Rejecting the Spirit of Fear | The Dreams Guy

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[Music] well hey guys my name is john thomas and i'm the dreams guy welcome to this week's episode i have with me a friend jordan jordan we've known each other for what seven eight years i think at least yeah forever so we went to the same church together and jordan always has fun dreams and so i wanted to have jordan bring one of his dreams for this episode so tell us about your dream so you said you had it about last year yeah it was the end of last year um so yeah just jump right into this was basically the dream um i was at a church that i used to attend um and the overarching theme was that bill johnson was coming right so he was there but no one was there like the like the sanctuary was empty from where we're sitting um i could look outside the doors and i could see um parking lot was completely empty no one was there so i'm the only one there and i had to feel i remember like even now as i think about i can kind of like recall the feeling but um i had the feeling that something was wrong like this is not right people are supposed to be here but he got up on stage and just started teaching as if the room was packed like nothing was different right so then um oh and what he was teaching on was rejecting the spirit of fear that was his message so i knew that and i was that's why i felt so disturbed that no one else was there because like people need to hear this so anyways um so i'm sitting there just listening to him i'm the only one in the room he's going on as normal and then um in my lap there uh this booklet shows up in my lap so i open it and try to describe this in the best way possible because it's kind of it's just awkward but like there was a video thumbnail on the page so it's just crazy right in the world that makes sense nowhere else so like if we can develop that we would be rich yeah exactly technology exactly right so there's a video thumbnail on the page you know with the with the little play button on it and everything so um so i push play and and so bill's going on like that continues on but then there's like this sub activity going on underneath it where um this it's a video of um of roland who's a mentor mind you know um yeah and he's a worship leader yeah and he's a worship people that don't know who roland is yeah yeah amazing worship leader yeah okay so it's a video of roland um with a worship couple that he is friends with um now i asked him about this so he this is only in the dream okay so it's a worship couple that he's friends with and he is with the two of them and their two uh younger daughters and i remember they were two little blond-headed girls and he is singing a song to their daughters that he co-wrote with their parents about the preparation of the bride and so i'm sitting there listening or listening to this song the whole way through it ends i close the booklet and then i go back to listening to bill teach about rejecting the spirit of fear now when you're look looking at that was it like you if it started where you're aware of both and then you kind of go into that and that was the whole thing and then then you're back into the room and you close it yeah okay that's really fun because that's basically a dream within a dream yeah and yeah that that's very cool say anything else is that the whole how did the dream end yeah so it it ended with with me listening to it the whole way through and then i close the booklet and i go back to listening to bill teach and that's and they just the dream closes out with him continuing to teach okay wow this is this is fun okay so i'm to repeat this back to you because there's a lot of details and i'll make sure i'm not missing anything that's important so in the dream you're going to this church that you used to go to and you're going because bill johnson's going to be speaking and you get there and bill is there but nobody else is there nobody else in the sanctuary you can look out in the parking lot there's nobody in the parking lot and you're thinking this isn't right like this is an important message a church needs to hear this why is nobody else here and bill johnson gets up and starts speaking like there's a full house like he's just doing his thing like he normally does and he's speaking on rejecting the spirit of fear and you're listening thinking this is odd why is nobody else here and while that's going on you notice a booklet that has appeared on your lap while you're sitting there and so you you look at the booklet and when you open it up on one of the pages that you open up to there's like a little video thumbnail with a little play button and so you click the play button and you're watching and it's a video of rowan who's a worship leader and one of your mentors and this other worship couple that in the dream he knows but when you talk to him in waking life he doesn't actually have relationship with him and their two daughters and rowan is singing a song to the two daughters that he had written with this couple all about the preparation of the bride preparing the bride of christ for the coming of the lord and you watch the whole video and it's kind of like you go into that and that becomes the dream and then as it ends you're coming back out you're back in the room you close the booklet and you give your attention back to the message and you finish listening to the message and then that's the end of the dream mm-hmm okay so this is this one i mean basically an intercession dream so there there's some things to be praying for yeah and some keys and so out of curiosity the church that you were in is it the church that you were basically first discipled in yes yeah okay which that would make a lot of sense because what it's talking about is that just would represent the broad general church so it's not about a specific church it's about a broad general church it might