What You Need To Know About Revelation

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so so this jesus is everyone crying give us so is um is me um you uh so now me and then sisters okay we're going to start praying thanks for coming early amen we're going to intercede and ask the lord to come in a strong way tonight there's a strong anointing i'm going to pray over how many claws how many claws ryan did 600 right okay there are 600 prayer claws up here i'm going to pray over them and then you can come up during prayer and if you have someone who needs a healing or if they are having demonic activity at night you can put under their pillow if they need healing you can take it to them okay there's 600 of them up here no shopping carts just take one please okay you can buy your own washcloths at home but these are these are these are for people that are sick that you know or yourself or some sort of demonic activity uh you know that that'll those will be up there for you okay so just come up and uh take one please during the service okay we're going to pray we're going to pray first we're not we're not going to come up for the prayer clause for another three minutes because i have to lay hands on them me and kathy okay so so the order is this number one we pray number two we get prayer clause in that order okay amen praise god thank you father for the power of the holy spirit father i yield to you right now in the name of jesus we pray in the spirit we pray in the spirit father we yield to the spirit we speak mysteries to you but you know what we're saying holy spirit i thank you so much for your power please pray through this congregation right now of believers as we go into overthrow thank you father allah anybody that's my pastor friends and staff if you come up here and lay your hands on these as well i appreciate it mitzi pastor wayne wherever you are if you're an and out burger please come yes dr wingate his wife thank you we do this because the apostle paul the apostle paul did this so it's okay okay this is not a gimmick right now in the name of jesus thank you father for overthrow in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah there's victory in this camp tonight yes we've been brought into the kingdom for a time such as this right now father thank you so much what a privilege lord and thank you father allah thank you father hallelujah thank you father oh love yeah so show father we pray that you would just invade this atmosphere tonight lord we plead the warm precious blood of yeshua hamashiach lord we thank you that the ruach tesh is here that the roar of the lion is in our midst the god of israel father we lift your name up we lift you up tonight and we release lord that oil hay that water and that wine in the hit this city and this region lord let it be affected father god we put father god let's stake in the ground and say that this region is one for your kingdom let it come let it come forth as the eternal church now oh hallelujah go ahead and come up and get your prayer cloth just one please uh if you need a healing or somebody you know needs a miracle oh your healing presence is here your presence is here lord jehovah jehovah shalom the god of peace the god that provides jehovah chirag we thank you that you're the miracle worker in the house we thank you that these signs will follow them that believe in your name we'll do this we'll heal the sick we'll raise the dead we'll cast out demons thank you for miracles miracles jesus you're the miracle worker there's nothing too impossible for you the god of all flesh nothing is too difficult for you thank you that you're healing hearts you're healing minds you're healing people from oppression and deep depression now fear and torment is going in the name of jesus shame guilt condemnation is being driven out in jesus name sickness and infirmity and diseases are going in the precious name of jesus oh lord we thank you that your people lord god believe your prophets and so shall they prosper they're going to prosper they're going to succeed they're going to be walking in health and wholeness and deliverance and victory and healing the same spirit that raised christ jesus from the dead dwells within you giving life to your mortal bodies quickening you a revival revivaling revivalizing you oh bring in revival everywhere you go lord we pray for the fire the fire of god to touch every home every life every individual that your fire comes down it burns out iniquitous roots it breaks lord you're healing you're delivering power the demons move and go and flee that you're being freed right now body mind soul spirit the delivering hand of the lord is upon you and he's bringing deliverance to your household right now everything you touch it's gonna be changed they're shifting shifting going on right now oh the atmosphere around you is shifting even right now you're receiving your healing you're receiving your deliverance oh for the word was sent forth and it will not return void going to stir yourself up right now in the holy ghost thank god for your miracle thank him for your victory right now in advance he's already gone to your future and you're bringing your future to the now this is your turnaround time this is your turnaround season your healing has already begun it's already been bought it's finished it's finished it's finished your deliverance is now oh your kairos time is now now is the time receive it now receive your miracle your deliverance now your families are coming in order they're coming in full alignment to the holy assignment of heaven as it is in heaven we say so be it here on earth we're walking in the light we're walking in deliverance we're walking and healing our families the prodigals are coming home the prodigals are coming home where you go you bring jesus you bring us delivering power we thank you for that tangible connection to heaven and that when these cloths are laid on people they are set free in jesus name we believe the word of the lord we believe you god just pray in the spirit right now god thank him for your deliverance thank him for your healing in your family people are getting healed all over the world now because all you gotta do is believe believe we just true just tell doubt and unbelief and fear you're gone you're no longer part of us but we believe god we believe his word we receive and we believe that we got believer believers in this house we got believer believers in this house your belief is coming up you believe his word you believe god nothing is impossible just stir yourself up come on the fire of god is here the presence of jesus is here he's bringing deliverance to you right now mind binding demons are going oppression is being driven out right now in the name of jesus you're in your right mind you can see and hear you can hear and see you could see and hear that which the spirit of god is revealing right now the song of the lord is bringing healing to you right now lord i just thank you for what you've done this weekend so far and then it's not over i thank you lord that the spirit of rejection has been exposed and rejected itself we reject the spirit of rejection in jesus name and father i thank you that every man woman and child in this place tonight realize who they are in christ that they'll listen to the voice of the holy spirit and what is written about them in the word of god and that only will they believe they'll no longer believe the lies of the devil in the name of jesus that has been totally and completely exposed today in jesus name we reject rejection and lord i thank you that there's nothing holding anybody back that has been an ear shot of kevin this weekend from fulfilling their destiny the call of god on their lives and what's written about them and their books in heaven in jesus name that this will be a new level for everyone that's been exposed to these meetings lord thank you holy spirit for just quickening unto them who they are in christ that they'll never be the same that they'll take their authority and they'll stand there in not being moved by any demon or assignment that's been sent to them for hell we break that off of them in the name of jesus those assignments are canceled in jesus name and only the assignments of the holy ghost will be played out in their lives in the name of jesus lord i just thank you we give you all the honor of the glory all the praise for the victory that's been wrought in this place this weekend in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord we call forth mighty men and women of god going forth in their destinies to be world changers in the name of jesus that this area will never be the same in jesus name and we go forth out of this place to turn the world upside down back to the kingdom of god we take the devil's strongholds down we take his territory down in jesus name we go on the offense we're not on the defense anymore devil in the name of jesus that you are glorified in everything we say and we do and our loves bring honor to you as we go from this place tomorrow in jesus name lord i thank you that every single person here represents a city and represents an area lord that they can go back to and i commission them now in the name of jesus to be intercessors for their area that ministry of intercession where their tongues their prayer language goes way beyond being building themselves up on their most holy faith does more than just cause them to walk through the holy fire and transform their lives it causes them to be an intercessor for the lives of all of those around them in the arena just like brother nash lord interceding for finney and the great revival would break forth father wherever they go praying and we thank you for that ministry of intercession lord the greatest of ministries we can ever have we'll have that until our last breath every one of us called as intercessors what a marvelous intercessory army you have here in this place lord we thank