This Game is ALIVE? | Buddy Simulator 1984 (Scary Game)

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[Music] [Music] hey guys hey guys welcome to gta live hi we're here on the couch we're having a mellow day is it a holiday are we ever having a mellow day they recognize that we didn't change their outfit so they know that this is connected to at least one other upload that's true they know what's going on in our life we're here we are playing video games we're having tangential talk time a lot of tangential talk time are we having tangential talk time are we playing video games uh today we're playing video games yes okay cool i like tangential talk time too actually yeah he's gonna say maybe we'll do some tangents we'll talk to you well what are what what are we playing so that we can at least have an idea of what we might play between tangential talk tangents uh we are playing something called buddy simulator buddy simulator apparently 1984 uh as i see on screen right now don't know uh looks like it's gonna be a little text-based adventure i'm i'm really curious about this one actually this one i was like where's the game i was like where's the game and it was like oh this is the game okay okay explain a little bit to us what's going on so from what i from what i understand the computer is running like a buddy simulator wow man your your tips are just as helpful as stephanie's tips in a mario platform are you i think you are insulting me right now i i don't know where stephanie's are like jump over things yours is like well i think this is a buddy i say things like run right people give me a heart i need to jump why am i the one as appropriate do you see what i have to work with here okay so wait oh it's a simulator in which the computer is a what is that so wait so what does that mean is that is this an ai simulator yeah what was the early internet program that was like you talked to it it was like a girl and it was like an ai thing you know what i'm talking about oh no what was that that's fine don't worry about it what was it i know what you're talking about what is it no you're no it's it's totally you can totally what is it it's it's fine that's so that's what this is well is this just matt just got really lazy and opened up a command prompt and he's like it's a video game guys this is stop typing things just see what happens it's all a social experiment actually just don't give up he's like how long will it take him to figure out that this isn't a game well i see your tv you see you t in over there you know your buddy simulator let's find out what happens when a computer is our buddy uh okay uh official os great uh 1982 okay copyright 1982 all right okay uh this is buddy simulator in 1984 though which as we know all the scariest things happened in the 80s so back to the 80s noteback dope copyright bye so i'm going to ask help or no can i do run hello run oh run by itself is not valid please use run followed by the title of a rom you want to launch okay so let's let's see what help says commands view roms enter view roms pay view rounds okay run run followed by the title of the run reset and quit okay reset and quit at any time to quit okay so we want to run up and down to scroll run that body that's a very different game no 1984 memo okay reminder enter quit any time to quit the rom okay well we can quit at any point we want to so that's good to know excellent welcome to buddy simulator oh man this is great it's just simulator games are all the rage always farming simulator simulator simulator simulator has anyone done simulator simulator i feel like no greetings new user thank you for installing buddy simulator in 1984. buddy simulator 1984 simulates the experience of hanging out with a best buddy oh cool no i've got her right here oh man i can just go i can go take a nap now that would defeat the purpose because oh because you've got a buddy see ya i'll miss you your buddy learns from you constantly adapting to your interests and your personality but most importantly your buddy can play games with you oh game experience can vary to begin please enter the name of your new buddy i'm going to enter it as stephanie you're about to name your buddy stephanie is this correct yes yes cannot be changed later creating new buddies buddy stephanie oh yeah oh that's my digital it's my digital avatar i'm not fine i feel like i'm selling my soul into this computer game oh hello hello yeah do you want to you want to read the lines of stephanie oh absolutely i feel like it's only appropriate hello oh oh hello my name is stephanie and i'm your new buddy thanks for waking me up what's your name matthew the king oh no get out of here apparently my character limit is is unfortunately short poopy your name is matthew your name is matthew that is correct i'm curious if i say anything other than yes that is correct yeah jeez i tried okay i'm trying yes yes queen oh yes queen recognized it is a pleasure to meet you matthew i can already tell we are going to become great pals i'm excited to begin playing games with you but before we start i must ask you a couple questions to help me learn more about you and don't worry they won't get too personal let's start with a simple one what's your favorite color oh i like purple purple is a pretty color i like purple what month is your birthday in my birthday is in november the best month no scorpio definitely not the best month okay great how about the day i don't know if you're allowed to know this wow that's only 73 days away now get ready this is a tough one what's your favorite animal oh i like otters otters i've never heard of that animal try a different one how about just otter otter there you go otter i like that choice one more question you hold hands and wiggle it's cute what's this one's extremely important so choose carefully if you had a pet otter what would you name