7 Times VAN DER POEL Shocked The World

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look at thund thepool guy from behind though look at therol on the left hand side this is incredible I have never ever seen anything like this in my life I've been watching bike races for 30 years that is the most extraordinary conclusion to a bike race I have ever seen I've never seen anything like this ever on April the 21st 2019 cycling witnessed something nobody thought was possible the Amel gold race is the biggest one-day race in the Netherlands and one of the hardest Classics in the professional calendar it covers 260 km of narrow roads over the hills of Lindberg for the Dutch it had been 18 years since they had a home winner but in 2019 their hopes were high in the weeks leading up to this race the Dutch Prodigy Matthew Vanderpool animated the spring Classics like no other Vanderpool has arrived on the big time in the road the cyclocross star felt it was time to try road racing on a world tour level he had accumulated four wins but was yet to land a big one is he oh my goodness greatness will out he was looking to match the accomplishment of his father adrio when he won this race in 1990 and live up to the Legacy of his grandfather Ramon pulidor one of cycling's greats the first of the big hitters to hit out is many people's pre-event favorite Matthew Vander ball has been the topic of every conversation but going against his stats instructions Matthew attacked from 43 km out which is a very long range the vibrant young man couldn't sit back and wait any longer everybody's saying that his tactics are sometimes a little bit questionable that he shows little lack of maturity normally a cyclist wouldn't be able to make a similar effort later on in the race after burning that much energy he's coming back into the fold that was ultimately unproductive his attack fell short lasting only 6 minutes before the main group swallowed him up his race was over or so everyone thought with him out of the equation the experienced guys initiated their plans ripping the race into several groups at the front were Frenchman Julian ala Philip and yakob Fang of Denmark followed by multiple scattered chases Fang is giving just as much as alal total cooperation between these Riders one thing about classic races that is different from other bike races is that gaps are more difficult to close a 10-second Gap sometimes takes the cooperation a of several competing parties to Bridge and you get riders that no matter what won't agree to work for the group because for 99% of the time when you do the work you won't have anything left for the end as the kilometers went by it became more apparent to the leading duer that their Breakaway was likely to make it they were told they had a 1 minute lead over the main group with only 3 km remaining with this comfortable Advantage Al Philip and Fang turned their focus to one another Al Philip they've got a little bit of time to play with this is good riding by fulang playing proper poker with each other they started playing cat and mouse which slowed their Pace significantly to their surprise this allowed one Chaser to join them something was wrong is coming up very quickly he's going to get there Mia kovski he's got a finish too has he got any finish left in his legs it has been a brave brave Chase there came a moment when they looked over their shoulders and there was Matthew [Applause] vandero you're probably wondering how did he get there first the leading Duo underestimated the Chasers and chose to ignore them second the teams and the broadcasters heavily relied on realtime GPS data which is not always accurate later everyone realized that the gap that was given to the Riders and shown on TV did not actually reflect the situation on the ground but none of this would have mattered had vandero not decided to undertake one of the most epic Pursuits you will ever see in professional cycling now we see Vander ball is making his bid for Glory he's got a lot to do to get on terms but he wants to be involved it seemed like a desperate move at first but then individual Chasers hopped onto the train one after the other despite the challenging Tempo imposed by the Dutchman and as you see from a distance with maybe 6 or sevenk to go you see this group of eight and you see this this animal Vanderpool on the front he he is pulling them all they they can't even pull through balk MMA is on Eighth wheel and he's he's like swinging he can't hold the wheel 400 m vpol behind clock with him shakman B mad the Finish was finally in sight after he closed a seemingly impossible to plug time Gap this looked impossible near kilometer ago vandero tried to get somebody to pull in the front for one last time but it was to no avail it was every man for himself at that point having done all the work for 10 straight minutes you wouldn't expect him to have anything left for the Sprint however the unthinkable happened it's out takes up on the right side look look at vpol going from behind though look at vpol on the left hand side mat V's going