What Does Dry Ice Do In A Microwave?

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in today's video we're going to microwave dry ice and a few other things you asked to see [Music] guys we have some kids we've got lots of kits and I think right now a lot of people are stuck inside and need some things to do and look at this we've got things to do that come completely packaged in with everything you need in the kit except for sometimes maybe like a screwdriver you have a screwdriver at home or a knife you can put these kits together lots of options they shall all be up on our website including some things that have been out of stock are going to come back into stock and all of them have some principles of Education in science and so you can be building stuff and learning at the same time it's a lot of fun and it's not just building the hit you can then use the kit and that's gonna be fun as well so we're gonna have these kits and because people need something to do right now these kids are discounting so check them out whoa apparently if you get enough kits you can just play wall building Jenga yes guys we've filmed a lot of things in a microwave and along with that you guys have submitted a lot of fun ideas of things you want to see in a microwave so today we're gonna put a bunch of those to the test here's the basic idea we have our microwave with the peephole in the back that affords us a great view of the inside we're gonna try microwaving dry ice liquid nitrogen and a few other fun things that you guys thought would be fun to see in a microwave we're not the first ones to do a lot of these I've seen several of them before but not all of them but a lot of them I've seen and they're just filmed through the front of the door whereas we have our microwave with the hole drilled in the back that lets us really watch what's happening inside a lot better so we're gonna try a few different things we've got dry ice and liquid nitrogen we want to try microwaving both of those because a lot of people have suggested we do that we've got two different sizes of marshmallows because those are supposed to be fun in a microwave we have microwaved soap before but I don't think we had our microwave they let us see inside when we did that so we want to get some good shots of the soap doing what soap doesn't microwave someone recommended getting some instant microwave noodles but not adding the water and seeing what happens if you cook that for 30 minutes it recommends you might get pulled out early we've also got some light bulbs because light bulbs are supposed to actually light up in a microwave as long as they got a black light bulb I want to see if that works as well so we're just gonna start nuke instead single full-sized marshmallow we're starting to burn [Music] and some cooked music look marshal do it again I switched over to my wide-angle camera after it had started and I think it took just a second so I might have missed when it first started growing trying to do it again that one looked good let's just stop it now I worked way again started almost immediately like two three seconds it already had started puffing up and then weirdly it started like puffing at the bottom first it tilt it over and then the rest of the puffed up okay I'm just gonna sit this right here on top of our block of dry ice that regular-sized marshmallow worked great but now we're gonna try a jumbo sized marshmallow this is already almost as big as this one got to not quite but I'm really curious to see what happens with an extra-large marshmallow microwave it's growing it's growing a lot splitting open like a terrible marshmallow beast oh my gosh that how big is that really cause to me it looks like it's like the size of a basketball that's like the size of like it's bigger than my head is now shrinking down as it cools but that was way larger than my hand that was amazing I was very happy with it but I got to scale it up so I'm gonna do four of those at once [Music] well I think we basically had a microwave full of four marshmallows if venom in spider-man were white instead of black this is exactly what it would look like the marshmallow was extremely messy as a counter to the extreme mess we're gonna do soap [Music] there we go that is one bar of ivory soap it didn't even react all of it fairly brittle falls apart very easily you can see if it's possible to wash my hands with this all right so I got some soap suds I also got the whole thing the foam crumbling apart into bits you can see the sink is kind of full of little bits of it it doesn't hold together very well I want to take another bar of soap and this time cut it into quarters so it'll be kind of like with the marshmallows where it's kind of inflating from all directions now if anyone is wanting to try this I've heard that you need to use ivory brand soap I don't know if that's true I haven't tried other brands because I've always just stuck with ivory and it does work with Ivory soap maybe it works with some other brands as well [Music] well the studio now smells like soap which is probably a step above burning sugar so it's fun you make your own little like summoning a demon but made of soap we've got instant noodles licking on the container says do not microwave I should also point out I'm microwaving this with no water in it and I dunno where it's fire extinguisher is it's very nearby I see a little bit of smoke coming off of it now I see more smoke coming off of it well it's burnt oh and now I just got hit with the really bad burning smell the other one I'm gonna add water and then put it in the microwave see how that does got the timer set for three minutes last time we cooked it for one and they're smoking enough but I decided to send take it out this time it's three because that's how long it says to pour the boiling water