Why You Should NEVER Spill Liquid Oxygen

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This was an awesome new video, and I like the new channel too. TKOR was one of the first channels I subscribed too many, many years ago, and I've always been a fan. Even after all of the changes that have had to be implemented because of the pesky algorithm changes over the years. I can't say that I've always been excited about the subject of some videos, but I'm sure you all have done videos that you weren't crazy about doing as well. My only criticism about the video would be that you missed out on an opportunity for an accompanying build video. You had to build the tiny house, why not make a video out of it? It could potentially appease the people that keep saying that they want more build videos. It wouldn't be fancy, but just a sort of, 'How we built a house to burn.', kind of thing. Which brings me to my final random thought, how about building science; toys, gadgets, puzzles. All small of course, and maybe as simply as possible? That's all just my two cents, spend them however you like. TKOR=The Kingdom Of Rockstars.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Woodstock_Peanut 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Fast_Turtles 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Strong Mythbusters vibe here...very enjoyable

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/npfiii 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I remember that video from the 90s and watched it on dial-up.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tpelliott 📅︎︎ May 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Figured a change was coming with the teaser. They haven't hit a million views in a very long time.

I really enjoyed the higher production video, but 20 minutes may be longer than most people care to watch.

Callie is looking much more like her old self. That's great for her. Hope she is doing well.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bennyblancofosho 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
this right here is 60 pounds of charcoal and in here i've got many gallons of liquid oxygen cali is this safe yeah burn it burn it burn it go go go this is liquid oxygen it's something we've made here in the studio before with liquid nitrogen and an oxygen tank but today we're going to need a much larger quantity this is a 10 by 10 tiny house we built we added carpet to the floor which we're gonna soak in liquid oxygen and then light it off to see what happens we've heard the stories of what happens if you accidentally spill liquid oxygen on carpet in a lab and we've done small scale tests with it before but today we want to try something a lot bigger now we will go blow stuff up in just a sec so hang tight but we want to talk to you about today's sponsorship first which is better help we've all gone through hard times especially recently and there's a resource out there to help you understand your mental health better help is an amazing counseling service for exactly that and we want to thank them for sponsoring today's video see better help will assess your specific needs and then they match you with your own licensed professional therapist who can assist you with your personal issue and you can start communicating within 48 hours keep in mind this is not a crisis line nor is this a self-help better help is a professional counseling done securely online and there's a broad range of expertise and better helps 15 000 plus counselor network you can log into your account anytime and instantly send a message to your counselor you'll get timely and thoughtful responses plus you can schedule weekly video or phone sessions also better help is committed to facilitating great therapeutic matches so they make it easy and free to change a counselor if you need it and one of the best parts is that it's more affordable than traditional offline counseling and financial aid is available if needed go check out betterhelp using our link at betterhelp.com tkor that's better h-e-l-p and join the 1 million people taking charge of their mental health by using our link you'll receive 10 off your first month thanks again to better help for sponsoring today's video that's better h-e-l-p go use our link to get 10 off your first month at betterhelp.com tkor now we have done some cool experiments with liquid oxygen before using steel wool styrofoam and melted candles our absolute favorite though was lighting a piece of carpet soaked in liquid oxygen because this went up so fast and burned so quickly it was like nothing we'd ever seen before and we've always wanted to scale it up we originally came up with this idea after talking with our friend alexander he used liquid oxygen in a laboratory and they were always warned that if we were to spill on carpet it was particularly dangerous because carpet is made from petroleum product and has a very high energy density and then walking across the carpet could also potentially create a static shock and that could light off carpet that's been soaked in liquid oxygen leading to a pretty disastrous result now we don't actually want to put ourselves in any danger by walking across liquid oxygen soaked carpet but we do want to test the static shock theory we're going to take a three inch carpet square and using a static electricity generator we're going to try and create a spark within the fibers of the carpet after it's been soaked in liquid oxygen now we are not the first people to do experiments with liquid oxygen back in the mid 90s an engineer from purdue university named george gobel did an experiment to see how fast he could light a charcoal barbecue he took 60 pounds of charcoal briquettes and poured three gallons of liquid oxygen over them with a small ember smoldering at the top the result was that about five to ten seconds later he had 20 pounds of nicely burning charcoal george goble's original experiment was really really cool but unfortunately due to some limitations of the technology of the day the footage of it that exists is pretty low resolution we want to make sure that this experiment has the high resolution that it deserves so we're going to be taking all of these briquettes soaking them in liquid oxygen and lighting them