Pickling Eggs in Highlighter Fluid?!

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radioactive copyright strike today's video is sponsored by dragon city in today's video we're going to see if it's possible to create eggs that glow under a blacklight [Music] so we have a bunch of eggs chicken eggs which are okay but they are not nearly as great as dragon eggs like you can get in the game Dragon City this game is full of colorful dragons that you can collect I've actually been playing for years dragon city is free-to-play and available on Android and iOS now a big part of this game is actually collecting dragons I've collected a little over 300 but I've got tons more to go one way you can actually collect dragons is by breeding them which will give you a ton of really cool immunity combinations the Dragons also generate gold which you can use to get food to help your dragons get stronger you can then use that to level up your dragons when you take them into battle you can also train your dragons which helps improve their attacks yeah that was weird you'll need if you want to play in different TVP modes you can also fight in the league or annoying a quick and easy way to find people to play with is through Facebook Connect which will let you know which of your friends are already playing there are even new events every single week which will help you on gold and finally you can get your dragons to do things on their own like auto battle or go on quests help you unlock new buildings that will help you earn a great big bonus throughout the game so to download and start collecting dragons today go to the description and click the link below that one yours yeah are they all yours that one's mine but I have all of those okay you have other ones of the same okay very colorful thank you we've had several people send us a video clip or a few different video clips I think actually that seemed to show taking regular chicken eggs soaking them in a mixture of white vinegar and highlighter ink and having the shell dissolve and having the eggs absorb some of the highlighter ink what you ended up with was like this rubbery egg membrane like Cowie has made a few different times but under a blacklight it glowed very intensely and they wanted to see if it was real or if there's something that people had faked we've seen several videos of people faking things with eggs like if you soak it in sprite skittle it turns completely clear with like a red yoke eggs are a wonderful analog if you're trying to test out a bunch of different things but this one is interesting to me because it has us both taking away the shell itself but also it's absorbing the ink into the membrane I don't even know if that's possible but we want to find out there's the basic idea we had several people send us a clip of some eggs that had been soaked in vinegar and highlighter ink which appeared to glow in ultraviolet light we're going to try and replicate that effect as well as come up with a few different methods to try making dark light and glowing eggs so as you can see here we've got some white vinegar we've got lots of sharpies and we've got some eggs but that's not the only thing we're gonna be testing out we want to do a few different things for one thing we have a couple colors of sharpies we've got yellow and pink so we'll test out both those and we also have some vitamin b2 tablets which you've seen us used before has another thing that glows under black light in fact these tablets even glow somewhat under a black light so we crush these up and soak them in hot water we'll end up with a liquid that glows really nicely into our black light as well we're going to try soaking the eggs with that as well as taking some of that liquid and injecting it right into the shells of the eggs and then hard-boiling them maybe scrambling them maybe omelet we'll see it depends on how far we get with our eggs before we decide we're just sitting around making too much of a mess but we have a dozen eggs we want to try this out we want to see what happens to them with both our ink and our vitamin b2 all right so what we need to do is soak our eggs and vinegar for about 24 hours you have done this a few times and the effect is cool whether it glows or not outside of the shell dissipates the membrane inside stays there and I think becomes a little more rigid so when the calcium carbonate is completely dissolved yeah you're just left with that membrane and it's not necessarily stronger or more rigid it's just the fact that that's all that's holding it together and you're not used to seeing that so it creates the effect that we filled a rubber egg so then it's just the membrane the egg yolk and the egg white and the calcium carbon on the outside is completely dissolved away it's a really cool effect I don't know if it's gonna absorb anything let's find out at least one egg with just vinegar yep no highlighter no b2 vitamin that's just to see if the membrane without a shell is going to give us blow and then we want an egg and vinegar with yellow highlighter and they get vinegar with pink highlighter and an egg and vinegar with some b2 vitamin extract the reason we have two of each container is really just because I don't want the two eggs like pushing up against each other after the membranes are destroyed or you know