be specifically about a type of church like that type of church like if they were um a certain stream if they were more word-based more charismatic based what what were they known for it may have something to do with that but i think it's it's more general in the meaning of it and bill johnson would represent the move of the spirit welcoming the spirit letting the spirit do what the spirit does so there there's that revival flow that sensitivity to the the moving of the spirit and the message that he's bringing is rejecting the spirit of fear now it's it's key you you just had this at the end of 2020 which is basically the year of fear in the world where most of the world has been shut down by fear and is in fear of the virus that's been going around and how do we handle that and everything else that has been bringing up fear so there's been a clear attack on the world by the spirit of fear and what the spirit is doing the move of the spirit right now how the spirit is moving is rejecting the spirit of fear but nobody's listening nobody's paying attention there's there's only a remnant there's only a few that are actually listening to this like the whole church needs to be listening to this message on how to not submit to fear to reject the spirit of fear but people just aren't showing up to hear the message and so the first part of the intercession is that people would hear that message the people would hear the message that they do not have to bow to fear that they can reject the spirit of fear and and that that is a key now the dream within a dream you're seeing a worship set about the preparation of the bride now i i know roland and i've said a number of times roland has an ability to shift atmospheres like very few worship leaders that i have ever met um he is like we talk about the difference between a thermometer and a thermo thermostat this guy's a thermostat yeah yeah for sure he will come in and open up what i mean when i first started going to to the church where he was leading um i'd come from a church where we'd worship for an hour sometimes an hour and a half and we'd hit these beautiful places and he's 20 minutes into worship he's hitting the places it would take us an hour to get to and so there there's something about that breakthrough in worship but the key is the preparation of the bride that this is a season right now where the bride is being prepared but specifically the next generation needs to hear this those that have seen the move of the spirit that have been involved in the move of the spirit that know how to flow with the spirit need to be releasing the song of the lord the message of the lord that he is releasing right now which is be prepared jesus is coming there there's an urgency on that preparation and that preparation is what's underneath what's going on with rejecting the spirit of fear because that preparation this rejecting of the spirit of the fear of the spirit of fear is the preparation of the bride for what jesus wants to do now i'm not saying the final coming because there are comings of the lord um i think the lord is is planning on visiting his church again like there's something coming and now you have two different people that are very well known for shifting atmospheres bringing breakthrough one in revival healing one in joy and presence um that are both this message so i think it has to do with that that the revival flow the presence of the lord is coming and the preparation for that coming that the next generation desperately needs to hear is that they do not have to submit to the spirit of the fear and you have historically worked with children specifically as a children's pastor so you've been in that preparation place but there's there's also as as the next generation compared to bill and roland which would all both be in the generation above you if you would um you're that next generation and you're hearing this recognizing this to pray this in for your generation hmm that makes sense yeah that's good so what are your questions yeah um [Music] you know you honestly filled in all of the like all of the gaps in as i was um as i was piecing it together you know at least trying to you know um because i was really looking for a connection between those two because i knew it flowed together right with listening to bill but then sound like that reality kind of goes on pause or fades away into the background and then i'm listening to this song um but even that and then the details of the song like you know co-wrote it with their parents but and then he's singing it to them um so what was interesting was that these were like tiny girls these were not like you know teenagers or these were like like toddlers yeah because the couple the couple that was there they were probably in the 30s right exactly yeah yeah yep mm-hmm yeah like looking at them um just remembering you know kind of the gist of what they looked like you know in the dream yeah 30s easily that's kind of how i pictured him when you said that so yeah and it's almost so you got three generations yeah roland you got this generation and then the younger generation but then so that piece is that's part of that that generational issue because it's the older generation that's speaking to the youngest generation but because the middle generation has learned something yeah yeah that's cool i don't that that piece that draws in another layer to that yeah it's just so and it you're right it was a timely dream because it came at the end of last year um you know i guess like here in texas things kind of started easing up around that time you know but overall there was still like and even now right there's just this national um or international heaviness that's going on yeah um spirit of fear is running rampant and stuff and so yeah when i had that dream uh it was i understood that part as much because i knew what bill was was teaching about you know but then