the TRUTH about picking a college major

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[Music] what's up you guys it's hangout welcome back to my channel in today's video I am going to be talking all about college majors and a bunch of other stuff because I kept going off topic and kind of giving you guys my experience on how I picked my major and I guess some tips for if you guys are lost when it comes to picking a major for anybody who's watching this from outside of the United States college and like University and anything past high school that's all the same things I'm talking about also I know that some countries call majors subjects so major subjects same thing just wanted to kind of put that out there to make sure that we're all like on the same page and we can all get something useful out of this video so I am NOT in my car for this video which is kind of weird because in doing a talking video and I'm typically in my car but I tried that I went to my typical target parking lot and I couldn't find a place to have like good lighting the lighting was just not good and also I kind of get annoyed with myself when I have the AC running in the car and I can hear it on the camera but it's really hot out today and I needed the AC so I just decided to do this in the comfort of my own room but I have my candle over here can't see it but it's there so just know that the the peaceful ambience of having a candle it's we have that it's happening also I have an orange actually I have two words has already started eating the one but I wanted to snack because I'm hungry I also want to say thank you to everyone who watched my transfering video you haven't seen it I'll put it up here and I'll link it down below because this video that I'm making right now I'm kind of making because of that video I had such positive feedback on that video and I feel like a lot of people you know came to that video and realize that they were in a similar situation and they didn't feel as alone so a lot of the comments on that video people were kind of like bouncing off each other and being like oh my gosh like this is the same situation as me and I love that I feel like that just made my heart so warm so I just want to say thank you to everybody who watched that video who left a positive comment and I did ask on that video if you wanted me to make a major like a video all about majors a lot of people commented and said that they did want that so that is why we're here we've probably should get started [Music] I guess I could just start off with my personal like story in my experience which will probably be the majority of this video because a lot of the things that I'm gonna branch off of and give tips about are from my own experience so I am currently for reference a junior in college well it's summer so like I'm going into my junior year so I've completed two years of college so far and I have changed my major technically twice I went into college undecided business and then changed to accounting and now I changed to a different major and I will be explaining what that major is when we get to that part of the story okay so going into college I knew that I wanted to study business and like be in the business field which is good I feel like going into it knowing at least what area you want to be in my school that I attended first which was temple you had the opportunity to go into that school the business school as an undecided major but still like in the business you know area so at least you had some sort of direction I just wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do in that field and honestly if you don't know what field you want to be in that's okay too I'm not saying that you have to know because honestly I said this in my transferring video but they expected to choose a major at like 17 18 coming out of high school I just feel like no one knows I mean not no one I'm sure there are some people but they're few and far between people who know exactly what they want to do and they actually stick with that I feel like we're so young and we haven't really experienced all the things that are out there so we're not really sure what all there even is to do throughout high school I had wanted to be a bunch of different things so I wanted to be a forensic pathologist like I was dead set on becoming a forensic pathologist but I realized that that's just not the environment that I want to be around every day and you know I didn't learn do anything in science because it's not that I wasn't good at science but it wasn't something that I enjoyed the point of this is that I bounced around a few different potential career ideas in high school and then I kind of like narrowed it down by finding out what I didn't like so going into college my freshman year I was an undecided business major at Temple I feel like most schools are like this you have to take a bunch of business classes that are kind of like the core business we called them business gen Ed's because there are classes that every business student how to take regardless of what major you were and it was basically classes from all different majors so that I think really did me as well I went my entire freshman year undecided because I knew that I had at least two years of business gen Ed's that I had to take anyways so I had to make the decision for my major by the end of my sophomore year which was the year that just passed I my whole freshman year just exploring and kind of seeing if I really loved any of the classes that I was taking and then I went into my sophomore year and my first semester of sophomore year I had financial accounting which is basically like the first accounting class you take and I thought about majoring in accounting because a lot of people told me that that was a good major I liked financial accounting a lot I felt that I was good at it so I ended up declaring my major as accounting somewhere in my first semester of sophomore year and honestly I don't think I ever wanted to be an accountant I had a professor as well that said that accounting is a major that could get you into whatever field of business that you wanted to go into so that is kind of what stuck with me and that's that really influenced my decision to major in accounting but I felt like everybody that was an accounting major all the professors and everything we're just constantly pushing the CPA and like oh like after you have to go to more school so you can take the CPA and be like a public accountant and I wasn't hearing any alternative paths I guess like I wasn't learning about any ways that I could use my accounting degree - maybe branched out into a different area business so that kind of discouraged me and then at the beginning of a second semester of sophomore year everybody started looking for internships for the summer and that is kind of where I was like when you're an accounting major it's so important to have internships it like depends on how many years like if you go for your masters you usually get an internship this summer after your junior year and the summer after your senior year and then if you're not doing your masters you should get an internship this summer after your sophomore year and summer after your junior year and I didn't even know if I wanted to take the CPA I was trying to figure out like do I need to get an internship this summer so I started thinking about it and then I was like okay but I don't want to be an accounting intern and