What's The Most Blatant Case Of Favoritism You've Ever Witnessed? (AskReddit)

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what's the most blatant case of favoritism you never witnessed one of my classmates always got better scores on comparable essays in a high school literature class I suggested it was favoritism so we decided to write each other's papers to see what happened a study found that no matter who wrote the paper if I turned it in I got a worse grade than if she turned it in growing up my step-brother was obviously my stepmothers favorite child he could get away with anything I'm fairly certain she's never actually punished him for anything and he was well aware of this the most blatant case of this was when the nanny software on his computer caught him searching for porn so immediately my stepmother goes after me accusing me of going onto his computer to search for porn my grandma always yelled to my cousin's that she always pampered me and bragged about me to others she didn't even try to hide that difference in treatment and I hate it when that happened even the little child me recognized and despised it very much obviously my relationship with my cousins isn't good till now when I was 16 my 13 year old sister got a brand-new cell phone I never had a phone and I still didn't at the time I worked three jobs in college just to survive my parents paid my sister's tuition rent and bills they also got her a brand-new car I spent my college years working and using public transportation my sister spent Hurst partying and going on road trips with her brand-new car when I graduated college I got nothing my sister got a brand-new MacBook which was stolen a few months later because she left it in her unlocked car my mother constantly told my sister that she loved her growing up my mother only said it to me once in the context of I love you but I don't like you I have plenty more of these stories and no I don't speak with my parents or sister anymore my mom told my brother a very boring family secret and he told me I mentioned it to her and she got pissed off and said he shouldn't be telling other people about that it's just for family I had to remind her that I'm also a member of the family had a stepbrother who was my same age he asked my stepmom if he could spend the night at a friend's house and she said yes I then asked her the same question and she said no I complained that other kid got to go and said it wasn't fair so she grounded me that was 23 years ago and I'm still better at the end of our senior party that was organized for my school they had a raffle with a bunch of expensive prizes every single parent who helped organized the raffle had a child who won big and the main organizer had her son win the 25-hundred dollar grand prize with the not suspicious speech of and of course the winner of the grand prize is Charlie yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] I walked out with a five dollar gift card to an ice cream shop that had already gone out of business so for a while my dad decided that he could get more work out of us if he got us to compete to be named his favorite basically the rules he laid out were that if you did something good enough you were their favorite until someone else did something and there was some kind of ill defined benefit to being the favorite that he hadn't decided on yet fast forward a bit and he had [ __ ] up his company website because he was experimenting in the production environment like an idiot he asked me for help so I did he didn't let me touch anything and insisted I stand there while he fiddled with random controls in Drupal hoping to stumble across the right one because he's afraid of reading logs that took a few hours then he went to the bathroom and I checked the logs which led me right to the problem so I fixed it it definitely saved him time probably saved him money and possibly saved his job I was named favorite ten minutes later my sister comes in from mowing the lawn and now she's the favorite it wasn't really a big deal the only benefit of being the favorite for my brother and I was that he wouldn't insult you for not being the favorite when I was favorite though he still made fun of me for being at his beck and call my sister got things like hugs and Pat's on the back when she was the favorite but fewer when she was shortly after the website incident we all decided that the whole thing was stupid and agreed not to do anything special for him in the hopes that he'd forget about the whole thing instead he got angry that we weren't climbing over each other to do him favors at first he just lowered the bar for good deeds so we just stopped doing anything for him at all he got pissed that we weren't competing so he announced that my sister was favorite again because I didn't buy him a soda and he wanted me to defend my title then he got angry that nobody cared then he sat in his chair and grumbled about that for a while and he's mostly dropped it sometimes he tries to bring it back but it hasn't worked so lessons learned my sister is and has always been the real favorite if you want people to compete there needs to be something they all want to compete for something about either collusion or collective bargaining depending on how you want to spin it in any case Apes together strong in the first grade I had a problem with a certain kid and his friends constantly trying to bully me one day he Kyle and his two best friends surrounded me pinned me by the arms and drew their fists back to punch me when suddenly the teacher on duty