What does 5 Million Look Like in Minecraft?

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I'm pretty sure mumbo doesn't use shaders

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/RedBoy825 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Looks like Internal shaders with "Old Lighting" disabled.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Internal shader with old lighting off

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/matheluan 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Internal shaders. For some reason though, it doesn't show on some PCs. I dunno why his is more obvious, but if you play RLCraft with internal shaders you can tell.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/How2BeNoob 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Internal shaders and put old lighting off

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zynodyno 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
something really weird has happened five million people have decided to subscribe to my YouTube channel which is that's so so so many people it's yeah it's it's it's bizarre to be honest with you I it's so difficult to quantify that number of people it's actually what I'm gonna try and do in today's video just kind of for myself to be honest just like and could kind of get like a rough idea of how how many people that is but now I I mean it goes without saying that it means the world to me thank you to everyone who has decided to support me over these years because I mean I just I I can't I can't believe it front our words I don't know what to say I'm terrible at this sort of stuff you know but seriously I mean I just I'm chuffed to bits I'm just a I'm trapped to bits alright this is this is bonkers thank you thank you thank you let's let's look at large numbers in Minecraft and do some maths and that sounded awfully boring trust me this is actually going to be quite interesting I think for anyone who's seen any of my milestone videos in the past I like to just try my best to quantify these massive numbers by doing things in Minecraft which utilized those massive numbers for example if I was to walk five million blocks in Minecraft just in my regular pace you know I'm not gonna do anything crazy I'm not gonna start sprinting or anything like that it would take me 1 million one hundred and sixty two thousand seven hundred and ninety seconds which is the equivalent of thirteen point four six days you know this sounds like a long seconds doesn't it I can't be the only one that's a little bit disappointed by the lack of number of days that is and only gets worse from here how about if we were to ride a minecart I am definitely gonna have to move my game for this one because otherwise you guys are going to kill me all right so if I built up a minecart rail that traveled five million blocks in one direction which I imagine would take me quite some time it would take me six hundred and twenty five thousand seconds to ride it from beginning to the end which is only seven point two four days I mean I could almost get that done within a week set my computer up go on hold over a little while come back and I'll be at my destination it seems perfect so after that relatively speedy method of transport what happens if we were to crawl it I'm I'm genuinely curious here it would take three million eight hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-four seconds to travel five million blocks which is the equivalent of forty four point one eight days which once again doesn't actually sound like that much but can you imagine how painful that forty four point one eight days would be I don't think I could do more than ten minutes of just crawling in a straight line lay low in forty four straight days of it are we disgusting so finally let's make up that incredible slowness by now doing the fastest or one of the fastest ways of transporting yourself for those you don't know a boat is traveling on blue ice can travel at around about 60 blocks per second which actually leads to a fairly interesting effect on my screen where we're traveling as sixty blocks per second and my frame rate is 60 frames per second which means that the ice kind of almost doesn't look like it's moving anyway if we were to travel like this and go five million blocks it would only take eighty 3333 seconds which is under a day nor point nine six days how cool is that also what's the slowing down thing it suddenly looks like I'm going backwards it's weird right moving on from distances traveled if I was to mine five million blocks this is what that would look like now you know I thought I thought the perimeter that I created on my army craft server was impressive this is this is quite something this is a rather rather large space and remember I'm trying to quantify how many people that is just think every single block they've got removed here is one person that decided to subscribe to my channel which is still very bizarre to me that's really making my head hurt now I was also curious to work out how long it would take for me to mine out this area by hand block by block now I've actually done some experiments in the past calculating average block breaking speeds and the fastest I could pull off in survival minecraft was about eleven point four two blocks per second which gives us a time of four hundred and thirty seven thousand eight hundred and twenty eight seconds to my now this entire space which is around about five days five days of just continuous mining no it's delivery brakes Lopez at the toilet that is quite the endeavor now can I please get away from those slime and they make the most disgusting noise in the world it's so distracting but staying on the topic of this mining challenge I thought it'd be interesting to work out how many pickaxes I would use clearing out this entire space if I was using efficiency five an unbreaking three on average you get six thousand one hundred and forty four uses out of a diamond pickaxe which means that we would need eight hundred and thirteen of them to complete this project I mean that's a that's a decent number of pickaxes right there all of these double chests are filled with them and actually that leads me on fairly nicely to the next part the video which is storage related bits so say for example