Mothers, What Do You Wish You Knew About Giving Birth Before It Happened? (r/AskReddit)

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women who have given birth what's something no one told you about it and wish you had known apparently some doctors are really excited when they see a good placenta well a compliment is a compliment I guess Thanks I made it myself how what everything can get if your water breaks and you have a slow leak then I'll be fluent home in the car in the waiting area in your room in the hallway in the bathroom combined with all the blood loss and peeing yourself and it's almost like a slip-n-slide trying to get around they gave me a big chuck pad to put between my legs but it was kind of pointless because it wouldn't stay up unless you held it when my water broke it was blood so I had blood in my bed blood all over my bathroom bloody clothes bloody towels my house looked like a horrible crime scene I had a placental abruption at 2:00 a.m. on Halloween morning the horror fans side of me thought this was ironic once I stopped panicking the first time you get up after a c-section is hack absolutely hurts so bad and your incision takes weeks to heal if not months being awake during your c-section and you feel all the tugging and pulling inside you the nurse described it to me as being like having someone do dishes in your abdomen and that was the most horrifying accurate way you could put it your uterus continues to contract after delivery to get back down to pre prego size it's pretty painful worse than menstrual cramps and breastfeeding really kicks at contractions into high gear also that thing the nurses do where they squeeze your uterus from the outside periodically after baby is out what a freak I know they're doing their job and it's for my own good but that made me want to punch my otherwise kind and gentle caretakers it was almost worse than labor and delivery almost a lot of women throw up I have a vomit phobia and was not aware of this until about a month before I was due luckily there are drugs you can take that help I managed to avoid throwing up with a lot of drugs also the pain wasn't as gradual as I was expecting I went from this is fine to this is not fine make it stop in maybe half an hour but then you have to wait before they can get you set up with an epidural so it's hard to avoid that not okay period entirely it hurts to pee afterwards but if you lean forward on the toilet then the pee goes away from the most painful areas also try and time your pain relief around trips to the toilet or other stress activities you can also spray water between your legs when you pee and it dilutes the past so that it doesn't hurt as much your glory hole is going to look like a nightmare after don't look at it or touch it put ice packs and medicine on it but don't investigate I repeat do not investigate you'll just keep yourself up it's night fretting over what happens if it never goes back to normal but if you do choose to look know that it won't look like your labia just lost the title fight forever I tore a tiny bit on my labia which they stitched but a poop strained to one of the stitches now I have a little notch like a torn cat's ear sie ETA holy crap this is now my top rated comment prolapse and hemorrhoids your pelvic floor is freaked sneeze pee is still a thing I hired a personal trainer to help me lose weight and get stronger working out has really really really helped strengthen my pelvic floor and lessened my prolapse I only have one baby she's four months and have some prolapse I thought maybe after multiples but nope I plan on seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist soon that you have the worst month long period of your life after giving birth I read books took childbirth classes and have no idea not a nice surprise natural birth one when you're pushing the nurse or doctor will push the skin around where the head is coming out to try and help the baby get out it was really distracting to you might shake uncontrollably after giving birth for a little while it's completely normal 3 the first time you'd go to the bathroom after giving birth the nurse will come with you and change your pad for you and show you how to use the squirt bottle while you pee so it stings less for it'll sting when you pee for a little while especially if you needed stitches 5 you are pushing your baby out there will be zillions of people in your room you won't care six you also won't care if when you poke scheduled c-section one you will be brought to the room by yourself at first so they can prep you two they may start opening you up before the person you brought with you is allowed in they will be able to see everything if they so choose tell them not to look three they still have to push the baby out and need to press on your chest to do so you won't be able to breathe very well while they do so for you can hear everything the doctors are saying they needed to make my incision bigger because of my son's gigantic head and they needed an extra doctor in the room because he was huge 11 lbs 2 ounces in two days early but we didn't know that until after all we knew is that they were frantically calling an extra doctor in the room and frantically asking for extra scissors there was a lot of commotion down there and it freaked my fiance and I out big time 5 the worst part about the section is the first time you stand up I was on oxys and the pain still took my breath away that's all I can think of so follow the shaking after giving birth surprised me I kept apologizing to everyone who was still working on me or the baby but they said it was totally normal I'd never heard of it before I had known about PPD in the baby blues but it was honestly sickening to me how sad I was after getting home from the hospital I had wanted a baby for so long finally had him and then just hated it I felt like what did I do why did I do this it was a shock I had thought about just leaving which was absurd eventually it went away and I enjoyed my little boy I mean at the time too though I did love being a mom because I constantly checked on him took pics and all that but the depression you get can be surprising considering how badly I wanted to be a mom and then I'm like I wish I was anywhere but with him he is almost four and I am so happy seeing him after a full day of work is probably the best feeling in the world to me I just wish I had prepared myself more mentally and for those challenging first weeks months sometimes there are no contractions if you have back labor it's just a m'god mind Sidis want a kiln extreme pain for several hours instead of getting a little break between the contractions that was sure swell to experience I had