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well this is not something i see on my bed every day [Laughter] i'm laughing because it's so good i thought you wish you just never came to work here it's like watching someone wrestle with a giant sea serpent being in love is so much fun that it makes days fly past [Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter i'm up and i've already got my tea ready with a sip through lid because i'm heading outside matt the builder is here and so i'm gonna go and chat to him about everything that's happening and everything that needs doing but first i have to get davey on the way knock knock knock good morning davey good morning i am up you're just standing in a haze of light there in front of the window oh yeah ready to go outside yes you match the curtains oh it's lovely okay let's go out i've got my tea i'm ready for anything you seem to be wrestling with a giant snake matter you always give me such fun tasks because you give me all the best jobs how's it going look bad yourself very good daddy look at that you've already got the pipes down yeah they're all in down to there hopefully i get all this in today and then tomorrow we'll cut it sleeve it and then maybe the day after we can start refilling again so exciting you don't have to zip that up right it's all broken they put it on the radiator look what's happened it's melted all my seals the cuffs the head seal's gone better not get too deep this is what i'm worried about oh dear can you tell us what's going on oh did you just fancy a bit of a dip i think i've got a leak oh no no are you serious yeah i can feel a little bit chilly um spoke about bringing your pipe through there yeah so that's the plan now to get the pipe through there in the moat then we're going to sink it yes hang on hang on hang on don't let it go under because i haven't got any cap seals i can't see him up but i can see a pipe disappearing i thought you wish you just never came to work here no i enjoy it there's not many people that have been in a soggy disgusting bottle isn't yeah right there's that little saw in the back of the van yes that yellow one how are you planning to get it to get what this no i can catch it from there he was in the baseball team at school okay nice catch okay what are you doing with the spade in the moat i'll make it deeper feel free to do some pruning whilst you're down there no that's darren's job oh well not a bad throw and not a bad catch yeah i mean i didn't know we had a new gardener on the team this is great can i give you must pay yeah it's a new one don't drop it [Music] ready got it thank you i'm an integral part of this team you are you can do without me so where is that nozzle going this is going to go up the hole yeah it's gonna come out on the other side of the road and get attached to the pipe that's come down from the field no then i'm gonna sleeve it to protect it what is happening now ah the too much duct tape problem oh yeah it's going well it's like watching someone wrestle with a giant sea surface how are dryness levels going sorry i've got pins and needles now i can't feel it here we go this is the equivalent of sewing at la land instead of a thread going into the eye of a needle it's a pipe going into an overflow you want me to pull from the other end yeah you pull from the other end i can see it i've got it it's all the way through that's fine so just leave it like that yes please okay he'd be very good at sewing that was precision stuff piece of cake just a little bit okay the plan is we'll come down the wall yeah along here yes we're gonna have a tea piece underwater with a pipe coming up in this corner okay so we get water in the courtyard for the first time ever for a young daniel you're gonna have a tap over by the which i don't even know if it's really necessary right by one of your pillars by the gate okay honestly the more the merrier love it okay that'll be later i'm not worried about that one just yet it's a good look [Applause] it's a kinky look you've got there i think it could catch on i think so dan is going to be so excited and i can't believe it by the time my mother gets back we'll actually have a watering system in the garden how is mummy she's actually really good and she's absolutely no desire to leave the beach in south africa to come here which is weird isn't it do you think she'd be missing us she lives um about an hour or so from durban on the coast yeah it's lovely we've finished this bit now oh yeah we're finished this looks good this is the final look you could put some ivy up and over it i like what you've done it's an installation exactly yeah very nice canoes in here you've got some obstacles to go through like this okay we can take one pipe off i can't believe that we're going to have water in the garden and an automatic watering system what do you mean i hope that's not good to hear the contractor say that you hope you do the job and then cross your fingers okay i'm going in i'm going to leave the two of you staring intently into a hole i see you're going to be here sometime see you both later [Music] good morning howdy strangers how are you how are you you put your wellies on that means business oh yeah i've been filming out and about in the wild in a booth they're in a boot yeah matt's been doing really fun stuff yeah with what it's like oh there's a digger but not only that there's a kind of sea monster in the lake what's it doing it's going to be watering the vegetable garden how exciting how did the koi feel about it i think that they've had one of their most exciting days for some time sure okay i'll go and feed them some bread and oh i might come and have a look at that yeah i don't think people have seen our carp for a while okay let's go do that so it's going to be bringing the water down from the system at the top of the field yeah and then through the moat into the vegetable garden like that like that very similar to that here that's so exciting let's feed the fish on this side i reckon the ones on this side might be traumatized now the ones on this side of the mate they're not traumatized at all okay trying to find a spot that hasn't got peace i'm gonna go for a bit of a hot dog roll for them they're all scared well matt has been just prancing around so i think all the big ones are like something weird's going on we didn't get this big by being foolish well i've no idea where all the big ones are today but as you can see the little ones are very very perky the big ones i think are being kept away by all of that