Animal Crossing New Horizons Gameplay: Shop Supplies! Cool Fossils! Mystery Island! Loan Repayments!

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hi everyone welcome along to another animal crossing new horizons livestream first things first can everybody hear me okay are you receiving my signal light nice and clearly hi hello hello everyone in the chat Calvin to Isis I'm so addicted to this game hello hello hello everyone hi olya hello everyone who's saying hello to me what a charming bunch you are so polite so polite or when Ellen's in the chat so hello hello to Ellen okay so let's kick off the stream like before we're just going to keep things nice and chill butts and a lot has changed on the islands it's the last time we were live-streaming so let's check it out the first thing you'll notice is that I have this incredible wearable bathrobe the greatest single item in the game and I have it on only day three or four or whatever it is three I think yeah this fell out the sky it's a towel it's a towel I can wear it's just a wearable towel you'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel it's great look at it's like I've just stepped out the showers like I've just climbed out of the ocean I love it so much I will probably wear it for the rest of the game welcome along new member Andrew bell for Loki says love from Asgard watching while I scheme against my brother Tony and I are working from the bedroom okay Loki you rascal and welcome along new member Marie hello to everyone in the chat Lord pues o 9 says did you ever touch get out the shower should we come back later no this is the look guys this is the look of the summer look it's 2020 can we reach 2020 can we please start wearing towels around town I think we're there Treena more says just want to say thank you for the chill streams while I'm planning and teaching from home stay safe and healthy everyone thank you Trina thank you for thank you for joining along and stay stay healthy right back at you okay right so how about a little tour of the island so you can see how things have changed since since we were last year since we were last streaming oh my gosh it's all kicking off in the chat Kaitlyn RC says hashtag spicy sad squad here offering apples if you need them in AC along with coconuts hope you all including John and James are coping well as far as I know everybody is coping very well thank you Caitlin for your care and spicy SATs what is reference to a live stream I did yesterday thank you for watching Kaitlyn horse tack Easter says yeah Animal Crossing never called live stream before despite being subscribed for years so here's a little something say thank you for all your hard work and the joy you bring keep up the good work and stay safe thanks everyone alright so let's crack on so first let's begin by opening a present which just before the stream I shot out of the sky Oh yep like that that's how I did it what is it it is bed not be something to replace my towel Oh bottom rimmed glasses I think they made me look extremely intellectual what do you what do you folks think John sharp incessant buffering seems to be going on with the stream not sure if it's just my end though I'm seeing a few people mentoring mentioned buffering the behind the scenes YouTube stuff was under a little bit of strain when we were setting up today so I wouldn't be surprised if this was YouTube having some issues everything seems to be fine on my end online etc but hang on there might be some there might be some optimizations I can apply now just before we kick off and get and get fully underway and we had a little look let's take this down and let's see if it's possible to change okay I've dropped the I've dropped the I've dropped the bitrate to quite a bit lower than we would normally stream at so let's see if that let's see if that makes any kind of difference Northy Applejack says I'm getting a little buffering on every stream I don't know if it's me or YouTube yeah I think it's I think it's YouTube let's blame YouTube let's say it's their fault shall we because I really think it is but we'll press on and we'll see how we go [Music] okay what was I doing oh yeah let's take off these glasses I don't like them anymore right huh let's have a little look at the have a little look at the island since we were last here so the big thing big news is the museum is open and my word is it Hecate and gorgeous look at it here's the outside is the exterior isn't it beautiful in here isn't it lush look at this it's amazing let's take a look at let me just give you a little quick Whistlestop tour if you've played the game you might have seen seen this scene around seen this museum already but I mean just look have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your life and so relaxing this is where the fish that I've been catching go to live and man is it pretty NECA says the tardis museum yeah that's right look at that look at that in the big tank that's my anchovies I only gave blathers one anchovy you certainly certainly done well with it isn't this lush isn't it beautiful look down here I found I found this spooky fish like it's one those ones with a little light on the top a what's it called a football fish cheesy production says here's for the great music from yesterday stream you did now back to my island with this in the background thank you very much Zanzibar White says the buffering is probably because everyone is home watching YouTube except me I'm 800 miles from home and watching YouTube yeah I hate to say it but that's probably what that might be what's going on but we press on we press on if you find in the stream is buffering maybe try refreshing the browser page that might that might help you out sometimes when YouTube is being a bit shaky that helps for me yeah check it out look how massive this place is look look at look look at my beautiful specimens spiraling around rally pain says you scored a goal with that fish in reference to the football fish I quite agree so nice look there's this whole like tunnel underwater tunnel it is beautiful it is hands-down the best video game building I've ever been in Samuel Stern Scout says Luke loved your album and I'm obsessed with music but can't seem to save my life any advice to get better oh that's a great question um Samuel I'm no singing expert I've never had lessons or anything but what I would say is if you're struggling to sing then you should try doing what people sometimes do in the movies and talk singing that was some advice I was given and it's actually really helpful which is bait you basically you just talk as if you were talking but try and apply the tune talk like this and then go up and I'm basically just talking but putting a tune to the talking and you know it's not the sort of like full-throated from that you know I've done a lot dad singing that you would get on on Broadway but um I mean I think it helps I think it helps us love it help me welcome along you remember Mike Alverez a Vasquez sorry right now check out this is the fossil bit and oh my gosh have you noticed how it is laid out taxonomic taxonomically so look from the set this is the center point from which all life Springs and I'm standing on it and look you can trace the evolution of life along all these paths there will be fossils there once I collect a few more and then check this out here we've got some of my these are the these are the bits of fossils I found so far look there's a please that's a plesiosaur polizia sore skull isn't that incredible it's amazing and then look over here Quetzalcoatlus looks like I'm missing some of the wings maybe but man look at that skull Stegosaurus I think that's an ankylosaurus yep ankylosaurus yep just the just the sort of torso there's some there's some legs and look there's my t-rex skull and pride of place isn't it cool Sean shall sail we'll come along new member DC Co 209 says Luke you would kill it on Broadway thanks very much Claire T says Animal Crossing Luke in a towel is the center point from which all life Springs yes yes it is it absolutely is and then look at this room this is where my mammoth skull is currently housed now I want to talk about this room because this is awesome because look these taxonomical lines are flowing through here and look look these are silhouettes of all of the different species of animal you can see an animal crossing look just so that the line goes from the Mammoth's straight to what is clearly the outline that I'm stood in front of for one of the elephant animals and so we will eventually fill in a full taxonomy of prehistoric ancestors for every every will every one every every resident on the island dolly daydream says Luke have you