Praying From the Heavenly Realms | Kevin Zadai

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[Applause] good morning thanks pastors so glad that you guys are both back together again here this is a happy thing but um i was talking to one of uh the sisters here this morning at the table and she was like i have so many questions i believe i'm going to get my answers this weekend and you can get your answers this weekend i wanted to encourage you she just reminded me what i usually kevin said you want to share that because i share that with people that you don't have to have hands laid on you even though you might have hands laid on you you don't have to have your name called out even though you might have your name called out but you can make a demand on heaven and that's going to call the the gift of god that's in my husband kevin it's not like um it's from heaven okay he's set in the body of christ as a ministry gift not only did he go to heaven but he is a ministry gift so when you honor that and you draw on that you can get your answer from your seat so our prayer is that you don't leave this conference without your package and like pastor was saying pastors were saying open my eyes and don't let me miss my visitation that's another way of saying it is god has something on his heart for each one of you it's so strong and so um let's just father we just agree and this is kind of reiterating what's already been said but we just agree lord that what's on your heart for each one of us this weekend comes to pass in the name of jesus and we make a demand on the gift of god in heaven and kevin from heaven that it would function in its fullness we declare doors of utterance in the name of jesus and that kevin has strength and boldness to bring forth that he speaks as the oracles of god we thank you lord that every hindrance is bound every lying lips silenced and that the holy spirit and the word have free course in this house this morning this afternoon and the rest of the weekend in jesus name amen [Applause] thank you thank you for coming are you excited oh man i am so excited oh man you know it can it'll even get better if you all just draw off of what's inside of me because you know i was sent back for you i don't want to be here you know i just really don't want to be here now don't take that wrong but i'm telling you where i was no one wants to come back no one you can ask you can ask the surgeon i woke up from the operating table crying because i had to come back i actually was crying i didn't want to come back but he jesus told me he said it's not about you it's about the people that your sin being sent to they need to hear what you've seen and what you've heard okay so draw off of the holy spirit's gift in people pray in the spirit silently to yourself while i'm talking and i will answer your questions my wife didn't say this but in all the meetings that we go to the people come up and they say you answered my question and it was random because you were talking about something else all of a sudden you just turned and you said that's the kind of thing you know rather than call you out you know so that you can say you were called out by me you know that would take uh you know all afternoon and this evening to minister to each one of you individually now i've done that in churches but it's because the lord told me to but i can do it from here you can get your answer because i'm just listening to god i'm not doing this on my own trust me i don't need to do this i don't need to do this and i'm the kind of person who likes to be in the orchestra pit and never be known and in fact you wouldn't believe what had to happen just to write my first book jesus had to appear to me and say you know that book's a mandate he made me write it i went 23 years without even telling my pastor what happened to me i wasn't allowed to talk about it for 23 years so if i wanted to make money or be a big shot i would have done it right away you know 25 years ago but i did not because it's sacred so for me to do this and to act like i'm not even nervous up here is is crazy because i'm not like that i i'd rather like do stuff in secret and and you know i'm just that way and it's not it's not about it's not about me it's about you so just know that that you you will get your package today but the reason you're going to get it is because god has designed a plan that of implementation in these last days that's beyond your understanding be like right now as i'm talking the room is filling up with him and you'll feel like you don't have a body anymore though many of you will feel like you're floating and then our our services last five hours and it's i i actually hand the mic over at the hour and no one can close our longest service is 11 hours i closed every hour for 11 hours and one per one couple crawled to their car they could not no one could leave no one could get up no one no one dared move in in my in my our spiritual parents are jesse and kathy duplantis when i speak in their church i get 25 minutes but when i speak all of a sudden like i look and there's a whole pew missing and they're on the floor laughing and i didn't even touch anybody 25 minutes so you do you understand don't put limitations on me calling you out or you got to get knocked out of your chair or you know i gotta point to you and and and say something to you because god is in the room he's ministering to you right now he's already has okay here here's some things that i gotta tell you before i start to teach we're going to be teaching from the book heavenly realms praying from the heavenly realms you have to understand the the story behind these things because the story will minister to you just as much the story of why god does things for people and in people's lives is for other people now it's it's one thing for for a person to die to see heaven and then be sent back it's one thing for that and then you say well you know that's everything that happens to kevin is because you know he got to have that happen and because he's going to god's favorites and you know you get this thing where you you kind of put me in a box but see don't do that with me because jesus didn't refer to me as an apostle or a prophet or pastor teacher evangelist he referred to me as kevin and he said that the greatest in the kingdom is is the servant of all he said that if because i chose not to put myself in the front i got promoted because i chose to serve others then then then i i find myself in a position where people want to serve me they want to help me now but i i served under a pastor now listen to me we were assistant pastors while i worked full time and my wife had a business she worked full time we served the pastor for four years and i never got to speak from this pulpit i got a sunday school class and i had gone to heaven and jesus would would appear to me every year to check up on me and now i'm asked to go to that church several times a year and that pastor is waiting for me he wants to carry my bible he wants to protect me from bad people he wants to do everything for me what happened you see i served him are you getting this okay okay so do you have to understand something it's not there are no superheroes in heaven except one you know there's only one and and that's it you know everyone else god set in the church some to be god sets there's a key there did you notice i said god sets god says so you don't wake up one morning in your prophet because every prophet i know doesn't want to be a prophet every apostle i know that's really an apostle they don't want to be an apostle they they don't because what you're carrying is for the next generation you're not only carrying this generation you're carrying the next generation on your shoulders hello do you want responsible for the next generation you know that is something that only god can set i'm speaking from your future right now i i went to your future and i'm speaking to you as though it's my now but it's your future i'm talking to you right now from a place that you haven't even lived yet but i've been there i've been to your future i've seen the end already i've been shown things that are going to happen in the next several years they're my now right now like there's people in here being healed right now you could feel it you can feel it in your body right now you feel your heart starting to get soft that's that's the power of god that's not a superhero so i tell you this because what this is the thing you cannot give up something for god that god asks you to give up you cannot give it up and not get get something back it's not about giving so you can get it's about giving so that you can live in the supernatural you have to trade this life for his life so some of you all you don't even understand that but see once you die and you're giving your life back it's not no longer yours but see that's what jesus said it should be anyway so think about it we come through this process of dying to self and it takes a whole lifetime and i'm telling you today it can happen you don't have to take a lifetime because once you hear these stories you're going to say you know what that's the shortcut to the supernatural i just need to give it up i need to get over myself how many understand what i'm saying you got