What's The Creepiest True Story That Happened To You Or Someone You Know? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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serious what's the creepiest true story that happened to you or someone you know when I was younger my dad was out was out of town and my mom let me have a few friends over we live right by a pretty busy highway and over the years had quite a few people knock on our door for help car broke down lost accident etc while my mom was home with us a man knocked saying he wanted to borrow the phone my mother told him he could sit on the porch and use her cell phone the man kept asking to come inside and asking if my dad was home he eventually started trying to force his way inside my mom slammed and locked the door called 911 and put my friends and I into a closet it took the police department 20 plus minutes to reach us by that time my mom had called on a bar and he came over his shotgun and made the guy lay on the ground until the police arrived tl dragoo I tries to break in mom saves me and my friends and bad as redneck neighbor points shotgun at him until police arrive this happened to a friend of mine it's his Sunday she comes home to her apartment from running errands around 1 p.m. she was in med school at this time so she pretty much parked herself at the kitchen table and studied for the next five to six hours sitting there and looks up to see a dude casually stroll out of her bedroom no other entrances sitting by the front door so has been there the entire time she has been home he pauses at the doorway to her kitchen between her and the door she basically froze then her phone rang and kind of startled both of them she ran to get the phone he ran out the door she moved and got an enormous dog he was in her apartment the whole time this is one of my biggest fears there used to be billboards Ferranti drunk driving campaigns that would show a picture of a happy family or whatever and then let you know they were all killed by drunk drivers when I was about 16 I saw my own face on one of those signs it was a picture of myself my little brother and my two childhood friends that live next door to me when I was in first grade so maybe I'm dead one of these billboards was right by my work so I had to look at it every day after telling my mom about it she said the father of the kids next door was a photographer I'd just moved into a basement suite every time I went out I would lock the deadbolt but not the door handle but when I came home a lot of the time the deadbolt would be unlocked and the door handle would be locked at first I thought I was just confused about which one I had locked so I started paying more attention it kept happening and I realized someone must be going in when I went out I assumed it was the landlady and was annoyed but didn't say anything at first then one day I came home and found the wrong lock locked again I went and pissed off and opened the fridge to get something to eat there was a book in the fridge that I had never seen before I collected old books and this one was published in the early 1900s which creeped me out completely because it was like it had been left for me I finally called my landlady and asked if she was going into my apartment and told her what had happened she freaked right out said the last person who lived there was a really creepy guy with mental health and drug problems she got all the locks changed that day and it never happened again when I was about 14 my parents left me alone overnight for the first time I grew up in a small farming community so my parents really had nothing to worry about they left and I decided to take an awesome bubble bath and paint my nails like all girls everywhere obviously while I was in the bath I heard our back door off I thought I was hearing things and besides I had locked all the doors from my mom's orders but then I heard the kitchen floor squeaky spot I didn't know what to do so I just went under the bubbles and left my head out I saw two shoes through the crack between the door and the floor I could hear a person breathing they stood there for about 30 seconds and then walked away I heard the door slam but I didn't move I just stayed there until the water was freezing and cried then I got out called my grandma and checked the doors the back door was unlocked and the lock hadn't been messed with or Brock later that week we learned that a man was breaking into farmhouses don't know anything super creepy but my friend just told me about what happened to his cousin the other day apparently his cousin lives in a really small town near / in some woods his house being surrounded by trees this happened at night he gets up to go to the bathroom before he got there he noticed someone standing outside his front door just standing there motionless staring he decides to open the door to confront the man and get slashed from the top of his forehead across his eye ending as his jaw the mysterious man then ran off and disappeared the police still haven't caught him after they had filed the report luckily it didn't cut deep enough through the eyelid to get to his eye has also even more lucky that he happened to need to use the bathroom at the perfect time otherwise who knew what this person would have done had he been left alone back in the 70s my grandfather dropped my grandmother mom and her two sisters off to do some shopping on his way to work since he wasn't able to pick them up they hitchhiked home my mom at the time was only around ten or eleven middle sister world been about seven or eight and the youngest was about a year old they get picked up by a guy in pickup truck who has them all sit in the back row of one of them holding the baby my grandmother was giving directions to their home from the highway but the guy ignored her and went by their