all of those vibrations from the machines i think that they're wise that something is uh well this is not something i see on my bed every day what a sight i'm excited to see this i have to change the inside is very stained so that will have to be changed so you want the seat in place right yeah can you hold that whilst i push the thing behind the bed two seconds i'm laughing because it's so good like it it's ridiculous because it's so much better than i thought it was going to be hang on i'm going to take a photo for you to see can i put it down again yeah you can bring it down thank you so much youtube thank you really i'm amazed at how good it looks i was thinking of changing my whole bedroom and having de gournier and nothing like this and no twilighty but in fact if i go for this i won't change my room obviously the bright pink tape which needs to go urgently we'll go what's up with that um i was going to put three different tapes on top of one another and this tiny like an a millimeter of this would have shown with a very pale pink on top and gold on that awful but yeah but i thought it'd be nice it was just a tiny flash of it but um but then i realized that it's not the look i wanted and i i didn't really like the walls that much this looked amazing thank you honestly thank you so much this is so great something really exciting just happened because philip and i have been talking about the decoration in this room how i could arrange this because obviously this strip of fabric is a little bit narrower than the line in the middle of the back of the bed and i want i i definitely want it to be smaller because i want to get a sort of triangular effect but nevertheless i have to have fabric coming all the way to the end so i need to put all the curtains on here and when i was in the attic clearing i found a pair of vintage twilight returns that my aunt gave to me which i will show you now but first i want to show you this because i felt certain i had seen this fabric in one of my 12 books and i looked through all of them the minute i got home and couldn't find it and yesterday cat came into my room and said have you checked this toilet because i've just found it in the winter salon and here it is i knew i'd seen it this is this twirl you see the woman staring at the faithful dog she's just over here obviously this has been quilted but it's exactly the same fabric and it's very beautiful because there's a story being told in this 12 a story that i absolutely love especially as la landers was based on friends living together this twirl is called la mor elamite or love and friendship and it was printed on copper plates between 1818 and 1820 so we know that that is when this fabric dates from it is over 200 years old and the story here we have cupid and he's in a boat with time you can see that that's time he's got his scythe because when you run out of time that's what happens and cupid is rowing time towards the temple of love and the top of the temple says love makes time pass and obviously it's a play on his passing through the river he's making time pass because being in love is so much fun that it makes days fly past and the women in the temple are very excited because they can see love arriving in their lives but look what happens on the other side of the temple the other side of the temple of love is in ruin it's fallen down and here there is a boat and in this boat time is rowing cupid and cupid has fallen into a lethargy and here it says time makes love pass so when you're in love time flies but the more time goes on the more likely love is to fade but there is happiness at the heart of all of this this woman and her faithful dog and they're sitting in front of a sort of incense burner which says la michi nakang riyan dutong friendship has nothing to fear from time and you can see behind her cupid's bow and arrow unused forgotten about just left on the ground because what matters ultimately what stands the test of time is friendship it is the most beautiful allegory and i recognized it straight away and i knew i'd seen it somewhere because i remember being struck by the beauty of that story and in fact about three different versions were made maybe four different versions actually it seems here these are other versions of the same story here there's still the faithful dog and there's still the incense burner talking about friendship and the ruin yes the ruin and time going towards and away from the temple of love and it says here that this theme of love and friendship was hugely successful in his in its day which is why so many different versions were made and they're especially printed in normandy and in alizas and this one comes from munster and a fragment of this trial can be seen today in the museum of the twelve week injury and i can't believe that i have an entire bed set of a museum quality twirl it's just so lucky thank goodness you spotted it philip you're welcome really happy but i think this will be the theme of the bedroom here which will be all done in various antique twirls just muddled together matchy classy as sarah said the other day i've never heard that before but i really liked it so i will show you the curtains i found as i say these were given to me a long time ago by my aunt and i was annoyed because i hadn't found anywhere to use them and it's these and the reason i like them with this is that they're a totally different type of print we don't have two stories clashing here i feel that this reminds us of the idea of the temple in this design but i also love the fact that it's just got raspberries twirling around it as though it's old and nature's taken over and again that fits really well with this theme and then it has sunflowers and beautiful flowers in between so if i use these as the bed curtains on either side like that and then we have the cushions we bought we look at those with it too for that yeah sure yeah that's great and i actually like my pink silk bedspread because it sort of calms everything down with it too it works well no yes they're really pretty you spotted these as well didn't you i do you're on fire in the antiques fair we've got six of those okay six of those i think it's coming together really well these already have in this room yes they're the framed ones and i can make a lot more i have a lot more fragments waiting to be framed this is actually um modern ones brunch with efficience i think it's very beautiful i have a couple of these didn't you tell me this was the original one from the chateau yes in the entrance hall this was