The 2nd Class Trial Hurt My Brain - Danganronpa 2

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[Music] [Music] bid you mike i understand that you are attempting to skip over dialogue in danganronpa the entire game is based around dialogue everything that gundam says is immensely important some might say it's the only reason the game exists so do not skip it hey you better be spoiling the game holy crap shout out to chair charibeth for getting a voice actor from the game to address me skipping crap all right i got the message loud and clear uh so in case you guys don't know that was gundam's voice actor from dragon rapper 2 his name is chris turglia farah i mean that's how it's set that's how it's spelled so i'm probably saying it wrong anyway see this is why i love what i do because you guys you guys just do so much for me and like it's just that that was so cool that was so cool i was very sh i was very surprised 15 year old me would have like died inside like if you got a voice actor to address me you know but that that's really cool apparently he streams on twitch so yeah that's that's cool guys go go search them out if you want a fangirl or fanboy over uh gundam i don't know when you get one of the voice actors to do it you know i'm gonna run a poll and ask you guys do you really not want me to edit anything out because i can do that but i hope you have time i mean it already takes a lot of time to watch these episodes so you guys over six oh nice 69 of you guys said do not edit anything out i like watching long episodes all right you guys asked for it this is what the people want give the people what they want i hope you brought your popcorn because welcome back to another episode dungeon we are about to start the class trial number two so this is gonna be it really interesting if you guys missed last episode you know what to do uh 30k likes to see the next episode so many people are leaving likes and i i see you i see you out there now you got me thinking freaking gundam is gonna be like uh freaking the mastermind behold everything when you get the like seriously i know there's a reason why you told the voice actor to say that i must have skipped something and i think i know what i did too and now you got me ooh you about to give it away i already have my suspicions anyway we're gonna go over all that but i i gotta see something real quick well shout out to cinnamon toast skin as well uh i i just needed something to look back on you gotta keep in mind guys i read everything in the game pretty much but i did skip over this part with tanaka all right and i'm sorry i've sinned i really have sinned but this might be more important than i than we thought so i'm gonna look back over it featuring cinematoskin i know he's played the game he's one of the few people i know that have played the game so that's why i'm looking at it don't worry i'm not looking no spoilers so that's what kazui last episode invited us yeah yeah yeah what did i miss what are you lowly creature i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best to do the best of brush impressions too hey what are you lowly creatures that's awful what are you lonely creatures [Music] what are your lowly creatures discussing amongst yourselves did you think i was worried about your fiends are you fiends oh okay so i remember him saying this you've elevated arrogance to an art form it sounds like vegeta what sort of supreme ruler feels concerned for the ants who are destined to be crushed my name is gundam tanaka i am the forbidden ruler who makes eva the god of darkness flee in terror so i mean this is the only reason i skipped because it doesn't seem like anything he says is important that's why like that i wouldn't have skipped over anything if i didn't think it was important so all i desire is silence and indifference silence and indifference and then hajime says i never took him for the lonely time and that's when kazuchi said to conserve our energy and other than that that's all i skipped from last episode from him but don't worry because i already suspect him anyway before we get into this clash trial we gotta go over it before we figure it out i'm gonna tell you who i suspect and i'm gonna tell you why we're gonna see why am i a good investigator because i know i am in last episode uh we played the game right and when we played the game at the credits when we got the true ending to the terror game whatever it's called i automatically assumed that the dead person inside the game that got killed remember we saw a girl and she looked almost exactly like sonia but i take it back i don't i don't think it was actually sonia it looked a lot like her but her hair was different and she doesn't have the uh little blush lines you know who does have blush lines though for yuhiko and hiyoko they both have the blush lines now and she has blonde hair so i what i originally thought was sonya uh i was wrong i think the game maybe wanted me to believe that that was sonia but i was like that doesn't make any sense so i think that the uh one of the characters one of the characters said that they wanted to get revenge for their sister and i suspect that it's fujihiko because of the way that character was talking obviously in the game we don't see their actual faces so we can't say for sure we know who the characters are but just based on the way he was talking and he was saying the curse words i'm gonna say that he was the one i'm gonna say right now i think he's the one that killed her i think he is to get revenge because there was some drama going in uh and and besides he found the pictures too so whether or not uh she killed someone in the past or was responsible i believe that fuyuhiko believes that she was responsible for his sister's death so his sister died and he wanted revenge and i think that's exactly what he did i do i think that's exactly and maybe he was trying to pit it on her well yeah because also kuzuri there was two kuzurius so i definitely there was um that was his sister without a doubt so i think he's the one that did it but akane last episode was in the bathroom it said that hmm i think it would take a ninja to get up uh you know through the through the window you know so that's why i think tanaka uh our gundam also is responsible somehow maybe he helped him i'm not exactly sure and the fact that he said he was the lonely type means he could also represent the pervert in the story that's all i'm saying and that that's what i believe let's see if i'm right guys so it's finally starting the class trial where our hopes and the killers hope will finally clash oh i gotta talk just like him but it's all right either way hope will win in the end all right now then let's prove it uh what's he so excited about there's no reason to respond to a guy like that anyway we should start heading over at the trial field where monaco is waiting i have to make my case there there's no escape we have no choice but to press forward now then let us go all right guys all right i'm almost certain i i know i know it in my heart all right monica rock right that's where we gotta go usually let me go help me he's gonna do something crazy to me i'll be ruined hey shut up and stay put you stepper little lolita hey stop harassing little girls this is what's going on hiyoko was trying to ride yeah it's his voice so monokuma brought her here by force but hiyoko is still trying to run away so mataguma's trying to wrap her in a full nelson hey don't hey if you don't stay put i'm gonna make you a part of this island's food chain geez making me waste my sweet butt time there's another problem to deal with besides this one where the heck is foyohiko oh oh yeah yeah yeah oh i have another theory i have more information to support my theory puyohico was nowhere to be found he was already looking suspicious right he could have used the shower and all the water bottles to clean himself up but we no one ever saw him so we don't know also secondly hiyoko was running and we thought i've seen tears but maybe she it's just so many people that could be involved but i'm excited i'm excited he makes me mad ah what the heck someone gets a little too excited what is it his anger changed his form oh my god he's like freaking frieza he just transformed i'm right here you came i was worried about you there's nowhere for me to run anyway so no matter the ending i have to accept it right that sounds like someone's about to die but still i'm a yakuza accepting defeat is not an option for you hika what does that mean well it's all good if the trial heats up it's all good anyway looks like everyone's here so let us depart now i'll go first and be one step ahead of you guys crap i'm not mentally prepared yet like do you even have to prepare show some spirit if you don't have enough power harness your talent energy come on bring out that energy so it begins the beginning of the end now then let's keep our spirits high so we can one day find that shiny hope that's right i can only move moving forward is the only option yes that's right i don't know how long i keep with the voices someone needs to move out of the way no matter how many times i see it it's such a bad taste the worst the lowest most brutal taste somehow i moved my muscles still from fear and nerves and awkwardly walked into the escalator for some reason my breathing was short and i was eventually struck by feeling similar to dizziness the moment of all of us the moment all of us were inside monaco rock all right i'm pretty sure nothing was gonna happen now right we're just going to start the trial look at it guys because we don't know how much longer if we're going to be able to see everyone like this my consciousness began to fade from the pressure i tried to endure that pressure and firmly standing on my legs and after a while the elevator's vibrations gradually weakened and then it stopped all together look at this aim defeat the boring routine so i've decided to start redecorating how does it look mr monokuma's redecoration is awesome isn't it it's not like i'd allow you to think otherwise anyway i'll kill you to go to the trouble of doing something this elaborate really what is your true intention nothing really essentially this killing game is just to kill time anyway kill time to break away from my purpose that alone is my purpose a purpose is only going to be a weakness those who have purpose are always the weakest ones in the bunch that's why you guys should forget about such cheap butt some cheap purposes like what did i just i just i just gave off that energy though right i can't grow that one lady that goes bring it back hey i gotta turn with my fan and that girl gets hot up in here man doing all these voices man two hours okay purpose is like trying to survive and enjoy the clash drive from the bottom of your heart that's exactly how he sounds it's starting the clash trial is starting no she wasn't my favorite character why yeah yeah she was a great person i know don't skip dialogue but come on his inner thoughts doesn't really matter that much i'm not going to skip any of the important stuff i promise guys you have to trust me because a lot of times they say the same things like the killers among us this is news to me like that you don't need to hear it again all right i actually got some skills i think i got two right or the only one it takes a little longer to get skills all right yep let's do it all right now ben let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial okay during the class trial you will present your arguments for who the killer is and vote for who done it if you vote correctly then only the blackened will receive punishment but if you pick the wrong person i'll punish everyone besides the black end yes no matter how many times i hear it it's such a cruel rule now then let's first discuss the motive that masterpiece of gaming twilight syndrome murder case yes i want to know how he knew that i guess well i guess he just knows what happened who cares about that game the outcome of this trial should be determined by whether or not we find mahiru's killer oh sounds like someone's trying to cover something else unless we shouldn't ignore it after all that game is the motive this time he's so creepy i'm sure everyone who's beaten the game already knows that it's based on an actual murder case yes some of us have not beaten that game give us a detailed yeah that's fair that's fair means twilight syndrome murder case is a non-fiction game additionally some of us are characters in that game too some of us are characters and a video guys i'm so i think it's better if we clarify who the characters in the game are first yeah well we know some of them for sure we know three without a doubt but i'm pretty sure i'm right and the high school girl who got killed at the beginning yes oh here we go so we got sumiki i don't know who sumiki is uh i could be wrong let's see there's two kazuya sato myoda hiyoko i don't i don't have to figure this out i'm sure they're going to talk about it the first character the player was able to control was girl a the true identity of girl a is probably oh my god i don't know um it was probably my hero oh wait no no no no no i was wrong take it i'm already losing okay guys see you're gonna you're gonna witness me fell a lot uh so be kind i see let's be kind girl a is probably [Music] that definitely sounds like girl a yeah and the short one obviously was uh hiyoko based on the list of names in the staff role i can't