you that the anointing for intercession will rest on us all of the rest of our lives and we will be always bound to this very defining moment in time when we're separated unto this great ministry in the name of the mighty lord and savior jesus our savior lord master in jesus name thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus we speak victory we thank you father for victories already been won we claim it receive it declare it decree it now in the name of yeshua we are one we thank you father that everyone that has picked up that prayer cloth lord that by faith lord they have received their deliverance and their healing in the name of jesus we thank you for peace let it invade everyone here father let your peace invade everyone here we thank you father as we lord go out and go forth and usher their prayers lord let them be heard by you lord let them be blessed by you let them be received by you lord lord we thank you that as our prayers go up father god that you father let the move of god has already begun so we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we thank you jesus that our the saints have already been sent forth so we thank you lord as we go out and go forth that lord everyone we come into contact with lord they will see you so we thank you lord for divine appointments in jesus name lord as we get filled up here father god let us go out in the name of jesus and be your light and declare and speak who you are whomever we come into contact with we claim every soul for the kingdom of god we speak revival to our nation in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah lord we thank you for the victory we thank you for the victory in jesus name we thank you lord that we have already won because of all that you've done for us lord we thank you lord we thank you for the joy of the lord we thank you for your presence we thank you that we are free in the mighty name of jesus we thank you for the power of the holy spirit we thank you for the baptism lord we thank you for the fire of god we thank you for the miracle working power of god we thank you lord that you are sending out i see you being sent out from this conference as flames of fire you are going to go you i am telling you wherever you go after this conference prepare for stuff to happen prepare for miracles prepare for lives to be touched because you're different because you're different thank you lord i tell you what let's do something there's 11 floors in this embassy suites and let's see if we can shout jesus so the 11th floor can understand who's boss are you with me on the count of three let's just shout the name of jesus let's shake this hotel one two three jesus hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated man you feel did you feel that there's power in the name of jesus praise god thank you lord so many wonderful things have happened and are happening in this conference and um i want to remind you uh that tomorrow we do have a meeting here sometimes we do sometimes we don't when we have these conferences there will be a uh service here tomorrow at 10 a.m my our whole church is coming uh just north of here they're all gonna be here so come please join us tell your friends and and uh we are gonna be here again tomorrow morning uh kevin will share and he's gonna wrap this thing up in the glory amen excuse me so 10 a.m tomorrow that'd be great um one of the things that i do i'm privileged to do with uh dr kevin and kathy is when i travel with them is help them with the warrior fellowships i just want to make mention of that again because i saw many emails are coming in when you become a student in the school of ministry with kevin zadai you can participate in hosting or facilitating a warrior fellowship a bible study where we send you the videos we send you the pdfs it's it's awesome and i'm getting testimonies here of all the wonderful things that god is doing in these fellowships i am telling you people are getting saved healed delivered filled with the holy spirit i have bless their hearts i have wives telling me my husband has come back to the lord because of warrior fellowships and it's incredible my kids are coming back to the lord it's just incredible so just think about this with me real quick i think we started around january releasing right mike the warrior fellowships now we have over a thousand now just think about this we have over a thousand and this is may all of a sudden all over the world a thousand as of may a thousand warrior bible study fellowships have started that many more people are being healed set free born again filled with the holy spirit you can't stop god there's no disease that can stop god you know we we even have uh because of what's going on in the world i don't want to give it credence we are we are having uh warrior fellowships by zoom and people are getting mightily touched through zoom because of it you know because you can't meet in certain places i'm telling you you've got to be part of one of these things so if you want to be a part you know i'm a pastor and we have people that have warrior or fellowships in my church it's not about that it's about building the kingdom so if you want to find a warrior fellowship near you and you want to participate all you do is you email info kevinzadai.org and say hey send me that link and what you do is you get a link and then you put in your information and something will pop up about the nearest warrior fellowship near you that's pretty exciting amen how many want more free stuff see this is why everybody watching online this is why you have to come you get a lot of goodies so when you uh you get taught you get you get the rejection off of you and you get free stuff but uh we have uh five more of each of those books if you didn't get one uh what's on top there andrew if you didn't get uh taking off the limitations raise your hand real quick andrew just be led by a spirit son this is my son uh take them all all the ones off top yep yeah just start passing them out pastor wayne we have a receiving from heaven if you could pass those out sir raise your hand if you want receiving from heaven that's a good book receiving from heaven you you if you want to start receiving uh pastor lisa they're hungry on this side supernatural finances over here there you go i'm so thankful that dr kevin and kathy do that because there's we're all hungry and i just love how they just give and you know you saw what they did was it last night with the single moms and and uh the children it's just such a blessing so uh at this time i want to take an offering uh ushers if you come you've heard kevin teach about giving and receiving how it is a very important principle in the kingdom when it's done right it when it's done the god way it just it just makes you happy on the inside it is truly more blessed to give than receive in the in the older you get it seems like the more you realize you know what just take it all have everything i got you know what i mean just it's just it's fun to give to the kingdom it's fun to sow into lives and you saw it firsthand you saw it firsthand the uh we we paid some of the rent for all these single moms last night that's where these offerings go sometimes kevin and kathy will pay out of their own money and sometimes it's out of warrior notes but that's what you're sewn into a single mom you're sown into missions work and you're sewn into furthering the kingdom amen it's it's good it's good soil we're so thankful so if you want to make a check you can make it out to warrior notes and also many of you do this uh these days there's a text to give the number should be on the screen you can just on the envelope that you got on your scene you can just uh text in the amount we appreciate that but we're just thankful for all you who are giving and we understand your heart and we just we love you and we thank you we appreciate you so let's pray together father we thank you for the opportunity to give the opportunity to be a blessing lord we've been so blessed by this ministry and lord we thank you that we can take this precious seed because it is precious we take this precious seed and we sow it into good soil lord and we thank you that you're going to use this to further your kingdom that souls will be saved hearts will be healed lies will be touched more single moms will be ministered to more children will be ministered to lord we we're thankful for it we're thankful for the opportunity to give in jesus name amen thank you i should go ahead pastor mike such a sweet presence in here isn't it that cleanness right no more rejection amen well we just we always want to pause and and make sure that we honor and thank the partners of warrior notes because it's because of you guys all these things are happening you know when i saw the kids up here and i i'm thinking about the kids shows and the lives that'll be changed it's just so precious you know i've got four girls and you know as a father i know what it means when somebody invests in my kid because i know that their trajectory is on track for their destiny because we got a lot of things in this world that are trying to take us off course we need a lot of the remnant to stand up and say i'm going to help people get on the right course and that's what you partners are doing with us and i want to encourage you guys with this a lot of the things that have been talked about more your health there's a the kids program a lot of these things are going to be exclusive on the warrior tv or the warrior app and so partners i want to remind you that you guys got unlimited access to that and if you don't have the app or you haven't looked at a little bit i want to encourage you to get on there because that's how we're going to stay connected it doesn't matter if you're in tampa or if you're here or if you're in new york wherever you're at we're all over the world we can be connected on this app and as a remnant that's hungry for the