Daily Swole #1197 - Michelle McDaniel & Alan Roberts

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[Music] wall normal birds are chirping the bacon is sizzling welcome [Music] testing testing testing test test test testing testing testing testing testing testing test test test testing testicles and testicles of those moogles welcome everyone to episode 1197 of the daily mother swolled the most muscular swole caste beard caste broadcast gang cast main cast pimp cast lee's cast and slay cast ins around because when I flex you flex we all flex our biceps and without further ado we have a special guest today and it is than the rent in Tintin she looks normal normal person what's going on Michelle I need to turn on your mic right now alright now you're on the screen you're live I was talking to you I'm like oh you can't hear me so you don't know what I'm saying yeah what's going on welcome back to a ram overload it says yes this stuff is crazy yeah yeah maybe I can you're not frozen for me let me see if I can cut the video for you is that better I'm still I'm still I'm still frozen well that's not cool I mean I'm not frozen for them which is good okay today's topic so the other day you made a was a yesterday day before the other day you made a video with with Johnny and so the which was awesome by the way it was awesome I loved when you came out of Spider Man he's like he's the perfect he's the perfect Peter Parker he is the perfect Peter Parker he's like hey everyone just your friendly neighborhood spider-man this is so [ __ ] awesome it was so good so good that's right he's in San Diego so that's that's the ultimate I it's time from for Alan and myself to move I think he's planning on moving down to her tattoo which would be insane so we have like well how Booster Coast going yeah we have so we have him I think he was planning on like just getting out of the cold once and for all and then so we're gonna do that car rage we're talking about kicking around a little bit so I know everyone's everyone's eager for that I'm not sure if the car can handle it but we'll say so probably so this movie he's actually and we were talking about this before the podcast the the director I think he I don't know if he announced it but I think he was planning on going live today so for anyone that's watching I would say unless he announced it just keep an eye on his Instagram keep an eye on his YouTube I don't know if he's planning on going loud or live or if he's planning on doing it on his Instagram page but the creator of fat topia has been in communication with alan yourself myself and obviously for those of you that have watched the movie i don't know if anyone the comment i don't know if anyone the comments are watching or have watched the documentary yeah I apologize for the for the the choppiness I think a bunch of people are getting choppy video but maybe you'll catch up sometimes it catches up so what do you what are your thoughts on what you've seen or what you've heard I know it's like a lot of time to sit down and watch a whole movie and we both picked apart at clips or seen highlights and stuff like that what's your feedback or what do you see in your in your audience and in the comments so far about it but I've seen little clips that was shared and then I kind of told me about pretty so the fat acceptance individuals and then you know people like us and they try to understand both sides and I heard at least from my subscribers and Jon saying that I was a very respectful video but not according to that page that one that one [ __ ] page that one page but that page only has like that page only has like what 50 subscribers though why are you paying attention to that are you pay attention to that page leave it alone I guess it's because like all the sudden when a page tags you and you see you see like your Hey I'll lose my [ __ ] if your bid was taken down because I just saw it on your page cause putting their channel in the post description oh god if that got taken down I have have you ever had a video get taken down have you ever had something like that happened I know Alan's had like no like five seconds and it was it was great for a long time and yeah but I was pretty much saying take responsibility and make a change and treat your body better and it was a it was a good message and people got people got the good message but Facebook let me promote it for like a year and then they started just banning it so then all of a sudden they I guess they got they got savvy to it and they stopped wanting to hurt people's feelings because it was too delicate and the truth the truth hurts literally so that the video was accurate I guess any good documentary would if it showed I guess they didn't like it when we actually we actually we actually threw up threw out some truth I mean unless you have like a lie go ahead were your facts then I would give her some facts and then she wouldn't even even just discredit me and then she said why bet you've never heard of caves and I was kind of confused what Hayes was and then it was the help at every size and that's when I dipped out yeah again anymore you put in the tags and gets demonetized that I've stopped even worrying about whether or not we were talking about that yesterday I stopped worrying about any monetization a long time ago I mean whenever I post a drive mole gaining it's not gonna get on a tight house that I'm getting crazy bandwidth swings right now for for some reason is it okay now alright yeah you were cutting out a little bit it's gotta be just like the connection I know Skype sometimes gets a little bit iffy but it's possible I have I'm trying to minimize what things are running in the background unwatchable it keeps stopping well we're across the world so we'll do the best that we can we could oh we could we well we could try just reconnecting if you're yeah yeah we might as well just I mean we'll stop it and then reconnect it I'm totally fine with just doing a double like and then we'll all right so everyone that's watching or listening just stay tuned we're gonna try just to maybe I'm just gonna minimize whatever processes are running and then we're just gonna reconnect it and see what uh and see what happens I wonder if I could stay live and just reconnect with you on skype see if maybe that bye so let me see how how am I looking I feel like I'm fine right now I look smooth it's so Skype [ __ ] sucks man you see that you see like look it's it's fine now it's only Skype Skype is a free Skype is a monster when it comes to eating up [ __ ] I'm just frustrated so frustrating this is how am I looking now I'm good now look at this I'm smooth I'm smooth why would this why come on skype now I got like the beach ball going come on Mac all right let me sit here see if I can call call Michelle but now I like Skype isn't even like working Skype now it's like Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Cloud wants to shut down like I don't care about Photoshop right now for real let me quit Skype Skype quit Skype won't quit Skype won't quit that's super cool it's not like I want to quit an application just cuz I want to yeah this is a casual stream [ __ ] man I don't give a [ __ ] it's my channel it's my podcast [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] we'll hang out if I want to let's get let's get this get back on here the forest quit it thank you I appreciate that so helpful I am forced quitting who's not getting responses hold on a second I wonder if it's because let me see if I could change my file format May if I change my frame rate on my camera if I go a little bit wider if I was in 4k I was in 4k for a second cuz I'm [ __ ] cool like that I don't know I just I just tweaked a couple things let's see if this works all right you're back so I yeah so I tweeted a couple things and hopefully hopefully this plays yeah it looks a lot better this time like you're moving last night you were frozen the whole time I was talking to you great there we go I change I change the setting on my camera and I closed out some apps so how are we looking right now yeah do we save it alright so let's start over welcome everyone to episode 11 97 of the daily mother swoll I'm here with Michelle McDaniel blah blah blah and we're back dun dun dun dun okay so let's because everyone was like it's fat it's the fat acceptance moving sabotaging the screen the the stream it could be maybe it's like mass reporting okay so now we're back now we're back we're good we're safe oh wow that was weird okay so let's start from from scratch fat topia for anyone that doesn't know it's a documentary I believe it's available on Amazon Prime I believe you have to pay for it so take that Instagram I think it's free or if you have Prime I guess it's free someone said that yeah before okay so fat fat topia fat acceptance movement healthy and every size people haven't rolling your accounts and our accounts the swole vengers are under attack say no this is coming from the other world faina and he's actually he's pretty he's yoked he's freaking he's got he's got body image issues right he's got he's got a whole ego thing going on there he's like he's huge he's ripped he's got a little bigger exia going on should take when we say just take Marvel characters and make shirts of course Disney would be all over that copyright to use like little slogans and stuff with like different things like fat acceptance and body-positive right probably get away with it like if you're selling t-shirts on the street so okay people were getting pissed off there's one page that that little tiny page just literally hardcore trolling you John and Anne Alan and you were saying I think before we reconnected that the page was not mentioning me because I haven't made a bit about fat topia yet yet I'm waiting for that chef I'm waiting for that for that for that trend to hit that crescendo I'm waiting I'm waiting for the peak you guys all caught the wave at the beginning I'm going right for that I'm just I'm gonna be a helicopter dropped right on top of Everest and it's gonna be right there at the top just Dragonball Z I'm gonna be what I'm gonna be like Super Saiyan 3 and just glowing just like I should I should do that for like for like an entire episode just glow and on fire for like 5 5 minutes the excessively long Super Saiyan scenes but I love you I love your video and I think we're was getting cut off you with with John I know because I obviously you were together with the video but just to summarize what are his thoughts on it and do they align with yours I think all of our ideas are pretty pretty congruent for a while the many when I started the cast wind and the producer you melt him and whatnot so he liked it I asked him you know how would he feel watching it if he was still 300 something pounds and he said that he doesn't know if it wouldn't make him want to lose weight but it would give him some you know some insight on his life choices so because he because you you had some extra weight but you weren't like yeah you're like him that's pretty big for a short person for sure if you if I go back home back to Washington first of all it's a cold state so everybody is fully clothed they don't really know what their body looks like and then get-togethers family dinners every single night my aunts were lined up there like 300 short short women 300-plus pounds and my grandma makes multiple cakes not one multiple and each of them had a slice each and just literally spoon feeding it into their mouths so that's kind of what I grew up like I never had a like a limits of food when I've used the nanny people would always be like okay you have to get them this amount they get this small amount of dessert like me got it I gotta eat a whole cake if I wanted to actin yeah well kids are always given food III think it comes down to alright let's talk about about the fat topia thing but in like the context of like real [ __ ] life not just like this bubble because yeah I mean every every documentary is going to be biased to some extent because it's through the eyes of the director and when you have the power to edit and as as well as you know when you're when you're editing a video you can edit it in so many different ways you can add sarcasm you can add overlays you can just you know add some music to the background and bias the whole thing same thing with all these like you know vegan or carnivore documentaries where do you think it who do you think is I guess most responsible because right now we are in this machine we're in this like circular thing with food with medication with hospitals and we have a lot of people like yourself myself we're not I mean Alan is the only one that really brings in like oh here's some data but he brings it in lastly as more like look it's like a trillion dollars we're gonna die I say the same thing like we're not in here with like stats and and charts I don't think you need stats and charts when you walk down the street you see so food is bad we don't need to I mean I constantly used to put up like you know data in one not just approval and how much doing me to put up y'all know by now that it's bad I feel like that accepts his people know that it's bad they just don't want to admit it the way the way they talk sometimes it's hard to it's hard to really I guess no I don't know you think they know how can you not how can you not know how can you help you know I mean denial and justification and rationalization is super strong I mean right denial is strong let me think about if we go to an extreme example think about let's say Nazi Europe right all the Nazis now they believed what they believed but you have to imagine how many that were in there we're just like a part of the Nazi just to survive like what are you gonna do go against like the whole machine you're gonna be executed like right away so you know it's one of those things like if you imagine if you were in the situation what would you do I mean survival I mean I'd like to think that you're gonna be a hero and be like saving the world but you're probably gonna be like oh [ __ ] don't die don't kill me alright and then use kind of become part of it and just go along with it so I know a lot of people get wrapped up in this thing and I know that's an extreme example but you have to use extremes to understand like the nuances of like this small movement