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that'll make sense in a minute i promise what's up scotland james prime here and a while ago i had the chance to visit your beautiful country and during my time there i learned a whole lot of new things that i didn't know before and throughout my travels i had the opportunity to meet some really awesome scottish people so if your names are monica ronan and james the first congratulations you are my favorite scottish people now having said all that it would be an absolute crime for me to contain all this scottish knowledge that i just obtained so what i'm going to do today is i'm going to go around and ask americans what they know about scotland so let's rewind freeze frame and jump right into the intro and i've got to make sense in a minute i promise [Music] so [Music] when you think about scotland what's the first thing that comes to mind bagpipes and like skirts i i think about the golf courses with the british open being held there every year kilts okay yeah yeah and like tartan patterns scotch is a drink lottie um haggis oh right okay oh that's great um scottish ponies scottish ponies i think of their accents accents sheep yeah sheep plaid plaid kilts right yeah anything else uh william wallace brave the movie kilts and bagpipes i would say bagpipes the accent that scottish people have yeah um isn't there like a thing that they kiss that's like a wall right that's like a stone wall probably bagpipes or like kilts yeah yeah sorry to be like stereotypical soccer football what is the capital of scotland is it edinburgh aberdeen ireland or glasgow it's the resident borough of glasgow i think it's edinburgh that's it yeah you go out bro i'll go glasgow edinboro blocking it in yeah glasgow yeah glass i'm pretty sure it's glasgow though yep final answer okay i believe it is edinburgh i think the same edinburgh yes i think it's glasgow glasgow i think so final answer glasgow yeah okay edinburgh aberdeen ireland or glasgow they would pronounce it glasgow so edinburgh i'm gonna go with that i'm gonna have to go with embrace because i have no idea the edinboro is our guest you guys are unique i think it's the second one second one yeah every name bro i'll tell you the second one too knew it and for the for the scottish people out there they would pronounce it glasgow edinburgh i'm going to show you a map a world map you point out to where you think scotland is and for for anyone watching this this is not to make anyone look bad for the most part if you don't know it's like okay here's some information about scotland more to like educate people so it's right up here right it's right there final answer i think it's no because this is it's definitely the top i think it's this one no it's not that's that's northern ireland and southern ireland this it's up there all right we'll go with his yeah okay let's uh let's go with that that guy right there okay that little one let him do this on this map dude it's right there in the north of the british isles there yes okay i'm gonna say that guy right there okay all right we're gonna pick a random area it's it's that thing nailed it okay i'd say like right around here no definitely not it's not by italy here's ireland isn't it next to like germany it's if i don't know that's where there's that's the scotland i think i know what the shape is i thought it was like north it's definitely one of these three no it's not no oh no wait that's sweden holy crap this is ireland that's the north and that's the south how big is scotland is it big this is the uk watch it be like this yeah is it right here like in the uk actually final answer yeah scotland's right here boom nailed it you nailed it yeah yes you know there you go scotland is like right right there so okay very close i was in i was in the vicinity very nailed it right off the bat okay awesome scotland they know you guys are on the map okay yes you got it right you were you were like super close you got ireland we went to the middle east but geography's not my face that's what i said here's a here's a bunch of flags which flag do you think represents scotland it's it's one of those two top right locked in top right i'm gonna narrow it down to these two i'm thinking this is like poland maybe let's go with this one okay final answer uh i'm like oh for two right now for three um all right now i'm gonna go with this one yeah i'll go with this one locking it in yeah lock it in okay that one for sure yeah sure yep one second second thought i guess it's got to be that one i don't really know oh yeah uh final final answer i don't maybe it's that one yeah it's that one is that one you're gonna go top right yeah yeah so i know that south korea and then i'm sure that's not it and then i think that's like finland or denmark so i'm not really sure i know this is ireland so i guess between these two i'm guessing this one okay final answer yes solid okay not that i think that's sweden not that it's one of these two is that italy i think it's this one that one okay yeah no no this one this one yep that one yep top left good old scotland i'm gonna go to that one top right oh interesting okay all right oh yeah bottom right bottom right yeah yeah this one that's my guess two bottom right that's right bottom right right i'll say i'll say top right top right i was gonna i think top right for some reason that was my first instinct but bottom right or top right i don't know okay this one yes it is are you sure yeah is that it yes yes yes damn it's gallon to