We Race The Pros! How Slow Are We?

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how fast a professional cyclist very we're about to get our asses kicked [Music] [Music] all right buddy I know you've got a ton of speed diesel is my middle name mate we've come to a pub car park in the north of England to meet up with members of the UK's number one domestic pro team Rebel well tuned to see just how quick they really are we've been soundly beaten by procyclers before many times in fact we used to do this for a living but this is the first time in gtn history that we're going Head to Head yeah even down to the same equipment normally we would try and stack the odds in our favor perhaps by riding e-bikes or time trial bikes but this time the team are lending us three of their actual team bikes the super fast Rebel Ultra SLR so parking mortgage arrived for some time actually and now we got hold of it in team spec right down to team's mavic Wheels yeah so this is gcn team versus protein time trial three against three over ten miles 16 kilometers it's um 17 kilometers mate this is an extra bit sorry really yeah our Pros are Simon Wilson Ollie peckover and Zeb kiffin backed up by their mechanic and also a swan year as well they are well drilled functioning like a machine sorry they're even organized enough to bring slags yeah yeah as for team gcn well I'd like to think that we brought the A Team but clearly that's not true because I mean Hank you haven't recovered have you since doing 3 000 squats in a month or perhaps it was the 800 mile tandem record before that yeah and so well you've just had covered yeah solid excuse yeah I mean you weren't that good anyway before that so no harsh but fact we had pinned all our hoax on Alex Payton yeah but unfortunately Alex decides to fall off his bike so he can't ride or drive or even have a shower so don't panic we have found a worthy replacement Jonathan Schubert who you recognize some GCF plus a time trial machine over any distance over 100 miles so uh just as long as you've got a good warm-up in John yeah and I've been training really hard to ride 3000 Miles slowly so that should be ideal for this perfect perfect yeah Guys these guys have no chance no if this was a competition about making excuses we would win yeah thank you guys firstly thank you so much for taking time out your race schedule to uh to well go head to head against us I imagine you've probably got a few easy days penciled in after this right yeah good stuff yeah so we thought well this is gonna be an absolutely walking apart for you High Tunes race machines so you've got to write down on this piece of paper what you think the winning margin is gonna be and at the end we'll go through to see if you thought while you were as good or as bad as you expected you ready right so write down don't show anyone initially and then write it down fold it up give it to me and we'll go through at the end I like how you deflect the pressure onto them if you've done as badly as you think you're going to do not us right it's clever here we go finish in December there we have it right to the start it is let's do it all right guys we need some serious tactics here we've not ridden as a three before what like minute turns that yeah that right yeah just focusing on maintaining the speed look at these Elite athletes what else are we gonna do yeah I mean it is pretty pan flight as well so there shouldn't really be anywhere wherein you'll sort of need to press on a bit more right I think we just need to remember that there's different abilities here so it's all about communication through the headwind I reckon John you could put a slightly longer turn no surges Mr Simon Richardson all right buddy I know you've got a ton of speed diesel is my middle name mate you can just sit third wheel uh it's not an easy ride no I think you're right communication as well we're going to be faster as a three right so I actually don't know which of us is stronger or weaker yeah there's no chance it's a bit of a joke us to be in there to be honest we'll find out but if you're gonna feel like you're going out of the back then whoever it is it's got a shout out yeah start with 30 second turns and if it feels a bit hard take shorts yeah 30 seconds sounds good I like that sorry yeah I'll need that how much caffeine have we got cheeky little Double Espresso boom hide it from 150 Megs oh yes right I might surge a little bit Yeah okay let's go team yeah okay we got this cheers right [Music] all right okay guys stay safe don't break any speed limits out there see you in what 20 minutes no pressure Team all right you're beefing them in okay right ready come on team come on team you got this team okay thanks mate cheers [Music] they all look the same [Music] so while the guys are out on course I'm going to talk you through this absolute weapon of a bike that we're all riding here today so this is ribbles ultra SLR as you can clearly see it is an aerodynamic bike but it doesn't look like your typical aerodynamic bike so Rebels say they designed it with integration of all the key sections in mind and the way they interact with one another and also to my mind looks like a bike that's been designed to be ridden so for example the down tube flares out in order to make the water buffalo but a particular interest is this handlebar and stem up here so rather than focus on making them as narrow as humanly possible Ribble have