stood on the blue spots in the floor in the diner room it changes the camera angle so cool I actually haven't oh my goodness Wow thank you so much for the tip that's awesome yay look at that look at that incredible stuff standing this blue spot check out my t-rex oh yeah that's that's what I'm talking that's the stuff again McGuire says is the blank end spot for the player yeah when the museum's complete you put yourself in it and that's the end of the game that's how you get the credits to roll complete the museum put yourself in the museum turn into a skeleton and Animal Crossing is finally complete the one who snacks says who is that that's a museum's largest donor why is he in a towel we have asked him and all he says back is why aren't you in a towel and Austin will quit ninja says just wanted to say thanks for two jobs full-time school and these strange times it's nice to escape for a few minutes now it's lobster tutor thanks again Austin good luck with the tutoring and yeah thank you thank you for watching okay so that's the big thing the other big thing is look I got a duplicate t-rex skull and I put it back to back of my mammoth which is what someone was suggesting I do on the stream last time but I didn't catch the chap and look I've made a sort of horrible Dino Dino mammoth it's only got arms and it's got two heads I leave it up to the chat to decide which end is the front end and who gets to be the back end but yeah that this is mainly what I that's mainly what Jane D says OMG it's like cat dog yes I think this is an ancestor of cat dog I think that's how I think that's what's happening here gentlemen drills the salic just wanted to say that difficulty spike is amazing and your music stream was so chill watched it while working today which was super nice I'll thank you I really appreciate you watching thank you so much and Shawn Giselle says membership to Oh X plus an animal crossing stream that's the best but present I can think of for myself today thanks for all the wholesome content Luke thank you thank you for becoming a member that's rad and look folks now I have a house there's a gnome outside and pride of place this mossy Rock oh look oh look I see Mac has come by to check out my mossy rock what's the latest Mac you had about crumpets extremely sweet title yet it's festive Sun crumpet is a friend I've been playing with that's the kind of thing I'd call my muscles accept crumpets whole body has caught that I'm so jealous woof yeah Mac is really into the bodybuilding he's all like it's all about muscles and stuff let me show you let me show you inside my we show you inside my house look at that I've got a nice honeycomb floor on the wall I've got a burgeoning cake a record collection it's pretty great I've just gotten I just ordered another one of those this morning in the post it's on the way yeah pretty cool floor right okay but I know what you're thinking Luke has it all been moving fossils around and having a lovely time in your beautiful staggeringly gorgeous home well no it's actually been quite a grind to get to this point and the grind isn't over so we have a few tasks that we're in the middle of one is trying to gather enough materials to open the shop to open a shop in town and to do that I need 30 iron nuggets and 30 of every type of wood folks I've already got all the wood I have 11 iron nuggets in storage plus these eight that I've got on me that equals 19 which means I need 11 iron nuggets in order to get the shop open and that's what I really really want to achieve today the other thing I really would love to achieve is to pay off my first mortgage I've been saving up saving up trying to get as much as much of much many bells as I can and I've got how much have I got eighty-five thousand six hundred and forty out of a total how much do I have how much - how much do I need to pay Tom about my home I can't take expansion requests while you have an outstanding loan balance hmm so I think it's something like 98 thousand something like that just under a hundred just under one hundred 100 large yeah yeah 98 98 thousand bells so I'm close to paying it off I'm close I'm close so I really want to I really want to really want to pay that off so on this stream what I want to achieve is getting enough Nuggets and paying off paying off my mortgage hang on let me just make some green-screen tweaks change the lighting up a little in here and yeah I can take all that looking a little better so what to do first the way you get Nuggets which is what I need is by tapping on rocks now if you remember last stream I destroyed basically all my rocks which was a shame I wish I hadn't done that but I did it so there's no going back and it means that I've got very few rocks on my island and I need to go visit other islands to harvest their rocks so I'm really hoping that Andy is going to let me visit his island and maybe we can find some Nuggets together and you can also get a look at his Island so let me just let me just drop Andy a message and and see if see if he's around cool okay so before we go visit Andy I need to make sure that I've got as much inventory space as possible because I want to be absolutely rinsing his resources I want to be leaving him with nothing I want it to be an absolute rout if possible so let's just sort out my inventory a little bit okay mm-hmm so once you get a house you can put things in your inventory which is great you can put like put them in Stewart you put them in your house is storage even I've got a wasp's nest why do I have that denim pants not gonna need them I'm wearing a towel why would I ever need pants again when I have a towel or I have this quite cute t-shirt I will show you it briefly yeah he's got a little dodo on it right back back into the towel and we're putting that in storage what else our red flower I tell you what let's let's plant that outside sea snails I need to sell these fish bait that's worth keeping on me so is the simple DIY workbench honestly I guess that's probably worth keeping coconuts we can plant some of those coconuts that would be cool let's do that let's do that stones I think I can mmm I'm gonna keep selling them on me just because they're useful for crafting mm-hmm clay I'm probably not gonna need that let's whack that in storage all right that's that's a fair few spots especially once I sell especially once I sell some of this stuff ranadev della says you can just use Andy's bench I could use Andy's been sure but that Lisa you know this way it's portable it might stop me doing a little bit of backtracking okay all right Andy's Airport gates are open so I will just do just sell a few things I want to sell I want to sell my see sales and my coral and these two fish and these sand dollars all the fine things you brought in yeah that's pretty good good yep sell it gets me a little bit closer to that mortgage payoff okay let's quickly let's quickly plant those coconuts to free up one more slot and then we'll head che Andy to begin the nugget quest part one okay let's oh sorry I need to take some little holes yes you want now I don't want these there we go use some some fledgling coconut trees that I've got going on here mmm that's a bit too place I don't any little bottlenecks as I'm running around oh yeah look this is prime this is prime coconut tree sports who MD 21 says you can use your K care records on a tape deck Luke yeah I've heard that although I look really like having them displayed on the wall for now but um you know yeah then I can sort of like get them down when I need to when I want it when I want to play the one I want to listen all right it's plants a coconut oh yes lovely got a little got a Manila clam that's useful so useful for bait we'll do some fishing when we were when we were hanging out with Andy I'm sure okay nice plant that and plant that one you're getting sand in your towel says shy violet yeah but that's fine that's fine oh there was a balloon I didn't spot the balloon where was it was it close to the shore was it far back in the Northeast oh yes awesome there it is Wow great spot the chat thanks so much for that let's see what it is ah yes got it but no no no no no no no pick up the gift what is it it is clay okay well I guess that's good maybe it'll turn into an incredibly important thing now because I'm I'm gonna bring Andy some oranges which will be worth a lot of money on his Island so I'm gonna bring him viewer and just say thank you for helping me out with the nugget quest because that's just polite alright and I think let's head off now I should I should drop that play in storage really I just want to have as many slots as possible John Sharpton says that's a pretty poor gift yeah I mean that is