presence and the fire of god we want to be able to stay in touch with each other amen and you're going to see new episodes of warrior health and all these things starting to come out that there's going to be some things on youtube but a lot of it's really going to be on the app and so if you're not a partner and you want more of this i'd encourage you to go to the website kevinzadai.com you can join up we want you to be a part of what god's doing because as we join together in unity it's like what kevin was talking about earlier anything god puts in our heart anything we can imagine we can begin to create and build it amen and with that said i also want to encourage if there's uh any single parents that are here kevin and kathy had it on their hearts to scholarship some free courses for the school and so if you're a single parent i want to encourage you afterwards to go to the book table we have a card for you and on that card it's going to be some instructions where you can get three free courses from warriornoteschool.com and really the school the reason why it's so near and dear to kevin's heart is because that's his way to personally be able to sit down with you at the table and mentor and disciple so no matter what you're going through no matter what's going on we we pretty much have a course that's going to speak to your heart and so with the school listen it's so so affordable i people all the time they're like well i don't want go back to college or is it expensive we have a brand new course right now called notes of a warrior and it's on sale for 25 you can't get that anywhere else in the world and where else can you actually sit down with dr zadai and let him pour out his heart of what he saw in heaven the revelation he has and trust me when you're sitting down doing these courses that impartation gets in you and then you start walking around doing crazy things like prophesying at the grocery store casting out devils at a walmart because we know there's a lot you know just go to the parking lot amen partners thank you we can't wait to see you in the future we've got a warrior women coming up in phoenix some good stuff coming up guys so get on the app stay online stay connected because god's moving in all of us amen bless you guys let's worship for a moment round the throne around the throne around the throne can you sing that with me around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne and john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it and john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it with the eyes of our hearts round and round and god is a whirlwind god is a fire there is a storm all around him peels of lightning strikes of thunder there is power all around him take us and john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it and the holy spirit takes over the holy spirit he leads us and the holy spirit takes over and the holy spirit he leads us leads us to the heavenly suddenly we are right there suddenly around the throne around the throne around the throne and god is a whirlwind god is a fire there is a storm all around him peels of lightning strikes of thunder there is power all around him throughout him he's a whirlwind god is a fire there is a storm all around him peels of lightning strikes of thunder there is power all around him throughout him around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne around the throne i believe that john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it do you believe it john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it take us higher john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it take us higher john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it with the eyes of our heart i believe i believe i believe um the holy spirit takes over the holy spirit he leads us he leads us to the heavenlies right through that open door he leads us through the heavenlies right through that open door right through that open door can you see yourself there because john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it with the eyes of our heart take us higher and higher take us higher and higher holy spirit take us higher and higher we want to see we want to see with our natural eyes we'll see what john saw holy and spirit saw one sitting on the throne one shining like a jasper stone and john saw one sitting on the throne shining like a jasper jasper stone he saw a brilliant shining light he he saw a brilliant shining light he saw holiness perfection and wisdom sitting on the throne and holy spirit take us up take us there our divine escort our divine and scored into the heavenlies the heavenlies the heavenlies and i see one seated on the throne i see one burning like a sardius stone he's burning like fire oh he's burning like fire passion if passion looked like something it would look like god there is shining there is burning there is shining there is burning burning burning this is god this is god this is god this is our father this is god this is god this is our father he's raining on the throne he's sitting on the throne he's raining and setting on the throne and an emerald rainbow surrounds him an emerald rainbow is all around his throne he's surrounded in mercy he's surrounded in mercy and that's how he leads me surrounded by mercy every judgment he makes every decree he cries out he's surrounded by mercy mercy he's surrounded by mercy and that's how he leads me can you sing it out he's surrounded by mercy and that's how he leads me he's surrounded by mercy and that's how he leads me this is this is god this is god this is god this is god this is god our father this is god this is god this is gone this is god he's sitting on the throne he's raining on the throne shining like a jasper he's burning for you he's burning for me this is god this is our father if passion looked like something it would look like fire if passion looked like something it would look like god if passion looked like something and all consuming fire if passion looked like something it would look like god this isn't my fault my father is god around the thrones and john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see we could see it we could see just like john the one raining on the throne shining like a jasper sardius stone john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could see it john wrote it down so we could stay there gazing on god surrounded by mercy that's how he leads me he's surrounded by mercy and that's how he leads me he's surrounded by mercy it's all around all around oh that's how he leads me around john wrote it down so we could sing it out and we could hallelujah you know i'm i don't know about you but i'm overcome i just thank god for julie and her husband walt i used to watch julie when when i wasn't when i wasn't even known i used to watch her i never thought i'd even meet her let alone her doing the music you know for us so it's so cool so i'm reminded of something that happened to me that really surprised me and i thought you'd be interested in it but just tell me to stop if you don't want to hear it don't people like that irritate you um i i at times i had to fast i had to shut myself off i was i was extreme and i would go a long time without eating i would go a long time without talking i would go you know i just do things in extreme because i really wanted god really strongly but i realize now that that there are certain things you can do where you don't have to lose your hair and you know but the things that happened to me i i can't i mean the things that the acceleration that i had was amazing and i wish in a sense i was back in college again that first year when i decided i was going to go out all out for the lord it was so hard i studied all the time just to get a b average if i i had to keep a b average in order to keep my scholarship and they had given me a notice that if i didn't keep my b average that i was out i was out i was going home and so i worked really hard just to get a b average and had to keep that and i remember thinking how can i do all this and still stay in school and you know i didn't have any support at the time from my family or anybody and i remember hearing the lord say to me he said that he was more concerned about my character than my comfort and that it wasn't the gifting that was going to carry me through this life it was going to be my character and i realized that when i get to heaven i hand back the gifts because they weren't mine and who i was as a person was was what i presented and that's who i was to the lord so it's not the gifting it's the character and this is what he wanted from me he wanted to be able to trust me he wanted me to be a carrier of his glory not an instrument of his gifts even though i am an instrument of his gifts and so are you but you are a gift even if you didn't display the gifts of the spirit you're still a gift and i love people i don't love their gifts i don't depend upon certain things because i know what really counts okay so this is what happened after this kind of thing where you i didn't have what we have today we had eight track you know that's kind of i'm just kind of joking but you know when i went to college my dad had eight tracks you know and so cassettes had come you know now remember praying and fasting and some of the most amazing things happened to me i would be taken to the future and then i would watch it play out for i would wait 20 minutes and then it would happen again but i was there already it would take into the future and then watch it play out and i remember the lord telling me okay this person is going to come to your door at this time and they're going to say this you're not to listen to it he did not stop the person from doing it he told me not to listen to it i had one one lady she came up to me she said i need to talk to you and she was going to give me a really wrong word of correction it was uh you know because she