Beating Up All My Friends - Gang Beasts LIVE

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nope it's okay the cat's in here are laughing at you hopefully I like how it tells me that I can press the arrows for the color but then it changes my costume thank you Game if this doesn't work then you might have to start it my dear because I did send it again I'll wait I've got it you okay with your hands there sir arms went all the way back woohoo all righty everybody ready oh Pro's doing I don't know either like his character gives off it's on custom right for private game okay yes we could do like I did that one time and get all those other people yeah you can also set up the wins to be like eight so you're in the lobby forever that is true retro with his cool man haircut and sunglasses uh uh oh there is people so snazzy there is people in this one well Where'd I go uh thank you Grandma no public it wasn't on public on my screen well then we'll beat these people up on this one restaurant are you okay over there oh you just knocked me out someone just fell from this Evans yeah somebody got up there and I was like trying to figure out how they did it oh I just walked off the edge climbing all the way up there I don't get a retro toss them off oh they're ripping everything down look at the just like they climbed up here I didn't even beat each other up hold it ends now I didn't even know that was a thing you could do whoever gets the grab oh no it's a draw oh that's a lot of people's oh boy I think I'm dark blue or was it purple I'm purple okay you are purple you're the other cat let's Rob this Bank no hi this dude just fell from the heavens in front of me come here no oh that's rude no don't grab it FedEx no this is so rude [Music] that was so rude retro just hold on don't let them win let go with me what are you doing I'm like just that that flower man has it out for everybody I am trying to remember the controls it's so bad okay so much you just kill yourself with him hit the wrong button and we both went together then I was trying to First e to knock him out so I could just drop him in you know and I actually pressed s I walked in yeah check out flower man now you're just left with the sinus retro well I think to your heart no no no no no no [Music] [Laughter] he just just dove oh no not this one this is really bad because like every time I play this one I get like launched Across the Universe out here just go just a dog pile it really is it's whoever gets to eat it wrong is going oh you should get the flower to kill the flower flower just picked me up and just dumped me out every time I picked somebody up out I get thrown out of the Arena again oh no no bro you were supposed to kill the floor not yourself I don't know how I went through the ropes dude those ropes they're the things that get me every time laughs they get the flower get rid of them oh sinus is killing everybody just look how smoothly he picked you up and dropped him over that is what I dreamed to be right I dream to have that ability to just grab and throw you across the room oh no um should I just uh walk myself off laughs no flower you get the heck away retro let me go we're teaming hold on I'm staying here I get this biking no no no I can't understand no no okay foreign you're still hanging on to the bottom connect [Music] thank you no I'm on the propeller still somehow oh no go away from me hands yes yes my dear no no no no no no no no my grip my grip I'm just gonna close my eyes and it's all gonna go away no I'm dead like climbing and then the climbing just stopped oh that's my head cheers too it's down to you soon come on you can do it Phoenix please stupid flower go and punch him is he standing on that Wing yes [Laughter] well then I can see him with the name thing so yeah he's standing there oh no he damn it Leroy [Laughter] Leroy I don't know yeah the granny don't worry about granny anymore the flower he just picked me up and knocked me out in his arms and then dumped me like I was giraffe [Music] I want to let them take each other out the flower is still holding on there is it yeah he is he's climbing back up at least attempting too he flung me off and stepped held in there yes kind of break dance was that I don't know it was something oh I like this one good morning big boy how are you you only like this one because you knocked me off thank you just get the flower he targets me yeah get rid of the flower he hates cats dude just standing down there did you just grab it to me to get off here don't you go away no no no no no no no no I took out the flower okay yeah retro is gonna kick my butt yes sweetie the train got my head but not my baby big boy that's rude don't say furniture get up get up you stupid cat get up no get up you can't allow him to win he can't be allowed to win wait how did that die oh it's football big boy that's rude retro already beats me up in one game don't want to beat me up I'm still alive over there what button is it again to look at names uh I think did they just get cooking oh they keep they're not they're laying down on the railroad track and now they're going back up oh they made it back up oh there they are coming out knock him out I have plane drops it was beautiful there you go the sinus is one people like this is ouch oh well let's see that one's done oh hey Mom yes which is good because this means we can get out of that Lobby come on private game okay okay okay hold on someone else went out to be in charge I don't know how to do this oh Pro's coming over here [Music] who wants to be in charge [Music] okay I think I did it I think it did it okay so how many wins are we doing uh eight is the max so you can do eight for just yeah and we'll beat each other yeah it's one person has to get eight wins which means it's gonna get pretty chaotic there now and I gotta run away from just retro this is gonna be scary it's okay I'm gonna get taken out so much it's not even funny it's okay big boy just wants you to finish me hi how are you doing the boys are mean to me let me go I think I'm dead and I don't even know where I am because I spawn spectating you wait what yeah I thought it was you so I was like oh okay I just like spawned spectating you maybe maybe after this eight we need to change no it doesn't help because I'm also usually red so I'm usually pink so it still doesn't help yeah I'm usually red so I keep seeing your cat and I was like and I was just like I was clicking the buttons because I was like oh okay keep watching you I thought you were me laughs you mean finisher like cheesecake big boy don't kill me it's mine bro it's mine no [Music] good you two can take each other out I'm gonna just sit here no bye dear you're so much love you both bye oh God not this one [Music] oh no [Music] I didn't even have things to grab you oh my God and the boys the boys are ruthless hell no I sort of like my backflip there ah holy hell it's okay I got one for us it's fine I was picked up and dumped I'm sorry the crowds are upset big boy oh no not this one no don't look at me no why is my camera so focused on you I'm so confused are you on here right now well I'm on my phone but I can only stare at you that's weird my game is broken I need to fix it you're the superior cat do we need to fix this die well it starts out as meat but then you die and it follows you so oh God it's following you hold on I'm trying to see hold on She's Gotta fix herself don't kill me it's still only following you even if I address the camera you are the only point of view [Laughter] I'm following you though if I go over here I can no longer see myself while I confuse you oh like go on my hand like I can't ouch I was watching a show you two beat each other up let me go is it doing I don't know but he's got me yeah I'm just gonna have to try and do it with some corners of the map not being able to be seen until okay that's weird though yeah you just you think you have to just go out back in I probably that's the only thing I can imagine every time I knock I'm sorry I'm aiming for everybody else my cat is just hands rated E for everyone oh yeah retro you okay where did retro go oh he just sat down retro I'm gonna go underneath well tk1 AFK he's just a lump on the ground oh don't kill him it's rude okay why you're back hello you had the opportunity to headbutt him off I'm already gone [Laughter] human being kill him my camera follows your body what the hell is this what hit what happened what happened to the game guy I don't know I literally can only stare at your body I can't even see if they're fighting barely this is ridiculous they just did flip over me oh you just threw yourself over the edge for one second that was it because then we got you it set you on the road I would die oh nope stick together it's fine we got this beat that one up first oh wait what there's the pool right here there's beef City Aquarium at the top Retro's walking against The Red Doors Pro is against the glasses [Laughter] I am a doll leave you alone I'm sorry no it was a tentacle there by the way since I'm no longer gonna be able to see my character I might as well just hide in the corner put tentacles oh well it knocked me out that was rude oh yeah score screw you technical this location we'll be fine just don't mind and they'll all go away how did