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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter i'm sad that this moment has we don't want you arrived leave guys i don't want to go i do not want to go are you bringing a baby michael's had a baby what happened in my dream i've adopted it i see that she's like no way we've got your little present to go home with to make the to make the journey a little bit less uh okay so philip you're driving yes so michael you and i will polish that off on the way home if you're thirsty i mean it's a long drive yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you so so much it's been such a pleasure and oh it has been is that the wine that we tasted in the wine tasting in your cellars the very first one we tasted which i think was my favorite i loved it so i filmed the wine tasting so i mean that probably would be out by the time yeah oh yeah the full video has been nice yeah yeah so but if you haven't seen it so thank you so much it's a pleasure it's i mean it's been amazing we don't want you to leave guys we we really don't want to go but we'll come back i mean we have to have the vet we've got to come back for your vaccine exactly oh look how brilliantly we managed to organize that but please in the meantime come to la land seriously any time you're free just let us know we'll do bye bye this is really sad and i don't like it i haven't been to la land in a very long time yeah i'm quite looking forward to going back i'm so excited to have you at la land how is it always beautiful the minute we arrive at that i know it's stunning it's been raining for four hours all the way here until i think you're raining so much that there's no more water left in the sky on the ground now it's so gorgeous i'm so happy you're here michael stephanie yeah well this was for you actually we thought one day you're gonna come back look at these little pots smell a bunch of these italians and boxers yes is there a few roses in there oh yes and they're all the roses from badminton oh this used to be a ripe mess well we couldn't have it like that for you could we as you like the courtyard so much i think we should come look at the actual garden let me show you the clumatis clementis yes davies clematis as we know them because they've been planted with the thornless blackberries on every single one of these arches oh so that's a blackballed factory yep yep that's the blackberry look and they're really covered oh that's a club assist yes wow look at the color of it oh that's beautiful has you got a label uh yes it is snow queen queen oh that is and so still shooting up and these are all our different times here little blobs of time which we bought though much more they've done really well this is definitely horse radish can we make some horseradish sauce oh yes i would love that what about beef wellington ah because of the bottle of wine we brought back with us from chateau lagos is there it's the pomerol i'm gonna do a beef wellington i love your beef wellington so what you do is you get the whole it's expensive to make but it it feeds a lot of people so you get the whole beef fillet yeah you cut the middle out that's the bit you use and then you keep the other bits you can make steaks out of them the middle bit you can make your little mushroom and the herby thing to go over and then you wrap it in flaky pastry flip it over egg wash your iris is a nice color yeah they're very nice but i like actually my favorites are the blue ones and i saw some yellow ones at chateau lagos which i haven't seen i've never seen a yellow one before no neither had i no i'm going to be really naughty i'm going to have a shoot off this onion because i love look there's some borage oh is that the coriander we better stop that going to seed and you don't want that nothing worse when you have dead seed i'm going to have a chai flour i really like these really nice i'll tell you what chai flowers are nice on a salad pick the petals off sprinkle them in a salad you get that nice peppery chive and you get the color as well so garlicky and delicious then we have so many strawberry beds that we're practically a strawberry farm [Music] oh yeah i saw your friend in madrid yes he said hello yeah dad went a bit crazy on strawberries last year you could never go too crazy there was no stopping him he was like a man possessed all of these strawberries wow and look we've got little baby strawberries already it's covered in baby strawberries steph you know what mommy's not here and the wild strawberries will be out soon oh and she won't be eating them should we go hunting they might be there okay let's yeah let's have a look let's have a look because i know last night last year she was getting them before everyone else but she can't have them this year so they're all the way along the edges of the greenhouse all these white flowers you see the tiny wild strawberries i think they're too young no ripe ones up here the flowers turn into strawberries don't they yes but there's still a few oh you lucky they're not ready there's one that's ready where there it is sneaky they hide on the leaves don't they my first strawberry of the year there's one here for you there you go i've got two though i've got two because i just found another one ready yeah i'm ready oh oh they're so good i just spotted our chickens go go down there look they are hilarious they look a bit freaky they are epic there's lavandel on the right look at his hair beethoven on the left oh look at that one right up ahead it's nancy nancy what the the fluffy one over there the fluffy one oh they're gorgeous there goes she's got blue cheeks yes you got blue earrings i blue earrings yeah she loves her earrings doesn't answer she called it pat butcher that one it was named after natty's friend oh that's so cute we've seen another clematis which is insanely beautiful what type is that so that one is multi blue not too blue oh because it's got multi uh yes so many petals double blooms or whatever i cannot believe we planted these like a week or two ago look at it do they grow fast they really do flower for long um will they grow over the whole thing they will