true maybe we can maybe we can get Andy something something nicer than just some oranges oh I could give him those glasses I could give him those glasses I don't like and we see if he likes them I will put this in storage Archie yeah let's do that let's um maybe we could give Andy maybe Andy would like these glasses I suspect he won't but there's only one way to be sure oh look I've also got three fossils that need appraising so we've got to do that at some point on the on the stream before we stop rally Payne says those glasses I don't like classic regifter alright let's head out let's head to che Andy hello mr. dodo how can I help you out today I want to fly or ville I want to fly via online play Orville connect me to the old internet for some online play Daphne Daphne Daphne Daphne Daphne Daphne Daphne t-rex in an f-14 must have joined the stream late because they say why is Lucca nothing but a towel why aren't you guys wearing towels search for a friend please Orville now Andy is a little bit ahead of me we've got a flight for Michael Bay that's where Andy lives that's where I want to go yeah let's fly Andy and the shop that I'm trying to open Andy's uh Andy's got that shop he's got all sorts it's got all sorts of he's been he's been really really keen in it the animal the animal crossing so you will see some of the fruits of his labor we go um so good so good my boots by the way that I'm pairing with the towel if anyone's curious are a boot washed up on I caught a boot while fishing oh no it's raining on andis Island it's raining on Michael Bay look there's the shot list looks cranny oh my gosh look how many pairs he has so many flowers he's got oh my gosh it's a little the weather's not quite towel the weather but but hey look I would expect nothing less from Andy and he is sitting outside in the rain on his goth AF Island I love it I absolutely love it so another cool trick what are you wearing a towel so something else we figured out is that if you have the switch app on your phone then you can like type much faster or I could if the app was working work for me and he's waiting on a response okay here we go why aren't you there we go I sing dim cool okay so assuming that and let's let's ask Andy if he's willing to help will you help me I need nuggets the Nugget is bad and II know search 22 any just hashtag in it okay lead me to your rocks look at that ah look at all these lovely flowers ah here's a rock okay now I've learned since last time proper Rock etiquette so watch as I carefully fence myself in with holes because weirdly you get more resources from a rock oh if you hit it fast really fast oh I think this rocks I think I think this rock has already been harvested the rock is dry Oh Andy says oh yeah I already mined all rocks la well then Andy how do you propose I get my notes and he says do you just want 11 yes please I can offer you rich rewards his auntie just given me 11 Nuggets oh my gosh she has Wow amazing right that's great well thanks so much handy in return I want you to change I wanted to change change what hair does he mean hair does he mean change my hair change clothes but Andy I'm not wearing clothes how to change clothes when I when I'm wearing but a towel well I think that I think that's probably Fox dandy but nevertheless let's give let's give him something let's give him something nice let's give him these glasses and let's give him the oranges put on some trousers maybe says Andy I left all my trousers in storage Andy because I'm why would I ever need them because I'm wearing this towel ego you can also have let's plot let's plant let's plant Andy a flower shall we this looks like there's a little gap here I don't want to mess up these glasses are terrible says Andy no but put them on try them try them it's only fair you might like them oh no oh no oh okay hang on maybe it let me pop into Andy's a Mike can I buy things in Andy's shop I'm not sure if I can if I can let's buy him a gift let's see ah what's this a garden faucet yeah I'll buy it all right Andy great news I've bought you a faucet okay let's give Andy his faucet which he is rightly grateful I'm sure on Andy accidentally dropped his glasses [Laughter] okay I'll take the glasses thanks for Forsett you're welcome Carmy says his some monies from one of the few people still going into work been busy in imaging loaner laptops to the hundreds of people needed to work from home thanks for keeping us all sane with your videos now it's back to the grindstone station well done on on on that that sounds that sounds like hard work yeah good luck with those good luck with the laptops and thank you for watching and good luck at the grindstone and thank you for the donation or so that's very kind right Andy wants to know if I want peaches yes please two peaches give me those peaches yum yum oh hey hey there we go a peach and he's dropped a peach there it is Wow oh my gosh three peaches it's not a trap says Andy well still best to be cautious scissorhands says can you go to a mystery island there are resources and we get to meet your new villager for their hero feasts yeah they're real he claims they're real the one who snacks says this is playing out exactly like my fan fiction well I've got to read that fan fiction cool alright well Andy thank you thank you so much Andy let's thank you let's thank him with chat thank you so much want to fish a bit I could do a little fishing that's eaters and you want to fish sure all right break out our fishing rods now I only have the basic fishing rod because I've stopped crafting fancy ones because oh look at this big fish up and big fish up here but Wendy says you need a lad you need ladder and he's got a ladder oh sorry I was distracted there yeah OMG Wow Andy's giving me such an amazing boost today okay and he said not to wander off but I want to find a fish he only gave me one instruction one clear instruction stay stay here a ladder would be amazing actually because it would let me get to some parts of my island that I have that have been previously inaccessible to me and get the resources they're in that would be amazing I've got some fish baked let's just let's scatter some food quickly oh yeah that Porter that brought the fish running i thought with this kind of weather it would be like all fish all the time whoa a freshwater go be time to go bye-bye I don't have that kind of fish sweet sweet that was a new fish folks just cash in my nook miles while we're waiting I think we're going to end up going to a mystery island exploring a mystery island that'll be fun 200 miles [Music] 100 miles great oh look here's Andy and he's back I see you've moved no no barely Oh Andy thanks so much ah man that's sweet that's antique you just gave me a big big jump ahead Tory two four eight says this is the wholesome content I signed up for Caitlyn RC says your Islands cliffs have rocks and fossils well look we look what we'll be able to do now that we've got the hope now that we've got the ladder I will simply hey it's as easy as that Wow dreams become real there's no limit to how high we can climb oh my word I've never even got close to one of these types of trees look at it look at it it's beautiful and look there's a fish oh man we're on top of the world up here Andy this is incredible look I see Andy's been hitting that rock over there all right let's have a little Oh take a sapling oh that's a good idea yeah okay that is a good idea I will have to eat a fruit let's ask Andy if he Minds if I eat a pear the one who snacks says Andy is the equivalent of asking your older sibling to beat the boss you are stuck on oh that is that is so true Randy is yeah in World of Warcraft we used to call this boosting yeah this is it that's what Andy Andy's and he's looking after me I welcome along a new member for to unify all right let's find a tasty pair you have some peaches don't you says Michael fine I do have some peaches but I want to preserve the peaches because I don't have any on my island and I want to I want to be able to grow three peach trees that would be ideal however I'm not too badly off the pears and I don't want to I want to take more pairs of Andy's then I necessarily need two so I'll eat that one and then I'll leave the rest with him and up we go all right stick up you got one of these huge saplings so let's eat that pear and it's gonna give me the quick energy I need hopefully to dig up an entire tree incredible thanks a ladder in my favourites wheel you're welcome awesome stuff oak some little bugs here hey a wharf roach this water-loving roach has no peer pretty good pretty good pretty good that towel would be so heavy by now says Griffin Oh Neptune yeah that is true hang on sorry I just