Shameless Minecraft Ripoffs

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hello there fellow herobrine spawners today we're gonna be looking at some top tier games and I'm being slightly sarcastic right now the world is falling apart but two great games just released recently Animal Crossing new horizons and doom eternal and with that I decided to ask myself the question of what are the worst games out there what are the most atrocious things I can think of and I remember a few moments from my childhood where I wasn't able to buy Minecraft Pocket Edition so I resorted to using really bad mobile ripoffs of the game absolutely all of you must see the terrible apps I'm gonna show you because these are truly truly awful but they're so awful that it's funny so without further ado let's look at the first app that is a world craft now this might be the worst one I played I'm really not sure but it's pretty bad it's just absolutely terrifying it evokes tears of laughter when you see some of the stuff in this game but also tears of sadness when you see some of the stuff in this game so the menu screen of the game starts off really great because it has single-player multiplayer survival multiplayer which appears to just be an ADD and skin so naturally the first thing I clicked on with skin because I want to look like an absolutely epic gamer girl cuz what are you gonna do in life if you don't I don't know what these horrifying creatures are why are their heads round but everything else is square I don't know why they've been given such specific names but I feel bad for them Jennifer looks like she's about to go running outside away from home in the middle of the night to go be with werewolf role players and Mary was probably just running her hands under ice water to turn into Elsa so I feel bad for these people but naturally I went with the cursed entity that is Rachel she's got some rainbow you know I am a certified gamer I must embrace this if you guys want to show your gamer fried I got some merch link in the description so yeah these things are horrid but I equip the skin because why not at this point why not so I loaded up a of world and the first thing I noticed was that the control pad on the left the movement pad was way too big its enormous it takes up half the screen also the GUI just isn't nice in general as I turned my view around it kept stuttering and it just wasn't very smooth the world generation was bad the trees were like pyramids like I don't know why the leaves were a pyramid shape but that's how the trees were lit just didn't make sense they are too tall and they just looked out of place and the landscape didn't make much sense either and it was just bland but worst of all about the world generation is that the worlds were incredibly tiny super tiny now old Minecraft Pocket Edition world sizes were interesting minecraft is known to be a game where the world is infinite or nearly infinite in size but Pocket Edition wasn't like that Pocket Edition world sizes were limited and if you thought that was bad if you thought they were small you really had a taste of heaven but you weren't grateful so now he's now we're left with this also this render distance looks like those old herobrine videos and photos where he was just creeping from the mist and fog now there is a problem that I actually need to address here there are genuine problems in our society that need to be talked about but you guys need to put all that on hold because I need to talk about the lava and water in this game they are blocks they are bright translucent blocks that's it I have never seen something so wrong look at these they look like they're going to devour your soul I don't know why they're so bright but they are in the other games I look at in this video they have flowing water and lava this is genuinely the first knockoff I've seen where the water and lava have been blocks and in terms of blocks you have access to in this game it's not a lot you don't have many items and most blocks are named something similar to Minecraft but they're not fully stealing the names of items like we have items here such as wooden planks but then some items are really iffy with their name because it's glowstone and that's a Minecraft term after my horrible Singh player experience I decided to try multiplayer I didn't think anyone would actually be playing multiplayer though I was wrong so very very wrong I joined one server and there were multiple people there was the first option I clicked and there were tons of people in that server and the second I joined I see someone green cookie cats playing hide and seek and then someone's name has the adults in it I highly doubt it very much so and if so that's deeply concerning so I flew around the server the builds were bad because the block selection is bad the world size was still really small before leaving I tried using the chat I tried typing out my love for Peppa Pig but no one commented on it no one replied to me so I concluded that the world craft multiplayer experience is the most toxic experience in all of gaming so world craft is a pretty bad minecraft imitation but you know maybe it could get away with just saying that it's minecraft inspired but the next game we're gonna be looking at is called craft and it doesn't change the name of anything in game and it looks like the models were ripped straight from Minecraft with just slight texture changes so this is craft it looks like minecraft at the resource pack basically and when I said there's no name changes of anything I really meant it this is redstone this is netherrack this is a ghast Enderman creeper mushroom and portal frame and nether quartz or these are terms that are 