exit claiming he had to make a stop first didn't really say much else to them during the drive my mom remembers my grandmother being very quiet and very nervous eventually they come up to a farm driver tells them to wait in the car and goes inside the house while has gone they just sit there terrified fear in the middle of nowhere and know they cold and make it out on foot a few minutes later the driver comes out with a second guy who looks into truck and sees my mom's youngest sister he starts flipping out screaming at the driver that he shouldn't have brought the baby back they aren't going to do anything with her and some other things I can't remember ends up telling him to get them away from the farm driver gets back into the truck apologizes and they get back on the highway and drive again in silence my grandmother normally a very smart woman had him drive directly to their house although I suspect her reasoning will shed already given him the address before anything seemed off they lived at that house for several years and luckily never saw either of them a second time TL DR a baby saved my grandma and her kids from being raped my family was driving on the rural main road of Poland were polish and next to our car was this truck delivering large concrete pipes we drove next to this truck for maybe an hour maybe two I was a teenager so I didn't really care my dad figures we stopped at the next gas station for a quick toilet break as I exit the car a pair of bikes drive past the gas station I noticed because it was loud as Frick peepee over and we go back on the road about a mile or so down the road there's an accident the bikes had caught up with the truck and as they were about to drive past it the large concrete pipes fell off the truck and smushed the bikers maybe they were and fastened properly or the truck swerved I'm not sure but they were dead blood everywhere I still have a hard time thinking of what cold happened TL DR survived some real final destination shoot when I was about nine or ten my older brother and I had a few friends over to stay the night my dad had to work the next day so we were all left at the house by ourselves for the day we were excited to play PlayStation all day on our Saturday off well my dad worked late that night until probably eight or nine as soon as the Sun went down we went into one of the rooms upstairs to play you know fast-forward 30 minutes and we start hearing footsteps slowing walking up the wooden stairs my dad wasn't going to be home for another two hours so we didn't know who it was there were four of us me my brother my friend and his friend we would take turns walking out of the room to see what it was but before we could look down the dark stairs we would hear what sounded like someone running down the stairs as fast as they could so they called VSE this continued for probably two ending with all of us huddled in the room upstairs with the door wedged shut with a chair until my dad got home none of us were really believers in anything paranormal but a child's imagination is a crazy thing now 15 years later I still don't know what to make of it but every one of the said those footsteps walking up those dark stairs I bring it up to my friend who am still friends with and he remembers it just as vividly as I do it kind of creeps me out just thinking about it once is a teenager I was leaving a fast-food drive-through and someone in an old Bronco started to follow me at first I thought it was a road rage situation and did the sorry wave and tried to let him pass but he swerved at me like he was trying to hit my car he pulled up alongside of me and was screaming out the window just incoherently furious continuing to swerve at me this was before the days of cellphones and I was in an unfamiliar area of town I was driving a Firebird and tried to outrun him but he would run red lights and make crazy turns to keep up with me I eventually ran into a dead end and he pulled his truck across the road to block it there were big ditches on either side so I was stuck he got out and started scrambling at my door handle doors locked and pounding on the windows his face inches from mine just screaming and screaming in a way that seemed like he cold and even quite see me shaking and crying I turned on my overhead lights so he could see I was just a teenage girl and not who he was looking for and he jumped on my hood and started pounding and drooling and thick white smears on my windshield I was screaming and crying and he stopped held up one finger like wait a minute and scurried off to his truck I floored the gas and ran into the ditch and drove like a crazy person for 45 minutes until I knew I had lost him no idea what his deal was my mom thought I made up this entire story to lie about the damage to my car and still seems hesitant to believe me when I was a child I was always stricken by this irrational fear that when I went outside at night I had to walk straight into the house without looking back because if I looked back someone would be following me one day after dinner I went out to the car to get my book bag and I was continuing my ritual of walking straight inside without looking back adrenaline pumping anxiety going full force and I just stopped and said to myself this is stupid I made myself look back when I looked back I saw what appeared to be someone crouched down behind my mom's car and was peeking their head around they were just staring at me and smiling it appeared to be a woman in her mid-thirties maybe 40 with curly short blonde hair we made eye contact for a second and then she ducked back behind the car where i couldent see her i stood frozen for a second and then ran inside i told my mom we went outside to check no one was there my mom didn't exactly not believe me that she wasn't very concerned either this story certainly felt creepy