to get over yourself because god wants to use you but he wants you to enjoy the journey now i have a responsibility to speak to this generation because if i don't the next generation is going to write about us how we missed it and i'm not going to let that happen i was told that my publisher will be publishing books about this generation if i don't speak through that publisher now so i have 59 titles i still have to write and this is all just being with jesus 45 minutes it was a whole week but it was compressed in the 45 minutes i got i got to speak to this generation because we are the generation that can choose to wrap it up now what has happened in the in the political realm and in the governments all through the world everything has been put on hold but see nobody really discerned it there was an opportunity for it all to end and all the prophecy teachers be all excited because all their charts you know it just happened just like that or what jesus did he he visited me and he said you know you can you can stop all this and he did this five years ago he visited me he took me up above the united states and he said you know you can delay all this he showed me the next war with israel psalms 83. all these nations around israel were going to start a fight wasn't going to be armageddon he said you know you can stop this indefinitely he used that word indefinitely and unlike he said you know all all the teachings you're listening to they're right in their theology but they're wrong in their timing because the church has been sent is is here to stop this stuff because this is what he said he said i cannot come back until the harvest is in he said russia needs to come in the middle east needs to come in and russia china that was it thank you i already told him china and he doesn't even know when he's coming back but he does know he's not coming back until they come in oh did you hear me because it's already been spoken that he wishes no one to perish okay so he said you know you can stop this indefinitely through prayer and then he instructed me he said now when it does happen he said because the prophets have spoken it he said it will have to happen eventually but you can keep pushing it forward keep pushing it away indefinitely and he said in fact i have a trump card in my back pocket that's what he said five years ago and i said what he said he said yeah he's the i said i don't even like him he said this is what jesus says it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that's what he said to me no i didn't get on tv and say trump's going to be president i didn't do nothing i didn't say nothing but i knew a trump card in his back pocket and he's smiling at me he said i can delay all of this indefinitely and so everything has been put on hold that satan has designed now if you can't if you can't be successful in this country you can't be successful anywhere because it's all set up for you to prosper now to fund what's about to happen god needs the money to be taken from the world and put into his work now how now how this is supposed to happen is you're supposed to prosper okay and you steal from the devil you steal from his system now he i was told that if you find a penny out there in a parking lot that the devil looks at that as you stealing from his system because you you could you could take that and do something for god with it so he looks at your paycheck that he told me he said your paycheck when you get a paycheck from a a a company if you're a christian the satan looks at that as you're stealing from his system because you're going to put that to work for things that god's doing in your life and you're going to take a portion of it and set the whole thing apart so see tithing is is god is what he's doing is he say if you give 10 i sanctify the whole the 90 and then the devil can't touch it see it's all about ownership and dominion but you you're just arguing if god wants you to prosper or not that has nothing to do because there's no money in heaven it's like it's like it's like jesus told me he said the father loves it when you say thank you but see he he can still live without the thank you but he likes it because he's a person that has feelings well he has feelings too when you work you sell yourself to your job or your company and they don't pay you enough you they don't pay you what you're worth you're worth much more than what your company pays you so god has to make it up but you don't get it so you don't want to hold on to ten percent but what you're doing is you're giving god a permission to make up what you're and make it worth what you're really worth but see we don't judge ourselves by money that's not what i'm talking about here how about the fact that i don't get sick how about the fact that i'm still driving the same vehicle that i bought brand new in 2000 and they can't figure out why it won't break it has 287 000 miles on it two sets of tires and two sets of brakes for almost three hundred thousand miles and it's sitting in my driveway right now it's sitting there no no i i can go buy whatever car i want that's not the point the point is is that sitting there talking it's testifying okay so do you understand that your paycheck your paycheck should be talking louder than your need that your bank account shouldn't have a bigger voice than god okay all right so here's here's what happened to me just so you know i didn't want to write these books i didn't want to do any of this so i went 23 years without talking about it can you imagine all the things that you've you've heard and read and i could stay quiet for 23 years i did because it was sacred to me but now that i'm sharing it i want you to get everything out of it so this is what happened to me nothing that you give up goes unnoticed whatever you do for the lord your time here is going to be well worth it i'm going to make sure of it myself i'm gonna yield to the spirit like never before this morning because of the effort that you made to get here and to be here in this room but here's what happened to me okay imagine this i i wanted to know what it was like to skydive so i went through training and it it was like this four hour class to do two things to look at your altimeter on your wrist and when it said 5500 feet you went down here and you pulled this silver handle it takes four hours to learn that did you everybody hear what i just said well you try it because it all changes when you jump out of that airplane those two things are really hard so you're free falling for 33 seconds and the only thing you have to do is keep looking it's just a giant watch but it's an altimeter and you start out at 14 000 feet and then when you get uh to 5500 you keep checking it you know and 5500 feet you just reach down you pull that that silver handle and and that's it i mean even if you were stupid you could still live after that you know but but up until that point it's amazing how stupid you get right because why because see now you're in an environment that you're not familiar with and your body says you know what you're on your own your mind says you're on your own and there's nothing left except you're going to be with jesus because your body just says um you know it freezes and your mind freezes and your spirit's like okay i guess i'm going to jesus if you two don't do something right do you understand what i'm saying so you do have parts to you right okay so it's the same way with the spirit realm your spirit your spirit understands things that your mind doesn't grasp and your body just wants to go eat chicken all the time so you'll you'll go to a restaurant and you'll you'll want to eat and everything's fine but you go and you say i'm going to pray for 10 minutes and and i'm not going to answer the phone i don't care what happens i'm going to pray for 10 minutes and then all of a sudden your body says hey there's chickens left over from last night and then your mind goes then your mind that didn't remember all the things that you should have done yesterday all of a sudden it remembers all those things oh you got to do this you got to do this you got to do this next thing you do it you can't believe it you're clipping coupons to save 50 cents and all you did was say you were going to pray in tongues okay no i'm serious this is what this is the truth right so this is the way it was when i jumped out of that airplane i i totally understood what four hours of instruction was for it was for that that that environment that you enter into that you're that that you have to dig deep within yourself well see that's what being a christian is did you know that living in this world in this realm at this time did you know that that that there are people in heaven that want to meet you because you were chosen to live at this time they they didn't they saw this day but they didn't participate in this i mean there's people like enoch you know you think you want to meet enoch and elijah and all those people they want to meet you did you know that okay i'll prove it to you jesus said listen john the baptist he just got baptized he said john come here he said john look at john he said there's never been anyone in the kingdom as great as john okay do you hear what he just said he just told the people that he's better than moses abraham