What Did "The Weird Kid" Do In Your School That You'll Never Forget? (r/AskReddit)

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what did the weird kid do in your school that you'll never forget wouldn't stop asking us to join his investment club or become a writer for his investment website well four years later that website got bought out for 2 million fast forward to today he's got his own firm and parties with like models every weekend walked around the halls saying penis penis penis or alternatively something that rhymed with that such as smoke marry weenus smoke marry weenus a chewed gum off the floor called everyone he didn't like a squid he never got picked on because if anybody pushed him or anything like that he would scream at the top of his lungs gotta admit no matter who you are smoked marry weenus is a little bit funny we had an assignment one time to create a presentation about what we wanted to do when we graduate high school this kid in my class did an entire presentation on how his aspirations were to work at McDonald's whilst living in the sumter eating the thrown-out Happy Meals it was really well put together the kid was really smart just also really ducking weird too so this kid basically wanted to grow up and become a seagull one kid in my freshman speech class was extremely socially awkward so this was already just a perfect setting for disaster we had to give a one-minute speech the second day of class off the top of our head about some of the things we like and present an item or two that symbolizes your passions and interests he goes up there pulls out a pack of juicy fruit and just holds it up pauses for a second then said this is juicy fruit my favorite gum if you don't like juicy fruit then you can screw off then went back and sat down everyone pause for a sec looked around and just bust out laughing it wasn't for a grade or anything so I'm pretty sure the teacher just didn't care cause it was so funny there was this weird kid named Gavin who sat in the front row of my nutrition class one day he was not in class he never missed class so as the teacher is doing attendance she asks where's Gavin just as she says this everyone looks outside to see Gavin throw his pack down a couple flights of stairs jump down the stairs and begin beating his backpack with a baseball bat the teacher silently walked over and closed the blinds of the entire class burst out in laughter had to be one of the most hilarious moments in my high school experience I knew a Gavin when I was five he was like two years older than me and was my neighbor he always got naked outside I should also mention we had neighboring apartments so we had a shared yard instead of walking the weird kid in my school chose to army crawl from class to class for all of high school apparently he thought he was the main character from Metal Gear Solid he must have a godly core and back muscles but no leg muscles well snakes don't have legs wanted to freak out the substitute teacher so in the middle of class he began screaming while attempting to staple his hand to the desk after a bit of blood and a whole lot of screams I'd say he succeeded in his mission yeah duck you substitute our normal kids give you a fake name the Hammerhead but not me no no not me staples staples stable he would walk around on his tiptoes like a t-rex and then make dinosaur noises and hiss at people similarly a girl at my college walked around with cat ears and would purr and hiss at people I overheard someone walk by her and wave and say hi once and she me out as a reply this was a tech school though so I'm not even sure I drank her as the weirdest person there we had a kid who jerked off in class multiple times in middle school and the school decided to ban all girls from wearing miniskirts because of it the letter my parents got in the mail about it was ducking hilarious also it didn't help and he eventually was suspended for ten days no one really knows what happened to him WTF why would they bang the girls from wearing skirts before suspending the kid who was jerking off well you see it was the girls faults for dressing that way they were basically asking to be jerked off too you can't just stop men from King it when the situation calls for it this girl Maggie would find someone new to latch on to every month or so when she found someone she wanted to befriend she would do crazy over-the-top shit in an attempt to impress them at one point she was obsessed with a girl wheel kool Kat one day Kat brought in a baggie of celery and was dipping it in a sauce cup of peanut butter Maggie wouldn't stop staring and basically watched Kat consume every last piece of celery sure enough the very next day Maggie comes into class width I kid you not like six bunches of celery stalks and a family-size tub of peanut butter she just eats it all day with the biggest smile on her face all while staring at Kat from across the room this is a lighter example of the many off-the-wall things maggie has done for her transient idol of the month but the endless bushels of celery is just something I'll never forget go on nothing stands out as random as the above for the most part if she was seeking a guy's attention she would dress insanely provocative to the point where she had to be sent home to change this would happen all the time her parents were absolutely loaded so if you told her you were into some hobby she would go out and purchase all of the supplies / materials day of and bring them to class the next day to try and win your attention her nice of female store keys would sometimes make the mistake of telling her where they bought their clothes at which point she would immediately go out and buy the exact outfit and wear at the next day I've seen that happen twice I also recall her ooh hing and a wing at the most mundane should ever for instance if said stalk he casually mentioned brushing their teeth that morning she would genuinely have a super out of place fanatical reaction for the most part though just your average low-key stalking creepily grinning and standing way too close for comfort at all times she was quite the character we were sat in English class and some kid answered a question so we all turned to look at him as he answered pretty normal kid was rather quickly upstaged by the weird kid next to him pulling a full cooked chicken out of his jacket pocket no rapping or packaging and just started eating it there was this guy everyone called big Andy he was kind of nuts I mean like the most caustic neck but he guy you've ever met in your life I was kind of one of a few people that figured he was mostly harmless the dude was that militant nerd variety that made it kind of hard to defend him threatened to bash people's faces in blow stuff up I mean he had some serious issues wiesen people picked on him was that he was about 300 plus pounds in high school constantly wore anim t-shirts that