Taking care of Minecraft Baby Dragons!

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i'm almost done all my work all i have to do is feed the rest of the animals and i'm done for the day what who did this who burnt the barn down rainbow gold can you go figure out who did this in the server i have a feeling i know who it is it's probably just lunar or draco let's just go find them open up lunar we know it's you you pyro what are you talking about i've been tending the sheep all morning can't you see it's okay go go back in the house sheepies go hmm really lunar a sheep costume let's go ask draco and see what all right uh lunar why are you dressed up as this anyways yeah um it's so i can be friend with the sheep yeah it's it's for the sheeps it doesn't even look like he's home draco who dares to approach draco's lair is that a dragon funny is gonna freak out when she sees this luna you traitor did you like and subscribe oh we better get out of here we gotta get it no one wait a minute did i just hear screaming coming over there i need to finish chopping down this tree what what we found the person we found the person who burned the barn is it draco by any chance yeah you don't want to see what he did luna why are you dressed as a sheep it was to be one with the sheeps wait wait was it stop lying luna she was on the plan with dracco wait luna were you the one stealing the sheep from the farm who's in it with him no i found him okay whatever where's draco where's dracco do you see that big green dragon whoa is it friendly it doesn't look friendly no only if draco wants it to be first draco i see you have come to confront me states your business dracula where did you get a dragon that's so cool a bit that's right for me to know okay can you come back down though what are you doing no no no no no please do not destroy okay dracco remember this is a peaceful server i can't even see you hey you promised me you would let me ride the dragon too if i help well you didn't help you failed your mission wow um i don't think it's friendly gregon green yeah griegon green dude that's not even creative hey oh it's mad uh do you eat bread is it no do you want grigon is a carnivore they will not eat your bread okay grigon chicken jacka where did you get these dragons i want one we want a dragon we want in we'll give you want the secret the yes there's no animals left okay we'll give you that one give me fine bring it's wool to me oh you just want the wool what yes easy enough okay rainbow just go get the wool i don't know what wait why do you want wool i want you to kill it to prove you want the dragon because it's structural draco people kill sheeps in minecraft all the time that's not it's not anything extravagant still walking over there okay i can't get out of here never mind killing sheep is a struggle okay we'll just grab some wheat that's it grab some wheat and just bring cheese come here come on let's go no you're not supposed to feed it you're supposed to drag it i'm sorry okay sheep sheep maybe the sheep's not hungry luna your sheep make the sheep fall oh lunar i mean we got wool we got well dracco yeah draco there she she did it uh yeah yeah you did it follow me jacko's acting like this is like super secretive when like some kind of club draco can we just play with your dragon no you must get your own dragons to play with oh what's this oh what's this going to take hey don't touch that that's my only cannoli if you eat that grigon will eat you how did you get cookies wait out of you're telling me out of all the rare things on the server you care for cannoli do not touch my cannoli is it made out of sheep meat all right i'm going to show you a super dangerous place where i was adventuring to find all this cool loot oh wait wait can i try this one no this is mine i won't steal it i won't steal it no this is mine okay what is in that chest and one of these armor sets i'm going to steal your this armor looks expensive except the green one this is mine look at these armors i mean this black dragon one looks like dibs i dipped it let me this one just get it okay this is really cool armor track oh thank you is it free or do we borrow this you will pay me later in cannoli wow i feel crawl look i'm a woolly mammoth and in this chest and this test you will find everything you need to begin our adventure yo there's cool weapons in here wait is there strong i guess the dragon boat i'll take this one you guys who's there's don't tell draco there's one cannoli in here okay draco's obsessed okay draco we have all this stuff now show us the cave wow look at this weapon what does it do what is it i got it from slaying a giant giant thing that's a trolls hammer adventures yes it was a troll i knew that i feel like this isn't his stuff i think he stole it yeah because he has no clue about it all right i have my dragon bone sword oh i got the dragon what weapon do you have whoa whoa do not blow that food useless without a dragon stop it stop being annoying stop it whoa what does this horn do cool it will hold your dragon for you when you get a dragon whoa let's go hurry guys come on luna stop taking stuff i think luna's looting you she's like looting you jacob yeah i didn't i i didn't okay uh no no no you definitely use tnt yeah no no pickaxe digging this is so dangerous who's pushing k who's pushing people oh who's pushing me funny you're though i saw you i literally just falling off herself you have to sneak what you are about to see you cannot unsee i highly thought that's not scary tracker you must lay these monsters to get your egg whoa what is it i think they're oh they're they're wolves they're beasts they're so savage they fight each other are they high yeah lunar