to do it mat vpol this is incredible I have never ever seen anything like this in my life this place erupts it's Roy of the RO stuff for vandero raced in the colors of the Netherlands a privilege he earned back in the summer of 2018 when he won the Dutch national championships Road Race he spent most of that day at the front but the Breakaway failed near the end Matthew Vander B well people have questioned the Folly of going in a move on a circuit such as this with such a long distance to go when it was time to Sprint for the line vandero reemerged and going for Glory it's uh sinkle out can it possibly be it is it's Matthew vanderpol bursts through on the inside and what about that that's the most remarkable finish in the break for so much of the afternoon and Matthew vanderpol has survive to take the victory however this wind sparked some controversy as one Camp believed that vandero should have been disqualified because he grabbed and pulled his opponent out of the way during the Sprint in a complete violation of the rules others counter argued that the fdj Ryder was in the wrong in the first place because he moved out of his Lane to block Matthew from passing who was in the wrong let us know what you think he reached a maximum power of 1700 watts and averaged 1300 Watts over the whole Sprint yet he's not by any means a sprinter vander's cyclocross background has honed him into this Powerhouse with a set of skills that enable him to compete at the highest levels of four different sports cycl Cross Road cycling gravel and mountain biking in addition to sprinting he can time trial very well when he has to his bike handling is Elite and he is impervious to the cobblestones but his mightiest weapon is his explosiveness vandero is arguably the world's best puncture a French cycling term given to those who are very explosive in short steep climes watch how quickly he overtakes his opponents on this hill Tren Swift there Here Comes vandero mat vandero the Gap is closed mat vandero now makes his move can anyone answer this is a perfect finish for vanol mattio van VPO rides to the top of the climb here in Kendall Vanderpool takes this stage with this Arsenal you would think it's been a total dominance for him in the age categories however there's one man who time and time again has given him a tough challenge some say cycling is a religion in Flanders at some point every flandrian kid has dreamt of winning the tour of Flanders and Vander pole who was born and raised there is no exception he came across another kid from antp with the same objective his name was W vanart and this was the beginning of one of the most legendary sporting [Music] rivalries although no two cyclists are equal this kid was a match for MATA in many ways it didn't take long for their paths to cross and soon they man Moniz the podium spots in junior cyclocross they then switched to the elite category and turned it into a two-horse race mat vandero at 20 years of age has ridden away from the entire Elite men's field year after year they kept pushing each other as they climbed the ladder of success it was only a matter of time before they brought their rivalry onto the road and in less than 2 years vandero and Van Art became two of the world's best road cyclists the 2020 tour of Flanders was where things were destined to go down two cyclists On a par with one another aiming for the same [Music] goal underway we are for the tour of Flanders as they roll out and into town of antp and in enormous day today vanart rode this race twice he finished 9th and 14th whereas Vander had raced it once he put on a spectacular show that day after his crash on the sidewalk and finished fourth in 2020 they arrived as top favorites but before they could have their ultimate Faceoff they would need to eliminate other favorites first one man in particular who was threatening their chances was the world champion Julian Alf Filipe on top of his raw strength he was smart stubborn and had more experience and Al Filip yet again he just goes once more a light guy just skipping over the cobbles at the moment as soon as he made his move vandero saw the potential and chose to follow vanart joined them a few minutes later well there's W vard and look at him blast across that Gap And when everybody thought thought nothing could separate these three men a stationary motorbike brought a surprising Twist ph's on the ground ah he's hit a bike just like that Al Philip was out of the race finally it was between vandero and vanart there are some Moments in Sports that seem almost predestined this was one such [Music] moment the Finish Line they had envisioned when they were kids was right in front of them the Belgian refused to take another turn in the front putting the Dutchman at a disadvantage he couldn't slow down because the Chasers were closing in he was exposed to the wind and had to keep his eyes on his rival at all times times a blink at the wrong moment is all it takes to lose in a situation like this to end all the suspense they went for it at the same time [Music] after all these years it