the walls of the entrance hall so i have a lot more of that and i think it's really nice to have some of that framed in this room and this one is one of the original twilights from jose and it's the four corners of the world these are the americas with a good little alligator there and so if those are on the walls because the walls are very bland in here but i think that that will work really well and then i will finally get rid everyone would be delighted of the shocking pink trim which really didn't work out so i'm happy i'm i'm really happy with the way this is going to look and i still want to use de gorne but i will do that in the new boudoir next door that's good and also you won't need as much there because most of it will be windows and windows there's so many windows in that room yes it's going to reduce the price of the wallpaper whilst the builders get on with all of the building work that's happening in every corner of the chateau i am focusing on getting furnishings and on decorating the interior of the chateau to make it as beautiful as possible and things like this are going to make a huge difference so whilst i'm bringing in new things to the chateau we are getting rid of anything that's not right we're taking it to charity shops clearing everything and philip's fixing a few bits and pieces that we think we can still use but that need a little bit of love and care so what are you working on for that i found this one yetic it was a bit broken this was loose that was broken uh one of the knobs kept falling off okay one of the legs was broken oh yes you put the leg back on i repaired it it was just underneath it okay and um now i just have to assemble it and then it can go onto the dressing table good i just want to keep clearing the attic it's really great how things are going up there in fact i will run up just to show everyone progress so far the top of the desk in the attic is now completely clear and the collection of fabrics grows there's still so many left to put in here i mean so many the cupboard will be absolutely full but we need to cut up a lot more cardboard ribbons and trims have made it in here and ian is just finishing off the step to come in so it's really very exciting from the old tower we can now wander up onto the new insulation i am absolutely loving our new storage system i can't describe how good it feels to finally be sorting and clearing after all these years and the reason i'm able to do it emotionally is because the youtube channel and our patreon account are going so well i think in the past everything was quite tight so money was tight i didn't know if i'd be able to replace things if they broke so i tended to hold on to everything just in case and i'm feeling so much more secure and happy now that i'm able to let go of things you've done it yeah i like it good i mean it's simple but it's fine for one of the bedrooms until we get a really beautiful mirror i think it is it's useful it's going to go on to the desk and rose um but marie's still in there okay without one of these days and then it needs to be ready to get the room ready for the guests excellent good good job what's this cat this is the grand plan that's the plan i didn't know there was a plan this is really good news don't worry about it there's a plan you're the woman with the plan well me and matty we're working through it room by room this is to get all the rooms ready for the bed and breakfast guests isn't it yeah this is exciting because last week we had guests in the jeet but this week we've got guests is it bed and breakfast is starting to be spotless i'm excited i hear the chainsaw there's something happening in them there woods nick is back and i see he's clearing all of the trees he must be planning to take that down soon we've been waiting for this for a while but he just wants all conditions absolutely optimal and everything cleared around it so that he can really plan where it's going to fall it's so sad that it has to go but it's very damaged it's going to fall on its own if it's left too long i can't hear any chainsawing at the moment i'm just coming to see if nick's still here and if he's not what he's done i spoke too soon i just heard a chainsaw again oh there are the crawls spud has recovered very well from his dog attack spud and ludwig soaking up the sunshine one with a lot more tail feathers than the other okay now probably means i shouldn't go down there until i know it's safe right i shall walk round okay you can't tell from here but i think i just spotted that he was changing something on the ground so i think it's safe for me to walk in hello hello just to warn you there's an incoming human hello sorry i was shouting because i didn't know if you were taking a tree down i was about to walk under it so you've cleared so much more for that yeah that's what i guessed when i looked out of my window oh it's huge we see that big crack right in the middle what a shame perfect meant to be this week because the wind's going from the north yes and you want it to come this way straight down here okay but i'm trying to clear the canopy too yeah the trees but i found that one today that was hidden between two pines the beach yeah and we couldn't really see them before yeah because they were throttled by pines so which days do you think you're going to take this down it's coming down tomorrow tomorrow uh sadly i won't be here tomorrow i'm going on an awfully big adventure all the way to belgium yeah but uh there'll be people here and i'll ask them to take some footage definitely we'll get it filmed i know that selma has marked some trees that he would like down over where he'd like his campervan to go right so let's just go and have a look at that and see which ones we think should go there's the man himself selma we've been like ships in the night because i'm usually wait during the week and you're the way hit the weekend yeah i know it's ridiculous have you been having fun now yeah it's great really where were you this time um how is it called gorge of course bush and was that to view another chateau yeah was it good it was really medieval 12th century whoa the tower was a monument yes and the rest was built 14. yes but oh my god it was in the early days it was like with the moat around yes they put it all down and the the big entrance closed so captioning not tours for available of course dress up know about the history well as you want to do a medieval fair yeah perfect and uh with with a dining big dining table so you're interested aren't you yeah yeah it's sparked