Who Would be Jacobite King of the UK Today?
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Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 757,436
Rating: 4.8729715 out of 5
Keywords: jacobites, who would be king of scotland, bonnie prince charlie, the old pretender, stuart succession, house of stuart, jacobite uprising, Jacobite succession, Britains real monarch, Britain's real monarch, alternative history, alternate history
Id: _bKUyRv2MB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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Technically, didn't the line end? I mean, Charlie had an illegitimate daughter, who would have no right to claim the throne. . . But I believe the French monarchy has legitimate, living descendents living in Spain.
That explains a lot!
This is probably me being pedantic but there was a Stuart line on the thrones of both England and Scotland when James VI (of Scotland) & I (of England) merged the two crowns. James inherited from Queen Elizabeth and disowned his mother, Mary Queen of Scots. being a Stuart Monarch did not mean that you were a Jacobite. Of course Jacobite Stuarts in exile continued to fight for the crown of Scotland throughout the 18th century, but truth be told the entirety of the English royal family are all descended from the same few families so we probably would've ended up with our Queen Elizabeth II anyway.