came down to a few millimeters in the end vandero was declared the winner Vander gets to the line first just as ad did in [Music] 1986 but the Rivalry continued their transition to Road cycling coincided with the arrival of a new bre of cyclists that transformed the scene many enthusiasts described it as the new golden age of cycling however due to the differences in their Styles you don't always see them fighting for the same race but in March 2021 the dusty powdery roads of Tuscany were a theater to one of those rare encounters the start list for this race was packed with top talent including names like ala Philipe van art Pat Pitcock Bernell and of course Matthew vandero all in great form a white dust cloud Rose over the Tuscan Hills once the Gladiators ignited the race vanard initiated the attack and only the elites could follow resulting in in the first serious selection of the race with 50 km to go it's ver with Gogle Simmons and kacha Matthew had so far been primarily reactive but that would change with the final three sectors they are short but very Steep and at this point in the race these sectors often expose the weak we are now 3 and 1/2 km from the next sector in really got a sting in the tail against all expectations it was the defending champion who suffered the most after Al Philip surprised move on the first of these three sectors what just losing a few meters as Julio Al Philip sees that at the end and continues to put the dig in the number one is the number seven in the group now having smelt blood Vander pole UPS the pace on the smooth ashel road that led to the next sector in the hope of eliminating his arch Ral but getting rid of the Belgian wouldn't be that simple with some help from pitcock he gradually made his way back to the leading group this has been a brilliant recovery by Walt vard and you have to say Tom pitock eventually seven Elite Riders were at the front of the race with only one dirt sector to tackle the final sector proved to be the most decisive this is the final sector little on be and look at how it kicks up here initially it was vanard who led the way but as the gradient increased to 18% he couldn't carry on 18% of a gradient here it is hellish and patar is losing the wheel at the back also Tom P just starts to throw and here goes matchpool lift off of vpol with an explosion on vandero wasted no time his blade acceleration left everyone in the dust still Al Philip managed to get across to him once the gradient had eased off burnel joined them a few minutes later to form a trio with 10 kilm to go their little Gap grew into a comfortable lead which gave them a chance to recover and prepare for the crowning moment of Strada biani with grades up to 16% the final war into Sienna is where the race is often decided there's the flam Rouge there the road Rises the arena is set the Gladiators are here vanle approached the climb aggressively leading the way it is mach vul who's at the Saddle 500 M to go halfway into the climb he sat down on the saddle in what appeared like a sign of weakness and just when everybody thought he could not accelerate any further this happened [Applause] goes for Glory and Al FIP can't respond daylight opens Vander opens the Gap Vander for Glory here Bal is vanquished will fight to try and get his ultimate attack peaked at 1300 Watts a power that neither Al Filip nor burnel could match [Applause] [Music] unlike All Pro cyclists match's attacks are not solely driven by the desire to win gain time or score points in the following example a very unusual reason was behind his longrange attack it ended up in regret the morning of the fifth stage of the 2021 tyo adriatico was sunny and dry but looming rainclouds on the horizon indicated trouble [Music] ahead unsurprisingly the Dutchman went for a second attack while eating a snack right after his first attempt had failed this time he soloed away successfully from the leading group with 52 km is remaining it's a lot of effort still for this man mat VPO to make I know he's capable of incredible things but as he was making progress weather conditions worsened rain and high winds hit the race resulting in plummeting temperatures here in support apparently wind yeah and it's that open road that little Junction the Riders who try to do something quickly threw in the towel under these dismal conditions nevertheless the Dutchman was in full force at the front despite not wearing proper winter clothing in the following 15 km he would gain a minute and a half over the group he was in the technical hilly and classic style circuit suited him very well here's the man with the whip hand and is Away by a huge margin at the 20 km to go marker his Advantage was at 3 minutes from the outside he looked Invincible however the next half an hour would become one of his most excruciating experiences I wonder how much he's got left in the tank by this time Matthew had been going full Pelt for over 50 minutes nonstop while being exposed to freezing temperatures as a result his body burned more calories than usual to stay warm he didn't foresee