500 Packs of POP ROCKS! TKOR Tries The Best Pop Rocks Experiments!

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that's bubbling around in my stomach like I can hear it bubbling a lot and popping and crackling like that is coming right through from my insides to my outsides so maybe I'll still explode in today's video we're gonna see what we can do with about 10 pounds of fizzing popping candy [Music] alright guys ever since we started putting strange things into our cotton candy machine we've had people requesting pop rocks so today we're gonna try this out but we figured while we're doing stuff with pop rocks we might as well try out several different things so here's the basic idea we've had plenty of requests of things to try doing with pop rocks well we got our hands on a bunch of these in a couple different brands and we're gonna try out everything you requested this is like the biggest pack of pop rocks I could find on Amazon it actually came with a few more that turned into gum but I am 100% positive that nothing with gum in it is going to work in the cotton candy machine so we've got these set off to the side and so we're gonna try some things with the pop rocks but I wanted like a lot of pop rocks and I mean this is a good number but every single one of these is one third of an ounce and so you know it takes three of these to make one ounce to take 16 ounces to make a pound so we're gonna get like maybe two pounds out of this and we've wanted more than that so I went ahead and did some research and I found another company that makes this carbonated candy this right here is carbonated crystals made by the company pop in fun I believe this is the only manufacturer of this type of candy in the United States and they sell for pound bags so a lot more crystal for your buck you don't have to get these tiny little packets instead we've got big old packs and we've got them in navy blue and red in case anyone is unfamiliar with pop rocks carbonated candy in general it's a small sugar crystal and the main ingredients are sugar and lactose and the way they're produced involves introducing carbon dioxide into the candy at extremely high pressures and the carbonation actually gets stucked inside the sugar crystals and when you eat them and they dissolve the carbonation escapes and you get fun popping sensation and sounds and that one actually just popped out of my hand I guess moisture in the air and the moisture on my hand was enough to I was fascinating we're gonna play around with that a bit these became popular in the 1970s as a fun little candy and then they became somewhat less popular as a rumor spread that a child actor from popular commercial had died after eating a pack of these and then drinking some coca-cola and and the rumors that his stomach had expanded and popped and he had died in the hospital or something like that complete nonsense he was fine but I think we'll play around with that rumor as well so the first thing that we were gonna try is putting pop rocks in our cotton candy machine if you've watched all of our cotton candy machine videos so far I have a time to explain that to work you really have to have candy that has mainly two ingredients sugar and corn syrup real quick before we try and make this cotton candy let's go talk to Callie who is currently testing out a product for the sponsor of today's video all right Callie explain the product you're using from our sponsor today Nate I am using the footmouse this thing is revolutionary for video games let me just pause real quick there so it actually allows you to play with your entire body so you're playing both of your hands and now with your feet too so how do you feel that the foot Mouse is impacting your game so far oh my gosh my winds are insane right now my Katie is nice alright guys but here's what this is actually really good for when you're playing rainshadow legend oh it's actually a channel guys sorry but the foot Mouse isn't actually available for purchase that's right today we're talking about our real sponsor which is raid Shadow legends of course so raid is all about clicking champions and sending them into battle if you haven't caught on to that yet I'm not sure what it is you've been watching you can fight against friends dungeon bosses or just go through a campaign it's super fun my favorite part is definitely collecting all the cool guys and then building them up sometimes you even have to sacrifice some of your lower guys to add more strengths to like your key hero yeah if you're playing ruthlessly so the game has amazing graphics too and you can play both on your handheld and you can play on a PC new players can take advantage of the daily log in rewards program which recently got doubled from 90 days to 180 days every day you get new rewards energy refills silver gems shards and you even get a free barbarian legendary champion style of the jury by using our link new players will get 100,000 silver and a free epic champion Jotun these awards will only be available for 30 days so click the link in the description to get playing today so are you just gonna keep doing that oh yeah you got this alright okay pop rocks we're gonna try