think of anyone else who would be great why am i in a video game that's an infringement of my right to privacy oh oh oh okay out i forgot to mention this as well in last episode she did kind of let out a side of her that was kind of crazy so i also think it is possible that she killed uh she's actually this is far-fetched but i think that it's possible that she was actually evil and she killed uh uh for you hiko's sister just based off of that but that's very weak argument but i'm just saying that she does have a a a different side kind of like how celeste had in the first game so that's what i think a nasty trashy pig [ __ ] like you doesn't have any privacy right yeah she was definitely the mean one she's right the one who said that was uh god i don't know i don't remember these exactly um girl c it's gonna guess ah no girl c was extremely hyper damn it how am i supposed to remember these things girl b i wasn't like writing it down as i played okay her girl b was short and foul-mouthed yeah i knew what she was showing that's like the complete opposite of me i really anyway let's move on next is girl c girls see her personality was hyper energetic and unique so that would have to be a bookie i see knew it girl see izzy girl see then i'll see you next tuesday let's move on to girl d that has to be uh uh uh my hero i think monokuma was on there whatever's there girl d is my hero the victim in this case yes yeah that's correct there was two victims let's skip girl lee and talk about guy f he's uh he's guy f uh well there was only one guy so i think it's fujiko i think yes i'm freaking right all right so i got that right f for you hiko huh i was in a game that's [ __ ] scary didn't he didn't play it unless he's just playing off that he didn't play that reminds me wasn't there another person whose last name was also negito it was one of the names on the staff the names were sumiki koizumi yeah we know that why do you keep saying there were two kusari because there was i think his sister died not like i'm wrong that's how since you beat the game you probably know what this actually means right [Music] okay cool i get to actually answer he had an older sister well oh i don't know if it was literal or if it was uh older i'm gonna say little because that's just how animes go so i knew it i freaking do it guy f kuzuru mentions that he has a little sister okay so you did mention it what do you mean little sister this is what guy f said in the game all right so but now the fact that okay this is how my mind works now because they're figuring this out so early on in the game now i think he's innocent because you can't it never works out that way they always try to lead you astray it's so obvious yeah the way he was talking fit perfectly pretty clear there's no doubt that guy f had a little sister see i figure all this step out when i'm editing too so it helps me to look at it especially appeared in the game that's why the name kuzuriu appeared twice by the way what role did guy s little sister the other kuzuru play you probably noticed uh well she played as a person got killed yep i was right and there was a pervert i see but i think the dead high school girl who was the first victim in the game is the only person i can think of but for sure she wasn't killed by the pervert guy he was killed uh by um something else i think maybe a girl that was jealous or something based on gaiaf's tone in the game it's clear that girl e is not his little sister yeah that's my hero right so if the only person left is the dead high school girl then she must be hiko's sister well that would be a moment that's a winning personality you've got there cleaning personality are you crazy are you praising me i was being sarcastic dumbass hey you said the game is a work of nonfiction that means who you hiko's little sister is yeah i have a little sister ever had something wrong with that it's just a [ __ ] game don't go mixing up some video game with reality it's not just a game it's definitely based on true events that's why it's the booty don't go making [ __ ] up faster she was the type to die i had a [ __ ] killed her myself a long time ago wow so she's not dead i mean when i first entered hope speak academy she was mouthing off to me as usual and set me off what hold up hold up how could he remember entering hope speak academy are you saying that she was here [Applause] it happened just the other day um about that you're probably thinking like that because you've lost your memories yeah i'm confused shut the [ __ ] up you be quiet is he so mean i see so you're never gonna accept that that game is based on true events so he doesn't believe that his sister is dead because he lost his memories and maybe he forgot about it okay i understand your attitude toward this class trial now nagito you seem to be doubting fuyuhiko a lot do you suspect he's the killer okay so if he actually believes his sister is alive then he has no reason to kill anybody okay noted a mystery that easy would make me feel sad it wouldn't be good enough to serve as everyone's stepping stone that's why i'd be much happier if fuyuhiko wasn't the killer okay you're starting to act weird again anyway now we've established who all the characters in the game are girl a is mekan girl b is hiyoko girl c is in bookie girl d is mahirou guy f is fuyuhiko okay the first victim in the game that said high school girl is fuyuhiko's little sister that's just a story in a [ __ ] game if so then girl e is miss sato could it be the same miss sato who likes white rice i don't know what sato you're talking about but i don't know i don't think she's relevant to this case maybe it's related to gundam's last name since they're both really plain names wait wait wait wait wait what what the heck is that wild connection may be an ordinary family name but it's far better than sato or suzuki okay what what'd they just say all right i i think they were just joking around i don't know what they mean by that and he has and he also has a strange rivalry going on no one cares about that hurry up and talk about the mystery of the game huh what do you mean mystery of the game my my you don't know i heard that girl he got killed what no way is that true getting killed is so violent don't you know is it try such awful so the mystery of the game is the murder of girl e correct then let's hurry up and solve it let's first figure out why girl e was killed the reason why girlie was killed i should be able to assume uh because girl e witnessed the murder uh she did it she took a picture she interfered with the murder i yeah she did because she took a picture of the body i remember that right i'm pretty sure there's something to do with that um no come on see i don't remember everything perfectly oh my life points okay okay so i don't think she witnessed the murder though she was the killer it's because she was the killer she was the killer the reason girl e was killed is because she killed the first victim in the game which means girl e was killed as revenge for the dead high school girl what do you think fuyuhiko apparently girlie was killed to avenge your voice i thought that she was i thought she was like more set up i don't think she was actually the one that did it i don't care what that game said at all but it is is that true girly she she killed the first victim in order to make that clear we need to know more about the kids okay so we don't know for sure it's the murder that occurred in the music room i knew it would come up so i prepared in advance look i made a map of the music room surroundings which was the stage of the first case i'm surprised you went to all this trouble tapping is second nature to retro game fans classic dungeon crawler rpgs have a first person point of view so mapping as you play is the basics we get it let's talk about that later so we can focus on the girl case girl b girl c and girl d were at the entrance hall when they heard the sound of glass breaking immediately they climbed the stairs to the second floor and headed to where they heard that sound girl e was in front of the music room on the second floor and she confirmed that the sound came from in there but the door to the music room was locked so girl d went to get the key from the office and when the five of them were finally able to go inside the sound of breaking glass that they heard at the entrance hall seemed to confirm that but it was really a vase i know that school swimsuit was stolen so they concluded that the escape killer wasn't how does that sound yep an understandable explanation just as expected from the ultimate gamer who excels at clearing games but it wasn't a pervert right wasn't the real killer girl eve obviously gurley was waiting outside the music room for the other girls after she killed the first victim did she lock the music room from the outside then she would have totally needed the key from the office which means girly was hiding that key we can assume she used it to lock the music room after she left it but girl d was the one who went to the office to get the key to the music room i found it right since it was never mentioned in the game we can exclude the possibility of there being a spare at the front of the music room as fast as she could before the others arrived he would have passed by the entrance hall where the other girls were waiting if she tried to do that it's not cute to see an old guy hey is girl eve really the killer we haven't reached an answer yet based on the details of the game it's no mistake that girl e who was waiting in the hallway is the killer then what did girl e do after the killing after killing the girl inside the music room i guess i need to clear that out first i don't know i gotta say like i don't know very much about this girly's crime scene photo um yeah she did she did mention that she took a picture after she killed the first victim in the music room what did girlie do she just broke the window in the music room and escaped outside so how did girlie get from outside the school to the front of the music room to go back to the music room from outside you need to go through the entrance hall plus at the entrance hulk the other four girls should have been there hmm at the entrance hall the girls heard the sound of the window shattering how is she able to get past those four and wait in front of the music room she broke her face i don't know how it's connected hidden passageway why are they mentioning that all of a sudden oh there we go there we go that's what we needed to do no that's right oh duh all right so that's how we're contradicting that statement first of all the sound the girls heard wasn't the window breaking if it wasn't the window then what how low can you go after the murder a broken vase was discovered in the classroom next to the music oh so the sound of breaking glass that the forecast heard wasn't the music room's window it was the sound of the bass breaking probably actually the murder was nearly finished by the time the four girls met in the entrance hall girl e killed the victim in the music room broke the window and went to the office to get the key with that key she locked the music room from the hallway turn the key to the office and went back to wait in front of the music room all she had to do was break the vase in the next door classroom as the four girls met by the entrance hall to make them think the murder had just occurred now the mystery has been solved hmm wait a minute the mystery hasn't been solved yet you haven't determined what the murder weapon was yet a murderer cares about the murder weapon we found out who the killer was not cool i went to all the trouble of making this death march so you gotta stick with it what the heck you're so annoying fine let's figure out the weapon if this keeps up i'm gonna feel like i need this [ __ ] which means always disgusting always says that disgusting one the weapon is pretty unconventional the answer was revealed in the game though well they did say that the uh fish tank was broken but i don't know how they get i don't know if they slammed her head in a fish tank unless they're talking about the girl ease death then there's the bat yeah it's it's obviously broken fish tank but i don't know how it's related a weapon inside the music room huh what about broken glass i did not mean to do that the blow to the head thank you with the fish tank that's too big to be a weapon yeah then the piano why are you going even bigger the piano investigation conducts universal chaos it's on that bigger scale too how about beating her with gravel instead it's a weapon that was used to beat them to death it should have had blood stains true like what'd she do get the uniform fill it full of gravel and just slap her with it because they never found the uniform i'm just i'm going with [Music] what i thought that was it maybe it was the other way around maybe the fish tank was the uh was the noise and not the broken vase and the base was used to kill her [Music] okay i'm out of ideas i i obviously don't know like what else is it how about beating her with gravel oh that was it i was right i just wasn't doing oh god no we're gonna okay we're gonna fight about it okay so i just i reacted with the the the universe must have used gravel to attack the victim yeah that's that's the only other thing i can think of i got it right and i was just throwing things out there what a weird weapon right chosen by the gods you're not chosen at all and gravel is impossible