I get knocked out when I knocked you out let me go no Mr Temple now help me [Music] please don't die because then I can't see anything I'm the tentacle has me oh no okay there goes retro I die I can see you how did you get up there I can't climb that is I was trying to climb so much and I'm gonna climb [Laughter] no he's coming for you you can't reach me I'm a professional like you're a professional climber they're test tickles really really BB really watch out he's gonna show his butt at you Merlin yeah what do you want from me let's get the tiger out I don't know where he is I can't see you I have the weirdest ankle on this path it's ridiculous I don't know what he's out there he goes oh who died there you go [Laughter] to Victory over here no 11. dude I'm happy with just one word with my screen worked like this oh there I am okay hello can I just like sit up I'm just gonna go ahead you want one of these who wants it they won't even left he's suicide I'm literally standing in an open crack and it still won't let me just let me die you can't say anything in the first place I'm just gonna crack and it's just still not killing me I'm okay please oh no no no follow me bye what the heck he was rising from his butt what is going on I have the most beautiful camera angle in the entire universe everyone's doing that if we need to stop we can there we do have a longer wins it's okay I'll figure it out hi kitties hey kitties Unite I might not make it across the board just so we are clear no please I already have issues no no no no no no no no no no no no you shall stop by no let me kill myself oh thank you dear no no let me go not off the tree though [Music] [Laughter] see the funniest part of that is that even though I fell down there I couldn't tell if I was alive or not so I was like I guess we'll fight hello let's team up don't do this I want to hug give me a hug no there we go look how lovely that is this is this is just nice stand down here I think oh of course I'd love that oh it's these the adjustable viewpoint drunk oh the noise oh it's a Crouch so you did the exact opposite [Laughter] [Music] I go straight down like this [Music] ouch either I slide off or it's a tie up yeah I know I'm gonna try and get you hold up [Music] um you're like oh hi there you're gonna get crushed it's gonna get crushed I can see it just say from that noise I'm hanging on to both of the cars where am I I can't tell I think do I decide that was the camera view it was just so up I was just completely camouflaged we tried to get to you and I was stuck in between the cars I don't know where I'm at so I'm gonna have to let you find me at this point okay I'm here okay okay this is such an interesting [Music] how do you learn not to jump no right no I can't think anymore I just took the kitties out he went off and then it was just all I could be was the bottom of the tower I am not joking you got rid of the cat and then you got rid of the poor blind cat that was so rude retro [Laughter] new ball could you try to break the glass and die yeah these are the easiest spots to throw people out of on this bath you just had banging against the glass what else am I supposed to do I can't see if you go to a corner laughs what is he doing now I was still holding on when I said I died what the heck the glass hi hi sweetheart how are you dear I'm good I'm just gonna leave you there thanks for dropping bye okay okay I can stay right here I'll fight now and I'm dying oh crap I fell get him I can see in this corner okay no no right outside wait wait there it is let's grab him knock him out teach him who's boss let's try it no oh [Music] come here crap I can't there we go there we go yeah no are you flying in your hands no it's like a cat out it's okay just don't bang your head against that no no I don't go that way turn around okay foreign [Laughter] ew no love you bye the fridge on I died hello fancy uh meeting you here right cat in the cage look so sad laughs [Music] don't choke and die there dude uh you gotta love the camera angles is it working now no it's not okay I brought your camera you really like that Walla [Laughter] I'm telling you I get the weirdest camera angles right now I don't even know how trying to figure out how to climb into working oh this map is really hard to climb on apparently I'm the expert climber here thank you oh no Kevin we follow my dear together we fall get him oh God [Laughter] oh my gosh these camera angles are just top here on my side [Music] I'm just gonna go stand in a hamburger I'm gonna let fate decide is it your hamburger time I'm hungry I'm just I'm just gonna stand a hamburger fate can decide my fate [Laughter] you no longer see myself my hamburger oh my god oh no no okay now if you get the headbutt on him he's dead oh my God I fancy meeting you here love how are you how would she come down here with me oh now I can't see myself anymore the hammer flipped the other way this is the weirdest oh my God it's okay oh my hamburgered I think I died oh you're there you're there I saw you you're okay for now oh wait what no you're still alive am I yeah because he hasn't won yet I I'm still here are you stuck retro dude that's broken you're just suicide nope can you take pity on this poor blind cat laughs where are you at this point I wish I could tell you but I genuinely have no clue Now where's the cat oh there's the cat where am I on the ground your hamburger fell oh okay I can kind of see myself okay can I get he's hanging he's hanging from the wheel just hanging around hanging out no don't go that way we had no no you look completely knocked out die yeah I was knocked out for a century there you got a good just out cold the hamburger just beat you up are you itching a ride on the hamburger attempting to if it'll take me oh fate fate who's if it's gonna kill one of you did my grab give out I don't know where I am you're on the ground knocked out oh not anymore you're alive you're holding on to the bar you got a him in a bar I have him in a bar he's in the right bars in the left Thompson get him blind cat I'm attempting to dude yeah he's left I just saw a hamburger um uh you love this map too much with your damn gamer oh bye I die see you later look what you've done retro that's what the wheel won't spin anymore oh retro the Hulk I like this deck in his mind [Laughter] hold on hold on die know where I am foreign just holding onto the bar oh I can't see anything oh oh now you're on the wheel I see myself don't worry I am anymore it's raining guys I'm just holding crab because I have no idea where I am you're holding on to Retro and the wall laughs retro she's got we're having a romantic Beach what um beach side you know our favorite Style ultimate Dodge what I'm doing behind you [Laughter] he came to us tired oh no the sharks that's this one no it's my vision I'm going up here can I just spiders monkey up here and then and then you can go have fun and just be up here there we go okay go have fun I'm here you've got this you can see that one look one hand look at you looking all cool I'm about to fly a motorbike no foreign [Laughter] I'll give you a hand up just just go go hey why don't you guys help each other that's rude help me yeah get him go my Shark kids I was really hoping I got a bone for the sake of my vision I have a bone to pick with you both foreign tempting to go to I don't really know where fully I am okay okay I'm here I'm here come over here retro hi no buddy I need you to flip and Friends all right I think I'm dead hey come on so like the tiniest little sliver of this shark just come up and hit me these camera angles on my side pop here I can't even be mad this is actually kind of entertaining for me trying to figure this out it's America live wins it all climb Phoenix live with me retro Let's Stay Together I'm trying to drown me you're gonna die first it's fine it's fine he'll die with me why aren't we dead yet there you go nothing yes hello had it how are you my dear oh hello at least I can see myself right now what did you do I'm trying to jump it didn't work out well I knocked him out for you it's about all I can do it but the button is to pick up and crab oh my God no no okay bye oh that was so smooth look at me I got Self Storage bye that was so beautiful I I just there was no way in hell I was making it in there you might have been able to break the storage unit with your head like I did the other map is that even a possibility you might be able to I did the elevator oh yeah what are the boys doing oh okay oh they're running up there we're going for a job oh okay you guys can hang out up there and um stay like a disco floor I'm just gonna stand here grab me by the face floating away retro those are my wings screw you my dance floor hi rude teach him who's boss oh drag him off the edge I'll take him with you [Laughter] oh yes I get to make my own Iceberg no screw you damn Iceberg I hate this one hi hi I don't want to attack you I just want to be somewhere where I can see I'll press C press C on the keyboard oh I'm jealous wave I'm gonna die I'm trying to sit right follow me so even if I change the camera angle unfortunately I cannot still see it like it only follows her and then it follows you guys when you fall to your death and then briefly I get my screen back and then it goes back