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in Naruto it seems that one of the most common words that we hear is forbidden Jutsu also known as kinjutsu these forbidden jutsus though they're supposed to be forbidden seem to be everywhere in fact in the show we know of over 30 forbidden Jutsu so if these forbidden Jutsu are so forbidden what makes them forbidden and more importantly what amongst them is the strongest see we've already identified that there's a myriad of different forbidden techniques but today we're going to be exploring what the top 15 strongest forbidden Jutsu are before we get into ranking anything guys please or me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and while you guys are click clacking away go ahead and follow my other YouTube page the weeb commander or instead of talking about Naruto I talk about anime like bleach in one piece and avatar The Last Airbender fire force mob psycho 100. before we get into all that guys today I want to talk about a brand new sponsor to the page into the 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so forbidden jutsus one of the more confusing terms in Naruto I mean what makes these jutsus forbidden and why when people use these forbidden jutsus are they not really fun finished at all you see we've done a video explaining every single forbidden Jutsu in the entirety of Naruto however today I want to focus on the strength of these individual forbidden jutsus and find out for sure which is the strongest but before we get to chatting about which is the strongest I do briefly want to cover what makes a forbidden Jutsu a forbidden jute and for that we have to talk about the six ways that ajutsu becomes forbidden the first way that ajutsu becomes forbidden is if it endangers the user like twin Snakes Mutual death technique the reverse load is a Reaper death seal the second way that ajutsu becomes forbidden is if it requires an insane amount of chakra to use like the multi-shadow Clone Jutsu the Third Way that ajutsu becomes forbidden is if it violates the laws of nature this is why Edo Tensai is a forbidden jutu because it brings the dead back to life the fourth way that ajutsu becomes forbidden is if it requires one's own life or a sacrifice to use I've already lied once in this video reprodezio was not a forbidden Jutsu for the first reason it's a forbidden Jutsu for the fourth reason because of this things like one's own life Jutsu Edo Tensai and Reaper death seal are all forbidden Jutsu the fifth reason is specific to the uchihas the uchihas stated that if a Jutsu requires the destruction or the blinding of a Sharingan that it is a forbidden Jutsu this is why izanami and Izanagi are forbidden jutsus and lastly the last reason that ajutsu becomes a forbidden Jutsu is If it creates a massive amount of Destruction upon use this is why techniques like the filler technique Fury are not allowed the thing is it doesn't really even matter if you use a forbidden Jutsu Toby Rama created three of them Tsunade and Sakura constantly used one of them Naruto uses two of them Sasuke used one of them almost for the entire duration of the show and all of them are now in positions of power and basically never had to apologize or see any kind of consequences for using these forbidden jutsus so forbidden is just kind of a word that they decide to slap in front of Jutsu to make everybody feel better like it's locked away when in reality it's a couple of hand signs away at any given moment now that we have a basic understanding of forbidden jutsus in what makes them forbidden and what happens if we use them let's get cracking on this list mind you today we're talking about the top 15 strongest kinjutsu so a lot of forbidden Jutsu will not make this list genuinely when you think about it we've actually probably seen an equal amount of forbidden Jutsu as regular Jutsu used throughout the duration that's not true that's not true at all actually delete that clip but I'm not going to I want you to understand how dumb I am sometimes all right moving on from that let's get to number 15 on this list data is forbidden Jutsu also known as the hidden Stones forbidden Jutsu technically this forbidden Jutsu doesn't have a name it's just referred to as the hidden stones kinjutsu and while a lot of people might think that this for benjutu is insanely powerful because it's what powered up datera I mean it is and also it isn't see daedra's Power is basically split into two relatively equal halves he has his ability to knead his chakra into materials he uses clay and his explosion release kekkei genkai however if you take away the explosion release kkken Kai this ability gets a lot weaker essentially the way this kinjutsu works I'm not even necessarily sure why it's a kinjutsu maybe because you can feed materials to your chest hole and it creates a massive explosion and it kills you or maybe because it goes against the laws of nature this kinjutsu essentially allows the user to knead their chakra into materials and upon needing chakra into these materials those materials can then be formed into something with a shape and controlled we saw data would do this with spiders and dragons and kind of bipedal Monsters And while I promise that's really cool because you could make an army of rock goblins or clay spiders or even a clay dragon to fly around on think about data visibility if at the end they didn't explode it would still be cool and relatively powerful but it would also kind of just be a clay Army even things like data or C4 that creates nano-sized particles that can be