was a prophetess and so i just sat there and i'm you know i'm fascinated and praying i got the power of god on me but i don't look like it you know i'm just a 25 year old kid you know so she steps forward and when she steps forwards she runs into something and she goes to say something and i kid you not this light shaft comes down and knocks her back she goes never mind and she just walks away so i guess we weren't dating anymore or i didn't i don't know i don't even know who she was but i think about my innocence at the time even though i was extreme i was fasting 20 30 days you know and i think about all the pizza i could have had and still had god you know but you know at that time this is what we do you know we do you know you do what you got to do at that time and this is what the lord said i kid you not he said get a blank piece of paper out and draw my will write out my will for you and i i said no way i'm not going to do that you tell me what to write he goes i trust you you write it out well i didn't do it it was above my pay grade at the time i thought so what i did was i waited a year i went from the the the bachelor degree to to the rhema to the two-year degree i was supposed to go to graduate school but it was it was hilarious at the time it was 110 a credit hour so the 55 i was paying can you believe that that's it and that was like way too much so i decided to go instead of doing graduate school at the time i went to rhema when i went to rhema i i had a vision where i literally i was just like walking like this and all of a sudden just picture i'm just walking like this all of a sudden everything disappears and i'm in a field and it's completely open and he said uh you're free to roam you're free to go wherever you want i go you know what see what happened was god could trust me so the second time now he's done this to me at the time my character had come to the place where he trusted me i saw an open field no boundaries anymore as far as you're going to fast you're not going to talk you're not going to do sports you're not going to do any of this all that was very strict a lot of training i don't share that because then you would do the same thing thinking you get the same result but with me i had i had to quit sports because that's all i did i had to stop competing i had to do it i had to stop everything i had to walk away from all that that was my price to pay but if i say that i fasted or did this then you're going to want to do that and think you're going to get the same result then you're going to be disappointed because all god wants is you and what he'll tell you what it's going to take to get you and it's different you know so he had burned it out of me he had burned out my will out he'd built he had completely burned it out to where i would not take the opportunity when it was presented to me and i was completely free to do so but up until that point i would have said okay sure and i would have wrote it all out and i would have made it really hard i would have taken him up on all that i'd ordered two pizzas instead of one do you get it do you get what i'm saying but once he burns it out of you then you're like no it's not my it's above my pay grade that's your that's your decision you see he had burned it out of me and i i had that response and i passed my test so what i did was in class my first year of rhema i drew out i drew out all the things that were in my spirit even to the year and make of the car that i wanted everything that i wanted to do in life the ministry everything jet everything i said jet i said and i put it on i drew them out on a card i still have that card from class all of that came to pass every last thing came to pass and when i asked the lord should i fast he goes that's up to you what do i do about this well i don't know if you watched on tv jesse duplantis calls me out because i go to his church he goes lord says that thing you're asking me about whatever you do i'll back it whatever you decide you back i'll back it you can do it now or you can do it in two years well within two weeks it happened and he knew what he was talking about he's just not going to announce it to the world and i knew what he was talking about and i saw that god's whole goal is to get you to the place where he can trust you where you can work with him and you will make decisions based on being a partaker of the divine nature so tonight's that i want to talk to you about that the name of the message is what you need to know about revelation and what you need to know about revelation is what you want to know you might not be ready for yet so what you pray for is that you get ready to be able to be a steward of that revelation i am i am permanent i am permanent this isn't a fad people people told me i mean great apostles told me you'll be gone in a year and a half i'm still waiting so i know what it's like i know what it's like to live this life out and be in in in a situation where i've got to hear from god and i know that other people are depending upon me but see i don't know everything but i know god i know him i know what he likes and i know what he doesn't like so i know his plan and his purposes based on his word and based on his personality which is revealed in the word and the holy spirit helps to implement the personality part of god into my spirit from the word so there's certain things that jesus does and says that you might just skip over because it's just part of the story but everything that he does and says and everything he doesn't do and doesn't say in a situation is just as important it reveals his personality which means that you're very complex because when you were created you were created essentially to operate in a perfect world which does not exist down here so your spirit wants to operate at a higher level in everything so you're you're you're blown away when somebody rips you off especially if they have a fish on their car or their business card you can't understand how people sleep at night i can't understand it i can't understand a whole bunch of things when it comes to little christian emblems on businesses and they ripped me off so what i do is i do things myself to save money but then i gotta find people to help me but see god has developed my character to where i think like he does in certain situations and so i'm not going to do something that i without checking with the lord but then just like supernaturally i get called out the lord says whatever you decide i'll back it how many saw that on tv all right well i said well lord show me reveal to me the insight that i need to understand about this and then i'll make a decision and so in the bible you'll see the lord take a person into a vision and they'll say son of man what do you see and the prophet is smart enough to say i don't know but you know so i don't just hear hear me out i don't just listen to what god says i also ask him what he means because he can show you something and you can run off and misinterpret it and plus the whole timing thing so this happened again with kathy and i we were in a big conference i wasn't sure if i should even go when we checked into the hotel we barely got a room and it was room 777 we got to hear jesse duplantis speak i never met him and a whole bunch of other people i told kathy i said let's just our meals everything let's just put it on our room so we were there a week it was a very expensive hotel was very expensive everything and you know i for me i i get a lot out of just watching videos and stuff i don't need to go i don't need anybody to lay hands on me i'm fine you know i get it you know i mean i'm like that but that's that's just because i've been through all this you know i've been through all this i don't need people to breathe on me but benny hinn literally walked by me one day and said the lord told me i'm supposed to talk to you and i go yeah that's right i did because it was right and he gave me his anointing in 1986. i haven't talked to him since i don't need to when i met his daughter later on she said i got to tell my dad he's going to want to talk to you i said no that's all right i got it i don't need to talk to him she's like what oh i'm fine just tell them i'm doing good you know you can watch me on youtube okay you see it's it's the character okay so at the end of the week the last it was like one of the last services that it was asked us write out god write out what you're believing for so we wrote out all this i mean a cathy and i on a blank sheet of paper it all came to pass some of it this week and god just doesn't do it with a little bottle rocket it's a whole display so it's like a story behind everything okay so when we ch so what we were sitting in that service and i remember was it was jesse right got up and took authority right so something happened in the in that right something happened up up up in the center of this big arena i mean literally there was this worship that happened and something this huge black like bat thing or something i mean it was so real to me i i kind of ducked because it came down and hit the lady in front of us and knocked her out and she was dead she had no pulse i i felt her neck she was not breathing and no pulse right she was dead she got raised from the dead she said i've been fasting and praying the lord told me to come this bill this meeting she said something black from the ceiling hit me and that's all i remember so when we checked out the front desk person goes oh my god i'll be right with you he goes i've never seen this in my life he goes look at this bill it was one thousand one hundred and eleven dollars and eleven cents in room seven seven seven you know sounds good to me where do i sign right in the middle of god's will that sheet of paper that we wrote out it all happened everything that we put on there we have so it's really hard for me when somebody says to me you know because they'll they'll write in the comments oh god doesn't