begin with yes it is that is the scottish flag wow you are a scottish man are you you could say that no i i don't have any scottish roots initially thought it was france but came back and nailed it with scotland so my first one yeah okay my second one's better yeah um you're actually right what is the national animal of scotland is it the lamb the swan the bear or the unicorn i'm gonna take the lab just because i want to be different i'm gonna say the swan oh that's easy it's swan yep final answer yep so i was i was thinking lamb but i i know that swansea which i think is scottish soccer club they're they're uh caress is a swan so i might go with the swan to switch it up yeah yeah because i have no clue so we'll say lamb i'm going to go with lamb yeah i'm going to go with lamb yeah finally um i'm going to guess the lamb the lamb yep i'll say bear bear yeah bear right i'm gonna go lamb yeah okay it's the unicorn i'm 100 sure i feel like the unicorn wouldn't be thrown in if it yes yeah unicorn swan i feel like unicorn's too random to be in there so i'll go with unicorn yeah i would say unicorn swan okay i think the swan this swan yeah finalizer yeah so this one is actually the unicorn oh what why wait was that that's a thing is it really it's actually the unicorn no kidding really wow i've been educated wow okay good to know a unicorn no no way okay what what a unicorn unicorn wow that's so pretty i don't know that to the scottish people out there that are watching this why did you guys pick the unicorn let us know yeah please yeah that's so interesting what is the most common language spoken in scotland is it polish english gibberish or danish scottish people please don't hate me i'm going to do gibberish i'm going english english yeah english okay it'll be english english i mean english but like it sounds like gibberish yes yeah right like what the most it's got to be english english yeah yeah finally english english yeah english english yeah for me it is it's in the uk it's just oh no danish yeah danish i don't know i would i was gonna say english or danish but i can't choose so maybe i'll go with english because everyone's doing danish so i'll go with english i'm going to go with english and then you guys came up with uh danish i said i'll be danish english yes it's english english what instrument is scotland most famous for is it the fiddle the loot bagpipes or the harp can we lock in pipes yeah we walk in backpacks double lock down yeah and go with the bagpipes bagpipes bagpipes yep it's definitely the backpack bagpipes bag pipes oh yeah bagpipes yeah bagpipes final answer bagpipes yeah mag pipes yep to the to the scottish people out there that are watching this is there anything you would like to say to them just thank you for your culture thank you for impacting the world the way you do huge fan of the accents like huge fan of the accents i i really like the architecture of the buildings like the uh like georgian uh gothic style that you got going on like 16th century type stuff it's it's really cool and i would love to go there sometime okay and yourself yeah i can't wait to reschedule my trip just please talk slowly i've met one scottish person and i couldn't understand a word they said so they were the first people to actually write down freedom that our rights come from god our free and we're the first people actually put that on paper you know oh wow so that that's has a big thing to do with america here yeah scotland rocks yeah good on scotland um all i have to say is will you guys let us come over and move there i would like to get out of this country asap thank you i've been to scotland i liked it it's really pretty so yeah there you go edinburgh i would like to visit scotland like i said i'm part scotland scotland i'm part scottish but i don't really know anything about it so i don't consider myself scottish i want to know more like scottish like little sayings and like weird things like that that are unique to scotland we love you here in america and um we want to see those bagpipes i want to see those bagpipes bring those bagpipes baby all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well there it is folks that is what some americans know about scotland now a couple things to keep in mind is that yes i know that the people in this video don't represent all of america so some people may know a lot more than others some may know a lot less now for the scottish people out there who watch this video i'm very curious to see how you thought the people in this video did did they do a lot better than you think they would or did they do a lot worse let me know now to the americans all my socks are wet to the americans that are watching this video curious to see what your thoughts are on scotland what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think scotland i'll leave you with that [Music] nice [Music] you
Channel: James Prime
Views: 227,305
Rating: 4.906692 out of 5
Keywords: What do Americans know about Scotland, americans on Scotland, street trivia, americans guess Scotland, americans think of, what do americans, Edinburgh Scotland, capital of australia, Australian music, vegemite, Edinburgh, g'day mate, national animals, scottish accent, Scottish accent, James Prime, american, Scottish people, jamesprime, jameskii, illegal, americans react, Scotland haggis, bagpipes, kilts, scottish men, scottish women, Wales, British People
Id: b9KsR4XQqG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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