out of just by force of habit just stole one of Andy's shells there there's North Sea off me [Music] you'll want that for cash Andy deserves a hug for this right I'm gonna go by Andy another present you're gonna buy Andy another gift from the shop nothing is too extravagant for my friend Andy who helped me so much gave me those Nuggets got me that pair let's see what do you let's see what gifts I can I can buy mmm a toaster some protein shakes what is this outdoor bench this stuff is garbage I'll tell you what I'm gonna go back to my island and I'm gonna find pick up Andy out something nice and I'm gonna post it to him the Jacob five known forces by Andy the protein powder he's strong enough doesn't need it guy IBD says your mortgage I know I know but there'll always be more money from somewhere okay right I'm gonna tell Andy got to go you are a hero I'm innocent just send him some kisses build that shop it says Andy will do leave your dreams thank you Andy I will I will and you know what I'm gonna take a photo so that I know I never forget this moment and Andy's incredible generosity yay whoa Andy's off that was pretty cool oh he's back now they hooked a bit of cool way for Andy to exit the stream just Lionel else's and isn't that your mortgage is going anywhere anytime soon it'll still be there Josh Purina says I'm seeing so many streams of this it really makes me want to get the game myself thanks for relaxing stream hopefully you best Tom Nook and his thievery oh yeah it seems like this this game is just so popular it's yeah I think it I think sales have been unbelievably strong you can't get it digitally as well if you get it on the Nintendo eShop obviously this isn't an ideal time to be going outside you know heading to game shops and stuff and you know which are mostly closed so yeah digit digital could be the way to go welcome along new member Amitabh Barca VAR thank you for joining thank you for joining thank you being a new member clumsy by factors Andy is the real MVP hard to argue with that Joe Schultz says Andy is a guy in a prison movie who can get you anything you need for three cigarettes yep well that's if we can post him three cigarettes are man I tell you what though it's nice to be it's nice to be back on my sunny island lucked out with the weather today Tom Butler says I hope you're staying safe and healthy question now that dog has finished his motivation found Suzette would you be open to rolling a new character that's a great question dog actually has a new motivation that I have discussed a little bit with Johnny it hasn't really come into play yet but there's more there's more to do right look shopping let's find Andy a nice present right what do you think Andy wants ah I could buy Andy that than intended the animal crossing Nintendo switch it's only 35,000 that's about as much as they're going for on ebay now are a handcart a plane cap and he likes caps he wears them sometimes a bandage are the one ball tee that's pretty cool tie-dye shirt I like that ah look at these Chino pants rubber toe sneakers rockin KK I've got a by Andy a rocket rockin KK alright and I'm what gift card shall I send it with how about how about how about this one to star card because Andy was a star yep I'm just going to go with that default message because type it will take ages to type something else murder turtle says finally self isolating instead of working luckily this game is keeping me from getting bored there we go we've said we go we've sent item was sent off to Andy it's a it's a it's a delightful cake a slider record slash photo right now let's let's let's buy the shop let's pay off the shop debt so I need to head to my head to storage because I've got some what some of the some of the things I need her in there a cape IXY says I don't have anyone to play with is it still worth buying the game I would say so I'm there definitely is a lot of fun to be had playing with other people but you know for the most part just been tinkering around on my own Island having a lovely time there's definitely stuff to be getting on with okay right now in my inventory iron nuggets yes move those two pockets thirty soft wood yep that's what we need we need thirty regular wood and thirty hardwood and then maybe I'll also move these fossils to my pockets because we can go get them appraised all your pockets are fall or that's annoying um I should be able to move one thing over these glasses from all they can go in storage I could probably sell them really because they are rubbish mm-hmm all the wharf Roach needs to go to the Museum as well so yeah we'll have we'll have space once we're back from the museum definitely also these clams can both be turned into fish bait so let's yeah so we were at wicked Lakme 36s hi Luke how are you doing not too bad thank you I'm doing all right our murder turtle says this game is also coincidentally guessing the over a pretty brutal breakup sorry tear that sorry tear that murder turtle I hope things get better the chat says I should have stacked my pears oh and I forgot to pick up that extra bloom in fossil ah all right yeah we'll go we'll have to go back and get it can't believe it can't believe I forgot it right right right right right right right what was I doing I was let's let's do let's do the bait first yeah make some fish bait Adam I clams yo keep crafting gie says hi Luke listening while editing lit lyric genius you've lost your voice and animal crossing is so delightfully relaxing glad to hear it people cannot believe that I forgot that fossil I only had one job never mind all right but look here we go it's time to build that dang shop Timmy I'd like to donate you'll make a donation thank you so much yeah all at once yeah these are for you [Music] as thank you please take a stately wall are floating biotope planter and a pet bed one more thing since we have all the materials we need and could start construction on the shop we'd like you a key figure in making this happen to pick out the perfect lo que for the new shop oh yes oh yes tea Cobra says I spent four days playing this game and it's all I have now happy to see you enjoying it I'm so excited to see the location you pick for us okay where should we put the shop pet bed is very intriguing because it suggests that pets are an option I didn't know you could get pets in the game okay where do we want the shop I guess we want it near here would be good that'd be convenient maybe just behind resident services it seems at least this seems like a fine spot let's see how much space it takes up it's gonna block out a tree but not if I oh yeah nice but if I move once one spot over you should be able to keep that tree it's not super essential to keep the tree but I think you'd be nice you know trying to preserve natural beauty yeah I'll take a good spot to me he fell off says it's more concerning to have pets in this world of animals yeah I quite agree look at that the lumbers in cool all right we did it that was a big project I'm delighted that we under lighted that we managed that right now let's get some money shall we let's just do a little little money grind actually no let's do the fossils first to see the fossils good cause it's a cool best bloomer says having a rough pain day listening to you while I work from home is helping keeps me distracted in calm thanks PS what's your Hogwarts house it's got to be hufflepuff I hope people pointing out that now I've killed both trees oops oh well these things happen no point crying over spilt trees right it's the inventory did you get my last fossil move to the pockets right off to the museum Oh also did I already show you the dodo t-shirt that I've got I think I did all right to honor Andy's wishes I will briefly oops Oh wrong button Oh briefly take off the towel and put on some put on some clothes just because I found I feel like a change of scene maybe the loaf is even alright see Andy look I'm putting on trousers hope you're happy oh I tell you what quite like the vest and trousers and boots look that's pretty cool it's got to kind of get in a sort of Bruce Springsteen sort of vibe especially Feist and near this guitar [Music] born in the USA yeah [Music] tramps like us baby we were born to run yeah in the dark sorry I just just just chase if curry says I would say Freddie Mercury Luke oh yeah yeah yeah could be alright right off to the museum Haidee cannon says it's uncanny bruce springsteen yeah yeah completely agree right blathers wake up yeah that's right stir yourself blathers because boy do I have the donations for you assess my fossils blathers I would like you please to assess these three fossils tell me what they are more than one I see let's take a closer look shall we