Can Band-Aids Hold Up A Person?

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today's video is sponsored by nor do we're going to see how many band-aids it takes to suspend ourself from the ceiling you may remember not too long ago we did a video where we took sticky tack that blue sticky stuff usually made for putting photos up and we hung from the ceiling with it today we want to try something similar we've got a bunch of bandages he's just pretty standard they're all one size what are you seeing here mostly is that this isn't going to be a we open 500 bandages this is gonna be a I open 500 band-aids because nate is currently you may notice I just successfully opened a bandage without the use of my left thumb here's bland bandage we'll stick them on the ceiling we've got a bunch of this ribbon we'll put a loop of ribbon on the pad of the band-aid time out wait a second you said hang for bandages and then you got plastic balloons this ribbon is strong like we're gonna have one of these on each bandage one of these on each bandage this right here is way stronger than how much one bandage can hold like won't we have one ribbon for each band-aid that was way more than one baby alright if we if we take a loop and put it through this band-aid and just start pulling that's gonna come off before this breaks here we go let's just tie this into a loop I also noticed that we are sticking it to the scorch marks on the ceiling which I think may come into play here it's not necessarily where we will actually do the test I think we should use a cleaner portion of ceiling because I think that would make it weaker and also we're not gonna want to use the part of the ceiling that we already cracked the drywall from that's true we will probably move to in front of the workbench so here we've got a fishing scale and the numbers are gonna be upside down but we can just start pulling on this so very briefly that got over five pounds okay it then did pull the Bandit off the band-aid failed the loop of ribbon did not so that means that this is in fact our weak point but you still want to try and hang from it not from one I don't weigh five pounds but I think that this can work we have a lot of band-aids after all so I think that the first step is to start unwrapping band-aids and cutting loops of string yes okay this maxed out at about five pounds and we don't want it to be maxing out when we try this we want it to hold our weight for at least long enough to get some footage of like hey we're clearly off the ground it's not gonna hold forever at five pounds we would need about 30 of these I'm very skinny I weigh about 150 which is not much for some other six foot two I want to make sure we really have enough so I think we should double that and start with we could triple it with one box it's true we could go to we can leave let's just do 100 yeah we got one bar this box is missing too well close whole box of 100 band-aids we remember we ended up putting two by fours in the ceiling as support I want to do that again so we've got beams running across and I want to add supports this direction the same way we did last time so I'll start unwrapping just the main outer packages and I think Nate can start making some loops and I think it's time for another montage we need some two by fours and we've got a couple right here on the base of our paint shaker and we don't use our paint shaker a whole lot so I'm gonna take these off and we're just gonna attach them to the ceiling [Music] [Music] 30 band-aids this supposedly can hold your body weight whoo right here something that we've done before in the past one week dropped you out a window with duct tape we want more of a spread even if this can technically hold his weight we are worried about the fact that we won't have enough surface to cover so we want more just to spread them out a little bit so we can keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not going to be able to pull straight down with every band-aid as we get away from the center obviously we're gonna start pulling at an angle and I want to find out what is stronger having the band-aid this direction or having a band-aid this direction and for both of them I'm gonna be pulling at about a 45 degree angle so I'm going to get the scale and I'm just gonna hook it on and pull out I'm gonna try to pull the same angle and see which one seems like it holds more force about a 45 degree angle I think that was 4 pounds 15 ounces so that got almost of 5 pounds it's not bad that got up to 5 pounds 3 ounces so we got a little bit more pulling this direction so I think that's we're gonna do when we will have our Center and then as we get away from it we'll have all the band-aids sort of like pointing in a line at it not perpendicular to it in band-aids yep [Music] you've got a hundred strings but we are worried about you falling I've got a hundred to something for you to land on oh good oh yes sponges that will clearly cushioned my fall perfectly yourself once with the sponges what could possibly go wrong so many things before we test how strong these band-aids are we actually want to talk to you about something that's even more secure Nord VPN as some of you may have heard Nord was the subject of a security breach a couple of months ago while there was a breach no user information was exposed due to nords no logs policy the service as a whole was not attacked their code is not hacked the VPN tunnel was not breached and the Nord apps were unaffected so while no users were actually affected by the breach Nord has taken the incident very seriously and is using it as a catalyst to become stronger over the next few months Nord will be moving to 100% ownership of their servers build a committee of cybersecurity thought leaders who can set new standards and have already introduced a bug bounty program that will reward cybersecurity experts for catching vulnerabilities we have been using Nord for years and have always had positive experiences so while yes they are sponsoring this video we do actually really like their service Nord is available on Windows Mac iOS and Android so it makes it easy to have all of your devices protected from cyber threats so if you aren't sure about whether or not it's worth getting nor will offer you a risk-free 30 day money-back guarantee to everyone who downloads the program Nord is also offering a special sale during the holiday season a three year plan for 81% off plus four free months along with nord pass password manager Athens so head down to the link in the description or go to Nord V pan comm slash random and use coupon code rendom to get signed up today alright so a hundred fan dates technically that is over three times what you should need to hold your body weight at least for a short imagine yeah yeah the tricky part I think is getting equal tension on all of them do we have any more dowel rods something that we could like rapid twists so that's not the real problem the problem is that if I grab like this like oh this one's still kind of slack but that's what I'm saying if we got a dowel rod then it pulls them all to the same tension okay so I'm just gonna start doing this in your grip if I can tighten it me getting worse it's probably getting worse I'm very helpful that way short lift first try not to jump though cuz that'll put more weight on it just right raise yourself up you've already lost one band-aid oh no that's short $1.99 band-aids it's okay it's okay 99 minutes hey wait I was holding coming off it doesn't matter but I did lift myself off the ground you held yourself to the ceiling with mayonnaise you got four boxes of band-aids we only needed one not even a full box I bought them before I had done any testing for height there for strength okay the ceiling is struggling now the band-aids are struggler coming down and it's hard for me to hold tube okay you're jumping now so it is killing the but it's also still kind of holding catastrophic failure after holding on to it I know that was probably 1520 times that I lifted myself we've definitely awesome paint so the band-aids didn't even give out entirely it gave up and pulled paint surfacing off the ceiling Nate can you hang from the ceiling with a single box of band-aids you absolutely can hang from the ceiling camera guy just have a great idea Marc suggested that we just leave those and see how long they last given the fact that in several years the only time that feeling has even slightly got cleaned was the the test with the the sponges that are now all around our feet I have the feeling these band-aids would be haunting me for a while fakes the end to our sponsor Nord VPN to get 81 percent off of a three-year plan Plus for three months and access to Nord past password manager hit the link in the description or go to Nord VPN comm slash random and use coupon code andum to get signed up today this video has ended there's another video if you click that box there's wheat battlestar galactica [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 809,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, band-aids, can sticky tac hold up a person, can sticky tack hold you up, band-aid strength, how sticky are band-aids, bandages, strength test
Id: gN5ewLjRMI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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