grape I'm just gonna pour this whole packet in that scared me I missed with a bunch of them I hear the popping actually getting something oh and now I'm also seeing smoke a little bit of smoke just coming out of there which does happen with non pop rocks so I'm not saying that's just because it's pop rocks see if this is grape flavored there is like leftover cotton candy sugar in there hard to tell all right I'm gonna go green apple that's a more distinct flavor I think it'll be easier to separate from the other ones and the color should be more obvious to the taste for what these are like that's green apple hey we're getting cotton we're getting quite a bit of something thrown on to the sides and it's green so we know that something is not getting processed super well all right green fluff it's got the green apple flavor I taste a little bit burned and unfortunately there is absolutely zero sensation of popping it just so happens that one of the flavors of pop rocks is cotton candy flavor so I think it's only fair that we try making cotton candy out of cotton candy pop rocks so you can actually hear it like all the carbon dioxide I believe starts just escaping as soon as the pop rocks start melting down and so it's all gone by the time it gets into the cotton threads well that won't produce way less than the green cotton candy flavor is not good for making cotton candy look out a little bit is just tastes like chemicals so does pop rocks turn into cotton candy yeah technically a little bit it works way worse than just white sugar not even cotton candy sugars regular sugar I've had better results with skills better results with Jolly Ranchers lifesavers work really well pretty much every variety of lifesavers I've tried works great I do want to try the pop and fun brands and see how those turn out I haven't even opened these yet so let's see what these are like four pounds at a time they also sell like a 30 pound bag mostly they aren't sold for like individual consumption like this they're sold as like ingredients you can put these into other things like chocolate and ice cream and we may even try a little bit of that layers Wow they weren't kidding when they said like navy blue and it's not quite Navy but that looks like aquarium rocks wow that's way more energetic too I think because we got like the larger crystals [Music] she'll just kind of taste like slightly burnt sugar there's no flavor added into this so it kind of makes sense but less chemically and I think that's like because we aren't burning the artificial flavors that are added to the other ones and we did get more fluff still absolutely no pop rock sensation in the cotton candy itself so well we got slightly better cotton candy sugar out of it still wouldn't recommend it because you are not getting as much yield as real cotton candy sugar you're leaving residue from probably the lactose to be burned inside the oven and yeah they're spraying a ton out on the sides here so yes it is working it's just not working very well all right well we currently have more popping candy than I have ever seen in one place so I think we got to do some experiments first I'm gonna get these out of whose bags I mean a bulb I genuinely thought this bowl was gonna be big enough but I we actually still have like a cup and a half of the blue and half a cup of the red in the pouches but uh you know we'll get around to using things that's so much carbonated candy the famous fable is eating a pack of pop rocks and then drinking coke your stomach exploding to test the plausibility we're first gonna take a bottle of coke here I figure the bottle is a little bit more appropriate for the 1970s and get one of our retro style packs original flavor I'm just gonna pour it into the bottle of coke and see how much of reaction we get hopefully it stays contained within this bowl which I am now going to move farther away from our large bowl of uncovered pop rocks original flavor pop rocks is getting poured into a bottle of coke we'll see how many oh there we go a lot of those pop rocks got pushed right out by the floating coke and now you can hear them it's actually kind of what it just sounds like in your head when you're eating them you just hear and feel the popping go through your whole head it foamed a lot I wouldn't call that a dangerous level I am actually going to try eating the pop rocks and drinking some coke see what it does so the hard part to me is like how fast can you eat pop rocks without like chewing them up and like to get them down into your stomach I'm confused on that maybe you're supposed to like put him in your mouth and then swallow the coke to chase it but I feel like you're just foam up in your mouth the goal is to have it happen in your stomach and not swallow that quickly all right that's as much as I can swallow up quick [Music] so far I burped like once it was really nothing interesting so I'm gonna try putting it my mouth and chugging the coke after it [Music] I can hear me I can hear it bubbling and reacting inside my belly that's bubbling around in my stomach like I can hear it bubbling a lot and popping and crackling like that is coming right through from my insides to my