What Happens When A Bodybuilder Goes Cycling?

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[Music] bulging muscles heavy weights and extraordinary strength but what happens when you put a bodybuilder on a bike I think it's time we find out so I'm on route now to a bodybuilding gym this gym is kind of like the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rocky Balboa training you know think massive muscles and unimaginable physiques now I'm here to meet Brad Parker now Brad Parker's a champion bodybuilder now I want to find out if those Rippling muscles can translate into raw power on the bike but first why he said he would take me through a training session I'm feeling I'm gonna be very very very very small compared to all these guys anyway I guess it's time to find out [Music] Brad what's happening are you excited yeah good yeah Hank yeah yeah good to meet you yeah good to meet you too you ready well the question is are you ready I don't know what's what's in store well as you can see I've done a bit of a warm-up already yeah um so yeah I've spent about half hour 40 minutes already yeah but uh yeah we'll take you in put you through your pieces uh maybe do a little bit of a bit of a mixed workout you know yeah a few bicep curls a bit of chest bit of a bit of legs yeah maybe see how we compare you know see if you can take me on one or two exercises you never know any gym like this before do you bring a gym kit no I've got a cycling kit um but this could be interesting [Music] so uh where's the uh I was gonna say you better get changed so uh yeah you're over there ready oh all right [Applause] [Music] all right Brothers what's happening today all right well you're ready to go born ready we're gonna start with some bicep curls so I'm right pick away let's see how you're going what have you got 17 sorry can you try them yeah fine day Brad yeah let's give it a go yep cheers [Applause] that's good how does that feel for weight yeah it's pretty heavy I feel honest yeah how many reps would you do uh maybe 10 to 15 okay 15. sorted [Laughter] one two ten eleven twelve thirteen I think that's a bit much too mate yeah yeah yeah you're probably right all right okay let's move over to some chat especially that's biceps done how are we looking all good yeah five [Music] so Brad how long have you been training um so I've been training since I was 17. yeah on and off uh so that's around 17 years now um but uh I've only actually been sort of competitive bodybuilding for 11 years um and how often do you train um so it all depends on the gold at the time um but right right now I'm training around five times a week yeah uh weight training um but obviously in the uh on the preparation for competition yeah I might increase that to sort of six sessions a week um or if I'm really trying to go for it with my uh what's called off season trying to uh trying to grow trying to get bigger muscles then I might back that off to only four times a week talked about that food how much do you have to eat to keep in shape uh so um again food is one of those things that's massively variable um uh at the moment I'm around this 3 000 calorie day Mark it's just sort of Maintenance yeah because at the moment I'm just taking it steady um have been this year so far but hit the peak peak of my sort of bulking phase I've been anywhere between five and seven thousand a day um and when I'm dieting the competition yeah I mean in the past at some points I've been down as low as 1500 to 2000 a day so I would have expected it to be massive amount of food but well obviously 5 000 plus calories of clean food is extremely hard to get in it's quite easy to do if you're going to be eating pizzas and burgers today but but when you're usually you know your clean chicken rice potatoes I think that's a bit much for me yeah I don't know if I can get off the ground I think I think I think I need some more food okay mate so we'll reduce the weight a little bit for you now and uh see how you're going [Laughter] that's actually quite heavy still right still yeah yeah it's still small anyway it's not an easy machine no so take your control down and explode up that's it control on the way down I know good let's have one more yeah good you know I put on 20. yeah and that seemed quite a lot for me what kind of way are you looking at um so I always tend to aim for around the sort of 10 rep ish range yeah um but I might put maybe 60 aside for that I'm 120. yeah all in yeah so let's give it a go shall we oh oh that's great mate yeah not quite so many now but that's big bro [Music] so Brad as we're coming closer to on the bike stuff I thought well I'll show you who's boss this is kind of like around that cycle should be right quite good at it's the nature thought you might be able to give me a room for this squat somewhere there you go show you that we'll have a look in a minute so uh I reckon we should let's start with 50. 