and that's going to be awesome but what happens when you take just a single match and cover it in liquid oxygen let's start with that so uh it's a bit windy out here right now um and we're concerned about it we were just gonna do everything right here which is why we're pouring charcoal right here but we're thinking we're now going to move to inside the dome where we have better control over the elements and uh we're gonna be able to pour everything much safer just one match one match ready yeah all right so we got a good flare going that's from all the the heads of the matches but now we've just got some gently burning wood barely going at all right i'm curious let's actually just try one because now i want to know fire one match [Music] it's like a sparkler i think it spread this so much no there's other there's debris on the ground that was one match and now that stick is on fire now everything's on fire one precaution we are taking to try and make this a little bit safer is in the original experiment the bucket was on a two by four and mr goebbel was pouring it just holding the 2.4 i want it to be a little farther away from everything so i have a bucket on a 2x4 but then i have this whole device that i'm going to be attaching it to it can rotate it can slide and it will be on a hinge so from 10 feet away i should be able to maneuver the bucket to pour it on without being so close that i have to worry about the heat causing problems is that gonna catch on fire yeah maybe we are ready to do the actual test can you ignite carpet soaked in liquid oxygen with a spark all right here we go i'm ready on my box that's just make sure we get a lot over on this side here because that's yeah all right okay that's coated all right so i'm gonna have mine right there at the edge okay ready give us some good voltage oh i got that zapped yep that's another one zapping i'm gonna move a tiny bit away for a bigger zap ow pretty good zap it's not going guys let's go a little more in the middle zapping zap zap that was a big one let me back up a little for a bigger one keep going cal oh i see that okay i think we've tested that was a lot of sparks not a lot of sparks but well i think it was sparks that we just couldn't see cali's got a plan i've got a it ready ready so it did work obviously with the sparkler yes so this just proves that number one our carpet worked there was liquid oxygen just we could not get a static spark to make it go the two poles that grace and i were holding we were both getting zapped pretty good you were able to see some of the sparks i could see it yeah and it's daylight so that wasn't the that wasn't the problem the problem is that the sparks we were creating were not enough to light it off i'm not going to say that that means you can't light it off with a static spark i'm just saying our result is that it's not guaranteed any spark will light it so the match in the liquid oxygen was absolutely fantastic but we want to try and make sure that what we're going to be doing with the briquettes is going to be as safe as possible so what we're going to test out first is a few different types of accelerants with our charcoal briquettes and see how they burn so the first thing we're going to test is how briquette burns just by itself combustion also known as burning is a chemical reaction and process that is a combination of fuel and oxygen what gets it all started is a little bit of heat with just the lighter it takes a minute to get going so that's why we're going to use these accelerants the charcoal briquettes does act as fuel in this situation but it's a fuel that is kind of hard to get that chemical reaction going like grace said so we use a fuel that's easier to start a reaction with in the form of lighter fluid now without holding the torch on it the lighter fluid acts as a source of heat until the charcoal itself really starts to burn so gasoline works about the same way that a lighter fluid does but it reacts a lot more energetically and it's going to burn a lot faster than anything that we've used before guys please don't try this at home please don't use gasoline to light your barbecue you don't want your food tasting like gasoline and it could be really dangerous the fumes themselves can actually build up and cause an explosion [Laughter] there we go much faster now is a briquette started with gasoline going to get started faster or slower than normal lighter fluid that's not the test we're doing today today we're going to see what happens if instead of adding more fuel we add more oxygen in a past experiment we did test what would happen if you use gaseous oxygen to start a bunch of charcoal briquettes and it worked really well but i think the liquid version is going to go even better look at it oh my gosh look at that beautifully burning charcoal briquette and all that beautifully burning debris that was sitting somewhere near the charcoal briquette oh my gosh it's still sparking it was just warm like i could have held that i just love that it's still sparking like there's still so much oxygen in the ground there you go all right it's time to go big or go home they say smelling liquid oxygen on your clothing is incredibly dangerous and we want to show you just how dangerous it is using one of our new t-core designs look how great it is oh hang it over the sides it's gonna evaporate very quickly yes don't worry if you buy the shirts they will not come covered in liquid oxygen guys we did a really small scale test now we want to size it up a little bit we want to see how fast the fire actually travels through the carpet and also we want to see it out of an enclosed space we've never actually done it out in the open with this much carpet before this is going to be wild i'm excited to see how fast it goes i think it's going to be very quick i think it'll be faster than we're expecting you ready to start pouring i'm ready in three two one that was slower than i thought but really cool you could feel the heat back here yeah it was three seconds that was legit actually i think it was a little under i freaked out a little bit and forgot to push it because i was so mesmerized but that was like three seconds and it was insane all right so chuck what other type of explosive or incendiary did that most