Resentful Employees Reveal What They Did "By The Book" Just To Piss Off Their Boss (r/AskReddit)

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my boss is a tuck your shuttin Nazi among other things so I found a loophole in the dress code where I don't have to tuck in my shirt what things have you done by the book just to piss off your boss little background story my boss is a huge douche all he does all day long is walk around and make sure everyone has their shirt tucked in and generally be a negative prick who everyone hates so I come into work on my birthday the other day and my friend runs up to me and yells kaizen 4/20 happy birthday right in front of my boss's office he looks up and says Kaizen 4/20 I'm thinking he's going to say happy birthday since he no doubt heard her instead he said yeah go ahead and tuck your shirt in okay and he does the hand signal like Leigh's talking in an imaginary shirt so I say okay no problem I just have to put my stuff down real quick and I'll take care of it so I walk over to my desk which takes approximately seven seconds to get to I go to put my stuff down and as I am he comes up behind me again and says Ches and I said to tuck in your shirt so I quickly tuck it in and as he's walking literally right by me I say sorry I just had to put my stuff down first and he walks by like I never said a word immediately I bust out my HR manual and check out the rule on tucked-in shirts turns out who must tuck in all shirts except a Hawaiian shirt or a guar Berra shirt so I take my ass to Walmart and buy 10 of those Duggars and wear the most obnoxious Hawaiian looking shirt the next day the second I walked in he looked me up and down glared turned around and walked away when everyone asked why I was wearing such a ridiculous shirt I told them about the loophole and now half my office is wearing Hawaiian shirts and it's driving my boss crazy all within the guidelines outlined by company policy so read it what ways have you been able to stick it to the man by playing by their rules when I was working at an office max about 10 years ago I was the only employee who didn't know needless to say everyone in the building took a 15-minute smoke break two to three times a shift and I got squat one day I asked the manager if I could have a clean air break and he was confused I explained that in smokers can have their 15-minute breaks two to three times a shift I should be able to step outside and do the same without having to smoke my manager but he knew he had to let me to avoid any discrimination while I was in the Navy it was recommended that I get her extensive surgery on my ankle my command felt that I didn't deserve a bunch of time off for a surgery so they said they would approve it but none of the convalescent leave they refused to sign any paperwork first thing I did was hit them with the regulations stating that they were required to respond to all requests within a certain amount of time three days I think they responded with a no so then I had Navy legal draw up paperwork with accordance to regulations that my command would be responsible for 100% of my medical care if they did not abide by doctor's orders I then let them know that would mean that all of my medical care would then be handled by civilians and the command would be responsible for paying the bill out of their budget there proved my surgery convalescent leave and convalescent leave extension on the flip side I'm the boss enforcing policy when I took over the department the old boss told me that the reason the place looked like crap was because when he asked his sales associate base pay plus Commission to clean or put up stock they claimed it wasn't in their job description the main boss backed the map calling it a technicality I pulled out the description and read out other duties as assigned by the manager on the last line two out of nine quit my department is now clean and stock is always up sales are consistently up I'm cool with that not really my boss but my school principal which was really like a boss to me as a kid I was at an Opus Dei school so the nuns we're pretty ducking strict and I hated the ducting salads they gave us I found multiple ways to hide the because you can't throw food when there are millions of people starving until one day I just went with a tray half full to dump it all the nun went ballistic and I just said I'm for gluttony is a sin and through it all that got me in trouble I was nine at a former workplace the dress code was changed men were no longer allowed to wear shorts women could wear skirts I started wearing a kilt because skirts were okay in the rule book same thing happened at my school several guys wore kilts for a few days then all on the same day about half the guys in the whole school wore skirts lady skirts it was wonderful when I was in grade four Pizza was sold at lunch for one dollar and fifty cents a slice I saw a business opportunity and went to the Little Caesars a stone throw away from the school and bought ten hot and ready five-dollar pizzas and sold the slices for $1 1.25 on Friday when the school told me I couldn't sell Pizza on school property I moved my office to my aunt's house which was next door so every day at lunch the kids would walk to the neighbor's front yard buy pizza and come back to school I was making a tidy sum every day when I worked at Best Buy the dress code was black shoes pants felt and tucked in blue shirt never wore a belt nor tuck my shirt in because as a chubster when kneeling and organizing DVDs on the bottom shelf shirt comes untucked and the belt cuts into my belly firstworldproblems huh anyways my boss would constantly freak on me for not having my shirt tucked in and finally got on my case for not wearing a belt either so I checked the dress code found it said belt if there are belt loops on the pants or something so I found an exacto knife and cut off my belt loops the next morning I come in and she says who where's your belt I grinned at her and said where's my belt loops and gave her the biggest shit-eating grin I could muster one of my finest moments except your pants look stupid Obi is so fat that he/she can't bend down without his/her shirt coming untucked I'm sure the muffin top keeps the lack of loops hidden I used to work for this small town twice weekly newspaper the editor slash