100% from minecraft and look here are some images I have of models and it looks like they were ripped straight from Minecraft with just different textures but some mobs like rabbits don't even have different textures so I'm really confused how apps like this stay up in the App Store just because of the heavy resemblance to Minecraft like I'm surprised there hasn't been any action taken against these games the villager and which models are the most interesting to me look the noses are white and the witch has a little like mole - that's also poking out so it does appear to be the models directly taken from Minecraft but they've been retexture but the person who made this didn't know how to texture the noses in a way where they would disappear or just remove them altogether from the model so we're left with these faces just like white rectangles sticking out from them so in addition to this game looking like Minecraft quite a few actual minecraft mechanics are there like falling sand flint and steel lighting up creepers sheep shearing sheep eating grass potions working chickens coming out of eggs and you throw them there's a lot of things there that are really obscure minecraft mechanics but they're in this game too so with that being said I decided to test out water and lava because I was terrified of world craft it was horrifying so I wanted to forget about that and the water and lava flow isn't right either look at how cursed this is they just flow into each other I'm surprised that the creation of obsidian isn't in there but yet you can light a creeper with flint and steel and it'll explode like the way water flow is just abysmal - it's horrible it's like really really widespread and very quick it's not right since there's another quartz and nether mobs I decided to see if you could actually visit the nether and yeah you can you can actually build another portal and you can light it see how the nether is an actual dimension you can go to but the weird thing is that there's end portal frames but I wasn't able to find a way to actually get that working there is no eye of ender items so I couldn't actually create the end portal but yet the block and portal frame is in there so maybe you can travel to the end but I was not able to find that item the world generation was surprisingly not horrible it was it was alright it was passable the lighting looked like a low-quality shader and the music was really bad the environment in this game is really horrible like we know the minecraft soundtrack slaps it is an absolute Bop this game basically had one song on repeat the whole time and it had horrible cuts and there was no smooth loop in between the song so it was very choppy and the song that was playing the whole time while you were in the game is basically like life of Riley so imagine this on repeat forever [Music] another thing about sound is that they didn't use any minecraft sounds as far as I was aware one of the mob noises sounded like a Minecraft sound that was pitched down but quite a few noises didn't sound similar to me at all and the controls are surprisingly not the worst thing I've ever seen they were better than world craft world craft is really choppy and too sensitive but this game was fine this game gets three stolen assets out of ten so now it's time to talk about mega craft Pocket Edition now mega craft maybe one upping minecraft I don't know it has something really interesting to it it has three game modes survival creative and story a story mode this is getting serious so I tried this one out first and I honestly can't see what the point of story mode was I spawned in a house there was a girl there other than that I have no clue what the point of it was maybe she wanted me to pay for her only fans I don't know but I really don't know what the purpose of this mode was the game had bad controls like world craft and the camera was really stuttering the lighting was terrible but the world had really interesting creatures there were bees badgers dragons just a whole lot of diversity they even have a couple of ogres now augers are my favorite they remind me of the holy trek now one creature I just could not get my head around was this this what is this it reminds me of the orange thing truly this is horrifying it will haunt me it will haunt you you have seven days to live after watching this video the health bar system in this game is really bad same with just the other GUI here this is foot of me dying I was really really confused I looked back at the footage and apparently you can see what your health is by seeing if your hearts are tiny the health bar is just a PNG of hearts on top of hearts and if the top one goes away then you lost the heart I don't know it's really really bad graphic design I tried creative mode and for some reason in the world I spawned in and every world I spawned in had a sacrificial pole I don't understand its purpose but it felt really honest like this combined with this creature made me feel like this was actually just a creepypasta entry I tried accessing blocks to use so I could review that and look at the names but this error kept happening where the first item I clicked on in the GUI would be the only thing I could drag into my inventory and the item just appeared up here but I couldn't use it and this whole bug if you don't know is a logic error it was an oversight by the programmer anything you click on in the inventory after you click on your first item won't register they didn't make this with love and care we know this that it's a ripoff of Minecraft they made it to get revenue from you watching the constant ads that pop up as you play the game because your parents didn't buy minecraft that's why these exist so