these Minecraft facts MAKE NO SENSE...

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a few weeks ago we posted a video titled things and minecraft that make you go white in that video we discussed a lot of various game mechanics within the game ranging everything from boat physics weird blocks like packed ice that give off light and bedrock additions among more things it was strange and if you haven't watched that video it's definitely worth a watch although when we were making the list we kept thinking of all other sorts of weird things that are in the game as well and then occasionally we'd keep seeing even weirder and weirder things pop up in places like reddit in this video we're going to discuss even more weird things in Minecraft that make you go what and trust me there's definitely some good ones like take a look at this enchanted book what do you think it can do besides enchanting keep it in your mind because you'll definitely be shocked if you're not aware of it already but without any further ado let's get right into it [Music] so when you break a block with snow on it in Minecraft Java edition what happens honestly the answer is probably pretty easy breaking the block underneath the snow layer not only will the block disappear but so will the snow instantly it's just kind of law in Minecraft that is until you look at the bedrock edition of the game heading into a bedrock edition world and placing snow on grass you'll notice that when you break the block underneath the snow falls to the ground much like sand the top snow is completely affected by gravity and this can certainly be exploited to all death on reddit a couple of days ago a user by the name of super gamer one two three four zero uploaded a video that they simply titled as a snowman staircase in this video they showed off a very simple to make contraption that when activated not only produces a large amount of snow but also flings it like a frisbee when I saw it I knew that I had to go crazy with it so I took to Twitter posting my picture of what I had done look at how this towers in all seriousness this is something that I would love to see in the Java edition it's such an interesting mechanic that can bring out such weird situations it was probably one of the dumbest things that I had ever done in Minecraft who knew bedrock edition could be exploited this way speaking completely literally though I absolutely want to see what the Minecraft community can do with this there's undoubtedly something a little bit more here and speaking of towering did you know that beds can do more than just be slept in yeah on top of being able to negate a little bit of fall damage you can also do some very weird things with them even though they don't connect to the ones beneath them you can stack beds in weird shapes from giant staircases going in one diagonal direction or branching out in weird places or even just floating beds can do a lot of what you might not actually expect one of Michael McGill's favorites is this a spiral staircase of and yes you heard that right a spiral staircase of beds well it's completely a pain in the neck to run up and down the staircase it is actually possible it's just not all that fun now on top of being annoying because of the crouching required there's also another annoyance factor here and that's the fact that you can actually now bump your head on the legs of the bed yeah just like slabs and more now the bed is properly modeled according to what you actually see meaning when you crawl under the bed and yes you can crawl under the bed you'll hit your head beds are weird because they're not a full block and have such a weird model they can be used in some pretty strange ways and honestly it's just kind of cool to experiment with it if you choose to stack a bunch of mattresses like The Princess and the pea you certainly won't feel the pea or even a creeper apparently and speaking of crawling let's talk about that on top of being able to get into weird places like that we can get even smaller sure one by two blocks are interesting right but how about this a singular one by one how is that even possible you might ask well trapdoors pop down a trap door on a composter or a cauldron and jump on in and slam the lid closed and boom you're inside of a one by one block well it's definitely claustrophobic it's kind of impressive that this is possible at all and no I looked into it if you fill the cauldron with water and close the lid you cannot drown although if Mojang actually coated that in then I would be majorly impressed all things considered though you're basically the new Minecraft Houdini - the straitjacket and the melt can close enough though and speaking of magical things enchantment books if you're thinking these books are just for enchanting your swords armor or tools with then you would be heavily mistaken enchanted books actually have more use apparently looking at this book what do you expect genuinely what do you expect here here I'll give you a hint this book has silk touch so how can it be used well I can put it on shovels pickaxes and regular axes in order to get the original block that you mine up rather than some byproduct like getting regular stone instead of cobblestone pretty simple stuff without a primary item this book is useless though right right well if I'm asking you if it's right it's obviously not right as it turns out the silk touch book has a very unique and new side effect that not many other books if any also have to put it simply watch this yeah you saw that right with this book I just got leaves without a pickaxe shovel axe or even sheers and it doesn't stop there though I can grab grass glass campfires clay ice glowstone mushroom blocks Messi Liam podzol see lanterns and way more the rule of thumb is this if it takes a pickaxe to mine aka an or block stone and ender chest or more it doesn't work if you can mine it with your hands aka turtle eggs then you're fine it's all fair game so there you go the plus the book itself has no durability so go crazy and speaking of durability and this isn't totally just a weird segue zombies and armor if you're playing on the Java edition of the game there's a few weird situations that can happen first things first zombies can spawn with armor on them obviously the higher the difficulty the more common the armor appears however it's obviously hard to get the armor off of them at least on Java edition you see in bedrock edition there's actually a trick to getting that armor from them if you ever find a zombie in full armor no matter what it is whether it be diamond leather or gold and you decide that you want it there are a few tricks that you can employ to make sure that you get what you want the most basic one drown the zombie and I mean that literally because of the way that zombies turn into drowns there's a bedrock edition specific mechanic that comes into play here the very moment that the zombie turns into a drowned the zombie will drop its armor immediately well that's kind of bad news for him it's great news for you if you want its armour kill the useless drowned after he's dropped the armor pick it up and voila new armor getting armor has literally never gone more swimmingly Michael I hate your script sometimes now here's a fun one do you want a death message that will confuse the everliving heck out of your friends do you want to be asked questions about how exactly you died that way do you want to get that absolutely cold reaction in chat well look no further than this yeah the traitor llama all you need to do is grab a trader llama pull them to the destination that you need place a TNT and pressure plate on the ground punch the llama and then run in front of the TNT wait for the llama to attack you and bam antvenom was blown up by a traitor llama this message works with a plethora of other mobs but this one is honestly one of the funniest another good one is being poked to death by a sweet berry bush whilst trying to escape a skeleton trust me there's actually a lot of these the death messages just keep getting longer but if the mobs weren't scary enough look at this what you don't see it look closer closer closer still nothing get this the cow has eyebrows but what do you think did you know any of these things how weird are these items do you have anything else that you think that we should mention because honestly these water going on videos are kind of fun we want to show you guys a bunch of weird things that only Minecraft could ever be responsible for but other than that is that just about does it for me for now if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself and Michael McGill who co-wrote and edited this video the channel and the video quite a lot but anyways guys I hope you all enjoyed my name is antvenom and I bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 1,292,183
Rating: 4.8957553 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, minecraft facts, minecraft weird, best minecraft, minecraft best, top 5 minecraft, minecraft top 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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