work that way block ban bye-bye but that's that's that's your reaction what did i just say do you understand the words are coming out of my mouth it it already happened i'm testifying of god's faithfulness and this is what i found about god he wants to reveal things to you but then once he does you got to be a carrier of that revelation so if he speaks to you it's going to revolutionize your life but if he says i'll back whatever you do then all of a sudden that becomes very hard if you're in the right place it becomes hard because he's trusting you and it's sacred do you follow what i'm saying so i don't beg i don't beg at all i go you know what lord if you can't put me over then i'll just tell everybody you can't put me over oh you can't no i already know it's a test he brought me to the red sea because i know what he put in my hand he's going to tell me to take it down to the water is a setup it's completely rigged it really is now i'm i'm telling you honestly so what you need to know about revelation is there's accountability and responsibility with that so paul gave us the secret which i use which brother hagin shared with us and he said if you pray this prayer chapter 1 of ephesians 17-23 if you pray that for anybody he said their eyes will be open and they will get saved and they will start walking with the lord and you will start to receive revelation in the word of god because paul prayed this for the ephesians if you check it out in book of acts the ephesus was steeped in witchcraft in fact when they repented that city they bless you and they put they put all their spell books in a pile burnham right he said he said i agree in prayer and pray that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened that you would have a spirit of revelation and that your heart would be flooded with light and that you would know the hope to which you've been called so you're already called to hope but you don't know it okay and then he starts to say these things knowing that it's already been prepared and done for you but you don't know it yet and if you don't pray and ask god for this you could go your whole life not knowing the benefits i'm telling you the truth i started praying this prayer in 1986 and i pray it every day i ask that the eyes of my heart would be flooded with light that of a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of him that i would know the hope to which i've been called to and that i would know the the glorious inheritance that has been given to the saints and that i would know the power that rose jesus from the dead that's dwelling in me and that i would understand that i am seated with him in the heavenly realms far above and i say far above a couple times far above far above all rule and authority i'm seated with him far above far above high exceedingly above and i pray that prayer and i get revelation and when i get revelation more trust comes and then i don't find myself shaken nothing catches me by surprise it's so ingrained in you on how to respond from your heart from your spirit that you find yourself responding correctly and because you respond correctly you stay in the spirit the whole idea about shock and awe with the devil is to get you to respond outside of the spirit because you are a spiritual being anyway you live in a body and you have a soul it doesn't matter if people say you're too spiritually minded to be to be earthly good because paul said we don't set our affections he told the cautious don't set your affections on things below but set your affections on where christ is seated at the right hand of god far above all our own authority so we are no earthly good if we're not spiritually minded right so you don't have to try to be spiritual you are spiritual because you have a spirit you're a spiritual being anyway and because your character on how you respond in situations is developed god trusts you to stay in the spirit so i know like if i don't know if there's a manifestation whether it's you know whoever it is but if i see a manifestation i don't know if it's an evil spirit if it's just somebody being goofy but the devil the devil cannot stay still and cannot keep quiet and what you do is you need you need to develop the ability to get close to someone and let that devil cook and you'll start hearing them fry in foil you know you'll you'll hear that the devil will get nervous see he's going to show his hand eventually so you're trying to figure it out what's going on here well it won't be long before it becomes evident because the evil spirits cannot keep quiet they get very uncomfortable if they're in if they're comfortable in your church you need to leave that church jesus stood up it says as his custom was and taught in the synagogue one time a devil manifested in the synagogue and the lord said to me how long do you think that devil was in that guy before it was exposed it was until jesus showed up and if you look there's really not a lot of manifestations of evil spirits until the ministry of jesus but they were always there you see paul got the lord showed me that paul when he was taking that wood to build that fire when he shipwrecked the lord said while he was carrying that wood back that viper was in there but it wasn't exposed until the fire drove it out and he said that's the way it is with us so sometimes you're not going to know what's going on so developing this relationship with god where god trusts you causes you to become very hot in the spirit so you have to choose listen everybody knows you're crazy anyway you're part of that you're part of that group born again you know they know you're spirit filled you know they know you speak in those tongues they they know all that okay it's it's they know you parked out there they see your car you know you know i mean in other words don't try to hide it because you're really denying the lord he could deny you before the father if you deny him or if you're trying to hide it in other words the people in the world cannot produce the fruit that god is producing in my life so i've got a better situation than they have and so do you so you can't be embarrassed about it if the bible is true and being born again is true and jesus is the only way then we're we might as well just go all out because if it's true then we it pans out then it produces fruit you cannot back off of it so i laugh i laugh because god's laughing he's sitting in heaven and he laughs because his enemies are coming to nothing okay so i pray this prayer all the time i've been praying it to myself as i've been talking to you i've been praying in tongues as well as rehearsing this prayer and i'm talking to you and i'm going over my procedures for my jet ride on tuesday i'm flying to phoenix i don't think about what i'm going to have to eat after i'm done here i'm doing all of this and i'm still spiritual because it's really not known who we are but we're way more you need to use some of that brain you know the part that's not being used that's for rent because the devil is going to rent it you got to occupy you got to let the lord use everything that's why i always say you know there's people go to church on weekends and they date the devil during the week it's because there's extra real estate available there should be no real estate available okay now i'm only telling you this because i want you to advance into maturity and the only way you're going to mention the maturity is the spirit's going to take you there now i didn't plan i didn't even want to go to that conference i certainly didn't want people to die in front of me but look what happened to the bill and with the with the rooms which they only had a couple left i don't even know how we got rooms because they were all booked up but yet it defaulted to something that everybody would be excited about if you're into numbers and to see somebody come back from the dead they had no pause you know and to see everything on that sheet of paper that we wrote that night come to pass i i sense that what god has for us in these coming days is where we don't even have to try to walk with god we just walk with god and i'm not trying like i'm not trying to impress you with my spirituality in fact i hold back my wife knows all the stories i do have that i don't share i'm holding back because i don't want you to think well that's just for him because then then i failed i need to go home because if i don't do what jesus did jesus was working his way out of his assignment and handing it off 12 70 120 5000 and now millions those disciples didn't get it while jesus was with them but when they got thrown out of the boat and they had to swim then you saw that some of them wrote a lot of the new testament some of them had churches named after him even though peter wasn't catholic i saw that the 11th chapter of hebrews has will have all our names there because there's a testimony so do you realize now that relationship causes you to continue on with the work of god in the holy spirit in your and it's written in history and it's history is being written every day and that you you think you oh you know but when jesse was in heaven he talked to the apostle paul for 45 minutes he was in his mansion and paul sat with him on a windowsill and jesse asked him he said paul he said what was the biggest shock what was the biggest kicker when you got here what was the biggest revelation you got because paul asked him initially he goes have you read my gospel he called it his gospels he said you read my gospel and jesse said man you can get me for plagiarism i preach it he said i preach all your stuff your letters and he was like really he was so excited about that and then paul said this he said my biggest shocker is when i got here is i found out that god took my words and made it his word and made it holy canon that was a shock to paul that it made it in the bible and then i thought about all of us we we are opened books for everyone to read we're