Richard Madden Teaches Jimmy Scottish Slang and Reflects on Game of Thrones

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-First off, we got to know you from "Game of Thrones," the first three seasons. And you were Robb Stark. There's a throwback photo you posted. Look at the babies there, oh, my gosh. -Look at those babies. -You and Kit and Alfie. What do you remember from that? -That was after the first read-through we did. And we kind of did this read-through for the show, we thought, and it's going to be a little cult, niche show. We're going to get on the Eye in Belfast. And we did that and took a picture. That was our first day we met each other. -Oh is that -- You were going on the Eye? -Yeah, that's the Eye that goes round. I mean, it's as high as this room. -I make that mistake, by the way, it's not a Ferris wheel. -No. -It is an observation wheel. -Yes. -In America, we have Ferris wheels that go around pretty fast. In Belfast, they have the Eye, and it goes up very slowly. It's just for taking photos. -Yeah. -Yeah, I learned that the hard way. I was on there for, like, five hours one day. I was like, "oh yeah, I've got to hop off of this thing." But I heard that you said, when you first started, you were living off, like, five dollars a day or...? -Yeah, something like five bucks a day. Yeah. Kind of two options. I could either buy one meal, or a newspaper and a pint. So, it went the other way usually. -What kind of option is that? Yeah. I'd take the newspaper and the pint. -Exactly. -Or just two pints. Yeah, absolutely. [ Laughter ] Just say to the person next to you, "What's going on in the news?" Yeah. Exactly. And then, all of a sudden, you got "Game of Thrones," or how did that happen? -Yeah, I did. I got that phone call when I was on my last month's rent and then got that phone call, which was great, and asked my agent for an advance, and that helped me get through the next month's rent. -What would you have done if you didn't get "Game of Thrones?" -Move back to my parents' house. [ Laughter ] -Is that right? -Yeah, I was at that stage. -Wow, what a great story. -Very lucky. -And yeah, to see how giant the show's gotten, and congrats to everyone for that big show. But then you finish that show, then "Bodyguard" comes out. And, man oh, man, people went nuts for you, buddy. Oh, my God. Another giant hit show. Where does that -- Did that start in -- -Started in England. Yeah, we shot it all in London. -That was all London. -Then transferred over to here. -Picked up in Netflix? -Netflix. -Did you see that one bubbling up to be a big hit, either? -No, again, I thought this would just be a little show in the U.K. and then it kind of got carried away with itself. -You ended up winning an award for this. -Yeah, I won an award for that one. -Yeah, not bad. Yeah, I mean, that's always good. Did you expect to win? -No, I didn't expect it at all. Actually, no, I didn't. And I kind of remember my dad -- Thank you for my dad, because just before we were going, he said, "You've got to write a speech in case you win." I was like, "I'm not going to win this, Dad." -It was the Golden Globes. -And I said, "I'm not going to win this, I'm not getting near it." And he's like, "Just write a speech. Write a list of the people you want to say 'thank you' to." I was like, "Okay, I'll write a list of people." And then, when I won it, and I turned to Julianne Moore, which was kind of surreal enough, and she's like, "Congratulations!" I was like, "Oh, thank God Dad told me to write that speech." Okay, right, let's get at it. -Exactly, yeah. I also like that they let you do your accent in that. -They let me do my accent. -You didn't do that in "Game of Thrones" at all. -No, I did not. Which kind of, I think -- in America, it transferred a bit more difficult. People kind of think I'm saying mum all the time. I'm not, I'm saying mom. It sounds the same, I just said it, it sounds exactly the same. -No, it doesn't. [ Laughter ] Yeah, I could totally tell. You said mum and mom. Two different things. -I'll teach you some Scottish, if you'd like. -I'd love to learn some Scottish, yeah. -Okay, right. I'll say some phrases and you can try and work out what they mean. -Okay, I'm good at this. -Okay. Ah dinnae ken. -Ah dinnae Ken. Means -- I don't know. -There we go, he's got it. All right. -Is that right? -Yeah, that's right. -What is it? -Ah dinnae ken. -That was very lucky for me. Ah dinnae ken. -Okay, what about, yer bum's oot the windae. [ Laughter ] I'll translate. Your bum is out the window. -Oh, that was going to be my guess. Your bum is out the window. Your -- your zipper's undone? I don't know. -You're not making any sense. Not you, that's what it means. -Okay, good. If you say, your bum's out the window. -Yer bum's oot the windae. -You're not making any sense. Okay, good. All right, give me one more. -Last one, what's fur ye'll no go by ye. -Hmm. -What's fur ye'll no go by ye. -What's for ye... -Will not go by you. What's for you will not go by you. -How do you say it? -What's fur ye'll no go by ye. [ Laughter ] -What's for you'll no go by you. What's for -- How do you spell ya? [ Laughter ] -Y-E. -Buy the new Kanye record. [ Laughter ] Buy the new 'Ye record. What's for you it must go by you. Hey, don't -- Whatever happens, don't worry about it. -Whatever will be, will be. -Hey, not bad! Dude, we should hang out all the time. -You're Scottish now. -Besties, come on, dude.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,413,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Richard Madden, Teaches, Jimmy, Scottish Slang, Reflects, Game of Thrones, TSJF Interview, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Richard Madden on Fallon, Richard Madden Interview, Robb Stark, got, game of thrones interview, rocketman, cinderella, kit harington, the take, jon snow, bodyguard
Id: Tt2tEiC0kiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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