if you kind of go into this group you're protected right you're you're in a little bubble and they will defend you there can be like my man my man get away Michele get away get away pop they cut you off they amputate yeah yeah and that's one of the that's one of the issues that we've always seen with these groups is that if you're not radical enough and you're not extreme enough and you're not as hardcore and just a hundred percent fat acceptance but it you're not all in your [ __ ] out and that was one of the issues with Madeline with with her [ __ ] is that she had a huge you know an app and a lot of people a lot of followers and all of a sudden she flipped the script and then everyone that was already a part that's what I thought was really I don't know what the [ __ ] it's still it's still glad it's still going on and it's worse I keep getting screenshots I'm like I just don't know if it's ready for another video or if I need to but it's more of the same I'll probably revisit it like Britney Dawn and just kind of like you did and I have another I've actually I have another I have another video coming up about like stuff that you've already talked about but it's a driving while gaining so it's like a nice little nice little a nice little spin on it a little bit a little bit more aggressive than normal yeah yeah nice play on words there so it's it's we're it's kind of sad because if you're part of a community let's say all of your members well let's use this as an extend this that even more at extreme but let's say all your people all of a sudden on your channel all of a sudden you started all of a sudden you started promoting fat acceptance and you started like seriously like you kind of think it'd be really weird and you would ostracize all your audience and you get a lot of pages started blocking people if they said I don't agree with this like you know you change your channel blah blah by and then you just like block and remove from the globe because our Facebook group is getting skinned yeah they're getting just they're getting cut out they're getting completely cut out and if you don't follow these rules it's like you go to a gym and all the sudden the rules are no you must be this tall you must be this weight you must wear this clothing like the [ __ ] I've been going here for ten years and I'd be really I I didn't even know who I forget when I when I saw someone send me that when I made the first video about the camel toe someone send me that was before as far as I am aware that was before her switch and I saw that guy sent in the DM and I saw how she was like she took it down she posted again and then said well don't look at it it's like look don't you dare do it like I made that video and repost it and talk about how we don't look at it's like and it was so obvious I made that video and then it started transitioning that video has gotten tons of views kicked up from all this stuff but then she just keeps on going deeper but the problem is now it's even more extreme there's one screenshot I can bring up we could talk about but there's nowhere else to go there's nowhere else to go like where do you go if you're let's say your was it's an alley if you are Tess we can talk about tests a little bit because that is a weird little shift I think she's kind of wrapped up she I think she stopped overly preached that yeah work out and I don't oh she said but like before yeah before now for pictures are fat so big and like working out is something you don't need it you know that a little agenda that she has right but the asana leader I just want to make a little know about she made a post with a count very ironic that she we had a post about how there's health at every size and it was weird like yoga thing where she was stretching and she's talking about help right oh and her fold ice medium when you're bigger you have to clean yourself you have to clean it you're hard because I'll smell like malls like East and different stuff so it's just funny that's just talking about you can be healthy and yet you can't even clean herself for her video oh thank you yes I mean uh send me the moldy [ __ ] cheese oh my god yeah that well that's another thing that I'm always saying in my in my videos I'm like okay it's diabetes type two I got to make sure I say type two because everyone's like well you can't say just diabetes because people are like look you have to have a minimum level of intelligence and awareness to understand when I say diabetes I don't think anyone's thinking about its three-year-old that's born with an you know your bio isn't produce insulin come on like some people will but whatever so that heart disease but I also talked about immobility i we don't we don't talk about that enough we talk about the disease and it's not healthy but if you're not mobile let's say everything checks out with your blood work you're 500 pounds you're not healthy if you can't move you can't walk around comfortably at 500 unless you're like shredded muscle which is impossible at so far into this stuff and he was saying you want to be so I was still [ __ ] ripped and so down with bodybuilding that when I stepped onstage my [ __ ] bones hurt like that's that's not sound like you put on so much mass your bones hurt that's a good look that's a good look I used to want it I used to want to walk down the street and crack the walk I used to joke when I used to train because I've always been I've been natural so I'm training you know hard I you know there's gonna be a limit but I always use that as as inspiration and I wanted to I always thought when I was in the gym I want to lift I want to be so big that babies like cry or hide behind their mothers when they when I walk by man so I walk by but kids always laugh and smile at me they're always like I get kids and shopping carts like the mothers pushing the bag and the kids like breaking neck like trying to act like well that works that works for you pretty well especially for walking around in cosplay people look people lose their [ __ ] so I found the UH for anyone that's interested I found this this image and this is for you too Michelle and this is like from the workit app update so I actually hold this up wait there we go so let's see an updated version this is just something that this is how far it's going so we're talking about before how like once you go deep you can't go back that's what she said the biggest change that you'll see in this is the middle paragraph that you'll see is the names of the workout programs have been removed these program names had diet culture language in them and you know we aren't about that DC life anymore so we've combined the three programs into one program which takes you from week one to week 36 blah blah blah so she's changing the names and all the different you know because it's not diet culture for whatever the [ __ ] it means I think we that was the one where was like infinite fat that was that one yeah I think we talked about that when we did the quad caste I think we covered just beyond just be unlimited fat like you're in you know what you're beautiful just the way you are I don't have to talk like that but it's like you are not fat you're infinite fat you're just infinite bad you're just you're just fat to infinity infinity infinity if it I picture you after you I picture unicorns and a really flamboyant gay man saying that I don't know why but like any like dancing on a rainbow like what like one of those Ron Burgundy like acid trips where he's like riding a unicorn from anchorman it's kind of like yeah I think the only person besides him that could pull of is like James Corden or something like he could do it he could do it that's questionable language because it was to diet culture s that's what everyone's doing so whatwhat's really offended what's really offending about fat acceptance what's really offending about fat topia what's really offending about body positivity and you and I are the same on this you don't hate fat people you don't hate people they're overweight you want to help them you want to encourage them to avoid that kind of like social systemic [ __ ] so they can actually make a change because you know it's possible I was over I was over what weight I should be I was just too bulky I had too much body fat but I cut it back down what's the difference between someone like me or you we didn't lose 200 pounds but if you lose 20 pounds or 25 it's the same process and they always discredit me so it's kind of frustrating with that because no matter what you do if you're losing weight it's still gonna be hard I mean I came from a lifetime of just eating straight [ __ ] just complete crap all the time so yeah they just credit me a lot well what's the difference between losing I know if you're lifting weights and you kind of already have certain things in place but if you're losing 20 pounds are you losing 30 pounds not much different like you're still you're still losing weight you're still losing weight you still have to be in a caloric deficit you still have to be exercising you still have to be doing all that stuff but the language the language is easy to battle it's easy to battle because you make up new words healthy at every size that didn't exist two years ago or it did no one knew about it then you have body positivity which was jacked from people that have burns and actual [ __ ] actual [ __ ] trauma and I'm surprised a lot more of those people don't speak up maybe they do in that circle but I'm always trying to you you compete and I and they want they didn't know about the fat acceptance movement until I like my videos and but they knew about the body acceptance movement because it was for them and they were like wait what thanks wise if you're handy when I was bigger you know like you don't feel that that great about yourself when you're not so comfortable in your body so I do understand their point of everybody wants to feel pretty and whatnot but you can't first of all force people to think that you're attractive it's very subjective and second you can't tell people that you're help you know that obesity is healthy when we all know it takes a quick Google search to look at the statistics of do it shows up like at the top like it's not even Google Google doesn't give you links are like well here's the stats but then we'll give you other links in case you still want to this answer here's the answer but you can say you can still look through this [ __ ] if you want to high school like help that semester movie top state health class who talk about obesity and what it does so I'm wondering if they still do that nowadays what do you mean talk about obesity in Bali bodies and whatnot they talk about obesity so I always wondered if they still talk about like the dangers of obesity we have that in my high school god I don't even remember what I think I took a health edie class I don't even remember what it was whatever whatever high school in schools are teaching it's not what people need to be actually learning like really I feel like especially now people should be just doing mostly on like got it we can go off on education that's such a hot mess but that kind of leads me into the next into this segment about kids and about learning younger so I was asking before I think before we reconnected what do you think is I guess who do you think is most at fault or where do you think is actually because we can we're doing our part by making videos and I didn't a lot of people didn't hear about it a lot of people don't hear about any of this [ __ ] until they see one of our videos and I think we talked about that either on the last podcast or or pride that it's kind of like an online thing it seems like it's almost an online thing not a real world of course test was on the magazines but it's weird how we have this kind of fake virtual reality world that overlays our real existence that in the real world no one talks about this no one seems to care I don't know I don't hang in those circles but it seems like you go online and of course everything from anywhere around the world can be in your face because of what you follow so you have to be able to separate I know you're able to separate yourself from that I am and we can go back to our normal life and not have to think about this but a lot of people are living like in this blended world and they don't segment and separate it but where do you think is the most important thing to focus on to change I guess that's kind of like language or I guess social social acceptance and this kind of whole trend of just let me get a bunch of people together and I mean we're not trying to curse these people out or not you know well I mean I guess the DEM were trolling them but I think most of our followers see us as helpful and we're you know kindly be talking about these topics without completely just thrashing their their looks but nothing more about the health aspect of I think that's a good way to start rather than trying to battle yeah I think it is it's definitely what we can do because considering if we went out in public and just talked to a few people it wouldn't be as effective as you posting a video and getting a hundred thousand people to to watch I mean your subscriber base is growing for a reason I think that's evidence enough because most people don't see organic growth on social platforms anymore unless you're paying for ads unless you're doing a lot of collabs and things like that which we're doing now and you know we will continue to do I'm sure it's just this but even before we all started doing like the podcasting like we were kind of like you know tagging each other and talking but even before that you're getting a lot of momentum just by posting these trending topics which yeah how you get attention but it's also overwhelming and still impresses me and it's flattering how positive the reaction is because these are really sensitive issues and if you go on anyone's page really anyone's page that talks about this kind of [ __ ] there's so much more negativity and it's shocking it's like well how do I get a 99% like to dislike ratio when I'm talking about healthy at every size it almost doesn't make sense I think it's the way that we talk about the issues and our personalities I think it's I mean the fact and it's really brilliant the way you do it and we both kind of have a similar