then I was kind of freaking out because I knew that if I didn't even want to do it for the summer like how was I gonna do it for a career there was no way my parents were like are you looking for internships like everybody around me was talking about internships and applying it was like oh my god I don't want to do that I didn't know what to do because I felt like I had to my major and then I felt safe because I had my whole rest of my college planned out for me I knew that I was gonna get a good degree but then I was like what like if I don't want to work in this field what am I supposed to do so then as I continue to do YouTube so we all know my youtube story well if you're new I started my YouTube my freshman year of college so I've been doing my youtube for about a year and I knew that like what I'm doing here is something that I really unpatched 'not about like creating content and marketing myself creating my own brand all of that and being creative is what I was passionate about and it's what I got excited about so that is kind of when I started throwing around the idea of maybe having to find a major that better fits me like what a concept I had always thought about marketing just the general field of marketing because I felt like that's something that I could be really good at and then I literally had people telling me don't do that because it's useless but at the end of the day this is my life nobody else is gonna have to you know work my career for me so why am i letting other people's opinions influence my decision for my career I have to do it so why am I gonna pick something that other people think is good when I sit there and say that out loud it does not make sense like I should be picking something that I want to do because I'm the one that has to do it you know at this point as well is when I was doing the transferring process I applied to the schools I'm going to as an accounting major but I was also looking at the other majors that they offered within the business school still because I knew that that's what I wanted to do and I found a major it's called integrated marketing communication basically what this major is is a mix of PR digital marketing traditional marketing advertising communication all of that and honestly sounded like something that'll be perfect for me and it's a major that temple didn't offer temple had marketing and there were like different minors that you could pair with it but I felt like this major was everything that I wanted that made me excited I talked to some admissions people from the school about it I talked to like some you know academic advisors just reached out to them and also my parents and I'm like this major it sound perfect for me and it aligns really well with my passions which includes YouTube and content creation and that really made me excited because I felt like now I could have a major and therefore a career that aligns with like what I'm passionate about what I'm interested in which is honestly what you want came to the conclusion that I needed to change my major again so I ended up changing my major so I emailed like the admissions advising people at the school and they changed my major and then they set up basically my whole college path and like the classes that I needed to take each semester and I found out that I am going to have to stay in school for an extra semester which honestly blows and I don't think I've even talked about this on youtube yet because my major involves so many different things I have to stay for an extra semester because there's so many classes that I need to take in order to graduate all my classes from Temple did transfer but the classes aren't the same like they didn't have the same classes a temple as I do at my new school that I need to take you know if that makes sense honestly at first I was so bummed out and I was like everybody else Holly all of my friends are gonna graduate you know in May of 2021 and I'm gonna have to wait till the winter to graduate and I wanted so badly to have the traditional college you know go for four years get it done in four years graduate with everyone like on time and then go out and you know do whatever I think that's something that I've slowly been starting to realize is that comparing yourself to what everybody else is doing like the path that they're on isn't fair because everyone's path is individual and you have to really think about like and consider your own individuality and just you have to recognize that maybe you can't do what everyone else is doing because your path is everyone else's path is going this way and your path is you know going that way and that's life that's kind of my experience that's where I'm at right now with majors so I want to give you guys some tips that I feel like have kind of guided me to find out what I really want to do so I think the main tip the number one tip is to find a major that coincides with your interests and your passions so in order to do that you have to know what your interests are and what you're passionate about so in order to do that it's really important to try things if you think you might be interested in something try it like you never know where it's gonna take you in order to find things that you are interested in you really feel like look at yourself deeper just think like what are things that I've done that have genuine made me happy and then find things you can do with those interests explore your interests that is the only way you're going to be able to find out what your interests are because if you don't explore like you're not gonna even know what you really like and everyone has different interests obviously like everyone is unique everyone has different passions you really have to find your own and you can't look at someone else and be like oh well they like this everyone's path is different hicking what you want to do making your major is about knowing what you like I don't really know how to explain it besides that because that's really what I know just the basis of it I also feel like talking out loud and bouncing your ideas off of somebody else is helpful because saying things out loud and like having someone else's feedback who's like an unbiased third party I personally did that and now it's kind of how I started to realize what the am i doing cuz I was an accounting major at the time and the person I was speaking to was like well if you don't want to be an accounting major don't do it and I'm like I feel like I really said all I have to say because that's pretty much the basis of it I hope this video was helpful I really do like I really hope that at least someone got something valuable out of this you guys liked this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you want to see it more videos from me and make sure you the subscribe button and I hope you guys all have a wonder for us every day and I'll see you guys in my next video bye you
Channel: Hannah Elise
Views: 135,934
Rating: 4.9461474 out of 5
Keywords: college, advice, college advice, major, majors, how to pick a major, how to pick a college major, how to, how to pick, how, to, how to know what to major in, hannah elise, hannah, hannah elise college, hannah elise majors, hannah maute, college student, college junior, advice for college, advice for college freshmen, college students, college freshmen
Id: lhoBuavczXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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