back labor with my son and for the first few hours I didn't even realize it was labor thought I just really needed to fart after you give birth there is this wonder I spat pad sanitary napkin you get to use it will be the most wonderful thing you have ever felt you may also be afraid to have a bowel movement after labor you won't want to push again you don't have to labor while laying down if you don't get an epidural you can walk squat and labor on hands and knees let gravity help don't think you are confined to the bed if you think getting a c-section is the easy way out it's not it's major abdominal surgery and your recovery time will be much longer you are also more at risk for complications and infection I spent two weeks in hospital after my first with a raging infection that could have prevented me from being able to have more children random strangers were going to be feeling me up from the inside to see how dilated I was every couple hours after a while you stop caring if you're pregnant watch a few episodes of one born every minute the UK version with your partner it can be graphic it will also show you different things you can expect blood fluid et Cie and more importantly construct conversations about what you want don't want to partner to do in certain situations as you are seeing it all play out for you warning if the music starts seeming sad or things don't seem to be going to plan in the particular birth you're watching change to a different episode some very few of the episodes feature some tragedies and for some reason they don't put a warning on those episodes my ex's cousin was in the first season of Oban and we ended up having the same Midwife as her with my youngest people tend to leave out the fact that you will bleed a lot after giving birth take your heaviest period times 20 my cousin told me to just get depends instead off pads for after and it's the best advice I'd ever gotten of the pads the hospital gave me immediately after held nothing but the depends kept it all in as a bonus I could also put some ice cubes in them and sit on them to deal with my giant tear I tell a burr and delivery nurse here there is no shame in using medications to make the process easier especially epidurals natural birth is a beautiful thing but not always the best thing be flexible things will come up that you didn't anticipate know your OB Jean use friends family mommy blogs to refer you to a good doctor Midwife they can be nice and charming in the office and a totally different person in the hospital don't tell your friends and family to come visit until after you've given birth and recovered I've seen couples invite their entire family and social circle come see them when they are exhausted in pain and trying to breastfeed their new baby they are trying to perform for their guests instead of resting and bonding with the baby bonus prepare for more crap blood bodily fluids than you've ever seen your life thanked baby Jesus I did not experience this I knew you could tear so I took steps to prevent it but I did not know you could tear literally all the way from the front to the back and need reconstructive surgery happened to my cousin yes oh dear heaven it's terrible I would just sit and cry from the pain after walking seven steps to the bathroom I didn't need surgery thank goodness but having that flesh tear is definitely horrible fireman the UK and had a c-section birth a couple of years ago in them six months pregnant with my second the bits I didn't know beforehand were all straight after the birth and not during the tea and hot buttered toast I got to eat afterwards was one of the most delicious meals I have ever eaten the postpartum bleeding goes on for weeks the first poop after a c-section feels like a total victory the first shower afterwards also felt brilliant never ever miss the timing of any painkillers you are advised to take doctors and nurses will come by frequently and check who and your baby over for all sorts of things I was in hospital two nights and your baby is totally your responsibility as soon as they arrive the midwives helped out with nappy changes when I still couldn't feel my legs but as soon as I could stand walk that was it as my baby wouldn't sleep much at the start I did manage to get them to have her for two one-hour periods which ended up meaning I only got three hours sleep in three days and I felt horrific things got much better when I got home my husband wasn't allowed to stay in hospital overnight so that feeling of crushing solo responsibilities was difficult to adjust to one more thing to note all the mums I know none of us have had a straightforward natural birth I did then CT classes and of the eight couples which participated four of the mums ended up with c-sections and at least two of the others needed assisted births forceps et Cie these were higher than the stats we were told about during the classes that shower that first glorious shower you'll filthy sweaty covered in body fluids you're marinating in hormones that make you feel rapturous that shower so amazing I gave birth three days ago and I wish I had known how heart-wrenching it would feel to not be able to hold my baby it was supposed to be a low-risk delivery but little fellow got his shoulders stuck about seven hours later he had a seizure and was whisked and niku where he remains until probably next week no more seizures as yet but not being able to hold him feed him or comfort him is almost as bad and not knowing why this happened I feel like we're missing precious moments with him even though I know he's in the best place or I really hope he recovers fast and you get to be with him soon hang in there as my mum said to me we have ten-pounders take the EP when offered and pain relief is why anyone in this family went back for round two four generations of women giving birth to 10-pound babies not diabetes Giants told people Gimmes my coworker recently said of me and my boyfriend five feet eleven and six feet five you two will have the tallest children that ever lived and afraid it hurts like your body is being split in two hurts a mate of mine got pregnant two weeks before me and gave birth four week before me she told me that labor was an absolute breeze until she crowned and then it kinda hurt a bit but then it was all over with where I love the girl but I think she was born without functioning pain receptors my labor was 27 hours long and I felt everything it was the worst experience of my entire life I had no painkillers even when I begged for them apparently I was too far gone I trusted my midwifery team they do it for a living I did it for a day but dang it hurt at the end of the day I got my son who is pretty frickin awesome but I'm