away I can do this I can do this I can do this climb hi bro die you got this I believe it sir I was watching my cat friend I just need to be gone we fell off and it just ditched me this is my Island wait who just grabbed me screw you that wire don't leave me alone no no no [Music] all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa watch one second oh no it's not where am I oh no help help me I think we're dead my dear treasure is in the middle of an iceberg for me we are retro your wings just glitched out of control on my my screen is he dying I don't know he's on the uh buoy now oh yeah yeah I see that I see that foreign oh the shark doesn't jump up it just moves the icebergs from my personal experience my luck it'll just jump up and eat me are you two both on the buoy oh yeah you are both on the boot y wow I'm being mounted my dad oh separate of deleted him teach him who's plus oh bye see you later see you later love bye no no knock him out or he's just gonna what are you doing oh bye um oh that's where I wanted to be you you kind of just drowned it's okay kitty cat friend oh no I climbed up but then it dipped on one side knocked me back into the water and my grab gave out oh this is gonna be such a bad level for me kill me now okay with you take him with you just don't let go the hype never let go good oh sounded horrible it sounded horrible I couldn't see any of it I did your grinding noise when she when she said kill me now that's not me don't let me go actually that's what I was going for too now from Hawaii okay why is there a meat vending machine hey retro love let's go on a vacation [Laughter] yes you are I thought I would take Darius you're still alive you're still alive um train schedules I did he was playing with the meat vending machine while we were on a vacation on a train all I can see was that side of the exit no this is my glass leave me alone oh take him away I shall try I'll get this other one no I can't I can't try anymore I don't I can't see anymore okay go here retro yeah I'm gonna take me with you let's go upstairs that's his buttons don't touch his buttons I got his buttons ready I'm not that song Dang you you can't huh I'm gonna find Boop at least you didn't turn into Celine this time he will though well speaking of which ever get off the pole wow that was a weird thing to say foreign you want to kill me no oh you weren't no you killed me into any other game don't do it here you wouldn't dare now I can't see the sun's in my eyes Welcome to My Life [Music] kids it's like aggressive hugging very aggressive again like all my glasses foreign I believe hopefully a retro I know do this face through space I must help cat scream okay yeah [Laughter] the least I can do is try to remember the control yeah go with me retro no just just go already you go knock yourself out [Laughter] take this great for myself is it like control head butt for you or something I don't remember I think it's petrole yeah the stage is starting to come apart it was scary you did so good I was not going to let go let's make some cat food immediately [Laughter] give me wrong choice of words does the others die you killed him you killed retro I just had fun in them and just deleted them [Music] right I got flung like 10 feet in the air straight into the freaking grinder oh great ouch the podcast going crazy help [Laughter] I'm grabbing the pool not you God damn it just just go in oh crap come here come here you're cute kitty [Laughter] come on oh climb that wall get up there let me go you can go in the pink Coop no you go in the seat too Hawaiian better make it what's up blind can get uh oh that's okay I got this remember you okay [Laughter] no for you bro die [Laughter] I love that let me have this I'm a blind cat die bro okay let's just be nice yeah okay I'll take myself out I [Music] [Music] sorry why are you riding me going here we go I've accomplished my goal I'm cam flush you want to Campbell flush are you guys holding hands oh you're opening the elevator hi retro I have returned I have got a pro hanging out I've got a pretty but I can't problem right there I do the entrance come back here I want to beat them up why why is my hand going that way why are you guys holding hands friends to the end friends to the end hey I create violence I gave you the punch you needed to get over foreign my elevator teach him who's boss retro why'd you jump Ed the wall laughs I found another trophy I don't know what for you cinematic ending there just looking off in the distance [Music] where am I there I am oh no oh no oh am I alive no no I think you're dead I couldn't see where I was and he looked so probably drowned in the Bowie oh no what I'm good you got this come on that that Ice broke on my screen the one you're glitched in oh you're so close come on come on come on the one you got this we got this it's floating away it's forever over here now oh my God well it goes glitching over there knock him out get him babe no don't glitch in the eyes I said get him all I see is ice all I see is glitch I can't even retro why are you hitting it with your butt okay I see where the names are that's about all I can do oh it's just slowly zooming out more oh no excited Zoom back okay oh [Laughter] how did you win hang on to buy my iceberg dude Maybe here this is just this is just one of the most legendary mistakes there could possibly be just blind cat oh okay I'll just uh I'll just be in my corner I am about spider I am one with the wall now I'm not Hi how are you love wait why did you both go after me that's round yeah you guys roll away no stop kidding me I've got we gotta knock him off retro come down retro here I'll get him no he won't Hi how are you got you by the pants don't you get them ready does wait no he's over here hilarious I have blind Cat Vision on this map I can see y'all thank you die pay for your crimes are you licking the wall I'm waiting for him to die there we go I was waiting for him to perish I was trying to go the eight seconds on the ride hey Gala tentacles Kitty Supreme he's got guacamole take that one take it no no no no come on tentacle activate no I go and I can't see it again come on come on everybody no oh so um fancy meeting you I'm just gonna sit around are you on the bar Ty I've been targeted [Laughter] no you did not hurt cat Supreme cat Supreme is my eyeballs cat Supreme is taking a nap she's just sitting there cat Supreme turn the tide go after it go up to the other cat I'm climbing backwards that's no cat that's a wolf in a cat's costume in the name no that's brief cat Supreme oh God you yeah you really want them glasses of him foreign no you don't I knocked you out man meow what is that game I have to listen I have to listen now [Laughter] it is my duty to listen yes yes my dear I did eat what you asked Jesus but [Laughter] you just looked and went nope okay so we're going this way probably just ran up to me Marlo give me a hook in the morning did he kill you wait why did mine do the same I can't turn left wait why can't they go forward and die where are we places I think I might be dead though we got this [Music] somewhere yeah you're both on the engine I can't see me at all so foreign I flew off the train I have four wins being unable to see this is wonderful you'll excuse me I'll just go sit in a hamburger here and live my life let fate decide Kawaii I wanted a ride too I want this one here we go hi retro don't never die yeah I'll go with my buns I can see the whole ferris wheel uh no I can't anymore then camera and go oh no cat Supreme please do not die you are my eyes oh okay it's a princess routing it's not the same location that bar is gonna be bad that hamburger's upside down they're upside down now oh no [Laughter] um guy did you did you die got it I saw myself still here though oh sure you're in the very bottom corner am I you are look at you you're climbing the bar look at you go go blanket again Savage knock his hat off retro you wanna do that for me not knock yourself out retro Dubai the cats will be together oh I heard that one the same spot [Music] he just did a jiggle retro you just said go get this all right that came out of nowhere [Laughter] that short is still my one of my favorite shorts in the world knock them out okay yo wow you're still holding on holy crap retro on across the bar look at those boys oh oh that might be the end of you my dear I think it is oh there it goes retro you're so close he has one more win one more win and I might fish it on glitch game that look you're giving retro what I just suicide like that I got this here we go Supreme oh knock you both out die we can't allow them both to win I don't know what you expect me to do retro I'm blind oh there I am okay come over here retro we're coming we're going over here we're going together yeah why why are you all the way up there how are you up there hurry up there sorry for the cat no you are at the Billboards oh you knocked one of them out flying retro I go away [Laughter] help help how is this happening I was holding on to the barrel I went off the edge don't grab my face now your character just giggled an evil giggle at me that was wow oh where am I off the edge that would explain it oh no retro foreign [Laughter] ers [Music] retro Mighty I can't see it anymore never mind I don't I no longer