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just doing a teaching and then doing dream interpretation doing the teaching keeping it a little bit shorter and then doing the dream interpretation and keeping it ends up being about the same amount of time but just separated over two different videos instead of one so hopefully that's working would love to get your thoughts so as you guys are popping on please let us know where you're coming from where you're visiting and then what you think of that idea i'm still waiting for our video to come up i'm looking at our youtube channel right now now some of you are watching on our facebook some of our facebook channels on my page on streams ministries page and dreams and mysteries page just to let you know when we start doing dream interpretation here once i get this going and i can see comments um we're going to be doing the comments through youtube so we'll be seeing everything on youtube so if you want to submit a dream to see if we're able to interpret it we'll see how many we're able to get to but we're not going to see it if you put it on one of the other channels but if you come over to our youtube channel we'll be able to see that comment and we will interact with that and i now have a live video so we are going and we are good yay we're adjusting our focus just a little bit and um vertical so carl is just mentioned that uh so carl like so you're in finland um you've been on quite a quite a number of times i keep on seeing your name pop up so glad you can join us and glad you're getting something out of this but we have a similar background you you wrote because you were also set free from the drug culture 2011 2012. that's amazing it is astounding to me the redemption of god that he would take somebody like me i mean who i was what i did and he would save me he would set me free he would he would even be interested it just i mean it blows my mind every time i think about it it's funny that is one of the meditations one of the practices that some of the ancient mystics the some of the mystical writers the desert fathers and some of those that came after would talk about was just meditating on what christ has done what he set you free from because if you can remember what you've been set free from it actually is a um i just got my notification from the app saying that we're live so we are live if you're watching on the app um but it it it holds our heart in this place of gratitude in this place of worship and and it's a protection against pride when we remember who we were and what we came from and how much god had to do to change to transition to shift us it is absolutely amazing so that's a great meditation and a great remembrance let's see we've got people from oregon welcome glad you're here ontario canada los angeles utah couple people from ontario canada welcome we've got santa barbara california um santa barbara now i don't know if you're familiar i've got some friends in santa barbara so a couple of our streams teachers jeff and faith frankenfield that are in the santa barbara area and they do teaching but i actually have some friends that just moved there they're pastors of this church that i loved in louisiana and they've taken over a new church in santa barbara it's it's well it's new to them it's not a new church but the vineyard there in santa barbara and they're now pastoring there so i'm sure i'll be coming at some point in time once travel is a little bit easier because they're uh they're great friends and i just want to provide support for them in any way that i can and just hang out with them and and be with them so glad that you're on welcome from santa barbara we've got italy we've got new jersey kenya that's amazing chicago citrus heights california we've got hawaii welcome traverse city and michigan south africa belize welcome that's amazing millbray california let's see ohio is where i was born i was born and raised in ohio and the northwest corner up in the middle of nothing a little tiny town called oakwood there's about 700 people in the town when i was growing up so it was a very small very small place let's see austin moore from south africa minnesota saudi welcome so glad you could join we got scotland i love scotland that's one of my favorite places in the world wonderful let's see netherlands oklahoma city new delhi india um i love that sword in the background you know what's great about that sword that sword is the sword i actually inherited that when i came on the leadership of streams ministries that's the sword that john paul used to ordain people that's the sword that actually he used when he ordained me and i've actually been able to use it to ordain others so that sword has some some beautiful significance i'm glad you like it i love it i wanted to make sure it was in a good place right here so we've got long island new york we've got germany more from seattle jackson hole wyoming more from california from everywhere brazil welcome irvine california let's see uganda that's amazing welcome virginia beach so let's start taking a look i'm going to start looking at some dreams look like you guys have been able to pop on and get in and join us and again just letting you know if you're on one of the other channels if you're on facebook or if you're watching one of the other places and you're not putting your comments in on the youtube channel we're not able to see those comments until afterwards we'll we'll look through them but if you would like to submit a dream for us to possibly interpret you're going to want to do that on the youtube channel so go to youtube and search for streams ministries you'll be able to find us there and we'll we'll be able to interact with some of those comments at that place but would love to love to have you join us and hey while you're doing that make sure you subscribe and ask for notifications and if you're already on youtube subscribe ask for notifications that way when we go live you get notified and you know about it and and let people know because this is a resource that we're trying to make available we want to make it available to as many people as possible because as people realize that our god speaks and that when he's speaking through dreams that he's communicating something happens in our hearts that just comes alive and just being able to be a part of that is amazing so please let people know let them know to come we try to do these every week we'll be doing another one next week and moving while we're moving funny enough so be a little