in four I'm gonna see what happens hope it's boiling over well it made a mess not like a horrible mess but did make a mess right now we're just letting this sit for another minute what you're supposed to do is pour boiling water in and let it sit for three minutes to really get cooked into the noodles it cooked for three minutes but it took a while for it to hit full boiling point so it probably hasn't had quite enough time at the boiling temperature for the noodles to be all the way ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems cooked to me we're gonna start by just putting the bulb by itself in the microwave see what it does all that lit up immediately and with very good colors lit up very very fast had like blue pink white light then the bulb exploded very loudly and shot glass everywhere so mixed results I thought it was going to break I did not think it was going to break with that kind of force now we've got our light bulb sitting in some water oh it's glowing lots of fun colors and just it exploded alright apparently I haven't had enough of cleaning up shattered glass inside the microwave so I've also got a black light bulb that I believe has an incandescent filament and we're gonna see what happens when you put this in is it gonna light up is it gonna glow cool different colors OOP cool purple glow that looks awesome actually and waiting for explode it is little tense cuz I know it's coming I know it's gonna explode in there light bulbs in a microwave very cool annoying to clean up they light up brilliantly but just explode in the bits okay we've got a couple more things we want to try first off is liquid nitrogen this kept empty but that's okay I wanted to use one that's clear so we can actually see what's going on inside so I'm just gonna get another one of these little ones filled with liquid nitrogen for the microwave and see what it does well it looks like it's getting pretty excited in there hanging it's gone there's a tiny bit left at the bottom but I think of an that it's just boiled away microwaving liquid nitrogen your liquid nitrogen boils away not terribly surprising but I'd never seen it tested before and now I have we had a control cup so just the same amount of time has passed in both cups but as soon as the microwave started hitting this it started boiling a lot more energetically so microwaves do affect liquid nitrogen and it boils it away quicker dry ice we have a couple different things we want to try first I'm just gonna take a piece of dry ice put it in the microwave then however I want to take a piece of dry ice put it in some hot water in them in the microwave and then turn the microwave on to see if the microwave keeps the water hot so we can know if it's still just gonna pour out even more vapor than it would otherwise there actually is some vapor coming off of it more than when it just sits around so maybe this is doing something I honestly thought it was gonna do nothing when there wasn't water in there with it [Music] [Applause] it's still cold all right dress don't even smile water lots of bubbling in vapor [Music] like for a second there is a little bit of visibility but they're just they're just done you can't see anything you can see like the light everything else is just white you can see the vapor coming out well that's it we can't film into it because it's just so full of vapor that it's just white and the lens is fogged up immediately there's surprisingly little I thought there would be way more vapor just like coming out of parts of the microwave all right I'm gonna do a test of 30 seconds with the door closed but not turned on versus 30 seconds with the door closed and the microwave running see if we feel like there's a difference 30 pretty good outpouring of vapor right there like out spreads across the desk it's like flowing that way in waves let's give this 30 seconds [Music] about the same really the dry ice is definitely winning though that water is now just cool so the microwave is not able to heat the water up as fast as the dry ice is able to cool it down at least not with this quantity of dry ice we're gonna heat the water back up because it's fairly cool at this point and then give it a couple minutes in there then I'm gonna have this smaller piece of dry ice with the microwave running to see if the microwave can add heat faster than the dry ice takes it away 132 degrees Fahrenheit bubbling nicely let's give that two more minutes and see if it's got higher or lower temperature after two minutes with the dry ice and the microwave oh we have way more heat now so with that size of dry ice the microwave definitely one let's move up a bit I'm gonna try this size 160 Fahrenheit two minutes ooh plenty more vapor this time we were at 160 fahrenheit down to 130 so with that size of dry ice the dry ice was winning what do you think guys are there any other dry ice microwave tests you think we haven't really done that you think we need to try more is there anything you feel is untapped about this experiment let us know down in the comments guys that's it for now but you know we've always got more to see hit subscribe to see more videos like this and click that box up 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Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,457,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, microwave experiments, putting random things in a microwave, lightbulbs in a microwave, dry ice in a microwave, marshmallows in a microwave, jumbo marshmallows in a microwave, can you microwave ramen noodle cups, what happens when you microwave ramen noodle cups, liquid nitrogen in a microwave, microwaves and electricity, using microwaves to light a lightbulb, soap in a microwave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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