enoch elijah all those people david right he said it there's nobody been greater in the kingdom than than john than john the baptist okay he said but from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than him am i right so all the people in heaven want to meet you that's how valuable you are i'm telling you this because you cannot fail if you pursue god but the training will be intense because you have to be able to operate in a hostile environment which i consider this realm a hostile environment if you don't you should just be with me when i travel you mean if there's demons anywhere in a person or around them they start acting up now i called kathy one day when i was at work because i had worked for a company for 30 years and towards the end the power of god was coming so strong that the demons were starting to manifest on the airplane and then people were starting to to get hit by the joy and they're not even saved and people start crying when i'd walk about down the aisle way the airplane you know at five seven miles up they'd start like laughing or start crying and they wouldn't understand it like i asked them i said what's going on with you they said every time you walk by me there's something on you so this one day i walk back to do my my my walk through to check with the other flight attendants make sure everything was ready before we take off and um these these these uh 15 people in the back they all started yelling at me get out of here leave us alone i go what excuse me is my airplane it says get back up to the front i go this is my airplane we have a problem here because i'll just go right back to the gate right now i'm sure there's some people out there want your seats it's a five five-hour flight from pittsburgh to uh las vegas so i get a call mid-flight and i and um captain goes there's something wrong back there can you go back the girls aren't telling me everything so i went back there and um i go what's going on and the flight test said well they won't let me tell you because we know that you'll you'll you know we'll go to lockdown we're going to have to be escorted in the guys are threatening to to rape the women on the pla flight but they're thinking they're just drunk i said that's not drunk that's that's a threat that's a federal offense so make a long story short i call the past i said we got to go to lockdown and probably going to need a you know like an f-16 escort because these guys have threatened to rape the women on the plane and so those guys will never fly again those people took eight cops to take them off they fought the cops well what didn't make a person do all that okay do you understand that what i'm trying to tell you is i called my wife and i said kathy i think it's time for me to retire i said it's just getting the place where i think it's time to go in the ministry because you know these things are the manifestation see what it is is you you get nose to nose with the kingdom of darkness but see god is his kingdom is advancing at such an alarming powerful rate that if you choose to participate in it it's going to be really quite a ride but you have to be ready to do what i s i said that took four hours to ingrain in me in that environment because see what my goal is is is not what you feel right now it's monday morning when i'm gone can you do this see this isn't a drive-by this is permanent discipleship that's what jesus said no more drive-bys he said kevin no more drive-bys the day of drive-bys is over he said you make disciples you replicate me that's what jesus told me how can i mess this up he's right here he said replicate me he said i want everyone walking in this okay so another another another circumstances so just so you know before we get into the teaching i want you to understand what's going on here i gave up the air force academy to answer the call of god when i was 19. so i turned down the nomination for senator hines in pennsylvania for the next year and i left everything and i went to bible school and i had only been saved six months what would make a person do that to give up f-16s because he was more real to me than what i wanted to do so does it surprise you that i finish college and then i go and i do another another phase of my education and then i get an opportunity to travel with that ministry and the lord says no you're going to southwest airlines i go excuse me i'm going to be a singer for this ministry i left everything for you and then i thought well oh he's going to have me be a pilot he says no you'll be a flight attendant i go what so i just want you to know this about me so that you know that this stuff doesn't come easy it costs you but you gotta you gotta understand it's worth it all because this is what happened six months after i answered that call and i went to southwest airlines a captain for southwest airlines who is a mormon he comes to me and he says you told captain so and so that you wanted to get your commercial pilot's license i go yeah eventually i will i said i i left everything and i you know i'm in the i'm in in the ministry so to speak but i'm i i'm here at southwest he goes well you're going to be a pilot for southwest and i said well i want to get all my ratings and then i'm going to go you know and then he's like what what really are you know i said i'm called of god he goes well yeah i can understand that he said well this is what happened to me he said when i was 16 years old i used to go out and watch the airplanes take off and fly and this guy came up to me he goes you want to learn how to fly and he owned like part of the airport and the guy goes you know my captain friend he said yeah he said well why don't you come wash airplanes for me and i'll give you all your ratings all i ask is that someday you give it to someone else so he gave him all his ratings was uh you know my mind what he gave me was worth 250 000 worth of training so he said i have to do this before i die so the lord told me you're the one now he's mormon but he said i have to give this because this guy did it for me years and years ago so that's how i got my ratings okay then i was training this girl on the airplane just to show you how this works it always comes back to you i was training this girl she was an air force officer her husband is a general now a one-star general but at the time he was a colonel he was ahead of the luke air force base fighter squadron the the f-16 part of it so she said why are you doing this kevin i saw you up there in the cockpit and you know the whole cockpit i said yeah i can fly the airplane i said this is what the lord had me do i said i left the air force academy a nomination and i told her all that well she turns and she goes in the galley like we're on ground time and i'm just training her as a flight attendant and she gets on her phone she's talking to her husband and she flips you know we had flip phones back then you know just clip and she goes well you just got your dream i go what he goes you're going to report to luke air force base and my husband's going to give you ground training and then you're going to find a simulator against him in our our top gun you know the na the navy has top gun but they have what they call tack ace aces which is the top gun of the air force and it's at luke so he put me through the ground training now i just got my my private commercial you know instrument rating and then this guy did what he said but then all of a sudden as soon as i'm done with that within a couple weeks i'm flying with this girl and training her and next thing you know i am sitting i am sitting in an f-16 cockpit and i'm going through all the systems with this guy think do you hear what i'm saying for free yeah and then he puts me in they go in this this classified section and a lot of it i can't even talk to you about i'm not allowed to talk about what i was in there but we flew against each other and it was amazing now here's the thing i'm telling you this because are you ready to be accelerated because this is what happened i i was i was traveling at the most in in a in a cessna 172 in a dive full throttle in a dive i might get to 125 130 140 miles an hour maybe okay so in this f-16 when we were you're you taxi out you get ready to take off and you they said well you know this has this has military which is a hundred percent and i'm thinking that's it you know it was oh no then you pull the throttle out and it's five clicks more in after burn there's five stages of aftermarket but however in the fifth stage of afterburner you're burning 16 800 pounds of fuel a minute which means you have three and a half minutes in after burner at fifth stage and then you gotta land or be refueled and i'm thinking i could fly for six hours in a cessna you know and okay so it's oh by the way when you take off at 300 knots make sure your gears up i go what your gear gear up you you pull the nose of the f-16 off and then you level off and you stay what they call ground effect and you click on your and i thought there's not even any switches you just do it on your throttle and on your stick it's right there so i you have to get your he said if you don't get your i went what i'm gonna be at 300 knots on the runway at takeoff because oh you're going to be at 450 at the end of the runway but you've