style with I guess in terms of like the not the misdirection but the the extra Flair because when you have the costumes on it's like you're not taking yourself too seriously you're if I if I rage and I'm yelling and swearing in the [ __ ] car and I'm putting nuts on people's Chin's people are like I this is this is true this is true [ __ ] it's also entertaining like how seriously and how offended am I gonna get by this lunatic who's obviously just making a fool of himself so I think that's a nice offset but what's great about our audiences is the I guess the the real message gets across but it's very very it's it's a very very controversial issue and because of that fat topia documentary and that other little mini account that's been blowing and trolling your [ __ ] it just goes to show how like aggressive and if you're trying to be all accepting your Madeleine georgette a--you're boycott fat topia whatever the hell it is your sana Lee and you are so it's not yours it's called fat acceptance you're supposed to accept people right you're supposed to be inclusive and then ironically or it would seem oh except for you and except for you oh you can't be here that person was like ban or what were they saying spam or a block or report yeah you get enough people to report something and then we'll get taken down automatically until they review it and I mean that's like that's a very troll that's a very classic gamer thing to like you know spam this person account you know you know swarm swarm swarm and just just blitz it yeah there's comic relief's people in the comments like there's comet comic relief you forget that we follow you guys because we are already into fitness I mean it's true it's a good audience that already appreciates health right think there's that logic aspect I mean it's everyone it seems like there's layers in society that goes from the government the big the then you have the lobbyists and the food and the pharmaceuticals we're not gonna be able to do anything about that like person it's not like it's too big but a and you need a lot more people so it starts with the ground up but then you go all the way down to kids let's talk about something else that I see pop up and I don't know all the details on how are you familiar with it you are the Weight Watchers thing I know ala made a video recently about Weight Watchers have you seen the Weight Watchers kids thing no I he made a he made a video about kids I don't know I didn't I didn't see I saw make a video about Weight Watchers I don't know if you addressed the kids but anyway but there's a kid's app now I forget exactly what it's called so if any of you in the comments have used it or you're aware of it you could drop the name there's some name and I think it's an app designed by Weight Watchers in order to I guess guide people or help parents teach their kids about managing food so anyone that does everyone that does Alan's in the comments right now because he did not he is going to what's up dude yo Alan if you want to if you want to hop on it send me a send me a message all I'll Scout I'll patch you in so we have I don't know how I don't know I'm not sure I mean I would assume it's probably like catified so like kids could use it because kids have phones at any rate it's designed to educate probably to educate kids on portion control and people were raging and I see this from all these I literally had a video today these food nutritionists are like a plague they're just everywhere with this healthy at every size [ __ ] and they're everywhere with the fat acceptance diet culture and is just clone clone clone clone and I have more videos from more accounts it's going to rip them out of the rip the weeds out one at a time but with this with this app it's supposed to be or the the argument against it is that we should not be teaching kids to restrict we should be encouraging them to grow and to eat and I agree with that I don't think you should be teaching kids to like be meticulous oh my god be paranoid about weight gain however the parents are lucky the parents aren't [ __ ] doing their job fundamentally the parents the reason why people are obese in a big portion of it is because the parents have no [ __ ] idea so these apps maybe if anything give some power to the kids to be like oh well mommy and daddy have no [ __ ] idea what's going on at least I have this app because they're not getting taught properly their parents like they wins their parents and they want to eat healthier and their parents refuse and they say that they don't have enough money or whatnot so I'm first I'm I'm all for teaching kids to eat healthy and portion out food when they're younger because then when they get older they don't have to struggle like I did yeah yeah for sure not to see like I talks about it a little bit umm because one of the bodies body-positive activists said kids shouldn't count calories and I'm not really for kids like being so you know hung up on macros and calories and whatnot but I do think they should learn portion control and I guess some people from the body positive movement or upset about kids counting calories because it's that's enough to have you know issues of in the future with the body dysmorphia and whatnot but i think i think there's a certain way to do it we should all learn for control and were younger or not when we get older I don't think it's a bad and both arguments I understand that you don't want to get kids like focusing on body image but I'm just like you said like the parents have to be teaching their kids property the parents weren't taught when they were kids and we don't really discuss because civilization and technology is so new we don't really discuss all the issues that the parents are more like my parents my my father was born in 1950 let's talk about my parents and then I mean you can pitch in like if this sounds accurate he was going to school let's say when he was 10 years old 1960 how different was the world in 1960 little bit different in 1960 yeah a little bit different 1960 I mean did we still have like different like water fountains in 1964 for black I mean like it was it come on this was like this is like the hippie - we weren't even on the moon like this is [ __ ] old and of course yes now but I was born in 83 so he was thirty something years old so he's teaching me or educating me I mean this is this is not like new there's no Instagram there's no there's no cellphones here there's no cell phones in on that [ __ ] so it's like what were what were they taught when they were kids and then what we taught like it covers a large area of time where there's a lot of misinformation and [ __ ] that we know differently now and we expect just kids to like know that I mean kids are programmed yeah my family was and they don't see a little things like like I was looking at them the other day at the grocery store and they're looking at cereal boxes and they were they were like people let's check the sugar first night I've never ever in my life like when I was younger a check that sugar I always picked the sugar yes most fruit loop thing that I could find when I was little and only thing I never did that when I was a kid so I mean it does you know depend on how you were brought up and how your parents were brought up my parents weren't brought up health conscious at all my dad was a thought football player and for them it's me me and then my mom grew up kind of poor so she didn't have you know like you know when you get in like poor neighborhoods they don't have the resources for healthier food that's the statement yeah maybe you have issues we do have issues with socio-economic things like where you don't you have like the Wix card it only by certain food so of course it pushes you towards corn subsidized products and cheap things and I just don't think that eating healthy is more expensive if you actually but the education is priceless and most people don't have that fundamental education to even know that vegetables aren't that if you actually look at if you eat them I realize how much fills you up I grew with that I agree with you let me see I want to I'm trying to get your call I'm gonna patch in Allen for a few minutes you can't stay long but then we'll get him on let me see where's Drax he's in I'll just jump him in oh well he's coming he's coming just gave him the ass don't John Donne don't enter down they don't see that on the screen though just see no they don't we do Alan were yet no Avenger ask like entering the chat Alan Roberts has entered the chat Alan Roberts has left the chat yeah I'm not seeing yeah if you can hear me there we go Jarius look at that look at you sharp as a sharp as a tack oh yeah well I'm trying to set up for my thing so which I need your [ __ ] help with like North [ __ ] idea what I'm doing I just kicked Michelle offers again oh now Alan you're doubled up here hell of a second there we go cool yeah all right well what time are you going live on YouTube right yeah it's like I figured the [ __ ] out yeah I was I was shell before we went live I was like I don't know this blue boom there's always hiccups man because we had a hiccup before it wasn't streaming smooth and [ __ ] like that but yeah what do you want what are you working on well I do programs all day for clients but I'm also trying to [ __ ] get it set up where I can where I could go live both you guys are more than welcome to join me but I want to go live on the main channel would you say yeah I was talking about - so he's as long as he can he can work he's now he's supposed to be with me on Instagram one of the trolls trying to shake him on Instagram like one of the when the trolls like contacted him today and said and said it said that uh like try to try to be like it was like a person that hated fat people were like yeah a bunch of them are threatened to commit suicide over your video now with that like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wrong with you people you know I mean like you know that is gotta be the most annoying [ __ ] ever like you know a bunch of people trying to help help save people's lives yeah and then like for people to be sent like they're just going to [ __ ] lie they only have their feelings and that's about it filling their lives you know the the there was the one thing - or like the reviews I don't know if you saw the reviews on that [ __ ] I post about that too this lady has like all sorts of verified reviews on Amazon including like plus-size dresses and showed that right and then like she talks about that topia not verified purchase on unfair as on but you know it's horrible and it's stolen content or like you got to really hate somebody to accuse somebody of stealing [ __ ] because that's illegal you know like her name's attached to [ __ ] like that like if this guy if this guy was a larger producer like because he's a small-time producer you know here's a large is a larger for larger producer he could sue the [ __ ] on her I mean like it's crazy [ __ ] like it's called fair use by the [ __ ] I just [ __ ] I asked him for clips you know like and that's what I did I'm probably to do another video on it because I know I watch the whole documentary I think it's [ __ ] awesome and then I never really got to it yeah because it furthers the conversation like it's very very very linear to what a lot of us talk about like and like like I mean like because even though swollen eye are a little bit more it's like you know they'll hammer to an ATAR nail you know I mean like we have it to the point where it's like we just we try to crush the [ __ ] none of us are trying to like shame anybody you saw the whole documentary do you think it was like picking fun at not at all not even not even a little bit like he says multiple times then it that you know nobody should be ashamed or if it made you feel bad about themselves like even it's very reminded me of a couple like I was like almost like [ __ ] you stole some of my [ __ ] material but it reminds me like [ __ ] restricts where it's like you know could I just I don't believe in that [ __ ] like I really I really really like that sort of thing but I always I always preface like these people are gonna say something negative no matter what you know yeah like you know they're you to lose 300 pounds you can be 500 pound person lose 300 pounds be rock-solid have no stretch marks nothing like that like now miracle [ __ ] happen right and they'll find something then they'll just say you didn't out steroids or some like that you know you know that's what these people do you know like they're [ __ ] trolls there but I mean the Internet has just made it worse you know I mean it really really has like because when I was growing up he could slap you could legally slap the [ __ ] out of somebody for insulting you like she's like it wasn't actually like it was still illegal but the cops really deserved it oh you said somebody's wife yeah you're lucky we showed up is he gonna kill ya I [ __ ] love that [ __ ] I still I know that I'm a firm believer that says like I mean I think you guys see it with how I handle people but I'm a firm believer they like one of the big things is forming society is we don't drink from the skulls of our enemies anymore you know like you know like I'm not like like the vince's will never ever ever I'll never be done like I'll be like 70 years old believe in confrontation even what I like how long I don't know you were following me then but I would get a lot of like weird messages from men and I would just post it on up in my story you shouldn't post these men messages and I was like well there bro I actually think that's why the reason I think that's why the reasons why people started sending me your material because they're like she handles [ __ ] like the same way you do at the time we weren't we weren't really we weren't really talking about the same yeah like that's that's the thing like I I think the truth fitness professionals right now like truly there's the bodybuilders and I mean I'm not knocking bodybuilding but if you want to beat that unhealthy do your thing but you know there's there's those folks there's the people that like like the extreme sports just like that but that's not really Fitness and then there's people like like us that are you know that's what I think that's one reasons why like the three of us and James from