When Cyclists Get Angry - Pro Cycling’s Most Heated Moments

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racing shoulder to shoulder heart rate through the roof DS screaming in your ears it can be enough to make you lose your cool we present to you when cyclists get angry racing incidents are commonplace in Pro cycling often it's down to the commissary to deem what is fair or foul this finish at the Duro features a tricky left hand though of less than 100 meters to go oh my words it's Bowman they didn't read the corner Double Dutch for Barman that was a bizarre incident Schmidt just forcing Vin drama away there Maro Smith clearly not happy with Kuhn Bauman's position into that final corner but despite his protest the result stood [Music] poor old marrow needed a long sulky sit down after that one back out the tour of Flanders in April today pagacha was on one heck of a day dropping everybody except Machi Vanderpool on the outer Claremont and also nearly shaking the Dutchman on the final Ascent of the patterburg he had a great shot at taking a maiden victory at this most prestigious Monument then this happened 500 meets to go still they're gonna catch it all over the place and they may well oh and suddenly oh the pressure's pouring on television here somebody's gonna have to break first and it's manawatician could drive into them manowas might have a bit of impetus here as well for grupelo presidential he's going to the barriers as they stand each other into the abyss Meadows is coming through here in Bat Valley is the response this event to the Fantastic at the very last is he gonna get there yes he does and can you believe it television finishes fourth disgust by pogachard Delight from Matthew Van Der Paul pogacho's Bluff well and truly called there but was he angry at madwas and van Barr or secretly a little mad at himself for letting them back in the race if he thought it was stressful in the bunch just try picking your way through the Convoy team cars and motorbikes shuffling backwards and forwards among Riders who are just trying to get back to the front no no space being left by a press that was terrible oh and indeed it's had replications a little bit further on as well [Music] Jack Bauer justifiably upset when Vehicles got in the way at the Tour de France but was able to pull justifiably angry here if Nepal is unhappy and no wonder he is angry he wants that assistance quicker even if all wood with the help of his teammate safely make it back fast forward to the spring of brabant's appeal and going one further than sharpening the elbows he shoves Ben Turner aside to take his spot in the pace line a lot of riders might have reacted a lot differently to Turner who merely looked on while his teammate Magnus Sheffield gave a shake at the head it would be in your grenadiers who had the last laugh on the day though with Sheffield going on to take a fine solo win to the boards now and this from Mark Stewart the parish round of the track Champions League seems he wasn't too keen on the line choices of one rider in the scratch race hey you were warned about that man please sir yeah that was all good hey good fun next up the current bad boy of the Peloton Juan Sebastian Milano who was involved in a couple of incidents in 2022 the first of which was at the Criterium de dofne where he was dequeued for this punch in the direction of Hugo paj and later in the year he was retroactively relegated some six hours after he was declared the winner of stage two of the Tour de Langkawi this time for laying an arm on Raymond crater in the approach to the Sprint interestingly though it wasn't deemed dangerous enough to disqualify this time either way keep your hands to yourself one and finally here's Mark Cavendish getting upset at uae's Max with cheesy who after finishing his lead out swerve to the right blocking Cavendish deliberate we'll never know but you can see why he was upset having been denied the opportunity to even try to Sprint for the win there is our recap of some of the times that Riders have seen red but what have we missed you can let us know in the comments down below see you [Music] next foreign [Music]
Channel: GCN Racing
Views: 3,312,008
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Keywords: angry cyclist, angry cyclists, cyclists angry, angry, when cyclists get angry, furious pro cyclists, furious, rage, pro cyclists, anger, road rage, mark cavendish, cavendish, pogacar, juan sebastian molano, evenepoel, compilation, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, GCN Racing, race news, racing news, racing, bike racing, road racing, pro cycling, watch cycling, highlights, GCN Cycling, velo, ཁ, ළ, Ꮽ, Ա, Ձ, ፕ15, ዎ, 4952
Id: Q36ChPbMnIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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