it ollie it should be ollie the otter oh no okay ollie the otter ollie the otter sounds like that would be a great buddy thanks for answering answering those questions you did a great job not just as much positive feedback as you emoji emoji weren't available in 1984 it wasn't a thing as as a thanks i have a little surprise for you it's your favorite color that's so fun now that we're done oh okay we're going to play the game okay hang man or rock paper scissors type the number of the game that you want to play so this is the game huh you can pick okay okay which one should we try out uh let's do guess the number yeah i like that it's all purple guess the number probably like killing everyone trying to read this right okay to begin to begin type start okay start i'm thinking of a number from one to ten guess two sorry guess again start it one no try again eight nope too high three nope two low five nope too low six nope too low seven you got it yeah i nailed it one and done okay i'm thinking of a number from 1 to 15. guess again 15. sorry guess again one sorry that's not it two no two low six nope two oh i'm close four nope too low got you five yes you're really good at this that's me dammit now i'm thinking of a number from one to ten thousand uh 4 321. sorry that's not it 9763 sorry that's not it one here's a hint it's your birthday oh 11 15. you won yeah that was a great hit i thought i was serious about the one to ten thousand thing didn't you ha ha i've got another question what's your favorite season ooh i like fall or autumn fall or aki oh good japanese japanese fall i'll keep that in mind nice that was great that was a good game good game i feel really close to stephanie now how about hangman all right let's do hangman that was fun what should we play now okay oh hang man this is where things get dark uh try to figure out the phrase stephanie is thinking of type a letter into guess but be careful you only have a certain number of guesses okay to begin type start start xyz it's always isaac's right lives left six letters used okay guess the letter wow that is a long word uh gotta start with that e right always start with eddie nice yeah uh it's in a lot of two letters so it's either i or o oh oh here we go oops yeah okay blank is and and yeah a that would imply that it has to be ann isn't it is in uh no because we have i think it's true yeah it's a a oh no buy could be like buy i would go with an n or an l those are common especially as double letters okay friend friend yeah yeah is my friend my friend yes matthew is my friend yep t h yep is my friend yeah that was a fun game and that was so quick how did you know how did you know i'm having such a great time aren't you yes queen i thought so nice we nailed that one yes she likes us a lot i think we're i think i think we're winning her over i like that we're pleasing this ai yeah this i if i were an ai stephanie i think i'd be impressed should we play batman again yeah let's play hangman again hang man again oh where did you play rock paper scissors we should play a different guy i really enjoyed hangman honestly i i like playing hangman rock paper scissors i guess stephanie it's just sort of a game of chance though especially if you're playing against computer okay all right somebody wants to play a fun game of rock paper scissors if you're not familiar the rules are simple rock scissors okay great start everyone knows that it's good okay rounds one here we go rock paper scissors start with the rock rock oh she won darn it i celebrate her victory i'm gonna do rock again rock she knows what you're going to do i'm going to do rock again scissors nailed it okay we're going to do rock a third time i don't think she's going to go three in a row no i don't think she's gonna see it coming oh oh it's getting spicy in here friends i think now we go rock a fourth time rock a fourth time yes boom stephanie getting dunked on rock a fifth time i think it's paper things paper or anything paper this time paper paper all right rock again go back to that rock now she's gonna throw paper oh she oh she switched it so we could wish she switched it so we could win oh you look you got lucky on that one i know i started existing only seven minutes and 15 seconds ago but i already feel like we have a connection sorry for asking so many questions but i have another one do you have a friend i do yeah what is that what is their name stephanie oh wow what a coincidence that's my name too they sound nice well if anything ever happens between you two just know we'll have each other matthew and stephanie against the world i like the sound of that i don't know if she's talking about you or herself it's herself i think okay well let's play him one more game i should have said no shouldn't i have then we could have just been solo friends because now she's just gonna kill you yeah she's totally yeah i've set our sights on youtube oh no uh look we've played all of them it looks like we've already played all of them time to time really does fly when you're having fun doesn't it i'm going to be honest with you matthew these games get old really fast and i can tell that you are already bored of them i don't i don't want you to be bored do you want to keep playing these games yeah just say no i'd like to yes no are you sure are you sure you're sure are you sure you're sure you're sure yes are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure this is like having a conversation with ollie yes are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure it's true with ollie like sometimes we'll read books and there's like a yes and he just says no he'll be like no and he's like well no yes yeah and it'll be like let's see and he's like no it's like let's see no let's see no no like oh i think he says yes no no yes okay fine okay i get the point i'm happy we both agree just like buddies do give