assumed that this bike will have a rider on it which seems like a fair assumption to make so they worked out that actually The Handlebar can make the right either more aerodynamic so this actually is designed to create turbulence so the rider themselves then sits in an area of drag reduction apparently it's fast really fast and the other thing is that this cockpit can be specked down to as narrow as 33 centimeters from the brake hoods and this is one of those I've never ridden anything quite so extreme before that's not on a time trial bike so we'll see how that goes now this is Harry tanfield's bike he is a particularly fast rider and so expect a 55 tooth chain ring on there I'm not entirely sure my legs can do that justice but hopefully I can get it turning and then because this is a team issue bike I'm also getting to use the team issue wheels so we got nice deep mavic Cosmic SLR wheels on here and I've also got some big fat Continental gp5000 Str tires on there as well 28 perfect for the rough roads as well as for aerodynamics and rolling resistance too giving us late I reckon we're going to be expecting them anytime in the next three minutes so uh [Music] I don't know I think they're gonna be fast [Music] come on boys yeah how they finish come on they looked fast that did look really fast any last minute tips for us yeah go fast yeah no that's fine slightly worried that I'm not gonna keep up with uh John and PSY um anyway I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna have a quick gel and uh fingers crossed like a hell hole in there [Music] please I mean [Music] oh [Music] it's coming up to the time that we did we won't tell you yet because we'll leave that for the grand reel but basically timer starts now to see it you're not here [Music] in approximately a couple of minutes time we should see them coming over the brow of that Hill [Music] yeah just come over the brow of the hill come up here they are here they are is that all you've got it can taste quite a lot of blood it's been a while no thanks to this man you're an animal well what is wrong with you I'll tell you what it's so good to be back in a race with the sit with the squad it's like a ninja Dream Team good communication tight turns so take the first bit of communication hey slow down what are you doing well yeah I I thought as soon as we get into it we get a feel of the pace and then super nice long turns yeah sorry keep me out the wind 80 kilometers an hour was appropriate to start out I think yeah we slowed down a little bit anyways I'd gone off too hard but the first time we've ridden together yeah right we didn't drop anyone and we kept nice and tired yeah what I really want to know is how well we have done against the protein yeah well this man was watching what'd you think you saw the start you saw the Finish ah he's got a cheeky grin on his face I think it's about time we look at the time so you think it's nice it's cool right two minutes so we're all back safe and sound it looked like you guys put in a pretty solid effort there so the big question is what was your time we did it in 21 minutes oh 40 seconds solid time to be fair okay John I've got ours 23 minutes 26 seconds six seconds one minute 46 seconds so we go back to our pieces of paper that we wrote in earlier to see who was the closest s w so Simon two minutes 23. oh yes Simon richson one minute in 30 seconds oh pretty close ambitious very ambitious op on it one minute 28. Hank is three minutes that's uh how confident I was in my ability um John Schubert 3 28. and the last one one minute and 30 seconds so it doesn't look like around the one minute 30 Mark which I think is pretty interesting so I think then to sum up team gcn didn't do as well as the majority of people thought we did no so uh yeah but we didn't do as badly as John thought so that was good what do you make of it then guys well I wasn't sure if it was gonna be like five minutes or a minute but I saw you on the clock I was like this is the minute here it's coming pretty close so yeah it was impressive counting it down for when our time passed and we were looking at it [Laughter] like me on the front I think around 450 on the front and then obviously in the wheels sitting on uh probably about 350 to 380. so solid wattage great so well guys thank you so much again for uh for racing us today taking the time out of your schedule to uh to give us a kick in yeah frankly and if you guys enjoyed it as much as we did race against these guys then make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and that's all the comment section below yeah and make sure you give these guys a follow on social media as well find out how they get on in the rest of their season right uh I'm gonna go and rest now right okay we're good
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 1,095,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race, racing, pro, pros, professional, professionals, pro cyclist, pro cyclists, professional cyclist, professional cyclists, challenge, gcn challenge, presenter challenge, fast, faster, aero, aerodynamic, TT, time trial, timetrial, team time trial, ribbe, wedltite, ribble weldtite, pro team, pro cycling, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-feature, ꗧ, ሙ, ସ, ホ, 𐒎, ൱, ዩ, ළ, Ꮽ, Բ, Ժ, Լ, Խ, Ձ, ፕ15, サ, ኾ, ዾ, 4815, Ղ, ߤ‎
Id: CjrmuHHEAes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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