we're part of the testimony of jesus our lives are and i thought about how tonight like just this conference and tonight you could walk out of here and i can find out when i got to heaven that you you just you even surprised god that things turned around because of something that was said and you made a conscious decision and you you yielded to the yoke of god and your character was built up to the place where you're trusted and you began to be a living epistle that was read by all every one of you now i know this uh so i'll give you an example like a lot all of you there were things that were going to happen that were bad that will not happen now and it's just because you were here it wasn't because of me it was because of the word that you heard but it changed something in you and now it is preventative you will not have that thing will not happen but it was going to happen but something in your spirit will not let it happen now because you when in your character you said oh no you know not on my watch this is going to happen and things change and you find yourself speaking to your checking account and commanding it to come in line with god and it's foolish until something starts to change and you start to see something going on and then all it's not foolish anymore and you find that your faith isn't foolish anymore you find it that people who mock and laugh at you they're not going to be doing that in hell they're not everything you do for god you're going to get a reward for and it's it starts now you don't have to wait for your rewards until you get to heaven okay so paul says that he prayed for the ephesians and he chose to pray that they'd have revelation he said i pray that in verse 19 of chapter 1 he says as i pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of god's power made available to you through faith through faith then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you i almost feel like i have to read that again because the reason that why we are believers the reason why we're here is for this very reason we want it to be displayed experientially it's not enough to just say you believe it believing is receiving i have the title deed of what i hope for faith is a substance of what i hope for the title deed the evidence of things not seen i have it i experience it before it comes period this is faith faith is literally you as a spiritual being receiving something that will come into this realm you pull it in you receive it spiritually you receive your healing spiritually healing is spiritual it becomes physical revelation comes it's a spiritual thing but revelation we can see the manifestation of revelation in your life because it changes you and propels you paul says that that power causes you to testify it's an immense power that works through you and he says i pray that you would continually experience this power continually okay so it's not just in a conference it's not when you watch one of my videos it's permanent all the time nothing in heaven is turning the spigot off i know this but this is a hard thing because what you experience because some of you are going to get a a call as soon as you walk out it's going to pull you back into drama this what this book here god's will do you know how hard it is to get a publisher and a delivery person to actually do their job to get this to that table or to a location on the earth besides their address you wouldn't believe it do you know how many times i mean you fast and you pray to do a book it's so much of god and they can't get it to a conference on time and then you go to the next conference and it disappears it was there a minute ago and now it's not there anymore and all of a sudden it magically appears when you get on the jet to go somewhere else this has been going on for months it just happened right now this book i've never seen anything except for my holy fire stuff anything with holy fire you know this book it just came okay we have been trying to get these books to different locations and we have to call and say you didn't fulfill the order it never came it came and it looked like a dragon ate it okay so i just received this box this big box and it had four books in it and you know where this was autozone yeah they just picked it up at autozone it was too hard for the parcel guy to deliver to the dress so he just dropped it at the autozone four four books and i i told i told my manager is this ever gonna end why can't they just let god's will go let my people go you know i kid you not so i want to give these away because they must who wants to help me anyway oh my gosh for her hey rache rache right here for her right here thank you and the little girl too thank you okay all right all right thank you all right so when when i wrote that book it was just to meet a need but obviously when you do something and you do everything right it still turns out wrong and this has been going on for months i kid you not i kid you not we have had to order multiple orders to different addresses to try to trick the ups guy i kid you not so you have like the books coming in different directions from all over and then i stick a couple in my bag just in case amen thank you there's only one other solution just by the publisher so that's what i'm that's what i did that's what i did i formed my own publishing company so i just go to my own desk and tell myself no middle man no miscommunication anyway i share that with you because i want to tell you i want to point something out to you revelation comes and when revelation comes it's the solution however it does not eliminate warfare so you have to have the character to handle the warfare of receiving revelation because you're going to have to know that you know that you know that that's your book and it should come to you and that it should be delivered and that is god's intention over the last couple months that that everyone received that book that wanted it however it kept being prevented but isn't it true that the apostle paul said how i longed to come to you but satan hindered me every time he got on a ship you wouldn't want to be on that ship it sunk he ended up swimming and he went everywhere and he got beat up and if he wasn't getting beat up they worshiped him as a god it was actually safer for him to be in jail he got more done got a lot of writing done right okay so you pray these prayers god will show you and he trusts you but then you have to be mature enough to know about warfare and until the word of god comes to pass you will be tested the word of god will test you just like with joseph that word it says tested him until it came to pass so things went south but joseph ended up fulfilling god's purpose but if you look at how satan operated he even used his own family i'm asking you not to take personally the warfare be mature about it and know that god is going to have his way but you're going to have to navigate i would pretty much guarantee that if you started praying ephesians 1 17-23 that the next time i come here i can hand you the microphone open mic night and you can start your minister ministry we be ministry and stuff or whatever you want to call it we be ministry see on the spot you can operate you can operate at any time any way the holy spirit doesn't turn off he's always available he's a standby that means he's always available at any one moment and this is what i saw if you can handle it i saw that the spirit is always at any one moment ready to move ready to act does it matter what you had for dinner or if you had dinner it doesn't matter how your hair turned out it doesn't even matter how you feel but smith wigglesworth said faith is an act faith is an act so what i see now in the spirit as i've been talking to you is i see your future being pushed through the membrane and it's becoming visible but it hasn't happened yet but i can see it being pushed through the veil for you to where you can get a glimpse of what's coming and i i see that you have more to do with it than you would want to admit you can talk all you want i talked about how i had become a good tennis player until i played with someone who was a professional and i was waiting for him to serve and he said i've already served too i go was that what that dust spot was that little puff i kid you uh kid you know he goes uh you need to switch sides i go why because double you just doubled out i what i remember my instructor he said okay you got the airplane i want you to do this and this i went to dude he goes i got the airplane took it back for me i thought i was doing fine he thought i was killing him are you ready because the spirit of god is ready see you think you're ready but then it's going to have to manifest that you're ready so right now the spirit of god's in here and he is wanting to reveal the future to you because jesus said that was one of the things he does he's going to remind you of things i've said and then he's going to tell you things to come so my whole goal for every conference is to create an atmosphere where you can receive from god but you can also see ahead and you can discern what's going on in your life and i've gained so much inner understanding about my own life in this time that we've been together because of the corporate anointing which i can't get in my house i've got to come here with you all we all our spirits agree and then by the end of the conference everyone is on the same page you've been built up in faith i haven't i haven't done anything but build you up into unity of the faith and maturity which is what ephesians 4 talks about with a five-fold okay then i eat the fruit of that by i write like right now all your spirits your spirits are reverberating and bouncing off a mine right now and i can feel it you all are glowing in the dark and i kid you not i'm not saying that make it because we're not taking another offer or anything i don't want it your spirits are hitting me and it's light and it's it's