go throw it at that block there throw it throw it back oh wait is that does that explode perfect I'll come out of the out of your bubble here okay uh try jumping to the green star you can do it yep how did I not get hit oh there now I got hit careful don't both die oh here they are the sound that the charging trucks make ours is so great what's this bouncer oh no uh ball bombs keep coming up there oh so I guess we probably could have used that earlier okay there's one down there I'll get this one uh and wait don't go into this box yet because I think there might also be the final green star here so don't go into that box yet okay let's look for where the final green star is first yeah don't go into that war folks there do not go into the warp box I think up here is the final one right yeah there it is oh [Music] I think if you're little you can't break it immediately break it when you're bigger we're not strong enough yeah so let's go we've got everything green stars and the stamp now we just need the top of the gopal so look at this ground pound on this block awesome on the next one stands out like oh wait oh I can't wait when you said wait I pulled back a little bit and I almost didn't reach the top of the gold ball so I shouldn't have waited it's a good thing I didn't wait yeah we still complete the level that's what matters yeah almost all the stamps we need one two three four five six seven eight about 12 or so more so this is the final level there's nothing else after this yeah in the final level Galaxy world I mean I guess we'll find out okay so Captain Toad soon huh yes uh this level is gonna be incredibly difficult this is one of the hardest levels in the game okay yeah we'll do this then we'll do Captain Toad the captain Toad level might be difficult too Captain toads are always fun even if it's difficult or yeah so this is an auto scrolling level this is cool take a mushroom and now be careful because the camera is going to be automatically moving like this [Music] nice and there are some points uh defeat them don't move don't move oh that's funny do you have to defeat all these people uh in some sections yes oh cause look there's the green star right there okay but you stay where you are I'll just go for that just so we have it don't fall off now don't die don't die don't die wait for me wait for me okay there we go now we can keep going he runs really quick hello Yoshi yeah are you used to playing as Rosalina yeah okay so the lava instantly kills you so I've got to be careful whoa whoa my angles are so weird okay you can come down now Spike oh okay okay I'm gonna get out now okay okay now we've got to go through that pipe right away I think uh hold on let's see oh no you don't actually go through the pipe uh get the double Cherry Maybe so that you have two of them two of Yoshi yeah now wait does this give us boomerangs yes okay perfect take a boom right now we have to take out these guys throw your boomerangs at these guys we've got to take them out I think over here you do have to defeat all them for a green star [Music] and let's see repeat those guys and yeah yeah I think we could have it even because you did very good thank you well I'm actually surprised at how well we're doing it over here so far we've got everything right but a difficult section is coming up so be careful be careful and uh yeah yeah go I think right what's that oh wait that one has points oh throw throw the boomerangs at the uh at those guys I don't know if we have to defeat all them or not but they're gonna be more piranha planes coming by like that don't throw me don't throw me don't throw me hey now be careful because they're gonna be more coming from left and right you get the guys on the right I'll get the guys on the left okay [Music] good teamwork nice teamwork good job whoa there's Beast oh sorry I did pick you up okay I'll go left oh there's a green star over that one [Music] I don't see it oh I got it it was over the law but that was so crazy oh wait uh throw your Boomerang to the right throw your Boomerang to the right yes we got it oh boy that's unreal that we're getting this on the first round okay wait we're almost at the end okay wait don't go in yet yeah because we do have everything right everything so let's go in yeah okay so let's go in there wait wait wait don't move don't move don't move don't move okay okay oh boy oh we probably could have made it up either way okay I'll jump into it it was very hard we just got lucky yeah oh boy I can't believe we got that on the first try I thought this would take us like 20 attempts really yeah because it's so difficult we had amazing teamwork there you did amazing with the boomerang throwing and everything you did perfect guarding yourself thank you we did great teamwork isn't that weird wouldn't you have thought that we would have gotten that from the earlier one yeah and you probably oh you don't even get the crown I'm surprised I was close yeah remember the first time well I mean the first level we did in this world uh you're only 100 points away yeah yeah oh this is a super cool level this is one of my favorite levels so let's first do the captain Toad level then we'll do that one okay actually let's first do the stamp level let's see who will get this scam ready ready for this competition who gets the stamp oh and look it was a cat Mario stamp oh instead of a spritzy because you know how oh and Yoshi got left behind why did Yoshi get left behind you want to stay with the fairy Ah that's why bye bye fairy okay why are we going to the captain Toad level do you think it's the real Yoshi what um because what does that mean what does it have to do with that no because this clone remember from the left when we okay so yeah when you hit the buttons then the level rotates like this so be careful okay drop down now wait wait for me there oh don't get hit by the zappy guy now go go go get the