We Carbonated A Hot Dog (and Other Random Things)

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in today's video we're going to test out whether we can carbonate some weird stuff using a SodaStream [Music] guys not long ago we showed you that we had when these funds SodaStream fountains they're good for putting carbonation into a liquid that doesn't have carbonation and we said to let us know if there's anything you wanted us to try with it we got some fun responses so today we're trying a bunch of them out as you can see here we've got a good assortment of stuff they range from the not terribly weird like a capri-sun to the kind of weird milk and chocolate milk to the very strange someone wanted us to carbonate a hot dog I don't think you can carbonate a hot dog and if you can I really don't think you can carbonate a hot dog with a SodaStream but we'll give it a shot pretty straightforward we're just gonna start filling the bottles and test if they work and see how carbon even we can get them you know start off with milk now should you carbonate milk even if it works that's a different question pretty sure it used to actually be a beverage you could buy like I think carbonated milk was sold in stores maybe still is in some places sounds like an awful idea to me I don't want milk flavored soda and I love milk maybe that's why I don't want milk flavored soda is because I like it to just be milk but we are going to see how well this works all right here goes my experience using this thing it never gets quite as carbonated as if you had an actual like commercially carbonated beverage but we are just going to see if it works so here goes well that sounded like it put a lot of milk bubbles into our machine oh well it carbonate it and now it's foaming up everywhere I think I had too much milk in here I don't want to give this too much time to lose carbonation I'm gonna try it straight from the bottle then I'll support into a cup mmm oh yeah that's fizzy milk I don't like it oh man I think what's happening is when the carbon dioxide gets dissolved into the milk it becomes very slightly acidic and my brain kind of interprets that as sour I poured that into a cup or a bowl of cereal in the morning I would think that my milk had gone bad let's try of chocolate milk though see if it's any better I think we're pretty good on the amount that we tried to put in see if this one bubbles and spills over yep there goes chocolate milk foam chocolate milk does not like to be carbonated you can see like where there's milk and where there's bubbles and it's mostly bubbles I'm trying to drink down through the bubbles into the milk yeah it's fizzy is that same almost sour quality but the regular milk did it's not as strong I feel like it hasn't held as much of the carbonation so something in chocolate milk makes it hold on to the co2 a little bit less than the regular milk does I don't dislike it as much as I disliked the carbonated regular milk so while I would certainly choose non-carbonated chocolate milk over carbonated choco milk I wouldn't object quite as strongly as I went to carbonated white milk still not my preference though next up someone want us to do jello and I wasn't entirely sure what they meant so I'm trying to things first I'm going to make a batch of jello the Box way which is you add this powder to two cups of boiling water and then you add two cups of cold water after it's all dissolved in and then you let it sit for like four hours we're gonna do is we're gonna dissolve the jello powder in the boiling water then we're gonna add the cold water and then we're going to pour all of that the still liquid jello into a bottle before it has had time to set even a little bit we're gonna try and carbonate it like that then we'll pour it out of the bottle into a container and see when it sets if it's still fizzy Callie has made carbonated jell-o a couple different times already using dry ice we're gonna try it with the SodaStream and see if it works as well [Applause] now for the moment that could get everything just irreversibly sticky it's totally going to look at the phone it's Chloe good looking for it ha ha oh no like chocolate milk is one level of sticky but sugary gelatin that's a whole separate level I'm gonna pour some off taste it see if it's carbonated oh yeah it's not nearly so carbonated as say soda is when you open it but it is carbonated now things tend to lose carbonation and not hold on to the co2 as well when they're hot or warm this was boiling water mixed with cold water in the end we ended up with just kind of warm water it's probably 95 degrees Fahrenheit type of thing so it's warm and that does cut down on how much the carbonation stays in it we're gonna pour it off into a container let us in the fridge and see if it's still fizzy after it all sets now I said that I wasn't entirely sure what they meant about jello so I've got the jello in the fridge that was liquid and I carbonated it but we've also just got a jello Cup I'm going to see if you can just carbonate premade jello because as it turns out there's not really any safety mechanism making sure you don't spray stuff out when the bottles not there so I'm just going to stick this down into the jello and I'm gonna push the button ready doesn't even have to be under the surface it'll still just shoot into it [Applause] so I've carbonated this as much as I think I reasonably can I was just like stirring it around while pressing the button to see what you know get my best possible chance of getting any co2 into it let's give it a taste [Music] black cherry flavored sugar-free jell-o not my favorite snack it's bad and not fizzy so set jello does not seem to carbonate very well my next thing I was going to try is drinkable yogurt and I got something that is similar to drinkable yogurt it doesn't actually say yogurt anywhere on here so probably doesn't qualify by some definition as yogurt but we're gonna try it anyways I think it's just like a probiotic drink bubbly a little bit of the bubbly I really hope this machine is just designed to handle that because otherwise I'm causing problems oh yeah that's fizzy again not incredibly fizzy but it's got some of it in there and this stuff is already kind of tart it's got fruit flavoring and so that the sort of acid taste that gets put in from the carbon dioxide it doesn't clash with it the way it does with milk and chocolate milk they didn't absorb a ton of the carbonation it's a very mild fizz but what it did absorb not bad next up is a capri-sun these little pouch