bit different background because this office is going to be in shift after we finish up with this video at some point over the next day or two i'm going to be starting to pack up some of the stuff that we have so we can get ready for our move and we'll be into a bigger office space where it's same building but i'm just moving my office into a bigger office space and can't wait to show it to you guys when we get that going so pepperoni chili dog that is a fun name so pepperoni chili dog you put this in um it says we started playing a game i would let them land and then kind of gently throw them up in the air now i'm not sure what it is we're talking about i think there might be another comment here it is so i had a dream a year and a half ago about two doves in my house at 3 a.m they wanted me to hold them i kept doing it wrong i finally got they wanted to perch on my finger so i let them land we started playing a game i would let them land and then kind of gently throw them up in the air and they would land again suddenly i saw a huge explosion in deep outer space and i turned around and i just lost the whole thing so and ran to my phone to tell my family i love them and then i woke up when i woke up it was 3am in real life and i felt really horrible and scared now it's fun because there's two doves because one dove i'd be immediately i'd be thinking of holy spirit because you have the holy spirit coming down as a dove on jesus but these are clearly good doves or there's not a negative thing it's a seems like a very positive thing this interaction and so it's not the holy spirit but they are spirits they're angelic beings and so in this dream you are learning how to engage with the angelic the right and the wrong way to do that and and in that process you start to be awakened to what's going on in the spiritual realm and you recognize spiritual warfare that's happening a huge explosion in outer space so that's in the heavens explosion is a negative thing there's some type of a destruction it's not always negative but in this you're scared you're concerned so there's clearly a negative connotation that's being communicated to it so you're seeing spiritual warfare and you're not sure how to deal with it so you you've been learning how to interact with spiritual realities and you've started to see things that are causing you fear now this is a dream not to not to confirm that fear or say that you should be in fear but just letting you know you are perceiving you're growing in spiritual things and you're seeing things that are going on the response for this now this isn't in the dream so this is advice from knowing the ways of god the response to that is to is to respond to the lord when you begin to see these things especially when you see spiritual activity explosions in the heavens that makes you concerned makes you afraid respond to the lord turn to him and learn how to develop that life of prayer because excuse me because god has called you to interact with the spiritual realm and see the things that are happening so that you would react with him you would respond to him and grow in a life of prayer and you're going to start to see god moving in powerful ways through your prayers as you continue to press in so that is amazing josie asked what is the number eight on the back of my son's football jersey which is white with yellow stripes on the side so football jersey talks about some type of a team sport so some type of activity that is going to be done with other people where everybody has a part the the idea of white this is good yellow can talk about the mind um could also talk about hope so that though you have those two things and the number eight is a new beginning so basically it says that you're seeing that your son is coming into a new place where he's going to be working with others and and and going towards a common goal with others and it's going to be a really good thing and i actually i wonder if the yellow is actually talking about some type of learning or some type of mental activity that this team is related to and i'm not sure if that's like a teaching ministry or or something along those lines but something new that he's going to be coming into so that is that's actually that's a lot of fun let's see isabel moreno isabel says i was put in a boat by two young men it was a huge wooden ship then it turned into a modern ship and there were hundreds of whales underneath underneath making huge waves and rocking the boat okay so you have the idea of a boat transportation how you get from here to there so it's something that's taking you somewhere the fact that it's in the water it's it's some type of a ministry some type of a corporation so it's affecting a lot of people water can talk about spiritual activity but it could also just talk about the world we we see um like babylon the great is seated on the waters and it's talking about the world uh and just all the different nations and all the different things that's going on we have in revelation it talks about the sea of humanity and so it's just talking about multitudes of people but then also you have water representing spiritual things whales are huge issues that bring impact and they can be they're generally a positive a positive thing in dreams so generally when you see a whale it's it's going to be a positive meaning sometimes whales could talk about large ministries that are underneath the surface whales can talk about revival moves of god but it's something huge it's something big that has big impact and so you've been on a journey in the spiritual life where you're moving forward with others and it started uh it looked like it was a whole different time period this old wooden ship but it shifted into something more modern more noon so you're probably part of a church or ministry that's been around for a while but has made a shift in the format of of what they're doing it's a little bit more modern uh currently than what it was in the past and there you're starting to recognize a number of different influences that are kind of rocking the boat it's not necessarily a negative thing because there's no capsizing there's not waves that are coming on top of the boat so it's not necessarily a bad thing it's just creating turbulence it's creating activity it's shaking things up and and it's causing things to not remain the same so that's not necessarily a bad thing it's just movement it's just activity and you're recognizing that so that is that dream let's see um charisse curtis i had a dream that my older