got to get your gear up as soon as your nose comes off you have to level off click your gear up and then you're going to keep accelerating through 450 knots by the end of the runway and then you can pitch up and go to 33 000 feet in a straight climb and then i realized this is the way it was for me experiencing the other realm okay so what it was now think about this while i'm doing the cessna i had no idea what was waiting for me what that what more there was but then when i encountered this airplane in in the training phase of it i realized there's so much more available and there's guys that get paid to do this every day can you man now i know why those those fighter pilots have grins on their faces because they can't even believe they're getting paid for this but they're being trained and this is what the training was really really rigorous and like when i went through i had to go through aerobatics because i was training students so when you train students you have to learn how to recover aircraft because students want to kill you and so they they tell you that that that the student's whole goal is to kill you they tell you that so that you in your mind always watch the student so they train us to take the airplane up three mistakes high so a student can make three mistakes before you hit the ground so you you go up that high but it's a mental thing okay so here here's what i'm trying to tell you now is that the acceleration of where you're going in the body of christ is where you're going to be operating in the supernatural all the time it's not going to be just like a a thing that happens every now and then randomly because the lord and i share this all with you because i got my dream and it continues till today it continues till today now i'm training i'm training for corporate jets right now with my own money by the way and i don't take a salary from the ministry just saying okay so what is it like to be in the spirit well see you really are in the spirit if you're being led by the spirit so here's what i want to ask you this this puzzles me i know it says is it honey is it um is this romans 8 3 about this the who he would is at 8 8-4 right she's my concordance those who are led by this the spirit of god right are sons of god right not those who are led by prophets of god right those who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god right okay now the spirit of god moves through a prophet but we don't seek prophets we we we are sons of god right because we're led by the right now some of you might not even know when i was a pilot i might not even look like a pilot it doesn't matter if you put me in a cockpit you will not know me that's my and that is my environment i gave that up that i was i was meant to be a pilot if i i i do better upside down at mach 2. i do i get high off a jet fuel i just the smell of it you know what i mean but you would never know that but see i was still that even though you didn't discern it okay that's the way it is with the body of christ no one discerns you unless they're spiritual see paul said in the latter part of chapter 2 of first corinthians that the spiritual person discerns or judges all things correctly but he says he himself is not subject to any carnal man's judgment you ca a carnal person cannot judge you because they're not spiritual that's what that was saying there okay so i've shared this with you just so you can understand that the spirit realm is fast and the frustration that you're going through is that your born-again spirit is alive to god and you you know it shouldn't be taking this much time and you know your body is being rebellious and you know that your mind needs to get with it and you're like like like my spiritual father says he he'll say something to me and then i just stand there and he goes you're burning daylight you see because he lives out of his spirit so he wants everyone to be at that speed so your frustration is is that you know what's right you know what should be happening and it's not but see that's what your training's for so this day today is this kind of training you might think some of this is basic it's not it's supernatural because what the only thing that i care about is that you do those two things see i want you to not i don't want you to just live through what you're going through because we're not here to survive we're here to take dominion and live as as the sons and daughters of god amen father i thank you for this time i think for the impartation of the spirit i ask that everyone receive everyone receive angels of the lord you're on standby and i thank you for it oh man oh my my okay all righty then okay so the first thing we'll talk about as far as the heavenly realms the lord jesus christ he gave me an impartation when i was with him by just being around him he didn't breathe on me i didn't give him an offering he didn't touch me he didn't lay his hands on me i stood in his presence for 45 minutes and it it did something to my spirit and then he sent me back and it was hard to live here because my body and my mind weren't up to speed so he told me he said you need to disciple people you need to train people how to live in the supernatural and live in the physical so you can prosper in your spirit and not prosper in your body or in your mind paul prayed that you would prosper in all of them okay so you can't like say okay god's gonna do this for me but he i don't believe in this don't don't go there with god i did and he's still wrecking me he's still wrecking me because i said well i don't believe in that stuff you want to hear about it i didn't believe in all that gold and that silver stuff you know the dust and all that i mean you know i thought you know this is fake you know jesus didn't sprinkle glitter on me and send me back you know what i mean so i started like whatever you know i just care about what how people walk right you know i just want people to walk right it's like if you fall on the ground and get hit by god i just want to see how you act when you get up and you go to your car and somebody has scratched your car a church member that's what counts so like i cuz because i was there i i get hit by god i get thrown 20 feet and i i had the same devil waiting for me at the my car before i even got out of the parking lot that i've been dealing with so this is not an amusement ride because then you just want more and then you go from meeting the meeting and get hit by god but does it change you right okay okay so this is what happened to me i was on my way to phoenix to speak and and i was in my office in new orleans and we were the person who's going to pick us up today's airport was already there but the lord said i want you to go to the original hebrew i'm like excuse me lord we're going to the airport right now go the original hebrew and print out they left egypt with the gold and the silver in the hebrew printed on two sheets of paper i go two sheets he said two sheets so i i'm up there printing out i'm going through the in highlighting the hebrew for for that verse and printing it out on two sheets of paper i folded it up into four pieces and i saw i put it in my my pouch i was gonna be preaching on the five stones of david at this this meeting in phoenix so i put that in the pouch with it so i get there and multiple meetings and everything but then when we got there uh she she called me up to speak this lady no just so you know this lady was the assistant to sister ruth hefflin for 22 years and every time i would show up for her meeting she would give the whole thing over to me so i get up and i speak and the power of god hits and five hours later people are laid out and and and i'm just sitting in my chair and i'm like it's but you know she doesn't care but it's like it's supposed to last two hours the last five every time and i'm just sitting there i'm drunk and she goes kevin she comes up to me my wife kevin do you have two sheets of paper i go what she says do you have two sheets of paper i need to give you the lord told me i've been holding this since 1972. i have something for you so she pulls out two vials one is full of gold and one's full of silver she picked it up in the carpets from those meetings in ruth heflin and she's been holding and she said you're the one that's supposed to have this so so i i open these sheets of paper and it says they left egypt with the silver and the gold it says it right there in hebrew she pours it gold there and silver on that one and i fold them up and i put in my pouch i have them with me i take them everywhere i go now because see this is something i don't even believe in so don't don't tell god you don't believe in stuff i mean if it's in his word i mean you know i believe his word and you you know if you're gonna say something if it's freaky like kissing camels and you'll get healed you know i'm you know that's freaky did you get it okay okay so this is what happened so we go home we go home because we have a home in phoenix so we're speaking there we go into that home in phoenix and i look at kathy and i go what just happened and all of a sudden the power of god hit us we just started laughing and we fell and that the whole house filled up with angels i mean it felt like like all if all of you just came and surrounded me and