okay why my apologies well now you made yourself even more blind that is very true you are not the intended target with the head butt okay I'm not sure what are you doing to the slower do your dances retro hey retro could you do a blind cat a favor and just suicide I I literally cannot see up there you're just dumping the ground retro doing the worm break dancing the knee drag he's just spinning around on his knees okay so he's not like the top of the stairs he's right now it's upstairs I'm using the SE oh God words go to the boards they'll help you they're actually very sturdy you know he has one are you stopping her from coming up I can't get up there anyways I can't see retro Bite Me Like a Man thank you [Laughter] Lily go down near an end I wasn't gonna go down I was building an house up there okay okay there okay I'm gonna you might have to jump a new invite I'm just gonna grab a drink you're good my dear you said an invite again yeah I'll probably need another invite foreign [Music] we could both be a different animal yeah my help I'm usually red so this is like that's the hardest part for me now I'm Brown I forgot how to change color I guess it doesn't matter it'll chain well there's a like a color option at the top but it changes your costume I don't want it to change things yeah and then I tried changing the color in the actual costume Lobby in it yeah yeah I'll have to send you a picture later of when Pro and I played with my brother when my brother was here they both were those little uh suit men there's two Dr Peppers why is there two of them oh no it's gone I was like who is just the Ambassador somehow I added it with my keyboard because he's playing on his controller [Laughter] music bait well we can hope that you can see this time I'm hoping if I can't I'm gonna have to shut down gangbee yeah shut down and come back just all out start yeah I'm not gonna touch the camera point of views the follow thing and stuff because on the blimp level I had died pretty early on and then I started following you because it had me glitched where I was just staring at the bottom and I couldn't see anything and then from then I get I could only follow you the rest of the game go ahead worst case scenario will just end it and then you can just start it up again and then just invite all of us and then see if that will help too well I know if this is a cursed Lobby we'll see we'll see what happens I just won't touch camera point of views and we'll hope and pray him with his cool man haircut look at that outfit toe Pro that outfit cracks me up is retro okay yes he went to AFK I think he went to get a drink he said okay and I know if we started we'll be apt to accidentally hit him while we're hitting each other that's very true or I'll just throw them off the edge he knows that I would too and then I may be asked to dying in any other game we play so I mean I already do so I mean I I did set him on the ropes that last time he went away that is funny oh uh Phoenix I don't know if I told you but I did get the uh project play time as you requested that I grab cool I got it I think it will be a lot of oh hello retro I am back and back sorry I'm light no you're good you're good oh uh I think sorry go ahead no just saying I think project playtime would be a fun group game too I believe so as well especially since me I don't play horror games and it's a horror s game so it's gonna be fun especially with retro giggling like an evil maniacal psychopath it was hilarious it made me minority for the first time that's why we're going to a cupboard so I went and I hit on the roof above her and she snuck out thinking she was safe and just launched her she just screamed so I think I wish I was recording because you talking to the little friends from what's his name she I about died I was literally crying Before Me Broken is it yeah I can't tell who I'm following um we may want to fix this because we know how long that the hello retro excuse you I want to see whose camera I'm following if it's still you or if it's somebody else yeah it's still you you attached to me oh no cat Supreme now you are a supreme Dino I'll just I'll kill myself no don't don't drink me out that's rude [Laughter] all right all right we'll start over and just start the lobby then well I'm just gonna close out Gang Beasts and see if that fixes it and then if you just want to maybe wins on like three so that way we can get the lobby over with bass still have content yeah wait yeah we can do that look I want to kill myself thank you um I was trying to quit the game and you all just jumped off I was gonna suicide myself hi retro how are you all the way over there dear no one's getting to this though there's no survivors I exited so I killed myself now I leave that sounded terrible hahaha oh you're a squishy squishy you're still there even though oh my God it's making me spectate the game [Music] no I'm still here even though I quit yeah your game seems bugged I think it's finally letting me quit okay okay I'm out I'm out oh okay I'm gonna I'll be right back I'm gonna just restart this are you both you boys out yeah your hands went down my troll you watch your hand it just fall slowly scream screen screen's gonna go black for a moment but it'll be back give me a moment where'd you go retro oh I just left I'm Summit I'm in my menu okay okay do you want to send me an invite again we'll see if that fixes it I think I invited you both I'm pink God your character was completely naked before you just joined retro that was terrifying it's still naked on my side and then he finally came in show only running around naked well you know just you know being naked I don't know what y'all are pushing on him he's not naked to me he was naked when he joined and then his clothes came back it's like that company and I just took my suit on yeah laughs did you make the wins three just in case yeah it is yeah it is okay okay it is I also had to make sure it was Private too that's the last thing I need to be playing at in a public Lobby well I guess blind here now I guess I really will be blinded by the lights Frozen and play I was just thinking that might as well put the first level on the truck map because that's what's gonna be hitting me uh we're gonna air out yeah I think we are it's okay I'd rather it air out than me be unable to see so I will take this YouTube oh hi retro now you're next to me I'm still next to you on my side it's like you're not next to me anymore it was retro pepper than me than you on my end uh oh I think we're airing out again I think the Lobby's cursed it became blanket all right who wants to start the lobbies it's apparently mine is cursed I can do it I'm not trying my head is woo h yes please okay I'll do this all right all right we'll start over [Music] here we go bridge for the sky oh you can put it on one match okay whoever wins this match is gonna be the winner this is a test oh the test for your this is the test to find out if I'm still blind do not hurt the dinosaur the dinosaur has done nothing wrong dinosaurs are extinct so we need to make them extinct again at the troller yeah I feel like I'm following me here you guys say oh actually no you guys away I'll just I'll just stay over here and I'll see if he's following me it is it is my camera my camera oh my God it's glorious he's trying to catch the deer hey retro why are you holding my hand where are we going we're going into the cage we got into the cage how did you dodge them where did the other two go oh hello hi hi I wasn't my plan rusher that's my face number one stop protector good night sweetheart don't mind me I'll be up here don't you want to come with me down there the cage no no no I'm just gonna hide all the way at the top just oh the poop's trying to go down the drain [Laughter] he called anything up there oh yeah you know it watch out a creeper's coming up in my photo oh your face thank you thank you you helped me up okay he's gone Michael here's a game let's keep the boys off the ball hello the couch ooh just look at me spin ratchet where'd you go that it is indeed I'm safe now will you protect me well there's a shark foreign [Music] oh [Music] that was terrifying darling I think we're done buddy no are they fighting to the end [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] go to sleep go to sleep okay so it works yeah I got my camera back all right that win it's okay retro and I um died yeah you scared me coming down when you fell down the wall retro I was so focused in on myself trying to get up the wall that you fell and like oh no poop don't hurt me oh oh this deer is a roll now that she can see her out take her out that sound just hurts where are my friends where are you guys I'm over here oh no my Tail's dead someone's sleeping on the couch tonight retro retro darling take him out I might be okay retro I didn't say die oh hi toothpaste oh I didn't realize there was two of you hello retro retro will do as I command I didn't say pass out retro watch out the toothpaste got you I thought it was a turd there we go it's a pretty weird color turret whoa did you just pass him off I was just like anniversary you deal with it kill him retro finish him no not you oh yeah retro are you still alive love no listen here your stupid toothpaste come here it's a very fast