sister told me to come with her but then she got on a bus and i wasn't allowed on and i had to watch her leave so charisse this is saying your sister is is going somewhere she's she wants you there there's relationship there's connection and she's going to be a part of something that's going to take her into a new place and you may not end up even though there's a desire so it's not about her not wanting you to be along on the journey it's just about her going on a different journey than you're going to be going on and so she's going to be going into a new place where where you don't necessarily do the same thing now that doesn't necessarily mean you're not in relationship or anything else it just means that the journey she's on is a different journey than what you're going to be allowed on but it's not about her not wanting you to be there she wants you to be there it's just not what you're supposed to be doing at this time and in this season so be encouraged when you see that and realize that it's not something don't don't allow there to be any thought in your heart that she doesn't want you to go along in this journey or that she's just trying to do this thing on her own her heart is for you to go along it's just not how it's going to work out let's see sadie lane sadie you euro i was getting out of the shower getting myself ready suddenly i got a bloody nose it was pouring out of my nose with blood clots i was shocked it didn't hurt just frightening and it kept bleeding so you you have cut a couple things so you've got shower you've got nose and you've got blood if we figure out what those three things are we'll be able to figure out what this stream is so if we were going to diagram this stream like we sometimes do in the dream lab videos where we diagram a dream out we find the focus and then the sub focus is your focus is you because you're the one that's getting out of the shower you're the one that gets the bloody nose you're the one that sees everything going so all the actions around you so you're the focus your sub focuses are the shower the nose and the fact that the nose is bloody now the fact that the the the bloody nose whether you put bloody nose and the nose is an important detail off of blood or blood is an important detail off of nose either way you've got to understand bloody noses because if you miss that piece you're you're not going to understand it now shower shower talks about some type of cleansing uh it's different than using the bathroom when you use the bathroom something has to get view that's in you but when you're sh taking a shower something is coming off of you that's got on you so it's something from the environment so the environment maybe the things that you've been going through the circumstances just life um has created a need for there to be a refreshing for there to be a cleansing in your life and you're pursuing that but in this process of pursuing that cleansing that you need um the the nose nose can talk about discernment if you're trying to figure out if food is good most of the time you look at it but then often you'll smell it like does that smell good does not not smell good and so the the idea of fragrance or nose being related to discernment actually is a biblical perspective i'm trying to remember what the there's one of the towns where one of the schools of the prophets um met and it it was related the hebrew word was related to no's but it taught to be to be of quick discernment or to be fragrant to to recognize so again you have this this this concept i try to explain how we get things because it helps you to understand how god uses metaphor menu of blood blood can talk about life and so blood coming out can talk about pain can talk about difficulty about losing life um and and it could be an a positive thing in certain circumstances but this doesn't seem to be really a negative i mean a positive thing but it's not a painful issue it's just something that is and so you you're you know you're being cleansed from something that you've been going through and you realize that your discernment has been hurt and needs to be dealt with and needs to have some stuff come out of it that there's some um but it feel like i the way that i was going to say that stretches it a little bit too much we have this thing like well i call it a frankenstein interpretation you get all the right pieces and you just kind of tie it together and it has the form of an interpretation but you don't feel the breath of life on it and that's what i was feeling like i had all the pieces and i think i'm i'm i'm feel like i'm going in the right direction but the way that i was saying it right there just didn't have the life that it needed so i'm just going to take a second and just kind of like think and pray and see what the right way to say this is so i'm communicating it well sometimes i just keep talking to fill in that space and silence is really helpful when you're trying to figure things out so bloody nose the life is in the blood the life is in the discernment okay so i just it's fun because sometimes it's it's it's almost like your mind is making jumps but you know it's not just your mind there's actually something that god is doing and learning to recognize that that breath and recognize the the the revelation as it comes and grab hold that revelation because dream interpretation isn't just well this means this and this means this and putting it together it it requires revelation it requires god to speak into it the skill positions you where it's easier to recognize so basically the stuff that you've been going through that you need cleansed of has affected your discernment and your discernment has taken a a a kind of a life of its own and god is removing that and bringing a freedom and a healing and so there's this there's this um process of your discernment going through healing and recognizing the need for it and and just the and the the kind of the the picture that that comes from that is the discernment is losing the life that it was intended to have and you're recognizing that and dealing with that because that's related to the cleansing so the stuff that you've been going through in your life that you realize and you've been seeking to get cleansing from has affected your discernment and god is going to remove what needs to be removed so that you can go forward so there that that took a little bit longer sometimes they take a little bit longer i i was i i've had a couple times people send send me a dream i i don't do dreams when