Match the Major to the Student | Lineup | Cut

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- What does a typical person look like in your major? - Usually like snobby, stuck-up, white guys. (laughter) - I think you're studying finance. (mischievous music) - [Announcer] Hello. - Oh, 'sup? - [Announcer] What's your name? - Jesse. - My name is Yana. - [Announcer] Did you go to college? - I got a business degree with a focus in information systems and operations and supply chain management. - [Announcer] That sounds. - Riveting. - [Announcer] Yeah. Today, you're gonna match major to person. You a little nervous? - Sure, yeah, a little nervous. - [Announcer] We're gonna give you a list of all their majors, and you'll have to match them up. - I don't know that I'm qualified to look at people and assess what their major is. But yeah, no, I've taught probably 600-plus students, so. I've just seen a lot of undergrads. - [Announcer] List of majors there, will you read those out loud? - Construction management. - Creative writing. Structural engineering. - Mortuary science. - That person's probably dead inside. - Finance. (blows raspberry) - Electrical engineering. Airport management. - IT for cyber security, cool. So, like, a hacker. - [Announcer] You ready? - I think so. Hello, scholars. (giggling) - All right, come here, hello. - I'm Nicole. - Are you half-Asian? - I am! - I am a half-Asian, too. You can always spot another half-Asian. - Half-Asian girl? - Yes, indeed. - Cool. There's a 50 percent chance she's mortuary sciences. Death just kind of emanates from you. - I'm going to cross off mortuary sciences for you, 'cause I think that she's too lively for that. (laughter) I'm going with creative writing. - If there is an earthquake here, what do you imagine would be, like, the largest threat to our society? - Building life safety. Like, making sure that everyone else is okay, 'cause not all structures are gonna be okay. - Okay, you study construction management. - Sounds good. - Okay. I hope I'm not wrong. I'm sorry if I am. - What do you like to do for fun? - Video games. - Video games? Okay, so nerdy. Nerdy, nerdy, airports. - Do you know what NASDAQ stands for? - No. - Okay, so I don't think you study finance. Are you more prone to writing or speaking? - Neither. - Neither, how do you like to express yourself? - I do a lot of typing. - You type, but not write. - Yes. - It's like a riddle. - Technology on the wrist. I'm gonna go with IT for cyber security. - I'm gonna say that you do IT for cyber security. - Okay, thank you. - Thank you. - Hands, one over each other in front of the private area, protecting himself. Nervous around humans. (laughter) But maybe not so nervous around computers. - I like the way you think. - What does that say? - Busy doing nothing. - Could be finance. (laughter) - Was your major hard to get into? - It was pretty hard to get into. - Is it your life's passion? - Maybe not. - So, it's something practical. - [Alex] Yeah. - I think Alex is studying construction management. Strong builder's hands, the shoes are the most practical for walking around a site. - I think you're a structural engineer. Nice to meet you. - Thank you. - All right, so what do you think I do? - You're wearing black. I feel like you have some mortuary sciences energy. - Okay. - I actually dated somebody that did, like, mortuary stuff. They're not, like, dead inside. They're, like, rowdy as fuck. - You gotta have enough energy for two people. - Exactly, exactly! Okay, I think you study mortuary sciences. - All right, thank you. - Hey, Jesse. - Miguel. - Miguel, good to meet you. I dig the clothes. You got a cool necklace there. - I like your style a lot. You seem like a creative person. - You think so? - Based on looks alone, that would be my first thought. Do you believe that the economy, like, there's something we can do in the economy to make it more sustainable? - Definitely, yes. - Like what? - A lot of things. - Can you name one? Okay, so I don't think you study finance. - Yeah. (laughter) - Can I ask you what your expected salary might be out of college? - Don't expect a lot. - Oh, my God. - [Announcer] What's the lowest-paying major on there? - I'm going with airport management. - Hello. - Hello. - My name is Michelle. - Michelle, nice to meet you. Do you go to a big school or small school? - I go to a smaller school. - Are your studies more vocational? - Yes. - Yeah, okay. - Right off the bat, I'm thinking creative writing. - Okay. - You look like you love reading Stephen King aloud. - What Stephen King book? - I don't read. (laughter) - What is the average income fresh out of college for your major? - Anywhere from, like, $66 to $70,000 a year. - Okay, I'm going with electrical engineering. - You go to a smaller school that is a vocational training program, and so I think you study airport management. - All righty, thank you, Chan. - Thank you. - What do you do for fun? - I read a lot, I work. Kind of a boring person. - Kind of a boring person, like somebody who might major in airport management! (laughter) Got her! - Does it involve words? And language? - Kind of, yeah, I guess. - Okay, I think you study finance. - What does a typical person look like in your major? - Male, white, stuck-up, snobby. - I think you're studying finance. - I'm so convinced that your major is airport management. - [Announcer] Now, then, awesome. - Thank you. - Come on over, colorful. What's your real name? - Jake. - Jake, come here, come closer. Structural engineering is what I have left for Jake, but let's just play this game to see if I