Trent sport science a few other people I think that's why we're catching so much traction is because it is just like people are so [ __ ] unhealthy and it's so obvious and nobody talks about it you know me and um both me as well we're talking about like how it but no like trainers don't even know how to train both these people but give me like it's it's a totally different type of training you know it really is like if I see like I I truck like I will watch some dumb gym bro [ __ ] himself up in a gym like it just like be like you know natural selection but um but I think if I see a trainer like put put an obese person on a BOSU ball and I mean I I'm like an even somebody else's gym I walked over to say something yeah you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing this project and oh yeah and and the [ __ ] the worst part of my name is like ankle injury for a like a 350-pound person is almost a death sentence I really like because if they're active at the time they're it if they're and they're just barely losing weight if they're after the time and then I'll send they break an ankle and they get to be completely sedentary they don't change their eating habits and oftentimes it just brings on more depression and the depression causes them to eat more and then they just pack on the weight like if you if you're 325 3 and 30 pounds and you take an ankle injury or a back injury especially equina back for some reason these these the knee is a hinge joint so they just strap a [ __ ] race on you know but one of the more complicated joints and load-bearing joints if you catch an injury on that and you're 300 pounds you're gonna hearing it 400 pounds unless you [ __ ] radically change and oppress them more sedentary than they are their sedentary the more than you know it's a vicious cycle he'll just keep on going around and around and we were talking about that before you hopped on Alan about the mobility issue that we could talk about diabetes or about heart disease talk about all those actual medical but you could be perfect blood profile you know the doctor or the modern medicine will say oh you're healthy if you can't stand your 500 pounds you can't move well period end of story you cannot move well you can't and maybe can't and Michelle with the the yeasty fat folds I don't if you told that yeah well well that's funny but it's like it's not funny it's not funny because what that does those folds mmm they they become necrotizing fasciitis yeah I mean I don't know if you guys have ever heard of that before but it's like it's when you're when your flesh starts deteriorating away yes I can today you know it's like it's gangers flesh is basically what it is and I'm it's [ __ ] brutal I mean like I mean it you kill it kills people I get kills of these people because then it feeds on the fat neuro that it's [ __ ] ridiculous you know and oftentimes since they have diabetes they don't know it like it specially happens in the lower extremities they don't know it they don't know they have it until it's like too late until they're taking the leg and then they'd like if you had a lower leg it a lower limb amputation as a beach person from type 2 diabetes on your 50% of those people die even if it's your toe 50% of people die in two years you know I mean like the statistics are just like the statistics aren't arguable and you're talking about mobility holy [ __ ] like I was watching this one lady and she's like it's one of the you know I'm not gonna name her name because I'm just not gonna you're nice well no I'm not but I just really try to have like so many fields going on at the same time and like like right now I've got like six [ __ ] bars no if you are a nice guy that's why people follow you and that's why we all want a nice guy but you're just unfiltered and that's a good thing you're honest and uh thank you but uh the she was talking about how like this it's this it's this cream like you know this creams changed my life because it stops my chafing if you're so big that you need an artificial substance to stop yourself from her heart from stop yourself from hurting yourself while walking you're too [ __ ] big I mean like you are too [ __ ] big and you were talking about metabolically healthy that's when their biggest arguments like well you can't tell if I'm healthy not by looking at me because I might test course we find [ __ ] there's gravity you know I mean like the you know the gravity plays bruton's it's just brutal on people like well you've only done like 20 20 25 pounds better than you are now but Michelle and I can both attest you when you have a lot more weight on your frame than what you're supposed to have so I can only imagine if you are that's why I started trimming up because I was I'm right now I'm like 190 195 depending on if the sun shining and I was 225 I was 225 but I was I had more fat but I had more muscle but I was just bulking and eating more and I remember I ran to my car to grab my shoes because I was in the gym and I didn't want to wear my outside shoes whatever [ __ ] that was like my training shoes cuz they match my uniform at the time and my joint my knees I'm like I just felt like a key and they're heavy so I'm like enough of this I'm too big and I look right away that one moment and then I just start you know cutting down my meals and they did a little bit more cardio and I just kept consistent I lost it and then I've just maintained like this but I definitely know the feeling of being too heavy for your joints and it's just it's brutal and if you imagine multiplying that I can't imagine that to 400 pounds because that was 225 and I'm thinking same muscle mass same and then 200 more pounds I I couldn't even stand up I don't know how people say it's me sorry to bring up so much but um test holiday and how big she is but then she can put all that weight into her tiny little heel so all that pressure on your toes bacala I really I really like his people I have actually actually do be like okay you talk about it too much I'm sorry but it's like the perfect example you know like I mean it really is it she's the perfect example like I really but I she's she's doing this whole super depressed thing on her Instagram and if she is Tess because that's the thing too by the way I know I mean I know she watches everything everything that all of us do I can guarantee you she watches like I can I get like well I like I know she does because it's like people she's reached out to try to [ __ ] talk me to have contacted me about it like show me screenshots and [ __ ] so yeah oh she I'm sure like I've got this is this funny thing like nobody nobody wants to ever mention my name like ever she didn't tag me Smiley's people can go to my feet and see what I said yeah I think it's cuz I swear so much for whatever but nobody like actually looks like none of the other youtubers what like oh now they do like I had that post for tag you guys in yesterday oh all these all these all these oh jesus [ __ ] YouTube Fitness and she like that all sudden now they want to [ __ ] another conversation no now I'm getting emails like collab time like oh so I'm so [ __ ] privileged that you want to [ __ ] talk to me now [ __ ] you you know like you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] bags but all of you [ __ ] alright I get like one of those every other [ __ ] day from one of those [ __ ] like yeah the thing like I if I if I want to get super [ __ ] just famous like YouTube famous just would have me at Jeff would have me on his channel well you know I mean like I mean I could blow my channel up big right [ __ ] now I did because the biggest Fitness YouTube where is a friend of mine I can easily [ __ ] do it the one I don't want to be the next Jeff Cavaliere I want to be the first me and - I care way more about getting people healthy like I don't know about you like you're both you guys are touches - like I kept like my business outside here is way more than this [ __ ] you mean like this is how I get not more Pathan we help more people with our training more than any you know cuz then want more hands-on with them yeah like well know that like in the long term do your biceps matter like how big or how big are your arms you know there's that [ __ ] murrayland matter but I'm you will see I'm down I hang about 18 inches [ __ ] but well it's all tries that dude 12 year olds but it's all triceps right that's an elbow until I need ya real but uh it's whether things works like I I really I think that the difference is we care about getting people healthy you know like I couldn't give a [ __ ] we turned it like we turned down money constantly for tryin people want to you know be on the stage or power lift just like that like I just I don't know time for that [ __ ] one because we have a lot of people to get healthy and to like I just don't find any gratification in that you know like I mean I you know it's once it's one thing like first like admission I can understand what you do because you've been on stage you know I mean like I've never been on stage why the [ __ ] would you even come to me well it's like going out there like you want to lose weight and you go to like a personal trainer that's more overweight than you it's like that's not really the best uh not the best example but it certainly it certainly all three of us have we help a lot of people that's not on the forefront I think what I guess one of the misconceptions with YouTube is that everyone that makes that has big followings everyone that gets attention everyone's making bucco bucks and that's not that maybe it was the case but now as we've all discussed many times you know monetization like I don't do it for the money no one here does it for the YouTube money we all have our own businesses with helping people and actually providing the training content this is more for spreading messages and you know having our create creative I guess liberties and having fun and by at the same time passing it to a many more people that are ever going to give us money which is obviously not the it's enough to get by it's enough to survive that's fine with me but the message is going to be spread wide and far if you're hitting it on this kind of a network but a lot of people will just see that as now they're just doing this for attention yes but to spread a message she was like you guys got pretty pretty penny good to be up whatever it seems asked and promote its thing out like we know must not hate nobody I saw that to you like shut the whole [ __ ] up you know I really like I don't I don't even how these people get to that [ __ ] like I mean like I don't even how people think we actually that guy could have actually paid us the [ __ ] talk about him is [ __ ] everyone does everyone gets paid everyone takes sponsorships everyone has a 10% off code Oh sign up here here's my affiliate link every single person on YouTube has like a store in their comments like everyone that's like here's my product here's my this here's my that I think people are just programmed to they just assume because of Instagram and influencers and everyone getting paid everyone assumes that that's just what everyone does and I'm hardcore against taking my piggy money it's always it's always a supplement it's always a oh I just happen to have my big container of BCAAs in the gym with me at this time when have you ever brought in like an entire [ __ ] tub of protein into the gym with you and just like been there on the bench scooping out protein set the whole [ __ ] up a wise man with a hundred percent of that [ __ ] just close it shut it I mean I don't I don't understand why why like there's one guy I forget all the people's name so I [ __ ] mentioned but I was just out but he was like the biggest problem with that stealing you from your gains is a underdose pre-workout like yeah that's the biggest I think I was an ad that was probably an ad it was I I do I do a lot of that though like I take I do a lot of like I pulled somebody's actual ad and I [ __ ] it up I think it was like it was one those net it was one those natural it was when it was one those ads with like the orange the orange like they were the two blenders right like the brunette world labs was like natural lab or something like that yeah yeah I'm ever seeing them like getting not not getting enough l-theanine is not why you're not making gains it's not because of the it's not because of the citrulline bro yeah six points essentially is little just a vasodilator i don't understand how people think of that makes games like that's that's good for you it's good for a visual pump but it's not actual games you know like and some people say there's science that says like well if you can get the muscles to expand war and then bubble bog the nuclear overload blah blah blah blah blah the [ __ ] lift weights people want there to be a supplement that works I mean if you go to the gym and you have some bean or some water you have a good pump and you have short rest and you get a good cardio workout before and you you'll have a sick pump it's gonna go away it's transient hypertrophy it's gonna the body is gonna send tons of blood to the muscles and then guess what your body wants that back because your brain needs some love too and then it'll reabsorb and you go back to parasympathetic mode and that's how it happened that's why you're not that's why anyone that's taking this is pumped and gripped and has their veins coming out all the time yeah you're on something you're not pumped if you're not training there's no need for your veins to be busting out of your [ __ ] biceps when you're just sitting there like I don't have any like when I'm in the gym I look like I'm saucing cuz I'm just like you know you're sweating everything's coming to a surface you're so you know and everyone's [ __ ] lighting is awesome yeah why do you think people do tan and oil before they go onstage is like it shows all the definition you're in the gym sweating you're gonna look more cut well I had you know that's one of the things right now like I last from last year I gained like 20 25 pounds back just because I was gonna die I felt like I was gonna die last summer but I also like was really tan last summer I'm not right now I was like oh my god you gained so much weight I'm like it's like 25 pounds like I'm gonna get a tan here before I go to Florida and it immediately