people email them or send them on social media just because i have way too many dreams but some of the pastors or leaders that i work with or some of my friends will sometimes send me something hey john can you take a look at this and sometimes it takes me like a day or two to interpret a dream and i'm thinking i do these videos and i generally can get some interpretation within a period of time and so i was like well maybe i just you know i need to press in a little bit more i need to pray more and and then i was listening to john paul telling the story about how somebody came up to him and they shared a dream with him and he told him he needed to pray with it and a week later he gets the interpretation of the dream and he gets back to him and i'm thinking oh oh i guess it's just not that big of a deal it just it's different at different times so that was encouraging to me um i think that'll be encouraging to you as well because you don't always get the interpretation right away but if you keep on asking and you keep on seeking um god will give you the answers that you need when you need them let's see terry terry to doci you said two tall light blue mirrored office buildings collapsing toward each other the right building had the logo of canadian flag the left had none foundation crumbling and a tall waterfall pouring down between them so large office buildings talk about some kind of um influence some type of structure some type of organization that is there so a lot of times you would think of more of a corporate corporation uh but with the canadian flag the logo of the canadian flag it seems like this is talking about government so it's office of government but there's another office and this one doesn't have a logo and the two of them are collapsing towards each other because the foundations are broken and there's a waterfall going in between basically this is a call to intercede god is releasing water spiritual activity from heaven and it is revealing foundations in canada foundations in the government and foundations in another arena and because you can it's in canada you have the canadian flag you would think that the other is some other organization some other aspect of society perhaps and the foundations are crumbling and so the prayer is that only what god wants to happen would happen in this situation he allows things to crumble so that they can be rebuilt better and sometimes he fixes what's there so that it doesn't crumble i the dream doesn't say which is supposed to happen it's saying that this waterfall this spiritual activity that's being released is exposing the weakness of the foundations and things are beginning to collapse and so you from there you begin to pray asking god how does he want you to pray what does he want you to say clearly there's something that heaven is doing that's revealing something but what's the response that he wants just because you see it happening doesn't mean that he wants it to happen we we have the the picture from is it um amos sometimes i forget which one of the minor prophets this was but amos where he sees this he sees this vision of these locusts and they destroy all the crops in israel and amos is like oh god please israel is so small please don't do this how could she survive and god's like oh okay yeah i won't do that and then he sees i think it was fire the fire comes through and it begins to consume and he's like oh god please israel is so small how would she survive if you let this happen and god's like okay that won't happen either and then he gets another vision and then the next vision he shows a plumb line that's coming and the plumb line begins to be a standard that things are judged against and and so there there was this this cry for mercy that he had that came out of his heart and god responded god still accomplished what needed to be accomplished but just not in that way but he was looking for someone who would cry for mercy and too many times when we when prophetic people see something negative we just we we almost just um get a sense of fatalism about what we've seen and we need to have that heart of mercy because mercy triumphs over judgment and even when god shows us judgment that's coming we still should be crying out for mercy because james tells us that the mercy that we don't seek for others is the mercy that we don't receive and we need to not be um un incense insensitive i guess that that that's a the right way i'm trying to what what word gives this thought the right thing but we need to not be insensitive about these things we need to allow our compassion to be aroused we need to allow our heart to be moved in compassion for situations even when god is judging and cry out for mercy because that's his heart his heart is for mercy even in the midst of of judgment i'm not saying that this is judgment i'm just using that as an example of a principle that is key in understanding this so jenna jenna edgar you wrote this i was off the coast of my town and was trying to count the dolphins jumping everywhere i went further and saw a dolphin go under the boat as i looked i saw an orca slowly go past so close that i saw into its eye okay so dolphins dolphins are they're playful they're fun they protect people they tend to be a positive meaning a positive connotation in dreams orcas they're they're beautiful but they're very dangerous they're also called killer whales um they're hunters they're predators they're they're gonna tend to have a negative connotation and so basically what's going on is you're seeing a lot of activity a lot of spiritual activity people that dolphins can represent people they can represent just things happening but you're seeing all of this activity this exciting activity that's going on this playful activity that's going on in the spirit and as you look closely you also see that there is danger in the waters um orcas hunt dolphins dolphins are a great meal for orcas and so you you have this in the natural now in the dream the orca is not chasing the dolphin is not attacking a dolphin you're just seeing the potential for danger you're not seeing the actual danger um and and that the concept of a shark in the water not all of the spiritual activity that's going on is good it may look good like orcas are beautiful um you know i mean like shamu we have these these pictures i mean they can be trained and they can they can learn how to be friendly to some extent but they're still sharks they're still predators and so recognizing that um killer whale i mean i know it's not actually