toothpaste did you die retro fell down the owl ah now I died okay guess we will hang out in um hell together okay yeah we're gonna turn some sausages by the time yeah we are see that grind that was upstairs there's a little cat me oh that's rude that was good retro oh yes bad sausage I'm Gonna Roll now oh my dude I'm literally sweating after that oh hello [Music] I'm actually busy I'm actually dizzy don't let me do the face oh no yes slightly over here come on come on good dear please let me go wait where's retro oh hi hello I don't think you're supposed to be down there hey [Music] it was damn it he just told me huh thank you she knocked me out while floating please God that's what you get for being over there this is my open now uh goodbye died that's a Deadlock Ed all I can hear is a fan going after something how are you doing this oh but hahaha uh I was on the street that was three in a row I like shimmy [Music] over I just put them out I know I was wooing oh just let me alone let's get him come on toothpaste you hahaha it's okay I will avenge my fellow animal s what's going on help it's my face let me go retro eggs I'll buy retro oh me really you want me to come with you no [Laughter] oh I just knocked myself out no it's gonna be a toothpaste man spam head butt there you go yeah I went I went through the bars yeah that can happen thank you it's unfortunate squish oh hi retro the animal I'm retro how are you oh no no I thought we were gonna talk about I thought our friendship meant something don't hurt me what's wrong with my tail my tail seems glitched to the floor why'd you jump over there Ty he put me through the bar goodbye Russia you grabbed onto me wait I'm stuck in the bars enough I'm glad I bet you'll save me [Music] we're all gone in Fair laughs no don't put my antlers garbage get off of my antlers taste is it no no let me show you glitched too knock knock hi no no I'm not going down I thank you [Laughter] [Music] I'm having deer steaks come on come on you [Music] [Laughter] do you know how many times I escaped that freaking grinder oh my God give you that achievement like eight times thank you oh I can't see the map anymore I'm gonna attack me I was gonna just leave you alone living in my corner get down bug her off push you up I'll pull you up I'll push you up come on all right no no Rachel come back to me oh the tentacle just knocked me out I survived all right push the Tarzan across it get off the dinosaur that's rude yeah I do not appreciate it though [Music] I'm just a dinosaur no get off of wait what go of me ow get off of me no Retro Retro I save you run don't save him do you know how much he just attacked me over here bro one of my arms is broken I can't glance along oh it likes you oh is it just me and you oh freak you wanna roll damn come on tentacles you have a job to do wake up wake up the next sacrificer to the octopus come on come on there's so many of you you got this come on tentacles come on come on you know you wanna you got this damn it why are you still alive no [Laughter] ah come on tentacle come on come on time to go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no you failure Mr crookin just take the dino dang it you exotic dinosaurs just die don't even think about it tentacles don't even think about it oh my God how dare they wake up here wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up yeah foreign no not me I'm saying was with my head every time you did it [Music] ouch what the heck's going on uh Devin says he'll be joining shortly alrighty how many did you do retro are you knocked out so I'm stuck in the down position okay I'll fix you I'll wait wrong person let's fix them yeah yeah rip them in half lift them up and check them out oh we fixed it what's in here that was a great right hook holy crap nope off of me oh oh me no okay dance my dear oh that was wrong get away from my booty out toothpaste go away quick job oh no no no no wake up wake up wake up that is not how I thought that would go oh man this is fun well this one's my bane of my existence your eyes broke right there laughs Gringo okay we were building us an island oh hi love what's up I thought you cared about me you know you know I can't get out oh thank you no no I didn't mean to do that why don't you come here I need to help out dye's character just laughed at me from the left side of the map don't make dinosaurs extinct that's rude no no not oh my God you stupid there I grabbed the iceberg instead of the buoy I was at the top and I fell my grip gave out just as I was on the top I'm so sad foreign [Music] [Laughter] thank you easy he's still hanging on down there but not for long because I got karma for nothing builty by association oh no I just finished look happy looking up at the camera what's that in the corner yeah off of me what is your deal with my antlers it's the same deal that he had with my wings when I had them it's something to grab onto that's what you saved him thank you toothpaste let me go I want to go at him I need to go at him retro videos [Laughter] I don't even know what he's doing anymore get this here no maybe I'm just a deer foreign off of me he has to run and knocking each other out okay hello Madea go away fancy meeting you here my dear hey love you I have a better idea how about we both go into things I'm not here I'm just in a corner retro you look like you did a break dancing move on the wall I'm existing retro go get her I'll leave her I'll leave you alone go get her no let me move it come here babe let's go for a walk no let me have my moment I'm gonna like getting up here I'm not even sure how I did it myself it's just casually shoving yourself I forgot how to pick up shift oh it's that one that's the one that I go okay I'm existing that's the wall there's still three of you guys okay [Music] as I forget on that last one push up okay I think that's gonna work out very well this is legendary just stand there okay I think I should be able to get it from there yep should be able to shift up shift in space and then left click hold your mind quickly yeah left click there you go okay then lift me up right press shift for the woohoo and then press Ctrl you guys have 30 seconds you guys are gonna be able to get me in time thank you Okay Legendary spot I'm just gonna draw because you're up there you know what I think we just sit here and stare at her how are you my dear I'm loving it up here you know I'm just safe I've been through Legendary Times you know I call my tail [Laughter] you're chasing that tail there retro [Music] everybody's like I gotta take out the deer before she finds some way to hack it's okay I didn't want to play wait where am I did I die I didn't hear a dude it dings yeah you're dead it's just being retro foreign get rid of her finish her no no not that way the ball just came out uh don't go down together first to eight bevin's ass let me drawn the last few aren't we well we have four to win oh my gosh you guys already know this level I suck at you could just leave me alone and I'll probably kill myself got launched on my two people retro don't touch me no trouble no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get rid of the deer hunting season it is good that was amazing I still knocked out I couldn't grab them I hate this one two it's just the heavy I'm just a chicken [Music] no get off my wing come here no I was gonna see you nowhere okay oh no she's still there I see her horn look at her antler thank you Retro Retro yeah [Music] what am I doing I'm not put down I'm just there no was he still alive go away toothpaste that's so hard to recover from no no no no no no hello my dear your Tail's like jibbing out goodbye my dear I know my tail is broken it's attached to my back leg right now that's off my leg he's still hanging on there retro just wait he'll kill himself I'm just chilling okay you want to come over here face Me Like a Man actually he might have a little blinking to stand done there he goes oh this is the evil one [Music] no we knocked each other out what's funny is I knocked him out and fell off oh bye what's gonna happen now toothpaste man you can't hold on forever oh wait maybe you can never mind you're just hitting the wall died all I hear is her horns hitting the wall got it under here survived longer than I thought when he started climbing I was like oh hell no the highway went well one second okay okay why'd you grab my face I can't head butt if you have my face I'm knocked down hey help retro hell bait that was rude you just need high on the stairs hiding under the stairs retro he's going for me empty targeted you're being targeted I was thrown off by my own husband stupid face what are you two doing dancing yeah no no no no no no toothpaste poop man nobody's gonna win foreign well if you marked it to eight we can always just end it to bring him into yeah if you two boys are okay with that as well yeah we'll get another guy in here he's gonna fight everybody good get rid of the deer it's scary I have three wins okay just because I got my vision back and I have the horns of death it goes I've been terrifying I can't get off good job retro why isn't my name oh my God that is to win unexpected foreign [Laughter] that is a loud level holy cow alrighty we'll exit and bring Devin in yep I'm quitting to menu I'll