inhaled and then exploded from the inside would kind of just be Nano sized clay particles running through your blood which is probably not your artery system but it's not training ryuichi cave also have the ability to feed their chakra into the surroundings and animate it and this doesn't require feeding materials to a hand mouth chewing it up and giving it form snakes ages who trained and reach a cave can quite literally just feed chakra into the ground and create massive Rock Golems so this is unfortunately the inferior version of controlling your surroundings with your chakra and for that it gets the 15th spot that being said though if you thought this kinjutsu was tedious to pull off the next is a lot more tedious because the next technique is called jar of poison this technique was used by Shino abarame donso's right-hand man who was one of the most talented abarame in abarama Clan history I'm sorry it was used by tarune abarami I'm all over the map today Darude pulled off this kinjutsu by collecting corpses he killed with his ring kaichu the rinkaichu being a bug that only the most talented abarames are able to use it's a nano-sized venomous insect that covers the skin of the abarama user who's able to use them and as their skin becomes covered in this rinkai chew anybody who comes into contact with said skin will have wherever they touched this user of the rinkai choose cells begin to destroy themselves essentially any contact with this operame clan member will have your body start to Decay but it's not just the places that came into contact with the operame as the bugs begin to spread looking for more living cells if hypothetically tarune is able to kill enough people with this technique he can Gap other all of their corpses and after Gathering all of these corpses he puts them in a mound together tarune then places a seal over this mountain of corpses and as the corpses Decay they release gas this gas builds up under the seal and all of the rinkai's shoe multiply as they breed on these mountain of corpses what's enough gas has been created to ruin a lights the gas and explodes the mountain of corpses which releases a horde of rinkai chew who effectively operate as a poisonous Cloud anybody who comes into contact with this poisonous cloud has the effects of The rinkai Chew affected to them without ever touching an operamic so essentially the second This Cloud hits you it's Gigi's only problem is it does take like a thousand corpses not kidding the one time we saw tarune pull it off it was quite literally like a mass grave and then after the poisonous cloud is made it's not like if your allies touch it they'll be all right anybody who touches the poisonous cloud is gone so yeah it's forbidden you can't even sacrifice one person for a Jutsu let alone in a small army and even though this technique is incredibly powerful the fact that you quite literally need to kill about a thousand people build a barrier wait for the gas to build up then ignite that gas to direct the poisonous clouded people it's a lot of work so yeah you are a poison number 14. and while you might be comfortable with that selection you're most likely not going to be comfortable with this one because coming up next at number 13 we have the multi-shadow Clone Jutsu Nick how could you put the body shot to go to solo Naruto uses it to basically beat the entire world I'm sorry I know you don't sound like that but here's the thing when we consider the strength of a Jutsu specifically a kinjutsu we can't really use Naruto as the watermark yeah of course multi-shadow clone Jutsu is powerful in Naruto's hands he has like infinite chakra an Infinity divided by a hundred is still Infinity which means that every single Shadow clone that Naruto makes is still capable of creating a Rasengan or a Ross and shuriken or basically anything Naruto needs them to do but your average or even above average human being's chakra when split into even more than 10 bodies is basically gonna be irrelevant there's a reason people like Toby Rama and Sasuke never use more than three Shadow clones because let's not forget that shadow clone Jutsu also depletes your own chakra which means that if hypothetically you created 99 Shadow clones you would have one percent of your original chakra which is why multi-shadow clone Jutsu is forbidden because it uses so much of your chakra it puts your life in danger but also for basically everybody outside of Naruto or any gingeriki who's able to tap into the power of their tail beast having even less than 10 of your chakra in both yourself and your Shadow clones makes basically everybody fodder so while yes it's cool when Naruto uses it because even when he has 100 clones made each of those hundred Shadow clones probably has more chakra than your average Joanie everybody outside of the Energizer Bunny that is Naruto it's just not worth it so yeah significantly more confident about number 12. because coming in at number 12 we have living corpse reanimation also known as Orochimaru taking over a little boy Jutsu once again I can't hear a couple of you saying but Nick this Jutsu quite literally allows Orochimaru to live forever it really it doesn't though so for those of you who aren't keyed in living corpse 3 animation Jutsu was when orochimar was able to swap his Consciousness into another body effectively giving him immortality the reason this gives orochimar immortality is because if his body was starting to age or Decay he can switch into a younger body to have a younger stronger body and can keep doing this for years and years and years