blew her whistle she then proceeded to scold three boys for causing a scene with their violent behavior and by three boys she meant the two friends of the boy and me who was on the ground by the other two she sent us to the office we all three were forced to sit every break without being able to play for three weeks even in the office the other two boys were saying I was innocent and that Kyle was guilty that they all three were attacking me the boys even told the teacher that it was the three of them that were about to attack me her response was no he was the only one not doing anything I heard you slash my jello jiggles yelling egging your lawn even the boys admitted the only thing I was yelling was please know I was totally innocent even the principal wasn't hearing it she actually made me feel worse about it because in her words you are the first problem students this has had since we started that student of the month program first day sitting out from recess I stared at the ground on the verge of tears and the teacher forced me to watch the other kids play as a punishment I deserve to watch other kids have fun every day Kyle would run by and throw sand in my face with the teacher less than five feet from me who literally turned her face away as she smirked Carl the boy who never got in trouble was the son of that teacher's best friend who by the way was the local school bus driver who backed into our horse trailer earlier that year and tore it all to hell and tried to take no responsibility for it she blamed us for her hitting the horse trailer because we put it in her way truth of the matter was that she was being lazy the bus driver before her just went up the road maybe 400 feet ahead and circled back around she would pick me and my sister up and then put the bus in Reverse backing into a small ditch into our front yard where we parked all the cars in trailer to make things worse she never actually looked all that much when she was backing up she designated a couple kids to be her watcher I guess they thought it would be funny and not let I know she was about to majorly f up my friend is the middle child he had to find a job when he was 16 to pay for his car by himself work full-time through college to pay for it by himself and had to pay for his new house and his parents didn't offer any help in fact they packed up all his stuff while he was at work and dropped it off in his garage and said good luck while his siblings did not have to work in high school or college parents paid for their cars and paid for most of their college when his older brother got a house they offered to help pay parents gave my sister a car and paid for her college and I received a check for $100 she's a loser and they wasted so much money on her she totaled multiple cars and has a master's in bachelor's degree she works at a gas station update slash info both girls she's a couple years older since her first job she's never liked being told what to do and had a bad attitude but a good student I think the real world scared her so she stayed in school she's been at the gas station for a few years I don't have a degree but I'm an Account Manager for a luxury dealership my brother got everything he ever asked for brand-new pcs orphans his driver's license a new car you name it and he got it all meanwhile I was wearing hand-me-downs had an old Nokia 3310 this was about when Apple launched the first iPhone and had to work after school to afford getting my license paying for school trips and buying a PC for school she still to this day denies favoring him there was a woman at my old job she was an absolute talentless [ __ ] with no social skills she would constantly have a falling out with her cow hawkers because she was an annoying laureate who couldn't keep her mouth shut however her husband was really higher up he was a senior manager and extremely good at his job too so whenever his wife screwed the pooch and people started complaining to their union representatives she got hot from her made-up position to a brand-new made-up position [ __ ] job posts like head quality assurance or tink a documents into folders had delivery expediter spend all day sorting invoices into folders head of product definition spend all day sorting project briefs into folders and the like all jobs which pain management rates but which also could be done by a fresh Business Administration graduate for $10 an hour the only saving grace was that her husband knew his wife was useless so he never leveraged his position to punish for people who complained I don't know if he ever run out of departments to put her in pretty much everyone hated her guts glory holes are very illegal in my town but for some reason that law doesn't apply for my local Ben Ahana I thought it was weird but then I found out that my local Venna Hanna's manager made a large donation to our Police Department maybe I'm just being cynical but that doesn't seem like a coincidence to me years ago my mom and dad redid their will they called me said I just want you to know that we redid our will and you'll be getting less of our estate okay I didn't need to know that and I honestly wouldn't have cared but without even asking why she continued you seem to be doing well and your brother works so hard he's going to need it more I was a stay-at-home mom my brother was and continues to be a top exec and a major corporation in a major city with two million dollar homes I'm now twice divorced living in an apartment relocating for a full-time job three states away funny she hasn't called me telling me