this change of of weather and his nutrition plan wasn't appropriate for it interesting that Vanderpool had a solid bar normally R to stick to jails in the latter part of a stage I think that might be a sign that he is beginning to suffer in it going from that far out alone without protection against the freezing cold proved to be disastrous [Music] to make matters worse the race leader decided to attack with 17 kilm to go here comes pater to drive a knife into the Ambitions of others pater senses the opportunity to Ram home his Advantage van deole wasn't a threat to him in the GC but vanart was Pacha was aiming to extend his lead on the Belgium and possibly even go for the stage win the Gap still not tumbling but GR coming down to paga behind him the then Tor to France Champion settled into time trial mode he reduced vander's 3 minute advantage to 1 and A2 minutes in just 10 km 1 minute and 18 seconds 5Ks to go he not going to lose it now surely by the final Prime Bacha had him in sight here we are he's still climbing don't forget and the man behind him is more Adept at a moment such as this has he just done enough here Matthew vandero vandero gathered every bit of strength left in his body for one last push just enough to reach the Finish Line ahead of the Slovenian and here it is to the rise I think he's just going to get there what an amazing day what an amazing mat you huge congratulation but uh why did you start from so far out because I was called I wanted to make the race to uh to get warmed up again but then the last 20K were were really hell for me [Music] today in the Years following his transition to Road cycling Vander Poole kept on entertaining the world with Stellar performances he grew more confident and capable he stays active throughout the winter but those cyclocross World titles will becoming less fulfilling for him his eyes were on something bigger out of thousands of jerseys Road cycling's rainbow jersey holds the highest Prestige alongside the tours yellow Jersey his ambition to wear it in 2022 was shattered by controversy he returned in 2023 with an appetite to win everything and that CH on a PA is going to do exactly what his grandfather did in the 1960s mat crushed the competition in Sano and rube and only lost Flanders to an exceptional T pogacha but the title he desired most was the road World Championships in [Music] Glasgow the world championship proved to be a true race of attrition many big names gave in early including the title holder REM iole which shows how brutal this circuit was the endless Loops of ups and downs left and right drains the body and the mind this led to the formation of a small group of favorites that involved vandero with 40 kilom to go Pacha p p what group this is they worked together to bring back the last escapee a Pursuit that cost them more than they had expected vandero sent their weakness and as they were about to catch betio the Flying Dutchman took off instantly opening a gap in one of the steepest parts of the race Vander Paul with a rocket attack here he goes and mat thul has some Road he has clearance he has daylight and with 44 Corners per lap he quickly vanished from their sight this is what he does in syoss this is what he does every day in the winter he knows his effort he knows how to judge it and there's not many people better in the world than this Matthew was in a league of his own with the technical circuit giving him an edge over the rest he gained half a second with each turn vle is fully committed 100% effort all the way to this Finish Line the Gap stretched to 34 seconds things were going too well for him then Misfortune hit could be [Music] get back to your [Music] Qui his rear wheel slid out on a right hand corner he tried to regain balance with his foot but it tripped on a speed bump parts of his clothes and his right shoe were ripped that's what's happened to the shoe the adrenaline was kicking in but instead of affecting him he used it as fuel these guys don't know that's happened luckily the Chasers didn't even know about his crash due to the absence of radio communications otherwise they would have combined their efforts to catch [Music] him vandero had raised his advantage to 2 minutes by the red kite and that's when he finally eased off this Rider is class personified a majestic performance a majestic world champion victory for vaner Paul he wins the world title in Glasgow
Views: 752,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crazy, sports, sports moments, best sports moments, greatest sports moments, crash, cycling, cycling workout, indoor cycling, cycling tips, global cycling network, pro cycling, gcn cycling, live pro cycling, watch cycling, bike, bicycle, road bike, the gcn show, tour de france, tour de france 2024 stage, epic cycling, epic cycling moments, highlights, stage, finish, gcn, live, tdf, yowamushi pedal, Last KM, descent, sprint, interview, giro, van der poel, mathieu, mvdp, van aert, pogacar
Id: LKh0UolxWFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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