my wife bunched in around us that's what it felt like and i don't even believe in this stuff you see what i'm saying we we fell and we just laid there and we didn't kick our little button saying we've fallen we can't get up you know we didn't do anything we just we just laid there under the power of god and i said lord what just happened he said he first of all he corrected me don't ever don't ever say you don't believe in something just because you haven't experienced it he said but this is what he said he said those angels know that you have in your possession something that's from another realm okay so i made the mistake again i was in mississippi and i'm standing up here and it's saturday night and there's a couple sitting right back there where y'all are sitting back here about three rows from the back and um the lord says call them out they just lost their ministry uh they've had a lot of trouble they they don't even have a building now you just pull them up and tell them i'm going to reverse everything they're going to get everything back and more they're going to be put right into the ministry that god has for them and i said you know what what if they work at piccoli wiggly or something you know they're in the vegetable apartment you know because i don't want to be a false prophet see when i prophesy i'm serious i met jesus okay he's the word of god now in the old testament if you missed it they had everybody had a rock to throw at you to kill you right so when i prophesy to someone i i picture rocks because i say do i am i hearing from god because i'm going to feel it in a minute if i didn't hear okay so this is what happened um i said oh i said lord i want to pray this out so he was gracious to me so sunday morning they're in the same place again so i called them out and i gave them their word and they and they started shaking and crying and then i never saw him again so i was in february so in in december my i get my manager calls he says hey kevin i know that i know that you know we have all these invites and we're not going to get to all of them but he said would you pray over these and he always has me we always pray over everything but we say no to eight out of ten because we can't be everywhere and i did 300 meetings last year i can't do that every year it was i it's easier for me to go back and fly it'd be better to go to work for 12 hours then then ministry is not easy so it's like because you got to be in there it's like riding a wave all the time okay so i prayed over this when they said this is the invite it was in dalton georgia says we we can't afford you we only have 55 people but if the lord speaks to you to come please come so i had to pay my airfare my hotel for me and my wife and um and the lord said do it so i did so we flew an hour and a half we drove two hours to this building and guess who's meeting me at the door that couple this is what they said do you like your word see this is the realm that god wants you to walk in you just made flesh something that was spirit when you spoke you took from that realm you yanked it out of there see do you want to be trained like that okay this is what happened he said oh that's nothing he said i want you to come here stand right here i go i got hit by god i go whoa what happened here he goes this is where jesus appeared to me and gave me my instructions after he gave us this building and he told me to give you this and he he hands me a 10 carat eight cut amethyst stone that jesus left for him to give to me and i don't even believe in this read him out of a psalm jesus read him a psalm and then walked out and then he found this stone left for him to give to me okay now listen to this now this guy in that he's friends with is with him in this ministry his bible starts leaking oil in that psalm and to date now it's been over 90 gallons have come out of that bible and i don't even believe in this stuff how do you explain that but i'm not pursuing these signs but what i'm trying to tell you is you got to be careful why are you limiting something because you have an experience oh i would never skydive why because i just wouldn't why would i want to leave a perfectly good airplane i beat the airplane down it was the weirdest thing i'm going somewhere with all this i'm walking you into this i'm trying to show you something i can go on and on where the lord has destroyed my idols things that i have limited god with are idols they're idols okay so if you want to get heaven's attention what is it that you need to do you need you need to make yourself available which means that you are a good soldier now a soldier according to paul does not involve himself in civilian affairs so a good soldier of christ is a parallel of the military that's why most people that are religious will not accept the true absolute truth of heaven because god is living and sitting on a throne that has layers foundations if you check it out in psalms 89 it tells you there's a layer of of righteousness and a layer of justice and the truth surrounds him that's the angels the truth of faithfulness i mean faithfulness surrounds him there's truth in his in his throne so when he judges he judges righteously like i said last night he doesn't ask you for your opinion about anything in fact he wrote a book about you according to psalms 139 verse 16 he wrote a book about you without you being in the meeting never once invited you to one of the board meetings think about it think about the way you think you're like why do those 24 elders get to go to those meetings and i don't well the trinity's having meetings about you right now and the angels are being instructed according to what you can believe for but see belief is really trust and you can't trust somebody unless you know them so here's the key to walking in the supernatural in order to get heaven's attention you have to look at people that got heaven's attention so jesus instructed me now how can i mess this up he's just right there he told me the church right now right now the church is at the pool of bethesda they're waiting for the water to be stirred waiting for a random act like an angel go down and play with the water and the first person in gets touched gets healed and jesus said the whole time the head of the universe who created that man is standing before him but he doesn't what he doesn't discern who he is so he's telling jesus his sad story in case it gets stirred maybe jesus would help him in right that's what the church is at right now see we're waiting for the water to be stirred jesus said that's where we're at right now he said if if you discern who i am now he said this is what he said he said kevin he said why did people that yelled out son of david get healed i go oh they deserve he said saying the son of david was saying messiah was the lineage of david okay so when people said have mercy on me have compassion on me thou son of david they were saying you are the messiah you are the deliverer the one we've been waiting for i put my faith in you have mercy on me they always got healed jesus like stop but when he went to his own hometown what did they call him the son of a carpenter right so he said all they got was a table and chairs that's what he said so he said you tell the people in every meeting that i don't want to see anybody going with a set of table and chairs to their car today see because that's what it shows what you discerned okay so knowing him is better than seeing his ex right so israel saw his acts but moses knew his ways okay if you study that out in order to get heaven's attention you got to know god's personality you got to know his ways the way he likes to do things now what did i just tell you he's not asking for your opinion see the thing the threat to our society like i said last night is is there's an attack on absolute truth and his his foundation is thrown is built on that okay so it's not up for you can't tell god you know can you move that that altar of incense over a little bit it's kind of i don't like it there it i can't see the the cherubim no god sets in the church god set into motion so when he breathed you out into your mother's womb i mean i stood on the spot where he breathed me out in my mother's womb and i was standing there now giving an account for my life it was a circle and his word returned to him that's what happened to me so jesus thought of me he showed me the whole process he let me walk into his eyes and i watched the process of him in creating me i saw in his mind he formed me in in his mind he named me and then he breathed me out and my spirit went into my mother's womb and i wasn't a mistake and he said your parents were privileged to carry you because i was a voice to this whole generation and and devil tried to kill me so many times and and you wouldn't believe this stuff that was said to me and how i was rejected but see what it was it was a war against who i was as a person in who owned me that's what the war is with you see god thought of you he breathed you out into your mother's womb and he wrote a book about you according to psalms 1 39 16 you have to believe it if you're a christian so god's intent was in his word and in his breath so when you were formed you weren't an accident how you got your body might be an accident but that's