send him an invite that was hilarious that was amazing pressure you and your cool man haircut just flowing in the breeze right now and that toothpaste guy just looks like he's smirking over there you're very happy thank him as well oh I have cats on what thank you hello hello there he is I forgot I was muted on Discord so I can't hear the pings when people enter so that was like they made me jokes hi yeah I'm a panda bear now I'm a chicken there we go it wasn't letting me uh open uh the game for a minute there I was like oh boy camera gone I'm still amazed by your hair flowing in the wind there retro it was a long live now it looks like we're in no we're both chickens okay kill the deer oh no no no no Devin it's your first time here please knock her out Penguins forever it's okay I'm fine your legs are on it no don't you no penguin buddy right kill the penguin no body down why you caught my face go buy toothpaste [Music] what's happening are you all on the engine no there's only only me I'm the only one here y'all were doing an ice skating they were just climbing on the edge no oh don't root for Devin he's violent I'm just dead no no no let me go so okay I will pinky I'll do whatever you say I have made mistakes no I can't do that if you both knock me out oh damn he just hit you with the back of his head now okay Pinky it was not me that killed him but he is dead oh pinky just said to kill you first wow oh Goodbye YouTube I climbed up here and security Victory because I knocked them both out and down and then they fought themselves yeah oh this one oh no the Penguin's looking at you right now no not me can't get the other big one what happened to the deer did the deer die to deer meat no I did not die I'm fighting thank you for my life you don't mess with these horns oh I just held your hand thank you for saving me there we go no one is just the Penguin and the toothpaste go after me because I have no moral compass company retro yeah my God I am did you hello my love hi what you doing down there yep grab my beat with the meat there you go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dear dear pull up pull up pull up get it [Music] please please please please please please dirty retro if he would yeah he would I know this he knows it oh see what he's done to you this this is this isn't it you target me animals have to fight each other an angel leave me alone ah what kind of age hey that was rude oh I got that perfect you want my benevolent or malevolent side my dear um I want you in that to go in that hole oh okay I want you to go in that hole not me he wants to become baloney I was like no no no no no no yeah my stuff died bad sausage grab him oh my God go away no no no no no no no no no get oh that sausage wasn't big enough antlers hold on to him pull him down with you she's got you by the pants come on so retro is knocked out you're stuck I can't do anything my antlers are stuck just let go now I'm gonna survive these lessons gonna be in trouble I'm gonna make it yeah did you glitching in the hole JJ does who did your best don't come for me [Music] it's glitching [Music] what's going on over there hold on I'll let go here thank you pinky winding him up is the best thing I'm listening to me my dear nice it's just you and me it is just you and me now jump over to him that left elevator is so loud it really is get him get him then break his elevator oh look at that monkey skills yeah test the theory see if it can fly I'm Penguins as well while we're at it why not oh no you don't off of my elevator retro have you seen what Binky said in chat what she said kill retro first I know retro will bite me in the ass in season four I'll wind him up now seeing it live yeah can't fly the deer can't fly now they can penguins we've confirmed this that's good that's good at least we know wait I'm a penguin crap hey retro I'm gonna die why are you looking away from me you're gonna die oh don't grab me I was gonna grab it get off of my antler you know how it's superheroes with capes and shouldn't have capes maybe you shouldn't have antlers why are you grabbing me by the neck that was rude it's the dog pile of piss Ed about these still all right okay they're all off no no you got me [Laughter] this is not the map for me um robot [Laughter] see see die this is my normal life it's between both of them well the important part is that you have fun right we're breakdowns oh what a shot cages kick here oh you're just like what's inside of the zipper you bugs wait I was gonna knock him out why are you knocking me out with your horns no retro I was lucky out everybody thank you I did a cartwheel over y'all I'm gonna stay here bye not bye oh yeah I'm a professional listen here oh we're going down together nope I could do this I can do this I still take you out of it you're with me you're gonna wish you hadn't done that retro I'm gonna end you oh Kevin just instantly goes for me oh off of my antlers off of my antlers which is Rican shade him yeah yeah yeah yeah go on me damn why are you dying because I'm like go ahead I'm trying to not die oh God that was Karma there I go I didn't wake up the time retro I think we just got hit by larva so would you go to sleep for my life I got hit by the train I was on the edge and I was waiting to wake up and then I didn't wake up and then this was a great game that's what it looks like you're holding the board don't do that yeah before we do this let me just you know you know this no give me my fault yes oh like in the middle you need to let go of my face mine do it do it my friend I mean y'all are about to take each other out aren't you just launch yourself off come on jump you can make it nah you can don't you like my God a lot it looks nice I'm just gonna wait here till hers falls apart completely it won't fall apart until she hits another string so you got to jump yeah someone got rid of the board I'm bored money you can make it Evan you can make the jump just do it I can't even make it over icebergs I'm not gonna be able to make that jump see it filled you Devin and there you go [Laughter] covered so hard let's knock them out get rid of the Purple Penguin oh hello my love excuse me let's get rid of it let go let go let go of me you're gonna take each other out so it's fine please lay down um the control all the way let go of me let go of me see it's okay that one's gonna die here there he goes dang it I couldn't see anything [Music] [Laughter] goodbye world it's hard for me [Music] that noise man that hurts hurts my soul hey penguin come here no I'm being targeted ow L what happened [Laughter] nope nope nope get rid of him don't let the penguin win get off of my antlers wake up there you go so what'd you guys do jump off the cliff together yeah I ran and jumped and choked him up oh my God oh no my pole no I danced on the pole Metro let me get in my cage stop I'm gone I can't see thank you grab the shampoo no I'm not a tasty snack good job shark what are you two doing up there they took me out okay so then now they just get to chill because the deer is gone Richard are you alive down there yeah oh yeah he is don't go that way don't go that way I said don't go that way and Jaws the Penguins iron nope that was just chilling sacrifice holy holy four sharks Evan is now playing games [Music] I want to go down there if I were you come on Sharky Sharky Sharky salted beef oh god he has control of the Dead foreign the ship is pooping them out I was gonna tell you I've been in that hole it's not a fun time did Devin DC are you there I think in DC from the game because he's restarted a Gang Beast a few times and then I don't hear him in the party ball anymore yeah you got it hoop is sad here comes to save him foreign that looked wrong thank you oh my God it slowly gets even sadder goodbye little poop oh my God why does it look like you're just an exotic dancer dancing in a cage oh retro did you draw on with me yeah no Magic finisher dang oh sorry Bob again okay here comes Bros stamp oh yes how'd that happen what did that happen I'm actually slightly offended that that occurred where's my penguin friend we need to exit to go get him back yeah we need to bring our friend retro don't hurt me I thought we were at a truce to exit not throw me out oh bye you can't throw me out I throw myself out another invite his way yeah I gotta leave retro and Rancho fell off hi dear I don't like this I'm gonna um do this don't knock me off oh hello friend he is pure gray to me are you ready we good everybody yep okay we'll start and then hopefully you don't get these seats we'll see at last Metro just moved into this like weird laugh yeah I had to turn down the last sounds because uh they're really uh I think we're gonna disconnect again probably yep here we go try this again Maybe look at me I'm a rhino yeah you are rhino there we go I think you can have up to eight people in the lobby yeah you did retro oh wow wow that was cold instant that was okay retro said screw you dinosaur man wow [Laughter] laughs take them out Rhino special Enforcer yeah get him get him get him do you wear the wing Rancho oh wow these things please him you know who's the better player yes but my I'm I'm I'm I'm so bound the devil is my master no not retro that's a good help with myself all right are you fine remember the day is