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hey guys we be news here so today I'm going to be doing a video on the unused executions of DARPA one I decided to split it up into two videos instead of putting it in just like one topless because I wanted to talk about all of them since I'm sure there's some of you out there that haven't seen all of them yet and I wanted to make it into a top list because well top lists are fun in my opinion at least so with that being said I will be talking about all of the unused executions of the darn but one characters and I'll be ordering them in my personal preference one being my favorite and ten of course being my least favorite although I will say I don't really dislike any of these there's just some of them I find like a bit odd somatically also with ordering these some are based on more like analytical or deep reasons and others are just like completely my personal preference I will try to add something a value with each number but a lot of this really is just my opinion so keep that in mind and as always feel free to list your favorites in the comments section below as well but without further ado let's go ahead and begin so as some of you guys may know the onions executions are basically alternate or what-if situations these execution summaries are included in the DARPA fan books and although there is no official art for these executions the popular pixiv user or EMA has done their own renditions for a majority of these executions which I'll be using in the video if you would like to check out the rest of their work I will link their pics of account in the description below but let's go ahead and move on into the list number 9 on this list is Yamada's execution and it can be noted that his execution is the only one that's not in the game that still has an official art source which is from the DARPA one demo manga the demo manga mirrors the actual demo of the first game in the way that hagakure is the first victim but of course the manga you actually get a blackened and it so happens to be Yamada it's called watch out buco great monster invasion the execution is described as a gigantic princess bucco comes flying to a place where enormous monokuma is rioting at both start fighting Yamada who is stuck between them is being hit from both sides at the end he dies when being hit by a certain kill beam from both simultaneously like I said before I don't really dislike any of the executions there's just some of them like this one that I find a bit odd or I'm not super crazy about compared to a lot of the others I've never been a very big fan of Yamada though so I'm probably biased by putting this as the last one but I felt like Leon's execution was a way better way to kick off the game and emphasize the severity of the killing game in the situation that they're all in so I'm really happy that Leon was the first executed and not Yamada just because I feel like this execution wouldn't have been nearly as impactful and I don't think I would have been nearly as excited for the game when I saw it as I was when I saw Leon's execution next up on the list is Sakura's execution and it is called a sighting match of the whole galaxy Sakura is standing in a wasteland an army of aliens appear and surround her manipulating the atmosphere even though Sakura successfully defeats them one after the other the enemies don't stop appearing eventually it becomes too cramped and she dies by the pressure of being buried in their bodies so if you keep up with my channel you probably know that I really really love Sakura honestly honestly really think she should have been a survivor over hagakure and the low placement on this list has nothing to do with me disliking her as a character I really don't have much of an opinion on the execution I just kind of find the alien part to be a bit odd thematically the whole scenario reminds me a lot of pekka's execution in a way that we could see her martial art skills really in action which I think it would be really cool to see that again because we get a small glimpse of it in the game and in darfur one the animation especially since you get to see a little bit more of a fight sequence but since she would be taking on a whole army I feel like we could really see her skills and this and it would be really interesting again the only downside is not really sure I understand the alien choice or the her being buried alive choice I sort of assumed that she would get an execution that would match maybe more so about Kenshiro or her face or something that just more obviously relates to her past but that's just my opinion on it next up is to Gummy's execution the title is human disqualification pyaar kiya would have been dropped in a garbage can which would fall into a place that looks like hell monokuma dressed like an elementary student would repeatedly throw stones at him for supposedly being a dirty hobo tegami would try to escape but he would have come out in a cold and snowy place and eventually died from his wounds and hypothermia but I actually do like this execution because I do feel like it has more symbolism regarding his character than some of the other ones although I don't remember anything about elementary school being very important in tegami 'z life or regarding his past unless I'm wrong feel free to correct me if I am but I do think the part about the dirty hobo could probably refer to his fear of being a failure since in his free time events he does mention that in his family the head of the family actually couples with several different women and creates many different airs all with different mothers and that these heirs have to battle in order to become the successor he states that they were 15 at the time of his battle and that if you don't become the winner of this then that you were exiled from the family and that this outcome is just as bad as facing death so to me in this execution showing hell and him being a hobo there could symbolize the outcome of him potentially losing that battle and being exiled from his family and how essentially being this hobo or this failure in his eyes is equal to death or I could be entirely overthinking this whole thing but that's what I got out of it next up is asahina's and her execution is called water illusion show Asahina is put in a water tank from above monokuma dressed as a magician appears and waves his staff the curtain falls raising again with a drumroll many sharks can be seen in the tank surrounding Asahina once again monokuma waves his staff and the curtain falls as a drum rolls and the curtain rises she isn't in the tank anymore because she had been eaten by sharks I like this execution as well and honestly I don't have like a whole lot to say about it I think it is a really good execution based off of the theme