outsides so maybe I'll still explode maybe it's still coming I'm gonna take pack of pop rocks and pour them into this balloon now I'm gonna take a little balloon with an entire pack of pop rocks in it put that over the coke there now all of them made it in there you go you can see it see just how much we actually get out of this so far it's not how much we're just gonna set this off to the side let it do its thing react how fast and slow wants to react we've got more experiments to try when I put some of the pop rocks just in my hand some of them started just popping right away so I want to just try taking some pop rocks and putting them on a plate with like a little bit of water to see how like excited and jumpy they get a lot of pop oh jeez some of those really went flying little ones not all of them but some of them went fly oh wow it shot me I would actually flew off and hit be hard enough to be like it didn't really hurt but it wasn't comfortable let's try this again I'm using the popping fun brand I've actually run it through a sieve to get rid of some of the smaller ones we're gonna see if we get you even more energetic response with just bigger crystals here [Laughter] they're exploding out of there I am now covered in pop rocks the camera and cameraman are covered in pop rock like it's just like stuck to my hand from being nearby I had my phone there as a flashlight to give extra light and it's just like coded everything it's probably on my face even like I am just decorated it's such a fast reaction that's so fun all right so this cup of water is basically at boiling temperature we're just gonna pour a whole packet in see what does it just like started reacting instantly all right we are gonna try and make some ice cream we've done this before we're gonna be using milk cream sugar flavoring and liquid nitrogen to make our ice cream and I don't want to put the pop rocks in early because I think that the liquid in the milk and cream will start dissolving them so I'm gonna get it going until it's almost ready and then add the pop rocks a little more liquid nitrogen and keep it going to get it all the way frozen I think that's gonna give us our best chance of not having it just pop everywhere so we're gonna get some of these red unflavored ones I think the color is a good look obviously some reactions happening you can see it going oh that's exciting being attacked all right it's ice cream and it has the carbonated crystals and pop rocks in it I just don't know if you can actually like get the sensation as you eat it so here goes [Music] yep yeah it definitely does can't have to let the ice cream melt away on your tongue though but once you do like the pop rocks are still in your mouth well I really enjoyed the result of pouring really hot water onto the pop rocks and pop rocks on those really hot water and I want to scale that up but I do not dare do it inside so I'm gonna take this outside hey look here's how much our balloon got not a ton and then I'm gonna pour like a gallon of boiling water over all of it and just see what kind of mayhem we get I'm gonna be so covered nearly nearly it was boiling as I took it off the stove that was only like a min and a half ago so it's still extremely hot and I'm just gonna pour it right on this is gonna go everywhere ready three two one [Music] didn't actually spray as much as I thought it would it's obviously reacting a lot but it sprays the most in really shallow areas so it did spray and I am covered working my legs just it actually just keep going that's how covered I got just from it spraying out this is a lot of fun the boiling water thing was unexpected to me I think it was actually maybe more entertaining in the small-scale but it's still a cool in the large-scale very fun to try these things out I highly recommend the carbonated crystals in ice cream if you ever make ice cream you can check out the larger batches that we got that's from popping fun calm you get the four pound bags or I think they also have like a 30 pound bag if you are really into making ice cream super fun super cool if there's anything else you'd like to see us try with pop rocks let us know we might be down for trying some more stuff thank you again to our sponsor rate shadow legends click the link in the description below so you can get playing for free today guys that's it for today but you know we always have more for you see click that box up the top to check out our most recent video and we'll see in the next one talk to then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 4,080,233
Rating: 4.8163233 out of 5
Keywords: pop rocks, can you drink coke after eating pop rocks, mikey life cereal pop rocks myth, pop rocks ice cream, pop rocks cotton candy, 500 packs of pop rocks, 500 packs of fun dip, pop rocks experiments, pop rock, how to make cotton candy, pop rocks and soda, pop rocks and coke, popping candy, pop rocks asmr, pop rock candy, cotton candy, TKOR, pop candy, pop rocks candy, poprocks and coke, why you should never eat pop rocks, pop rocks and soda death, popping rock
Id: WQ3l7pWxqxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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