a shark but the idea that concept they they operate much as a shark would operate so that's just letting you know that it's there you're seeing it you're recognizing it and that then you begin to pray what do i do with this how do i respond to this god what are you saying what do you want me to do um that is that's the that's the response and the thing about a dream it's only one part of a conversation it's like take if you you stepped into a room where two people are having a conversation and you heard one paragraph and that's all you got that paragraph fits into a much broader conversation that's going on so with that then you take a look what are the things that god is drawing your attention to what are the other things that he's talking about what is he showing you in scripture um what kind of things are you learning in the in the church in the community that you're in what kind of activity are you seeing that would fit that that kind of a dynamic and maybe it's in the future maybe it's going on right now and and beginning to recognize those things and then that'll give you a bigger picture to be able to fit that piece in because dreams are just one piece of the conversation it's not the whole conversation so um nessie eden said my sister had bulging eyes so the idea of bulging eyes it's something is like you're really paying attention to something's really grabbed your attention it could be saying that there's there's something that's going on that's really grabbed her attention that her spiritual attention it could be saying that there is um i mean it could be a positive it could be a negative and like if you see something that's really beautiful you're like wow or something that's really scary you're like wow i mean so bulging eyes could be either one of those could be positive could be negative so the question is like did it feel good did it feel bad but there's something that she's seeing that's going on um and you're just recognizing that she's seeing this it's being drawn to your attention when you have a dream about someone else it's always for intercession so the first step is to pray god how do i pray for my sister what is she seeing what's going on what's happening in our lives is there something shocking is it a good thing is it a bad thing do i pray against it do i pray for it how do i respond to that myra magana you said last night's dream i was handed a navy cash register and was told that i should wear my shoes with heels i was barefoot so cash register holding money it's it's something that is for transactions so it's favor transactions can represent interactions can represent negotiations so you're being given favor but you need to have the right of equipment to walk in the favor that you've been given you need to wear your shoes not just go barefoot uh that you you want to be prepared to walk out the favor that you're being given so you're being given favor with negotiations with interactions with others that's why it's a cash register and not just a wad of cash or or not just uh um you know a wallet or or something or an envelope full of cash why was it a cash register because there's a transaction cash registers have to do a transaction so that that's the reason for that so you're being given favor but you need to be equipped to walk in it and make sure that you use the equipment you've been given and and don't be too relaxed because i mean the difference between barefoot to high heels i mean when you're barefoot it's a lot more comfortable and you're a lot more relaxed when you're wearing high heels those are not as comfortable they're a lot more formal um and so you you you're gonna you want to take this seriously and and really take that equipment not be so relaxed about the favor that god has given you but walk in what he has given you all right so jacqueline cameron you said i was in a neighborhood that i'm not familiar with and i saw a bunch of airplanes flying over me dropping fruit my pastor came out and said this can only be from god so neighborhood that you're not familiar with so this is some type of a community but it's not your actual neighborhood so it's a spiritual community sometimes you're you're in a house in the dream the question one of the questions you'll have and i i would i would assume this is probably the case in the dream you weren't thinking that it was a weird neighborhood or that you were unfamiliar with it it was just a neighborhood you're in but when you woke up you realize i don't recognize that neighborhood i'm not familiar with it that's generally how that works so it's talking about a spiritual community um and that there's airplanes so these airplanes talk about different ministries that operate in the things of spirit now we're keeping it to spiritual community because you've got a pastor in there which ties this into your spiritual life and what's going on and so god has released ministries that are going to be operating and releasing fruit into the spiritual community and your your pastor your shepherd so this could represent jesus or could represent your church is going to recognize that this is coming from god so there's good fruit that's being released it's going to be recognized as coming from god and you're going to be a part of recognizing and seeing that when it comes so that's that's fun uh martha um i i hate to to slaughter someone's name i want to say it right but i'm not sure how to pronounce it raccoon raccoon i'm not sure how to say that correctly but i think you know r-a-k-u-o-a-n-e so you know which martha i'm talking to so martha um i saw a girl applying for scholarships and a requirement was to fix clocks one time her mom encouraged it the girl was about to and the girl said god said do you know my voice do you know my voice so girl applying for scholarships and a requirement was to fix clocks her mom encouraged it she was about to and the girl said god said do you know my voice so that you're not really involved in this dream so you're observing this dream so this is about someone else now you say hey girl i don't know if this is a girl that you know in real life or just it was a general girl if you know them in real life it could be about them or someone that they represent if if it wasn't a specific person it's just a general person and you don't know who it is yet but you will recognize this when it happens a scholarship is when somebody else pays for the learning pray plays pays for the training that is coming and but to be able to get to the scholarship you've got to get the timing