that's a bad idea um no okay luna's guys i think we should go down there okay let's go let's go this is such a bad idea whoa this is so cool jacob why aren't you helping yeah this is your child not mine i have already claimed oh there's a bunch of eggs everywhere jaco can you just get your dragon and to help us please please fine i don't think we could kill all these mobs please green god help us i'm hiding i will assist you dude i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying no we god will assist whoa killed us all whoa green green gone please don't burn the eggs can you help me kill this oh my god i see you teleport here well this was very painful ouch thank you green gone for protecting us but loki burning us whatever green gun what happened to your pants dude it got burnt i literally lit on fire and i almost killed everything you have now you're gonna pick an egg trial and you can pick your egg that's a painful dip blue egg purpose got it this is my egg which one's pink hey i have a complaint there's no pink dragon i mean you get that one you get the chocolate dragon rainbow look this one's chocolate yes well careful why would you bring a giant hammer just hit it with your hands here chill wait this one's prettier i want this one too okay i've collected all the dragon eggs rainbow there's a red dragon egg over here for you um i want chocolate can i also take this gold i'm taking this gold and that's trial is getting out of this hole draco we have pickaxes you're acting like it's very hard to get out of this whole look see easy wow this was the easiest part of this whole quest i give this trial easy peasy no that's really so this is how you take care and nurture a dragon egg it's very simple you have to baby dragons don't interrupt me you have to i lost my train of thought give me a second you have to light it on fire or drown it depending on the type of egg and you need to create dragon meal what whoa does anyone know how to make dragon meal yes yes i totally do um one human body no you kill skeletons and you take their bones and then you kill pigs and you take their pork and that's what dragons eat okay that would be amazing if we had pigs but draco look what you did to our whole barn oh wait the skeleton look there's some skeletons you can get their bones does anyone have a weapon can i borrow one i only have a pickaxe i haven't borrow this thank you i really need a sword how do i oh yeah chucking is so cool look at this oh careful gold yo we need all the skeleton bones let's go this server is infested with models look the skeleton's everywhere our baby dragons will not stop okay easy do we have any meat left on our farm i mean there's a cow over there i think there was a pig somewhere in here earlier so it looks like i have to hatch my egg by dumping it in the lake and drowning it all right wow you must drown when my egg is being hatched it will soon hatch okay to turn to ice yet it doesn't look like it's ice now who has a basic one someone kill the skeleton you're gonna get turned to dragon food please go away from us yeah oh my gosh it just hit rainbow wow look at my fantastic game it looks like my egg has frozen let me go see if it's cracked oh wait guys my eggs hatching no way it's like shaking in the water no or else i also don't think it's that where it's mama okay i'll just back off from it all right you guys ready to see my legendary egg mm-hmm here it is oh look it's burning in there it's roasted it's moving which means it will hatch soon too okay so how about lunar and rainbow rain come down i will summon the powers of rain with this flute no i'm using a command i lied wait are you gonna put out the fire oh not really just their eggs are moving too bam cool wait do you think mine's gonna hatch yet please hatch no you laid yours first oh it hatched oh my gosh it hatched guys oh no no no dragon yeah that took forever why does it have red eyes everyone glows meat baby dragon junior frosty frosty so cute what a cute name okay baby junior dragon frost now that it has grown do you want to learn how to make it grow more i want to see everyone's hatch though it's is it is it going to take a while sure i want to see my dreams they may hatch like a few minutes after yours so maybe you should make bulma um this server is very dangerous yeah all right baby dragon go kill go go kill baby dragon go sleeping no don't sleep no don't be lazy already oh it's a female and it's zero days years old okay go go fight go fight for your mama oh oh my gosh oh oh my gosh someone knocked over luna's egg this is actually hectic oh my gosh you're like my little buddy and come to me oh there it is he's look at your dragon a golden male baby dragon let's make the food so what do we make the food you must place guys come grab this pattern on the crafting table and fill the rest of the slots with four sounds easy enough oh and the rest is okay let's make that x pattern and then a bunch of pork tada tons of dragon okay let me get a lot and just drink meal i'm pretty sure dragon meal makes our dragon strong and healthy hello junior ages them by one day no that's i need more it needs to get bigger come on little babies i don't have enough bones i gotta get more bones we're gonna make more dragon meal so my dragon can become the biggest in all of crew especially beet grigon but it will never be bigger than eat junior frosty eat whoa no junior come down junior said gotta use your dragon flu i have an extra dragon flute uh thank you thank you gold do you have it okay yeah dragon flute oh yeah stick him in the horn okay there you go it's a her draco how dare you now eat cheese going really big no no no commands flute use the dragon flute this is so cool rainbow i think