changes how you look get a base it's very like a nice to see Michelle's actual skin tone today but yeah I mean it does wonders you know it does wear but I mean even if like if you look at pictures of you like if you could you're a perfect example right now because you paint your entire body so much the pictures look very different like I know like you like your body looks very different from from time to time like armed I noticed that you like your on your arms like sometimes your arms like it's like holy [ __ ] it is Michelle on something but but but that but uh but no I mean it does just needs lighting and it's ever like that and I think people don't understand like how much I I know when I when I when I have pictures taken like I have like a hundred pictures taken you know and I take like four why not we're going to get the best lighting I'm gonna get the best pose we're gonna take a lot presentation that wouldn't either a picture is a snapshot in time it's like that's what you look like in that instant yeah it's like say the same thing with that blood work when you go to the doctor get blood work that's like taking a picture and how different do you look every people get blood work done once a year so if you get if you take one picture a year you're gonna look pretty different you know how you were like at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday doesn't mean oh then you're cleared for health that's just where your blood was at right then in the moment and I'm surprised a lot more medical professionals don't address that and I can require more I'm sure they do if you have a disease already you're like oh we have to come back in to make sure we it's already too late you know it's like that's a that's what the reasons why there's that there's the latest thing with you guys I think you guys were talked about earlier how they're not listening to doctors anymore like that's the best big thing like don't say the word obese even though it's a medical term don't listen your doctor don't don't let double your doctor weigh you that's that's danger that's literal super dangerous don't listen to I mean look you can you can still formulate your own opinion I think it's important to cross-check if you're died if it says you can still like go to another get another opinion people get multiple opinions from doctors or just people go on Google and cross-check it and then bring that information to your doctor or go see someone else but don't just ignore what they say and don't let them not weigh you how they gonna [ __ ] diagnose you if you lose 10 percent of your body mass in six months or lose or gain 10 percent of your body mass in six months it better [ __ ] be on purpose you know like I mean like in reality like I mean if you if it just happens by accident something's going on the person could be depressed like clinically depressed and not eating or clinically depressed and eating much the person could have a [ __ ] tumor that's that's fast-growing or they could have cancer like leukemia and losing weight without realizing it like there are like they can have an autoimmune disorder they could have fatty liver they could have kidney disorder they there's a bajillion things that could yeah yeah there's so many [ __ ] things that can happen that a doctor can catch by early detection but if they don't get Wade for a year two years three years first of all that's how people get obese people don't get obese over overnight people get obese over the course of several [ __ ] years normally unless some sort of very traumatic event happens where they are go from very very very active completely sedentary and they're depressed and it'll change up their nutritional intake or they [ __ ] they just have some sort of serious life trauma that causes a serious mental scarring and they cope with food you know which does happen think about that think about that increased though you said ten percent just to give some context if you're 200 pounds that's 20 pounds in six months I mean that's yeah that's no short that's a lot of weight you think oh well that's 20 pounds people think 20 pounds is not that much and then six months six months goes like that you're 20 pounds heavier that's and that's not muscle or mean you're not gonna build 20 pounds of muscle in six months but that's massive and if you're already 300 pounds that's thirty pounds and that's you know you gain that much over a course of years in five years you gain 150 [ __ ] pounds right oh that's that's the thing too like it's so easy like one month yeah but well people that discover Starbucks I was gonna do a video about this like we had we had a client that came to us could not she was like I have tried everything I've tried everything I've tried not eating I've tried the liquid diets they're like that she was drinking like 700 calories in Starbucks a day and not not [ __ ] real and like I'm in her mind it's just coffee because I did they know so little we literally just had her switch to black coffee and weight was just [ __ ] fallen off her to the point where I was like okay we need actually adjust a little bit because we did give her some activity to do so there was like a thousand calorie swing you know and she's like dropping weight like [ __ ] crazy and I'm like well let's let's slow down here you know like let's add a few calories back in because she had gained she had gained like 50 pounds in the course of a year well when you're eating when you're drinking 700 extra calories a day that unit hadn't allotted for in your activity stays the same 100 calories a day you can kind of average it out to be 10 pounds a year so 10 pounds a year time you it's 70 [ __ ] pounds I mean people just I think that's the difference between like us I mean John talks about a lot too and James is really really good about scientific information and knowledge like we talk more about health and wellness and like this little big the facts of [ __ ] you know and I know tons of people be like well there's not another 3500 calories and a pound of fat it's just the [ __ ] average [ __ ] like but it's what it a verge is out to that people get caught up that's another group of people get caught up in a [ __ ] semantics and [ __ ] [ __ ] up language is everything that's where the fat acceptance and that's what Michelle and I were talking before before you hopped in or talked about how if you if you use language as a weapon and you play the language game you don't have to make any change and you can go you can go down that rabbit hole as far as you can I was so I was showing her the thing with Madeline George Etta I got sent like a couple of hours ago I'm like I don't wanna make another video yet but she changed all like the the names of her program to be to coincide with her anti diet culture cuz I guess the names are probably like weight loss phase or something it's like well you keep on playing with language there's no end to that rabbit hole and you have to keep on going deeper and deeper and alienating more and more people until you're just there by yourself so it's easy just to play with with names and numbers and you're not gonna gain weight overnight I think a little bit of a different stance in terms of I don't like all the talk just about straight caloric deficit but it's still the fact like I like to talk about quality more and other habits but I had someone messaged me about well I'm you know I'm in a caloric deficit I'm training six days a week I'm just not losing weight how where are you getting this energy from or you inside you're not how are you getting this anywhere are you getting energy from your body and creating unless you have like just you don't have a nuclear physics it's not nuclear fission in your stomach right it's it's thermodynamics it's physics like I mean that's the thing it's just [ __ ] facts that's you now the person it's a person I have like the only time I have ever bought like we've had clients come to us and like I'm doing everything I can buh-buh-bah meeting 1200 calories blow bombs tunnels away send me every [ __ ] thing you do nothing here's what here's the three foods you can [ __ ] eat I want to see every piece of it go in your [ __ ] mouth send me a picture send me a video so I mean everyone at that right they still don't lose weight in two weeks go to the [ __ ] doctor and we've had it twice happen we've had it twice happen well we've had it's like three times that when the person just never talked to us again but um we've had it twice happen where the person went to the document hyperthyroidism you know I can make I put on medication on some type of weight to start falling off you know bring me your journal I usually save me like four to five months and see what happens you know just in case they have trouble usually what I see when they give me their food journal is they are counting everything they're counting the weekends they're not measuring correctly and they're forgetting to put stuff in and so that's very easy to go they're not counting to cook it here not accounting the cooking oil they're not counting their drinks they're not counting [ __ ] like that like everything's oh that's my that's what I heard you guys talk about Weight Watchers that's my issue with Weight Watchers you cannot have zero point two you can't you can't like you it is such a dangerous thing water that's it yeah you know such a dangerous thing to approach a group of people that have a poor relationship with food and tell them this foods free like it's such it's it's like it's irresponsible you know that's the thing like I mean it it's just utterly and totally irresponsible from a huge group that they are so trusted in or that it just to assign no value to like chicken and bananas and [ __ ] like that like bananas are like especially if they're very very very ripe bananas bananas are like that one of the worst things you can eat in the morning because be very very ripe bananas have a super high sugar content too and they have [ __ ] plenty of calories in them so they're you're taking in calories as a zero point and people like I've seen Weight Watchers blogs where they eat like five bananas for breakfast no I would breathe about five or six bananas because I love ice cream so it frees the bananas and put them in the blender with a little bit of milk and make myself ice cream and I would have that like for an extra yeah so that was about what five bananas so about 600 Lureen right and then they wonder whether then they wonder why people stay at Weight Watchers forever you know but it's fun it's their so trusted it's in such a trust a name-brand with that but you know you guys were talk about the weight watcher for kids thing that's evil I mean that really is it's evil like I mean like if your if your child is underweight or overweight you need to see a nutritionist and help the child out and you need to learn like if I'm talking not talking to YouTube so you guys are going to know this but you guys parents no I'm not okay you should but have one ones ones a good [ __ ] number well paired like being a being a parent like I I met my son when he's like my son's my son I don't ever call my stepson because he's not he's my son but I met it when he was like five and a half it was the best gift I was ever given to me I mean it really was was absolutely I love I love being a dad he works for our companies like keyboard he's out in the other room right now he's like 19 now which is really cool because now he doesn't live here and what we could walk around naked and [ __ ] but um but if you know if your if your child is overweight or underweight which happens nowadays because parents control very little of what a kid eats a tell your truth because when they go to school they can they can suck down 2,000 calories at lunch at school very [ __ ] easily if your kids underweight or overweight don't send in the Weight Watchers go to the [ __ ] doctor and let's talk to the doctor and then like then then let's you need to talk to other people you need to take that [ __ ] seriously because if kids are overweight if they're overweight by the time they're 13 they're going to be morbidly obese almost statistically as a rule if they're obese when they're like morbidly if they're morbidly obese when they're a teenager they're gonna be dead by 35 or 40 are they is that app designed for the kids to use themselves I could I don't know all the details about it like I said it is a five-year-old to use or is it meant for the parents to track I think it's for teenagers yeah cuz it started with our hiring - starts with school it starts with the parents and we were just talking before and I was like my dad was born in 1960s so think about or 1950s so we when he was 10 or 12 it was like the early 60s I mean think about how [ __ ] different things are now and we all know that what you learn when you're a kid whether it's religion whether it's ideology you hold that deep as part of like your identity unless you actually dig through and learn which is really really challenging that's a lot of like soul-searching and understanding and self-awareness to like eradicate all that like you know programming and when you think about when we were all we were all born it's like how am i how much different it was and where we are now it starts with the parents I think it has to and because it can't start with the kids kids don't know they're supposed to be taught the government and food industry think they're not gonna you can't wait for them they're not gonna change like overnight it's gonna take centuries or decades at least you know until it has to start with like us making content and then parents watching I mean like you know what I need to take that into my house and it just needs to be a lot more than just us four or five or six people I think it just takes time but what are your thoughts on where it starts I don't I don't think I don't see how it starts anywhere else I mean in reality I hate to say this because I really I really do try hard to like be positive about about this but with like we're losing but we're losing the war like there's like a war against facts and health they're really like we really are and I really I don't know if we've helped like I mean I'd like it's really in the last year it's exploded like exploded like we're we're I mean I'm like I don't like even when I started YouTube it wasn't this