eventually so davey's planned it so that we have flowers almost continuously from may to october you're lucky to have him i know because most people haven't got a clue davey is epic so really there's no need to make such a racket got very blue he wasn't that blue before he's always been stunning i think you just forget when you haven't seen him for a while how anything could be that beautiful these are going to be the red currants black currants and white currants as well all along there and gooseberries over there raspberries you know what my first job when i was 15 was gooseberry picking on a farm and i used to um i used to come home and my elbow my forearms and my hands will scratch the pieces because they've got big thorns can you still bring us off to eat a gooseberry i love this piece me too actually i used to just eat them raw like a bit tart but i love them yeah i used to get i used to get five pounds for a tray a big tray quite a lot of money back then i think it was 18 17. it took a while to fill up a tray yeah you know a good hour so you know you were only five pounds an hour but yeah that was fifteen it was you know it was something oh wow look they're already there but the trick is not ready don't go don't go down you've got to go under and you've got a cup underneath again like that and you avoid the thorns that's a beautiful thing to see how has it been going out here whilst we've been away have you been settling in yes you're picking the lemon balm is this for tonight yeah we've got lettuce and chervil yes you know we've been planting their concumber no i haven't seen them let's have a look so this is the new cucumber nice and tidy yes it is it's beautiful wow you're going to get a lot of cucumbers yeah yeah a lot because just one of these is going to go it's lucky that i like cucumber a lot especially i love the sort of french cucumber salad you know when you salt it and you leave it to drain you've all been doing the most beautiful job out here yeah i can't because there's only one month to go yeah okay let's check out mommy's greenhouse did somebody send that or did you have it made so what have we got here fanny that's interesting okay beecher a lot of lettuce wow that's grown so much since i left it's nice because it's still different yep chilli parsley can i have a piece of lettuce take whatever you like so many herbs over here this is curry plant do you do a lot of um planting at home yes do you have a vegetable garden it's very lovely do you know yes yes this is what i do so i go pick up things and eat and you eat whatever you happen to have yeah yeah it's lovely and it's so so life so lively yeah full of life and feels good so and what are your favorite things that you plant [Music] salad and this all this uh thing that are they yes they add so much to a dish i think they're still massively underused i like everything to be honest yes yeah have you seen this one does it taste does it taste like curry smells of it i've got a lot of taste but i don't know oh got it i got a curry yeah like turmeric and yes yes yes in the bacon and a bit of coriander you can taste it at the back of your tongue that's exactly where i got it right at the back on one side it's like it's like turmeric and coriander like mixed together the flavor garlic oh garlic yeah i think so yeah it looks like garlic but it needs a bit of water does the um the leaf taste of garlic um somehow yes should i try a bit sure i think it's gone quite wild on the leaf front today mike i'm getting my vitamins that's it i had too many takeaways in them madrid and restaurants should be fair that that is the spanish don't really eat vegetables do they oh no not bad it's not quite mild it smells like oniony garlic it smells so strong from here you're running away from us but hi funny come on garlicky one michael just said do you have a compost i don't know you used to have a like a little pile in there do we have a compost one look what someone made are they stables for small horses oh yeah the shetland pony stables you'll thank him for this once you've got all this beautiful compost that's gonna be gorgeous yes and isn't it beautifully made marvelous we're good to go okay we're going to go in fanny see you later bye bye later uh a cup of tea oh gasping let's go what exciting things are happening behind that door you look very tall are you up the step ladder i did hear there was something exciting going on and nasty was right yes it's steve's birthday so we're making him a few little delicious yes from courtesy of the uh the toblerone book this is a gift that we received and also we have been gifted a lot of toblerone so this is exciting chocolate meringue brownie yeah um it's really i think our our two loves come together really at this point because every time i come to france in the past before we moved here i would at some point in the trip genuinely look for a meringue as big as my head and take probably a week to eat it but that was sort of the goal so i love the meringues loves brownies so this is just this is your relationship and one dessert had to happen on his birthday when i found this recipe and we've got the we've got the boys on the savory phillip and michael have gone shopping and they're making a plan yes they are i can't wait to see what i'm saying i know yeah should be amazing i love what you're wearing today thank you i decided to go for a maximum clash i like it but kind of like matchy very much matchy clashing it's still a long way my my month of living out of a suit sorry two months of living out of one suitcase worth of clothes right now it's just like i don't care about certain places anymore no but actually you look so pretty genuinely that shirt is gorgeous yeah okay good luck with it thank you does your um contraption your space-age cooking machine that i really don't agree with but i'm in a rush tonight so i might i might warm to it does it chop as well yeah of course it does do you think you can make the um i don't know what it's called the um the mushroom shallot and buttery thing that goes mushrooms it'll cut everything for it stop chopping we'll get it to chop i need these i need these diced what are you up