effectively giving him immortality except there's a couple of problems one a roachmart can only use this technique every three years which is a very long cooldown however that's kind of convenient considering the fact that after three years the body that a rich Mar has taken over begins to reject him essentially the Consciousness he took over whether or not they gave up their body willingly or not begins to fight back against Orochimaru and push him out which means that basically every single three years orochimara needs to find a new body to swap into which is fine if you have a laboratory filled with young abducted children like orochimar has but to your average person where are you gonna find these people and then of course you have to take into consideration that every time Orochimaru tries to use living corpse reanimation it's a mental battle against the person he's trying to take over and showed hypothetically the person he's taking over have oh I don't know the ability of the Sharingan they can flip this back onto Orochimaru being able to place Orochimaru and again due to an actually possibly being able to take over rochimaru's body if they want it so every three years Orochimaru has to play mental tug of war to take over a little boy's body now obviously this is different if Orochimaru finds a perfect host like he thought Sasuke and kimimaru and Itachi were bodies that after taking over rochimaru would be able to inhabit for more than three years bodies that hopefully Rich Mar would be able to inhabit for the entirety of their natural life and this is kind of what we're seeing in boruto because Orochimaru took over a white zetsu body in the fourth grade Shinobi World War and white tattoos don't have Consciousness and also technically have Immortal bodies because they're created out of hashirama cells so by using living corpse reanimation on a white zetsu orochimar has effectively made himself Immortal and also technically given himself wood release but he hasn't used that yet because that's the other thing about living corpse reanimation anybody Orochimaru takes over he also gets the ability of said body but how many people get the opportunity to pin down a white zetsu and transfer their Consciousness into it obviously yes this Jutsu works well for Orochimaru considering his circumstances but there's better less work intensive ways to Stay immortal in the Naruto Universe specifically the next entry on our list Earth Grudge fear coming in at number 11 this is kakuzo's kinjutsu this was a forbidden Jutsu held by the hidden waterfall and upon being expelled in the village for not killing hashirama kakuzo stole this kenjutsu this kinjutsu effectively Alters the anatomy of the person who's using it and instead of fleshing blood the user basically becomes a ragdoll with their body now being created out of black tendrils the ability gives you much more than just looking like a Raggedy Ann visibility not only basically confers the user immortality because the user can punch their plaque tendrils into somebody's body rip out their organs and replace their current existing organs with these new fresh organs which in layman terms is basically like imagine I have Earth Grudge fear if my liver's starting to fail I can simply take somebody else's healthy liver replace it with mine giving me a new healthy organ kakusu is able to do this with every single organ in his body which effectively granted him immortality because of that organ failure or somebody blowing your head off you're basically not gonna die so now do you not only not have a three-year timeline you also don't have to play mental tug of war with somebody who might have a sharing God on top of this just like with living corpse reanimation kakuzu if he steals somebody's heart is able to use their abilities that's why every single mass that caucuso had that represented each of his own individual Hearts had their own chakra releases that's because the Shinobi whose Hearts he stole were able to use those relief and because of this caucus I was able to use all five nature chakra releases on top of this a body being made of black threads basically made kakuzo invulnerable to damage to a small degree that is hakuza was able to reattach severed limbs on both himself and others he's able to detach his own Limbs and control them from a distance and because his kinjutsu basically conferred the same level of immortality as living corpse reanimation and crazy offensive defensive and healing techniques yeah it's stronger than orochimarus but since we're talking about Orochimaru we should talk about one of the better things he ever created the cursed seal talking about the cursed seal is better probably isn't my best use of terminology coming in at number 10 we're gonna be talking about the cursil Heaven and the cursil of Earth because they're the exact same thing we've seen this cursive use on the sound Village 4 Sasuke anko and the reason that it's considered forbidden because nine out of the 10 people who have a cursed seal planted on them die as well as those who use the curseel also run a risk of their own life because the way that the cursio was created is that essentially Orochimaru were extracted Hugo's kekkei genkai informed it into said curcile this cursive when activated effectively makes whoever is using the curseel a sage to a small degree as a cursio gives the user access to pulling in senjutsu Chakra however the senjutsu chakra they're pulling in is technically being pulled in by Orochimaru because in every single cursion rochimaru has placed a little bit of his