have screwed myself anywhere else. So, Jake. - Yes. - Good at math? - Yes. - Yeah! (laughter) - Even though it's the last one, construction management makes sense for you. Your dad was a strong man. You didn't grow up as tall as he wanted you to grow, but you still had these shoes to fill. Your hands are too small to do construction itself, but you can (laughter) certainly manage those people. - Well, you have to be smart to do construction management. You'd be, like, the guy I'd manage. (laughter) - If you weren't a nice kid, dude, I don't know if I'd like you. - [Announcer] How do you think you did, Chan? - Not very well. I think I'm more likely to be correct on this side. Okay, that's like, their faces are saying no. I don't know, I think I got at least two people. - [Announcer] Who did he guess correctly? - Oh, Jesus! (laughter) - (laughing) Shoot! - Shit. Shits. (laughter) Okay. - You did good, though. - I don't care about this guy, why this guy? (laughter) I only got him by process of elimination. - [Announcer] Let's bring them forward and find out more about them. - Okay, let us, let us. What do you study? - I actually study structural engineering. You were really close! - Ah! Okay. - Is it always what you wanted to do? - Not exactly. I was really afraid of earthquakes growing up, and so out of that sort of fear, I wanted to learn more about it and I actually really liked it. And so I'm actually in my master's degree. A lot of people think I'm a lot younger than that, and so. - It's the half-Asian. - It is, we, no one can tell our age ever. - Finance is what you said. - I said finance? - You did. - I'm in IT. - You're in IT? - I am. Do I not look like someone who would do that? - No, I think, I think that you look like somebody who could do that. - Why the cyber security side of it? - There's some fun in saving people's things, and also, like, hacking into people's things. Safely, of course. (laughter) - Are you happy with your program? - I am. - Yeah. - I'm actually, like, one of the minorities in my program, too, so it's really cool to, like, be involved in this. - Alex, I told you that you did construction management, and I was wrong. - Yeah. Electrical engineering. - Oh. I got schooled. - What's the difference between that and computer science? - Computer science is a lot of coding, and electrical engineering mostly deals with circuits and robotics and things like that. - Hey. - I am your boring airport management major. (laughing) - Okay, why? Why? - It's mainly because every day isn't exactly the same. When you're dealing with so many airplanes, so many different airliners and, like, companies, everything's changing. - That's awesome. Well, I'm sorry for saying airport management is boring. You changed my mind. I actually, think it's, now, it's, like, very exciting. - All right, thanks. - I originally guessed you to be an airport management person, but you actually are a creative writer. - I am. - Do you think you fit the stereotype for a creative writer? - Not much, really. English is not my first language. - First language? - So, it's just not a thing that people expect me to do. - Hello. - Hello. So, you guessed me incorrectly. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be the mortician. - Okay. - Yeah. - I was, you know what, I was gonna say, though, like, morticians are great at doing their makeup. - I'll take it as a compliment. - What drew you to it? - It's a really cool blend of, like, humanitarian work, science, small business management. And if I can grant people some sort of tranquility when dealing with bereavement, then I totally want to do that. - Do you have any thoughts about your own funeral? - Oh, totally. I want it to be a wake, I want it to be a total party. And I want to be composted. That's what I want to do with my body. - Oh, cool. - Yeah. - Yeah, I want to be in, like, a pod that grows into a tree. - Sick! - Yeah, yeah. - I'll try and make that happen. - Thank you! - All right, let me know when you're done. - Thank you. - Come on over. My finance girl. It wasn't anything to do with her appearance that made me guess finance, it was the way you painted the stereotype. - Yeah. - Do you like it, though? - No, I don't. - Oh, why don't you change? - I need money, and I'm too deep into it. - Too far deep? - Yeah. But I really want to make money, so. - Okay. - Yeah, that's my motivator. - Yeah. - 'Sup, bro? - What's up, you piece of shit? (laughter) - Yeah, you got me right, though. - Yeah, yeah. - True on my dad's story, too. My dad was a framer. I was always around construction sites, and, like, I'd help around the site and everything and, like, pick up stuff. - Cool, cool. Just following in the family footsteps. - [Announcer] What did we learn today, Jesse? - That I think too highly of myself in terms of just, kind of like, guessing ability. - Anybody can major in anything, and at the same time, like, your major doesn't really say anything about you. We often major in things that have nothing to do with us. It might be out of convenience or, like, circumstance, but also might be because we feel pressured to study things that we're not super-interested in, so. - [Announcer] Yeah. - Yeah. (applause) Thank you, everybody! Thank you.
Channel: Cut
Views: 5,822,510
Rating: 4.9530983 out of 5
Keywords: lineup, line up, People Guess, guessing games, Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, Fear Pong, Major, Student, College students, Students' major, What they study
Id: nc7QiL3GTIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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