were about two sizes too small jean shorts and carried a box of doughnuts around no seriously a box he also had a really high-pitched squeaky voice I mean all of that and people are assholes he had it in his head he'd go become a computer programmer start a video game company and land a helicopter on the roof of the school during our reunion his words I always wondered what happened to him I don't know of him ever having any friends and he dropped off the face of the planet after we graduated looked him up a few months ago on Facebook and just couldn't find him so no clue what ever happened to the guy I knew this kid who smelled terrible he'd walk in a room and this disgusting stench would follow him like some sort of cloud of garbage scented air if you were in class with him it would permeate the entire room anyway one time one of the teachers found a toenail in his locker he had some sort of fungal infection on his feet and one of his nails fell off which he then proceeded to take him safe so he could send it to a family member quite possibly the most disgusting and weird event I've ever witnessed Willy wasn't weird but being a fourth grader and bringing an entire gallon of Arizona tea every day fall and she was interesting to say the least he would walk through the halls with these really nice high quality headphones on I assumed he was an audiophile and would dance and lip-sync to whatever he was listening to if someone said hi to him he would get really pumped that someone said something to him say hi back and full-blown sprint away I knew this kid throughout my school years from fourth grade on he always and I mean always wore a Thomas the Train shirt wore that same shirt through his senior year anyway I walk in the bathroom one time with him bouncing from wall to wall stops looks me dead in the eyes and goes I'm a bouncy ball and continues this kid was awesome another quick story he got robbed well his house did and instead of giving the robbers the combo to their safe he threw up on them they were too weirded out by him and his siblings and left without stealing anything he didn't wear shoes College in upstate New York with mounds of snow during the winter he still didn't wear shoes shoes oh you mean foot prisons teacher wouldn't let her use the bathroom during a test so she peed her pants in protest same thing happened to a kid in my class when he told the teacher he felt like he was going to puke the teacher told him to sit down and take his test not even a minute later he puked all over his desk in the test he had tried to get up and run to the trashcan and puked all over the kids in his aisle which caused some of them to start puking parents had to come pick up kids from school the classroom had to be shut down so they could clean everything up it was a complete nightmare we had a kid in sixth grade let's call him Tim Tim was constantly getting in trouble for not listening to the teacher one date him and the teacher got into an argument the teacher told him to step out of the classroom and wait in the hall so they could talk on his way out Tim slammed the door extremely hard where the echo bellowing throughout the entire school the teacher then told Tim to go to the office and he closed the door only for Tim to start running and kicking the door over and over again the teacher walked up to the door and locked it for our safety then grabbed his phone to call the office we couldn't see anything tumors doing in the hall because the door was one of those ones with only a tiny window to see through so what the teacher said on the phone court hustle of God hello yeah one of my students was misbehaving so I sent him to the office and he began kicking door now he is currently pacing around in circles outside the door with his belt in one hand and a boomerang in the other he pulled his pants all the way down to go to the toilet also one day his underwear were in the playground somehow ran around the halls like Naruto and shoot but weighed over 250 pounds so he was a freight train if you got in the way so he ran around the halls like Choji kid I went to school with was a nice kid but weird definitely had some form of special needs but I never knew what exactly I'll never forget the day I watched him walking down the hall with a Twix wrapper across his eyes like he was wearing a cyclops x-men visor I asked him why he would do that his response was well I can't see through it so I wanted to see through it yes it was translucent enough to see through I felt so bad for this kid he was bullied badly the kids at school were awful to him one day at lunch I watched a giant ash ant walk up to him after just sitting down with his lunch grab the kids backpack and also his gameboy from the table which was like the only nice thing the kid owned threw it straight in the trash and then dumped the freshly bought lunch right on top of it God that makes me mad just now thinking back on it on top of the constant bullying he received from the kids the teachers had a hard time dealing with him they did try but it was tough when the kid comes out of left field with things and had zero home support and everyone knew his mom didn't give a shit about him wouldn't take him to doctors appointments wouldn't get him his meds wouldn't do laundry for him or helped him with basic hygiene she ran a salon and told him to sit in the corner and not bother her he would ask for things like water or a snack and she would just yell at him in front of clients which is why everyone knew all this to be honest I was seriously afraid of him getting a gun and shooting up the school my city was a hair's width away from being in the woods lots of camo and country music so it would have been not too hard for him to get a gun somehow I was actually planning based on his shed you'll escape plans and what I would say if I encountered him on the rampage one day he knocks on my door tells me he's moving down south to live with his dad and he seems really excited thanks me for being his friend and wished me well then a couple years later he was visiting the area again knocks on my door and says hi asks how I'm doing tells me he was thinking about me he tells me things were much better that he was happy living with his dad and things were better if I were a betting man I'd bet that his dad actually got improper meds and acted like a half decent parent to the kid I hope things are going well for you Josh I hope that you got it together because you always deserved better than pretty much everyone in town gave you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 219,527
Rating: 4.8787341 out of 5
Keywords: r/ askreddit, reddit weird kid stories, reddit weird kid, reddit school, reddit school stories, best posts and comments, askreddit weird kid school, funny weird kid reddit
Id: df390sih_Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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