DNA and his chakra intermixed with jugo's Keke genkai and since orochimar himself is a relatively talented Sage who is able to pull in nature chakra and mix it into senjutsu but wasn't strong enough to undergo a snake's age transformation the power up the user of a cursive gets is pretty insane it's similar to getting a sage mode all those who activate their cursed seals get increased stamina speed strength sometimes they get new abilities if they use their second form because curcios when they come from Orochimaru come with two forms the first of which is just an increase to your standard abilities well the second is an entirely new form the best example of this is Sasuke in his wing form where he's able to fly the power of this cursive was so significant again that allowed Sasuke to fight head to head against Naruto in a gin cloak in the early days of Naruto it also allowed kimara to all but defeat a drunken Rock Lee and Gara single-handedly however on top of all of this this YouTube is also incredibly strong for the person who places the cursed seal because the more that the cursed seal is used the more susceptible the person used in the cursed seal is to agreeing with the ideologies of the person who plays said curcile essentially as you use the curseel you become indoctrinated to the person who put it on you and on top of all of that rochimaru is able to use his curse seals as little respawn points as they hold his DNA and chakra they can be used to bring him back to life so yeah for both the user and the planter the curse seal is incredibly powerful but since we're talking about incredibly powerful morally gray techniques next up at number nine we have mutually multiplying explosive tags now technically is this ants are a cop-out because it's an extension of edotensei sort of especially when you consider the fact that I'm not going to be considering things like daytime tiger and evening elephant because they're just extensions of the the eight Gates technique of mutually multiplying explosive tags is different enough from Edo 10 side that I believe it deserves its own spot also big Toby ramaphab see mutually multiplying explosive tags is specific to those who have been Edo tentside essentially can only be used if you have a body that's been brought back and created with edoteenside essentially the way that it works is that you make an erotensai body out of explosive tags which apparently isn't that difficult when consider the fact that Edo tensile bodies are usually made of like a paper-like material that's comprised of the dust and surrounding like grit I don't I don't know they never did a chemical breakdown on it but regardless by making it a tensei body created out of explosive tags since Edo tensile bodies have infinite regeneration as the body begins to regenerate it creates more explosive tags however those explosive tags keep detonating creating basically in infinite explosion hack this is the way that Toby Rama would use edotensei on the battlefield when he was alive which would mean he wouldn't have to reanimate incredibly powerful ninja he could just reanimate anybody make him out of explosive and send them to the front line and this is quite honestly similar to what Conan did in her battle against Obito it is an infinite spree of explosive tag explosions and unless the 8010 side body is sealed or you run really far away really quickly this is probably gonna kill you all they really have to do is wrap one arm or a belt around you and explode on you for five minutes and it doesn't matter if you're Modera you're gonna be meat stew so is it a cop out to add this what it's an extension of Edo Tensai maybe but I don't care it's my video up next after mutually multiplying explosive tags we have the Ross and sure kit uh this one is a kind of a confusing spot do we talk about the Ross and shuriken do we talk about all the things you can add to the Ross and shuriken do we consider things like lava release Ross and jerkin that quite literally cut the god Tree in half or things like tailed beast Ross and shurikens I don't think I'm gonna consider all the variations of Ross and shuriken which is why Ross and shuriken is here on the list and I'm doing that for a couple of reasons one even if anybody else on Earth was able to figure out the Ross and sure can not named Naruto there's no way they would be able to add all the things Naruto added to it two a lot of those editions were given to Naruto by the tailed beasts things like the lava release magnet release and boiler release Ross and shurkins were given to him by the tail beast in three I'm thinking now free Ross and shuriken ranked and explained or we'll talk about every single rotten jurkin which is the weakest which is the strongest in everything in the middle so the Ross and sure can is a variation of the wind release rossenka that's been given the shape of a shuriken and while originally Naruto needed two other Shadow clones to help him create this shuriken nowadays he can both create it by himself and control it after it's been thrown meaning that even afterwards left Naruto's hand he can bend it to avoid obstacles or to make sure that it hits somebody Ross and shuriken is one of the heaviest jutsus in the entirety of Naruto because of the density of the chakra required to add a wind chakra element to a rasenga this is why the Ross and shuriken has so much power behind its punch and the reason that the Ross and shuriken is so devastating is because after coming into contact with the target it explodes into a million little blades essentially tiny microscopic