it's causing me to go to another level because of the corporate anointing because we're in unity okay now here's the thing when you get to heaven you're going to find out why people left you because they were never with you yeah and i would rather sit at home with a bowl of captain crunch and watch barney fife with his one bullet in his pocket than be with a bunch of numb skulls i'd rather just get a sugar high by myself or with my wife no no really why why i don't know if it's just when you get older you just want you just don't want to put up with that stuff anymore you got to be kidding me why mess around when you already know what's going to go on anyway why even just skip it i skipped the turbo props i don't want a kite with a propeller on it i want a jet i want to get above the turbulence i want to get to where i'm going the same day for the first time i i learned how to fly in scottsdale arizona that airport i was there all the time but i had to wear contacts because i needed contacts so this last couple weeks ago when i was flying i didn't need my contest the first time i've ever flown a plane without my contacts or glasses i don't need them anymore okay as i'm coming into the airport area we were at 330 30 miles an hour and they asked me to slow down i've never had anyone tell me to slow down because i was in a plane where if you don't speed up you're going to fall out of the sky and i'm being told to slow down without glasses without contacts and i'm being told to slow down and that's what i see for you you can be trusted if an angel comes and tells you to do something you don't do it i would think he probably won't come back for a while if god tells you to do something you don't do it i have a feeling he's not going to tell you to do anything else until you do that you might have to go back to what he spoke to you about and this is what i find people in all the time they've been spoken to and they they go you know no they want to negotiate so the lord has given you full authority the devils know if you know that do you want to be a history maker do you want to make a dent to where the kingdom of god has advanced and that is what is mentioned about you that the kingdom of god advanced through and then your name that's what i want on my tombstone even though i don't think i'm going to need one i don't think we're we're going to need it i think we're just going to take that that gospel train out of here no tuna can skip that whole thing so in heaven i have to say this um it's it's i'm operating a prophetic i'm just not being obvious about it but the children that you lost through miscarriage or what or whatever they're waiting for you up there i saw i saw the kids up there and they're waiting they're right there you know in this place called paradise it's the river of life goes through there and it's a beautiful place and the kids are all over there's kids everywhere they went straight to heaven and they're waiting for you literally waiting for you they have names and they're waiting for mommy and daddy they literally are waiting and no time has passed and god chooses to to keep them at a certain age that so that you can enjoy watching them grow up it'll be just like you like it whatever that is i'm telling you there is no loss just transference nothing's lost if something wasn't god's will you cannot remember it i'm not kidding you even if it was a relationship you cannot put your finger on it you cannot remember it when i was with jesus i had no past i could not put my finger on anyone or anything i could not reference anything it was a speck of dust the earth it was so insignificant why because of who i am because i am made me and who i am now is not a location wherever i go i am i'm kevin where jesus goes he's jesus see like right now your faith locates you it lights you up on the map who you are locates you i don't go looking for devils if i get off a plane they're waiting for me a baggage claim oh i'm not kidding you you can ask my employees i have to have employees standing all around me and if i stand too close to the curb i'll have somebody come up and hit me with their car i haven't tried to take my luggage wherever wherever you go you carry that authority i want you to start thinking about god's will is who you are not just your location i don't know if you're catching this is this just it's always such a risk to talking about some things but an angel told me one time he goes stop worrying about being in the will of god wherever we show up you're in the middle of god's will i go wait a minute he goes no you're in the will of god right now because we showed up because we were sent to you and i'm like yeah but i'm here i'm in this place called washington d.c it can't be god's will but they showed up and i was in the middle of god's will why because god sent them to me but that that hasn't happened since isn't it true though that when the sons of god are revealed that all creation is going to rejoice because they fell with us they were subject to this torment this punishment they didn't do anything wrong but the sons of god will be revealed all creation is groaning now right for the sons of god to be revealed that is not a location there's so much fire in this room so much fire in this room so much available so how you take what's in this room spiritually is you have to receive revelation and then speak you have to say it because it manifested into this realm you have to testify jesus said this what if you believed in your heart but you didn't say it with your mouth will that mountain be removed because he set it up that way god created everything he did it with words he spoke everything he framed the worlds with his word right okay he made us in his image so guess what the same law applies where he made us living souls he were speaking spirits and he told us that we have to speak to the mountain but we have to believe in our heart that means that you have the substance of things hoped for that means that that's why jesus said when you pray you should believe that you receive it before that's why he said that faith is a substance faith is a substance faith is a substance it's a title deed i have the title deed i just bought something this week i haven't i i don't i haven't sat in it yet but i got the deed it's in my name so it's just as much mine as it will be when i get in it okay it's the same with you what do you what what is it that you know god has put in your heart do you call yourself married even though you're single do you pray for your spouse even though you've not met them see faith is an act that right there a month ago was in here i was instructed to do that a month ago within a week i had the people working on it and in three weeks it was shipped here i'm not kidding you that was inside of me a month ago and it just came out and there's nine more to follow but there's a whole bunch of stuff inside of me that has to come out i didn't wait for god to ship it to me i drew the plans and i told bobby start cutting and pounding and gluing painting i told andrew to start ordering the components not for one but for all eight and now ten see to me they're already in all the cities and the kids are laughing and they're getting their certificates and they're hearing about god on saturdays we're talking about god and flying and kids get to and be involved with spirit school too but see it started in here can god trust you i'm kidding you know right kathy you you watched it go from inside of me it's kind of big i've actually lost weight since that came out but it was inside of me it was birthed but it's mine yeah it's probably the ups guy he has some more god's word okay so we're gonna do some we're gonna do some speaking what i'd like you to do is i would like you to voice to the lord in your own way right now we're going to have we're going to have julie play and then we're going to either get a piece of paper you've got your study guide i think i left a blank sheet paper in there and i want you to write out some of the things that are in your spirit twenty three years ago my pastor called me up and he said there's books inside of you not a book books uh i want you to write something down god's speaking to you about in this atmosphere we don't worry about a bat creature coming down and hitting somebody saying gonna happen we're taking care of that already i want you to write out something that's in your heart i want you to draw it out you know even the car that i drew out i received that car the color and everything and you know someone stole that car sunday morning when i came out to church me and my wife didn't have a ride to church because they stole that car and i said lord that's your car you started this whole thing you bring it back and the police are still talking about that because they said you'll never get that car back out it was only a that car is a collector's item they actually hire people to steal those it's in it's it's in another country already you're not getting that car back i said well how could i have prevented it he said you can sleep in your car that's the only way we know because i can sleep in my car he says you you're not getting that car back i said no we're going to get our car back two weeks later they called us they said we got your car and so the officer said this is how they found it they found it backed into a 7-eleven which you don't do at 2am because you're trying to hide your license plate so they ran it when they approached the car the people were in it that stole it the alarm went off and locked them in it so they apprehended them okay the only thing was is that the alarm was cut so the officer said so when we got the tow truck to to haul it to the pound he said um it wouldn't shut off so we disconnected the battery and it still wouldn't stop honking it went the whole way there without a battery without an alarm and it still went off continually there was nothing wrong with that car because