I wanted to store five million blocks of diary I didn't have any choker boxes I was just gonna do it with straight double chests how many double chests would I need well 1440 6.8 apparently is the number according to the Google calculator which is it's quite a large number isn't it look at that that that is that is a number of chests I mean I've built some big storage systems in my time but I don't know if any of them have looked quite this impressive now if I wanted to store those direct blocks inside of shogi boxes how many chests would that require well I got to say things of steins look a little bit less impressive now it would take 53.6 double chests to store all of that it's the same storage system it's just a much more efficient way of packing it in but this doesn't look anywhere near as cool does it if I saw this on a server I wouldn't think much of it but if I saw that one that we just showed a couple of seconds ago I'll be well impressed even though this one is taking me much more difficult because you need to get thousands upon thousands Joker boxes anyway let's really embarrass ourselves now what if I wanted to store five million golden nuggets now golden nuggets are interesting because there are eighty-one golden nuggets inside a gold block and you can actually get them back being gold blocks again so you have you essentially have gold nugget compacting storage if I was to store five million golden nuggets using sugar boxes as well it would it would equate to just over half a double chest yeah naught point six six two of a double chest that's this doesn't look good this doesn't look impressive in the slightest does it it isn't cool hopefully this next one actually does sound impressive because I'm signing I think that five million isn't actually a big number if I was to play in a single Minecraft world for five million Minecraft days first off imagine how good the world would be I mean can you imagine my base so he completely nuts but also it would be sixty nine thousand four hundred and forty four point for actual real-life days which equates to one hundred ninety point two six years so I don't actually know if I'm I'm gonna be able to pull that off too gonna serve you guys I mean I'm feeling fairly fit and healthy in a minute if I was to start the world now that would mean that I'd have to make it to 215 years old and I don't know if I've got that in me this one's a little bit off the wall but I'm just really curious to see what the seed 5-million looks like I mean it in my head is gonna be amazing alright we've generated in a Plains biome with these little guys okay okay is this an island if this is an island I'm genuinely impressed this could be an island surrounded by icebergs ah it doesn't look like it is okay fairly fairly unremarkable to most of you guys how long of a delay with five million repeaters be I've got it in place and I've got my little button setup obviously they're all set to four ticks of delays so let's just let's just wait this one out yeah we could be here for a while because well that's a million seconds which is eleven point five seven days it once again feels like it should be longer because this is painfully slow but I suppose twelve days is actually quite a long time you could mind ten million blocks in their time and have two days to spare that's I think that buzz into perspective another I am genuinely curious about is how many levels I get if I give myself 5 million XP points that is 5000 there is a million points 1072 levels which obviously brings up the second question which is how many experience points does it take to get to level 5 million well I'm currently chilling a level 5 million and if my query the number of points and as she comes out at 3 million 92 thousand seven hundred fifty seven which doesn't doesn't really make any sense so I've used an online calculator and prepare yourselves for this one apparently according to this online calculator it would require 124 trillion nine hundred and ninety eight billion seven hundred and eighty five million three thousand six hundred and fifteen XP points to reach level five million which is a lot that's a lot of XP but for me one of the best ways to see what five million looks like is to actually see it in block form now this time I thought it would be good to do it in the form of glass planes instead of doing it in the form of blocks but I have to say hasn't it hasn't really done my views are any good because I can't actually move right now clearly five million glass panes there's a lot of kind of edges and things that the computer system has to calculate and it's causing causing some crashes when I join the world though it is fine for all of about ten seconds and let's see if we can get a look this is what five million blocks looks like in Minecraft I mean it is such an obscene number it's so crazy to think that there's this many of you and I'll goodness me I think the world is corrupted some interesting stuffs happened well regardless right five million is big five million is huge I said at the start the video and I'm saying again now I I cannot thank you enough for the support that you've shown me over the years especially in this past year this past year has been crazy my youtube channel is basically doubled in size in the past eight months I never expected to be here I really never expected it I never expected a million to have far sense of a million is so so so strange I so thank you thank you I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya time to the outro you would think now that I've got 5 million subscribers I will be able to do this professionally and I would have a properly set up outro [Music] I'm too lazy to lean back forwards you know just get out here of basking the five million nests
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,257,219
Rating: 4.9555655 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, What does 5 Million Look Like in Minecraft?, 5 million minecraft, 5 million blocks, 5 million items, 5 million repeaters, 5 million minecraft days, 5 million in minecraft, 5 million subscribers on YouTube, Minecraft 5 million, 5 Million tnt Minecraft, maths in minecraft, Minecraft maths
Id: rZevInWA-nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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