when it was happening I was in the orthopedic surgery wing of the hospital after getting my torn Achilles tendon repaired it was a fairly long procedure and I was pretty groggy from the anesthesia after-effects combined with the morphine for the pain but I did notice that I had a roommate that had both of his hands and feet wrapped in bandages I could hear him talking to his father but didn't pay much attention because of how out of it I was at the time I did remember hearing something about why did you stop taking your medication I don't know how morphine effects anyone else but it gives me a very restless sleep combined with vivid dreams almost nightmares something I never have so in the middle of the night while turning over for the 100th time I spied someone standing beside my bed in the dark do you have any smokes my room that apparently was standing there watching me sleep waiting for me to wake up to ask for a cigarette it could be considered being very polite or very creepy but when you are in a morphine induced haze it was definitely creepy later that day I heard the details of why he was there he had gone off his meds and decided to quit smoking hardcore I mean liquid nitrogen cold turkey first emailed his feet to the floor so he cold bail-out Forsman then he took a butcher knife from the kitchen and cut off the fingers of his left hand so he cold and hold a cigarette that's where his plan kind of fell apart because he had a lot of trouble cutting off the right fingers with no left fingers to hold the knife he only got though three of them I put this together between the conversations I overheard between family nurses and doctors I was supposed to be in there for another day but they told me I could go home early if I was okay with taking tylenol 3 for the pain I would have to stay if I needed the stronger morphine painkiller so the staff could administer it I said I will go home with aspirin if it meant getting out of that room the head nurse at the nursing station was sympathetic she said the guy really needed to be in a different kind of hospital but he had orthopedic issues that had to be dealt with in facts why he was there it wasn't supernatural just a mentally disturbed individual who had hurt himself he probably couldn't even have hurt anyone else considering his injuries but in my morphine fog it was creepy as hell to me to have someone that disturbed 10 feet away while I was sleeping when my wife was in college she took a philosophy class or something on the first day everyone announced who they were etcetera turns out she was sitting next to a police officer who was taking the class for continuing education or a promotion can't remember that he was actively a police officer this was really great for her because she's small and it was a nighttime class they became friends ice as much as two people sitting next to each other for a few classes or he agreed to walk her to her car after class since the school wasn't in the best area and it made her feel safe around midterms he stops showing up she's kind of confused but figured life happens and something else probably came up a few weeks later were at her parents house and her mom asks if we had heard about the police officer that had been arrested we hadn't so she begins to fill us in on this police officer that had been pulling women over and raping them in their cars we live in a small town but it gets super oral super fast if you leave so nobody is passing these scenes as they're happening anyway turns out that the office of raping women was the same guy that was walking her to her car after class every weekend the reason he wasn't in class was because he had been arrested my babysitter was killed back in the mid-80s when I was about six to seven years old they found her body in a garbage bag near a depth store and never found the killer no one knew anything about it no witnesses no clues and this was a smaller city of about 50 K people so when a crime happens word travels fast one night around 10:00 or 11:00 when I was around 16 to 17 me my two brothers my parents and our four friends were sitting around watching ghost stories on TV the living room was pretty packed and it was stationed right beside the main entry of the house someone knocked on the door so my stepdad went to answer it there were two big built guys and they were asking to use the phone my stepdad was taking a bit long talking to them so my mother went out to the door to see what was going on then we all hear there's only two of them and they hit my stepdad and run him I would think to rob the place but when they come into the house instantly see 6-7 17 18 year old starring at them we all get up and they bolt out of the house scared shitless had we not been there my parents would have been in serious trouble when I was around 14 years old I really like to go for runs with my Shepard xlab I lived in a fairly quiet clean suburban neighborhood that was situated beside a broad expanse of pasture used by about ten horses I would say it was roughly 40 acres anyway a bike path ran between the pasture and my neighborhood and I generally ran down the path one night I decided to go with my pop around 10:00 p.m. may not seem like the smartest decision that I had spent many nights with my group of friends biking / rollerblading around the neighborhood so I thought nothing of the late hour I was running down the bike path with my dog who is there a big part yet the friendliest guy you'll meet as we ran I noticed a dark limp a little ways ahead and because it was nearly pitch black I could barely see it I dismissed it as a garbage bag as we drew closer my dog perked up his ears and his hackles went up and he started to growl which he rarely ever does he loves basically everything I stopped running and stared as the garbage back started to move 14 year old me still didn't