all the times Minecraft TRIED to April Fools us...

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if you like pulling jokes April Fool's Day is probably one of your favorite holidays if you frequented this channel over the years you've probably seen some of my own April Fool's jokes annually one day a year people are able to pull jokes and pranks without facing too much criticism and when major corporations personalities and more have slowly figured this out you quickly find that they are sometimes the masters of mayhem and game developers are not excluded from this for as long as online gaming has been popular developers are played part in the festivities from Jagex Blizzard Ubisoft and more jokes have been played on unsuspecting players for years and Mojang is no exception while their jokes are oftentimes more expected due to the nature of the game and needing to download different versions sometimes they've pulled a fast one on us or at least to the ones who know the word gullible is written on the ceiling seriously look up it's there jokes aside though Mojang's history with the holiday is kind of interesting and in this video we're gonna talk all about it so without any further ado let's get right into it [Music] so starting off the April Fool's pain train in 2011 mine crops first-ever April Fool's joke was pulled on the community and it actually had a lot of people confused spawning in people's worlds was a locked chest that was completely naturally generated when attempting to open up the chest a message would pop up stating that a Steve Coe supply crate key was needed and that you could buy one from the Minecraft store Team Fortress 2 was the inspiration for their joke with their Manco supply crates being the focus on top of their font used on the minecraft store website where players could buy things such as keys miners helmet a name change and more obviously these actually couldn't be bought but they were kind of hilarious nonetheless for whatever reason 2012 didn't see any April Fool's jokes for Minecraft but in 2013 players are quick to get tripped up once again at long last Java edition 2.0 was released wait light yeah that's the joke minecraft - obviously if you got tricked by that then you kind of deserved it although you are probably in good company loading it up you would find the ethos lab which was a slab of TNT primarily noted as a reference to the youtuber ethos lab want to explode it don't when you do an anvil will fall over players in the explosions range torches would also burn out in this version of Minecraft but don't worry though coal blocks were introduced and yes this is where they got shown off tinted glass was also shown off aside horses which were actually cows ponies which were actually pigs and pink withers yeah it was a weird one other things like the diamond chicken the redstone bug and more were brought in as well this one was pretty interesting in 2014 players were met with weirdness loading up the game you immediately heard a parody of the theme from Game of Thrones saying by none other than the element animation villagers so you immediately knew that something was up on this April Fool's Day loading into a world you would notice that your skin was changed looking at it you were a villager walking around you would hear the villagers narrating everything you did in a blog post on the Mojang website the Minecraft team stated the long-nosed villagers introduced in Minecraft beta 1.9 have become sentient they have taken over our skin servers and content delivery networks so unfortunately you will not be able to change your skins until we fix the problem we are desperately trying our best to pull the plugs but we should prepare ourselves to serve under our new villager overlords singularity may be upon us the next day of course all was fixed and element animation released a video stating we're sorry for ruining Minecraft today alongside releasing the absolutely hilarious resource pack that was involved with all of this as of the time of releasing this video the pack is still available for download so go ahead and check it out in 2015 minecraft released a hoax announcement for Minecraft of 1.10 which was codenamed the love and hugs update which obviously was not the release of Minecraft 1.10 during this period of the game minecraft was in its 1.8 stages and hadn't even gotten any announcements or snapshots for 1.9 yet when the joke was released though we found out in the very obviously fake snapshot a love meter was added into the game alongside some really weird things like obsidian boats potions of caring and sharing and more all particles and the game were replaced with hearts alongside plenty of other fun things loading up a super flat world near the coordinate zero zero a shape in the snow would take form and surprisingly a QR code would appear scanning the code with a QR reader the words Minecraft 1.9 the combat update would pop up so the real question is was 1.9 the real April Fool's joke all along I'm just teasing when 2016 rolled around motion got ready and released the one point RV pre 1 update otherwise known as the trendy update loading up the supposed pre-release for this fake update you are greeted with a lot in the game a USB charging block was added which functioned exactly the same as a redstone block then there is the reality vision goggles which would show you an amazingly cool 3d mini-map in the bottom center of the screen and show the words obey when looking at signs which was a reference to the movie they live an ankle monitor that couldn't be taken off in survival mode similar to the curse of binding was put into the game where it would give you notifications when you move too far from spawn at night saying things like curfew warning and you're violating your house arrest a smarter watch was also added that showed the time in human readable format and would say messages in chat like notice distance flown is now 500 and more it was a bit fun but also a bit stupid in 2017 motion didn't release any sort of Minecraft update but rather they released a fake trailer for the supposedly brand-new product mine and craft digital leisure device watching the trailer it was clear that it was a reference to Nintendo's Game & Watch series of products if you were familiar with it the trailer was filled to the brim with 80s nostalgia and went as far as to even filter the voice acting just to make it seem older while obviously fake I don't think I'd mind owning one of these though if I had to guess I would say that this April Fool's joke may have gone over a lot of people's heads unless they were specifically familiar with the 80s art and style in 2018 right in the cusp of Mojang's decision to update and change most if not all of the textures within minecraft minecraft' developers decided to release their newest April Fool's joke which was they're finally perfected textures being an obvious rip on themselves Mojang blew out their textures scaling them weighed and making them look hilariously bad on the Minecraft website Mojang stated were so confident in fact that we're releasing it this Sunday morning to everyone in 1.12 and 1.13 straight away after this guaranteed to be successful trial you can expect to see the textures in all editions of Minecraft soon and not only are the new textures a real delight to behold giving your world a new thriving vibrancy but they're also compatible with the popular dot PCX format one of the most widely accepted dos imaging standards if you don't like the newest textures that Mojang has actually been throwing at us just thank choppa that we didn't get these April Fool's textures instead and speaking of dose motion decided to really take us back for 2019 bringing us their newest prank minecraft 3d shareware version 1.3 for being filled with tons of video game references to the 90s like being started with a command prompt startup and literally having a parody of this sega opening screen and more everything about this one is pretty hilarious from the unregistered version scrolling across the top of the screen constantly to the obligatory nightmare mode and more it just screams 90s PC games I mean they even included it with a classic order form that if you have to question it you're probably too young to even remember these sorts of things let alone know about them digging through it there's a ton three random keys an edible 3d item that shows a picture of the developer team alongside a random image talking about synergy and more was hidden within the game for an April Fool's joke Mojang certainly does go a long way and I think we can all appreciate their creativity I can't wait to see what they do next year but what do you think do you think that Mojang has done well with their April Fool's joke have you ever actually been fooled by any of these and don't be afraid to admit it let me know in the comment section down below but other than that that just about does it for me for now if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself and Michael McGill who co-wrote and edited this video the channel and the video quite a lot but anyways guys I hope you all enjoyed my name is antvenom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 4,566,092
Rating: 4.8999295 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, april fools, minecraft april fools, minecraft update, minecraft snapshot, minecraft holiday, best minecraft, minecraft best, top 5 minecraft, minecraft top 5
Id: tvtwkzJdVWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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