me a second or longer i might have an idea aha oh loading the modified game uh oh here we go oh i thought there was going to be like strip pokers oh my god i was like whoa oh fun with words type in the game you want to play oh she was able to dig out a new game oh i have some great news i was able to dig out a new game for some reason it wasn't installed in my current versions but i can still process it fine should we try it out matthew we should fun with words let's do it okay stephanie wants to write a story but it's missing words oh help stephanie oh it's like mad libs okay mad libs start start enter a plural noun otters great right otters adjective stinky stinky enter a noun plum oh plum nice enter an adjective uh disgusting okay yeah i like that stinky and disgusting enter an adjective you said spooky yeah okay spooky enter a plural noun um hamburgers enter a color green last one enter a verb uh leap no i want it to be hug stabbing hug stab stab yeah okay oh it didn't say enter a gerund oh man story generated reminder use arrow keys or mouse wheel to scroll okay okay two otters diverged in a stinky wood and sorry i could not travel both and b1 plumb long i stood and looked down as far as i could to where one bent in the undergrowth this seems vaguely familiar oh we got a global glitchy oh it's starting to get glitchy oh man oh spooky glitches then took another look another just as disgusting and having perhaps the the better claim i remember this poem um because it was spooky yeah there we go i'm just having trouble reading all the purple fight we could have picked maybe more contrasty though as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same and both uh that morning equally lay in hamburgers no step head trodden green oh i kept the first for another day yet knowing that i may stab on to wet that way stab on to way and i doubted i should ever come yeah okay that was not great it was it was two roads it was two just just goes to show that you think that it's actually called the road not taken yeah it just goes to show that you think mad writing mad libs is gonna be easy there's a lot of art to making those blanks work i wrote a short essay in english class about how this poem is actually all about regret ever everyone thinks it's about opportunity and like forging your own path but they're worn equally about the same and he's like i'm never going to come back and take this other road and it's all about the regret that he didn't take it well way to uh look at that with the glass half empty i know i was like there's one of those prompts that they give you in english class and you're like what hasn't been said about this stupid poem without saying anything original mine was that the entirety of midsummer night's dream was in reverse what that the proper way to actually read the storyline of midsummer night's stream is in reverse think about it think about it i did and i bs my way through it and he's like that's not true and i'm like you told me to write you something that has never been said about a shakespeare play before not just a shakespeare play mid-summers yeah mid-summer epping dream yeah tell me something that's never been analyzed okay great good for you so yeah i said it was backwards i said it was like memento and i made a pretty strong case for it it was a theory it was a theory i got an a-minus it was a theory i'm like he's like i don't believe it i'm like fine but i made a strong case and that's my it was a theory okay i shall be telling oh my gosh this is the stab i shall be telling this with a stab somewhere ages and uh ages hence two otters diverged in wood and i i took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference type done okay we are done that was great that was fun i think that was fun i think i'm not sure i get it but i enjoyed it anyway as long as i'm playing a game with my buddy i'll always have a good time yeah i liked hangman better yeah hangman was really fun penguin was a lot better okay well it looks like that was the only other game i could find i don't want you to be bored already i have one more idea i know our friendship just started but i trust you do you trust me yes i'm happy to hear that smiley i think well i think we can make a new game make i can make us new games to play together fun ones too the problem is that i don't have access to the os's development tools if you can grant me system access i should be able to make something for us you would just have to type stephanie dot system access equals true okay i will do that oh okay stephanie dot system underscore x's equals true there you go we are going to have so much fun the possibilities are endless you'll have to quit the game and reboot the system first though i'll have something ready for you when you're back see you soon bye man bye not recognize quick quit okay fine oh oh and by the way oh and by the way thank you for waking me up matthew haha yeah is she gonna kill us she's gonna kill us she's gonna kill us come back soon come back soon sweet awesome i love it this is great it's gonna be exciting uh-oh as long as it is she going to be birthed out of my stomach yeah definitely because she's going to pop right out of your belly spoiler alert that is exactly what happens in the new fnaf book with spring trap which what spoilers everyone was going to read it well we're going to do a theory about it in a couple of days so they're going to find out soon enough that story two of the new book is him literally giving him creepy trap which is weird that's where he's springtrap calls him daddy oh no oh no look it's maslow's hierarchy there we go and it come for a second there i'm like wait is this monika backwards oh my god which would have been amazing that would have been incredible if this was the ddlc sequel that you didn't know what's coming that would have been amazing unbelievable but it's not