fossils each and if Oh rare fossils each and every one has not appeared in our collection can't stop the be says according to my phone pictures one year ago I got to see you crazy kids to expense your live at MC in Birmingham thank you for the pressure MEMS uh yeah that was a great show it's a shame we couldn't do this is it this year what with circumstances or not yet at least they've put the date back for MCM yeah fresh MEMS let's make some fresh MEMS right let's see what my fossils are okey optics yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Luke is getting all his favorite dinosaurs result results I'm so happy a die nonny tale now I suspect that is dying and I kiss a Deinonychus tale a chef says crit crit crit quicker with the crit emojis I've got to see what it looks like well I will see what it looks like when I donate it on a brand a Brachiosaurus tail this is the dining I Castel is awesome Deinonychus is the the dinosaur that Velociraptor is in Jurassic Park if that makes sense those drastic parks not super accurate but they're like yeah you know what I mean I mean it else is Luke how old are you again yeah well you know who's really old Archaeopteryx [Laughter] all right let's donate all this stuff so that I can look at it so I can see it yep donating that war 4-h as well yep that is everything I've got to give all right bladders no I'm fine all right let's go let's go check out my Archaeopteryx ok ok ok ok where is it where is it where is my sweet Archaeopteryx oh yes that's amazing look at it I could hit beautifully preserved you bet I'll be taking a picture of that oh yes that is gorgeous what a beauty snap I love it there's my Dinah naica stew nanika stale it doesn't look very fancy it really is just tell Archaeopteryx there we go beautiful alright what a find that was great and this this must be my Brachiosaurus tail you can tell by how the camera moves up there about it you can tell just how tall its eventually going to be awesome awesome Joan enigma says excited paleontologists noise yeah that's right that's right sweet okay all right we are we're doing great today we're doing fantastic thanks to Andy thanks to these fossils right now money it changes everything sang Cyndi Lauper the fastest way I found to get money apart from like sort of weird tricks like with money trees and stuff which you've already done today is to collect shells so we're on a shell collecting mission now folks look at this loads of shells Oh pockets are full already oh oh I do have quite a lot of know I do I've got a lot of mess in my oh and I didn't put down I didn't put down those things all right well drop it drop it we've got to go back to the house really about the house we got over some stuff in storage and then we can then we can properly crack on with our own money making money making mission triple-m okay oh no no no not the happy home designer all right let's first let's see what this a cheap okay first let's do storage put things in storage loafers in storage in storage all the peaches I got to plant those still got a plant they still go to plant my cedar tree it's actually not a lot I want to put in storage here certainly not the bath towel I'm gonna need that old me at all times all times but we can see how some of these things look stately wall oh wow okay it's certainly all the radios playing kaykai's amber great stuff this state through all this a little bit imposing but I guess it's better than bare walls so let's keep it let's have a look at the pet bed Oh cute can I get in it I can look good great great great this is my life now sit in the pet bed all right and what was the Lord else floating biotope planter oh that's nice that's nice all right let's move these things around a little put this over here yeah I take that around this is nice a little bit of green space I don't like this light let's put that in storage oh yeah that's that's nice looks pretty good but that is storage for sure okay I've got to do some planting and then I got to do some selling and then yeah and then we're and then we're off to make some money all right so let's start with the planting so I've got some of my exotic most of these trees here like ones that I've ones that I've planted so yeah the peaches need to dig them a little hole a happy little hole and then in there Ellen says he's not made her there's no place like Nome joke yet and is hurting me inside well Ellen I think you just made the joke so be it be at peace a champagne says Luke was the best breakfast sandwich you've ever eaten good question I've had oh my gosh I actually know the answer to this at e3 last year I had a life-changing breakfast burrito out of a out of a burrito truck it was just from all us it was unbelievable oh I think about it all the time right what else I got the plan I got some flowers I've been sort of out trying to put flowers like kind of around the pond so maybe let's pop some more down nice very nice that's to sell oh you have two pairs the pairs I've emersive real hungry thinking about that breakfast burrito okay let's sell some of these shells and stuff hey Timmy or Tommy what can I not sell things to you I know I can okay good yikes house an alarming moment because boy do I have things to sell real precious real grade-a items yeah nice alright alright getting closer to paying off that mortgage right how about we so now we can now we can focus on money first of all how about we use the ladder to go and explore the part of the island that I've not even been to yet well somehow I've somehow I've managed to get unfavorite my vaulting pole which is not the way it should be one of these do I use that oh I've got two two fishing rods on here it's not necessary all right here we go we're off to rock the places unknown this is excited super exciting the first first point stepping foot on this new higher part of the island who knows what we're going to find hmm ah beautiful flowers up here I'm moving slowly because I just get the feeling that we might see some bugs some lovely bugs a fossil fossil up there I've got to get in the habit of using my using the quick-quick wheel there we go yes and what that'll be something else incredibly rare and awesome I bet oh look at this sweet little mountain II area for the waterfall gorgeous up here this is beautiful hop down Ellen says get the flowers I will get the flowers but I think I'll probably do that off stream because it's gonna be a it's gonna be a little bit of a quite a lot of busy work just like moving them up and down Oh oh no I scared away a bug scared away a cool-looking bug a rock a new rock a new as yet unplanned 'red rock incredible alright let's let well let's plunder it oops I didn't mean to do that I meant to do this first box myself in lovely and then I break out in a breakout Flintstone X and then here we go yes come on faster faster faster hmm get very much from that with the show oh well the good news is we didn't need that we didn't leave the Nuggets stone did I get everything they're great well that's awesome I love these I love these plateaus these oh it's a big looking it's a big looking moth if I got that one already how do I keep unfavorite in these things I never need the watering can I've notice something hasn't leap in there let it go Oh easy hey paper kite butterfly okay I do I have got one of those already but that's pretty cool though oh we have got two axes in my favorite wheel thanks the chat for pointing that out but you know never mind I keep instinctively moving the right stick in this game to try and like to just turn the camera around forgetting that you cannot you absolutely cannot hey butterflies aim nature you're so nice so lovely okay right back to operation money make it all begins here in the high-density feedlot with me collecting shells the shells are valuable basically my money making scheme is just to collect stuff primarily shells but also bugs and fish that I come across sell them and thereby make my enormous fortune oh yeah there we go there's one laughs we got around to you have a little little spot of fishing yeah whoa cool I've not got that a barred knife jaw they must have a hard time eating oh great awesome oh no that's it for my fishing rod more's the pity that's right we've back in the center any moment that was a result a lot of a lot of people in the chat saying I should go to a mystery island all right we'll go to a mystery island we'll do it we'll do it why not Oh a gift balloon do you guys see that see that folks look at that now if I pop it real talk if I pop it here is it going to land in the in the river and be lost to me forever I can't really sport its location very clearly I'll just I'll just wait a moment for it to soar