the shell of one puncturing the membrane of the other before it dissolves you know it's just to keep them separated and so we have more to experiment with now we're going to just let these sit for about 24 hours hopefully the shells completely dissolve and then we'll see if we have glowing membranes but until then we have a couple more experiments we can try now in the past what we have tried to do is we've tried to take strength booting and inject it into the shells of these eggs well today we're going to try that with v2 so kind of the same idea so we just puncture right through the shell and then we're going to fill some syringes with the b2 and inject it into the egg itself and we'll try and sort of stir it around to give us a little bit more even distribution so these three are slightly broken shell the one I've just shaken and the one that Nate's just shaken are going into the hot water we're gonna boil these for a few minutes see if it works all right now well those are boiling we have two more eggs the one I put in the cup I just injected some b2 vitamin water into it and we're gonna try frying that and then this other one we can crack open and let's just mix it with some beets and water go for scrambled egg I did inject into the yolk as well here so I don't know that this is gonna stay together all that well as a fried egg so I've injected some b2 vitamin into several places on the egg it doesn't stir and mix very well we're gonna fry it up and see what the result is yeah my my yolk was punctured too much so well this is about to become a scrambled egg ah that was like a flip and a half unfortunately so alright I'm not the best egg chef in the world yeah I put enough in here that I don't think these are gonna taste great but look at the edges that is got some good glow to it it's very true as it cooks the glow is coming out more I think that I was gonna kill it yeah look at how dark they are normal eggs well even this has some b2 in it you know how do much did you put in there that looks like pumpkin I put a lot okay alright so the two tests do they glow and do they taste good this is definitely odd yep eggs aren't supposed to glow guys you not supposed to eat radioactive eggs now okay that one's absolutely fluorescing lovely okay two things one the bitter taste of the b2 very strong holy cow - I may have misjudged the salt quantify about a factor of 10 let's try these ones the salt hit me first and then the bitter yeah I mean that's not bad anything's better be there is some bitter flavor to these eggs but I can't taste it because there's still so much bitter flavor left in my mouth from the eggs in person you can see the irregularity getting us on camera is tough Wow down in here in this crevice you can kind of see like the part where it's glowing more compared to up here this part is darker yeah you can there you go yeah I put it in there talk is a glowing really glowing this tiny piece I just got just the edges of it glow you see that yep got spots that glow don't make it the way you did but just three tablespoons of b2 and probably a tablespoon of salt because I really pissed on one egg I really tried to cover up the bitter and I failed horribly we've got some interesting things happening leaked in some odd ways we've got some glow spots looking super accurate on camera for once that is bizarre guys we have a glowing egg check out all of my little pop mark spots they all glow again another going you can in fact make glowing hard-boiled eggs not just the show guy that sucks the edible part of the egg that's the egg white very curious to see how Nate's turns out a couple of spots let's look on the inside and see if it's more uniform or if we still have just those concentrated points check that out you can absolutely see the spots where it got injected so parts of this egg you're going the egg yolk I did puncture mine as well and I shook it so it wasn't a perfect scramble but it definitely got shook around and you can absolutely see how far the blow travel the most uneven yolk of Z oh you've got like a little stripe in there is very little other than that little stripe right there I'm gonna try yours first cuz I'm less scared cuz it looks like there's a little bit less beat doing it is there a bitter note not even a little bit okay tastes like a hard-boiled egg let's try mine once has more color in it hard-boiled egg blows yeah you can make delicious glowing hard-boiled eggs holy cow this does not look like something I should be eating you see that so that method of gluing eggs check gently scrambled with a little bit of glow check aggressively scrambled with massive amounts of b2 they're super bitter and salty they don't even glow as much I feel like when you mix the yolk with the white it's just not gonna glow as much anyways so absolutely if you guys want to try and make hard-boiled eggs with b2 you absolutely can they're gonna glow and tomorrow we are going to find out if we can make the membrane glow as well all right it's been 48 hours now yeah we let these go in extra day because the shells some of them didn't feel quite dissolved all the way and we wanted to make sure we really got the rubber shell effect so here they are and now we're just gonna take all the eggs out cuz it's not testing whether or not we can make glowing liquid it's whether