really early stream when I was blind kitty cat Look At Me Now what the was that rich oh I win I beat the devil hello dinosaur man run the other way now [Laughter] hahaha I know I mean let go of me yeah let go of me what what he said foreign just running on there oh my God Devin still lives somebody get the head put on him take him out go go go no if I had like put the head bike get the head butt like oh no come on Rhino use your head look at me go I got this I think it's time for some deer roast no no no no no I haven't yeah I actually agree with that so awesome all right especially because she's gonna get herself stuck up on the wall yeah just leave me alone either no no no I got her let's go no no no no no no no no no I'm holding the wall yeah where'd you go my love it's Collateral Damage I died for a noble cause get up foreign yes made some deer roast don't brush your teeth now keep going keep going keep going come on yes yes yes and keep running yeah yeah yeah and then climb climb oh no oh no yeah and then grab the wall grab the wall [Music] okay there you go there you go okay fun one arm reach up and then grab the wall you can do it you can do it I believe in you yes yes okay yeah and then just walk just walk to the left yeah yeah Kill the Dinosaurs yeah there you go there you go yeah you could probably walk more continuing on the left if you go backwards while hugging the wall yeah so as far as you can do drugs and people say yeah I had to climb for me okay you two take each other out let me use rushing really quickly for the next time okay now it's frozen slow death wake up oh how was that again the other one wasn't uh retro my dear [Music] retro I think he would have came out knocked out I think pinky or uh die is gone too yep easy how only for me toothpaste man right though pink oh pink I'm back I see that I'm deceased yeah so is Russia I think retro and AFK too oh crap yes that's okay I just really had to go to the bathroom and I was just like just like screw it I I threw you off that's okay that's right I went to get a drink or went for a smoke because Devin was higher I was like is he somehow gonna win that I I didn't manage to grab on and tie that's twice that he's been that higher and that just lost hi let's take this guy out crap bye foreign I somehow grabbed the train ING with the impressed I was trying to grab the train but I missed now you're my turf rhino oh right Show's back oh no let's go no we're friends right no no don't let me go this is my turn thank you oh I just got an achievement dang it my time oh Retro by the way pinky said retro and Noble don't go together because you said you died for a noble cause no get out of here oh come on retro get the deer no just leave me baby the deer feet are wiggling where's the deer there's the deer no I live my life um he just used you as a theory that did not fly on knock it down freeze the steak foreign yeah yeah looking for the non-existent deer I killed myself you know I'm dead yeah I don't believe you I can see you you can see me I'm dead that's just a figment of your imagination yeah yeah I'm deceased under thieves I'm deceased I just think you're about to be deceased I'll get that dinosaur it's supposed to be extinct you know Extinction oh wow it's a good flip oh I almost myself up sugar get our love get her no no don't walk off the edge retro yeah don't let that deer Juke you THS head but the dinosaur it's having trouble no no hello Bruce retro good night Ross character character what are you doing you're in the other direction turn the other direction you piece of it was backwards dude I was doing so good [Music] you guys just fear people he's trying to eat me dinosaur hungry yes [Laughter] oh that's who won I didn't actually see I looked to get a drink and I heard the noise of death hey retro how the hell I knocked myself out leave me alone no let go of me no go I will kick you I think we all went to hell and he stuck in a bar turn around with that creepy smile oh no hi sweetie oh no come down damn it what happened no it's a toothpaste happened the toothpaste killed us dear but it's dead not yet I don't know the toothpaste is dead the dinosaur's still alive Crouch hold hold your uh put your head butt your head butt your head but just hold it down yeah hold the head butt button down when you wake back up okay okay okay I see now jump over there and kill him or kill her because she's just sleeping and I think if he holds your jump button you fall backwards no you sit down if you hold your kick button you fall backwards uh get her kick her butt spider goodbye I think that hurt my soul just a bit oh oh no no no no get me in the elevator get me in the elevator get him retro knock the bars do it do it limited power you want to hold on to yeah hurry she's here get up there oh no there you go good job I was like I can't get up there in time good job dude don't ever win because you guys Target me out of beer restaurant I just knocks each other out we both got one of the railings I don't die baby I'm trying to get rid of the loud triangle there retro I think it's too high to climb mine mine is climbing too no retro all of me you're in my way kick it out knock him out you were on top of his head that was disturbing retro oh the shark destroyed us yeah stay down there he is so yeah what the heck is going on ping is still at 60. mindset like 280. 120. you're hosting it though too I know go go is you're paying bad retro or is it okay no yeah [Laughter] [Music] so cold and cruel and she's still holding am I alive my name is I hit the bottom of the ocean I went [Laughter] okay I think we need to make a dinosaur extinct nope yep I agree somebody else might have to host if this paint keeps happening for me no no don't how'd I get what [Music] Where'd I go he jumped over the gator and fell straight down just chilling on the stairs man that deer is sitting there menacingly yes the deer's still there oh okay that's where it is how are you doing down there why are you sliding down the stairs how about scooting just take myself I was thinking I could get to the bigger pole and climb my way back up and maybe get to the stair but it was it wasn't letting me climb at all yeah hey Rhino you're going down no damn it I'm like I glitched nothing oh my goodness how are you so much faster than I am thank you go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep we'll come over here I've got issues I woke up just in time I didn't oh I did you killed each other I know I didn't mean to toss myself off I was holding on to you so you were coming either way hahaha if I had anything to say about it get rid of the dinosaur extinction yes kills the Dinos we no longer need dinosaurs on this planet yes we do no yes we do come on Elvis get rid of the dinosaur sir I am going to end you why are you powerless without his wings no I think I I think Lucifer is still powerful without his wings I think you guys are just knocking each other out a bit not even enough oh no retro no laughs that's a passion from the dark dinosaur too I've got a dinosaur I'm gonna go down so do you guys come here often I do I'm surprised wow go right okay sweetie we can we can talk about that can't wait here's your head dinosaur got taken up by toothpaste that turned into toothpaste kick him off kick him off how you take them off okay I hit the wrong button I hit the wrong damn button that was this logo button that was the joke it's foreign okay it's not a vending machine watch out my thing is so high okay um why are you help me that's crap wake up damn it retro don't kill yourself you got knocked down by your own vending machine now we're going at him toothpaste not knock them out only one can live turn him into actual tooth there he's actual toothpaste now you meet Cola that's gross I just read that that's disgusting oh okay let's all have a hamburger yeah yeah Wheel of Fortune see whose house long is I call the first I call this first one second I'll go next yep go next time this was stuck on the bar there we go okay this is real ferris wheel yeah I don't think that's how you write a ferris wheel yeah [Music] retro I see Sparks what are you doing hamburger he wants to be the first one to die no I think he wants to kill us all stop [Laughter] it it just choked me off making it go faster no more you guys are together retro everything is granted the wheel is broken everything's frozen oh you got broken there we go oh no trucks bye deer I don't know the actual tear you two love hanging onto that wheel I got knocked out by a hamburger that spun around and then it kicked me into the water that's what happened I'm just gonna chill over here and let you two fight it out break every week they're the masters of the hamburger the worst part is that my hamburger is still there so fate would have had me pretty well if they didn't f everything up I'm watching the hamburgers Pikachu got knocked out Devon's still on my hamburger that's my hamburger right there oh mine now retro the hamburger betrayed you look at the hamburger face my Burgers still alive just glitched on my screen what the hell he is a god holy crap so we're on the left getting like a launched across the map but all of a sudden he was just back on the right [Laughter] oh my God I'll go with my burger I cannot wait for my burger to fly off and