it's too small to be no it's not if you put it together what if the gravel was put inside some sort of thing not a bag but a swimsuit that was missing the weapon is something that appeared in the game and so is the back and the only thing i can think of is the school swimsuit if you tie the swimsuit like a bag and stuff it full of gravity and make an effective weapon inside the swimsuit even the ace attorney would be astonished by such a fantastic idea i know right i love that it's an idea that kills two birds with one stone to make people think the killer is some pervert it makes sense for a school swimsuit to be stolen and if that swimsuit was used to make an improvised weapon it'd have to be disposed of later how about it monokuma are you satisfied now this happiness you feel when the mystery you create is solved only producers know this feeling of ecstasy but the real important talk begins now yeah the real oh we had who can be called an accomplice that person was actually girl d girl d you're talking about my hero right huh mahiro is the accomplice what is this what does that mean my hero's the accomplice the piece of face that became an important clue in the music room murder girl d got rid of it okay it's okay i missed her throw it away ah apparently the reason pearl e committed murder in the first place was to protect girl d okay girl d was being harassed by the victim girl e found out and tried to stop it and they ended up getting into an argument and she felt a rush of anger and ended up killing her but she should have had a clear murderous intent i mean she choked her out and then bludgeoned her to death yeah unconscious by accident and from there she couldn't go back you can that's pretty scary but girly was also killed by someone on the fourth day or the game's last day yeah i might as well ask just in case who do you think killed girly uh obviously freaking oh guy f guy well which way there's two guys now guy elf i see yeah is that the stansport i don't know it should have been i will never forgive her yeah scenario where guy f murders girl e out of a burning hellfire desire to avenge his murdered sister but sisters it's just a story in a video game isn't it that's all you can say if that game is telling the truth it'd be a huge problem for you hey clear this up for me those of you who appeared as characters in the game do you remember this incident that is i'm terribly sorry my god is it they don't remember that's obvious because their school memories were like totally stolen even if i don't remember i already know it's obvious that guy is the killer no one would kill a nice person like mahiru besides a piece of [ __ ] menace to society like fuyuhiko [ __ ] well i'm used to it by now i don't think it is wow i actually don't think it is does my hero's murder have anything to do with that game perhaps the two are unrelated [Music] no the game and my hero's death are probably related in actuality there's an important shared point with a girl e and my on my hero's murder my hebrews murder not murderer okay no so the answer is the photo of uh the vase right no i thought that was it so is it the photo with the uh god i'm gonna present this no that's not gonna be i'm about to die okay so it's got to be the note the note is it this note the one that uh hiyoko sent out or at least that's supposed to supposedly sent out what okay the baseball bat metal bat that's it that's it that's it that's it my god god it's something it takes you so long to freaking figure things out two events are unrelated as proof mahiru who was killed in the beach house and girl e who was killed in the game [Music] that's why oh is it you she did have the gummy right the gummy was in there so and oh my god it's probably her it's probably her because she got killed to a blow in the back of the head so if it was from the back of the head she was hiding in the closet she dropped her gummy that was proof that she went running out but she hit her in the head with the baseball bat that she was carrying and then she tried to pin it on freaking fujiko hey why don't you confess already you're the one who killed mahirou and i think it's her now crap you better cut that out right now there is no way a stupid game could be the motive you're dumb enough to believe that stupid game and that's why you killed her as revenge and she wasn't crying when she ran out she was wet that's it it's hard like that we're just going to go around in circle and in this classroom right now i'm judge judy there's a possibility that it's a trap setback it is it is no one in their right mind would use the same weapon and make it so obvious he obviously didn't know he did he forgot about everything she did not what do you mean the true killer played that game and most likely found out about the relationships between the characters yeah that person could be using that knowledge to try to set up for you yeah and she sent the note out and wait a minute wait a minute one thing i never really paid attention to was the fact that the note is bloody so hyoko supposedly said it seems that there's someone who wants to interfere with our meeting let's keep it a secret until then she said that so she wouldn't tell anyone let's try not to let's try not to see each other for a while it would be bad if they started suspecting us for no reason because she didn't want anyone else to interfere her her footprints match uh the person leaving so she could have had an accomplice unless she's just really uh athletic and was able to get her little body up there i don't know but i think i think that's her but what i think is that maybe things didn't go quite as planned and there might be someone else involved in this case are you saying that a completely different killer murdered my hero and used the game motive as their cover yes isn't that what happened [Music] but she was wet though so that's what like made it weird so mean that sounds like a person that would kill someone make your argument all right footprints on the beach is probably gonna be it yeah but there's no way i don't think she could have gone up there by herself that's the thing that's what gets me [Applause] [Music] i guess i messed up i thought i was agreeing why do you doubt do you know where hiloco was she was at the beach house the scene of the crime but i didn't go to the beach house oh but you did come on oh my god you liar what does it say i have to eliminate the sound i know no no see sometimes this game tricks you like you think you're hitting it you're not wait a minute you should have been at the beach house hiyoko yeah you're running from it too oh well but these footprints in the sand in front of the beach house aren't they yours ugly footprints they're probably mekons based on how ugly they are but again it's so obvious that i don't know footprints that's strange the footprint i collected from your room matches these footprints perfect collected i never gave you permission to collect that new nasty pet maybe she's the accomplice to the murderer are you talking are you saying when that person went inside the beach house the body hadn't appeared yet the door was still accessible when they went in and wasn't when they left which means something happened between those two events isn't that right yeah i remember now i remember when i went to the beach house hmm so you finally decided to confess i'm pretty sure you guys already know this but going for walks in the morning is my daily routine no one knows that and that's when i went to the beach house i went there on my morning walk i see no you didn't don't believe her so easily dumbass she's obviously lying it's a lie people who kind of so gullible are usually liars themselves if you say i'm all right come on come on let's expose her uh wait i don't have can't we just say we saw her i did go to the beach house the letter the letter okay only during my morning walk [Music] that was easy only during your morning walk huh will you still claim that after you take a look at this letter anyone could have wrote that letter though it was before she got murdered so you know i can see why they would think that it's the one right so kiyoko was able to arrange a meeting with mahiru by exchanging letters with her i'm serious i don't know see maybe it's not her snap i remember now i totally saw you we did that we did met up at the diner around 3 p.m to go to the beach i saw you about 30 minutes later so it should have been around 3 30 p.m i think 3 30 p.m is a reasonable time for you to have witnessed here i okay now okay uh you know what now that i think about it i think we saw gundam around there as well i think gondom is the one that did it i know i changed this all the time i know also i'm going to change it five times gundam may have been the accomplice and helped her get out the window or maybe he jumped i don't know i i just i have a feeling it is him and he set her up or something like that you're wrong because gundam is the one that overheard us saying that we were going to go to the beach house right oh wait no no that can't be it i'm just i'm making crap up now the diner so you should have seen hiyoko too right because kazuichi said that he wanted to meet us at the supermarket not the beach house or the diner so unless we were being spied on or something it's just a coincidence that i passed by the diner i wasn't even paying attention to the beach house yeah i went straight back to my cottage after i saw you guys i didn't see anyone during that time for some reason that sounds suspicious too it's the truth just leave them alone be a waste of time to question him any further anyway that letter in kazuchi's testimony says it all you were meeting up with at the beach house so someone knew then they wrote that letter and they placed it when they killed i think she is telling the truth wait no one's going to believe her because she's stupid she's probably faking it we can assume [Music] a normal person would think like why would you write your name on there right because that would be like really suspicious but you have to know where the letter's coming from or else like you don't know who to meet [Music] but that's a very like damning letter and then you went ahead to the beach house there's evidence for that too yeah the gummy spot selection select a suspicious spot right here [Music] the place where hiyoka was hiding in the closet where she dropped the gummy [Music] i have captured the true character of this mystery kyogo who summoned mahiru to the beach house hid inside the closet like a familiar when she saw her chance she attacked her like an evil spirit and left the [Music] and ended up leaving her footprints we have presented the proof my four dark davis of destruction didn't even need to come out this is obviously someone's trap whose trap is it it must be that one person you know the one with the mask there was a suspicious map at the beach house right whoever was wearing that could be the real killer you're the one who wore that mask and killed mahiroo right no that would be stupid why would they need to wear masks is your brain or something that is right it cannot be hyoko that mask belongs to sparkling justice huh sparkling what now that mask says it all sparkling justice is hiding on this island they stated this sparkly justice scary serial killer sparkling justice is the one who killed monuru they didn't know that sparkling justice was a guy or a girl if you continue to say such foolish things i shall tell you why is he saying that don't blame miss sonia it's just a difference between cultures uh culture shock you know yoko why don't you just admit it already you're being unreasonably stubborn i'm not the killer it's true that he'll go suspicious but there's something strange yeah it doesn't make sense yeah dang i think it is uh gundam i shall render my verdict upon this mystery's conclusion yoko is the sitter who killed nahiru yeah she and he's trying to pin it on her a trap uh killer's escape route yeah the killer's escape route you went to the beach house right nice and weren't you also hiding in the closet so that's when you dropped the gummy you waited for your chance and afterward you fled from the beach house and that's how you left your footprints so okay i had to look it up i was so confused but apparently it's gummy in the gummy bag but that seems to match up so i'm confused sure there's no proof that she actually did drop it and it could be set up but i didn't know that the only one childish enough to eat gummies is that [ __ ] over there you know you're the one who worries about never getting taller for a little bit i thought they were related because they look so similar think about it but she only eats a specific grain the brand of gummies you eat only have strawberry melon grape and orange flavors how is anyone supposed to know this that's right none of the gummy bags in her cottage had any yellow ones then we can't assume hiyoko is the one who dropped that yellow gummy and that just feels random as crap didn't i tell you it's definitely a trap damn it who would set a trap like this oh get my revenge i'm gonna pop you on the head with all my money so did they steal one of her shoes too and plant the the no she definitely went to the beach hold on you little [ __ ] you think you're in the clear just because a little gummy don't be stupid i'm not done backing you into a corner yet i don't blame him though i i don't yeah hmm okay all right we're not done with yoko yet there's still