How Fast Can A Bodybuilder Go On A Bike?

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foreign we have come to the velodrome to put the record straight who would win in a head-to-head bodybuilder versus professional track Sprinter [Applause] [Music] a few months back I found Brad an accomplished bodybuilder with muscles triple the size of an average man and I put him against Ollie Bridgewood it's fair to say Ollie Bridge would left him in his wake this got me thinking though what if I change the Battlegrounds and came to a velodrome where gravity doesn't play such a big part and power is everything then who'd win out the cyclist or a bodybuilder truck racing sees some of the biggest watches and higher speeds in cycling you can currently see more of the track Champions League over on GCM Plus in order to give Brad the best possible opportunity in beating our Sprint so I sent him to the velodrome to get used to the boards and try riding with clip-in pedals it has to be said this is the first time Brad's clipped into a bike and gone on the boards at 45 degree angle yeah not for the faint-heartedness yeah I'm Gonna Leave Her would we make that mate it's your first sight of the velodrome is this way but I'm petrified [Music] killing it all right mate you look good now I think it's about time we welcome Brad back to the velodrome Brad yeah careful that's um 45 degrees slope how are you feeling not too bad yeah not too bad nervous so how do you find your first time riding the boards um it was quite daunting at first yeah um you know after getting going it was it was all right but yeah yeah it was fun good fun did you feel comfortable on it um not at first no um but no we started to get there towards the end of the session so do you feel comfortable enough to kind of push the pedals and anger and go against someone who knows a little bit about riding in circles well you mean somebody who's been training for every day somebody who might be a track sprinting Pro nice having yeah yeah yeah you ready brute force and ignorance let's do it we're gonna Chuck massive gear on it and we're gonna see if you can turn your muscle into speed not a problem at all right let's continue it's about time we now meet our track sprinting Pro this my friends is Harvey Harvey how are you feeling I'm feeling good I'm feeling great yeah you know more about racing on the track than most how many hours do you reckon you've spent racing around these very boards for quite a few hours I have to say and speeds what kind of speed you hit I reckon at times talking about 80k an hour 80k now yeah how do you reckon Brad's gonna get out I reckon he's going to do really well better than expected he's got the legs for it as long as he picks the right gear he's going to be good are you nervous I'm a little bit nervous yeah I mean mate if I mean if you lose this um you're not going to let it down before we get going I know everybody at home wants to see just what the size difference from muscle bodybuilder to track Sprinter so um measuring tape all right old steady bloody helmet you are getting big [Music] 58 centimeters I won't tell Harvey but um I think it's only fair that we check his thighs out Harvey [Music] um I just need to do one more thing before we get racing you know I'm just gonna check your die size oh yeah yeah is that cool yeah thanks right you are oh don't join um [Music] about 55. Brad's 68. yeah okay let's let's let the bite do the talking yeah okay cool Jimmy so here we are we're on the start line we're gonna form the flying 200 something Harvey knows a lot about which is basically a two lap build up and then it's a flying 240 count to the Finish Line he's gonna set the Benchmark Brad's going to try and beat it last words you know what I'm scared because if he beats me I'm gonna be out of a job yeah I'd be scared too right mate despite by the time you put the pedal to the metal the lines that way off you go Bud right man how are you feeling if I'm honest nervous [Music] there he goes this is it Brad so watch the line now he's using the boards to generate the speed and then it's going to be a full gas Sprint but he looks pretty good on a bike yeah it looks you might have thought you might looks like he's done it before doesn't it no he's done a few times so he's getting an arrow now [Music] two laps to go two laps to go nice Harvey you're getting nervous yeah here he goes right he's coming into the last lap now [Music] he's coming into flying lap now so this is where the build-ups made [Music] here he goes and the time this sets this is fast mate this is proper fast oh that was quick okay how are you feeling about that yeah it'd be easy yeah that was fast right I've got the time here I can't show you yet but the gauntlet's been set let's just say um Brad's got his work cut out Harvey a set of time and if I'm honest he looked pretty quick so I think it's about time we find out how it felt on the boards from the man himself how was that buddy called mate that looked good felt nice yeah not as smooth as normal so good fun are you happy with the effort yeah I think so Dragon Brand's gonna you know put one into seven you know how he gets on I think he's gonna give it a good go all right mate it's now time to uh see if Brad can topple this guy good luck Brad good luck Brad [Music] here we go he's off so he's riding in 114 that's a big gear in sprinting terms isn't it pretty quick yeah if you can get it going yeah this is good he's looking Confident come on Brad he realized he's like a little pocket rocket go Brad two laps two laps [Music] okay come on Brad here he goes [Music] he's looking strong