drinks and instead of pouring it into the bottle my goal here is to just carving it directly into the pouch itself there we go possible capri-sun spraying throughout the entire studio in three two one not too bad I mean it filled it and it is leaking [Music] all right definitely lost some volume here [Music] it's picked up a little bit of it I think the sealed container is pretty necessary like to hold it under pressure the fact that this is like so easy for a liquid to get out it makes it taste like it was carbonated two days ago and now it's just very very flat I think the bottle is actually an important part of this holding the pressure in I think does make a difference to how much is able to dissolve if it were really important to you to have carbonated Capri Suns I would say you'd have to pour them out into the bottle and carbonate it there so does it work in the pouch not so much now I think it's time to move on to the next level of weird we're gonna try and carbonate applesauce I really want this one to work and applesauce isn't quite as liquid as something so I'm kind of just trying to shake it up a little bit more so if it does carbonate at all it gets evenly mixed throughout please don't bubble up with bubbly applesauce [Music] well there you go applesauce erupting out of the container [Music] my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined I cannot tell any difference between applesauce that I did not carbonate in the applesauce I did carbonate weight that bite I did okay so there is a little bit it's pretty mild and it might just be like the foam that was like coming up out of the container but there is a little bit to it and it's pretty fun I would actually enjoy it if it were like way more carbonated than that and I suspect on an industrial scale it could be done like I think that you could carbonate applesauce it's also very possible that you could carbonate it better with like dry ice or something just letting it sit with the dry ice bubbling up through it for a while it would be colder as well I might have to revisit that just cuz I like the idea of fizzy apple sauce but it's fine not as good as I was hoping all right next thing we're trying old world style sauce yeah we're gonna do tomato sauce here see how this works out here goes [Music] one didn't really seem to spill out at all so that's a good sign no hiss orphism I opened the bottle up doesn't bode really well for being terminated all right tomato sauce I don't usually just eat by the spoonful I'm getting no hint of it all right I'll do a side by side just to be sure I wouldn't be able to tell the difference that you put both of them next to me and said which is which I'd never pick it out so tomato sauce that's a no-go at this point we have abandoned all hope of sanity and to send it into total madness apparently now we're going to try to carbonate a hot dog now I'm gonna try and skewer this on the little nozzle and then I am going to put the bottle over it so we have the best chance of actually driving some of that carbonation down into the hotdog three two one Oh tore a hole right in the side of it immediately okay I'm just gonna cut off a slice right near where the hole was cuz I know a lot of co2 is being driven into that area you know no it did not carbonate it at all it's not fizzy it's not bubbly it's just a hot dog but it split open sorry got one more we are going to see if it's possible to carbonate eggs and to do that we're just gonna put eggs in this and fill it up as much as we can up to that line and then we'll just try carbonating it I'm not going to test eating the raw eggs but after I've given it a good effort I'm going to pour a little bit out into a pan try and cook it and see if we have fizzy eggs why on earth would you want fizzy eggs in the first place those like bubblier than normal they look bubblier than normal to me that's flawless they don't have to be good they just have to be cooked approximately two eggs gently scrambled salt pepper and a healthy dose of carbon dioxide [Music] oh my goodness they are like I think that's legitimate Li fizzy it's mild and if you just quickly eat it I don't detect anything but if I take a bite and just hold it in my mouth a little bit I think it's honestly fizzing yeah actually there's a section on that's weird and I don't recommend it but apparently it's possible all right our jello has completely set at this point I do think it's interesting looking at the surface of this one it's kind of hard to see on camera but you can kind of tell there's almost this grid pattern of spots where bubbles clearly rose up and so I think that was the jello degassing a little bit some of that carbon dioxide coming out the question is whether any of it stuck behind to actually make the jello fizzy maybe fizzy jello it's sort of like us there there's like maybe this hint of it as it dissolves like there's little pops and it's kinda hard to tell like Oh was that carbon dioxide popping or is that just regular bubbles in the jello popping it's not like dramatically fizzy I think calli got much better results when she used the dry ice this one is basically clean and clear on the bottom whereas this one has quite a few bubbles stuck to the bottom I'm trying to tell if those bubbles stuck to the bottom or maybe carbon dioxide bubbles the very slight bubbling that I was talking about with this one it does seem like there's maybe a bit more of him than this one but again it's not clear you wouldn't just bite that and be like oh it's fizzy didn't really work out super well for that so does this work for fizzy jello I'm gonna say not really like if you made this for someone they wouldn't really notice so I think for that reason I'm gonna say carbonating jello with the SodaStream not so great guys that's it for today but you know we've always got more to see click the box to the top - I got a most recent video and we'll see you in the next one talk to them [Music] you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,908,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, soda stream, what can you carbonate with a soda stream, carbonating random drinks, best thing to carbonate with soda stream, carbonated milk, carbonated smoothies, carbonated applesauce, carbonated eggs, carbonated chocolate milk, carbonated food, carbonated capri sun, carbonated drinks, soda stream food, what can you carbonate, weird food to carbonate, carbonated jell-o
Id: 76kPJruKIcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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