not doing it ever again anyway my advisors prepare you can breath and meditate and center yourself all you want but they call it labor for a reason it is worth it but you will work for it I had a back labor with my first and like to describe it as being stabbed by a thousand knives made of white-hot fire every contraction it hurts so much I didn't even feel crowning the contractions drowned out the pain of the baby coming out and that labor was only eight hours long I can't imagine how you ladies cope with 24 plus our Labor's D birth can be traumatic and or completely flick your mental health up between the circumstances of the experience and your hormones after the fact you can literally go from being a human being that loves life and wants that baby and loves it fiercely to a human being that hates the child you gave birth to has PTSD wants to die or feels a call of the void that's way way way more strong than average has irrational thoughts struggles to function like can't get out of bed doesn't care what happens anymore doesn't want to wake up kind of can't function makes you terrified to ever trust a medical professional again a lot of people treat birth and everything after likes it's the ultimate test of womanhood with any action that prioritizes mom's health are selfish bulls PPD is no joke trauma is a thing hormone suck all bodies are different ffs please don't try to power through it get help get support don't wait and please don't be that butthole that tells someone it can't be that bad or all babies are hard if you really don't can't understand the situation actually just don't say that stuff it's not productive at all maybe led with how can I help Brooke Shields wrote an excellent book about her experience with PPD postpartum psychosis called down came the rain that the epidural is the most incredible invention of modern medicine I thought it would maybe dull the pain but it literally took all of the pain away like I went from 6 centimeters in pain of 9 or 10 to being able to peacefully read a book while labour continued also when they injected the liquid into my spine it felt like a waterfall of cool water running down my back it was cool overall I rate the epidural attends stroke 10 I'm currently pregnant with my second and plan to have another that after birth you can pass large clots when I say large I mean large my first shower after a nurse found me crying in the shower because I thought I was dying because a baseball-sized clot came out she told me that was normal it looked like I gave birth to a bloody jellyfish after I got home at least two or three nights later I would wake up or whenever the baby woke up dreams tanned sweat like I felt I was out in the rain soaking wet I had to look it up it would have been nice to know that our bodies dumped all the extra water that we no longer need I thought something was wrong with me Oh freaking heck I am about death of my third and I had completely forgotten about this it was really bad after my second and it was January so I was just waking up freezing cold and soaking wet I can't believe I forgot about this I'm a dad so I hope I can chime in first bad things can happen I wasn't prepared for what could happen in a dilemma during my daughter's birth first her head got stuck on my wife's pelvis it was difficult to get unstuck and when she came out her head looked like a damn Tetris piece I didn't say anything but the nurse obviously knew I was concerned and assured me it would pop right back to know I thanked her but all I could think was freaking how then and I give the doctor credit for not freaking out but apparently during the labor my wife's cervix tore that's a thing that can happen and just because the baby is out doesn't mean it's over the percenter and all the other lady goop has to come out so she had to push a little more well that little more push that she gave sent a little spray of blood out of her tea I'm talking like a pressurized tank of 500 liters of blood it looked like an anime villain had been massacred in that delivery room the doctor handled it without freaking out though and did it in a way that we weren't even aware what was happening she played it off like oh we're just about done sit back and enjoy the baby while I've got your hood open just gonna change the soil and get out of your way come to find out we were very close to needing a blood transfusion my wife was shivering because of the loss of blood and was exhausted she had burst blood vessels in her eyes the doctor was absolutely amazing but I was not prepared for something like this to happen and I'm glad I wasn't because I had prepared myself I would have been freaking out so my best advice is to trust your doctor there so so much better at this crap than you can even imagine not me but a friend her daughter started bleeding from her tea a couple days after birth turns out mom's all modes has caused the wee one to have a period but mum thought it was sexual abuse in the hospital nursery apparently this isn't uncommon one would think parents would be given some info to prevent them from becoming alarmed my daughter didn't bleed but my hormones gave her horrible acne when she was about two weeks old my poor pimply newborn rocked that pubescent look for a full week mostly it was stuff after the baby was out I didn't know PPD could express itself as extreme anger issues I would cry a lot too but mostly I just became a screaming monster for several months while hormones desperately tried to get their crap together I still feel bad for how much yelling my husband put up with for a while their hormones also made me insanely paranoid I couldn't sleep even when I got baby done because I was convinced he was going to die I'd say they're crying hanging off the side of his crib it wasn't great and nobody told me how long it takes to get back to normal I'm a year and a half out and I'm just now fully feeling normal again it's nuts what pushing a kid out does to your body on a more lighthearted note the extreme hair loss was unexpected law I was so sad watching my glorious pregnant hair literally go down the drain it's okay my kid had a hormone-related hair loss at the same time so we were in that one together both our hair came back long you have been visited by the happy baby pygmy murder cow back away slowly and subscribe quickly to ensure your safety thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 28,459
Rating: 4.9153175 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, women stories, birth stories, didnt know, pregnancy, little childre, newly born baby, baby stories, babies, mothers
Id: WYmv84KzTYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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