windsides explode out of the Ross and shuriken and there's so many of these tiny little wind sites that even a highly trained Sharingan can't count them these little wind blades can Pierce every single cell in the body in separate them from the chakra circulatory system effectively making somebody in able to use chakra so even if you're not killed by the impact your inability to use chakra at the very release will take you off the battlefield and at the very most will kill you eventually however this is dangerous for Naruto because it can also affect his chalk or circulatory system specifically in his hand or should hypothetically he launch one of these Ross insurerkins at a close distance the blades will hit him which leaves him vulnerable to having his chakra circulatory system severed from his cells and because of the danger imposed by using this technique it is forbidden well obviously different iterations of the Ross and shuriken like sage art ultra big ball tail beast Ross and shuriken are some of the strongest things we've ever seen in the show the Ross and shark and just the good old Ross and shuriken is not but for argument's sake if we were to consider all of the things that Naruto could add to the Rasen shuriken it would probably be about number two on this list coming up after the Ross and sure can we have number seven and our only non-canon entry onto this list today Fury now technically this technique should be a little bit higher but because it's non-canon I figured if I put it even close to the top five people would get very upset with me now Fury was a technique made by a man by the name of enochioja and this technique is essentially a nuclear bomb of Natural Energy essentially the way this technique works is that in order to use it somebody has to have a seal on their back and after somebody has this seal implanted on their back preferably from the time they're a child they're able to use a technique called The Forbidden life technique released the creation of Heaven and Earth essentially the way this technique works that the seal on their back opens up and they begin to pull in an insane amount of nature chakra once they've pulled in enough nature chakra all of the nature chakra explodes around them leaving the user unscathed into obviously the user will be tired and will probably have to retire from the battle after doing this the battle will most likely be over see this explosion isn't just some regular old explosion it's said to be able to level entire villages in one go and not just smush entire Villages like all muddy push evaporate them I mean think about it destroying an entire Village sized area and one attack has only been seen by a handful of people nagato in order to create his almighty push to be strong enough to destroy konoha took years off his life the devopath had to shut down for a little while after using it the only other thing that we've ever saw that might be able to destroy an entire Village in one go was the ten-tails tail beast bomb this is a Jutsu of unprecedented power and it doesn't kill you or shorten your life it doesn't even use your own chakra so you're not in danger of depleting your chakra all you need is to pull in as much nature chakra as possible and then explode it outwards obviously because of the sheer amount of Destruction this Jutsu caused though it was labeled as forbidden but it took utakata in his tailed beast form to suppress a fury explosion that is a tail beast level attack and honestly I would be comfortable putting this at at least number two but because it's non-canon and people get upset with me guess it's number seven heading back to canonosity with number six we have the reaper death seal now I know you're saying you're saying Nick but the reaper death seal can only kill one person and it kills you and well obviously that's true even though you can use Shadow clones to take more people with you the way that Reaper dead seal levels the battlefield is insane rupertessio is a foo and Jutsu also known as a sealing Jutsu created by the uzumakis and for decades his existence has been kept a relative secret so much so that when orochimar was sought in part one of Naruto he didn't even know it existed but that's the power of Reaper death seal Reaper death seal allows you to pull out the soul of anybody you're using it on and pull it into the belly of a Shinigami along with their own soul where you will fight for eternity and while that just being incredibly metal is enough reason to put it this low on the list the way that Reaper death seals works is also incredibly broken you see the Shinigami that's summoned by using Reaper death seal is invisible to the person that you're summoning it against that is until the Shinigami has got a hold of their soul and by the time that the Shinigami gets a hold of somebody's Soul it is significantly too late for them see upon having the Shinigami grab your soul you are paralyzed and unable to use chakra meaning that essentially the second that an invisible death God gets its grip of your soul you're dead that is of course unless the difference between your chakra levels is so proportionate that you're able to survive well what do I mean by that well the person using Reaper death seal has to have a relativistic amount of chakra to you because they can only pull out as much of your soul as they have chakra in comparison to yours this is why hero Zoom was only able to get orochimaru's arms and why Minato is only able to get half of Karama though Minato did technically have other reasons but here's the thing even if