Experience Vs Power! Can Simon Defeat The World’s STRONGEST Cyclist?

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does having all the power in the world actually make you fast on a bike we're going to find out this is Jamie he was until recently the world's biggest bodybuilder now he's a cyclist with unbelievable power numbers oh and he's also a gladiator he is going to race me yeah half his size probably half his power but with a couple of decades more time spent on a bike God Jamie oh my god oh oh Jamie's flying he's really kicking on now isn't he oh s going to catch him ohly animal over three different races we will see whether experience can get the edge over pure muscle which Jamie has a lot of Standing Tall at 6 fo 5 and weighing 300 Jamie is a genuine giant he can squat a whopping 220 kilos which is as heavy as a big male grizzly bear and his bench press is 200 kilos which is almost three of me I suspect the biggest issue he's going to have on a bike is not accidentally ripping the handlebars off as for me well I can definitely squat something unlike the bench press um but I did do two chinups before Christmas so uh pretty much brought my a game as you can see we have come to a vrone for this challenge an indoor track because it's the purest form of cycling no Hills no wind no potholes and no brakes on your bike either nothing to stand in the way of pure power or is there Jamie you are um you're looking in quite a good shape there thanks s you um I think your ankles might be slightly thinner than mine actually so I'm bigger in one regard so that's good well I've always been notoriously known for having small coughs so but that's because I've like massaged the muscle up to the quads I think your quads are about the same size as my waist probably so there we go uh anyway enough like fanboying over your muscles the first race okay is going to be from a standing start from this white line Y back to this white line one lap 250 M so it's like the purest test of explosive power okay how you feeling about it I feel good on the explosive power part however I'm just thinking I've got from this black line to get some speed to stay in the corner so yeah they've told me that for weaker Riders I'm allowed on the uh on the blue on the inside so yeah it's like it won't be a foul if you if you drift on there but I suspect good to know you'll be all right yeah I'm not going up to the blue straight away all right any if you're going to have a wager on this first one oh now you've seen see what you're up against yeah let's um we'll call it a McDonald's a Happy Meal for the winner Lo loser buys okay all right yeah deal right time for the first event standing start one laap dash who wants to go first neither yeah rock paper SC yeah rock paper scissors come on okay on three one 2 3 I lose yes you do lose I'll leave a choice to you yeah because you want to set the pace or chase I think you go first oh okay you ready I'm reg I think he's going to do pretty well at this right I've got two things that might go in my favor firstly is technique right so is he going to be able to to hold the black line or is he going to Simply ride further because he's not perhaps quite as used to it the other thing is have you seen the size with lats like that's not aerodynamic so anyway these bad boys cut through the wind like a knife through butter Jamie you first up it's the flying one laap dash how you feeling bro I think s's had more rest still breathing heavy excuses are out you mean you're warmed up that's what it means warmed good on my fourth beep beep beep beep beep go on Jam go go go go go it's hard to put the power out he's getting there building it up go Dam looking good he's really kicking on now isn't he here he goes now oh he's above the red do you want me to wear that GoPro yes please you want me to Hemorrhage my aerodynamics for the benefit of the GCM viewers right let's sign next hey looking mean I've made a mistake mate go on well I thought with Jam's background like bodybuilder got look a bit shiny so I've put like baby oil on but my hands are really slippy so I feel a bit like yeah don't worry mate just hold on to them real tight all right it' be really embarrassing that wouldn't it also just keep that black line right okay keep tight right all right yeah on marks beep beep oh similar similar start it's just whether or not he's going to build up that power down the back straight did good but the question is was it good enough here he is oh my God that's so weird in 250 M like it takes a while for the lack take to like kick in do it yeah that's I'm stood here now like my arms are gone all yeah wibbly both of you times were very good the big guy did it in a time of 24 48 yeah sigh 24 26 extra rest it was it was the extra rest it probably was the extra rest I'll give it to you that was that was fantastic second race is the match Sprint two Riders on the track three Laps on the board who's going to hit the line first this is where Tactics come into play H I wonder who's going to outsmart the other I can't see myself getting round him is the thing like I genuinely like the amount of power that he's got obviously like his speed was faster last time I don't know how I can out Fox him mainly cuz this isn't really my specialty either just give me a hill to ride out for God's sake right three laps all right then are you happy rolling in first yes feel like s needs to go long cuz he's got the endurance but the big man I