As a Kid, What's the Creepiest Most "WTF" Thing You've Noticed About other Kids Family (r/AskReddit)

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as a kid what's the creepiest most WTF thing you ever noticed about another kids family when I was a kid I played at this other kids house once or twice the guy was adopted by what I imagined to be some of the weirdest creepiest people ever first of all the house they lived in was pretty massive that of itself wasn't so strange but the fact that absolutely everything was eerily neat and clean was incredibly unsettling I'm not talking about a house being just nice and clean it literally felt like everything had just been installed the other day one of the reasons everything looked so clean was that we weren't allowed to do anything this kid had like massive collections of Lego I'm talking those huge building sets for like jets etcetera costing hundreds of dollars but he wasn't ever allowed to play with them let alone let someone else play with it I believe someone put it together for him and he was only allowed to look at it in his room so naturally playing at his place got busy ducking boring pretty soon and I wasn't really the kind of kid to keep my mouth shut eventually his parents would take out this hidden PlayStation 2 and hook it up to the massive TV in the living room great right well no we were only allowed to play The Sims 2 and that would have been pretty good fun if his parents wouldn't have been policing us the whole ducting time and wouldn't have made sure he don't do anything unusual in the game basically we were allowed to simulate the most mundane and boring life imaginable as if being in their home wasn't bad enough already just thinking back about that whole place gives me the chills such a robotic and weird environment a while ago I heard from an old friend that the adopted kid dropped out of school and became a junkie didn't expect that but holy duck was I not surprised do you know what the kid did his pastime before you came along I imagine he was used to that environment but what else was there for him to do sit around neatly and creepily with his parents while they watched the journal according to a strict time schedule or helped his parents keep the house unrealistically clean I suppose besides that I think he was away from the house a decent bit come to think of one time I invited him to a BB Q at my place he almost cried when he realized he was allowed to eat chicken wings using his bare hands without anyone caring as a twelve-year-old my 12 year old French our daily with his mom and NAT WTF 12 year olds don't shower daily my next-door neighbor Kevin and I were buddies because we were the youngest in the neighborhood and no one else would play with us I would say this was when I was 9 or 10 anyways his parents both worked 9 to 5 jobs and I remember them as being very nice but in a forced sort of way I wasn't allowed to go in their house because they didn't let anyone in once I had to go to the bathroom and as we were in his yard he let me in every single doorway in the house had a curtain covering it they made a fake hallway right at the entrance so you couldn't see the living room or the kitchen I asked him why they were there and he said his parents liked privacy they also ate nothing but fast food I remember the first time he had supper at my house he was shocked and kept telling my mom he didn't have to do something like cook a meal for her children that just because he came over they moved kind of suddenly when I was around 11 and I remember he couldn't really tell me where they were going or why he couldn't give me a number or an address to keep in touch and he never called me so it was sad witness protection program so this isn't nearly as WTF as other stories on this thread but I always find it really sad that my neighbor's dad sat on his lawnmower from dawn to dusk so he didn't have to deal with his family poor the unfinished drinks milks juices sodas back into the containers after the meal one of my friends parents used to give me homework to do I'd go to her house and her mum would have some math or English assignment battered she had come up with for us to do why did you keep going to her house he didn't want to fail the parents did lines of coke around the table like it was nothing I didn't know what the hell was going on but when I asked my mom I wasn't allowed over there anymore I wonder if some parents did this stuff on purpose like maybe they just really hated having their dumb kids friends over so they do something really conspicuously illegal or weird in hopes that the kid will go home and tell their parents then peace and quiet and cocaine my friend's family never finished their drinks they always stop drinking before it was empty I never understood why and they would always avoid the question when I asked the nightmares I had about those ducking cups man why the duck didn't they just finished their drinks like normal human beings they should get together with the family that pours their unused drinks back in the container unlimited drinks I had a friend when I was about 8 have always insisted that we played at my house she was really sweet but nervous around my parents especially my dad then one day we finally got to play at her place and I was so looking forward to it until I got there my friend was nervous and afraid all the time and you got the sense that the dad was just this glooming line ready to strike from his chair in the living room you almost had this feeling that he could reach you anywhere in the house from that chair and the mother was on edge and overcompensating the whole way through when it was time to go home the dad blocked my way to the door and my friend of the mother began telling him to please move and he wouldn't get away with it he finally moved and I went home with a feeling that I suddenly understood why my friend wanted to come over to my place instead so I stopped asking to go to her place a few weeks went by and one day she was at my place playing with me and her big sister came over to get her they went home for a few hours and then my friend came back and went on playing with me when my mom asked her if she went home to meet winner or she was eating here with us and my friend said that she just had to come home to watch and when my mother asked her what she meant by that she told her that she just had to go home to watch her father having X with her big sister and she said it like it was a completely normal thing to do my mom took her aside and asked her some more questions about what was going on and apparently her dad used all the kids three girls at the ages of 14 eight and four as his personal ex dolls my mom made arrangements from my friend to sleep over at our house and the next morning when he had gone to work she called the police and made sure the girls were safe when he was arrested at his job he had kept them in check by telling them that he would kill their little sister and their mother if they ever told anyone about their special relationship he got his ass thrown