he's looking strong but it's about riding that black line he's coming around to the back straight he's doing pretty well he's doing pretty well all the way to the line Brad all the way to the line all the way to the line dig it kill it there you go what'd you make of that that actually looked pretty good for the second time on the track literally second time now all right Brad slow up mate I'll stop you here I got you no there you go right how was that yeah good oh first impressions yeah I'm out of breath it's my first yeah don't worry about that don't worry about that oh yeah a bit wobbly like I want to build over the place yeah wasn't as wobbly as you felt like like you look you look good I have more to give I I sort of I wasn't giving it everything because I thought wobbly yeah I gotta add more to push and and this is where kind of practice on the track yeah yeah you'll be able to start utilizing you know all the power you've got yeah I could have gone a lot harder certainly next sort of mid Bend yeah and then all the way around that second bin do you want to hear your time so how bad is it what do you think Harvey did it's fast I mean it was all over in seconds wasn't it guess Harvey's time I don't know like I don't know 10 12 seconds something like that 10 12 seconds Harvey what do you reckon for me anything below 11 I'd be happy with yeah I don't even know what a fast time is I'm thinking faster than maybe like 14. so you reckon 14 what do you reckon you did oh no if you're saying 14 then I'm going to say 16. there we go I reckon we should check out the times and see how these Gladiators got on so here we are we're at the Finish it's about time we check out what these guys did and what the times are starting off with our resident professional Harvey Harvey you did it in a time of 10 seconds nine which is a cracking effort it is a cracking effort but let's see how Brad got on Brad did the time at 14 seconds point eight that's not too bad they're not bad at all mate it's not a first ever Sprint exactly so you know you're a couple of seconds off but you'd be that's the second time you're on the track and it isn't easy putting you know 40 slower putting the power in on the bike yeah you're off bed 40 maybe 30 anyway how do you how do you find how do you feel right gone I mean honestly I think crowded really well yeah I think thank you 14 8 is really quick yeah awesome no I'm happy with that yeah yeah well it's not over yet because we got one more race well you two are gonna go head to head in an out and out one-on-one Sprint all right okay see if you can outplay the pro I think I've lost the lung already yeah me too here we are the final race this is the match Sprint three laps full gas first one to the Finish Line wins Winner Takes all are you two ready this is bodybuilder versus pro cyclist who's going to win on your mark [Applause] Your Mark Brad's going slow on that steep this is all of it this is cat and mouse so you don't want to go as fast as you can from the gun it's three laps a long way for a sprinter here they are they're going to do they're going to come to two laps to go now Harvey's on the front keeping an arm Brad is going to look for the inside line the shortest way around the track now part of sprinting has been able to look behind so you've got Harvey and taking it up on the front sending the space Brad keeping an eye on behind the speed is starting to get higher now price getting out of Saddle building a little bit more momentum the speed's going to start ramping up with a Lap to go so next time they come through the Finish Line it's one lap to go the speed is still gearing up now Brad's still keeping a higher line than Harvey Harvey's keeping on and behind hey Brad dropped out he's dropped out he's going for the Sprint come on Frank you can do it run come on come on dig in Brad Brad's still winning Brad still in the lead with 10 meters we're 10 meters oh oh no it's hardly gonna take you around the back all day and throw it around to the back straight years on to the Finish Line it's a dual Sprint oh oh [Music] Harvey Harvey just won out lunge on the line it went down to the wire photo finish there you go it looks like a pro cyclist has beaten the bodybuilder [Music] finish it looks like all the practice and hours spent on the track kind of pays off massive well done to Harvey for coming up giving it a good go and uh and yes smashing it Brad it's always a pleasure to have you my friends yeah thanks for all your hard work and to be honest mate you surprised me you did well there surprised myself there you go I hope you guys enjoyed it at home if you want to see more of this content more of Brad Moore Harvey let us know in that comment section below and if you enjoyed this video then you know what to do just hit that Thumbs Up Button guys it's about time we make up there's no battling now I don't know well done I love camaraderie right we'll see in the next video ciao
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 247,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilder, body builder, body, builder, sprint, sprinter, sprints, vs, how fast can, bodybuilder vs cyclist, bodybuilder vs, velodrome, track, track cyclist, track cycling, sprint cyclist, fast, how fast, faster, fastest, bodybuild, gym, gym bro, legs, strong legs, leg day, deadlift, squat, squats, quad, quads, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-feature, ළ, ꔹ, ᡞ, ꚱ, Բ, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, Ձ, ፕ15, ヵ, ዾ, 4891
Id: vtmR-D35OAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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