a huge piece of evidence left we're talking about the footprints near the beach it's true that's an important piece of evidence yeah and we can take mahiru for it my hero left what does that mean mahiru used her last ounce of strength and blocked the door to the road thanks to her we put the iron bar in window yeah the iron bar windows hasn't got out i left those footprints during my morning walk okay so she blocked the oh so she blocked the exit and it okay and the only one that could have got out was this is it so she okay so in autopsy report it was reported that she died instantly so she didn't crawl and like use her last of the strength okay that's it cool yeah i figured that out that's it i'm the king i'm so smart my hero didn't block the door according to mcconnell [Music] yeah yeah i'm pretty sure her death was instant too i mean her injury was only a single blow that's why mahiru isn't the one who blocked the door someone else used your body to block it the killer of course they're the one who blocked the door because they knew they can escape and the only people that can do that is a ninja that's why there were bloody drag marks left on the floor yeah okay why did the killer block the door just ask kyoko she's the killer after all seriously that's not true let's assume hiyoko is the killer wouldn't that mean she's also the one who dragged the body yeah i did think that too that hyoko maybe would be too weak for that she's not that strong and her clothes within the water she was yeah okay so she was clean and she's just crying maybe i was wrong about the wet thing [Music] why do you keep insisting that hyoko is the killer shut up i'm telling you she's the killer no way it's not him is it i still think it's not him all right let's get to this we didn't block the door then hiyoko did it and blocked the door with her body kyoko is the only killer i could think of advance the body and she should be covered in blood true true so what dumbass there's a shower room inside after [Music] allow me to cut through those words i counter it sometimes i don't even know what i'm doing in this game but i'm just kind of going washing it off in the shower because it was broken well i knew that was out of order okay i'm terribly sorry maybe she took her clothes off to move the body and when she was done she put them back on i did something bad for burden no uh she wasn't wearing clothes at all she can't get dressed by herself she her clothes fused to her body oh she can't get dressed by yourself oh my god yeah she can't get dressed by herself she's clearly said that ah because you can't tie your thing hiloco mentioned this i forgot about that which means kioco can't change by herself it's impossible for her to put on and take off her clothes oh yeah she couldn't even tie her sash on her own that's why that's why she smelled bad it smelled bad [Music] it only smelled a little oh wasn't changing inside the beach house prohibited in the first place oh yeah it was if you broke the rules i'm pretty sure mama kuma would not kept fire damn right i'm such a stickler for the rules that even safari park rangers want nothing to do with me if she didn't change her clothes then what did fiocco do with the blood that got on her water bottle the blood wasn't on me in the first place because i never touched my hero's body hey if you think about it the other way around does that mean whoever was covered in blood is suspicious well yeah but that no i i believe her that was too obvious to go to the beach too obvious didn't i tell you that was because i got beat up by coach so they just have to ask nick of arnold if i hadn't gotten that rough with her she never would have backed out okay cool so that checks out you got some nerf all right i'll bend your body in half so you're stuck in a bowing position for the rest of your life that actually sounds pretty cool the hell it does more importantly i'm okay now right no no you're not water bottles i'm not the killer yeah see i already know come on guys because my hero taught me how to wear a kimono and she was very very kind there's no way i would kill a nice person like her why wouldn't you believe me earlier well we don't know what happened in the past stupid stupid stupid hugo please don't cry everything is fine now it's not fine i hope you get a hang nail and die she's so nice i'm sorry for being pink more importantly if you put hiko's behavior earlier was definitely strange getting so worked up and accusing it yeah that is weird could it be does he actually have something else in mind now that our suspicions have been addressed can you tell us the truth even though you're not the killer you still went to the beach house right like i said it was a trap yeah i got that already so can you give us the details about that trap i agree it might lead to some kind of clue fine you want me to talk huh um earlier this morning mahiro was the one who came up to me she asked if we could meet up later huh but didn't you say earlier she never talked to me at all because she was hiding something ah damn it so that was a lie cuz i thought it'd be doubted if i admitted it so i figured it was better not to say anything so what was your answer to mahiru's invitation i told her it was fine i mean i didn't have a reason to say no unlike everyone else here my hero was someone i wasn't embarrassed to be seen with you always have to say something snide at the time we were supposed to meet around 2 p.m but around noon there was a letter inside my mailbox a letter oh that's the person who set it up oh i was going to tell you in person but i couldn't find uh you so i put it in your mailbox let's compare the writing is it the same let's see it's kind of like it's it's way better than mine but it's kind of messy no it matches up huh so that that yeah someone set it up i think i bet so in this letter they say i want you to come to the beach house on the second island the time is still the same as 2 p.m it seems there's someone who wants to interfere with our meeting let's keep it a secret until then let's try not to see each other for a while it'd be bad if they started suspecting us all right all right and went to the beach house at that time so we need to use this letter to contradict that one i can prove it with this that letter changed it doesn't it look like its contents are different from the letter [Music] about what we discussed earlier is it okay if we change the place of time yeah 2 30. the meeting times are wrong it's also strange that both letters wanted to change their meeting spot to the beach house it would be possible if one of them said but for both letters to say the same thing since you wrote it what do you think like i said i never wrote the letter how many times do i have to tell you but i'm curious why would they change the letter though they changed hers to 230 then hers the two but that doesn't make any sense both letters i see yeah they asked which one they forged it was both because the handwriter's head writing was the same the killer forged them so they could manipulate their actions yeah that's how we should think about it that seems very likely in fact if you compare i came up with that before they did i was going to tell you in person [Music] the killer forged both of those letters in doing so they were able to control hiyoko and mahiru to do their bidding like a netherworld puppeteer so they completely tricked me and then my hero's killer go away microsoft account problem shut up seriously how long is it going to stay there no let's stop the game let's stop the game because microsoft has a problem thank you i've offered to help so many times but the killer this time didn't discuss their plan with me at all so he's disappointed that no no one uh told him about it fault i'm so ashamed of being reliable it is your fault here we go again once we let our guard down this happens we can just lightly punch him to death later so based on what the letter said you went to the beach house at 2pm right here what's most important is what happened afterwards [Music] it's not like i wanted to i think i was forced to get a whiff of some kind of medicine or something what that's important [Music] they even have prescription medicines laying out in the open if you were to wear that from the start you should have done something about it i'm sorry when i woke up i was inside a small closet and when i rushed out i i saw my hero's body okay so then that's when they planted the gummy and that's why you ran out of the beach house in such a panic i was scared it was really really scared really scared that i couldn't help the killer probably planned to frame hilko from the start okay and for that reason they summoned hyoko before mahiru put her to sleep and shoved her inside the closet so their reason for blocking the door with mahiru's body was to make hiyoko leave her footprints as evidenced that's horrible i didn't do anything wrong and i was framed by my hero's killer why did you just say that [Music] yoga please do not cry we believe you is it really okay to believe her so easily she might be faking those tears you know this will never end if you keep being so suspicious isn't that what a class trial is all about the only way to survive is to be suspicious this is where we go to thoroughly doubt each other that's true so if you guys are leaving each other so easily then there's definitely something wrong with you you're wrong we aren't supposed to doubt each other here we're supposed to work together yeah trial is where we cooperate with each other work hard and aim for victory the killer and everyone else two homes oh no he said it again one true hope two hopes clashing with each other is poetry in motion that is what a class trial should be seriously which side are you on i'm on the side of the absolute hope that can overcome any despair and i believe that absolute hope exists at the point where two hopes clash your stance is neither white nor black but gray and you do not yearn for your life or even for victory jeez i wish you just side with the enemy already so i can believe what he's saying let's stop believing every little thing nagito says is a waste of time yeah we need to figure out who mahirus killer is there should be a new clue contained in what hyoko has told us so let us believe hyoko's words and discuss it once again with everyone yep the debate proceeds when you assume you can believe each other good job that's the right way that's the splendid power of teamwork hey what do you think of that monokuma i'm not gonna let you have the outcome you want she's asleep he's sleeping you bastards don't know anything if you're stupid enough to trust each other the only thing waiting for you is the bitter truth a better truth that may be true but even so we can't stand around here all day even if what lies ahead is a cruel ending the only thing we can do is move forward because unless we reveal who is among us is my hero's true killer there's no way we'll survive so what now suspended got a recess going okay oh it's just for this now that the truck okay so now that it's reached this climax i would like to present the answer right here right now what really if i reveal the answer before everyone's ready they'll all be shocked they'll all feel despair you can't that's seriously a big no-no but spoiling it right now is innovative don't you think the club president and i are powerless against innovation who's the club president so without further ado the answer is you can everyone please close your eyes i don't know what you're talking about but somehow it feels wrong to me i don't know what he just said but okay that was random [Music] my heart is throbbing like crazy [Music] it's already happened like once already i can't do anything but i'm just gonna believe in everyone that's the least i can do everyone do your best so stupid and don't forget to save regularly oh i do don't worry well now that we've decided to believe hiyoko now what if the killer was luring yoko into a trap then something that was used there might be a clue do you mean the letter no it was probably the gummy huh candy can be a clue hey when you woke up was the gummy already there huh now that you mention it i feel like it wasn't which means the gummy was placed inside the closet after hiyoko fled from the beach house well i would think actually if you woke up and you've seen that you would be so like what the heck and you're like you know you wouldn't even think about that kind of stuff returned to the scene of the crime after i left they wouldn't have to do something that troublesome as long as they hid somewhere within the beach house wait a minute no oh wait no but if that was true then now soda is freaking a suspect there's nowhere to hide because he found the body he even glanced inside the shower room as i was running away but there was nobody there then does that mean the killer came back hmm i wonder at any rate the solution to that problem is connected to what really happened that's what i think i want to play a new game is that what you're thinking if so we prepared the perfect product for you you will dive into your own brain and logically discern the mysterious answer from several questions it's called the logic drive during the logic drive you'll control a version of your sub created from image with your brain your task is to reach the goal of the final destination of the synapse course you can move sideways to the mouse and accelerate with your control key okay