or not we can make glowing eggs it's a different color these were both in vinegar and highlighter ink but there is something swirling under the surface of that membrane so this is a regular egg it's interesting it does seem like it's glowing just a little bit b2 vitamin it's very bitter but it has some glow to it okay so under a blacklight it's not the neon colored glow of highlighter but it's putting off a little bit of fluorescence mostly I think it's just turning yellow in that line right there of color difference alright so the B to do fluoresce a small amount I'm curious about the pink ones now oh there we go yeah it's not extreme but it's there it is a glowing egg it's sort of an orange ii glow all right these are our yellow highlighter ink this is the one that has like the weird swirls going on but holy cow that is a very very glowy egg you could read by this I'm gonna take one of each of these colored eggs and I'm gonna put them in boiling water and see what happens I don't think we've ever even tried to cook a shell list it might just pop when it hits the hot water but we'll see if we can get a cooked egg without a shell I'm gonna crack all of these open and see if any of the egg yolk or egg white are also glowing don't seem so but I want to find out vitamin b2 egg or pink highlighter egg and they're yellow highlighter egg okay well right off the bat that is just bleeding off violently glowing color we dried all these off we've rinsed them and dried them so it was absolutely absorbing that color there's really no way to crack it anymore I'm gonna tear it yep there we go so this is the membrane regular egg alright thing really not so much alright be doing a little way more than the norm yeah look at this skin - so the skin you can see that sort of reddish or pink egg definitely kept the color and you can definitely see a difference there's yeah it's not super strong but there's something there it does look like a different kind of big all right and then last one holy cow I was looking over a stove and just suddenly this bright lights lit up in the corner of my eye holy cow yo can egg white like yes the skins blowing but it absolutely sink into this egg okay yeah there's some it's like me stephane that rancid and like look at wokai so this is the inner part of the egg yeah what I was talking about like Heather's there's like a separation there's white sticking to the yolk oh this is the strangest thing that's ever happened oh oh it came off Oh gross what it's the egg yolk also blowing alright go for it oh no Jimmy the knife just grazed just barely it looks like an alien what have we done looks like a poached egg why that's a glowing pink egg texture is just like fluff I know alright let's look at the b2 one let's see if it pops the same where the other one did hold so open so this one though you can see there's the membrane and that's all that picked up the highlighter ink inside we've got this squishy layer it's so soft all the video this one has observed the yellow from the b2 it's nowhere near as intense as the membrane that came off of it okay look kind of white yeah why are you I don't know why cream 'is the word you're going with it feels just soggy to me it's okay this part is ultra hard like you were saying yeah I think we just overcooked this part and so it's a too cooked hard-boiled egg but then the stuff that had absorbed the vinegar it just doesn't solidify the same way very inside of the yolk doesn't really have it but it does look like it made it part of the way in you can make glowing eggs guys definitely do not eat them but you can do it you can make radioactive looking exact so this is an idea that came to us from the internet people sent it to us because they had seen other things like Instagram posts talking about it they wanted to know if it was real some egg things like we said have been faked this one I believe is completely genuine put the egg in with vinegar highlighter ink let it sit till the shell dissolves and you are going to end up with a squishy gummy egg thanks again to the sponsor for today's video Dragon's City to download the game and show your support for the channel head down to the description and click the link today's video sponsored by dragon city sponsored by your ragged city husband or sponsored by Dragons today's video sponsored by dragon City today's video oh no I can hit that note right now this video is sponsored by dragon city not today Satan sponsoring chicken it's gonna split it how fair slope you gotta like yeah guys that's not all you know we boys got more for you to see if you want to see our most recent video hit that box up at the top and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 799,262
Rating: 4.8908806 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, b2 vitamins, glow in the dark food, luminous food, glow in the dark cotton candy, glowing eggs, glowing easter eggs, how to make eggs glow, dissolving egg shells in vinegar, gummy egg, egg in a membrane, bouncy egg, bouncy egg in vinegar, bouncy egg trick, bouncy, egg, diy, how to make bouncy egg, glowing bouncy egg, how to make a bouncy egg in minutes, science, experiment, mcexperiments, hooplakidz, dragon city
Id: sBpgTk3d03g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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