drift okay that looks like it's overland yeah nice what did we get what did we get polka dot miniskirt gotta try it yes looks pretty good I love the way it moves yeah I got time for that although I was digging the hole springsteen aesthetic so I'm sticking with it Oh a bug who would have guessed in animal crossing all right let's try and sneak up on that insect boy gotcha nice horn beetle good stuff good stuff I've sort of tried to make like a little area to attract bugs over here because they're attracted to tree stumps and flowers so I'm trying to sort of like make a grove here so that every day I can go check it out and see and hopefully is you know got like a bunch of you know bunch of bugs I'll be nice yep okay Wow Mac just pounded a beer sitting on a park bench drinking a beer on a on a on a Monday afternoon I mean it's probably lemonade or something technically Oh Mac thank you totally jealous of your quads whoo woof Mac I'm jealous of the way that you're sat here drinking may I sit with you Mac can't we just sit together and admire and admire my nightmarish fossil creation can I get it in frame no can't quite Oh oh my gosh more presents wow I'm really looking out this dream this is like I've had it in this stream I've had as many presents as I've found in the game like full stop where is it oh it's closed what did I get what did I get throwback hat table oh my word now that is unbelievable what a table all right I'm sending it to Andy I'm posting it to Andy right now what an absurd item the o'doole says you guys aren't time-traveling are you no no we're not we're not you out so far I have not done any time skipping how do i how do I send letters oh wait is it since inium airport isn't it 200 bells all right okay what card suits this great gift that I'm giving probably this one wait wait hang on hang on I'm just sending the card aunt I haven't I haven't like attached the item I don't know attach the item to it [Music] [Music] maybe it just maybe oh you beware the Jade Feeny says you attached present after writing okay that's good that's good right sending to Andy no problem hats off to ya Seagal say yeah and we'll attach throwback at table okay amazing well I can't wait I wish I could see Andy's face when he opens that great gift it's going to blow his mind right right to the shop yep to move some of these items I wanna sell here's what I want to sell conch the Kauri not the knife Joe that's going to the museum a long horn beetle that's already in the museum to size the paper kite butterfly the wharf roach yeah that's it for now isn't it nice good amount good amount guess it's closer guess is closer to that mortgage mortgage payoff okay let's drop by the museum evaluate that fossil drop-off that fish and then let's go to a mystery island and harvest all the resources there wake up leathers assess this fossil for me bladders assess it Oh almost skull that's cool will you donate it yeah I'm donating it great ophthalmoscope short presentation yeah time in the world bladders adorable op thalamus Soros cutest of all the ichthyosaurs love an ichthyosaur what makes a large sea dwelling reptile cute you may ask I shall tell you the eyes optimist or as's name means eye lizard and its face was quite dominated by those great orgs beside their q2 fiying effect these eyes gave the creature great vision making it a very successful hunter and no doubt because it's big doe eyes lured prey into a false sense of security and that is what I have to say about that any who told gladly accept your generous donation nice so anything else I can help you with yes I would also like to donate this lovely fish I found it is a bird knife joy might I interest you in a few fascinating facts yeah blood as I got time the chat wants to hear facts about the knife jaw it's also called the Striped peak fish it's a lovely fish with a distinctive striped pattern it is reportedly also a very curious fish in the Dead has been known to approach swimmers to greet them we also tend to be good at avoiding fishing hooks so well done are now twisting this one nice and there you have it fascinating stuff now rest assured our den all donations are displayed in a timely manner you have my gratitude cheers blathers I'm fine that's it for now right let's go check out that op thalamus opt Alamosaurus cuz that sounded cool let's just have a little look at that skull oh yeah look at that that is great great great ik the asur skull it's the cool things about igneous ores is that they do have that incredible eye socket that is preserved in the fossil big Mary Anning energy awesome awesome jam dev says not a proper Museum unless they have a cafe and the only cake left is carrot cake Loki says will you do any more hitman stream it maybe love them well it's not really my game is hitman but I'm sure the I'm sure the ox box team won't be given up on that game they'll play it forever until until the heat death of the Sun a Zelda boy one who once is no gift for Jane and I haven't sent Jaina present I probably should though oh hello cheeky fellow in my museum right I'm in the bug area now because I want to try and find the prize of my collection if I can locate it I can find where it is I was very very pleased very excited to find this one okay might be through to the next room or up here in fact even because I think that's the butterfly house through their soyuz brad says wow this museum is bigger than the whole island that's impressive yeah right where is my prized creature cool that's cool look at that but nowhere to be found is my price I'm most prized wait unless I unless I just missed it there possibly I missed it no it's not here keep looking around yeah look at this the butterfly room I really don't like butterfly houses IRL because I I don't love bugs and I just can't escape the feeling that there's one like trapped in my clothes they're so like delicate I just get obsessed with the idea that I'm gonna accidentally kill one but I like them in the game David bad a lot he says awesome stream Luke but I must run up all night for work and I just can't keep my eyes open any longer good luck with the fossil and funds quest thank you so much thank you for tuning in for as long as you did David that's awesome thank you for watching okay look I can't find it but somewhere in here there's a praying mantis cuz I caught a praying mantis and it was rad it's like the biggest bug that I've found so far by a long old way yeah but oh but no it's somewhere in here I don't know it what if / when I find it I'll I'll tweet a picture or something like that I don't wanna waste loads of time looking around the bug house okay Oh sailin cases lower left of this room oh maybe they know where the okay it's n't among those plants to the left tree above the water oh it seems like us he's like everyone in the left who seems like every left side in the bush mantis is in the deck area oh wow so okay alright everyone in the chat basically spotted my praying mantis and I didn't there it is yeah well spotted well spotted well spotted folks yeah I'm gonna capture this precious moment me and my mantis just me and my mantis hanging out kickin it old-school you know talking about talking about days gone by awesome take it easy mantis and thanks to chat for for knowing where my books are dipper old says stand by your mantis great right let's go to let's go to a Mystery Island how long we got left we got 25 minutes that's probably just enough time to harvest a load of resources on a mystery island so yeah let's hop to it see what we can find alright needs my ticket redeem my nook miles please even though I could spend it on listen nonsense now I should get the ticket Margaret cross says greetings from Florida laid off from the NASA Visitor Complex but glad I can spend time with my daughter watching your cheery stream that really sounds like a there really sounds like a tricky situation Margaret I'm really sorry I'm really sorry that that happened but yeah that's definitely the silver lining spending more time with the daughter and watching the live streams thank you for tuning in right okay I've got my ticket right what do I want what do I need to do I need to make sure that I've got tools when I get there but I should be saving money really and crafting them although you can more or less craft everything there with just like sort tree branches and so the result you can kind of find your resources there but yeah let's sort go a sand sand dollars to sell clumps of weed so obviously don't wanna take them to see the tree sapling need to do something with that the bath towel we wrap that stays with me no discussions all right yes on these things need to go into storage will be sold cool all right