press the right button to break the left okay all right i don't know let's just see i think if i just focus to think about australia i'll build i'll find the answer all right i'm gonna do it i don't know what they're gonna be having me doing right now play a snowboarding game okay oh i play games like this i know what to do oh that's how you go faster okay bro all right all right okay okay dude i used to play games like this all the time for like the playstation one and the gamecube i remember that i think it was called ssx tricky they don't make those games anymore i don't think though before he occur right after what what i don't what am i doing uh before hiyoko arrived okay yes okay i think i was right about that oh i go full speed i'm holding control this entire time okay why do i need to go fast though question two when did the killer leave the beach house after hiyoko left after hiyoko left no before he before he okay left yeah that's what i think oh what does that mean i was wrong i think that means i'm wrong so let's do this one okay yep that thing i'm pretty sure that means i was wrong yeah oh sweet oh there we go this is kind of fun i like that they keep it interesting at least question three where was the killer hiding when hyoko was unconscious uh the beach house the beach probably the beach dang it maybe it is the beach house maybe they were in the shower room yeah all right cool i like being right guys oh did i does this mean i got it right it's all coming together this game is crazy do you think the killer might have been hiding you spent all that time thinking just to say something so pointless how disappointing didn't i just say there was nowhere to hide do i have to explain it in another language so you can understand her personality got a hell of a lot more forceful once she stopped being a suspect seriously this is annoying place you didn't look what are you saying stop being annoying or i'm gonna make a connie bop you on the head and shut you up for good i really don't want that to happen to me i need to answer by any means now i don't want to be bopped in the head the place where the killer was hiding the place where hilco hasn't looked is the shower room where else could it be what crap don't say it's in the closet too here killing is probably hiding in the closet that's where i was locked up after you woke up you said you rushed out of there right and you probably didn't look inside the closet very carefully but could two people even hide in such a small place and without hilco knowing what they do cover themselves up in crap like in trash or i made sure to arrange a hiding place uh where under surfboards i mean how is anyone supposed to come to that conclusion here what about the surfboard case in the closet i'm pretty sure they could have hidden in there huh inside the surfboard case but the shelf it was on it was pretty messy don't you think two surfboards were stacked on the top shelf and there were surfboards that weren't even in a case the killer probably did that on purpose to secure a hiding place because we haven't been on this island that long so the closet shouldn't have been that messy then the killer was close to me during that time i i would have never guessed that no no way yeah what quietly holding their breath and hiding very close to you i got to see this picture all right no way it's kind of like in for a penny in for a pound so to speak don't you mean it's always darkest under the lighthouse i shouldn't say things i don't understand like so to speak anyway the killer hit silently and after making sure hioka left we finally left the surfboard case i agree with that as well seriously nobody asked what you think there's no way the killer would leave hiyoko by herself if they were trying to frame her but just judging by how the game looks like it didn't look like a body could fit in there so i would have never guessed it alone and ruined the evidence the killer had planted it would have messed up their plan instead it makes more sense to think that the killer was hiding in the beach house watching yoko saying whatever you want so it had to be someone that was small enough to do that so it had a bit so much shorter if you don't want to friggin get punched just stand still and let me punch you oh you shut up then click your teeth sorry akane it's not like that hey monokuma can i ask you about something that seems strange to me i believe prince shotoku was from the future a man from the future is always directing the flow of history i'll listen to your story about men from the future some other time as i recall the body discovery announcement is made when three or more people discover a body right called it i called that also included among those three or more people i'm gonna say yes yeah that's true but uh well something like that did i not say that i said that it's supposed to be you don't sound very articulate geez you're pretty annoying for noticing something like that ah i got you madaku sounds like an excuse but the body discovery announcement isn't supposed to be used for deduction it's intended to create a fair trial it's supposed to let everyone know a body has been found so you're saying it's unfortunate that i used induction i understand your excuse but depending on who actually found the body it's possible that your three or more people could be deadly well as long as i keep things ambiguous i can respond to situations with some flexibility flexibility huh so what about this time is it three people including the killer or not it is he's fine fine you want me to say it oh it does it doesn't include the killer this time okay all done okay so we have kazuichi we have uh hiyoko how does it not how does it not include the killer because they killed them of course they would see the body which means three people other than the killer discovered mahiru's body what's wrong with that something someone's hiding it that means it was accomplished nothing i just thought it was somewhat strange more importantly let's get back to our original topic you're the one who went on a tangent um we were just saying the killer was hiding in the surfboard case right and after hiyoko ran away the killer got to enjoy the simple life of destroying evidence however before we proceed any further there's something we have to make clear the killer blocked the roadside door with mahiru's body before hiyoko ran away but what about the blood now that you mentioned that's when the water bottle hasn't been solved yet it's going to be all right if you guys have come this far i'm sure yeah the water bottles let's start the all right i have to figure out a way to say that we only have one bullet with the blood on their body maybe they simply washed it off they couldn't use the shower right washing it off would have been impossible they didn't have to use the shower oh what about the wetsuits in the closet maybe they wore one when they move the body good people know if they use something other than the shower other than the shower they cut it up and loose as someone who flushes their [ __ ] every morning [Music] did they say anything about water bottles what did the killer do with the blood on their butt maybe they simply washed it off they couldn't use the shower right so washing it off would have been impossible oh no there that's it yes got it that was that was easy they just needed to wash off them they would use the water bottles all right i'm just waiting for them to get to that because that's what we know water bottles there you go i see drinks inside the refrigerator uh come on why are you wasting our time we know that's what it was [Music] that's impossible why yeah to remember the refrigerator carefully [Music] they were missing from the top and in the trash can what do you mean why you wasting time trash can yeah okay all right let's get ah come on that's it yes all right [Music] oh yes i always spell that crap noise got i knew it dude all along there were water bottles i feel like that was pointless i'm gonna be honest like how many times do i have to tell you but just make this longer and the killer took all of those water bottles and used them to wash the blood i would have cut that out but you guys want me to leave it in so i'll leave it in the water bottles were gone because they were all used that's a logical fallacy it's not a fallacy there should have been evidence inside the trash can in fact there was like a lot of thrown away plastic water bottles isn't that right oh you're right these bottles look like they may have been filled with water well now that you mentioned when i went to the beach house a few days ago i feel like i drank one of those plastic water bottles you should have said so soon then the plastic water bottles were used in place of the shower with lots of water bottles is such a simple and easy to understand explanation hold on a sec now that i think about it if they soak their entire body with a bunch of plastic water bottles if they did that then that person would be it seems you've realized who the killer is see just as i no way it's not no hold on the obvious choice would have been what's her face but no pekko pekko let me ask who might it's i feel like it wants me to select pekko picco you're the only one is it really her it can't be that simple is it you hey what are you being quiet for is it really using you being the killer then i should ask you this why do you believe i'm the killer i remember when we were all meeting up to go to the she was wet we all know this okay if the killer really did that's too obvious right they'd have to drench their entire body but there were no towels in the beach house and it would have taken a while for the water to fully air dry so you said you went swimming so you'd have a cover story don't just stay silent say something that's just that's just as much of a cover story as it was for freaking akane hold on you bastard you saw her at the diner you never saw her near the beach house right well no but so maybe she really was swimming why is he defending her is that is that her is that his queen saw her swimming yeah no one did i saw her oh he did he was oh he was watching her after i ran into you bastards at the diner i crossed he was spying on her so there's no doubt she would have arrived at the diner from the opposite direction hold on that's strange didn't you just say this earlier it just squinted as i passed by the diner i didn't even pay attention to the beach house oh but he did because she didn't want to admit that he was spying on her you told me you didn't see anyone don't try to tell me you forgot about that not so fast it's too soon to decide she's a killer so he knows because he doesn't want to die so he knows we haven't established how the killer was able to leave the beach house the roadside door was blocked and if it's impossible to leave from the beach side without leaving footprints then how the [ __ ] did the killer escape um why are you all fired up for you hiko you're not the suspect i know who cares about that you got a crush if you have an explanation then show me what you got we might have an answer we don't have an answer to of escaping the that house first let's establish how the car escaped how they escaped are they gonna say that it was the small window in the shower room door facing the beach it could have been that too i see no it was that if the roadside and beachside doors aren't enough well nothing really except that small window in the shower room don't you know how high that window is there's no way pekko could have reached it she might have reached it by riding someone's shoulders but then that person would have been left behind is that possible an object was used a rope for instance and what happened to the rope after they used it and don't say something stupid like you threw it outside of course not that would violate the school oh that's why that's a rule no yeah yeah yeah littering is prohibited there's no way they'd be able to escape from that window no they just have to use an object chiaki don't fall asleep on us we just said they couldn't use an object you did i thought you were saying they couldn't dispose of an object you don't have to throw it away object think about it somewhere on your body was wearing a swimsuit remember where would she even hide an object and if you say she hid in her special place i'll stab you in yours uh wait she has she has the thing she had it on her back is it really pekko okay what is it sword case is it s uh no crap i don't know i'm gonna just try things it's a bee bathing suit bathing suit bathing suit all right that's maybe i'm right is it a m is it m bam what is a bam bam bam bambi boo bamboo bamboo bamboo bamboo sword bamboo sword okay yeah it's pekko holy crap bamboo okay we need another o there it is there it is baby think it my s just disappeared d give me the d please thank you bamboo sword all right i'm good at hangman i'm good at higman hecko you carry that bamboo sword on your back at all i always i said it from the beginning too that she could hide something in there i didn't think it was actually her though you had it then too or is it or is it yeah she did have it that was weird that's a weird thing to have on like the fact that you had a swimsuit on are you saying she used that bamboo sword to escape through the window yeah pekko used that bamboo sword as a step stool and escaped out the window sword has a step stool you see i knew it i knew it was a ninja didn't i tell you a