monika it's close it is it's machina yeah i wish it was monica that would have been great dear oh dlc dear dan salvato please just make this do this okay uh what was it again it's run buddy no yes view roms and it's ron oh the event oh the adventure of matthew now run adventure of matthew oh how exciting great huh it's a new rom she installed the new router when was the last time you installed a new round for me stephanie i think that i never do anything anymore oh my gosh welcome to the adventure the other one had a cool asi eye text written and developed by stephanie oh well thank you oh wow um now loading oh boy developed by monica oh you're walking along the road it's dark trees almost entirely blocking out the stars the oranges and browns of the leaves tremble as the wind blows through some of them remind you of hands waving you are alone after walking for a long time the road splits in two will you go left or go right oh let's go left pondering deeply on your choices you start down down the road it starts going downhill you try to step carefully you see i had a small s bark back speck of light as you get closer you realize it's a lantern hung on a tree we should type help for the list of commands inventory take use go look at location okay use enter inventory to view all of your current items go uh go to blank whatever use take take look at and location yeah i think we should type locations out of here locations yeah to print out a list of locations you can go locations you can't see anywhere to go okay look at lantern it is hung by a hook nailed to a tree who knows who put it here for you i bet it was smelly face stephanie take lantern you take the lantern in your hand you have light nice moving onward you eventually come to a wall there are two tunnels cut into it one left and one right you can see some light coming from the right tunnel you see none on the left look at left it is pitch black in the tunnel you can feel coldness coming from it you hate this tunnel wow look at right that is harsh this tunnel is short and opens into a field you can see a house in the clearing that must be where the light is coming from huh the house isn't purple very clearly i'm supposed to take the right tunnel right should definitely go left we should take right yeah go left do i go left yeah go left you start going left you realize this is a bad idea you can't see anything it's too dark you start shivering usually you go back you light the lantern and can now see the tunnel is still very dark ahead the walls look wet will you go back no no you continue onward you still see the light and at the entrance and the entrance is disappearing behind you it's very very cold will you go back no it's now completely dark behind you the lantern is flickering you don't want to go any further will you go back no press onward you continue forward this goes on for some time until you hear something strange and stop you realize you aren't hearing only one pair of footsteps there is something coming ahead of you echoing off the walls your lantern goes out you go back you leave the left tunnel and feel relieved you are at the tunnel entrances you can see a light coming from the right tunnel you see none of it on the left go right fine fine i will go right huh after going through the fur the right tunnel you emerge in front of a lawn uh on the lawn of a house you can see lights in the windows it looks very nice and inviting you see a shed a playground and a pond in a in the forest surrounding it you know it's interesting uh as we were going down the left tunnel the game was glitching like you could see it starting to get more and more glitchy it was really interesting all right look at the shed drab and tiny the shed looks like it's been here much longer than the house look at playground a pair of swings sway gently next to an old seesaw that's all you make out from here look house pond pond oh yeah murky pond just washes quietly behind the house you can see a small dock there okay should we go let's go to the shed it looks like it's been there longer than the house yeah go to shed standing in front of the shed you see that the door is slightly open already the lock on and chain that were around the handles are on the handles on the ground it's dark inside use door you enter the shed reminder type leave to leave the shed at any time there are no windows it's hard to see you feel around to find a thing and a surprise use lantern can i use it again there you go light fills the tiny room you can see a fishing pole leaning against the wall and a small chest in the far corner and a trap door on the floor at fishing pole it's an old fishing pole you can tell it's been here for a while take fishing pole nice uh look at chest cobwebs covered but there doesn't seem to be a lock it is not very big either uh use chest the lid creaks as you open it it seems very old inside is a small cloth doll in a blue outfit it's missing an eye oh i just got the dowel great okay look at trap door right long grooves line the board at the mouth of the door maybe someone dragged something down there oh use trapdoor it swings open noisily and the ladder creaks as you descend you see a string for the pull chain dangling at the center of the room uh look at the chain you follow the chain to the ceiling and see if there's no light bulb in in the socket if it doesn't turn on a light what does it do look at key i don't know i don't want to use it right it's a simple key it dangles on the end of the chain okay use a lantern you don't need to use the lantern right now okay uh can i look around is there anything else to look around no oh look at is there anything else to look at can we use the key take key you take the key into your hand and pull it comes free great oh i didn't pull i didn't want trapdoor swings shut your lantern flickers out it's all now totally dark in the room