big of a thing yeah we talked about that we in here I'm here healthy and every size in 2016 I in here that anywhere it's just exploded you know and like I don't you know people get so upset like they like like so quick to be pissed about [ __ ] like where they where they want to be upset they want to be mad they don't want they don't want anybody to tell them they're wrong about anything sure like that and I think that we're just in that kind of generation where these where people don't want to hear anything bad about themselves at all if they don't have to I mean people don't even communicate in person anymore like I was telling you guys like how when I grew up you can slap the [ __ ] on it's like if somebody wanted to talk [ __ ] to you they had to be next to you and you could slap the [ __ ] piss out of them you know I grew that's just hot I mean I know that the people like think like well that's barbaric yeah it is but you know what the [ __ ] you know like I mean you could I mean it and I've gotten to slip the shit's left out of me several [ __ ] times and guess what I learned serious [ __ ] lessons like I mean like well I mean it I me and my son had this thing where one if it one of his friends grown up a high schooler I hope the kids not watch it because I hope he turned out okay but I was like that's the type of kid who gets beat to death at a bar where he turns 21 he's like why I was like because he is gonna talk [ __ ] some older dude you say the wrong [ __ ] to the wrong person because he thinks he can say anything at all because they talked so much [ __ ] online I was like that kid he's never like never been an even in this scuffle you know because they caught like now in school nowadays they call the cops if there's a scuffle like they used to just like on a brush this off call our parents send this home [ __ ] you know anyway but you know I was like he's gonna say the wrong thing or somebody and get his ass kicked so bad it might kill him because he missed missed an ass-kicking you know like pee and people unfortunately don't get that ass-kicking by reality anymore until they're dead almost you know like and that's what's happening right now they're just like people from the facts I've got their head buried so far in saying that they don't want they don't wanna hear reality they like and react the reality has just has this thing reality reaches up and slaps the [ __ ] piss on you like remember when you were young and you thought you could make it on your own and [ __ ] like that and you were broken in the first week like that was a [ __ ] so that's a [ __ ] serious reality well people don't even that's people have a hard time even learning that [ __ ] anymore you know what you were saying so I think a lot of these static sevens are body positive people never I mean I got I don't know about YouTube I got made fun of the nice one it kind of made me stronger for you know what I am today and I learned to confrontation and whatnot and I don't think these people never had anyone say anything bad to them or this is the bullying it's the victim it's a reverse bullying because in real life if you're a victim and you know there's the bully there's the classic bully you know kicking sand in your face you couldn't you couldn't win the fight you couldn't stand up now with social media you can attack right back so now you have like the reverse bullying from like victims and that victim mentality you can get together and just you can attack attack attack attack a technology long with no consequence you're not gonna get nervous you know yes as an it's either anonymous or you're in a digital world you can stay in your room and just even it with your and just say things or with the screen name even worse so you can literally hide behind that and flip the script and now it's just kind of like it's a backlash of all that pent-up aggression and that's ironic so yeah I mean it's it's so she looked at there I mean I find that [ __ ] hilarious I'm not funny I I thought it was very funny like the the concept that in some way the concept that like this person's like these people are just horrible and the biggest fat phobic [ __ ] like I've been fat you know like [ __ ] you you're like yeah my thing like that to anybody that's watching it about the fat phobic thing I say it I've said it once I've made whole videos about it everybody should be in fact phobic you know why is that [ __ ] will [ __ ] kill you it's like it's like it's like making fun of front of somebody for me an alligator phobic that [ __ ] will kill you like you should be have a healthy fear walking up to a [ __ ] alligator it might [ __ ] take your arm off you know or like just like obesity take your foot off you know I mean it really is a [ __ ] it's like when your common sense and your you know survival instincts are working in synergy that was the comment I made back to that person I don't take that as an insult you're [ __ ] absolutely right up that phobic I'm terrified myself and of getting fat getting obese I'm terrified I'm [ __ ] terrified that's what stops me from drinking the 12-pack of beer and a pizza every day [ __ ] because that's what I would love to do you know I love pizza and I love [ __ ] beer I'm from Pittsburgh I [ __ ] chow down every day you know I mean I really I would you know if I listened to my food cues I'd [ __ ] be either be Domino's here right now oh god the permission you have permission from all these from intuitive eating Alan all these Instagram nutritionists you need to realize something Alan you have permission you have permission no no respect yeah you have permission to if you if you have ate pizza pies in your house you're not going to overeat because you have an abundance you have permission you know I I have some I have a client right now I love them dearly you like I mean he's done with me for a long time and I mean I actually love him like I mean he's like he's awesome like I do when he hits his weight goal I'm gonna come visit him like him for real you know and that's very I'd say that very rarely by people but he's so addicted to pizza it's like a drug man he like he's a soldier to get pizza like holy like so like so jewelry and [ __ ] like pawned it off to get pizza when he needed it like it's his drug you know so that's and that's why when people say you listen your food cues I just want to be like shut the whole [ __ ] up because you're gonna you know when you say that on a broad on a broad stage the person that the person that should hear it so that should here at the least here's the most you know the person that's really struggling with with a food addiction and I mean I'm a certified I'm a certified food addiction coach like I mean like I take this [ __ ] seriously you know the people that that need not to not hear that [ __ ] tend to be the most susceptible to it because they have the weakest will and they just they want somebody to say they can it is like telling alcoholic you can have a beer I mean it really is it's just [ __ ] horrible you know and I do but yet I'm the bullet II you know like somehow you know I'm the mean guy you know that [ __ ] pisses me off it really does you know I think I mean I couldn't give a [ __ ] about that but Michelle you were saying before I don't know if you Alan was on at this point we're talking about the messages we get from like teenagers so Michelle like you get because I get him too I get him for like 14 year olds like hey I want to eat healthier but my family won't so don't you have anything in like a specific like instance in mind Michelle I know Alan's you've probably gotten them advice about you know talking to their parents then when they talk to their parents their parents say it's is too expensive and that's that oh I know my parents actually did that when I was younger like I was the first one to start eating healthy and like my immediate family and I went to my mom and was like hey can we like not buy these things as you said your father all the families in my neighborhood and I made my own money all throughout high school and I started buying my own that's why I tell them I mean it's like okay you have a couple options you have to do your best but it's it's discouraging when you have someone who's young who's like ready like oh I saw your video I was inspired that I gotta make a change and then everyone their family obviously the people that were referring to in most cases are the ones that need to help them make the change or the ones that need to help them and guide them like they don't have a job it's not that easy just for a kid to go and get a job like for you know the legal reasons are all this and the other it's frustrating when you can't help someone that should be helped and it's it starts with the [ __ ] family unit man and I I know we're losing and I think we've already essentially lost just because of the when you have 70 percent of the population that's obese overweight a diet means how do you come back from that before everything crashes out and then you know has to like restart from the ground up it's almost like it needs to be it's like it's like [ __ ] two Avengers someone dropped the ax Thanos comment about reality is rat reality is always you'll be disappointed by reality or something but it's like it's frustrating it seems like we almost need a restart from scratch but it's it's a weird heavy momentous machine that we're trying to slow down and reverse well I mean people people can say there's only one like people talk about YouTube and all that [ __ ] we were talked about before there's so much money involved like you think you think YouTube's gonna say no to McDonald's money you know like I mean they'll they'll ban me or you probably you first that's one same thing but then me Michele shortly after you know John will John will be John will be good John Johnson we fight we just have to be guest appearances on his channel you will be banded like they're never know allow mukbangs forever you know because you know why there's McDonald's [ __ ] Big Mac in it you know like it's money you know I hear if they really root like if you really really really wanted to like hurt like like start a trend in the right way when they gave you your total like it's road ride through a window they give you your calorie total to [Music] people they have no idea be you know whatever it was anymore they have no idea that like people don't even understand how quickly they can have 2000 calories for lunch you know it McDonald's like that's why these ten thousand calorie challenges are [ __ ] stupid yeah like yeah but then you get those those pictures again you use often times on where Fitness goes to die right Allen on Instagram where you have like the the pile of sugar Oh 200 calories on the left and then you have you know an apple or something on the right and it's like well you can too even when you have like a blog underneath you can't compare sugar to fruit or even even just pure sugar in a in a pile to a piece of pizza like it's two different things that's why they look different they're different calories are calories they are but they're not well you can't compare a process to another process of especially sugar because you know calories not a calorie when it comes to sugar and I'll argue that too that sugar is an addictive substance but fructose is an addictive substance you know the glucose and sugar is not necessarily addictive the fructose and sugar is very addictive fructose is what makes it it must have taste that's what actually makes it taste sweet that's what makes your brain release dopamine without like that's the thing like that's what I find like the interesting thing about like our crew you know like for the most part like come at me [ __ ] like you know any of you it's real any of you facts that the people listening I challenge any of you come to [ __ ] at me okay I mean really nobody nobody nobody III think I think this I think Connor is trying to find somebody to bait me and I think they're gonna find my name on [ __ ] clothes because here's the thing come at me I know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about you know I it is playing science like it is plain science the us on our crew we know what the [ __ ] we're talking about it's reality we experience it ourselves I right now like I've had hundreds of obese clients hundreds you know most of which have come from some sort of fat acceptance your community like that most of which have and it's what led them to all the sudden their doctor says do you want to die you know I mean I also and that wakes their ass up because like you know you're it's only gonna be so long like Tess can [ __ ] test as young you know I still think the reason why she's she's playing the super depressed thing right now or maybe she is I maybe she's not playing maybe she is super depressed but I just know if I was super depressed I wouldn't be telling the [ __ ] tired too many people was you know yeah but I think she's had a health scare I think that's what's you know but you come at me because it's like I I can tell you what's up I can tell you why I I my wife and I my wife is also a certified food addiction coach we can sit down with somebody just knowing what we know about nutrition and about the psychology of addiction and stuff like that we can sit down with somebody and I can tell you within an hour what you're addicted to why you're addicted to it what we can do to stop it like you know one of the big things people don't like they're so chemically out of whack one of the best things they can do is have like you know 750 milligrams a trip the pain in the morning 750 milligrams a trip the pain at night trip the pain helps serotonin level out in your brain and it also will help the person gets more sleep which will help to help help the process of their body you know taking off fat anyway like there's so many [ __ ] things that are not spoken about in the fitness world like we've got all these [ __ ] weight loss supplements supplements and [ __ ] like that none of them actually had like you know trip the pan or and your impurity none of them have a balanced out thing of a magnesium zinc and calcium like things like that like things that these people need because there's their hormones are so [ __ ] out of whack that they can't [ __ ] get themselves there like it's it's pathetic that these [ __ ] people that call themselves fitness professionals which they're not rob these people and they rob these people they rob these people of their lives like that and I take that really [ __ ] serious because it's uh it's of their life when one person says I can get you I can get you in the best shape of your life in six months when the person is 300 pounds I wish I was standing next to the I would gladly go to [ __ ] jail for that [ __ ] because in word in reality that you could be killing that person because that person weighs 300 pounds there's no [ __ ] way they're gonna get in great shape they're gonna give if you if you really actually do try you're gonna put them on some sort of you know some sort of like Biggest Loser type [ __ ] workout they're gonna get hurt they're gonna get demotivated they're never to try again and they're gonna [ __ ] die in early grave probably leaving wife kids [ __ ] like that you know to [ __ ] miss them and it's because some dumb [ __ ] wanted to make the money from in six months she'll be [ __ ] fit I don't know how you debate this I don't even know how you even how would you do know you can be it's it's not like I mean although the whole facts are here the metabolic unhealthy thing is what is what they always fall back on and I still fall well gravity I think you're not like you are not healthy we're carrying 100 pounds more than what you were your body was designed to do do that to a chair like I mean that's what that's what keeps you nothing like what you've never had the embarrassment of seeing it in a restaurant chair and having a break [ __ ] head Lusk yeah arrest arrest a restaurant the last thing in the [ __ ] world a restaurant wants to have happen is a customer hit the [ __ ] floor yeah I mean like like who'd want that to happen who would like who's like actually like why is that happen they're lawyers which like the managers getting fired the maintenance person's getting fired the [ __ ] waiters getting fired they're gonna do everything they can to avoid the [ __ ] lawsuit they don't like those chairs like the restaurant chairs are not built to just be flimsy they hold [ __ ] weight you know I mean they really [ __ ] do so if you sit in a restaurant chair and it shatters it's you yeah unless there's and if it's not you call a lawyer because you definitely could sue the [ __ ] out of that I mean for real but there's a woman she was very embarrassing what not to send that to the sauna and accommodate her size and so she opened a salon that can pull women up to 800 pounds think about that I think that it's not solving the pranks yeah I saw that I thought you made a video on it and I saw that like before he's like the whale right the whale salon or something was it called yeah you're you're pandering it's the same thing like these nutritionist that say Oh eat ear if you're if you gain weight if you gain weight it's because your body needed to it's like if you gain the weight it's because you're in a caloric surplus when your body didn't need to be and that's why if you're making a business you're just profiting off sick people you're actually encouraging you're feeding their addiction it's completely it's completely negligent and it's actually being an active part of the problem and most people don't want to accept that correct me if I'm wrong though like correct if I'm wrong but isn't it like isn't the lady that owns that shop like isn't she like disabled obese sitting there and the event and all the interviews I've seen I have never seen as long in stand for me again to anybody that's watching it's a beast like I mean I hope you understand that this comes from like the most ultimate place of love but if you've gotten to the point where you can barely move you're robbing yourself a life just do something about that because there's so much like yeah I mean you're like [ __ ] man I my wife and I have taken walks on the probably most beautiful beaches in the [ __ ] world like I mean like like the memories that you like your world should be more than your chair you know like that's a very very small very very you know that's not a life that's barely in existence you know like you know it's if your your life revolves around food that is not making you happy if it is it's not making you happy for long like if you cannot if you have disabled yourself that's that's Sonali [ __ ] woman who got [ __ ] horrible horrible [ __ ] woman is by the way I had somebody like yell at me because I missed misgender appropriated for because I called her I called her a woman and she's what she's like one of the whatever I just want everybody know I don't care what you identify as I'm not I'm not that type of person I don't care if you're gay straight I don't give a thought I don't I don't I mean I don't care what religion you are I'm a theist so I couldn't get a [ __ ] what you what religion you are but you know I really don't just I mean I don't care what you identify as or anything like that but that woman because I just gonna call her woman cuz she looks like one of me but that woman you know saying that it's okay if you disabled yourself but you it's okay to disable yourself become a morbidly obese that is horrible that is yeah you can be she should be if she wants to do that to herself look if you want to stay to stay offline don't spread [ __ ] that's [ __ ] evil that's evil and if she wants to she could be she could call herself a [ __ ] chair if you have a vagina and you have a [ __ ] X chromosome you're look you're a woman you're a female you can procure with it I don't know I know I'm saying know it call whatever you want like you can whatever you want on the inside act how you want but when you're telling people it's okay to be crippled by food and obese ah you're literally saying it's okay to die young and just be a dick tits I don't even know what to say about that it's [ __ ] up it's it's it's like that's the best type of [ __ ] we're like this type of [ __ ] where we're combating with this though and I mean III I gotta be honest like I don't even like that I'm like that my contents almost entirely about it I really don't I I really do not like it I have I like that my business or my work like our main business I love helping people get the healthy weights I absolutely love that [ __ ] but then my contents all about it like I like to be funny and have a good time and [ __ ] like that too you know I mean I I personally I think I'm [ __ ] hilarious so I mean not a lot of people do but like I think I'm funny you know and I but I hate that my channel has to be like that but like they're it's like [ __ ] but I don't understand how other people aren't like them it's like I don't get it like I understand why some of the like guys are like like I get why like Cavaliere doesn't do it cuz he's only he's about PT and about athleticism and we've had conversations about it for like some of those guys I get it but like something that just mainstay health people like what oh you can call yourself I don't give a [ __ ] what people that call me I don't I don't really a lot of people do Alan that's the problem people don't want naughty words they're afraid of the backlash which yeah there will be backlash and I think it's worse and that's where John was saying when he was on he was saying how his channel changed to this kind of like talking about these issues and a lot of people were like oh we don't like that it's like well [ __ ] you these are important issues and I was actually thinking the same thing because I've been called misogynist because my videos I'm looking like they're female well as stupid as Vince is he's not talking about this [ __ ] like I mean there are people that might okay that's a risky exercise he hasn't know how to do a kettlebell clean there's no how to do a deadlift or Chris hariya and these guys but again they're know what dudes are talking about [ __ ] that's actually killing people I mean no exercise Vince is gonna do well maybe one of them would kill someone but I mean right it's not the same it's not the same kind of anger this is more of a serious like look this is out there and if we if I don't address it and I'm sure you probably feel that same way I feel guilty like why am I making a video about a bench press and how to keep your elbows in and this like that's not well there's a couple things like with the benches but a lot of people make videos about them now to you because they're their laughingstock like it just it sucked I thought that was nothing to like I think people just need to start being up like I was one kind of one of the first peoples did that [ __ ] to were like I these people are [ __ ] [ __ ] like I really let you know look how stupid they are and all of a sudden a lot of people start down which is great but in the reality like I get all the time like I'll just make some more Tyrone videos or make some more Vince videos and show like that nothing that they're saying is actually gonna like Tyrone's a joke nobody takes me seriously you know nobody does nobody does at all and Vince like I mean even even for the the poor newbies that are gonna take him seriously I you know I that's why I still pepper him in occasionally when he says something really radically dumb like what especially talks about nutrition because that falls in my line you know but his exercises are not going to like not gonna like do the damage that like Tess Holliday does James did a great video on that like the most dangerous the most dangerous influencers are in there those people like for societally speaking 10% of the population is split up these people that really want to work out you know 10 to 20 you know 70% the people want to [ __ ] eat McDonald's and sit on their [ __ ] ass you know like and that's that's that's that's the market share and we have dr. oz to compete with and like I mean like who like people you just are horrible horrible I don't know about you guys I've made a few pennies on dr. house they don't ever really go over well he was trying to tell people to take Garcinia cambogia early loss that's a miracle it was a miracle or some like that yeah yeah what a [ __ ] just like the acai berries like easy I'm just gonna it's gonna [ __ ] oxidize your life it's gonna radiate through your eyeball I start one of my diet to lose weight and then I starving myself first of all and then something is happening on the TV screen it was like some infomercial it had this certain workout equipment they you at home and then it comes with a bottle of pills and they and they gave me the little charm on it and I'll start like that's how many calories just robbing see but I might make myself a real tea sandwich with hot cheetos so influenced me to eat whatever I want whatever it was also people listen to it like and what most people cuz most people don't watch us you know like that's that's just real most people don't watch it most people don't watch Jeff you know and he's got eight million followers you know they watch like The Biggest Loser and Chris Powell and like that's it Chris Powell appears on dr. oz now and I am like I actually I used to super super super look up to him like he's actually weird like where the [ __ ] came from to be honest what my wife's I used to watch like his year-long Extreme Makeover weight loss edition show where he talked decent common sense to the people you know like I mean there wasn't great like there's still some higher impact stuff that I would do but he at least talked decent common sense it was much better than the [ __ ] Biggest Loser right and then all of sudden like about like six months ago it was like crushing to me where my wife was like have you seen this and showed me Chris Powell on dr. oz doing this whole like he's a totally different person and he's you know he's like oh like this with dr. oz like you [ __ ] it's like crocodile out yes yeah how much but he was he was on a syndicated show how much money do you [ __ ] need yeah much money you [ __ ] me you know I when you how much money is she getting by switching over and doing this whole new route this I don't use much more lucrative I'd like it's much much yeah I bet you it's much more lucrative to her because in reality they just want they want to like if she could first of all she can gain like 15 20 pounds it's still just is still you know you know and be and be happy cuz she was [ __ ] starving herself to death to as fitness fitness women wit I think she bought a lot of followers just to be real because her engagement was very low and she's not impressive physically at all I don't never thought she was attractive what she's not a trained you can tell by it doesn't have coordination she doesn't know how to lift weights at all I mean like like when watching my watching my wife watch videos of her is very funny for me because because my wife's like what my wife and dad she'll get to meet my wife but like like my wife you can tell like hurt like what she's thinking by her eyebrows like her eyebrows queued up all sudden is it's not good so like it was that that the whole time because like she's watching she's like she doesn't know what she's doing not at all like not even a little you know I mean like how she how she even curls a dumbbell like it's just like the whole over-exaggerated [ __ ] like everything in that so that they you gotta you gotta have attention to spread your to spread your message but like you were saying a part of me is like she's bleeding out her business but how is that possible when you tell someone they could do whatever they want then they're gonna it's attractive right it's it's just like the magic pill hey this is even better than the magic pill I got something for you you don't have to take a pill period you just got to change your mindset about it and change your language and hey I can just be the same [ __ ] way I have to change it all so that's a lot easier then having to eat less or having to take something or having to associate with those people that think you could do better for yourself I think everyone can do better for themselves everyone could can help more everyone could I mean it's all of course you have to filter it out for what you're passionate about and what you're interested in in this life but to deny the facts is dangerous it's harmful and it's a weird little cult clique thing and I think it's facilitated by social media because you're only shown