it was slapped together in a really rushed way another oversight by the programmer would be the crafting table there's no way to exit out of it in the app except for pressing the back button on your phone which is really bad design like a few reviews said they didn't know how to get out of the crafting table now let's talk about the next game which is mini block craft mini block craft feels weirdly polished well I mean it does after talking about things like world craft and mega craft anything would feel polished at this point anything I know I said it's weirdly polished but not the menu this is the menu not that that is not good there were some questionable decisions that were made and the first would be this menu and then the second would be the character selection these characters look like five nights at Freddy's skins and they also have weirdly round heads but the bodies don't line up with that and this game makes you choose between male and female characters and that's common a lot of games make you choose if you want to be a male or female but the male females don't look different there's no customization options or benefits that come with choosing one that would help you identify if the character you pick that's not why you can choose between male and female in this game when looking at this the developer decided to provide an in-game advantage in area based on which gender you chose and out of these two it's evident that the Man one has the upper hand a woman moves fast and does not need much food but she is weaker than a man and cannot survive as many injuries and a man is strong can hit hard and withstand many injuries but he is slower moving than a woman and needs more food to survive I'm honestly a hungry person so I chose the man option yeah I mean the two genders here are basically speed and hungry I find it really weird that the woman is implied to be weaker in terms of muscle mass but yet she can run faster I'm just imagining a muscle list being trying to run on no food it just doesn't line up to me moving past this horrible screen the world generation was actually really good in this game and the lighting actually wasn't that bad I just don't think the recording quality does any justice so the gameplay itself as much as I hate to say this felt much better than any of the other apps I looked at the turning of the camera and control sizes also were really good and the GUI was fine but every time you would close any menu an advertisement and pop up the thing that was the most interesting about this game was the amount of animals that had to offer and how their models looked it reminded me of a mod more so than just trying to replicate MC gameplay there were a lot of new items but many just didn't make sense now I appreciate the fact that there were new items added instead of just the game called craft that just tried to add everything in and replicate minecraft exactly ripping off a game is not good but original additions makes it a little bit better so yeah some of the items didn't really make sense every food has had a rotten version of itself and you could place a pumpkin at any stage of progression like I don't know why are so many pumpkins but I imagine some of these were just too buff the number of items this game had the furnace looks like the one from crafts but it's really weird because it you can see the inside the block and with lava met water in this game yes I ran a test in each of these games it produced stone so that was pretty neat and the fireworks in this game were needs so to sum it up some things didn't really make sense some textures were ugly the menu screen and character selection was questionable and the game was mundane it was boring to play it may be fun for a few minutes testing out the little animals seeing what the game has but it's not a very long lasting sense of enjoyment I have to voice my criticisms here because I feel like I've been praising this game a bit by saying that the Lighting's good the controls are good I absolutely do not endorse it all the games talked about in this video are not original ideas and have been far out performed by minecraft I would fully recommend minecraft over any of these I just thought I would talk about this one last because it was the best of the worst anyway yeah this was a really fun video to make I want you to remember that if any of you want to go install these games and try it out because you can't believe how these exist just remember that playing them and sitting through the numerous ads that appear on screen in these games will be supporting them and giving them money so just remember that I just made a Twitter so if you guys want to go follow that and be my first followers that would be really neat I also have an Instagram discord server and patreon links below the minecraft server I played on in this video was actually my patron minecraft server but you can get access to for just one dollar a month I would love to thank my patrons for supporting this channel you guys do a lot you're really generous thank you I would also have to thank the amazing individuals who have created such lovely fan art the talent here is absolutely immense and thank you all so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day like a day raises another mile a day [Music] become get something
Channel: Savantics
Views: 800,503
Rating: 4.9098787 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft ripoffs, minecraft rip offs, rip offs, minecraft knockoffs, minecraft knock offs, mini block craft, megacraft, CRAFT, world craft, cursed minecraft, cursed, commentary
Id: KNtN_LiozmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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