WEIRD STUFF and Nephilim at the BOTTOM of the Sea! - Dr. Gene Kim

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thehopelessheathen 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
noah's flood it drowned out all those mutant sons of god and offspring but what about the creatures of the sea think about that look at Genesis 6 look at verse 12 and God looked upon the notice what earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the where earth now do you know what Genesis 1 says about the earth so we're gonna look at Genesis 6 and Genesis 7 so go to Genesis chapter 7 he said all flesh died right so everyone died but here's the key it's on the earth now what did Genesis 1 said about the dry land he called the dry land what earth now look at chapter 7 look at who died at chapter 7 Genesis 7 and we'll look at verse 21 and all flesh died that moved where upon the earth look at this both the fowl and of cattle and the beasts and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the land died and every lives living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the where ground both Man and cattle and the creeping things and the fowl of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark did you ever saw fish in there no but you know at first Corinthians 15 said first Corinthians 15 said different flesh this verse said all flesh right first Corinthians 15 said there are different flesh man beast creeping thing and fishes and birds you don't see fish here you don't see fish here you also got to think about this obviously Noah did not have a an aquarium inside the ark you also got to realize that - so in jazz is chapter 7 here's another interesting thing it says nostrils breath of life right fish don't breathe in air you can understand the Word of God can be much more interesting than you think and you thought Bible Bible study was boring right that's what you thought right we thought Bible study was boring well you got to study the word more you got to be a Bible believer in a Bible believing Church and you'd be surprised so notice that fish why not mention here's another fun fact which I mentioned in my other video it is said that 90% of the sea is under Sun discovered of what's in the sea so whatever creatures are in the sea it's like undiscovered here's another interesting thing even scientists today talk about that when we go down down lower and lower in the sea we see strangers and stranger creatures when we get into a darker and darker part of the sea and there are creatures in there that we don't know about either they'll they'll pick out some they'll know about but they don't know every creature in the dark bottom of the sea but here's another interesting thing ok as you go deeper deeper into the sea where are you getting closer toward deeper towards the bottom of the sea is an inch closer toward hell and you get closer toward where hell is located but look at Jonah - look at Jonah - this is interesting go - Jonah - Jonah he was swallowed by a whale right swallowed by a big fish but notice as he keeps talking when he was swallowed by the fish and he goes deeper and deeper toward the bottom and bottom bottom dark dark parts of the sea and then he comes down to hell it mentions a look at Jonah Jonah chapter 2 and it's really interesting that he says his first he mentions that it's in the whales belly okay that's what you're gonna find out first and then you're gonna find out that he talks about in hell language now look at Jonah chapter 2 and look what this prophet said in verse 1 then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of where the fish's belly all right now keep reading and said I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of where he'll cry die well that's not literally hell well keep reading here okay verse 3 for thou has cast me into the deep in the midst of the Seas and the floods compass me about all thy billows and thy waves passed over me so notice that he's like at the bottom of the sea here right but keep reading as it goes lower verse 5 the waters compass me about even to the where soul it's transitioning it's transitioning from something physical to something spiritual the depth closed me roundabout the weaves are wrapped about my head now look at this part here verse 6 I went down to the where bottoms of the mountains the earth with her bars notice was about me forever look at this so he's at the bottom of the mountains and the earth like bars is about him surrounding him so he's in an enclosed space of the earth at the bottom of the mountains it's as bars of the earth right hell has what bars not only that Jesus said what he used Jonah as an example I will be in the heart of the earth did he not say that three days and three nights as Jonah was in the whales belly so will the Son of man be in where the heart of the earth but not only that look look at the next part yet hast thou what brought up my life from corruption Oh Lord my god that's coming back from the dead there because look at Acts chapter 2 that Acts chapter 2 because let's be honest these critics they have a right to say how can you survive three days and three nights in the whales belly obviously you can he died and guess what he went to hell that's why when he talks about aquatic language here see whale in the belly weeds you see this transition towards something soul and spiritual the waters compass me to the soul earth with their bars compass me forever out of the belly of Hell cried I see that he was fading out here look at Acts chapter two and that was a prophecy of Jesus Christ look at verse 27 verse 27 because that will not leave my soul in Hell and remember Jonas it out the belly of hell and my soul was compass with waters but keep reading neither wilt thou what suffer thine Holy One to see corruption and remember what Jonah said you brought up my life out of corruption see he died so there's no doubt doubt that Jonah he died and he went to hell so Jonah - and onward Jonah as he went deeper into the sea he was going deeper transitioning more and more into where hell it brings up an interesting question if this