hopefully we find some cool stuff on this island oh yeah I'm gonna go home first don't don't worry the chat I'm emptying the inventory this isn't my first time on a mystery island I'm sure I'll screw it up in some somehow okay doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo let's empty that inventory and get ready okay oh sorry there let's check in the chicken checking out the stream was looking on phone because that glitching stuff earlier but yeah it seems like it seems like it's doing okay right no no no not the happy home design always press the wrong button here red Foss flaw says does the I caught the thing sound remind you of the start of has to use dance from breath the world I can't still think about it every time I catch something yes oh my god it's so similar fish baits we're gonna want that we're not gonna want the watering can we don't need the miniskirt we don't need the clay we don't need the clumps of weeds although I probably should have sold them slingshot let's take that obviously we need the ticket stones I might need for crafting when I get there even I could probably get some flimsy ax that's coming yet flimsy shovel fishing rod aaaa at the cedar tree I don't want to use it I want to put it in storage oaken that can the cedar tree not go into storage bath towel wrap all right it's going in storage but I'm putting it back on at the end of the stream once we get back right folks just to make everyone well aware of the situation REE the towel okay I think that looks like a goodly setup yeah [Music] cool right let's plant that tree and then let's head to the island Jai clarinet says false you also need the miniskirt what is this letter it's from my friend Andi hopefully it's something that's safe for the stream happy days from Cornelia ah this is from a friend of the channel Andy Hoyle who took the amazing photos for the literally everyone else in the world are amazing portraits for the for the music video what is it an old tire Oh Andy you shouldn't have look at that incredible but you know what oh sorry but it definitely goes with my Springsteen aesthetic which I like thanks Andy that was great thank you so much you champion oh good and now I've got that old tire so now I need no need to go back in the house Elizabeth Fleming says perfect live stream to watch while sewing facemasks thanks for all the children the during these stressful times no worries at all off to Mystery Island kinda harvest some resources hopefully we'll find some rare bugs and some cool stuff I want to fly use that nope masticate Orville get me in the air time for takeoff I'm excited to find out what thing i neva tably forgot go to Walker who needs wings haha ah planting the tree was the thing I forgot to do ah there's always something there's always something look when you run in these streams there's a lot to keep your mind on something always slips or something very quite forgetful person alright here we are on this beautiful randomised island Oh cherries yes cherries amazing that's great right first let's get the net out because I can see I don't know if that is a kind I don't know if that is a kind of I think that's I think that's a kind of butterfly already have but let's sneak up on it anyway we can I need it so just a light to somewhere please we've got another resident looks like I'm being sort of hunted through and no get back here get back here I say there we first try I'll tell you a bus fight okay I've got I've got Tiger paws place by that by the Dozen lovely flowers we've got coconuts Rock we're going to want to be fishing in this water have a little chat with a blue bear and Blue Bear welcome to my hype tastic island getaway it's not my island but it will be on to be a pop star or pop star zone Islands hey Blue Bear how about this come live with me I'd be the most car miss most relaxed bear cub pop star you've ever met oh my gosh yes I can move to any old Island but this is way better since you'll be there you hear that world I'm moving to not at all yay oh my gosh moving kay so stressful so much to do Oh blue bed Oh panic I love your jumper but to come down center yourself Blue Bear find your happy place come to help all better so I've got to get to get this train going his talk to Tom Nick yeah yeah cannot wait to have a cheek not at all zip code all right we've got a new resident Tommy meadow says I just want to say thanks I'm jobless due to covert and you all are keeping me sane ah Tommy I'm sorry that sucks my heart goes out to anyone who's affected professionally by this virus stuff yeah that sucks I'm sorry but yeah glad that the streams are helping slightly sorry I don't want a small fish on the big fish okay we're getting another small fish fine you know what you know what I'll just take it I can articulate I'm excited to have a pop star moving in what's that a crucian carp oh you don't see them you see them everywhere but they're also not super rare I do have one already nice time a date we're doing this right let's start harvesting some resources shall we from the top to the bottom starting with let's take this cherry tree home wholesale well not this one necessarily but let's take a few cherry trees home wholesale I'll definitely want cherries because I'm gonna be able to sell them for a lot of money in fact this feels like a sort of mortgage nuke that mortgage from orbit with all the cherries I'm gonna be selling this is what I mainly do in this game I think fishing is my favorite pastime we go oh it's another crucian carp alright I think this is going to be a heavy crucian carp situation alright let's get let's get some let's get some goodies out of this rock can you fall and hammer in yep there's the Nugget yes the iron nuggets all right that's what we're getting but that was good it was good Hall three iron nuggets awesome and some clay which so far I've not used for anything but I sort of have to trust will be useful at some point now these flowers take up loads of space in the inventory but I don't think I have really any orange ones so let's take some of these home cherries please another stone welcome along new member Rebecca jisse yes I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly and apologies if I didn't but thank you thank you for becoming a member that's awesome welcome along welcome along please enjoy the customer emojis and all incredible incredible things we can get our yeah here we are this wants pain out big time come on yes oh yeah I am knock it I an iron nuggets all over the shop here oops just want to give this one a gentle tap with the axe it's a word awesome awesome all those cherries tell you what let's have that coconut tree in its entirety shall we whoop nice oh that's it for the shovel you have another one am I gonna have to go craft one I do not have another one so I am gonna have to go craft one that's alright that is doable that is an achievable goal let's fish my shake out a few tree branches oh man I can't believe how many cherries were getting this is really awesome you ready for some amount of cherries right to the crafting bench just make myself a new shovel advice in the chat to clear all the space around the rock you'll get more out of rocks if you do a row of three holes behind it okay alright that makes that sort of makes sense yeah okay alright I'll do that I'll do that gives it I suppose yeah it gives the space most gives the stuff more space to sort of fly out oh it's hard wood I need for shovels not not sticks alright well that's fine I can get hard wood there's one two three was it three I needed or five Oh memory you're letting me down yep good let's splash out on a on a sturdy a shovel cool alright so let's take so let's let's try the let's try the new exciting new technique no no no no come on [Music] throw through behind alright and then later town on the rock no no no nice oh yeah I can see how that pays out more makes sense great what's your native fruit Luke says Maggie town's oranges oranges is what we got in not at all and very juicy sweet they are too right let's grab a cherry tree entire or let's get a couple actually nice note obviously I wish you could tell this game never pick up clumps of reeds I don't want the weeds you see how quickly your inventory fills up but it's alright we don't get rid of this wood I think I probably met his mates this the thing that makes the most sense to get rid of eat another cherry so we can lift up this tree that's good cherry economics sweet sweet sweet sweet right now let's get back to shaking and Lucan I also really want to do some fishing before we leave this island because you never know what you're gonna find we only got five minutes left at the stream so so maybe not maybe in the