right fix the clocks you got to get the timing right and but this girl is wondering like her family recognizes like you've got a call in your life you have the possibility to get this equipping you you've got a in the recognition of stepping into it at the right time but the girl is is is hearing god say what god is saying is do you recognize my voice the the so is it about the scholarship or is it about the timing that's the question and not quite clear in the dream but god is asking this girl do you recognize my voice actually i think that that's the scholarship so she's being called to grow in her capacity to recognize and learn god's voice and there's a place and there's an opportunity for her to grow and learn but it's going to require timing to be right for it to happen in the way that it should so that is that's a place for you to pray but also to recognize that and help the person see the key thing that god is doing is teaching them to hear their voice helping them to recognize how important it is that they hear his voice for themself not just oh my mom thinks that this is a good idea other people think that i should do this but they need to hear god for themself about what they're stepping into okay so jake jake o ob that is a b i had to look closely with my eyes sometimes i need glasses but that's that's a b not an eight um so you wrote this so i was in what seemed to be my elementary school i was with a group of people and we were touring the school as we turned i was pointing out some of the places that i remembered from the past it seemed like we were trying to find the way out of the school at some point i started leading the group we ended up in the front office and i discovered you needed to have a pass to get out i received my pass and signed it so i could be let out and noticed everyone else was following me into the office so school talks about learning going into your elementary school the way you're talking about this this is you're not in elementary school right now so this is something from your past so there are some things that you've learned in the past that that you've got to revisit and you're going to recognize keith excuse me key things and you're going to be able to even lead and help other people recognize those key things but to be able to move on from that place you've got to get permission from the authority that's been placed there going to the principal's office getting a pass a pass gives you authority it's permission it's authority to to to move on from this place and so you you're you're in a place of learning things that you've learned before but you're also still pointing out in a place of leadership helping other people but realizing that you need the authority that you're under to recognize that you're ready to go to the next place and that's where you're at now and as you do that right other people will follow your lead so that is that's a really good dream okay angela harris angela you wrote i was outside in the city and saw a witch sitting on the bench knitting the threads were breaking and going up into the sky by the thousands and discovered and it covered the sky in the city so knitting just tying all these little threads together putting them together so that they create a blanket but these things are just going up into the sky and so it's an activity of putting things together and this is witchcraft so you're recognizing the effects of witchcraft in the city that you're in now again it doesn't tell you what to do it's going up into the sky it's covering things in the city so it's affecting things what do you do when you recognize that there are curses witchcraft it's always curses even if it's good it's not good when it comes from witches so what do you do when you recognize there's curses the bible says you bless so your response is the activity of witchcraft is releasing things into the spiritual atmosphere of your city you need to begin to bless your city and ask god to release what needs to be released to bring about his purposes and not allow the enemy's purposes to happen so you're recognizing and seeing the activity of the enemy now you get to turn and respond according to the ways of god and what the bible has showed now the response is not in the dream but this is what we know from knowing god's nature often god doesn't tell us everything in the dream but what we know of his nature and who he is will inform our response to these things so there's the dream interpretation but there's also the response that's key so that is that's helpful a lot of intercessory dreams um it's a really good time for it we need a lot of intercession in our world right now and and what's going on so um oh boy i just read another comment and that garrison a dream about john thomas you never know what to expect when you read these so um but i'll read it for the first time out loud so i had a dream that you came over to me and said you're pregnant and in labor you then walked around me in a circle i kept saying streams streams i felt not ready for the baby so this is talking about something that that we we're releasing what streams is known for spiritual activity prophetic activity um and and you are pregnant with what god has been doing in your life and you don't necessarily feel ready but god is pointing out that you are pregnant and you're in labor and this thing is about ready to be birthed and so the prophetic calling that's on your life is coming and it's time for you to prepare for that calling like you were if you were in labor get ready because a baby's coming so that's the prophetic calling that is on you that's that's a fun dream it's great to be able to be a part of that so valerie valerie bowman we get to do a few of your dreams you're on here often as well you you and carl both i see both of your names a number of you guys but i've talked to you guys but uh so valerie you said i was on a farm um where we go uh honeybees were everywhere i would pet them with my feet and they would purr like a cat they were docile then in a barn i noticed that my clothes were inside out i changed publicly unashamed so farm a place of cultivation a place of growth honeybees in the negative you could be talking about hornets which could be talking about demonic attack but in the positive honey honey is something sweet could be talking about anointing so honey bees could represent spiritual activity that brings the anointing and you're in a place where that spiritual activity is being cultivated and you're interacting with that but you're