fish or whale that swallowed Jonah might be something spiritual brings up an interesting fact but I can't prove it it's a possibility to think about though it's a possibility to think about but let's keep reading right here about the scriptures we're going to look at Revelation chapter 20 revelation chapter 20 so we see right here that the bottom of the sea there's this relationship with sea and hail throughout the Bible sea and hell throughout the Bible has some kind of relationship concerning what bottom as you go deeper and deeper to the bottom but that could explain why here's another thing to think about this could also explain why that if there were reptilian supernatural creatures and giants that survived through the flood why if it relates to demonic activity in the waters and those creatures they went survived through the flood and they were able to continue on the offspring of the Giants after that and other supernatural strange creatures that's why more of it you'll see more from the bottom of the sea than in outer space we're going to look at the book of Revelation chapter 20 and we're going to look at verse 13 and the sea gave up the where Dead which were in it why are there dead souls something like that in the sea keep reading and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them why is it her relationship here see that where Souls are in the bottom of the sea and where souls are in Hell see that so you got to realize this there is no doubt some kind of connection in the Bible with the bottom of the sea n with Hell why because right below the bottom of the sea and hell excuse me right below the bottom of the sea the closest location would be hell but not only that why would the ocean get darker and darker that you can hardly see anything what is hell known as a place of outer darkness the bottom is known to be very dark if you want to go exploring in the sea I'm not gonna do that in the bottom of the sea huh I don't want to go and I don't want to go deeper over there it's strange stuff strange stuff but not only that look at Amos 9 nameís 910 these creatures still exist pastor I believe yes but here's another note I believe it's very very rare okay so don't expect when you go swimming some kind of creature named jaws is gonna come out and eat you up all right it's not gonna be something like that shark attacks are actually extremely rare I don't know if you knew that statistically speaking I know that's surprising I didn't believe that either until I researched it but shark attacks are actually known to be very rare so these much more these demonic creatures there's they're gonna be even more rare actually look at Amos chapter 9 it is very possible this can currently happen because look at this this is after Noah's Flood look at Amos chapter 9 and verse 2 let's start off with verse 2 though they dig in to where he'll then shall mine hand take them though they climb up to heaven thence will I bring them down now look what follows with going deeper into hell and going higher to heaven look at verse 3 and though they hide them excuse me and though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel I will search and take them out thence and though they be hid from my sight in where the bottom of the sea look at this thence will I command the Serpent's and he shall bite them do you know who that serpent is the serpent that's revelation 12 that's Leviathan look at it I mean I showed in my other video so I'm not gonna do it here but you can look at revelation 12 that old serpent called the devil and Satan that deceiveth the whole world you look at the Book of Isaiah Leviathan that crooked serpent he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea so you gotta realize it as this Leviathan he's not just swimming I showed you videos a lot of videos about demonic activity in outer space that's why weird stuff like UFOs Satan he fought with against Michael and his angels at the stars of heaven outer space that's why Satan is connected with the Prince of the power of the air a lot of it is up there but you got to realize this it's not just outer space it's also in the bottom of the sea you know why because hell is over there you got to realize that hell is located down there that's where the those are their inhale so he has a lot of activity going down right there too is extremely interesting that's why I don't want to go down like really deep deep deep you don't know what might happen you don't know what might happen when you go across there but not only that it's a lot of it is undiscovered at the sea that's why you see a lot of strange creatures how did these giants and supernatural creatures survive perhaps they came up out of the sea perhaps when the water started to abate and some of these sons sons of God well not sons of God it would be the mutants reptilians and these weird creatures would start to come out again and that's how the Giants came across the land again Allah won more gold mine won more gold mine I taught this at a different study lowest one of the lowest elevations in the world is the Dead Sea interesting dead and sea and guess what Sodom and Gomorrah they were burned with Hellfire literally Hellfire right they were no more than 20 miles away from the Dead Sea a lot of connection right there with the bottom of the sea with the top of hell you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 145,732
Rating: 4.8660393 out of 5
Keywords: BBC International, end times, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, conspiracy, prophecy, revelation, Rob Skiba, apologetics, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Steve Cioccolanti, celebrity, King James Bible, Mark Dice, tribulation, mark of the beast, vigilant christian, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, Paul Begley, Hillary Clinton, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, ufo, new world order, illuminati, Chuck Missler, Walter Veith, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: eO3s2GkzdBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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