What Happens to FOAM When Set In Resin ?

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huh shadow foam from shadow foam now this stuff is  pretty psychedelic i've had this in the workshop   for a long time and this is what  you're supposed to do with it now this shadow foam stuff is pretty wicked  and what you just saw was its intended purpose   what but as it's in my workshop well we won't  be doing that with it today so what we need to   do is we need to chop up all of this foam into  a bit more of a manageable pieces no i'm saying so now that is more manageable right we can work with this this is going to be  one crazy project folks stick around for this one right we have made our mold and we've knocked up  some entropy resins a little bit of entropy i'm   just going to use this just to seal kind of the  edges in here and just put a little bit of resin   in the sponges i reckon that this is going to  take up a lot of resin looking at the size of this   thing it's absolutely huge look at this i don't  even know if i'm going to get that on the lathe   i don't know i've no idea what  i'm going to be making yeah right there we go folks it's in there and  we're still gonna need a little bit more   but hopefully not a lot more we're  gonna have to leave this now overnight   well actually probably for about three or four  days and then put some more in two days later now the foam has been sat here for days  actually weeks i used a slow hardener on this   because there was so much resin i had  to use the slow because there was no way   we were going to be able to do this with the fast  i did have a little bit of a leak but i always put   a bin bag around there just in case it's a little  tip for me put a bin bag around it because if it   does leak you don't want it going everywhere  no i'm saying right let's crack this baby open look at this i mean it's actually quite light  i mean you'd have thought it'd be really heavy   because i put a lot of resin in this a lot but  it's actually very very light so unless the   resin didn't seep into you know the sponge the  foam then i guess that's what it's done didn't   get quite to the top uh i don't know why i thought  it did but oh well never mind i'm sure you can do   something with it unless that's gonna pop off of  that i think it's gonna pop over there actually i   might have to make this a little bit smaller than  we originally planned but there we go but uh hey   i reckon that looks pretty cool the question is  how is it going to turn is it just going to be   obliterated once i get it on the lathe and  fall into bits of foam all over the place or   can we make something really funkademic well  the only way to find out is to give it a whirl   i like it a lot now i just want to talk to  you a little bit about our sponsor today   surf shark vpn now most of you know what  surfsharkvpn is and does but for those of   you that don't a vpn is a virtual private  network i've got surfshot on my mobile   my desktop and my ipad i don't go anywhere without  them i just come back from spain as 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off   on the bandsaw but um it's gonna need a lot  more than that so what i'm gonna do what i had   a thought about doing is because i actually don't  think that there's a lot of resin in this you know   i actually think that the resident hasn't got or  penetrated through so i'm not too sure how this is   going to work out to be fair so what i'm going  to do is i'm going to get the grinder to this and i'm going to give it a bit of grinding   okay folks this isn't working so i started to grind down to try  to sort of like well better grind it and it just looks as though   that there's just no resin that has got into  there hence why it was really light so i've been   pouring all this resin in it's just basically  sealed like a cocoon the outside of the foam   and it's not penetrated in the slightest so all  this is going to do is i'm just going to end up   just chopping away all of the resin that we put  in there and then just reveal what we put in there so um i know what you're thinking  it's another zametti failed project it is uh i'm not gonna be able to do  anything with this unfortunately i really   am not i mean because if i grind it down if  i put it on the lathe there's just gonna be   nothing there left um you can see already look  that so there's nothing there at all and i've   just like this the resin i just started to  sort of like shave this off and let it just it just pops off makes a  kind of cool pattern though   something i guess um so yeah i think shadow foam  is probably best used for its intended purpose   sorry jonathan well at least i showed  you what it can do and what it can't hear what the french call les encompetons  what but it does seem such a shame   not to make anything with it right so i've just made a huge licorice all sort basically so yes from foam to resin to foam again basically  yep i just wasted a load of resin thanks   to all of you that stuck with me on this one i  mean it's quite big actually i mean i put this   in there because it's kind of what i had floating  around in the shed but you could obviously put   anything in the top of it it's kind of a  funky looking vase quite a colorful one   with a little base you can take this off obviously  it's not fixed in there so you don't have to   use the piece of wood that i put it on but i  kind of thought that i'll do something extra   just to make the project a little bit more  worthwhile doing really um but actually you   know i mean for all intense purposes i kind of  was gonna do that type of project but on the lathe   um but clearly it was a good one it was a good one  to kind of work out to see actually what happened   or more to the point what would happen if you  kind of dunked foam into resin now i'm thinking   because it is quite quite dense um that obviously  the resin didn't see seep into it but i think if   we used foam not foam i think if we used like  sponge like quite a really good spongy sponge   it would work um but it didn't obviously on this  one but there we go it is coated in resin so it's   stuck there it's not going anywhere it's pretty  solid as i say you can take this off of here   um and just have it as a as a big vase really  um but i made the base anyway for it um also   that gave me somewhere to stick my maker's mark  oh i do hope that you did enjoy this project   it's colorful but i mean coming from me they  kind of always are i just want a quick mention   to you folks that probably already on it but we  do have the maker central app is now out we are   actually going to change a few things on it  there's been a few updates on it if you haven't   seen already check your apple store or google  play store for the updates there's a couple of   good updates that have just been released to fix  a few bugs and things like that and we're also   changing the project part of it to how to's that's  going to come out in the next sort of three to   four weeks because the app was really intended to  help others kind of like show how you made things   it wasn't really there to take over instagram or  youtube it was just really to help the community   and i think by adding up the project side of  things i think that's kind of not really grasping   the it's not really grasping what we wanted  to achieve so we're maintaining the structure   but changing it to how to's so you'll be able to  add up your step one step two step three four five   six add links to where you can get those tools  and materials and also show others how they can   make that same thing too with a how-to but i will  have a dedicated video just explaining a bit more   in detail about how the how to's are going to work  within the app but if you're not on there please   check it out it's on the app store it's on  the google store i'm on there it's a bit   slow obviously at the moment but content will pick  up i think especially when we add the new how to   section if you can't find it there's a link below  well that's it folks thanks for watching this   uh crazy experimented kind of weird shadow foam uh  vars i hope you like this one shadow foam and if   you want to get some of this stuff i'll leave  a link below for you a little bit of discount   on there from these guys and if you follow my  link it also helps me and the channel out but   doesn't cost you any more lastly i want to say  thanks to all my patreons and members of this   channel you are pretty amazing thank you so  much for your support i will be doing a live   stream very very soon so we can all catch up then  and yes comments will be turned on for everyone   i made that mistake last time take care folks  and i'll catch you all for the next one ciao you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 174,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, how to woodturn, nick zammeti, foam and resin, shadowfoam, foam experiment, foam art, makers central app, foaminresin
Id: 74Bf_X3Z6sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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