take all three of you with it that hamburger is gonna betray you maybe not in time though probably will two have already you two are underwater yeah I almost had them I almost had them you three are ridiculous it was almost a win for you oh no oh hey die look my ping is really high so I just need you to die and leave me alone nope see ya no I always get knocked out right in the grinder oh Pizza oh no not the goo not the goo not the goo well then it's called truce oh that was I did redo retro I mean it oh oh yeah yes damn it come on wake up wake up there you go tailgun tailgun tailgun no no I got it I got it [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] no oh glitch oh no um oh I can't get out you're gonna have to kill yourself now oh wait no there I am oh gosh I think we have to make a dinosaur extinct you've tried that multiple times already no we do now [Music] it's very much dislike this map I got the backhand a few as I went down oh that was beautiful on YouTube [Music] the backhand is the out of retro zipper he did a good shot left you guys knocked each other out good good still with no points because I'm targeted you need you need to be blind again you got more points when you're replying I know when I couldn't see and now I have high ping excuse me oh you're done you're done I know but I'm trying to get him [Music] actually you know what retro yeah are you saying isn't letting me climb no I'm in the nightcon deal issue take out the dino can we can we not hang out in the naughty Corner okay take out toothpaste I just took a screenshot [Laughter] it sounds violent up there it's it's a little rough or just hanging out and then out no no no no no no no no that's what that means thank you go away sure you really do look like you're in timeout just in here please aren't you collapsing guys the Dino's still alive is that the only one alive up there going for a swim yes I'm still here might not be alive for long no I think we need to get die what no points Retro's got more than you oh that's true but I'll let her hide in my corner get the deer it's okay Larry might get all y'all hey you're just on the wall oh my ping won't let me climb anymore I'm just sitting at 400 King right now use the bench we all managed to get out of it my dear oh wait now that happened no goodbye sweetheart hey die yeah does it just mean You Gotta Die [Music] sacrifice her to the octopus [Music] a moment when the octopus feels sorry for you so cold why I told you the octopus is my friend it is damn you Larry oh hello there with a plank give me the plank give me give [Music] I was holding on for your life no yes [Music] you know what at least you didn't get the win I know retro oh you're you're on the bar hold on whoa I'm surprised I actually made the joke I feel proud of myself I do too I see my pink is so high after this game somebody else needs to host because I can barely move we died together together together now get right in the deer we want venison down in hell please not toothpaste we want venison I got the deer me with my freaking pig no toothpaste get rid of the dinosaur it's supposed to be extinct come on go down go down yes oh that was a hit with the back of your head you just said nope this dinosaur is not extinct oh containers oh hey rhino hey you're extinct now oh what are you guys doing they're trying to kill me come here come here okay nice yeah I got special delivery too button matching for the win I knocked out that dinosaur oh no oh okay I'm gonna stay right here all the way over here [Music] who just died kills me while I was AFK I apologize I had a pizza shoving into payable for priorities no pizza is priority though Pizza it is priority almost 1pm for me it was it will pay 8 30 a.m and I haven't eaten you just said that it is almost one I woke let's go oh the background I was just chilling waiting we can't have a wooden that's excited oh don't even bother with me right now I got this okay wow can we just talk about this Lord just said no oh you know thank you no no kick him kick him oh so you come here often you yeah I do the floor disappeared one more game no kill the oh hi oh no [Music] oh no oh no that's dude I can't get the throw off the show no foreign [Laughter] yes oh God he's getting there oh you should knock your head no we're not gonna play this game nope oh yes get rid of the toothpaste get rid of it thank you ah okay no not Jim Phoenix no bro you you trainer yeah no you died [Music] it was beautiful it was so great toothpaste I would literally kill myself just take out the dinosaur I don't care no come on your face [Music] Brown in the goo come on toothpaste yes wake up wake up wake up waving there I was like yeah hahaha oh he just punch you in the garage I think he did I thought your chairs are just dubbed that's what you're doing some form of gymnastics here go to the face you know what I'm a big controversial come on dinosaur [Laughter] you can do it dinosaur he just him he's doing a lot doing the Victory lap you're gonna take that disrespectful thing nope [Music] yay the toothpaste did it so long it's because you're toothpaste oh no oh yes toothpaste you're right beside me you're getting it come here come here we all just grabbed onto the wiener until I didn't mean to it's looking inside fault uh lots of I think I got dc'd yeah um it just froze for a second oh maybe not um it only showed half the score yeah I'd only showed two people on my end trip just what did I know to go no Dino nuggies no Rhino nuggies there can only be one side get out of here Dino foreign [Laughter] oh my God I'm surprised he woke up come on toothpaste it no which one would you chair for a retro toothpaste do it yeah toothpaste yes I can't pick him up you just hit the bar foreign no you can't command me I'm in charge of my own fate like a complete toothpaste I'm in the office here with me into this room I'm gonna fight it out in here I'll attempt it was a good time now we need to get her out of here what me I'm just trying to eat my pizza in peace because the boys are having boy time in that room foreign we'll talk all about it it's a short and it's a video how much is that doggie in the window no I was just window shopping oh no I'm in the room with Luke guys help I can't help y'all meeting Pizza in the corner Jesus Christ my ping just hit 500. oh it's a miracle I haven't been dc'd yet yes all right get rid of the dinosaur coming for you today these please don't know we need to get the deer I have like two wins you're fine we need to get the deer let me eat my pizza out the dino the dino win it's over he's humping me on the wall gotcha I'm literally only able to press e right now because I have pizza did you bring a boxer with the glamor he did it's a dino dab yes yes guys I literally just walked myself up you guys can fight I'm just eating pizza there you go this is normal for them though they're always gonna fight oh yeah but they just kept grabbing me like guys just put me out of the picture okay I just wanted the dino gone rude straight up Rude why do I feel like you said that we had a fight over domestics that this is domestics too retro it is it's domestic violence right here come on toothpaste I Believe In You Petra don't make it another draw you guys are dancing on the edge oh God no not this one not this one no pizza to save you now I have one and a half slices okay that's right just Pub already goddamn I would like to die it is in my name come on take them out all of them there's another one that died still no one else hey let's go nothing my three trains on patrol we did dinosaurs damn damn dinosaur that was good that was good that was funny and stay in the dinosaurs Okay who wants to host besides me because I nah I'm gonna have to call it quit you gonna go go it's been a pleasure it has been foreign I think we need to because I need to grab food and probably sleep before work that was a good idea but it has been a blast and it's been a funny stream it really has alrighty all right let's do this again goodbye stream good night good night have a good day bye thank you well that was fun you too it was very fun definitely alrighty I am off YouTube we can blab and do things again maybe we can play project playtime as well yes I'm excited to try that out even though yeah I'm terrified it'll be it'll be fun it will be yeah alrighty I'll talk to you two later talk to you later all right see you later bye after they left uh everything on my side in terms of ping and everything fixed itself extremely struggling and everything oh I'm the only one here all right everyone looks like that's gonna be all for today I hope you all enjoyed English and I will see you guys again sometime later today uh we'll be working uh I'll be playing with some friends on a few different games on PlayStation so you'll see me for another stream at that time but either way I'm gonna finish this pizza and I'm gonna check in with them find out what's going on so you all have a lovely day and I'll see you soon
Channel: Daimayo
Views: 9,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gang Beasts, LIVE, Friends, Multiplayer, Chaos, Laughter
Id: -63-Q4AZMWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 27sec (14247 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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