ninja could have climbed that easily you did just know a climbing trick where they lean their sword against a wall and use the hand guard as a step stool i didn't know that just like a japanese ninja [Music] you have anything to say is it really her panic talk action oh okay all right i know what it wants me to do i did not mean to skip that i did i'm just telling you right now i did not mean to skip that i just wanted to skip the tutorial he said hold on a second you're saying she used her sword as a stepsoul and went out the freaking window then what about the sword it would have been left in the shower room and she would well she has a string on it right she wouldn't have been be able to recover it why do you even care is it because he was the accomplice but then how would he get yeah it's it's just how would he get out shut up oh he's i don't know why reading [ __ ] up and answer me if you have an answer then [ __ ] give it to me if she used the bamboo sword as a step stool it would have been left behind why are you oh he's the one i'm okay it bugs me so much that i missed this like how is that possible dude i'm doing good man nevermind i was i was doing good how are you telling me that i'm missing it's impossible you're pissing me if i scream like why i kind of missed it i like i kind of like the first games uh mini game better i think how am i missing them all i'm clicking as soon as they show up i you i play expert guitar here you're saying i'm missing these you're lying pissing me off okay it's the bag that's what i said bam sword bag this is the end this is in if she used her bamboo sword as a step star she could have recovered it with her sword back this is such an odd light against the wall to use as a step like results or whatever but yeah it totally does look like a oh there was there she was up to the window as long as she hauled the bag up toward her she would have been able to recover her bamboo sword i see not just the bamboo sword but even the sword back too she used them both to escape hakane said she's like a ninja but it's nothing as silly as that but only pekko could have performed this feat an escape plan befitting of the ultimate swordswoman i guess that would make sense how disappointing if you'd only let me work with you it would have been an even greater plan oh gosh so he's going to come up with some crazy crap one of these days hold on you're just making assumptions stop simping for her you don't have any proof i won't accept this unless there's proof connie bastard it's fine ah it's her it was that obvious all along okay i said in the beginning [Music] she admitted it just now right she admitted she's mario's killer but we even know in this game that's not enough even if you admit it they still might not be the killer among flowers the cherry blossom among men the samurai i commend your decisiveness very well if you admit it this ends now so who is it my god can it wait until after the voting this is important and it relates to the voting it's about pekko's motive my motive what does it matter you had no connection to the events depicted in twilight syndrome murder case right then why did you kill my hero so it's about that let's see if i must answer that question i must say it was for the sake of justice what justice oh so she just oh she wanted to make sure she paid for it in order to protect the justice of this world what not her too i do not silly my hands to satisfy personal grudges she's the silly she's the serial killer there is i just said cereal kill him so she's the killer then justice is what makes humans human it's a virtue that human beings should be proud of justice is the eternal sun and the enduring moon the protective father and the smiling mother why is she talking like gundam hello earth if justice ever disappeared from this world the world would immediately freeze and people's smiles would vanish i will not allow that let's it's fine just stop it justice must always be there to guide us to shine bright above our heads so maybe he wanted to defend her because he avenged her his sister i'm telling you to stop it so i must fight i must continue to fight to protect justice [Music] oh wow okay gotta say i didn't see that coming but i i did say that it might have been her but it seems too obvious that is pierced by justice the lead star of justice that shines in the night sky that would be me sparkling justin i'm just glad it's not me khan now then let's execute justice [Music] i have come to deliver justice to be an ally of justice clad in her various hero masks she is a serial killer who exclusively targets other criminals she is supposed to be but huh so that's why you're wearing a mask this mask is the dividing line just like various items the sun is revered because it lies just beyond your face looks like she got that mask of burger king this should also be the same seriously i don't get it but but this is becoming really crazy what what the heck is this that goes the killer why is it turning out like this this is turning out to be a surprising turn of events she's asleep now's not the time for you to be sleeping take a look it's a killer this again what's your answer to my previous question why did you kill mahiru this world must always be bathed in the light of justice all right well i will say it must be eliminated [Music] immediately [Music] yes i was able to find the killer's accomplice hiding on this island then the reason you killed my hero justice was course oh i love that stance that's so cool in order to protect justice i have become its merciless sword and executed justice okay well that makes sense i would have never put that together though she's such a stereotypical psychopath but i did say it i did say that she that i think it was her at first i did say that i think pretty sure i did this i'm sure it is i don't think she's just playing i have already forgotten who i am it just shows my determination my determination to protect by throwing away what's most important i'm willing to become anybody to shower this world with justice oh i can't stand this anymore let's just end this force already this we need to end this already the killer in the end there's no mistake that it was kept wall so sometimes the most obvious choice can be the choice crap ah that makes it makes you so angry because i knew it i said this but i overlooked it all right let's get this oh god sorry let's get this let's go all right all right first try first try guys so bam they met up wait they actually met up all right so the killer was looking all right so that we don't have that one yet all right the killer's right there bam are you kidding me look i suspected freaking uh um gundog just because you guys were like talking about skipping his stuff i'm like ah guys you guys all fooled me it goes there here's everything that happened in this case all the first try didn't fail at all the incident began this morning when mahirus spoke to hyoko mahiru most likely played twilight syndrome murder case the video game provided eating the red ones okay she probably wanted to discuss it with someone else who also appeared in the game as a character kyoko accepted mahir's invitation and they promised to have a more detailed conversation about it later however someone else overheard their exchange [Music] that's what she heard she overheard that justice wasn't happening and used their promise to devise a specific murder plan by preparing she could smell the injustice they plan to manipulate the two's actions that item was the letters imagine fake letters i see like a meme or something like that like imagine if the killer actually looked like this like for reals you just have to you just have to like look for the great one where's the great one at the letter mahiru received told her to come to the beach house at 2 30 p.m and the letter hiyoko received told her to come to the beach house at exactly two people by providing different times the killer was able to lure them to the beach house separately hiyoko totally trusted that letter showed up at the beach house at 2pm just like it said and was drugged into unconsciousness by the killer lying see i was wondering why was the time earlier but i didn't realize that she was like that that would have happened after putting heel go to sleep the killer immediately hit her inside the closet so they could frame her as the killer later at 2 30 pm mahiru arrived at the beach she was completely unaware that she had been targeted for murder approaching her from behind the killer struck the defenseless mahiru with a specific weapon the metal bat that was left at the scene of the crime the bat was brought down onto the back of mahiru's head and with that she took her last according to me so sad mahiru died instantly so she probably never knew who killed her with that the killer achieved their goal of killing mahi and began to tamper with the crime scene they dragged mahiru's body so that it blocked the door leading to the road also the mask found at the scene of the crime was something the killer personally left i'm not really sure why my guess is it's something similar to a calling it's like persona but with a mask instead that's how the crime scene we discovered was created however by moving mahiru's body the killer got blood splatter on them plus the shower room had no water because it was out of order so they couldn't wash it off but the killer expected something like that to happen instead of the shower the killer used something else to wash the blood off their body they used plastic water bottles that were inside the beach house refrigerator you know what let me tell you how i would have done it if i was hurt i would have just went out the front door and no instead of walking you know know what i would have done instead of walking to the beach to go wash yourself off i just would have rolled on the sand i would have got down or rolled on the sand into the beach into the water bam you're washed off no one would have had to see no footprints so you just got to think outside the box there's other ways of getting around this just roll no one can no one knows who rolled down to the beach it gives us a badge of that happening see i have all the planets guys carried the bottles to the shower room before the sequence of events had happened no one would catch me they washed the blood off their body with water bottles instead however they had no choice but to dispose of the empty bottles in the beach house's trash can littering is against the rules and it would have taken too much time to throw them away somewhere else after the killer washed off the blood they hid in a specific spot inside the closet kyoko wasn't the killer hid inside the surfboard case that they had already emptied before him i did not expect a surfboard case the sleeping drug used on yoga wore off and she woke up i can imagine how badly hiyoko must have panicked when she came out of the closet i mean she made plans to see mario who lay dead right in front of her from the shock and panic of being considered a murder suspect kyoko fled from the beach house because of that she left footprints in the sand everything was a trap set by the killer to frame her after hiyoko left the killer finally came out of the surfboard case and placed it she placed the evidence to shift our suspicion but she had no idea about the color placing that gummy is what helped clear our suspicion toward hyogo the killer began preparing to escape from the beach house they couldn't risk leaving their footprints in the sand so they escaped the beach house using a different route the small window in the shower however that window is rather high up and can't be reached easily which is why the killer used see i didn't guess her sword like the bamboo i should have known that she would step on the sword of course the killer took the bamboo sword out of its back tied the bag to the sword's handle and used the sword as a step stool to reach the small window as long as they're able to reach the window all they had to do was pull the bag to retrieve the sword and so the killer left the beach house and appeared before us as if nothing had happened but their wet hair and swimsuit didn't dry right away there also weren't any towels at the beach house so when the killer met up with us they said they had been swimming for a while as an excuse so how about it this is the truth behind the incident you caused isn't it right i like this picture i got you i knew you all along i was just fooling you all [Music] totally cool with it i haven't done anything to be ashamed yes justice i punished evil in the name of justice that's no reason to condemn me whatever let's hurry up and vote we can freaking kill this weird crazy fish there's no way you can oh she gonna like revolt that's what i want to see never be killed you should all know that as well what are you saying to protect what's most important to you you must be prepared to throw away something equally important understand to keep me alive you all must give up your life what are you serious it's not serious it's justified who will come back the evils of this world all right bye-bye you're your hearts of dead that reside within you all and save my life to protect justice okay sure carry on justice give me a break who's gonna die for you yeah if we let we're all gonna get killed for the sake of grand justice a few sacrifices like the emojis every time she talks [Music] the justice that you give your life to protect will never go