of her talent and I feel like I have sort of a bias to prefer the executions that are a bit more realistic and I know none of them are really realistic realistic but more realistic compared to owada his execution where he got turned into butter so I prefer it more so because of that as well next up is Yasuhiro haka craze execution which is called quiz time I heard there's a chance of 30% hagakure is a contestant on a quiz show set before him there are three doors labeled a B and C there is a 1 and 3 probability that one is an execution hagakure tries to enter the a door the door grows hands and feet and escapes P does the same thing the only door left is C he isn't willing and a mouse appears on the door and eats him I really like this execution as well but similarly to the Asahina one I don't have like too much to say about it I honestly just really liked how the execution mirrored has talent in the way that he has a 30 percent correction rate while in this he has a 30 percent chance of running into an execution so I honestly just thought that aspect of it was really cool and creative next up is to hear a Fujisaki unused execution which is super Fujisaki Bros it's described as Fujisaki is put inside an 8-bit side-scrolling game a group of huge pixelated monokuma would appear behind him as he tries to run eventually they would catch up to him causing Fujisaki sprite to pop out of existence honestly I really love this execution and although I am usually more biased towards the realistic ones I still just absolutely adore this one I love the Super Mario Bros reference and I just felt like overall this would have been a really creative and cool execution to see in full animated action although I am really happy that Fujisaki never actually killed anyone because he's just so sweet I couldn't even imagine it next up is Foucault his execution and it is called first kiss prank toko is thrown into complete darkness in the distance byakuya can be seen so she begins to run towards him suddenly a huge roller appears between the two of them though toko tries desperately to escape the roller catches up with her and presses her paper-thin killing her I've always really loved this execution and I think the imagery is really cool and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like a vision of byakuya or if it's actually supposed to be him but I like to imagine it's actually him watching from the sidelines as she's going through the execution and that if this was to happen you would see that wall between the remaining survivors and the blackens sort of break when playing the game to me it always felt like the executions were sort of like this separate entity from the rest of the story so so I always really loved seeing the other characters reactions to the execution or seeing interactions with the other characters in the execution because it made it feel all the more real to me and I really liked this execution because I could really see that sort of wall breaking and these types of interactions happening with her and Takami and honestly the rest of the characters reactions to it as well number two on this list is my Z Noah's execution her execution is called Sayaka my xenos final performance it's described Sayaka is placed on a stage with the form of a giant bear trap along its edge she's required to sing in order to fill the score meter until it's full however just as the meter is about to reach the highest score monokuma destroys it triggering the failure condition this causes the giant bear trap to slam shut killing maizena instantly I just think the imagery is really cool in it and the struggle you can imagine as my ZnO tries to sing for her life would have been a really creepy and honestly kind of cool to see in my opinion and to see her killed as the star she had worked so hard to become is very fitting for her and I think it could be very emotionally impactful as well and the number one execution on this list is kiyotaka Ishi Mario's execution which is called prime-minister kiyotaka issue Mario's inaugural parade kiya taka sits on a vehicle and answers people's cheers in the middle of a huge gorgeous parade the crowd has posters that says things such as hooray for Prime Minister issue Mario in the next monokuma pops up resembling Gago 13 a fictional assassin and kills him with a shot through the heart this execution is definitely by far my favorite out of the unused ones from the first game and although I do love this execution I'm very happy that issue Morrow never actually killed anyone I really can't imagine him being a killer unless it was an accident or a setup and honestly if that happened it would have broken my heart so I'm really happy it didn't happen but with all that aside I really do love this unused execution and the main thing I love about this is how closely it relates to his free time events and how it highlights his insecurities before his death so in issue Marius free time events he talks about how he believes one must work hard to accomplish goals and that being called a genius isn't unsold because he's believes that they are lazy people that don't deserve what they get mostly because his grandfather who was called a genius was at one point the Prime Minister of Japan but he was also caught in a huge scandal that shamed and cost his family a ton of money to this very day so Singh Ishimura get executed in a way that resembles the life of his grandfather who he is very offended by and is very offended to be called a genius or anything resembling his grandfather and whose mistakes are the prime reason as to why he acts the way he does was really impactful and a really good creative choice also this execution actually has a full fan animated version to it as well so if you would like to watch that version I will link it down below but that will conclude the video I hope you guys enjoyed I'm sorry it took so long to get out I had a lot of technical difficulties while trying to make this video was also moving into my new apartment while making it and I think that sort of halted it a good bit thank you for your patience I appreciate it I am sort of more settled now into my own place and my schedule is a lot better this month and it has been like for the past six months so I'm hoping that means I'll be able to upload more to the channel and do live streams again as well and post more than three videos a month but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed feel free to leave your favorite unused executions and the comments section below and I will see you guys real soon subscribe to read the news for more hope-filled videos [Music]
Channel: Weeby Newz
Views: 1,931,402
Rating: 4.9067116 out of 5
Id: 8KD2N8ayva8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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