really know what the heck I was looking at and it wasn't until the supposed garbage stood up that I realized it was a man who then started to run towards us my dog then turned around and I kid you not started to run and yank me along behind him we reached a street he darted down it then pulled me into a dark alley onto another Street then another rally then another Street until we somehow lost the guy my dog saved my life I'm pretty sure the guy may not have been an axe murderer but it turns out some creepy ex-felon was arrested in our neighborhood about two days later I love my dog three about 15 years ago a bunch of friends went to Canton Texas for their huge first Monday sale the whole town turns into a flea market for the weekend one booth had thousands of volt photographs the store was maybe 20 X 20 with tables loaded with old attics randomly walk up grab one and I'm staring into a picture of my oldest son in a military uniform from the Civil War era not that he sort of looked like my son it was his identical twin even had the same expression on his face my son would have in pictures call my husband over he looks and totally freaks out I wanted to buy it but he became so physically ill from looking at it he said he cold and even have it in the same car as him much less at home several years ago I lived in a semi underground basement apartment basically the house was just enough underground that the windows were just a couple of inches off the ground on the outside so one night in washing dishes in the kitchen which had a window to my left which was up him almost finished when a voice whispers looking good there with the dishes there was someone crouched down by the window on the outside who had been watching me for who knows how long unfortunately for creep boy I was washing the knives and as I turned he evidently got scared by the gigantic chef's knife I was brandishing in his general direction and he ran off I hated that apartment eventually I attacked thick fabric over most of the windows to avoid having to watch people pee drunkenly on them about 18 years ago my family was driving home from Disneyland and traffic was backed up for so long and police were walking from car to car looking under each one dad asks one of the officers what was happening in the officer said that a man jumped into traffic on the freeway and they can't locate the gentleman's head I was walking home from the beach one day around noon and a guy driving down the street in a Ford Escape slows down and in slightly broken English asks me how much I tell him to freak off and he tells me $200 for an hour at this point in walking faster and his car is keeping pace with me he crosses two lanes and parks in a driveway in front of me and opens his door and a passenger door opens as well another guy steps out and walks towards me I start screaming my head off and cussing them out trying to draw attention on this busy street while fishing my knife out of my bag I walked into the street and around the car call my boyfriend and tell them it's the cops I give my boyfriend their license plate number and almost run to his house because it was about a block away they followed me for another minute and then drove past me really fast while calling me a freakin can't I was 16 at the time and I really wish I had called the cops because as an adult and 100% sure I was about to be kidnapped and raped this is firsthand I worked as the marketing director for a very large consumer electronics company in Canada we routinely have execs from overseas visit when to pick up an exec at his hotel room when he opened the door and saw my colleague and I he let out the most horrible shriek and fainted he told us that he saw a full-sized dead man sticking to my shoulder weightlessly needless to say I was distressed I felt nothing and saw nothing but I do know the guy looked right at me and screamed still send chills down my spine thinking about it a friend and I were coming home from the movies and there is a rural stretch of road about 20 minutes from my house as we were driving down it a car pulled out of what I thought at the time a dirt road that led into the woods the car kind of crept up right behind my friend's car and then would slow down and move back a bit and then moved back up right behind us at some point the car turned their brights on so we kind of just assumed it was a police car so we started to slow down and pull off to the side at which point I noticed it was not a police car and as we were pulled off to the side this car also slows down and casually as if they misjudged the distance between our cars nudged into the back of my friend's car so it was at that point we realized we should get back on the road and towards a more populated part of the city so this cat-and-mouse chase continues on through our city for another 20 minutes at this point my friend not all together a small guy nor lacking a temper decides that has had enough and so he pulls into a random driveway and turns the car off and immediately jumps out of the car I reluctantly got out of the car a few seconds after him and the car just slows to a crawl on the road turns off the brights and we see into the car four teenagers I'm assuming stoned out of their good with the windows down glaring scissor sisters I don't feel like dancing as they roll by we also realize the three passengers all have sock puppets that they are aggressively having dance along to the song the transition from fear to absolute relief at the situation made me piss my pants in my friend has never let me forget that [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 9,556
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: P1Dnn8bvL5g
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Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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