just your earth suit who you are is what god intended when he breathed you out and there's a whole book written about you now this is the absolute truth this is not being made up this is not a bedtime story i'm not trying to make you feel better i'm telling you the truth about who you are jesus sent me back because he wanted me to tell you what i just told you i have to tell everybody in the world this i don't care how it's going to be done i don't care how i do it that's why you'll see me everywhere you'll see me everywhere because it's it's all set up it's a it's rigged in my favor he told me he said if you come back you cannot lose he said i'm gonna make sure you have everything you need you don't have a thing to worry about and it has never never failed everything that he said to me has happened it's the same with you what he spoke about you what he wrote about you what he thought about you was embodied so the real you is who you are inside and that's the person who is frustrated because you don't understand time you don't know why you have to wait i spoke the word it should have happened that's absolutely correct but we're in a fallen world and you have to beat the devil over the head at least twice a day because he's hard of hearing he is he really is so i'm serious he said kevin remember when you used to train for marathons i used to run 10 10 miles a day with nothing me and my wife used to run eight miles a day and then i wore out all the cartilage in my knee now i'm believing for cartilage for my knees it's one of the few things left that i need besides my hair i mean that my hair is coming too but but he's healed me of harder things than that already and i shouldn't even be alive so that's even harder how do you raise yourself from the dead okay but i remember we would run i would run me and her would run eight miles in phoenix at 112 and it wouldn't even we wouldn't even sweat that's after me flying for six days in a row but i remember when i was training in pennsylvania when i lived there growing up i remember this dog used to wait for me every day you know and i guess he was thinking that he had to earn his keep from his master so he made it look like he's working like you'd just ferociously come out and you know i'm going to kill you in a corner of the yard there and i was on the on the road well he just got more braver because i let him and he got closer and closer and then one day he took a hunk out of my my calf and i learned something from that so what i do is from then on every time a dog counter a dog i wouldn't back off in fear i would come at him and the dog looked at me bug-eyed because he didn't have a plan b see he's thinking he's he's developed a response in people okay so he figures you know he just do this no like you if any one of you would pull a gun and come up to me i would have it and have it pointed your head and you wouldn't even know what happened because i'm not afraid to die but see a person that pulls a gun on me doesn't plan on that happening and they're nervous and i'm not because i've already died i have the hat the t-shirt everything i don't feel like it doesn't matter me did you understand they can't kill me but i couldn't talk like this before this happened okay so i came at that dog and that dog didn't understand what just happened and was afraid of me now so the lord told me now you do that to the devil i go oh i'm going to get hit i'm going to get repercussions you know and everybody like you you know and they were like don't you uh what what are you doing what are you saying you know you're going to die in a plane crash because you're bragging about about you know got you nobody can touch you i said well i've been 29 years five flights a day that plane is not going down without me because when i was in heaven i saw that god isn't bound by time so the thing that changes this nation is prayer the change is everything in your life is prayer you can actually reverse and change the past that hasn't even happened yet to try to figure that one out but see you can reverse the past i've reversed the past i've actually saw stuff and fixed it so you can change things that are going to occur that's why you have these bad dreams because that's what the devil's going to do if you don't do anything about it see your spirit is receiving information but your mind is like a third grade level so you dream but you got this really downgraded system that needs an upgrade needs the new software it's your mind so at night your mind is trying to interpret what your spirit is seeing so you have dreams but i'm telling you this my dreams have turned into reality months before it happens now i have dreams about what is exactly going to happen why because my mind's renewed by the word of god romans 12 2. i'm transformed now see my mind sides with my spirit this is part of the training and when your body wants chicken you go you know what now you're gonna you're gonna miss two meals if you keep sassing it will be at least three days before we eat see you tell you tell your body i'm in control here you're not calling the shots well see you do the same thing see what you get all three parts of you your mind will and emotions is your soul suke or in the in the greek it's the same word for psychology it's your mind will and emotions okay spirit the spirit part of you is pneuma in the greek so when paul said in first thessalonians 5 23 when he named the three parts of man with your spirit soul in your body there are three different words that mean three different things so your three parts it and and those parts only one of them is redeemed your spirit is born again so that's why it's so important that you respond right in any situation you you have to be sober minded like it paul told titus and titus 2 6. so my bottom line is you notice i don't look at my notes but i'm quoting all these scriptures you see because i i learned that once i leave that airplane i don't have time to look at my manual and you don't want me looking at my manual on pre-flight and you're sitting there you're and i'm taking you somewhere and i'm looking and and you i you see me turn to the first hey what's this red button do right do you understand what i'm saying see do you understand now about god once you know god you trust him because you know him okay you know the airplane and then the pilot knows the airplane and then you can put trust in the pilot because he knows the airplane equipment but you don't so you have to trust him that's what you do every day when you go the airport and you see it all the time i mean i i was like a pastor on an airplane for 29 years i saw people at their worst because they're not in control and so i had to pastor them this is what i would that's what i did for 29 years is i was there to help people but they were out of control in the sense of they didn't have control so can you relinquish all your control to god because that's what a christian does a christian trusts god but it doesn't trust god because you saw god act see that's what israel did they they saw god's acts moses knew his ways but guess what moses went up to the mountain moses's face glowed moses saw the glory of god not his presence is that what you want okay here's how you do it this is what happens you live in two realms you live in a spiritual realm and you live in a physical realm and your soul attaches the two but your soul was given to you to enjoy the journey but see in a fallen world it's all messed up see you were built to be fast quick highly responsive efficient excellent you want you like good stuff you like the feel you like beautiful things and you buy the cheap because that's what you can afford but you love the good stuff right i loved it when that gear came up and i looked at my airspeed it was 300 knots i loved that i loved it by the end of the runway when i started to pitch up i was at 450 knots which is almost 500 miles an hour or a little over and that's just the end the runway i haven't even done anything yet okay so that was always available to me but i knew cesna my world was cesna well see that's what happens to a lot of believers they hear they hear these kind of things and you know how many people get sent back and get to talk about it but i'm telling you you can do this it is so rigged in your favor it is so rigged in your favor but you're being told all these things that are not even true you you you know i heard a man you know what some people changed my life i heard this man on a tape never met him still haven't met him till today but this is what he said he said i believe in i believe in god so much i i believe god so much that you can throw me out of an airplane with my bible and in three years i'll have a city there it changed my life forever i thought who is this guy that would even say that well what if it's not god's will see that's what i'm thinking religious thing what if it's not god's will jesus showed me that all the limitations that i have are based on this realm not on his realm okay so you you're operating in cessna faith and that's what you get you get 140 miles an hour and you know it takes you five hours to get everywhere it takes me 20 minutes i don't i don't like to drive at all why because i've been fine for 30 years i love the fact i love the fact that