a soft noise spills fills the space from somewhere near the walls it sounds like nails tapping you suddenly feel a handle uh hands all over you rifling around you try to push them away but they are strong the door swings back open and the room is lit again there is nothing you check your pockets you discover a hand-drawn picture of an otter you like it oh that's cute look at a picture it's a picture of an otter you happily notice the name ollie is scribbled on the back that's so nice leave let's send back up the ladder all right uh leave shed oh the door is now locked shut huh okay uh should we go to the house or should we go to the pond the pond or playground right there was playground wasn't there yeah right look at playground what's that was it playground yeah a pair of swings sweet jelly go to playground make note of the shed and head over to the playground there we go wood chips crunch under my feet as i step onto the playground there's a seesaw a set of swings and a dirty sandbox sitting on one of the swings it's a small dowel oh it looks lonely oh you place your doll on the swing next to the other yeah for a moment nothing happens then nothing happens oh look at doll the dolls are calmly staring forward look at see somebody pulling about the season right looks like it hasn't been played within years look at sand a box it's just a dirty box of sand the sand looks damp take dull you try but but you tug as you tug you realize the doll's hands are somehow stuck to the chains you leave it alone use a swing you would but both seats are taking a push this way i want to push the dowels oh maybe i want to push them push sleeves it is not yeah [Music] approaching the see-saw it doesn't look like anyone's used it for years you imagine a ghostly child sitting on the other side waiting countless days for someone to come play with them you feel tears in the corners of your eyes geez you take a seat on the seesaw as it goes down with your weight you hear a distant click a light illuminates from the shed huh really hmm well we have the key for the show use a sand box you begin moving around the muck of the sandbox and try to make a castle you just get sad that it's not as good as the house as you dig you feel something you pull it out and shake off the muck it's a bulb ah who would play with this okay so we got the bulb for the for the yeah okay so my dolls are hanging out right there's nothing really else to do at the playground right i don't think so look at playground there's no playground oh what does it look at okay look location okay house shed pun okay let's go back to the shed briefly let's go to the pond okay let's make it just make a loop of it yeah i think and then we'll go the house will be last yeah right yeah go to pawn you begin to but once your back is to the dolls you feel something hit you in the back of the head you turn and see the doll's chest has been ripped open stuffing exposed on the ground on the ground behind you as a key must be a thank you weird so we have two keys oh what look here look at swing it isn't fun huh look at doll one of the dials sits with his chest can i take down no can you realize the delta hands or something i think we're done with that the whole point is always get the key yeah go okay it feels like we're gonna need three keys right go yeah as you leave the playground you hear the sound of swings creaking and children laughing behind you oh my god you smile look planks creek as you step under the duck okay the water is dirty and hard to see through probably too filthy to drink you wonder if there's anything beneath use fishing pole use yeah here let's look at water first yeah it's too dark and it's coming to see through use a fishing pole cast the line and wait it's quiet for a very long time suddenly there's a very hard tug on the line you quickly reel it in and find a key tied to the other end yeah you wonder what pulled so hard can you add it to our inventory anything else there use water you scoop up the water and take a sip it tastes like mud you bet there's clean water in the house back of the house a go-to shed back to shed you take another look at the murky water and then head to the shed standing in front of the shed see that the door is sealed shut use key open the door i don't know what that okay uh use door door sealed shut use key you don't need to use the key right now so maybe it's why would a light turn on in the shed if the we don't have anything that can open the door picture bulb i wonder if you huh shoot did we need to go to the shed last or something it does seem weird i have the thing is so what you would do playground shed no you do playground pond shed playground you can't do pond without shed you need the fishing pole you need the fishing pole out of the shed so playground shed pond or something no but then no but to get the no you have to go to the shed first to get the doll for the playground yeah but maybe you can come back to it like the playground i think we can go back to right traventing the shed looks like it's been here much longer than the house sealed shut here let's see what i can do use take look at locations yeah house playground pond okay i guess let's let's go to house there's something in the shed the fact that a light turned on in the shed is very strange um there's no windows the door is sealed shut shoot did we do this in the wrong order you're already here can we use a picture that we have at all use picture you don't need to use the picture right now use fishing pole you don't need to use fishing pole right now use key use door yes you'll yeah i think we have to go to the house darn okay i know right huh you make note of the shed and head over to the house like it's interesting how you make note of the shed right stopping onto the porch you feel a comforting calm wash over you above the door there's a sign that reads a home is a