What do SCOTTISH people think about AMERICA?

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James here and today I'm in Edinburgh Scotland now it's no secret that everybody in the world loves Americans so let's take to the streets and find out what Scottish people think about Americans now I've never been to America but I've served with the American forces long cycle you spin the British armored one for two weeks and my family knows no not and once that was last year yeah yes yes yes okay not yes yep we've been to New York you have been to Florida and holiday yes yeah okay and have you ever think what you think about your own prison Donald Trump is the only present there are now - who said if he's going to do something he does it um Cemil a country yeah but do we do enjoy going to America yeah credits very busy and the fashion icons as well everyone has brands Oh overalls I certainly approve of America some of the policies of your government or a bit strange but there's nothing wrong with Americans it's cool all right Davis wait you can't just describe it with a fewer the ultimate where I like about American Shekhar's your classic American cars all the shops got to be the food I think what bigger an America New York fits because they've got like they're completely different to what we have in Scotland they're in much bigger probably shops and the people like you people and the shopping with it it's so much more like always bad for you but that's the good thing about a taste so good but it's bigger portions as well establish you get in restaurants and bars and clubs it's always first class American some call it that sussed yeah I like the accent the food okay just like the big season obviously the big Dolan's and Suffolk lightly it's just really nicely to go around and explore well we've we owe the Americans a great gratitude for the work that they're for what they did in the wars particularly the Second World War obviously without the Americans so Europe would have been sunk so we are a massive gratitude to the Americans I am the subway subway always good every week it's like London bot is worth like air-conditioned it was I think you gon loss sorry miss my friend you forgot with accents no guns because people just go into skills I think it's your president Donald Trump he's a disrupter he is no no real agenda he's a bully he's not achieving any sister going his own way and not thinking through any detail about his policies bubbly cloudiness because what you couldn't move in New York so cramped so today it was really busy definitely Trump Trump the guns and that both of them guns in Trump okay at the moment a popular yep I think you maybe get this response quail or and it's Donald Trump okay basically made a declaration I am NOT visit Donald but visit America as long as Donald Trump is at the helm of America yeah don't don't really agree with the gun laws either think that needs to change I mean we have violence here like every other city but I reaches a different level doesn't it and our son studied in America for a while and found a very strange if you go into Walmart Lee couldn't have a beer but you could buy a gun find that quite scary and in New York somebody got mugged okay so muggers bad and probably the lightning it was quite like skating yeah nothing American accents yay or nay yay for without when there's so many different accents or that I know quite a few different American people so you always hear them before you see them can it can be editing sometimes I hear definitely but I like I like America like I like the people it's just like their accents brilliant I think the American accent is easy to understand and obviously it varies from state to state and I think we watch to watch American television most children end up speaking American accent actually and I find it funny easy to understand I do think I think with us being Scottish people don't understand Scottish people we do speak fast on this so we do have to slow down when we're speaking to foreigners not just Americans but tre I think the southern accent becomes a bit more draining on creating on the other on it but overall no issues but American accent I do I do quite like yeah like it's quite like I like it yeah small bosses but I bet hi my name is Dave and I'd like two big fries and Ferger hello my name is Mike hey can I get a hamburger yeah what's up man my name is Harry you want to go get a burger so let me think Good Morning America hi I'm Carolyn and I love Pepsi hi I'm Danny I'll have a jumbo hotdogs thank you yeah dude that'll be $40 thank you ma'am catch a little burger I'm from York and I want a hot dog howdy partner you've got me a hot dog there had a partner you gonna give me a hot dog that's alright appreciate you doing this [Music]
Channel: James Prime
Views: 118,550
Rating: 4.6882834 out of 5
Keywords: What Scottish people Think, Scottish interview, Scottish people think, america vs scotland, Donald Trump Scotland, Gun Control Scotland, Gun ban america, what scottish, people think, Scottish thoughts, Edinburgh interview, scottish teens, old scottish people, young scottish people, JamesPrime, Scottish Travel USA, scotish bagpipes, people around world, scottish people, what people think of americans, what people think of america, what do people think of americans
Id: hUHZRgPaHvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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