you're only able to get half of somebody's chakra as long long as you get their top half you're pretty much good basically all you need to get is the soul from somebody's torso and head and because the soul of the Torso and head are gone those organs in that part of the body will no longer work effectively killing the person you're using it on now obviously unfortunately heroism was only able to get a rochumar's arms however even by just getting orochimaru's arms orochimar basically wasn't able to use Jutsu nearly at the level he was Prior until he cut the shinigami's stomach so while yes this technique only works on one to however many Shadow clones you have currently that are also using this technique amount of people the fact that you're able to summon an invisible death God that can rip people's Souls out of their chest and there's nothing they can do about it puts it this high on the list after Reaper desio we have finally cracked our top five and coming in and number five is the izan Nami see the izanami is one of two kinjutsu revolving around the Sharingan izanami being the significantly weaker of the two see essentially the way that izanami works is that if a Sharingan user decides to sacrifice one of their eyes blinding it permanently and by the way the supply is too literally any Sharingan one Tomei all the way up to a monkey kill Sharingan they are able to put somebody in an infinite genjutsu Loop however there's a couple of caveats for said infinite genjutsu Loop one you have to battle against this person or simply walk them through a couple of events you then have to mark those events with the power of the izan Nami once you have a couple events like a snap a clap and me taking a sip of this water bottle you can build those three events into an isanami time Loop and after you have all of those events in the time Loop created you put the person under a tsunami the other caveat for pulling off izanami though is that the person you're putting it under has to be trying to change the world well not really change the world just reject reality because izanami was made to counter isanagi which is the process of basically rewriting reality to fit your own goals and because that the only way you can get out of izanami is accepting that you cannot change reality and if you never come to that conclusion you stay in genjutsu forever now the sacrifice of a tsunami honestly isn't that crazy blinding of Sharingan isn't really the end of the world in a world that has more sharingans in the current Naruto world I mean if a village Elder dies just go take their Sharingan and big bang boom you can do easy on me next week but because the uchias have so much pride around their Sharingan and basically view them as holy objects they don't want to Blind and thus it's labeled as a forbidden Jutsu and while obviously the premise of infinite genjutsu at the cost of one eyeball is tempting it's a lot of rules around it I mean first you have to set somebody up with all the events of an izanami and then you have to make sure that they're trying to change reality for their own means it's a whole thing you know it's not a whole thing I guess it sort of is a whole thing number four the eight Gates formation the eight Gates formation is a technique used by my guy Rock Lee metal Lee the suicide corpse that essentially relies on using latent power within the body essentially the eight gates are 10 katsu technique that states in your body there is eight limiters that stop you from using 100 of your chakra if you open all eight of these limiters you will be hundreds of times stronger than you were without opening these limiters and every single 10 katsusa bought you open makes you stronger but also leaves you more liable to hurting yourself because the reason that chakra is limited in the human body is because if the entirety of somebody's chakra is used punches to other people can shatter your own forearm and if you open the eighth gate and pump all of your chakra to your heart you super heat your own blood which makes you hundreds of times stronger than you even were in the seventh gate but makes your blood so hot that it quite literally steams out of your body and creates a red Aura around you it also after a couple of minutes quite literally Burns you from the inside out making your body Ash if you're willing to make the sacrifice this is arguably one of the strongest techniques in the Naruto Universe with this ability people like might die who was a getting were able to kill six out of the seven Swordsmen of the Mist mind you that was the strongest iteration of the Seven Swords and of the Mist ever said to be strong of the topple entire countries by themselves on top of that with the power of the eighth gate Mike I was able to fight on par with Modera and almost kill him and it's still not the strongest thing on this list it's not even top three but you know what is top three our number three Choice the second half of the kinjutsu revolving around the Sharingan he's a Nagi see Izanagi is the better reason to Blind one of your eyes by blinding one of your eyes a Sharingan user is able to tap into the ability of the sage of Six Paths see the sage of Six Paths has an ability called the creation of all things Jutsu where essentially he can make his imagination reality he does this by projecting his Yin chakra with his imagination and giving it form with his Yang chakra now obviously hagaromo is able to do this whenever he wants it's how he was able to make the ten Tails chakra into the nine-tailed beasts but every single user of the Sharingan