to waste i can't stand her anymore let's vote already and execute her um however before we do that the vote hurry up and let us vote i've heard your story well i wasn't listening but who care now then please pull the lever in front gladly gladly gladly let's do it i just think there's more that uh yakuza boy wasn't saying any like like why he cared so much i think it is because of his sister she in in the end you know she really did get avenged so damn that was a long one can we please have a little more time are you kidding me can we have a little bit more time please let us continue our discussion it's her though discussion but isn't the voting over yes but i cannot help but feel strange something about this is definitely strange strange what do you mean there's no doubt that pekko is the killer that is true but as a serial killer enthusiast you're wondering if petco is really sparkling justice am i right hey sonya isn't a serial killer enthusiast she just has a little more passion about them than most wait is that why he was saying not her he was trying to say oh it's not her it's not her was she brainwashed into doing this bite oh that makes her an enthusiast honestly it felt strange to me too there's a distinct difference between what we know about sparkling justice right you know sonia described sparkling justice like this justice complete the center of justice that is pierced by justice the lead [Music] okay i remember that the article was written in their native language so i tried translating i see so that's what it was i think we got the difference between the serial killer and peko pekko nationality i see but that's right according to what sonia said the article was written in their native language so i tried to calculate it who else has spoken another language that means it wasn't written in english right yes the magazine i read was written in spanish spanish wait a minute so sparkling justice's catchphrase was no doubt written in spanish as well which means the journalist and sparkling justice from spain when i first heard about those serial killers genocide jack and sparkling justice i just assumed both serial killers were from the same country but that wasn't the case if so you're not sparkling justice there's no way that's possible you insist that you're sparkling justice can you try saying that catchphrase in spanish would you be able to do that do you speak spanish the time has come for this mask to come off who is it however that's perfectly fine it's no longer necessary and even if you find out now it's too late for you all to do anything about it oh it's her my duty has already been finished my duty as a tool has already been completed in full am i the only one not following uh-huh looks like she's back to normal that mask has fulfilled its purpose just as i am what do you mean fulfilled its purpose too late what are you getting at now that you've already cast your votes is what it means they didn't cast us though hey be clearer we're asking you what your purpose was i have no purpose [Music] another person no someone else there is proof that establishes that fact try to remember it proof that someone else was at the scene of the crime the body yeah yeah the body discovery announcement i see i am not following at all there's too many twists i can't follow this i mean he did he did say it yep that announcement is made when it and in this particular case the killer pekko is not one of those three if that's the case it would mean only hiyoko and kazuichi discovered the body that leaves us but person short so that means there was one more person in the beach house and where were they hiding now plus the fact that monokuma tried to hide that truth from us by being flexible with his own rule that's such a vital clue that it could alter the outcome of the trial like an accomplice for example no that's not it huh am i wrong yes from your basic way of thinking about it you are wrong didn't i tell you i'm just a tool [Music] therefore that person would have the strongest motive out of anybody else here right i don't know i don't know i mean did his hamster see it uh i mean if they're from spain like i i don't i don't know i mean he found but uh the person with the strongest motive oh i'm so stupid obviously it's freaking him does he speak spanish he's part of the yakuza though now i finally see the connection the connection between the motive and the incident but even if it's the motive it's just a game right there's no reason to believe it's even true would you call a game like that a strong motive no the events that occurred in the game should have definitely occurred in real life there's overwhelming proof of that too okay so it's gotta be her right i can prove it with this i didn't think it was necessary to confirm it if it didn't have anything to do with mahulu's murder there's no doubt that game is based on actual events that much is clear if you saw the ending prize photos awarded for beating the game are not actual in-game screenshots they're all actual photos with the surrounding scenery cropped out you knew all along for yuhiko didn't you you knew whether or not the first victim in the game was actually your little sister she did because whoever beat the game first received the ending prize [Music] hey what's the envelope what's inside oh my god i forgot that he did that i remember that i forgot that he had the envelope and he was like oh don't worry about it it was the envelope right the person who received the ending cries it was you wasn't it if you were shown a photograph of your sister's dead body you'd have no choice but to believe what is he the one that killed it or even so you wanted to deny the truth that's why you sent those photos to my hero to confirm it hey why are we talking about who cares taco is the killer right so they did vote we did vote so why is she listening to him [Music] so she did kill him though but she was used what the hell i see that's what you were aiming for all along no i have no way but my young master does my young master planned this from the start young master that is the truth of this case i'm sure you realize it by now but it's too late you cannot undo the vote that's a problem allegation holds up that means our vote was incorrect in that case the person who gets to live is no and do i actually have repercussions for voting it still sounds like she's the one that did it [Music] [Music] they're not all gonna die we all know that's not gonna happen you can't fool me but this is interesting uh barry the most confusing trial we've ever i've ever had i i just i got a c i should have got f it's like no wait i was right no i was wrong i was right no i was is i guess for now let's take a quick ring oh shut up no come on get on with this the trials are long enough so the one okay he's gonna say it hold on a second sorry oh wait so sorry i'm be i'm just hesitating there's no need to hesitate no matter how you look at it pekko is the killer why why well that's obvious you're you're not a toy you're a freaking human being if i'm a human then i'm not a tool if that's what you're saying you're wrong because you just is she a robot people such as myself only exist to be tools what does that mean puehko pekko and i grew up together um are you two childhood friends in no no it's completely different than that right after i was born and abandoned by my parents the cruz the kuzuru plan took me in they gave me a reason to exist i am to fulfill my duty as my young master's property what property you say it means she's a hitman arranged by my clan to work directly under me if my young master is attacked ah that's kind of cute though if he intends to kill i must be his sword but he felt bad this is my only reason for living before i am here that's some cute crap up there my young master's tool first and foremost until this body of mine can no longer move i shall fulfill my duty until the very end this is some naruto haku's zabuza stuff going on because if you are a tool then what was that all the time what was all the time we spent together nothing i was ordered by my young master to behave just as i was ordered to interact with you all what our professional relationship doesn't exist on this island we're just fellow high school students now right after we arrive in this island that is what my young master ordered me to do why is it that you were hiding your relationship you mean no it's not as if that started the moment we arrived on this island before that my young master has always told me to hide a relationship my young master loves relying on his household's power he even hates me the tool given to him by his household i am nothing no matter what i am told i am nothing but a tool for killing if my young master intends to kill it's only natural for me to access this tool then the one who tried to kill my hero wasn't you it was hiko damn it it is what it is when i thought i beat the game i was suddenly given these photographs damn it i don't understand why is my sister in these photos she's and she's covered in blood what does it mean why can't i remember it how come i don't even know if my sister is dead you you try to confirm it with my hero and that's why you wanted to talk to her yeah i sent her the photo because i want to make sure she respond and she never replied back to me not only that she started avoiding me too i'm pretty sure my hero was confused too i mean we all were before anyone played the game we didn't even know this incident had happened that's why even if we were told we were connected to it there's no way we could accept it you know when my heroes spoke to ibuki she mentioned something about this [Music] sorry to actually have plans to go to the beach with it everyone my mom wait so you're not going to go my hero if you want to talk about it it'll be totally fine yeah she didn't want to go obviously i need to make amends i would but i don't even know how are you serious well she felt bad it's fine it's important that everyone gets along anyway just tell them i'm not feeling well plus it doesn't have to be today there's always tomorrow but there wasn't oh she wanted to discuss how to make amends but hiyoko was the only one who accepted her invitation i should have gone too but it was rather convenient for you wasn't it fuyuko if you can make use of the plan to meet each other alone you could easily lure mahiro into a trap right by calling both of them to the beach house you were able to pin the blame on hiyoko seriously what the heck an eye for an eye that's the world i live in my little sister was murdered if the reason that happened was because of some person here i have no choice but to kill that person on my sister's behalf right so and so so who freaking did the killing then it was her wasn't it i wanted to use a bat as a murder weapon because in the game that's what was used to kill girl e for revenge so it's like i was right about everything and also wrong about everything even if it ruined my disguise it was the only thing i could do to avenge my sister so that's why you killed my hero at the bat but still i believed her until the very last minute that the game was just a work of fiction even so that hey if that game is actually real are you the one who killed a girl e why you hey i don't want to hear about that the fact that your sister was killed is terrible it's unfortunate but you should have killed that you shouldn't have killed that girl shut the hell up who cares about that just answer me what do you know about that game what are you saying you had no right to do that nobody has the right to judge others for their crimes revenge is just wrong she did say that before want me to be honest this whole time i was acting like a coward even after i called over my hero i was still trying to find an excuse not to go through with the plan but after all she said that to me that all went out the window i got really mad and grabbed the metal bat that i hid under the bench but at that moment young master called for me and made me kill my hero huh young master so she did oh my god just say say it guys how she did it you're saying that you killed because you were ordered to a total is not defined i get it she's totally i don't get this at all of course because humans are completely different from one another uh everyone's birthplace upbringing is different it's obviously impossible for them to understand each other so everyone just pretends to understand and pretend not to be understood you're too annoying can you just be quiet okey-dokey i'll be quiet afterwards just as my young master plant i proceeded to tamper with the seed of the crime however i also get through the possibility of being found out so in order to get you guys to make the wrong choice i decided to make use of that serial killer story you insisted that you were sparkly justice in order to make us hasten our votes so we fell for it we fell for the trick after all that's right you guys have made the wrong decision no we didn't he even though he was the one that wanted to do it she's the one that went through it wrong wait don't act like our loss hasn't been decided yet no it should be decided already isn't that right monokuma i'll admit i'll just talk about pekka being a tool sounds pretty persuasive when you approach it from various angles it makes sense that fujiko is actually the true killer hold on i'm telling you to hold on i see so propeco fujigo himself is the true hope then on his behalf you killed my hero and now