kind of don't want him to lead out the whole thing cuz I'm kind of rooting for him if I'm honest Bai here they come s still sitting on the wheel that two that's two laps so you got two laps to go right two next time is your last left [Music] okay right oh he's going long he's going long oh he's gone High here we go God Dam me oh my god oh oh I saw going to catch him oh keep going oh die oh all the way to the line all the way to the line all the way to the line oh animal animal killed it mate yes yes s oh my God you took the position of runner up there as soon as soon as Jamie went he put the hammer down with one lap to go that was was no getting on terms well I thought well on I thought this is right I mean I'm in the prime position I let a little Gap go and then I can get a run at him and then I could just see you winding it up and I was like I was like oh my God I was just that was me maxed out and you were still just like edging away I didn't want to leave anything to chance so I was like as soon as I hit that corner I came over do you know what that LE you though deider one a piece so we've got to do it's the decider final one one a piece this is the decider the scratch race five Laps on the board Winner Takes all is endurance going to play a factor and is sigh going to get on terms JY five laps yes you know it's the longest distance we're going to do today yeah what's your thoughts well I think size size built for endurance yeah so watch that this is a sickener of a distance because I kind of feel like it's got to be more or less all out so I'm in my head yeah thinking about five full gas laps oh yeah which is going to be sickening are you thinking five I think I've got to do it I've got I'm going to try and stay on his wheel yeah but I think he's going to go early so we'll see good luck my brother he's good five lap scratch race first one's the Finish Line wins it's the decider everything's on this let us know in the comments section below who you think is going to win right you ready y beep beep beep up Jamie up he's on go go go go go oh four laps to go Jamie's gaining is s going use his endurance here he goes he's building he's on the build oh Jamie's flying three laps to go oh this is a proper scratch race he's overtaken sigh with three laps to go God Jamie oh s's grening two laps to go oh Jamie's in the lead we got two laps to go on the back straight 5 m leave and side closing now with one lap to go one lap to go all out Jam all out come on oh Jamie's tying up SI that be good to go around the outside keep him on the outside Jamie come on Jerry come on you're a gentleman Jamie thought you the biggest drink I could find black current fruit Sho oh it's my favorite thanks man and uh as promised a Happy Meal I think that would um be a fraction of the calories we've just burnt off but there you go dig in you can have a chip if you like um that last race was brutal well it was my goal was to catch off guard which I definitely think I achieved you totally did yeah but then to maintain that um speed and power for four laps was just too much yeah I sensed that you were just starting to lose it a little bit and I've been sat in your slip stream but I had to go like that was everything to get past you it really was so yeah when we hit that banking on the last corner I just heard the bike I was like no and that was it I'm glad it was a bike here not my ragged breathing something something raspy yeah there you go yeah that was my that was my lungs um but can I just say like you were looking really really good on a bike which is like you know amazing given your background like I reckon you could like you could do that I said if I lost I just wanted to look good doing it so at least I achieve something totally yeah so what are you going to do next in cycling you going to go back to the V Jam yes but I think with the nice weather we've been having we recently I definitely want to experience more of the road riding and I've not even rode 100 km yet so that's like my first tick in the Box to just ride 100K one ride and then we'll see where we go from there I am doing Sacra in June so wow we'll see if I don't come down there backwards nice that's amazing can I also just say as well like I've been trying to hold this back I'm a huge fan boy of of your work on Gladiators so it's been an absolute pleasure I know and now title to tell the kids that you beat Vina so I'm upset but we're just going to have to try and get you on the show in the future I think I can get my own b as a gladiator well I mean I I I'll happily do that I really would team see what they say yeah maybe You' have to create an event for me but still anyway huge thanks to Jamie please give the video a big like if you have enjoyed it and uh stay tuned as well cuz we've got we've got another video with you coming up haven't we yes you have
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 392,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gladiators, BBC, TV personality, Velodrome, bike race, Giant, racing, indoor cycling, body building, track cycling, build muscle, epic challenge, epic ride, gladiators ready?, TV program, muscle man, body builidng, bulking, sprint race, scratch race, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Road Cycling, Cyclist, GCN Cycling, sec-feature, ꗧ, ꤬, 𖬫, ළ, Ꮽ, ꚢ, Ա, Լ, Ծ, ፕ15, サ, ዾ, 5430
Id: TFrhj5MxPyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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