southwest airlines took care of me i'd get up in the morning i'd go down the lobby get my crew together and there'd be a van waiting for us and they would take us to the airport and then the pilots and all of us would be taken through security around security to our airplane and then everything was there for me to do my job everything and as long as i just followed the manual no one cared i was in charge and and nobody i had i had really no accountability at all because i was in charge all i did was answer the captain if he asked questions but everybody did their job and you know if somebody under me didn't do their job i would just do it for them and then when we were done we'd get to the to the city where we're going to be for the night and the door to open and it'd be another crew to replace us and they'd be waiting and they'd come on help us clean we'd go to the hotel hotel van waiting for us take us to the hotel and then they had the keys for us already go up to the hotel and they give us money to spend on the overnight and i was making more on the money they gave me to spend on the overnight than i did at my other job that's not even including my wages did you hear what i just said that's the way it is with god he takes care of his own he's a he's a father okay but but what you're dealing with is the devil's work in this realm if you don't believe me try to answer this question why did paul in galatians he listed the works of the flesh right okay did you notice that one of them was witchcraft okay i thought that witchcraft was spiritual see you don't know everything jesus took me and he said look he took me to this verse in this very obscure verse everybody knows part of it but it's in second corinthians chapter 10 i believe where it says that he he says that he he said that we our weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to pulling down strongholds everybody stops there jesus went further of course he did he said he said bringing in the captivity of every thought to the obedience of christ every thought okay i thought i was gonna have to wrestle demons all day so my friends they want me to they want me to rent a hot air balloon with them because they want to go up and do spiritual warfare in the heavenlies i go i do it for my apartment for free you all didn't get that i go i don't have to go looking for devils they come looking for me and i'm like you want a piece of me and they just line up and i just beat the living daylights items so that they go back and report so they gets around and they just say you know what don't go near him you wanna because he's a real christian because he knows god's ways i think we need to take a break because i'm feeling the glory right now the jesus i met has a command about him and what he said he said kevin i bought everything for everyone i am not going back and doing that again i'm not going through that again so i made sure i purchased everything which means your well-being now why would somebody who serves the devil get a raise and i don't and i'm serving god and tithing okay that's just one argument i have why is it that it's so hard for a christian to prosper and then after you work so hard then you go to church and and some churches tell you you know that you can't believe for god to prosper you it's like so what do you want to do you know you know just so you know if an angel shows up in my room and says i've been sent by the lord to lay hands on you so that you'll be poor the lord has sent this is his will for you i go you know back off jack you know don't touch me why why why it's not in me to believe that it's just like it's not in my in in me to believe that an angel would come and say the lord has destined you to have cancer he's going to teach you some things like but back off jack you don't touch me why why because it's not in me because i already met the person who it was testified that he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed by the devil even mentions the origin of it so why would why would i want to get out of god's will and if it is god why why do you go to the hospital then okay if you don't believe in prosperity why do you go to work why do you sell yourself eight hours and they don't even pay you what you're worth but you don't believe in and all that stuff well then okay but see the thing was i tell people all the time i have to believe in prosperity so i can pay for all my friends meals because they don't believe in prosperity so i have to believe i'm serious listen to me listen to me i i just i just i went to a meal i'm not gonna say it too much but i went to a meeting and they were arguing these are businessmen they were arguing with me because the treasurer didn't want to pay for my breakfast i made my wife's breakfast while i was speaking and he said i can't but i just don't worry about it i said i said i'm paying for the hotels i'm paying for the airfare i said and and right now i feel the power of god i said i'm paying for every all the all 29 of you is breakfast so i said i just want you to know i'm paying for all your breakfast and then i spoke for an hour and a half and this is what i told him i let him have it i said you know if you had bill gates come in here in his gulf stream 650 you'd have no problem with that he could tell you how to get rich that's fine but i come in the name of the lord and i flew southwest because no one will let me have a plane because they don't believe that i should have one even though i can fly one but so i fly southwest and i come here and i tell you about eternal life and i can't talk about prosperity and jesus told me he said my people won't let me into their finances and jesus says and it's obvious do you understand so i have i'm glad i feel better now but do you do you understand like why should i be speaking to to businessmen about prospering and get the breaks put on me and then pay for their breakfast and i'm the speaker right do you get it okay okay now i work 30 years really hard i worked so hard that that i asked i want to get out of debt so i said this is what i said lord i believe i'm gonna get out of that you know what i did next because i'm from old school i was brought up i was brought up to work hard okay so i prayed in tongues and the lord said to me i want you out of debt it's not right so i worked looked up and did a word study on telesty the word telesty jesus said you know it's translated it is finished but it really says debt paid in full paid in full is what it says so jesus announced when he died he said telestyle paid in full that's what they would stamp on you when you paid your tax to the roman government so the lord told me it's not it's not it's not my will for you to be undead it was a brand new concept to me i thought that's what you did so you know what happened to me this is what happened the spirit of the lord i said okay so i didn't just like okay i'm gonna miss meals i'm gonna fast and pray i'm gonna get out of debt no you know what i did the lord visited me came behind me not that long after that and he said kevin you cannot fly next tuesday night uh september 11th you cannot fly because the worst incident aviation history is about to happen so give your trip away to someone else but you're not flying on tuesday september 11th this is on friday now i'm loading up my suv you know the one has 300 000 miles on it and we're going to the mountains to pray and we prayed that whole weekend an intercession to where we couldn't breathe with fellow flight attendants and i believe we stopped that last plane but here's what happened i got rid of that trip and i watched it from home i was supposed to be an islip that night go through go through baltimore from phoenix to baltimore first flight out of phoenix in the morning at 6 pm or 6 a.m into baltimore and then to islip for the night didn't do any of it and then all my friends quit because you know this is just going to keep happening and so i didn't quit my job and so they they they were they didn't have people to fly airplanes so they were saying if you come to work we'll give you double time triple time whatever you want because we have to we have to get these planes so you know i could say well you know i'm fasting and praying because i'm going to get out of debt see you don't get it do you all get it okay i'm trying to tell you what happened okay are you ready for this i don't mind telling you this because don't be jealous of me because if it drives you into doing what you're supposed to do this is what happened i though i got a word from the lord i had a visitation in my backyard he told me get out of debt and then my ship came in but i had to work are you ready for this now please pro i'll promise you won't be mad at me i'm jealous in the next nine years i made 950 thousand dollars at southwestern a flight attendant apologizing for weather and giving people cokes and sprites if you if you flew with me on those planes during those years if now you know i was smiling all the time i was making 180 bucks an hour sometimes we got out of debt but we still had our house so the lord said okay start sewing in there so we started paying my couple pastors they had house so we paid their mortgage payment we for the for the month and things like that and next thing you know somebody and kathy's