to philip i'm laying the tape and i'm gonna make cocktails are we having i've got the perfect joke for a i remember you buying that are we really are we having bloody mary's yeah why not have we got any beauty instead i don't think we've you oh oh hang on have you got celery yes you are lovely you're welcome drink that's enough beef there's only eight of us and i think one is a vegetarian that one's going to be for all of us yes that's enough for eight isn't it yes and then i've got that because i thought well oh you can use the offcuts to make steaks or well phillip needs a small one because he can't have okay so wait that's for six of us and that's for phillips oh he was excited there you don't know yet just how much philip can eat it's impressive i could make a whole separate one maybe half of that and then it could be cut up for lunches or something well you were faster than the thermomix because i didn't even have a chance to get it out did i right now i was waiting for you to get the thing and then i went over and looked at the thing and the thing wasn't by a power outlet and then i thought well once by the time i've got it out moved it plugged it in put the mushrooms in it got the mushrooms out then cleaned the thing afterwards i might as well just do it by hand i mean if it's not going to cook for me what's the point all right therma mix get over to that cooker and cook for me now excellently done sir i'm in control of the potatoes it's all going well over here right stephanie that's your lot that's sherlock oh you did it philip you missed a good one that's shallot this was a gift from ed and anna i love it look at that one of four that they gave us i can't believe they put them should we uh open it up oh yes we have to let it breathe and we can't be too careful you know we we should really taste it to make sure it's okay for dinner but we need to yeah need to let it breathe pomerol 93 smells okay glasses let's try my nice modern ones well are they i want the one that crystal the dink they got they've got it because apparently the crystal there's something in it that they do it makes the wine taste better philippi wants the ding can you can you provide a ding which ding he wants he wants a crystalline ding in his glass could you could you provide a crystalline thing you're gonna ding in dutchman's go get some wine glasses i'm thirsty shall we go over luke all right let's go let's go find something dinging hurry up i'm dry oh goodness sake okay you just behave yourself and we are going to go and look for some dings okay these are my glasses that i was going to take to london because they're very modern that i think they might ding and i think it'd be fun to use them should we try oh come on that's a ding oh yes that's a ding that's a that's a very decent very nice sorry oh have you had an emotional moment whilst we were gone did you miss us i don't like it when you leave we shouldn't leave them alone get me some oil no it's the um shallots they're really potent they're really potent yeah um okay bear with me i know they're very modern but i think they're super cool and they ding we checked i mean i like them good they don't i think they look quite cool on the kitchen table let him decide is this ding or not yes yeah it's a dolding because it's oh the pair of you are a nightmare it's fine it's a ding it's fine okay look at the rainbows it said uh funny just pointed it out tonight oh it's beautiful oh it's so beautiful yes it was just pouring down a second ago but i think it might still be raining on the other side i mean it was moved a minute ago it was actually in the field the bottom of it and now the weather is stunning how it's changing so fast they are still raining on this side amazing this is very nice condition to be cooking in i put the potatoes on to boil i'm going to start to make some yorkshire puddings see michael i'm using the thermomix just to mix up the um you don't need that you don't need that you're weighing it i'm weighing it and mixing it so what are your quantities i've doubled them because i thought we don't just want one yorkshire pudding do we so now i need eight eggs i'll use nothing because have you seen the size of our eggs do you wanna know my um it smells so good in here michael yeah your beef wow my beef yeah the beef oh have you just heated the oil you're heating the oil yeah oh they are going in now parboil them very small yes i'm going to coat them lots of delicious olive oil and get them back in at the highest heat i love those potatoes me too so while you're doing that i've seared well that's basically a whole fillet of beef and but i've cut it up to different sections because we've got one for people without allergies so people also that are gluten intolerant things we've got a separate one for phillips eggs and milk and all of that and we've got a normal one and then this is the mushroom shallot is that what it's called there's thyme and parsley and garlic in there and that's all being fried with some olive oil whilst we've been cooking philip has been working wonders in the entrance hall i'm gonna go and have a look there's some red wine in that so you don't do that and i'll throw it with this oh it's so pretty thank you and it goes really well in this room the greens but i don't recognize the napkins oh well it's because i bought them today you didn't yes where is i love them you like them not only do i love them but that's my grandmother's initials pull it she would have loved those oh yes i love the embroidery and i love the little bit of green it's so fresh yeah whoa that's really pretty too it looks so good with the flowers who did the flowers um i started and it was a bit of a train wreck so uh nutty said i can get some inspiration from marie and um fix them up matty did oh she did a nice job i really like them yes oh it's going to be so pretty steve likes it i love the table i'm running back to the kitchen is everything on the right there i think so the roast potatoes are in i've made the mix for the yorkshire puddings and michael is all over the beef wellington i'll come through and make some garlic bread yum happy birthday steve cheers thank you very very