publisher major county commissioner and a few other people were skimming tax dollars when I confronted my boss about it he told me he'd blackballed me if I said anything so I went to the local television station tipped them off and they uncovered the story when they won their awards my name was added to the list of reporters I still can't get a job as a journalist but damned if it didn't feel good not work-related but school in high school I wore a free condoms dot-com t-shirt to school I was called down to the principal's office after three to four hours Michel teachers thought it was awesome in the a.m. classes and was told I was promoting abhorrent behavior I posited that I was in fact trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies I lost my fight and was told I had to leave if I did not have another shirt rather than leaving I put a sticky note over the M in condoms and spent the rest of the day harrassing faculty about fantastic lakeside condos that I was giving away for free not my story but a co-worker worked at a water park supervisor was a bitch who wouldn't let the lead guards at the top of the tallest slide in the park go to the bathroom guard at the top is radioing that he needs to take a shit but she won't let him mind you the lead guards are allowed to write down every once in a while to make sure no tubes are stuck lead guard is about to shit his pants in front of a ton of guests so he goes into the utility closet and shits in a bucket of cat litter we kept to clean up vomit he then proceeds to ride the slide down to clean himself off and left the supervisor to clean up his bucket of shit I used to work at the jaws right at Universal Studios Florida our uniform consisted of a blue t-shirt jeans organ shorts white socks and white shoes the unofficial dress code all of us girls wearing jean shorts and white knee socks one summer I ended up working the Joe's right in the Jungle Cruise at Walt Disney World simultaneously I love Disney and had always wanted to work there but I ended up finding it's stifling with all sorts of silly and over-the-top rules at the Jungle Cruise you wear a khaki shirt khaki shorts or pants white socks and brown shoes one day I didn't have any normal-sized socks to wet of the Jungle Cruise so I ended up wearing my white knee-highs which looked ridiculous with the jungle costume when I got to work one of my managers flipped his shirt told me my socks weren't in compliance with the Disney look the official policies on how to dress at Disney and made me roll my socks down it looked like I was wearing little white life preservers around my ankles and looked more out of place than they looked originally I was annoyed so when I went home I scoured my ders new look booklet for the policies pertaining to socks all I could find was that socks had to be long enough to cover the anklebone there was no maximum height hell I could have worn white tights under my cocky shorts if I really wanted to the next day I wore my knee highs again as a small act of rebellion the same manager was there and he flipped out he actually pulled me into the office to write me up but before he could get me to sign the paperwork I pulled out my copy of the Disney look and showed him that while incredibly silly looking my socks were perfectly acceptable and that I would continue wearing them like that and so I did I look stupid but I didn't care working for Disney wasn't a pleasant experience in my opinion and it was very liberating to know that I could at least wear my socks however the hell I wanted to you can't have beer in the front seat of your car so I went ahead and replaced the front seat with a back seat used to work at a TV station absolutely awful management and horrible bosses complained about it to friends all the time some would even ask me on Facebook about my job and would reply but I knew I could get fired for speaking ill of the company so I read the HR handbook and found out as long as I don't specifically name the company I can't be fired for it so about a month later I realize I can't take this shit anymore and post on Facebook how terrible my job is never mentioning the company by name they fire me a day later I gladly walk out of that building and into a lawyer's office got 17,000 $800 my yearly salary seriously feels good man back when I was working and attending classes I would go straight from campus to work getting me there anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes early before my shift on occasion my boss would ask me to help him out with something before I clock on putting something away or answering the phone over the span of a couple months this evolved from occasionally to every day your shift starts when you get here after doing this for a couple weeks still clocking in at my usual 3:00 p.m. I decide that if I'm working for a few extra minutes each day I'm gonna get paid for it I did this once and I didn't make it an hour into my shift before my boss is screaming at me and throwing down the employee handbook saying that I'm only allowed to clock in 5 minutes before and after my scheduled shift needless to say I made it a point to not check in until 5 minutes after my scheduled shift every day no matter how early I was fast forward 3 months and my boss gets fired he got what was coming to him it is in fact illegal for your employer to fail to pay you for doing any sort of work for them under the Fair Labor Standards Act whether it's part of your normally assigned duties or not worked in one corporate kitchen where our GM didn't like our music so he would put on children's music so we all started singing along at the top of our lungs we won that war of attrition years later in another kitchen we had surround sound in a closed kitchen where the uppity GM did not like our music and started passing draconian censorship rules about the music so we switched it to children's music for a week moral of the story never underestimate the power of a kitchen crew of misfits singing bananaphone at the top of their lungs
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 642,658
Rating: 4.8535619 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit, reddit stories, ask reddit, best posts and comments
Id: RdROONa4v7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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