seeing the absence and and like even that kind of kind of came up in me of a lack of attention you know distraction or just being caught up in the spirit of the of the hour of the age that's going on right now with uh and in this case it being fear so um yeah all of that was piece it together really really well yeah a lot of confirmation in that that's really cool yeah you know it's interesting is it i think this is one of those one of those things that god's speaking to you but it's he's speaking to a lot of people and and inviting and there is right now in in america specifically there's an invitation that is astounding i was just reading last week uh barna had put out might have been the week before but i think it was last week barnard does all these surveys and um they they figure out like what's actually going on polls and that type of thing and they've been working with the american bible society for since 2011 in looking at bible engagement by americans in throughout the united states and one of the things they found every single year there's been a basic consistency and it's actually the best there's been a slow decline not not actually as big of a decline as i would have thought over the last 10 years but from 2020 to 2021 was the the the biggest increase in bible engagement the number of people that are reading the bible that say that the bible is important that say that the bible is the word of god that are interested in the bible and think of the bible as having truth that they need for now has increased significantly in the united states and we are poised right now for one of the greatest evangelistic seasons if we will step into it and it is related to biblical truth wow and we're we're in that season so there's a message but the thing is this is not necessarily people that are going to church because a lot of them are not they're not filling the seats they're not in the parking lot but we need to begin to not not necessarily and we need to pray that they come to the church yes but we need to be the church and go to them as well it's both end it's it's not in either war it's never has been but that both the end i mean we're we're in a strategic season right now and the message that the church should be bringing that needs to be heard that people aren't paying attention to is freedom from fear hmm yeah wow so good man yeah absolutely absolutely um is it cool if i mentioned another dream yeah yeah so this was this one's kind of like more of a um has more of a personal context to it um this happened a number of years ago i was i was in a gymnasium with a few people and none of whom i recognized but anyways but actually it starts out i'm up on a balcony overlooking um the basketball court in this gym there's so there's activity going on beneath and um i'm up over on the balcony overlooking watching this with my mother who at that point had passed away okay so and what was going on underneath us was um this young lady uh just being really um controlling manipulative telling people what to do you know so the scene switches for me just observing it to now i'm in the midst of it so i go from just watching it to now i'm down on the floor with people and um we're all lined up against a wall right and so there's all there's this moment where she's almost daring someone to step forward and challenge her and so um i just had this check you know on the inside of me that hey this is not this is not good like what are we why are we doing this what's going on why is no one standing up for this this should not be happening right so i stepped forward take her up on her challenge and uh and she looks at me and just laughs as if like you know okay we're gonna see like like oh this is a challenge now right like we're gonna see like what's gonna happen next and um and so i remember being aware of kind of like the shock and the gaps of people behind me like what is he doing you know kind of whispering to each other and um anyways that's base the dream ends with me stepping into this confrontation with this young woman yeah yeah yeah i mean so you've got i mean you're you're in a situation where you're observing what's going on and you're seeing that there's some unhealthy relational dynamics specifically control and manipulation and but then you end up being in the middle of what's going on and you're being affected by it personally you're not just seeing it but you're actually being affected by it and there's a challenge whether or not you're actually going to stand up or not and you've found the courage to stand up to the manipulation the dream doesn't have the resolution like what happens how does it how does it end up at the end but it's not about that it's about saying that you have the courage to stand up and when you see someone trying to bully other people manipulate people to get their way and not being a team player that you should have the courage to stand up and say that's just not right and let the cards lay where they lay when that happens yeah very straightforward because like i said it wasn't a long dream it was very simple very short like to the point you know basically those two short simple scenes going on and just one just piggybacked off of the next so yeah it was really good thank you for that yeah so i mean if you haven't already seen that situation when you do see that situation um stand up yeah don't be afraid to stand up yeah and say no this isn't right yeah and other people may not have the courage to do it but you do yeah so that's awesome yeah well jordan thanks for coming man oh thanks for having me appreciate it it's been great guys thanks for joining us for this episode of the dream sky i'm john thomas and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 1,348
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Id: jsQ51_QxFtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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