some interesting the medieval ones were very i liked it the most yes have you filmed it for your vlog yeah okay good so if people want to look at it they can look at your vlog so we've come to look at the trees that you would like to have down yeah so i started already marking i can see little blue blue marks i cleared a little bit out okay all the little ones i thought maybe i start here then i can oh now i can already go yes because it's dry and then when the three man has time he can do the rest yeah yeah absolutely so do you think we need all three of these down there because i think the middle one's not the best my question for them mr three men because i feel that they uh very strongly it looks so dangerous i don't feel that one's about to go but we'll see what nick thinks because it's got a beautiful tree this middle one keep these two but reduce them okay and that's possible yeah because i do think they're quite pretty though too i agree that that first one there the chair is dying that's at such an angle yeah this this one at an angle is not a great idea okay so i'm up for all of those going the ones that are dead that are marked absolutely uh these two that are very close to dying uh as well and then the two middle ones let's keep okay because they there could be part of a nice structure or just a hammock but at least that would be nice perfect yeah so you mean this one has to come down that one's going yeah take that one out yeah you can make it on a little bit higher that i can make a connection with the tree to make them [Music] yeah it doesn't fall anymore then if you can use it for making something nice okay if you're excited the thought of that why not i mean that's it's going to stop it from being dangerous that's the main thing yeah i cleared all out was too low yes and i mowed everything and i trimmed everything because else then had to do it so yeah well yeah better things to do and i really want to go here you're excited look what a place ah yes so peaceful then i get my you get your mojo back yeah yeah i really need it because they're every day they the builders are builders and all building materials around me and uh so then i maybe i can feed the animals here that they're more in the forest i i'm a bit worried actually that the the predators are in the forest i we know because in fact on tuesday's um chateau diaries the woodland watch was on and it was the fox in the woods did you saw the shift the nest i haven't seen the nest no do you want to know yeah i'd love to look at it thank you because i followed her yeah so you found where she is yes once a year the pea hen disappears so she's on eggs and now she's on this side yeah i'm worried there's too many predators on this side we have the sheets and that's why they're hanging out on this side because sif is nesting here this is not a good spot for her she's in there right in there [Music] i can't see anything is she there yeah yeah you can see you can't have a left you see the tail [Music] yes i can see her hello there she is wow you are well hidden this is amazing i'm basically lying in a bush together look at this i back out just how hidden she is we already can't see her just amazing even though i'm gonna be able to get out of here what a place well i don't think she'll be found for now but if the little chicks hatch here i don't think that they're going to have a very long lifespan you don't know because they can hide in there the second time the first time she was not really yeah but i think she's much better now also to know when uh she has to to look after them let's hope so here's julian coming to keep an eye on things behind you yes he doesn't understand the thing about no why sift suddenly disappeared it's a mystery yeah well i'm happy to see all of this happening in the garden i'm excited to know how you find it with your camper van yeah i come to give it a try yeah because i'm now cleared out if i can make the turn yeah fingers crossed uh nick thanks so much for those trees and i'm so sad i won't be here when that tree comes down you don't be here no i'm going to belgium yeah i'm taking davey back and i'm also going to go and visit a mystery chateau there we're going to do a big chateau tour okay yeah so watch this face hello lovely people the good news is that michael potts ordered 12 bottles of wine for the wine cellar and said that we can try one to let him know how it is so let's crack that open is this your curry steve it's not curry it's um basically like a thai stir fry so i love your thai food really good thank you michael potts giving us joy all the way from amsterdam and speaking of the netherlands it's davey's last night that's belgium davey doesn't live in the netherlands belgium you know no that's belgium but the reason why i said speaking of the netherlands is that we are taking davey on our way to the netherlands yes because you have to see your family yes and big cheers to you it's been amazing having you here really amazing i hope we can come back as soon as possible could come back um in july i had three weeks off oh oh huge shower on the table davey and his great mind a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen dan banda whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel banakovich jill bidwell candice blackman candace ned volkowski clara butcher parolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton stephen sarah cole linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff dave and tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubla brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave morgan lawley victoria lepin janet hofflambard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton pacquiao jc award maureen palmer frank prokoski and james snow tomorrow prize almond ramen tony renee rjb bettina rojack hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan spence schreiber elisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shorek carl and laurie sieber theresa sloane patty suhu matthew sinclair wilson susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee vilelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wohlin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the lakota poo greg wood david young and lodovico zordanatzo and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 102,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, toile de jouy, bed crown, decorating, gardening, renovation
Id: H6gXgGIOanM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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