in jail and both parents lost the girls the girls was put in a special care home and they are thriving and happy adults today with kids of their own and yes I know exactly what I was spared that day by the mother and my friends pleading with him sorry for all the misspelled words I just had a talk with my mom about this and now to right some wrongs first I was six years old at the time not eight my friend had three sisters not two and it goes like this with the ages oldest was 16 at the time she was the one I had forgotten about but in my defense I never really saw her she was almost never home unless the dad commanded it the next in line was 14 she was the one my friend had to watch that day then came my friend she was seven years old at the time and finally the little one she was two years old and was not molested to the extent of intercourse but was only forced to watch and sometimes kiss it the first time around my mom and dad was furious and my dad wanted to go over there and cut his donk off right then and there but the other kids were still back home with that monster so they promised my friend that they would wait until her sisters were safe and about why my friend confided to my mother so sudden and without hesitation was because she had known my mom and dad for a good while and they had made sure they had the clothes they needed in the winter because my parents could never turn a blind eye to kids that needed help and they have always been super good at creating a safe and loving environment for me and my sister and kids in need of a safe haven one thing I remember clearly was that for a long time my friend stayed for the bed I'm stories my dad would read to us in the living room and my sister and I would snuggle up against our dad while he read the stories but my friend sat at the other end of the sofa for the longest time and one day she asked my dad out of the blue you are not a dangerous man are you - which my dad answered never in a million years dads are the ones who protect then my friend asked if she could snuggle - and my dad said of course and since then she snuggled with the rest of us when it was time for bedtime stories the monster was sent to jail and the mother Rhonda went and Psyche evaluation as was deemed to be a victim - since she was only 15 when they had their first child and was beaten and mentally tortured so she was forced to have therapy so she could keep the youngest and it all went well until the day he found them again and moved right back in to finish her job with the youngest who was now eight years old and when that was discovered he was thrown back in jail and the kid was taken from the mother he also had the nerve to write letters to the other three kids telling them that he was being beaten in jail and was afraid for his life and that it was all their fault but the worst part was that people around them knew about this and did nothing for various stupid reasons the fourteen-year-old told a friend's mother who told no one because of stupid excuses and a neighbor had apparently seen him having X with the 16 year old in their garden behind their house and his excuse was that he thought no one would believe him but every time someone told my parents that they felt bad for doing nothing and tried to give an excuse they told them that they weren't interested in what they had to say because they chose to do nothing and they had to live with the choices they made when I was around 8 to 9 years old there was a girl in my neighborhood that hardly anyone ever saw outside of school she was maybe a year younger than me I tried talking to her a few times and she was very very shy she was never allowed at other kids houses reasonable I guess there were a lot of questionable people in our town however no one was allowed over at her house either not even in her yard or on her driveway this was because in words her parents didn't like kids okay one friend of ours managed to see into her house a few times apparently all the furniture was always covered in plastic and everything was dark we went maybe a month without seeing her outside of school which was normal one weekend a friend and I saw her walking down the sidewalk and she told us that her father had died her mom told her that he started bleeding from the inside after he ate some crayons she did and clean up and that it was her fault for not cleaning well enough she lived in the same house until after high school she hardly ever spoke and when she did it was just a whisper she sort of seemed like a small child a lot of the time with how she acted and pronounced words if I weren't just a clueless kid then I probably would have said something to someone she blamed her father's death on her man that stuck Toth her dad started bleeding from the inside after he ate some crayons she did and clean up this is the most WTF part for me was her mom enough of a [ __ ] to completely fabricate a story like that all was her dad flat-out dangerously insane I noticed that all of the rooms in this kid's house could only be locked from the outside of the room I thought that only existed in horror movies I didn't know until I was 17 that the fact that my parents installed a lock on my bedroom that could only be opened from the outside was unusual that's a serious issue if there ever were to be a fire I just realized I was given the room at the end of the narrow hallway farthest from any exits you just realized your parents wanted you dead happy cake day I used to hang out with a kid whose family not only didn't have a litter box for the cat but wouldn't pick up the cat [ __ ] either the only reason I went over there was because he had an Atari 2600 I always came home with cat [ __ ] on the bottom of my shoes doesn't matter played Atari my buddy went on two dates with a woman he was set up with this woman lived in a one-bedroom apartment with dozens of rescue cats I say dozens because my friend could not count them and by rescue I'm she rescued them from the street apparently a lot were feral and a few had collars already probably pet cats that she kidnapped catnapped as a result there were constant cat fights and not the fun kind you can't just put feral cats and doors with declawed pets there well etre boxes but he implied that they didn't do too much good he has the feeling that she was crazy before she started her collection but that she got worse because of the weird brain problems that happen when you're exposed to that much cat [ __ ] he said he called and reported her immediately after he left the apartment but we don't know what came of it I really want to know what happened to crazy cat lady [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 874,816
Rating: 4.8981299 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit secrets, askreddit creepy, askreddit weird, askreddit kids, askreddit family, best posts and comments, reddit creepy stories, reddit weird stories, reddit family secrets stories, reddit family secrets
Id: 8cYGKpbeJPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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