green start okay now hold on let's see where should we go next should we drop down on the switch how about you drop down on that p-switch there you see it it will fall here and I can get this green star now wait for me to get this one where are you um do you know where you are oh you're up there you're up high still okay hey now hold on hold on should I jump down no no you ain't there I think I'll hit this P switch and then you'll be able to land somewhere nice maybe Where Are You Gonna land oh any piece anything around here any green stars wait we missed Green Star number two oh okay I guess if we do this though then we could come here and get this one oh oh nice I got that one that's number five so where's number three then oh number three is over there oh yeah thanks for the warning you know hold on let me just run by here okay I've got to get the one down there but where's oh the other green stars look right up there you see that at the top yeah so hold on let me get this one oh you want it huh now we have to rotate twice where the switches okay there's a p-switch can you go get that one I'll try and get this one because we have to rotate one more time to get the green star I think right the star is up there so four times over here I can't see where are you I'm over here I'm trying to get that green star up there [Laughter] they look so cute they're so little 266 that's so many almost 300 how many green stars total do you think there are in the game I was thinking 300. oh I guess we'll find out gargantuan Grotto there's a Grotto from Zelda yeah yeah oh what do you think is gonna be in this level do you think there are going to be any large things I have a feeling there's gonna be something whoa do you think there's gonna be something big because it's maybe like a tree because we because we enter in yet have we no we have not I'll get this look at these Giants wow yeah let's see how giant they are oh you just crushed Yoshi yes I did I need that yes we got this stamp very nice and there's a green star right there too nice oh look at the tiny crown on my head that's so funny that the crown doesn't grow now wait do we want to go past here is there anything up here I can't remember if there was something up here I'm guessing no I don't think we're just going into the water now hit him with your Boomerang yeah good job this Boomerang came in handy well good job you got him again you're doing great with your Boomerang don't get pushed into that you can come down here where do you think we have to go next I think oh maybe down that way to the right what's here though oh another one okay you take one okay let's go down yeah now you can crunch this stuff wait I don't know if we have to crush any of these other ones from before oh it looks like we could climb up here oh jump jump jump jump oh thank goodness you broke that okay now yeah cause now we can get this green star wait wait if we get the don't break the pipe don't break the pipe to the way I don't know if you can but maybe we need that oh that's number two wait wait come back here because it looks like we could go up there doesn't it look like we can come up here look where I'm going down here no no come down here look through here oh wow I'm actually surprised that we can't go up there that looks like an area that we would have been able to go up on let me just try this one okay maybe not okay let's just go through the pipe then watch the squid what's that blooper squid game that's what it's called one season is coming out here up here yes wait can you go up even more no wait did you go down also where did you go we both grandma oh get ready get ready I'll hit the button go okay oh because when you're tall you could reach all the coins easily like that yeah you could pick up all four that are vertically like that oh no jump jump jump jump get the last one and we're stuck here forever yeah that'd be so sad ly let me go I went through the bike first okay now we have everything let's get out of here this level wasn't too bad was it oh are you gonna ground pound and pushed me back too maybe okay now we gotta get the top oh oh and look at what's on top of this sleeping Goomba stack a little bird do you see it okay wait for me well I can't really wait for you bounce off it wait wait maybe you can take me with you take a super Bell just in case take a super belt okay I'll jump I'll bounce off the Goomba stack and you try climbing up okay yeah you might be winning this time because I got the bottom of the goal pull basically I got two or 500 points you still collected a bunch of green stars oh look we got the big mushroom because it's gargantuan Grotto it's a gargantuan mushroom yeah hooray so you keep the crown yep wait is this the last level of this world or are there still two more two more two more to go two more to go tomorrow people's fog bog we played a level kind of like this one before with the booth yeah oh this one's actually very different from what I remember okay so we gotta collect all these key coins you see them get that one you lost your super bow okay come over here now there's a snowball haha come here I'll boost you okay you boosted me teamwork yeah which door do you think we have to go through 100 mystery doors this one okay try it where am I I actually have one over here oh yeah what's going on why am I not being teleported boost me okay I'll boost you jump here jump right under the shadow I didn't even know that that was there I forgot about that let's do oh it shows you the downstairs that's actually very funny okay but wait wait uh oh there's something we gotta do you see this Captain Toad up here we gotta help him but look you see all those guys so when we get this star power up we have to come and defeat those peepas before our star power-up is used so let's go and find it I can't remember where the star power up is is it back here maybe wait oh these doors just