it was god's do you get it so is when everything comes this way you have the policy god started it it's by revelation this is what you need to know about revelation revelation causes something to happen in this realm that is permanent but you have to operate with faith now faith is the substance of things so for the evidence of things not seen so i prayed for my wife ever since i got saved at 19 i prayed for her every night until i met her i went out and i said she's under the same stars that i'm under right now she's on this earth and i would pray for her and i would command her to come to me and she was actually on the mission field in saipan and the lord told her to come back to the united states and then he told me to go to seattle and visit a church four months later we're married so it's really hard for me to back off if i've already experienced this kind of thing when the lord told me in may of last year that i'm going to quadruple you so you're going to have four times the people coming to your conferences so i want you to just do one a month instead of one every weekend you're going from 300 to 1200 and so i just did what he told me i scheduled one a month we were here when i started years ago four years ago we had what uh 120 120 right here we just needed a baby section so revelation will bring manifestation if you bring it into this realm by faith okay all right are you writing all right let's pray this father i ask for the spirit of revelation on the people right now father you know exactly every individual every need right now and you love your own oh deliverance is coming the lord says i've called you by name i have placed my name in you and i've called you by name your mind that's what the lord's saying right now and he's saying write out my will if i were you it asked for wisdom and you're going to get it all he's made the crooked ways straight he's leveled the path he's made it so that you have sure footing i set the lord always before me and because he is at my right hand i shall not be shaken i set him before me i set him before me if god is for you who can be against you where are your accusers so so and the lord says i'm taking up your case i'm taking up your case silence the lying accusing lips though you are broken i shall wrap you and you shall mend and it shall be better than before the lord says i command you to dream again to believe again live i command you to live and not die i break the power of death i break the power of disease and discouragement i break suicide in jesus name i break trauma in jesus name there's a song about beauty and ashes that i feel in my spirit something about that turning a person's life there's a heavenly exchange happening in this room i want you to give him everything give him the discouragement i know what i'm talking about you can fit through that narrow way you've passed your test there's such freedom waiting for you you're not bound anymore you're not bound anymore you're free you're free foreign so it's a deep river flowing through this place just drink you're never gonna be the same ever again so uh father's gonna make it good for you he's gonna make his word good he's meeting you right now you don't need to come up here he's met you at your seat the lord is good and his mercy endures forever the lord is good and his mercy endures forever the lord is good and his mercy endures forever no good thing is he gonna withhold from you jesus i can hear him say won't you believe won't you believe and he's showing his nail prints won't you believe i did it for you if you have not given yourself to jesus if you'd like to give yourself to jesus tonight come up here it's time for you to come to the lord i've put you ever before me i've put you ever before me you're at my right hand i'll not be disappointed and you have made me triumph and you have made me win and you have made me triumph god and you have made me win i'm a winner you have made you've already created it i just gotta walk in it it's already done oh lord you hear my cry father god give you my life i gave you my life i confess jesus as lord i confess jesus is lord that i receive him and i receive him thank you jesus thank you jesus for dying for dying thank you jesus thank you jesus for raising me back for raising me back to life again to life again thank you thank you that i will be with you in heaven that i will be with you in heaven someday someday i will serve you all my life i will serve you all my life holy spirit holy spirit fill me fill me baptize me baptize me father i thank you for baptizing her in the holy spirit i thank you for saving her anyone else want to give their life to the lord right now you too okay father in the name of jesus say father father in the name of jesus i receive i receive your salvation your salvation through jesus christ through jesus christ i confess that he is lord i confess that he is lord i confess that he died for my sins i confess that he died for my sins and he rose from the dead and he rose from the dead and i rose with him and i rose with him and heaven is my home and heaven is my home i repent i repent and i thank you for life and i thank you for life father i ask that you would baptize him in the holy spirit right now thank you for filling him in the name of jesus in the name of jesus amen amen anybody else anybody else want to give their life to jesus jesus father to say father father i thank you for jesus i thank you for jesus i repent of my sins i repent of my sins i acknowledge jesus as lord and i acknowledge jesus as lord i acknowledge that he died for my sins i acknowledge that he died for my sins he is the way and he is the way thank you for saving me thank you for saving me now father i pray that you baptize her right now in the holy spirit in jesus name fill her thank you father in jesus name thank you okay okay just repeat after me okay say dear jesus dear jesus i ask you now i ask be my savior amen the father baptized him in the holy spirit right now in jesus name baptizer the holy spirit in jesus name failure yes lord the holy spirit wash me in your blood and i ask you now and i ask you now to be my savior to be my savior my lord and my very best friend and my very best friend from this moment on and from this moment on i will follow you i will follow you all the days of my life all the days of my life in jesus name in jesus name so so so so let's stand together there's such a holy presence in this place and as the bible says there's angels rejoicing in heaven with what just happened praise god so sincere father we just love you let's just for a few moments service is at 10 a.m tomorrow please be here nice and early we're gonna we're just going to go after god kevin's going to share again it's our last meeting but we want to end this night with worship prophetic worship with julie so don't be in a hurry it's early still don't be in a hurry let's just worship so just lift up your hands father we receive we receive every good thing that you have for us tonight you saw what we wrote on those sheets father we give that all to you not our wills but yours be done and now we worship you we thank you we come before you lord just humbly bringing our whole self before you saying here i am send me use me for your glory you know he is so worth it and he is so passionate about you and let's just worship him let's just love him julie whatever is on your heart to sing let's just love jesus we sing and oh god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and all god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory and all god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory cover the earth cover the earth and great is your love your faithfulness and it reaches to the clouds singing again is your faithfulness lifted high be lifted high above the heavens and oh god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory and all god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory cover the earth cover the earth and be gracious to me oh god for in you i take in the refuge of your wings my soul find shelter and i am secure find shelter and i am secure god may your mercy come for my soul is safe within you in the shadow of your wings i'll hide and trouble and storms pass by till trouble and storms pass by and um god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be magnified be glorified and let your glory and oh god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory cover the earth great and great is is great is your faithfulness and it reaches above is and oh god be lifted up be lifted up and let your glory and all god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory cover the earth is your faithfulness and it reaches above the clouds and oh god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be magnified be lifted high and let your glory and all god be lifted up be lifted up above the heavens and oh god be lifted high be magnified and let your glory cover the earth you were you jesus you jesus and we love you yes we love you and we love you jesus and we love you yes we love you oh we love you jesus and we worship jesus there is none like you we say thank you we say thank you we say thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus we worship you we sing there yes we worship you and we say thank you lord we say thank you you lord we say thank you there is none like there is hallelujah i hallelujah praise you i must praise you i must praise you worthy i must praise you i must praise you i must praise you i must praise you i must praise you i must praise you worthy i must praise you i must pray you i must praise you worthy now my see oh so foreign you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 55,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: TqOKWvDJ30c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 10sec (9970 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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