50 yeah 50 yeah 50. slick those like that perfect let's load it up let's load up rash come on I'll do I'll do two reps and then you see if you could do two reps okay then they will do three reps three reps yeah come on hold on to the handles turn yourself in one that's it easy bloody Popeye now Brad just don't hurt yourself all right what's up let's see okay four [Music] is that it yeah that was really hard what's what's that we got 100 each side so that's 200 all right cyclist there goes come on good that's one remember all the way down all the way down come on push push push oh right there we go fail on 200. okay I'm gonna uh rescue now yeah thanks oh there you go okay so 200 kilos yeah yeah three reps yeah okay let's do it then whatever you do don't hurt yourself Brad I'll spot you I don't know if I'm gonna be much use actually but I'll watch [Music] ready yeah let's go just in case yeah yeah just go easy no no all right you made that look quite easy right I think I'll tell you what you have two lights three what do you mean jump on really yeah okay oh you got that yeah that's better really what so three right um yeah all right Brad I think you won I could do this all day all right cheers yeah bro I guess it's time we hit the bike oh now I'm in trouble yeah you all brought this is the max wattage what can I hit compared to Brad I'm going first let's go [Music] come on let's go come on [Music] I think I need some cousin patterns ouch right Brian your turn Max watches challenge what can you hit it's one nil so far in the gym yeah yeah let's make it to another three two one four straight away impressive 1900 Watts so my mere 1100 I guess science does matter I'm all out of breath right well I don't know about you Brad but feeling a bit sore that's definitely one now isn't it Steffy one now so I thought well now's the time to get you on the bike get you on the two-wheel machine show you what it's all about okay well let's go then let's see if you can actually you know beat me on a bike But first you you I've got you some kids what yeah yeah hold on I think you'll be all right actually okay this is uh extra large yeah get back in there Brad chop that on I'll see you in a minute thank you very much let's give it a go that if you if you if you stretch don't break this expensive kit that so it's fair to say I only just came out the gym with a fair bit of dignity um the weights were Brad were lifting well let's just say I crumbled under the weight so it's about time we put spread in some light gray and I lend him my bike and well we can see if well uh Brad's muscles can transition onto a road bike this my friend is yours now to really put you against a proper cyclist you know I've drafted in the world's greatest climber he's as light as a feather and he's saying name starts with that Andrew where's Andrew feather oh he's busy fighting crimes I've come instead ready yes is this all of him that's what I was gonna say right this is the time where we put Ollie versus Brad bodybuilder versus psychist um this is embarrassing let's do this [Music] now just before we start I thought it's only wise that we uh well we find out how Big Brad's muscles are compared to ollies right let's go so you are 45 right seven maybe 27. 65 right Ollie you're 50. right well come on then let's ride up this let's go up the hill yeah yeah good luck don't let me meet you so we've come here to Belmont Hill which is gcn test Hill this is I guess where size put down some pretty Epic Times the climbs 1.3 kilometers with average grading of 7.8 percent it's gonna be quite the climb how you feeling Brad nervous to say the least yeah I think you'll be fine I think you'll be fine I think you might claw for you back on me now it'd be uh we won all after this yeah we'll have to see right you guys ready all right let's line up three two one come on team oh it's not good enough again there we go I'm in trouble now he set off quick oh that all right hey you need to try and get under three minutes the quickest time on this hill unsurprisingly is Andrew feather 228 so I think yeah if I'm 30 seconds behind you I'm doing well [Music] it's a lot different what I'm used to that's for sure I can't see you've read it anymore I've got a good Gap oh there are no more gears I'm already in the bottom one just trying to keep the power over 400 watts it's safe to say my legs are on fire foreign but nothing like this it's the first time I've ever ever ridden a bike like this I think the last time I rode a bike it was about six years ago I'm surprised I'm still on it if I'm honest oh so close all right you got this last 20 meters hey good work yes right how was that was that good oh pretty different very different have we got there in the end so our two Gladiators one Gladiator made it up the climb of Belmont Hill in pretty good time from both of you ollie you solid three minutes which is going some Brad 11 minutes well I don't like losing but I'm quite happy I got up myself to be honest I think it just shows though you know like we didn't even let Ollie in the gym no I'm not sure I think it would have been unsafe to let him train so uh us I wholeheartedly agree but I I'm you know I had to win going up the hill I don't think myself steam could have taken it because I can't even open jars well there you go anyway if you guys want to see more from Brad then let us know in the comment section below if you enjoyed this video well you know what to do Ollie what do they do like And subscribe and let us know what else you'd like to see yeah um right should we have a one more Flex off for fun yeah that's yeah yeah that one's good doing it right look at that oh you've got some work that definition there see the next video
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 1,887,018
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Keywords: bodybuilder, body builder, bodybuilding, weightlifter, weight lifter, weightlifting, weights, gym, challenge, cyclist vs bodybuilder, bodybuilder vs cyclist, bodybuilder cycling, brad parker, hank gym, strength training, big guy small bike, hill climb, climbing, cycling challenge, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-feature, gc21s, ិ, ꗧ, c1, ꔈ, ꗶ, Ղ, n1, ඡ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, パ, ィ, ළ, Ꮽ, Ա, Լ, Ծ, Ձ, ፕ15, ヵ, ዾ, ዮ, 4807
Id: aCiY8wh0oaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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