family left us money to pay off our house and so we got we got our house paid off in february 2009 during the housing debacle when everybody was was couldn't make their payments on a house it took two hours for me to get into chase to get my ab my routing number and my payoff amount for the before the 15th because you pay 15th or after the 15th you need the routing number and the exact amount and then you wire it to them so i i just needed that from the from the people that were handling this they said oh yeah your house is paid off whoa now we have no bills okay so i waited two hours to get through because people were calling saying i can't make my payment i'm going to default okay so i finally get through this and i said yes i'd like to pay off my house and they go this is not funny mr zaid i i go i i think it's hilarious they go this is a joke i go no this is not a joke i want to pay off my house right now and the guy starts like he's he goes i am so sorry he goes all we do all day is listen to these heartbreaking stories people are losing their houses and you call in i think it's a prank call i go no i said i said god did a miracle i started witnessing to the guy okay so i get the routing number and the payoff okay so they process it and then i get a statement i'm supposed to get a statement that i have i'm pay it's it's zero zero you know i get a statement threatening me that if i do not pay zero dollars and zero cents by the 15th then i will be reported to all three uh credit agencies i have the letter i should have brought it i was actually was disobedient i was supposed to bring it but it really says so i called him i waited two hours again i go what is going on he goes i don't know mr z how much do you owe i go zero zero he goes what he goes read it to me i go it's got your letter head on it says this if you do not pay zero dollars and zero cents by the 15th you'll be in default it'd be reported to all three and experian and i named all the three agencies he goes no way he goes here let me do it he says what's the you know the reference number so i put it so he went in and put in the computer the computer spit it back i said wouldn't take it so i'm on hold why talks to supervise now this is this is what the system you're fighting against you you think you figured this out it's much deeper than that after 15 minutes he came back he goes the only thing that the computer will let you do is if you send a check for zero dollars and zero sets and they run it through they run it through and scan it to where it registers it with a payment you get it you see the that the satanic system it's so entrenched that even the bank system wouldn't accept what god had done okay that's why i'm teaching you this stuff okay so there's there's there's there's things there's things in our midst that the holy spirit wants to do and part of this is the training it's the deep training it's like i was talking about the spin training when you go when you we had to put our airplane into a spin and then get it out so there's there's there's three easy steps to get your plane out of a spin and so you you do that four if you if for in some circumstances there's four but you sit for hours and then i had 10 hours of instruction for three easy steps but you know what once that faa officially took me up and he because i had to go with an faa guy to do this so we were in a parachute he said i'm going to put one in i'm going to pull it out and then i uh you can do it next so he puts it up over and flips us over we go into a stall and a spin and then i'm looking he does everything perfectly pull out as the ground's coming at us you know he goes okay it's your turn so we climb back up and you know it's weird to have to stall an airplane because it's just something you don't ever want to happen and then you're here you are you're doing it so the airplane just flips violently and starts to spin and you know it was so hard to do those three steps see as a christian we're supposed to operate naturally in the supernatural so we're supposed to automatically your response should be what the spirit is telling you to do so what the spirit was telling me to do about this this whole dispensation we're in right now is you can stop everything from happening you can stop the war with israel that was five years ago i've been faithfully telling everybody you can stop it it's not happening not only that everything's shifting to now where it could be indefinitely to where we continue to grow and prosper as a nation and as a as a body of believers in this country why because we chose to be who we are and where we've been placed we grow where we're at okay but the spirit the spirit once wants me to emphasize these things jesus said what i am the way the truth and the life right i am the way the truth and life no one comes to the father except through me right he said that right john 14 right they haven't taken that out yet have they okay now listen to me now listen to me don't get mad at me but i heard the pope say a couple years ago there are many ways to god did i not because i closed my eyes and i listened to that i don't know it's a pope i just listening okay say no i hear jesus say i am the way the truth in life and that registers with my spirit as absolute truth but yet when i hear what i heard i said wait a minute what about what jesus said and all of a sudden it didn't register in my soul i started to reason it out okay well that you know and it's like then i started to realize this is how deception starts this is how it starts you start to depart and so in in training like um we we would do our flight plans but if we didn't correct for wind and and if you just didn't use the autopilot autopilot is is actually the best way to go on long flights but if you didn't if you try to fly it if you were off one degree in a two-hour flight you were in another state when you got to your destination with one degree because it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger it kept getting bigger and bigger and before you know it it's the same thing with your descent you're 35 000 feet and you have to start down 110 miles out because you're going 550 miles an hour you're talking states not just you're going to miss your city you're going to miss your state if you don't start down because you're you're you're starting down and you're managing your descent and your speed not only that it's not just about you you know there's other people in the air and you want to become one with another airplane you know and there are highways up there you know and so you have to manage it so it is when god has you on a profile when he has he said certain things i am the way the truth in life no one comes to father except me then you should accept that as absolute truth and then what happens is you're on the track see this is what you do with every single scripture that you read you you implement it into your life because like i was saying what comes out of you in an emergency is what you really have you don't go to your manual moses moses had to cover his face why because people chose not to go the mountain with him at the beginning you didn't get that they didn't go with him so he went by himself he comes down and now they're complaining why because his face clothed he said they were it says that he was fearsome to look at because there was beams it says beams of light coming from his face if you study it out well he was to use he had this the power of god the presence of god the glory was it permeated and jesus i said jesus what happened there he said spending time up there with me he started to be transfer formed back to the pure stock of adam and eve his spirit came forward out of his face his physical face and he was transformed is it time to quit no is this is it when don't know like what is would this be a good time right now because it's getting about that time so i don't i don't understand everything but i understand a lot more than i did but this is what i wanted to tell you is that in your normal life it's really not normal because in the spirit you're stirring up stuff everywhere you go it really is it's and it's working your prayers are working everything about you is speaking i saw this and i told jesus i said if i would have known what i know now and what i saw when i was there i would have done so much more for you and so he sent me back and so he wanted me to teach people what i learned about the spirit realm and how to live in both realms
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 47,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prophetic word, chuck pierce, discernment, spiritual warfare, prophecy, spirituality, spiritual, prophet, impart, blood of jesus, motivation, anointing, prayers, bloodline, word of god, bible, ministry, yeshua, jesus, revelation, peace, deliverance, freedom, dreams, spirit, holy spirit, worship, healing, angels, god, christ, lord, visions, supernatural, bible study, dutch sheets, give him 15, sid roth, apostolic, kingdom of god, gospel of the kingdom, kevin, zadai, praying, heavenly, realms, isn, its supernatural
Id: nhv8ghsRX2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 7sec (5287 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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