teleport you yeah you basically go back and forth oh I got something here oh I got one of the things trying to break this I can't hit the pow block for some reason I'm trying to get up here oh yeah normally you're supposed to take a door to there but you could get up like this here let me boost you jump very nice you got it okay don't go into that warp box yet you look so happy can I go in the door uh yeah sure see where it takes me yeah okay come here I think this might be where the star is because this spot is a bit shiny okay so run up go defeat all the guys in the top left defeat them all beat the last guy hurry yeah yeah feed it here and then we gotta start I got it you got it okay so is there anything else that we need around here let's look for if there might be another star or stamp around here okay come try and get me just try try I dare you I double dare you you wanna throw a snowball at me huh that's what you want to do throw a snowball at me do it I dare you huh what you think I'm funny okay I got my crown back did I take it out of your hands I don't know having a snowball fight snowball fight oh this isn't how snowball fights normally work yeah these snowballs are quite big in proportion to us yeah I gave it to you yeah it's an unconventional snowball fight it's actually so fun yeah I'd like this yes I got you I'm back here Mario okay sure wait what happened there I don't know if I got you or not I don't think so one or zero because I have two hits on you yeah I have one hit on you I think ah three hits for me I win okay let's go we gotta finish let's go I hope we're not missing anything else wait hit this padlock there come here now come here hey okay let's go hopefully we're not missing anything it'd be so sad if we were missing something oh careful don't go into the purple stuff it kills you you better not throw me in oh is that Plum juice yes grape juice both oh now we have more time yay look he's running midair moonwalking [Music] no jumping allowed you have to go and play through snowballs okay let's come down here oh and this is gonna go up and then come back oh yeah don't go down there that's what kills you yeah it does careful Mario Mario Mario ultimate slow ball fight oh yeah wait before you go in don't don't don't do it here because like the fall into the poison let's get this first okay wow oh no my crown okay now come back come back they're the purple ones we missed the purple boxes remember yeah okay left or right in here yeah go into that one because the purple boxes have uh oh that one's a thing okay yeah I'm thinking wait I don't remember which one you have to go into actually okay now let's see the challenge oh oh come back come back come back come back come back you gotta get it with us I got you get your oh my God and now let's go uh we gotta get the stamps still okay let's try this out yeah oh I don't know wait wait whoa go this way Yoshi come on in uh yeah now you can run in now we have everything if you went in there we would have to redo the level oh my goodness yeah gotta be careful okay let's try and get this together somehow yeah so I think these are platforms over here yeah oh right here okay ready yep three two one go so we did it yeah we got that's good good job these levels are tough huh yeah that was challenging I had to focus that's why I wasn't talking much yeah we're really focused on this this is so much harder than the earlier levels actually I forgot how much more difficult this was than the earlier levels because the earlier levels were pretty easy oh look we got a cat Rosalina cute wow you won by a little tiny bit little tiny bit is 100 points and it's the final level of the world now wow Bowser statue you think we can it's just a statue in there or wearing some tin coating ah yeah it you use the green stars on him Bowser just comes up he steals your crown and he steals all this brixies again okay this one is actually incredibly difficult I actually forgot about this one this is an incredibly difficult level this one is one of the hardest levels in the game let's see okay so watch out for these and wait can we get this oh no we can't get that no let me come here you keep going oh wait wait for me wait for me oh shoot him wait there's a stamp pack there oh I did oh you died you kept going I said wait I couldn't wait you can't just you can't just stop how are we gonna get this uh let's keep going let's keep going and then we can come back to it we could shoot at it with something else just watch out for those guys oh okay nice that we leave them behind no don't stop Don't Stop Don't Stop there you go let's get these can we shoot it from here or no or maybe float with them no they keep shooting well yeah keep shooting or you can hold the Run button to charge up okay let's go back yeah so come on you didn't come I was walking onto it and you started moving yeah I'll stand here and then kill this guy oh [Laughter] yeah that's a good idea yeah but this guy wait again why did you kill me I would never do that to you yeah of course he wouldn't it was like ghosts and stuff or whatever no diamond jump okay oh yeah wow you're insane and you made it back how are you actually good at this game I'm jealous I saw green shooting stars that's my ancestors watching over me oh that's nice why green oh cause you're Yoshi I have no idea what you were talking about like why green I don't understand Yoshi doesn't like Mario oh yeah why because he threw him off look we need exploding thing here okay I'll come get it then go get the other exploding one there where back there see the block right here just break that block and go under it now oh yeah are you happy now yay there we go thanks I like Mario again now yeah this right here is one of the hardest jumps in the game look what you have to do here let me show you what you have to do I'll go first okay oh like that no wow oh oh and I lost it okay and I