jason derulo is pathetic

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Jason Derulo is pathetic he might be the most unoriginal man on the planet he's been stealing people's ideas for years now he's stealing their crypto scam ideas and we're going to talk about it now many of you know Jason because he's the millionaire who can't stop stealing creators work uh he just takes videos that are popular puts himself eating food while watching it like it just and then re-uploads it on his own account so that's been talked about extensively but what hasn't been talked about is Jason just launched his own coin now he's not new to crypto in fact he's done other scams in the past documented by Zach xbt here's a few of the screenshots of him promoting various uh projects little pump and dumps there but now he decides I've got to launch my own coin on pump. fun which has been the place all these celebrities have been launching their meme coin scamps immediately the project buug pools because he stole the scam idea from somebody else people like Caitlyn Jenner Iggy ailia remember they they used somebody named sahil okay they used a a promoter who they immediately said we got scammed by this guy the guy ripped off all our fans it was a scam you know they talk about that extensively Jason Derulo makes his own uh coin and then posts this immediately afterwards apologizing hey what's up people listen the that happened today uh in the crypto space was absolutely crazy I apologize to everybody affected I like how he's like what happened in the crypto space you mean what happened in your coin it's like doing something bad and being like hey stuff that happened today on planet Earth crazy man sorry about that it's like what you it's your coin uh but now now I'm make I'm making it my life's goal to take this to the moon so if you with me let's go this man is a walking cloud my life's goal how long hey let's put a timer how long do you think Jason dero will be supporting this coin his life skull is going to last about 20 minutes okay so obviously there's going to be a lot of comments hey if you invest in Jason duro's coin you deserve to get scammed and it's a bit true you need your head checked a little bit if you're investing in these scammers coins however do these scammers also deserve to maybe go to jail uh yeah I think so now my favorite part about this and the biggest grift of it all is this tweet he releases right after he says damn sahil got me again sahil is the scam artist that's been working with all these other influencers and how the play works is theal Buys in early on all these projects and then the the celebrities like like oh darn it I had no idea that was going to happen right the problem with Jason Derulo's idea to hire sahil or to be hired by seil I don't know which is that you can't pretend this time that everyone doesn't know sahil's a scammer this is like the Logan Paul defense of I hired a criminal so he says damn sahil got me oh that's okay that's motivation to take this all the way I just bought 20K worth in this for my fans for the Long Haul going to do everything in my power to send this to the Moon buddy it's like being like dang I hired Bernie got me Bernie made off I can't believe I hired him to run my business it's like everyone else knows at this point that he's a scammer you didn't even have to be paying that much attention it was like widely discussed on crypto Twitter that this guy was scamming everybody and then you hire him and go can't believe he got me so obviously immediately people called him out about this he's uh been saying no no no it's all real I would say the most depressing part about this is that his coin is up considerably right now really I attribute this to people who are uh financially nihilistic they don't they just think they got to get the bag early and they don't care if they have to participate in a Ponzi scheme to get it but I'm just going to tell you guys you are going to lose 99% of the time because the whole thing with these coins is it's all built by ins iders there are people who hire people like Jason Dillo they say Hey you can blame me later let me get in early they buy a bunch and then they make a ton of money meanwhile you get left holding the bag Jason Dillo walks away after he said this is my life's Mission it just couldn't be more transparent or embarrassing just look at his website I mean it's like how much time do you think got spent making this website this life's Mission website it's the they use like 180p of his album are it's garbage what is this F I mean this is so embarrassing this is like screams I'm scamming you and it's incredible people uh people are buying you know and I feel bad these people are going to come to me and they're going to say hey I got scammed by Jason Dro and I'm not what am I going to say what am I going to say to you how can I help you okay some of you guys really you need to understand these people they go oh so he got me look if you want to understand about how these people uh their minds work you just have to always go back back a few months it's always in the podcast they leave it in the podcasts cuz they just think nobody pays attention to this stuff so you guys don't know this Jason dero has a podcast apparently called on the road on the second episode he brings on a guy named Ray Trapani this guy was on a Netflix show for being a fraudster who basically turned and like flipped and got away with like the crime like he admitted to the crimes but because he cooperated with the feds to get this thing called CCH shut down he basically got away with it so the title of Jason's podcast is he scammed made billions and got away with it now you're telling me you don't think Jason Derulo's little content Thief mind is working here where he's like okay this guy made a bunch of money scammed people got away with it you don't think the cogs are turning a little bit I want you to hear a little bit of this I think it's interesting because