much oh i like the outfit i'm going for comfort did you find that today yes sarah found it for me at the emmaus it is superb it looks like a smoking jacket that's what we're calling it oh so she just didn't get the cravat but maybe next time i almost picked it up and yet i walked by a couple of them and i thought he'll never wear a corvette and he would have yeah and now here he is now we know i would afford one once and hello davey right we are still working in the kitchen but we are getting there it smells amazing but you know you lounge you've got a drink you've got the outfit yeah we'll get on with it now what is happening here a look of great concentration on your face phillip i'm looking for a bread knife because so we've got lots of old bread yes and it's not really edible anymore it's a bit stiff a bit yeah right so there's a button up underneath i just found it and i've made garlic butter with parsley yes love it and um yeah it's gonna go into the oven and it'll be nice and soft i haven't got time to do the fancy lattice thing so we're getting it just scored i think it looks great and i'm gonna check the roast potatoes oh is this the philip one yeah mini philip wellington i just put olive oil on it yeah instead of egg on it and it's great and it's uh there's a milk free no butter-free pastry right roast potatoes are done and i used to do the yorkshire pudding so i've really heated the oil very very hot oh that is hot it's very hot i'm going to make two lots if i can if there's enough oil we'll see so this is the trick to yorkshire puddings you've got to get the oil like almost smoking well yours is already smoking smokey let's get these in and do the next try yep well done it's such a british meal we're doing tonight beef wellington roast potatoes yorkshire pudding now i think we should try that mine this is my everything you're in luck stiff because i've already poured it oh there it is they are good glasses aren't they yeah yeah they're different they are good not just different they're different stuff okay they hold the wine so i mean i don't like to interrupt a man who's making a bloody mary but maybe michael patterson for me it's for you let me cheers cheers and i know i'm saying this whilst i'm holding one glass but how long until we can have a bloody mary what is a bloody mary tomato juice vodka lime tabasco and sauce worcestershire ah some alcoholic soup then basically now that delicious that's older than phillip that's gonna round the meal off very nicely most people around the chateau are older than phillip yeah quite a bit more than actually it's a little older than phillip and a bit more full-bodied probably richer too [Laughter] natty wow seriously wow you're leaving tomorrow morning yes what are we going to do without you oh you wouldn't be done i don't know i think you're going to come back to just rack and ruin that's true this is a smoldering pile probably yes very likely sadly it's going to be like the end of sort of gone with the wind what about me swirling around [Laughter] i'm going to miss you so much you look stunning look at my yorkshire puddings i'm very proud of them i'm showing them to everyone they puffed up yeah oh i love the things and i think we're nearly ready philip has made garlic bread and is just preparing the bloody mary's which thankfully he's given to me to taste every five seconds from here now i see our first guest here [Music] oh really happy the second batch are even better [Music] yes you can definitely eat one because i've just eaten two just trying right yes i have to keep trying it's not fair on serving anyone anything you haven't tried yourself oh my gosh two you say yeah two two is the normal amount before going through to the table i know you're really busy watching bordeaux life on the floor but would you like to try halfway what do you think yesterday [Music] if you keep feeding me like this i'm never going to leave do you realize that's good with us it looks amazing i can't wait to try michael's beef wellington yes just dive in birthday boy my turn yes you have to do the honors okay i'm excited to try the new napkins phillip nice yes that feels right you enjoying your napkin davey it's always handy to have a napkin oh definitely yes thank you would you like some baby looks good phillip looks really good oh the salad from the garden and i do need it to add a little green to my plate but i'm very distracted by the deliciousness of that beef he's cooked it to perfection oh thank you fanny thank you so much welcome is this it oh my this is toblerone moment i don't know sarah made this it's two different things is this a taboo this is toblerone brownie with a meringue top too so that's your best combination oh that is brilliant here we go davey okay we'll try it we're going in [Music] chocolate yummy [Music] i love sarah me too and not only amazing chocolate goodies but a mojito thank you for them [Applause] right thank you everybody it's been amazing a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yadal and ether brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel banacovich jill bidwell candice blackman candace ned volkowski clara butch of harolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton stephen sarah cole linda sue concepcion zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff david tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa leforge dave and summer la land morgan lawley victoria lepin janet haflombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton kathy norrie jc award maureen palmer frank poposki and james snow tomorrow prize almond ramen tony renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks carl and laurie sieber teresa sloane patty sue matthews sinclair wilson susan stevens sabrina surette and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the lakota poo greg wood david young and ludovico zordenazzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 99,821
Rating: 4.9613709 out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, vegetable garden, potager, cooking
Id: jTsss-s_OfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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