actually want one of those uh wait you can't lose yours don't shoot me oh I didn't mean to wait use the super Bell power up use the Super Bowl power climb up this wall right here right where this arrow is where I am climb up this so you don't lose it and don't get hurt shoot the guy shoot the guy shoot guys shoot them shoot the other one okay shoot him shoot him there we go blast the wall okay now get the green star yeah there you go okay now wait for me look I'll jump up like this watch me hey hey come here so I can see I thought you would get hurt I thought so too yeah that one has nothing important in it yeah now wait a minute so I'm coming back hey I bounced up like that okay now your shooting ability is very very very important so let me go first and I'll tell you what to do okay okay or wait wait maybe I could actually get one here too oh okay there you go nice Don't Shoot Me Down stop shooting hold the Run button to charge up and then when you let go you shoot oh okay I didn't know that yeah okay so annoying that you just keep shooting me okay you're okay over there yeah just figuring out how to work this thing yeah okay not a lot of time left but that's still okay yay oh come down this way I don't know if you need to take the top path or no okay there's a green star here for us that's fine you can hit those blocks if you want maybe you could even go into that pipe whoa oh I'm so lucky that those should we go in the pipe uh you should have I asked you to it just takes you through though oh yeah pretty much yeah oh get the extra time go for the time that extra time is so useful yes now we can definitely complete the level right don't shoot me don't shoot me do not shoot me you gotta stop shooting me I was holding why I don't flew your finger hold on to the button on the controllers no shoot me either okay make sure to glue it on as well yeah oh oh but with two players this will actually be so much easier because look when we get to the right spot wait don't move don't move we can just stop like this and then wait don't move I can just shoot it like that oh and now we can just go like this because it's actually so much harder with one player the way that you have to control it okay okay nice you got it okay now over here uh actually yeah you stay here and I'll go on to the other one when we wait I'm gonna shoot to the left okay oh go now okay nice okay now come back to me said Don't Shoot Me Okay you wait okay shoot it okay come okay I'm coming sorry for shooting you why did you shoot me for and now there's gonna be some more difficult stuff don't lose your shooter or we're in big trouble shoot him now shoot that charge up you're not charging up you're just letting it go okay hold on let me get the guy okay good good you got it okay no no no I gotta go go go shoot him okay now charge up oh oh oh no I knew that was gonna happen Okay well at least now we know where we have to go right and don't shoot me this time we'll try not don't shoot me if you shoot me I'll throw you off [Laughter] let's keep going please it should be that if two people stand on it it goes double fast let's go no we didn't want to do that oh that's only for the green star oh I fell off now the shooting ability is up to you good okay move a bit to the side yay okay now watch out you have to stop soon maybe there's ability in here oh yeah come this way okay good oh no you know actually I want to be the one that shoots I just want one nope that's too bad I'm ready to go hey foreign [Music] no shooting we have a truce now okay let me shoot at that okay nice there we go okay let's keep going yeah friend partner oh oh here oh shoot him okay okay let's go okay while you shoot that okay I'll get that then let's see that might work nope I don't know if I could tilt up a bit more like that or if I have to go from here hold on shoot okay now wait let me go from here okay you keep getting those okay wait where you are I'm let's see if I can get it I think I'll just go past this now I was coming at you okay now we can go come on let's go come on okay let's go whoa don't shoot me also imagine if we missed the goal pull at the end it might be the goal pull soon let's see okay Oh I thought it'd be the gopal right see what happens oh oh this is crazy watch what you have to do follow me right away jump [Music] oh yeah I don't know I don't know if we would have both been able to do that because when you jump on the balls I don't know if the nearby balls also explode oh boy that was so tough though wasn't it that was the last level of this world yes that we know look at all these stamps we have so many but we're missing a few stamps still yeah oh another rocket ship yeah looks like we're going higher up further away a bonus world has opened I like that music that plays yeah was he like playing as Yoshi yeah I like Yoshi do you like these levels yeah these levels were fine I didn't think you'd say yeah I thought you'd go there too hard I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario party with my sister on the same team I'm so glad that you guys are loving this series this was such a good video this is such a fun series to work on thank you so much for watching hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 190,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, mario 3d world, funny mario, mario full game, yoshi, yoshi 3d world, super yoshi 3d world, funny yoshi, mario animations, yoshi animations, mario movie, super mario movie, full movie, yoshi full movie, mario full movie, brother and sister, brother vs sister, gaming, funny gaming, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany sister, zxmany yoshi, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario all levels
Id: Nh3P6wPkN9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 50sec (3050 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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