kind of makes the argument oh these scams can't happen anymore and like the guy's like yeah they can crypto is is like the it's the new go Rush it's the new go rush and everybody's interested in it and people are like should I jump in should I not is it a scam is it not and um and I think this story just shows us side of crypto that seemingly is going away because yeah I I was going to ask do you think it could happen again do you think somebody could come along and do what you did it's happening today it's happening it's not really going away I love how Ray Trapani is like no we're still scamming people are still scamming of course and then it's interesting I think it's very interesting Jason goes no no no no no no you can't scam you can't scam it's too regulated which it's not by the way I think that's the biggest joke in the world that there's what are there less scams now have you seen salana so he says this kind of makes it sound like no I'm on the side of the government and then it's interesting he later says I've got to protect my backs less people scamming is is is my point n the scammers just get smarter I don't know about smarter necessarily I think it's more so that like I get what you're saying right and I agree with what you're saying but I think there probably I got cryptocurrency so I'm trying to pump my out y over here trying to pump my down I got millions of dollars invested in goddamn you know what I'm saying so I need oh really you're just trying to Pump It Up that's what you're trying to do I should have be pumped no I think it's like better uh interesting guys we can't scam right like we can't the guy's like the scammer he brought on who he's like made billions got away with it goes no you still can't it's happening it's not really going and then a few months later Jason d i lodged a coin guys now just moments ago Jason Derulo actually jumped on a Twitter space to address all the fud and he was talking about why he originally got in with zahil and it's even stupider than you might think you were able to to to to get my attention and to get me to like really do something and you decided to to go for the for for that like it makes no sense to me and I and I and I and as bad as I I knew that it was to to to to continue to talk to this guy I just I just wanted to know I was just like now now you have Jason dero who doesn't know who you are you have a clean slate and then this is what you do with that opportunity it was just like it was just so crazy to me this man's real defense is I wanted to give the scammer a second chance I wanted to give him a clean slate and I couldn't believe when this serial scammer scammed me uh but it gets much worse because obviously Jason's trying to play the victim and in fact in part of his kind of comeback story with this Jason token a lot of his his talking about it was that he was going to buy a bunch of coins he's the biggest wallet holder of his own token and he's never going to sell he says watch my wallet I'm the top wallet of Jason I will never sell and he gets asked about that do you own Jason and any other wallets I do got it have you told people about that I think I just did wait so you have secret tokens that you might sell you got tokens you never going to sell you got tokens you might sell he also said in the space that he wouldn't burn the tokens which is the only way to be sure that he couldn't sell the token so maybe he will one day and it's just so funny to watch Jason who really has nothing but reputation to lose here this is not going to move the needle for him financially maybe maybe he's broke I don't know but it's amazing to watch him not close the door on him kind of doing one last con do you plan on selling them later on I I I want to do things the right way and that is not the correct answer not answering hey you have these secret wallets you just told us about that has Jason in it do you plan on selling uh I want to do things the right way I want to do things this is the guy who hired a scammer for his project and yeah then he gets called out on his scams does respond and instead does again it's pretty amazing how it lines up the Logan defense where he's like this is my first real project remember that's what Logan did with dink twin he goes That's Not My First project that was I was just promoting that dink uh cryptoz is my first project and Jason does the same thing here how do you feel about Zack xbt calling you out for pass rugs I don't know who who that is he's a pretty big investigator in crypto that everybody respects and he has multiple rugs and he called you out on yesterday from the past yeah I I don't I don't have any knowledge of that and all right this this is this is this is my first crypto experience where I am the person running the show so they literally sound the same every time I may have done several projects in the past I may have pumped a bunch of scams but this one this is for Real uh if you invest in this there's nothing we can do for you I just have to explain how insane this is because on the one hand I'm like yes we should be smarter than this on the other hand the fact that it's not regulated is the problem because if anything we've seen it's that people will invest in Celebrity coins no matter what so they do need to be stopped like from a regulation level uh because otherwise they'll just keep doing it as we've seen Jason Derulo is back in crypto now that it's pumping he's got he's got millions of bags to pump P so I just wanted to warn you guys about it warn you about this scumbag uh real disgusting Behavior you're a millionaire why do you need this I don't understand I got cryptocurrency so I'm trying to pump my out y' over here trying to pump my down I got millions of dollars invested
Channel: voidzilla
Views: 269,399
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Keywords: coffeezilla, voidzilla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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