is not hogaroma and therefore by sacrificing one of their eyes they do get to use creation of all things but only for about a minute however in this minute reality is in the hands of the Izanagi user and while usually the way that we see Izanagi used is to erase what would be your own corpse and create a fresh new body somewhere else a good example of this is Don's zoa racing an impaled body from one of Sasuke susano arrows and giving himself a new body elsewhere it has been implied and genuinely we have no reason to believe it shouldn't work this way the isinagi can be used for things outside of just giving yourself a new alive body if you can create a new alive body hypothetically what's stopping you from giving yourself an additional Sharingan what's stopping yourself from giving you four arms what's stopping you from making yourself a couple inches taller it's even been implied that the Izanagi is able to manipulate things outside of your own body giving you for about a minute the power of hagaromo himself but since we're talking about hagaromo how could we do it without talking about the Rinnegan see the Rinnegan should itself just be a walking forbidden YouTube but it's actually not but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its own share of forbidden jutsus specifically in coming in at our number two spot Rini rebirth Brittany rebirth also known as the outer path samsara of heavenly life technique it's a technique that allows a Rinnegan user to bring back the dead specifically anybody who's died recently how recently we don't really know all we know is that upon using this technique the king of Hell emerges from the ground and spits out the souls of the newly deceased and as these souls go back to their proper bodies the bodies are rejuvenated and healed meaning that if you took a bullet wound to the skull that bullet wound wouldn't be there anymore this technique can also be used to make somebody who was brought back using Edo 10 size body reel like we saw with Modera essentially rainy rebirth Jutsu works a lot like one's own life due to which created by granny Chia or in exchange for the Rinnegan user's life they're able to bring back people however unlike granuccio's technique this was able to bring back the entirety of konoha and mind you konoha is the most populated Village in all of Naruto implying that as long as you die within a certain time limit rainy rebirth should be able to bring you back to light and it straight up does not matter the amount of people and what's truly wild is this technique doesn't even necessarily kill the user it was implied that nagato actually could have survived using Rini rebirth if he had more chakra the technique itself is is just so incredibly chakra depleted that it basically kills anybody who uses it however though if people like Naruto were to hypothetically use it while he was at the height of his chakra power he probably would survive meaning this Jutsu has the ability to bring back infinite amount of people within a certain amount of time and it may not even necessarily cost you your life so yeah it's getting the number two spot but it's not getting the number one spot because and we all knew this was coming the number one spot is Edo Tensai how could it not be Kabuto said it himself that Edo Tensai is probably the strongest Jutsu ever created for the low low price of one dead body in a little bit of DNA you can bring back any ninja you want oh and by the way using the technique and maintaining the technique require no chakra whatsoever and as long as the person you're bringing back isn't hashirama they are basically bent to your will and even if they are hush around me you can just put a seal in their brain that bends them to your will and you have a choice you can either directly control exactly what they're doing or you can just give them a general directive and send them like an undead Army at whoever you want and mind you these people you just brought back to life are not only Invincible but they have infinitely refilling chakra I mean that the only way that they will be defeated is by being sealed however that's a bit tough when you consider the fact that all of these people are brought back with their abilities and even if they're not that powerful you can just turn them into mutually multiplying explosive tags broken you knew it was broken it's a disgust Jutsu with basically no weaknesses because even if you kill the Caster Edo Tensai remains quite literally the only way for Edo 10 side to be released is to force the Caster to release it oh and did I mention you could bring people back to life like for real for real with ready rebirth I mean if you don't think edotensei is the strongest thing on this list you're kidding yourself you could hit an Edo 10 side body with Fury and it would just come back to life the only hard counters to it are ceiling and true Seeker orbs it's got the number one spot but what do you guys think of my list do you agree with where I put everything tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell now that I'm tapping into all this like ranking content I feel like I'm a couple months away from doing versus battles thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 564,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, deidara, itachi, sharingan, izanagi, izanami, rasengan, minato, sasuke, edo tensei, kabuto, orochimaru, jiraiya, tsunade, hashirama, tobirama, hokage, konoha, nagato
Id: kzBCfhteis4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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