that maybe she redid her will again and this is why I forget Mother's Day way back in elementary school I had three classmates Kim Kelly and Christi whose mothers handled all of our classroom parties we always had an egg hunt around Easter the three students who found the most eggs want chocolate bunnies we had about 30 kids in our class and all of us were to bring in three eggs to be hidden the teacher would pull down the window shades so we couldn't look outside to see where the moms hid the eggs on the playground every year from kindergarten through sixth grade those three classmates always found the most eggs up to a dozen each usually while the rest of us rarely found more than one or two some never found any the girls eventually confessed that their moms told them they would hide piles of eggs behind specific trees near the doors while telling the whole class the eggs can be anywhere on the playground one year a boy found an egg that would have put his total in the running to get a chocolate bunny he was told it didn't count because the moms didn't remember hiding that one so the bunny went to Christie when I was in high school my dad had a very public affair and my mom kicked him out of the house a few days later he sent an email to the whole family begging us to let him back in the house he had a line for each kid in the nal my brother and I got a few sentences saying that he missed us etc however he wrote an entire paragraph to my sister starting with I have all had the best connection with you out of all my children I've since cut him off completely but that still stings a little seven years later when I was young me and my sisters had a nanny because my dad worked all the time and didn't trust us alone but this potata da and didn't try to hide it one bit she would totally ignore me take my sisters out and leave me at home she also more than once said that I wasn't allowed to talk to or be around my sisters and the best part of this is that I just learned she used to take my sisters aside and tried to make my sisters talk [ __ ] about me and how awful I am the great thing is that my sisters had zero issue with me it was only her trying to make them hate me she ended up totally separating me from my family and constantly talking [ __ ] to me and getting mad at my sisters if they stood up for me but ya know they were loved and taken care of and [ __ ] I don't like her this one teacher had this one kid let's call him Henrique that she started to treat him like Lee was God letting him stay after school while they fed him driving him home letting him sit beside her every time this dude barely sat at his desk anymore hell she even visited this dude's house one time thankfully in reak wasn't as much of a dick as I thought he when I went to high school with him and I calmed down a bit about what happened two years later dispute reveals that this teacher and his mom are actually friends and that's when I realize ah now it makes sense middle school got me [ __ ] up every promotion at my work goes to the people who joined the company and then become outside friends of a key group of the management team I've seen so many better people passed up getting a blonde Bob drinking Rose spritz and bitching about your colleagues on the way to a shore men's concert should not be a prerequisite for a promotion my work glosses at my one job in college basically allowed their favorites to steal my ideas and take credit for it or often yelled at me for others actions I tried to fix when I tried to explain myself they never listened kept saying it was excuses or just ignored me or I'll never forget the time to Calchas took all our equipment for the weekend when they were in another state for a convention leaving me to use the bad camera to film the event I had to work what did they get a slap on the wrist what did I ever get if I [ __ ] up in the tiniest detail lots of [ __ ] slash bias towards against my ideas but always using them / or making me feel like I never mattered when we work together edit just wanted to clean up what I wrote in middle school the teachers son was in her class and he was relentlessly bullying one of my friends being in his space all the time throwing mud and packed ice at him outside whenever my friend would try to get him off or yell for him to go away she would say inside voices please and that's just how boys are eventually my friend had enough picked up the other kid and gave him a concussion from throwing him on the pavement he was suspended and then the teacher brought in a speaker to talk about bullying in school so being the smartest that I was I raised my hand and asks what are we supposed to do when the bully is the teachers kid and she doesn't see the problem and look right back at her my friend was back in school the next week came home from a night out while living with my parents when I was younger me and my brown 4 years younger didn't have a good relationship at that time because of the favoritism I rarely go out and I was having a beer with some friends came home about 1:00 a.m. at the same time as my brother and I got an earful from dad why I was home so late and he turned to my bro with a smile on his face and said hey you're home early didn't have a good time and I was like WTF things improved after I moved out and now my lil bro is nearly my best friend [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 335,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 8QsOIfkCp64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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