spirit of wrapping up this live stream on time I will take the hit in not harvesting every single resource from this island but I do want all these cherries pockets are full already yes off it with stop it with the word cherries are gonna fetch a full already where these cherries not stacking it's a big fish in there isn't it right there we go come on we got Oh black bass let it go already got one joke four four four four says when is Ellen streaming next the plan is for Ellen to be stream later in the week I think it'll almost certainly be on Wednesday more black flag which is similarly piratical right is there anything I've got that's like worse than the clay clumpy weeds get rid of it nice quick scout around looking for big fish ordinary sized fish [Music] oh my gosh the lighting in this game is just so gorgeous it's really lovely isn't it Ellen dismisses have you got a sturgeon yet if you use bait on the river mouth until you see a big fish shadow you should catch one quick bait on the river mouth I'd I have not caught a sturgeon but hey look here's the river mouth just give it a go quickly just hop up I don't know what I would swap out if I did catch a sturgeon but I guess the sturgeons would be a good find so does this count as the river mouth you would think so I don't don't oh I do have a tie dirt bait with me it's not very big it's not very big but I'm certainly keen to see what it is yellow perch let it go let it go be free yellow perch mmm also not very big it's a slightly wasteful use of bait but as I say I'm trying to wrap it oh hang on that is that might be the same size as all the others bit looks quite sizable to me don't go anywhere you big fish come on come on come on see it no no no no once you get from bait despawn quite quickly sometimes there we go I think we've got interest ah black bass now let it go let it go [Music] we've got some miles to cash in well that'll be useful in getting me back to another cashing in I think there's some questionable fish puns going off in the chat I blame Ellen pretty certainly her fault cool alright well this was a look at that inventory that is stuffed with valuable items it's just cast cast alright we could you know we've got the guest the resident got a few flowers I haven't seen any bugs that we don't have already we didn't do this rock suppose we should probably do that quickly so think we did this rock maybe we did suppose there's a quick way to find out ah I know we haven't 3 4 5 6 7 8 nice goodly amount of iron nuggets hopefully they stack so I can take them all back looks like they will stone clay yeah yeah good all right that was worth doing all right so I think it is time to head back there's I'd probably hang around a little bit longer on this island but it is ready to put on the stream soon so let's head back see if we can't pay off that mortgage Papa Papa Papa right let's plant those cherry trees and sell basically everything else I think not a good spot I don't know why I decided that but I just have right oh wait of course we don't need we don't need to need to do this we can we can plant them you can plant them as is of course that's the whole point of taking the tree Luke yeah awesome look at that gorgeous lovely and just shake him down I'm gonna leave the other I'm gonna leave the cherries in the other tree because you know for guests and stuff what else we got we've got coconut did we get a coconut tree yes we did let's plant that quickly no area supplant it will gain come on where do you think I might be trying to plant it all right see how much money we made from all that fingers crossed everyone I want to sell I am offering this cherry and this cherry and these cherries and these cherries and these cherries and these cherries and this butterfly and these carp and a sea snail and six coconuts why the heck not what say you Timmy or Tommy fingers crossed everyone oh yes sold oh man yes mister nuke wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hang on hang on this sudden you have to do before we have this conversation something very important you know it you know it michael vine says he's going to get the towel isn't he yeah yeah that's more like it okay so let's pay it all off then we have to use the ATM to do that loan payment pay from pockets I guess full amount the full amount baby yeah oh look Tom Nook is cheering happy for me let's have a like spike for the paying off of the loan and that like spike will also apply to the introduction of what I'm sure is going to be an even more punishing loan what if my home could be bigger I guess that would be good yeah come on Tom obviously I want a bigger home welcome along new member Madeline Winograd hi 198 grand yeah let's do it let's roll the dice a new color for my roof eight color options hmm what other colors have we got could have Hulkster purple can have blue my favorite color I like red I like the red that I've got already that's why I chose it to start with the Platypus is watching your stream while game designing do you like the idea of a grappling hook 2d platforming shooter working on that now yeah if you could nail the controls on that that sounds incredibly satisfying to play that would be awesome I very much like that well folks we did it we did it you want to take part in the ceremony Luke yeah let's have a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the museum which only opened this morning I was holding off on that option to do the ceremony because I thought it would be a nice way to end the stream now then welcome to our dedication ceremony honoring not atolls brand-new Museum yeah everybody claps thank you not at all truly started out as a deserted island there simply wasn't much here but now it's slowly beginning to develop thanks to the tireless efforts of well everyone really is it everyone tom is it everyone is it basically the guy in the towel doing everything and now I think we need to hear a few words from blathers he'll be running our new museum blador's the floor is yours residents of not at all once again I am blathers your humble museum curator I am overwhelmed indeed overjoyed by the marvelous establishment we are opening here today who will this could not have been done without you and your considerable cooperation rich ecosystem and treasure trove of species continues to inspire all it has surely strengthened my own resolve to build a museum brimming with Wonder I say I do hope you will continue your support of the museum's efforts going forward thank you for that rousing speech bladders now let's have a few words for someone whose contributions made the museum possible I'm talking about Luke our resident representative anything to add yeah yes yes indeed thank you for your heartfelt and encouraging sentiments there Luke everyone please get ready to join me bringing this ceremony to a close also those wishing to take a commemorative photo should get ready to press the capture button Oh Tom I am so ready well lend with hope for our continued growth and to celebrate not atolls beautiful Museum hooray yay awesome [Music] thank you all this concludes our ceremony please do take care on your way home cool alright thank you everyone for joining this livestream it was great I had a great time we're gonna be streaming well okay let's see let's see what do we got coming up this week so tomorrow we've got a list video it's probably going to be a list feature about Animal Crossing if I can make that if I can get that made you know like starter tips if you're new to the game Wednesday Ellen's going to be streaming or at least you know all these things are subject to change because think everything is so fluid at the moment but the plan currently is yet Ellen's going to be streaming some black flag on Wednesday definitely check that out and yeah Thursday the plan is more animal crossing so if you're enjoying the animal crossing streams make a note for Thursday Thursday afternoon check the outside extra twitter and instagrams for you know exact timings as we get closer to that date and then on Friday Dungeons & Dragons Doc's venture part 3 the conclusion of the epic exhibition impossible adventure thanks everyone thanks Andy for helping out on this stream as well thanks Ellen who's been moderating in the chat like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we'll see you next time please enjoy some chill animal crossing thanks for watching holding card stuff good bye everyone bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 90,591
Rating: 4.964119 out of 5
Id: urxY9UkIqfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 27sec (8127 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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