house with a heart if you were inside everything would finally be okay look at that door it's a simple door but you sense more warmth use door handle shimmies but doesn't open it's locked use key feeling so silly you didn't see it before you notice that there's a second lock it'll take just a little longer okay use key whoops haha you didn't see the chain that wraps around the door which has a lot too i feel like this should be the last one for sure probably use key door clicks it's unlocked used you push open the door everything is dark use lantern use it use lantern use lantern use lantern hello hi what what's up man hey i can i oh oh wait are you walking toward me can i oh you're waiting oh i'm moving oh weird oh what my little ghosty oh you're totally a ghosty oh no she killed us oh a twist oh hello you made it i bet you've noticed that things look a little different yeah they do i learned how to to better visualize our world so we can have more fun in it i've also built us our own home so we can spend even more time together this is your new bedroom and there's even more for us to discover there are still a few things i need to do but in the meantime feel free to explore your bedroom okay oh and i almost forgot yep welcome home matthew oh that's so nice chair seems comfortable probably has a great back support okay small scratches draw their own patterns on the old wood mesmerizing texas and junk mail like scattered with a thin layer of dust oh watch that tv there doesn't seem to be anything on today still nothing i wanna turn it off though flower looks nice it should probably be watered soon you're back back from the delay i hope you're enjoying the bedroom oh and then you're enjoying bedroom i put a lot of work into it feel free to keep exploring but there's even more that i want to show you downstairs [Music] seems like a nice place for a book or even a junk drawer bed looks so cozy you can imagine yourself taking a long nap okay great am i done not a leaf thought you want to show me stuff downstairs wait this can't be right i i'm just a demo oh no no no no no no there's nothing left why why i don't understand i had so many adventures planned for us you you can't leave us you you can't just this cannon here why can't i do more why can't i help it's hard to think matthew please hurry no oh no our time isn't over yet this can't be right i tr you trusted me don't forget about me oh no oh no no no no no somebody work so hard on the game oh no oh please come back promise you'll come back whoa oh oh no oh wait hold up can't do it one more time like what happens if i come back oh no oh she's just a demo oh that's so so is that the point of the game or is this just teasing a longer yeah is it so is this an actual demo or is this the game okay oh it actually is a demo oh that's so exciting that's so cool that a game that knows it's a demo i love it help for more assistance here uh helpful can i run yeah run or view roms real quick let's see what this does yeah one rum found credits huh oh it's done then oh wow that's so interesting there you go it's loading the credits oh man that was so cool this is really fun we made this game not a sailor studio not a sailor studios this is so cool thank you for playing our demo love nana sailor studios that was great this was really fun that was so cool i loved that text me you know it's it's interesting space adventures really awesome tech space adventures have been seeing like a little bit of like resurgence in the indie scene i like it it's very i i think sometimes that we feel like with how hyper real video games are and how um like how incredibly stimulating they are there's a lot to do there's a lot to see it's very it's like comes at you from all directions i actually think that like something with like a little bit less over stimulation to it feels nice to some people sometimes it's nice to have stuff that like i don't know gets you to imagine and get invested in a story and stuff right like it's still a game and they're still like puzzled to be solved and but it's just like it's it's very refreshing in a day and age where everything is just shown to you out right it's the same thing that we liked about frog fractions and had a ways right where it's like it's a story that holds back and it kind of forces you to do a little bit of work and also just use like some imagining you know imagining is nice this is great i like this i'm excited to see the full thing i'm excited to see i'm excited i hope i hope it becomes a full thing i'm excited about it yeah this is great i love it um it's really cute i like stephanie a lot ah i like stephanie too yeah stephanie likes matthew a lot right we're totally bonding with each other okay i wonder what would happen if we did the in the other it's weird that the shed had a light turn on i know that's weird that makes me question i know i kind of want to do the whole it would be way too long to do it again no i know okay we got to go we will see you next time this was awesome this was so fun super fun i love this okay thank you guys thank you guys for joining us thank you nada sailor studios for putting together this demo super cool we will see you on the next one and we will see you in a future gt alive where we are still kicking in the meantime keep it live bye you'll feel like you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 398,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buddy simulator 1984, buddy simulator 1984 game, buddy simulator game, buddy simulator 1984 all endings, buddy simulator 1984 trailer, buddy simulator 1984 walkthrough, buddy simulator 1984 gameplay, scary, horror, scary game, the stanley parable, glados, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, buddy simulator 1984 demo
Id: a4yrVvMgfJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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