remind you of it was it most really reminded me of black powder a thick black powder very fine black powder in a line all right so if you had that type of black powder filling the bottom of a shed like this how do you think that would go well that is the question because i don't know all right especially being contained the liquid oxygen seems to be working great we've got everything set up time to recreate george goble's mid 90s experiments i guess i don't have a plan if this thing snaps and falls on the ground we all [Music] all run [Music] ready good [Music] i loved that that was fantastic oh my gosh it's so warm so like just right here this is un like uncomfortably warm that's too that's i don't like it so a couple thoughts okay the uh the story along with the original and from what it looked like in the video i believe george goble had much less left when he was finished i believe there's a couple reasons for that one his charcoal grill was probably a lot cheaper two his less safe pouring method of being up close let him be more accurate and keep all the fuel poured onto the charcoal itself i might have splashed a little bit to the side in my effort to not be super close to it but i have no regrets because i was feeling the heat of that from the other side of my point i felt it from standing farther from nate and i felt the heat with the type of charcoal we're using we uh we did not reduce it to 20 pounds of nicely burning charcoal but we got a lot of heat out of it and frankly i think we'd be about ready to start throwing some food on it seriously this is amazing guys burning that strip of carpet was absolutely amazing but now we want to see it in an enclosed space we're not sure if enclosing it is going to suppress the reaction or make it so that it's under pressure and more explosive so to test it out we've got this doghouse we threw carpet on the inside of it and now we're going to pour a bunch of liquid oxygen on it that is so so much all right ready [Music] i just want to say it did not just open the lid it tore the lid off the lid is the ceiling of it just came off entirely it tore through the hinge connections and yeah it's burning very very hot holy cow i have so much more hope for the shed now that i've seen this because i was really worried that we weren't going to have as big of an effect as we wanted i'm not worried about that anymore and in in a half second it took to blow that lid off look how much of the ceiling still scorched like that giant black mark is what it i feel like put on there radiating like it's still very warm the dog house was incredible it was a more exciting reaction than i was even hoping for so now i cannot wait to scale it up to our tiny house here because the risk of walking on carpet with liquid oxygen is that it could explode on you we don't want to ever be on the carpet while pouring the liquid oxygen so we're gonna have two methods to distribute it one is we're gonna throw a little bit in the open doors from outside the shed two we're going to fill a metal bucket up on top of the shed there's a hole in the ceiling that drops down into a distributing device and i can pull this cord and just dip all that liquid oxygen down in through the hole into the inside bucket the fun thing about this carpet is that it's called explosion 2 and the color is called firework it's [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] are we good chuck this is it baby two months of preparation everybody good all right we're good fire no here we go three two one yes two one [Music] dude this is amazing so good wow it was the fastest and most beautiful reaction ever we wanted to test how dangerous liquid oxygen was on carpet i think we did a pretty good job of that guys don't play with liquid oxygen thanks so much for having us do you come up with any cool things you want to see us do let us know in the comments below hey guys if you want to see our secret fuel explosion make sure to head over to our second channel 2 core we are out here playing with liquid oxygen but it should give a very similar result to if we froze gasoline in liquid oxygen all right everyone ready guys we want to continue making huge experiments like this but we cannot do it without your support youtube has changed over the years and what used to work for our channel doesn't seem to be a viable option anymore we want to make the biggest and best videos we've ever created while we're very excited about it it's kind of risky from a business standpoint so we're asking for your help to keep this up we have created a patreon page that will let our viewers support us directly changes are happening around the channel and we are so thankful for your constant support over the years we have lots of amazing rewards planned we'll have exclusive content for you and you'll get early access to all our videos all of the details about the plans should be available soon this liquid oxygen video is just the tip of the iceberg for the projects we want to accomplish and we really could not do that without you all we thank you so much for the years of support that you've given us and we really hope that you'll stick around and help us create the very best content we have ever made on this channel and to see what we grow into if anybody wants to know what my favorite smell of candle would be it would be the scent of burning matches i don't think it exists but i want it the smell of books and burning matches not burning books smell of books and burning matches stomp it it doesn't like to stomp how's that going for you real good i did it okay proud of you i feel very comfortable all right i think that's going to do for this uh little due for the little test ah this is the sheds last few moments all right callie's moving a core truck nate are you going to stay up there for the explosion yeah that's the best place i got to have a good view okay i'll see you later
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,490,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king of random, tkor, grace, nate, calli, tkor experiments, liquid oxygen, lox, mythbusters, bbq, barbeque, george goble, charcoal, lighting charcoal
Id: mv0U8SvU34I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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