my dragon wants to eat your little chocolate dragon no and by the way my dragon keeps telling me that they don't want to be doing chocolate oh okay what does it want to be named then it's probably not gonna be related probably something scary it's shaking more come on hurry up get out of the egg i don't think yelling at your egg is gonna make me get out of here yeah um hello baby dragon hi can you come out dude she's scary but it's okay you're gonna you gotta make it through be a fine mother awaken now do it now who's squawking you're supposed you were supposed to save it uh um dracco i think you just go on creative and give her one oh that was sad she did not pick it up on time since luna failed to properly hatch her lightning dragon she will get a pity spawn pity spawn for luna whoa that's not a pretty sweet creative dragon neal yeah oh my gosh um i feel like this is gonna fight my dragon okay you know what i'm gonna actually actually don't fight my dragon i'm hiding my dragon that is not how you train your dragons you have to train them to be peaceful creatures or else they will be oh dracula oh like yours this peaceful draco mine is peaceful why is lunar's dragon so chill oh okay because i'm amazing do not breathe lightning upon this town okay okay let me feed my dragon so it's a little bigger so i can ride it everyone's dragon is getting so big i think the dragon's big enough oh it works oh this is so cool baby dragon is now giant glare please get down from the tree he's not listening to me please try using the flute i can't reach him cool just chop down the dragon oh chocolate chocolate egg chocolate berry gold i suggest you ride your dragon right now before frosty junior breathe the ice upon you do not breathe on him fire whoa i'm getting out of here oh hey hey hey i'm gonna get out of here no no rainbow it's safe oh no frosty frosty has no shell everyone back away from frosty i can't control frosty in here bunny control your dragon i put it away i put away it's too dangerous uh is your dragon okay no you killed my dragon what where's rainbow martyr murderer on the server i'm sorry dragon murder i didn't know dragons were so dangerous there will be a dragon dwarf luna dragon versus funny dragon sorry i'm dramatic i see choco over there he's just not listening to me let me run over these dragons are very hard because you can't really tame them they're their own people yeah they're not obeying ah meet the biggest dragon on this server oh gold that's overkill wow he's glaring he's bigger than draco's dragon yeah oh claire come back no he doesn't listen he's bad at listening i need to train him still whoa oh she's a bad baby dragon oh he's on the tree chilling draco can you go get your dragon to teach gold dragon a lesson yeah uh-huh now it is time for dragon versus dragon battles whoever's dragon survives can live yeah exactly that's kind of true dragon fight dragon fight mountain dude my dragon's gone listen fail you lost your dragon wow my dragon just left me get out of here you took like 20 years to grow try the flute try try to float what you want me to try this flute this oh frosty junior dress frosting you just set on the head out whatever i don't need frosty junior i'm going on creative mode i'm getting my own baby dragon again wow this is prettier than frosty i totally apologize luna no come down here fastie um i think gold dragon is only getting bigger from here so i'm gonna go on my dragon and fly somewhere you know what goals i'm not creative but you win stop feeding her she keeps feeding her dragon i am not feeding glare oh no no my dragon's gonna be the biggest on the server not yours i have the tiniest cheetah dragon it's really cute whoa whoa okay this is the grow bigger grigan yeah alright so it's actual dragon duel off it's happening go hide i think that's the biggest draco okay can you guys stop making your dragon so big it's gonna lag the server well the server is gonna get ruined in about five seconds get ready to die dragon dragon kills another dragon oh they're biting each other oh my gosh what this is dragon wars the whole town's on fire oh oh um it looks really cool oh my gosh dracula your dragons trying to fly out oh this is like oh this is a real dragon three guys claire i think claire's the winner lunar i think you should hide your surrender surrender no i will not surrender um clearly these are the two power hungry dragons in the server y'all just need chills wait glare it looks like you're losing pretty bad no i'm not ow what is happening don't let it live on it ate too much dragon meal then it did not share they're just fighting by themselves now they're fighting my hands i don't think this was a good idea uh guys could you oh i i think this should be a story oh ah we're at jurassic oh um so they got to fight back i am proud you evil you know why you keep calling it the wrong name gold that's what he called a green gun character one funny you gotta beat him with your ice dragon you gotta jacob the dragon baby ice chicken no baby ice cream is just chilling over there oh this proves that it's better to be a chill dragon than an aggressive dragon because why who's that it's chocolate me and chocolate are heading out of here like you guys are crazy yeah y'all crazy you could have this trash trash server now it's all ruined yeah we're about to head out you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,138,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft dragon, minecraft baby, minecraft baby dragon, minecraft ice and fire, minecraft dragon baby, minecraft dragon babies, baby dragon minecraft
Id: k_E9xVAayCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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