Melting 5,000 Crayons Into One Giant Crayon

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in today's video we're going to be making a giant crayon with in-person schooling around the country closed down we're partnered with our friends from ipvo to bring you teacher tuesday where we will shout out some of those educators who are going above and beyond for their students today's teacher is shelby winder from spring texas we reached out to shelby and asked her to share a little bit about herself why she loves teaching and how this year has been going and here's what she had to say hey everybody come on in welcome to our classroom my name is shelby winder and i'm a fighting texas aggie graduate class of 2017. i am going into my third year teaching for the first two years i was a high school special education life skills as we call it math and science teacher this year i wanted to change it up a little bit and i'm teaching sixth grade english language arts here in spring texas you may be wondering why do i love teaching so much let me tell you every day i get to teach content in a fun and exciting and engaging way not only that it is such an honor to be a piece of the puzzle and preparing my sixth graders for life after sixth grade teaching is what i was born to do shelby has been doing amazing things with her students so we want to help her out we'll be sending her an ipvo do cam to help with remote teaching the ipvo do cam is a portable camera that can quickly plug into any computer and share what's happening on your desk when you're done showing what's on your desk you can also flip the camera and instantly turn it into a webcam the camera is an 8 megapixel camera that uses a sony cmos image sensor so the image is a high quality with quick autofocus the camera stand is also extremely flexible so it's easy to adjust the camera and get the angle you need ipvo also released the creator's edition of the do cam which comes in a vibrant yellow color so shelby keep an eye out in the mail as we're sending one your way big thank you to all of the teachers out there and if you'd like to get an ipvo camera for yourself or a teacher you know go ahead and click the link in the description below welcome back today we have 5 000 crayons there are a lot of crayons on this table i want to give a huge thank you to our friends at crayola for hooking us up with all of these fantastic crayons we have 5 000 crayons over 5 000 crayons literally insane as you can see some of them are already unwrapped just to make our lives a little bit easier we got a little bit of a jump start on it this weekend sorting them out to see how this process was going to go so what are we doing with all these crayons grass we are making a giant crayon the size of me so we're making a great size crayon a gray sized crayon here's the basic idea we have 5 000 crayons that we're going to take the wrappers out of and sort into 24 different piles then compile them into a crayon mold that we have created and then make a gigantic 5 foot 4 crayon so we do have a process for how we're going to sort all these out we thought about just taking the blues the purples and the pinks the yellows and the greens and putting them into just separate categories but then we were like well that's not following crayola's colors we're making our own colors at that point so we decided to sort them out into 24 different piles take the wrappers off and then we are going to make layers all the way up this tube there are over 5 000 crayons we have to unwrap i'm so excited aren't you excited to unwrap things yay it's gonna be fantastic let's get to it all right so we're gonna make a little bit of room to put in our mason jars obviously these mason jars are not big enough so we're gonna like fill them up to separate them put labels on each one and then put them into separate compartments so what was tricky about sorting out the crayons and putting them in rainbow order is we couldn't do them by scribble color we had to do them by their wax color because we are melting them down and re-melting them so the bluetooth for example which is this very very dark one this one nope it's right here it's very very dark if when we were putting this one in the middle with the other blues it was creating kind of this divide if you will so if we wanted to group the blues together they all look pretty good and then you got this this one that like sticks out and looks a whole lot closer to black so we decided that it would probably be best for to put bluetooth on the end with the black because it would just make our process a little bit easier and make our rainbow not choppy [Music] so we just spent the last hour and 30 minutes filling these to max capacity obviously these aren't all the way full but these little jars absolutely are i can tell the difference between all of these now like without looking at the name i can see the slight differences between red orange yellow orange orange violet the violet it is all very very evident yeah so we are going to take these and dump them into our baggies that we have pre-made from our pre-sort this weekend and then we are going to proceed by it cutting them open after we finish that little pile right there that's all we got left we're almost there we're on the home stretch we have peeled 230 plus boxes of crayons that's 5 000 plus crayons i have to give a huge shout out and a huge thank you to the whole tkor team this was a team effort y'all i mean full on blown team effort crowded around the bench peeling and getting the shells off of these crayons which was no easy task hours it was hours and hours good team bonding but thank you to the whole team for helping this process happen success so what we're going to do first is we're going to take our tube and we're going to hot glue it to this piece this is going to be the butt of our crayon once we get the butt of our crayon on we're going to go ahead and mash up some of these crayons we're going to put them in this bowl because when you mash up your crayons you're increasing the surface area you're increasing their melting consistency and so once we melt them in this bowl we're going to then pour them through this funnel and then it is going to pour in and we have our first layer done and then we get to do it 23 more times [Music] all right first one this is just in case it spills a bit you want me to rotate it i think we're good you sure you're good it's coming in oop we are spilling a little bit you're going to scrape this really quick so if it's supposed to be a 64-inch tall crayon and we've got 24 different layers they should each be two and two-thirds inches our tube is slightly smaller than just like the actual tube they don't sell the exact diameter we need so we've got a five inch diameter here so i'm gonna bring this down here it should be about right here you can see we actually could go another quarter of an inch do you want some more tell me when probably there we're at two and three quarter inches cool all right so i originally had the idea that we needed to use the small tube to feed it in through the bottom kevin did not think that was a good idea kevin i didn't know i didn't say it wasn't a good idea i asked the