you're trying to sacrifice us to protect them great you would only go that far because he's your one and only hope wrong i have no hope i am just a tool well even if we ask her she'll probably just play dumb anyway so i'm going to ask everyone else hey fuyuhiko what do you think about what hey is becca just a tool to you you using that tool surviving by sacrificing pekko and the rest of us is that your hope hold on hold on what's the use of asking something like that we're not all gonna die guys let's just come on you seem distressed the mirror tool doesn't panic like that right pekko be honest are you trying to protect before you hiko up your own free will can you tell me the truth the fact that she killed you on your behalf the fact that you lied to us by acting like the killer are those all things you ordered her to do is that the truth i um yeah i know you hate our guts but if you listen to pekko we're all gonna die yeah i i young master you just have to tell the truth i was only following your orders you have to tell them that you mentioned this before but in this kind of situation interacting with others will just shorten your lifespan those idiots biakia and teddy rutter are proof of that plus it'd be frustrating to be held back by affection when it's my time to kill you you're still saying that of course i'll sacrifice the lives of anyone here if it guarantees my survival you don't really feel that way right you're not that kind of person because if you were you wouldn't be hesitating like you are now young master there's no need to hesitate young master please just tell them the truth young master you were the one who ordered me i just did as i was told because i'm a tool well yahiko this could be considered your ultimate choice regardless either way you'll still lose pekko but if you insist you're the killer just as she said you can sacrifice us to survive alone or would you rather reject pekko and fight alongside us against despair which one will you be your hope let's hear what you have to say young master i am finished you what the hell did you do you already know right what's going to happen after you kill someone i did it because i know there is no way i can let that happen to you yeah so we didn't pick wrong then pekka do you remember what i told you when we first arrived on this island our professional relationship doesn't exist on this island we're just fellow high school students now you need to run got it just let me take the fall so you can get away your master that is impossible shut up i'm ordering you not to worry about me there is no way i cannot worry about you i am my young master's tool a tool to protect my young master so he actually wanted to sacrifice himself i gotta say i mean didn't see that coming from him he was been a jerk this entire game the tool serves so he did care about his toy god damn it we are done with that crap why won't you listen to what i'm saying regardless i will not flee besides i'm fairly certain they'll discover the truth soon enough then why did you i have a plan huh a plan please do not worry i promise i will keep my young master alive and return him safely home well what plan if she would have like pinned it on someone else like she was trying to do it just doesn't make any sense but she would have died anyway they all would have died you idiot what do you intend to do i intend to fulfill my duty as your tool now please go hyoko will be waking up soon after you leave i must block the door to the road with mahi's body hurry damn it you better run away got it just forget about me forget about the kuzuru clan you better escape and so how about if you hiko please tell me the truth sorry i'm sorry pekko i guess i couldn't go through with it after all because if that's actually what i have to do to survive i feel ashamed of myself i mean i can't live without depending on something i just will discuss it with myself and if i admit that it means you really are just a tool to me however many times did i tell you i didn't want a tool given to me by the kuzu plan oh this is how it turned out and here i thought i'd be more brutal heartless man how disappointing which means everything happened thanks to her meddlesome actions there's no way a human that meddlesome could ever be considered a tool hey monokuma you knew all along didn't you you knew about how petco for you he could discuss well it's obvious now i mean that's why you have surveillance cameras you were just having fun huh so he all knew he knew the entire time you're actually the first to try to influence the outcome of the trial like that but too bad you're definitely the killer peko the tool with the heart is the killer sorry i'm sorry i couldn't fulfill your request even though you did all that to provide me the chance to survive but i i have a feeling this would turn out like this young master you have a kind heart despite being a yakuza that's why you question your position and constantly worry about it for you to sacrifice someone else just to escape by yourself i believe you wouldn't accept that so easily we've been together ever since we were children even a tool would understand that then why even so even so i wanted you to escape i wanted to protect you i am terribly sorry i will not be able to serve by your side until the very end young master it's just like naruto and i'm sorry for what i've done to you all too it may be a selfish request but please forgive my young master please and please do not cause senseless killing such as this ever again of course gekko that will do monaco that'll do i will never feel despair as long as i'm a toy i'm fully prepared to die so cool but will you be able to maintain that composure until the very end people who act as proud as you always shed tears of despair the end let's begin are you just talking about uh celeste please permit me to make one final selfish request how didn't i tell you not to call me young master the tool pekko pakiyama used to stand beside you i would like it if you remember that that's it how many times you have to keep i don't need any tools you did say that then let's begin the punishment why don't you get it yet thrills chills kills this time for the ultimate swordsman peko pekoyama you stayed by my side all this time why don't you get it i prepared a very special punishment i always do that i i never needed a sword or a shield i never needed a tool so [Music] you didn't need to become a tool let's give it everything we've got you just you just needed to be yourself so he intended to kill all line i never wanted a tool i just wanted you only you your master why why couldn't you understand we've always been together ever since we were kids let's go it's punishment time please echo don't go where's she gonna go like what's she gonna do don't leave me oh master young man no i can't this isn't fair she's going to be crying once she dies even though i was confused the whole time that ending was pretty pretty emotional that was pretty good another one of these how is she gonna die what's up with the resolution on this okay that's better what the heck one woman army oh oh no [ __ ] are those little monokuma samurai is he trying to save her i didn't know he can interfere like that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa did she just slice him wait a minute is he dead did she just kill him this can i be even before you hicco this shouldn't be allowed people dying so easily falling like dominoes what is this this can't be this is a lie right that go for your hicco even though i didn't care about you for heaven's sake this is just the worst what a waste i okay i didn't know anyone could interfere during the trials okay this is why she should have just discussed it with me it was supposed to be a clash between two hopes but it was crushed into something so unpalatable you were still talking about that the heck's wrong with you aren't you pissed that two of your friends got killed i am and i even feel sad and hopeless but still it's going to be all right despair is worthless even this despair is just a letter to somebody throw him off a clip already man the higher the ladder the brighter we can shine that's the unmistakable truth he's known for the jungkook he just talks about hope calling me a ladder how'd you say some pretty interesting things in a way our misguided thoughts of what hope should be reminded me of him i don't really understand what you're saying be careful anyway i shall make a declarat declaration we will definitely destroy you the hopes of all the ultimates here will definitely completely utterly destroy you there won't even be a strand of cotton left when we're done with you that's your future how much longer are you planning to say just such stupid things don't you understand even if you hiko died you know not yet he's still alive twists are everywhere everyone he's still alive serious i mean his eye got slashed but he was yeah i can see how he's not dead oh my god is he gonna be okay do something hey you need to save him can't you can't you do anything about it god damn it come on mommy do something serves him right were you filled with hope at the thought of saving her yourself that's why you ended up like that why are you still laid back about it you need to hurt up and save him a surprise order why do i have to burn my precious calories just to save some yakuza scum it's your duty to save him duty because it's written in the school trip rules what if the black end is exposed during the trial they alone oh okay well if i could i would do something about it right now but since my magic stick was taken away i practically found this but you should be able to do it jeez i guess i have no choice well there's no way i could violate a rule even if it's me fine then i'll save him really dang i wonder how he's gonna act after this huh prepared oh he has a it gradually grew closer just leave the rest to me dr kilgood okay dr kilgood you've already killed your patient we gotta get this patient to the monokuma hospital er and get him under 24 hour observation stats so i'll see you later so he's saved and after he said that the ambulance is containing a monokuma and fujiko vanished from our site is this really going to be okay to leave this to matakumba it can't be helped it's not like we're it's not like there was any other way he's gonna be fine he's probably gonna get better and come back to us again you're right he's definitely gonna come back and talk a lot of smack if nothing happened or as if nothing happened then all we could do is wait why do we have to wait for him i mean he caused my hero's death you know however however we must put that aside since pekko has already been punished or else we will not be able to advance forward fall there are no second chances in life we cannot return to what has already been transpired there is no other way to move forward like an arrow of light piercing through the darkness i guess things aren't exciting things aren't as exciting if we crap stir like kim made around or if a craps you get the point i didn't realize it but i was wishing for that too from the bottom of my heart i really wanted him to return well of course after witnessing that yeah anyone would i don't want anyone else to be a sacrifice is it finally over is there a more twist does godzilla gonna come crashing through the building and so the trial ended but we could still see the real but we still can't see the real ending that we really want when that finally arrives what will have happened to us by then no matter where i look no matter where what possibilities i look for i can't see our future not even a speck was that going down again [Music] so why does the timer go down every time that happens you guys can see it right you can see this countdown too yeah four people are already gone we took our time preparing the hope fragments but now we're no longer able to gather them honestly i'm not so sure anymore whether it's better if you let them leave this island or if we shouldn't let them escape for those kids which option is hope and which is despair good i guess there's no time to hesitate if this countdown reaches zero that i will probably take over our plans final stage as well that guy on that is the foul resurrection of the ultimate despair continuation of the biggest most tragic event in human history that cannot be allowed we must prevent that by any means necessary what are you gonna do send your diaper being tied up like you always do you have to pay the ultimate price i will definitely prevent it by any means everything is for the sake of a future filled with hope it's finally over [Music] 14 no 13 no not 12 12 surviving students really 12 okay to be continued guys if you made it this far i want to say thank you uh smash life for more i'm gonna freaking get out of here uh because i got things to do because yeah but twist on top of twist all right love you guys uh smash 30k likes and i'll see scrubs in the next one bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 536,038
Rating: 4.9747753 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 7, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, danganronpa 2 class trial 1, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 class trial, teruteru danganronpa, danganronpa 2 class trial 2, class trial 2
Id: X6QTrX-cp3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 10sec (8230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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