What Defines a Minecraft RIPOFF?!

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when a videogame gets really big whether it be in 2019 or 1985 copies and clones are bound to follow games like Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers Namco's pac-man Ataris breakout Tetris etc they all saw the problem massively and some of them still do decades later in 2009 minecraft was released and with it successors quickly followed when discussing clones of any nature when it comes to video games the discussion has to be had very carefully the word clone implies that something is a direct ripoff of the source material not all games deserve that label but some definitely do the question of which however is what standard we should measure these games in and where do we draw the lines some video games are blatant in their thievery while others use ideas as launching pads to create an interesting spin on a pre-existing concept in this video we're going to discuss some of Minecraft clones talk about the problems that come up because of these clones and discuss whether or not they benefit minecraft and gaming as a whole so without any further ado let's get right into it [Music] so let's put all our cards out on the table what defines a clone if I had to put my thoughts into the mix I would argue that a clone in terms of gaming would be something that directly ripped something off to the point where the copy can easily get confused for the original or just a cheap imitation of the original sure the copy might be using blue wool instead of blue concrete but the difference isn't big enough to set it apart on its own as a new and unique thing in terms of gaming arguments have spewed on the internet for as long as people have been able to comment an important thing that people have conveniently been forgetting when they argue about the logistics of whether or not something is a ripoff is genre when discussing anything genre really is the most important key to start off let's use music as an example rock music usually is comprised of guitar drums bass and more hip-hop often uses the same things but the matically use them differently rock can be used more sporadically while rap typically stays in its lane repeating elements over and over again beats per minute defines how fast or slow a song is while notes and chords create the music itself one song may use a specific set of chords and another use the exact same these notes and chords are the building blocks for the song as much as an idea is the building block for a video game video games like Team Fortress 2 and overwatch have been butting heads since overwatch is release while thematically they share similar ideas and concepts they're both completely different takes on a pre-existing genre pop G and fortnight are in this exact same bow if you took mortal combat Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros and put them all next to each other you wouldn't call Super Smash Bros a ripoff of either of those games sure players are fighting on a side view screen but they're not fighting in the exact same ways it's for the same reason that you wouldn't call World of Warcraft a ripoff of runescape just because it's a fantasy setting in an MMORPG furthering a genre is impactful to say call of duty and halo are the same thing is just wrong simply put two cooks can have the same recipe but their execution can be entirely different sometimes it's all in the taste aesthetic or even the timing but when it comes to the end the end product is gonna wind up turning out differently no matter how you spin it as far as Minecraft in general games are concerned you usually have two lanes the ripoff and the spiritual successor at Minecraft Java editions peak popularity games like terraria and cube world push the voxel surviving genre quite far but what did they get largely called by a lot of people though ripoffs even though the games are completely different than their arguably inspired source aka minecraft people were quick to label them in that way cube world is an open-world RPG placed in a procedurally generated voxel esque setting terraria is an action-adventure sandbox game but in a 2d world that just also so happens to be procedurally generated even though both games clearly pushed in their own directions and utilized their strong suits for their best ideas people were quick to judge them because of Minecrafts popularity the biggest problem with these games was easily their release window aka the timing that I just previously mentioned right now high pixel Studios high tale is coming out at the perfect time why because people are ready for it when cube world and terraria were released Minecraft Java edition was at the height of its popularity it was just too early to create competition and for many people to have unbiased opinions on the matter but now it's the perfect time things that never have a perfect time though are games like fortress craft being released in 2011 fortress craft was quite literally a cash grab being released on the Xbox 360 before minecraft ever even made a console debut marcus pearson AKA knotch the creator of minecraft stated fortress craft is an obvious attempt to just take something popular and clone it as closely as possible i still think it's important that people are allowed and able to do things like that but it's hardly graceful fortresscraft creator later when to create a post on his website called open letter - not on July 27th 2011 where he mentioned multiple differences between his game and notch's he did attempt to make a decent argument though fortresscraft is basically minecraft in the same way that minecraft is basically in Finny minor well I personally disagree with that statement the point can go either way and his basis for making that argument is definitely there minecraft arguably in the way that we so loosely throw around the word clone or ripoff could easily be considered a clone of infiniminer simply put in Finny minor came out first without infiniminer we'd have no minecraft and without minecraft we'd have no fortresscraft cube world or terraria Sonic and Mario are completely different games so are Tetris and poyo poyo the idea that creators should be stuck in only making different games is ridiculous games like shovel knight proved that they could take on existing concepts in games such as platforming make it interesting and make it different although people will always point back to the games that it was mimicking and inspired by only because that makes sense those games popularized what some of us would come to know and love and minecraft is no exception to this rule if anything because of how much the game has been bought it's the literal definition games inspired by minecraft like hightail cube world terraria and more will never take away from Minecraft sales they simply won't however games like the original fortress craft would if I could pay less money for what I believe is the same exact experience I would have no reason to buy the real game those games as far as I'm concerned should be ignored at all costs that's not to say that if a game looks like Minecraft and plays like Minecraft you shouldn't play it what I'm saying is if the game offers you a watered-down experience of what you could be getting maybe play the one that it's referencing and has the genuine experience unless there's a direct reason for it I don't think games like hightail are bad I'm excited for the future you know that the game you've created is good whenever representatives ammo the company that you're arguably going up against competition-wise is excited for your project they're not excited just to play your game they're excited because you have the potential to light a fire under them with how culturally relevant minecraft has become there's almost no slowing down this train regardless of what comes out when it comes out and how it comes out it's just too big too powerful and too ingrained in current culture do you know how whenever somebody scrapes their knee and you hear the words I'll get you a band-aid quickly after well band-aid is just the company and band-aid isn't what they're getting you they're getting you a bandage the same works for when you blow your nose and somebody offers you a quote-unquote Kleenex but what they really mean is a tissue minecraft has become synonymous with the survival blocky genre just like those brands have become synonymous with everyone else's product so far Mojang are really the only people to have done this as well as they've done it that's not to say that nobody can swoop in and do it better however minecraft will always be the thing that people point to no matter what and I don't think that that's a problem for Mojang but what do you think do you think that minecraft has a clone problem what games inspired by minecraft do you like the most is there anything that you're excited for coming out what's your take on all of this let me know in the comment section down below but other than that that just about does it for me for now if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself and Michael McGill who co-wrote and edited this video the channel and the video quite a lot but anyways guys I hope you all enjoyed my name is antvenom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 1,054,263
Rating: 4.8731279 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, minecraft clone, minecraft copy, minecraft 2, hytale, fortresscraft, minecraft ripoff
Id: 6X63J3IP5l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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