question is it going to be so viscous that we lose a lot of our crayon in here as it goes down from our first pour we definitely won't also we have liquid nitrogen helping our process here because we have such a large quantity of crayon in here that is freezing currently and the problem we're running into is that we are pouring something from five feet up so we have to account for that fall velocity so as it's falling it's picking up speed hitting this causing a splatter so we had to make sure that first level was solid enough that if we drop hot crayon down that it's gonna stay i think we're there with the black it sat out for a little bit it's not nearly as hot as this beautiful was and now we're gonna tackle it something we did talk about is when we are done with this crayon we're gonna go ahead and clean it all up is just shave as much as we need to down just so we have those beautiful layers and those beautiful colors because you know what you mess up you learn from it and you redo it or try again in our case we're not redoing this because i'm not peeling 250 more boxes of crayons just to get [Music] this [Music] [Music] kevin didn't believe in my skills here when i pulled him out and started taping you can do anything with duct tape i just thought we could probably come up with a better way to cool it than just duct taping freezies around the top i call these freezies a lot of people call them otter pops i guess is the real name but they're freezies anyways either way it looks good i nailed this i'm hype it's fantastic the problem we were running into when we were looking at this was it is starting to separate the plastic container and the wax it's my shoes are up here sorry um was starting to separate and so we didn't want to get a large drip down the side i have tried to strategically let our last layer cool down significantly so when we pour it it's going to be thicker it's going to set quicker and we're not going to have that residue down the side yeah as we cool the wax it contracts so it's getting a little bit smaller that's what happened right here with this layer and the yellow came into the yellow green right but it's okay we're gonna make it all beautiful and fix it in green yellow it'll be spectacular oh a little bit coming a little there we go beautiful and we're just lifting it up a little bit as we go too great great great oh that's a smooth pour yeah that looks pretty i think we can call it there because it is a little bit lopsided so we can see there's a little bit of surface tension holding it above the pipe on this side plus we're gonna hold on to this because what we're seeing is that the center is concaving a little bit and if you look at a normal crayon you can actually see that the center does concave a little bit in a small scale so in the large scale we're seeing a lot of that concave so we're gonna save some of this stuff and then we're gonna fill it accordingly and as needed to cool this crayon we had to get pretty innovative so we put our minds together and we used a water pump and another tube on top of this to pump cold ice water into a surrounding tube and have it slowly leak out of the bottom it works it works that's all i gotta say we go up oh smooth sailing yep wow this looks great yes yeah this is like where our learning process really began was this is when we really got it [Music] [Music] you guys oh my it's done it is in one piece after falling apart a couple times it is taller than grace it is it is like half an inch taller than grace maybe a full inch if we push our hair down we officially have a gray size crayon but we're not done we are not we have to get the crayola labels on it but this was a labor of love if you look at the studio floor um you're going to see remnants of this crayon potentially forever we have officially left our mark on the tkor studio so as we melted everything so let's start down low grace let's talk about this so these layers look bad special you can see there's like cracks cavitation multiple different platters especially these two are apricot melted into our brown because it was just too hot here this started to learn yes well this brown was an issue in itself because it cooled the fastest out of any of these other colors i mean it set up as we were pouring down the tube like it was already solidifying in that the pouring tube and it clogged the funnel like three times and then the apricot just did not like the brown like we really melted this and it was so hot it re-melted the brown and just like mixed all together it was just special and then mark came in and he saved the rest of this crayon we put it in a tub we put it in a tub and then we cooled it with ice and then we used the method that we used with the distillation machine where we had that hot center and then we pumped in cool water so we had a tube around the tube yep so this is like the perfect visual learning curve you could see it's like oh no no no no no no oh oh oh all right let's get this label on and call it a day and yeah so i love the qriket machine and it's super easy so all we did was we had a vector file we put it into the cricut and it cut it for us what's nice is i used masking tape and what that does is it allows you to create a nice pull and seal so you can see exactly what's going on your crayon and it also pulls away very easily from the vinyl itself that looks straight to me yeah so we did invert it to white instead of black so it would really pop on the colors because if it was black and down towards the bottom it's just totally going to blend in that's teamwork right there voila it's done you're tklr crayon so it says tkor instead of crayola with and then our color is called random because it's all the colors and because we are quite random around here so it says random in english and then spanish and then french those are the same languages that are on the crayon got the scale here wow 39.6 still awesome but this is the cleanest crayon on the internet that we found constructed that is multiple colors we did it saw it here first folks yeah a multi-colored gigantic five foot four crayon if there is anything you want us to do that involves crayons and unwrapping crayons let us know in the comments below we'd love to see it but let us know what you think of our crayon we think it's super dope and as always stay cool hey friends if you like this kind of content make sure you hit subscribe right down there in that corner that way you never miss out on another giant project just like this one we'll see you then i probably deserve that after making him unwrap all those crayons
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,434,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crayon, crayon art, how is crayon pronounced, crayons crayons, crayon brands, crayon colors, melting crayons, sorting crayons, liquid crayons, melting wax, giant crayon, diy crayon, homemade crayon, melting down crayons, wax art, wax crayon, wax crayon art, wax crayon drawing, crayons colors of the world, color names, crayon names, thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, making giant crayon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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