realizing that there's some ways that you've been doing things that need to be changed because the environment you're in your clothes are inside out so a lot of times clothes will talk about the way that you've been doing something or something that you're doing so the fact that it's inside out would be more about the way that you're doing it the clothe cloth itself would be the clothes are about what you're doing so you you just need to shift some things you've got all the right clothes it's just you get some things inside out and you need to make some shifts and it's not a big deal you're unashamed in it you just get to shift that because you're in a great environment where the anointing is being cultivated and you're a part of that and enjoying that so that's a great dream that's fun so nick nicole pink big slugs were outside my parents house i started to line the border of the house with salt she said it's because of y'all i said i didn't do anything i kept putting salt down so pink slugs hmm that's interesting wonder what to do with that so just thinking categorically if you will in categories um one of the one of the principles you generally there's not a hard and fast law but it's a principle you generally operate in is that things that are considered clean ceremonially through the mosaic law tend to have positive connotations and dreams things that are unclean tend to have negative connotations and dreams slugs are clearly unclean they tend to have a negative connotation the feeling of the dream is they're negative there's some something that's going on in the environment now why were they pink what would pink represent so pink could represent childishness to the negative to the positive it could represent affection could represent being child-like that could be a positive thing but to the negative could be talking about childishness so the negative connotation of being childlike um so something in the environment but what needs to be to protect to create a barrier so that it doesn't affect the house is salt jesus said that you are the salt of the earth and if salt has lost its saltiness it's not worth anything so saul is talking about our activity our righteousness the things that we do the way that we interact in the world that preserves the beauty that god put into humanity that god put into the world that we get to be representatives of that we get to live out and so staying in that place it also represents the gospel and and the reality that things are restored and redeemed in through what god has accomplished through christ so you you have that concept um you know people are saying it's it's well it's it's your immaturity or you know your that seems like it's a plural thing not a directed thing um because you all that was a that's a plural term so it seems like there's some there's some idea or some accusation that it's just because of the the immaturity of of people maybe a group that you're part of that's allowed this but you're actually doing the very thing that's bringing the protection that's being needed so you're recognizing a a lack of maturity in the environment and you're doing the right thing to bring protection so that it doesn't create a problem in the in the church i think that's that environment is it's i think i think it feels like it's your church it you know it's it's funny because i say that and while i'm saying that it doesn't feel wrong but it feels incomplete and so a lot of times dreams can have multiple layers of meaning so it could be talking about your church but it could also talk about your natural family simultaneously and so i think that you have a similar role in both place in holding on to the saltiness of god's activity and what god has released in you creating a boundary to to protect what would be the negative effects of childishness from hurting what god is doing so i will leave that for you let's see 123 maneia you said this i say i was about to give birth at home and i wanted to go to the hospital but the nurse measured my belly size and wrote it on my white coat so there's something that's being developed inside of you and you think that it's ready to come but others around you are just measuring it and trying to figure it out and writing it on your on your white coat that seems to be um you know white coat again righteousness the things that you're doing um the the nurse why a nurse what could a nurse represent so that's that's our basic concept let's see if we can dial that in just a little bit more i was about to give birth at home and i wanted to go to the hospital so there's something that god is releasing in your life and you just want it you just want it to be a normal part of your life but you're realizing that or or it looks like it's coming one way or the other but you're looking you're realizing you need to be in the right environment for this to come forth so keeping to how the dream is saying it you're realizing that it's there and that it's coming and you want to make sure that you're in the right environment and the people that are there to help you are are helping you to recognize how far along you are in this process so measuring your belly would talk about you know how how big are you how pregnant are you are you pregnant enough so there's some type of a recognition of where you are in the process that they're helping you to see you feel like it's coming you feel like it's ready and you're trying to get into the right environment to birth it but the people around you are going to help you to recognize where you really are in that process so that is that is fun um erica moore this is a fun one so i heard an audible voice speak ephesians 4 then a large nail was hammered down my throat well it sounded fun until that piece [Laughter] audible voice is usually good um well let's see well ephesians 4 you have this whole piece of god releasing a calling on the church that the church would grow up into maturity and represent him to the world through everybody doing their peace everybody having a part to play so you you have the idea of things being fit together of of something being built and you have a hammer and nail which usually ties into things being built um you have in jeremiah it says is not my word like a hammer that breaks through the rock now it's not talking about a nail but it does connect the concept of a hammer with a with the word of god with a revelation from god a nail is something that holds something fast and so there there's something that god wants to reveal to you out of ephesians chapter 4 and he's going to nail this thing home and it's going to affect everything that comes out of your mouth it's going to hammer down into your throat it's going to affect everything that comes out of your mouth so i would highly suggest spending time studying ephesians chapter four start in verse one go through verse 16. it don't stop at verse 16 but that's going to be your key piece because that's the aspect where it's talking about how things are built and what that building would look like after that then from from i think it's verse 17 to is it 23 i can't remember how many verses there are in chapter four i think it's around that but you you have the the other passages some of the practical implications of it but that first part there's something that god wants to speak a revelation that he wants to release that's gonna nail this reality home in your life and it's going to affect everything that comes out of your mouth from that point forward that is a really cool dream so it is good this seems like like the idea like if you think of a literal nail being hammered into your throat that's not a good thing but this is actually a good thing very cool okay so boy i can't believe it is one o'clock already we've just been talking and we we've had so much fun hey guys i want to one i want to just say really quick got a couple things before i let you go um one thank you i i know many of you we we did our giving tuesday campaign um we're supporting israel and and sowing into the training that we've been doing there i i've been doing some training we've actually got plans to do some more ongoing training and equipping uh virtually with people there we're going to be going to israel next year um still in the plan as of right now in the beginning of november the first couple weeks so maybe if you've never been to israel this is going to be a great trip we're going to have so much fun we're going to we're going to hit some of the major sites but we're also going to hit some sites that people don't normally go to on tours that have prophetic significance that are related to the prophets elijah elisha samuel the schools of the prophets and some of those stories and we're going to spend some time we're going to have a tour guide that's going to help and then i'm going to be doing a lot of teaching and we're going to spend some time in intercession we'll be in the old city we're going to walk along the walls of the old city of jerusalem and pray for the peace of jerusalem we're going to fulfill some of the scripture where it says i've set watchmen on your walls and they will give me no rest we're going to literally go up on the walls and pray it's going to be a lot of fun if you've never been um start start planning now uh we'll be releasing an application uh before we get too too terribly long you can contact us just just contact us on our website or at customer support at streams ministries and ask for more information we'll make sure that we get you that but i i either way thank you so much for your support you guys you you've blessed us you've you've blessed israel and allowed us to be a blessing to israel and we want to thank you for that if you missed your opportunity and you still want to give do that just write israel in the memo or or in the tagline for that giving you can do it right on the app i know some of you are watching on our app so you can do that right on our app you can do that on our website either way that would be wonderful and some of you um and we had a couple dreams about being equipped and and being trained you you're you want to pray about being a part of streams academy this year we are developing a community of prophetic people that are pursuing the deeper things of god and walking through a journey of understanding his ways and understanding his voice and we would love you to be a part of that we're going to put up a link for which is our website which gives you all the information about streams academy and you can take a look at each of the modules we've got six different modules each of them going into an aspect of the spiritual life and aspect of the prophetic anointing and going deep into a subject and taking us into that so you're going to want to take a look at them each of them we have a teaching weekend and then we have a mentoring weekend and we've got some great guests coming we've got my friend paul david guidry who pastors the church that i used to pastor we've got james gall is going to be here bonnie chavda is going to be here justin allen is going to be here just an amazing guy will ford is going to be here um and there's somebody else that i know and the name skips me right now but it's all on our website but we would love for you to be a part and you can join us virtually or in person so we've got people that are planning on flying down every single month to be a part of it and we've got other people they're just going to do it virtually you can join in on zooms you're part of the conversation and and then we're also part of that we're going to do something new this year is we're going to have ongoing videos where you guys are going to be able to interact with each other as you're learning and talk about the things that you're learning do some of the homework together just be able to put out questions and discuss some of these things that we're doing and it's going to be really really helpful i've been talking to some people that went through it this year and just the impact that it's had and then the moments that open up outside of the teaching where god just comes and speaks we we've had people that have received prophetic callings and impartations into into things that that just opened up for them we've had healing moments where god just broke in and and opened up something for different people and you never know what's going to happen when you begin to gather around his presence so i really want to encourage you to pray about being a part of that and or if you can't be a part of it maybe you want it to give a scholarship to somebody that has somebody that is able to be a part of it and and you can do that as well so you'll see the link we will make sure that we put it in the in the comments so that you can have that and we will see you guys next week we'll do a little bit of a teaching and um we'll go from there god bless you guys
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 5,140
Rating: 4.8744392 out of 5
Id: nZp3YDw_sDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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