things that you like and if you only like fat acceptance stuff you're only gonna see those things and of course you're gonna be more angry when you see Michelle's video or Alan your video or my video because all of a sudden oh my god you know the naughty note attack the non-believer attack your non-believer you just you guys we're gonna for using the hashtags yelled at like people like don't use the hashtag factors that's not for you as yeah as long as I was like as long as I can hit the hash tag thing and type the [ __ ] words any of them for me I'll use whatever the [ __ ] I want you know like III find that amazing like they're not for you like you talk about inclusivity all the time I don't they're not even inclusive with with themselves like any more have you'd like the with the whole [ __ ] that that ash from the fact that podcast person came up with the whole infinite fat and super fat and made fat small bad things in cinah fact that is that it's it's such I would I would be so pissed if somebody would call more one of my clients infinite fat like that is like that is like a name they gave them they gave themselves almost looks like how the [ __ ] is that even like where are you coming from like he's got to the point now where like they're just like open big-time obese people they're they call themselves with the most marginalized you're not marginalized if you do it to yourself yeah I'm sorry but like I mean like just atomizing yourself voluntarily I have I have you know I have not personally ever really felt discrimination in my life and I'm just being really really honest like I count the atheism thing but I could lie about the atheism thing it's not something that's like I I have to where I just admit it openly and I have faced some discriminates with that like if I want to be truthful like that's before I couldn't run for state you know first state or your local government in several spaces like that because I could just not like I just like not divulge it you know but like Michelle I'm sure you felt discrimination but I know people that have felt like serious discrimination they're like you know like me because I told you you guys are my good friends wait so they would come after me for that and they would try to tell me that I've been discriminated against by I don't film that I felt very limited amount of discrimination because of my race I really have I don't know what they're talking about what I thought much you know what I was bigger I didn't feel discriminated against very much it's funny that you're it's not here to talk about the hashtags and Michelle we were talking about um I was showing I was showing the the Madeleine George anything but that was in my title today I but it does not heat Eagle healthier and go what 66 people the fat acceptance movement don't like that it's like the only reason we get such amazing feedback is because again you get that little bubble of insulation for people that follow you but it's also it's common sense like how do you how do you debate that how do you how do you how do you fight those uh fight those work you fight those facts with feelings doesn't does not equal it does not make sense YouTube's also a pretty safe place for you not safe place but YouTube is fat acceptance doesn't rain here you know like Instagram fact acceptance crushes it's amazing difference it's amazing the difference it's a huge difference and you know why that is I really believe this because the second they have to talk you know they're not healthy yeah like for real like that like you can hear you're like when they have to string together sentences like exactly you know and I bet I dude I've been there like like I like when I first started making videos like not first but like once I got real big when I was making videos I would like like it would suck up my communications and [ __ ] like that dumbass [ __ ] you know the breath in between you know and uh but that but on Instagram they [ __ ] a rule to the point where Fitness is being discriminated against and I totally believe that on Instagram like I totally believe that people aren't people like that post Fitness things like fitness transformations and [ __ ] like that I totally believe that they're getting like blacklist and [ __ ] like that I don't know I know many people have but yeah their before and after pictures and whatnot are getting and I think that's part of the reason why member majse thing yeah you said you got pulled out I've only had issues with Facebook and Instagram I've never had an issue with YouTube so like I mean we're talking about that before to my your fat video like you're not gonna like what I have to say but you're fat and then Facebook stopped approving it they started blocking it I couldn't even upload a period but it got like it got the attention it needed but that was all a sudden like 2017 or 18 I think I just boom completely like I can't I could post it organically but the reach is surprisingly low compared to my other videos I wonder why but it's like it's one of those things that you can see the transition you can see that Barris in between the Google and Facebook which you know it's it's not when you use a tag on Google obviously use fat acceptance boom instant D monetization instant this ad any other but I think that's why a lot of people avoid it because they're if you're if you are on let's say Geoff's level Jeff Cavaliere or you have millions of followers like you're not that you're depending on all that income but you're bringing in serious coin so you come on big creators on purpose they avoid they bleep out swears they do this but I think the audiences and the reason why Alan I know it's like we can't care and spread this message I can't care and depend and try to make money on YouTube and spread the message because if I'm bleeping things you're pandering to where people want you to pander and it's more important to be authentic than to make what [ __ ] in a few bucks off of one video you know the thing is I can also tell you like I've had videos I got videos taken down off YouTube for bullying and show like that before too but I mean like Tyrone is have I had to my videos taking down that [ __ ] but there's there up on my small channel now and fully monetized he'll figure great put G's that true oh yeah that's absolutely true their hitter posted it but yeah though they were stay were stricken down with community strikes everything on my main channel and they're just up on my small channel now fully monetized you know like my small channel but you know when they do give the the yellow star to the video it does all of a sudden stop it no longer gets recommended no longer like that they can't make my mouth it yeah and that's and that's one of the things that like I try my best to keep them monetized you know but um if they're not they're not you know III can't I can't ever say that I make a video with the express consent I express the purpose of saying I need I need this be monetized because I just don't you know like you people that depend on YouTube revenue are [ __ ] stupid I mean they're they're they're real they're really they're really really dumb because YouTube could change their mind tomorrow you know so I mean they could not pay any of us in this month they could just go yeah we [ __ ] lied I'm sure there's somewhere in that [ __ ] 25 page agreement that we all [ __ ] sign that they could they could do that yeah any time for sure at any time you know I mean it's it's the thing where I think on Instagram the factors does really really well because again it's just still shots and anybody can smile for a second you know anybody anybody can look super happy and the lighting can be perfect and you Instagram has to the [ __ ] you can filter the [ __ ] of those things like that i filter my on Instagram [ __ ] why not you know I don't show me on my Instagram very much anymore though I really don't so because it's I've really tried hard to make sure it's like not the contents not about me you know but although people it's weird like the more I made it not about me the more like the more nicknames I got the more people talk about the mustard and all sorts of [ __ ] so all the time I mean both of you have much bigger on YouTube than myself but you have very unique deliveries what a both of you think start with Michele about like how you how's your content changed and like what do you foresee like just like Alan said I'm literally you have to be you're just I'm just more aware of oh I'm posting it I'm not posting it for 5,000 people I'm posting it for 60 or 70 and then Alan you're posting for almost 200 exactly where you are and Michelle like so because every time you post now obviously like on your smaller channel Alan it's getting monetized because no one's watching it all this and you get more attention then you get more you start rubbing more things but like Michelle like do you see yourself changing how you deliver I mean I guess the title you try tool in a certain way a title it to you know extreme they get a little weird but I'm definitely especially ever since Alan said I cannot believe you said it cube but they said that you have like a lot of followers and so they have to watch out what you're putting out there for the can be dangerous people I think it was but I made a video about it it's gonna be really soon I think it was buggy right you just talked about that one and it kind of resonated with me because I can under like he said self harm like hold him in a way it was he was I know but was in the context know like like self harm looks like hurting himself if I like binge like to the point that it hurt myself yeah is more aware of what I'm putting others since there are more eyes on you you have to be more careful of what you what you saying I mean that's it's me it's me it's the same thing like I find myself more hyper aware you know like I mean I find I the swearing is always gonna be there just because I swear you know I mean it's I I I don't like I would be a horrible actor like it's like if I ever find I got hired to play me I kill that [ __ ] but I would be a horrible horrible actor like if anything sometimes like my YouTube my YouTube is me turned up a little bit like the volume turned up a little louder on me I guess where I like really lean into it I'll get hype rumack I have a lot of coffee in me or something like that or something a lot in people don't don't believe this but there's a lot of times like my video from from my video about boogie yesterday my video about book yesterday like I read what he [ __ ] wrote I posted my comment I posted on Instagram and I [ __ ] sat down and [ __ ] made that video yeah I was pissed you know it was one take two look I just [ __ ] walked right through it you know like I I post a lot like I if I think sums important I posted I think that's how my content is changing a little more like it's got to be important you know and the fun like the fun stuff I still plan on doing once [ __ ] settles down we've got a lot of [ __ ] going on with our businesses and stuff like that like good stuff but a lot of [ __ ] you know so you guys people don't understand the time sometimes it takes to make like the editing you guys both do takes a lot of time like I sit down I [ __ ] normally can one take [ __ ] where I play my intro slap in my suck in my intro music and then I've just let it ride and I [ __ ] hit it render you know but you guys sit down and edit the [ __ ] [ __ ] so does James and [ __ ] like that and I'd like right now if I there be no videos there be zero EDF videos if I if I have to do that [ __ ] yeah and I plan on it but like before the roast videos though that's what it's like though like when I have to break the park videos yeah there's bunches it takes there's no like two or three hours worth of footage of medians like that but people resonate with that people resonate with the fact that you're being even you're just being hyper real because they see that there's no I mean you've got that you got that flow where you can deliver the message you can be engaging for the time that you're on you're not editing and for you it works and that won't work necessarily for anyone some of my best videos were actually like the drywall game when I just went straight through I look at it now and I cringe cuz a long take and I'm like I would edit that and clip this and is but it works because the message the content of your content is good man [ __ ] rock that save yourself some time it would it would it would be very serious change my content then I probably could figure out how to [ __ ] do it because I'm agent but you know the but I think you know the thing is hopefully we'll see more people but that was that was kind of like my message about the Instagram thing yesterday was you know if you got if you really want to help people I'll be on your channel even if I don't like you you know like I mean I've worked with tons of people I don't like you know like tons of people I don't like you know I mean I recently have been lucky enough where I don't have to be around and and work with people and talk to people that I don't like because you know frankly you know I'm my own boss and [ __ ] like that might well my wife's my boss - for real she is she's the CEO so gonna but I you know I I picked content with anybody I think if the message is right you know like I mean I really would because I think it's so important and I think there's only so much that we can do yeah what do you think about these big channels because and I don't know what what your with your experience is Michelle cuz you again like I mentioned you guys both have at least double what I pull out on YouTube and just like bigger audiences and you know you're pushing on the same subjects but because of those collaborations like you get a lot of people coming out of the woodwork and Alan you mentioned this too you see a lot of these bigger channels that are starting to do more content like the like what we John James are doing do you think or both of you do you think that's because of oh that's trending like only because it's trending or they're like all right my channels dead there's no more bench presses and barbell curls that I can do I think people enjoy commentary type videos and where we take apart certain things and kind of debunk it and whatnot like that's what I enjoy I try to post think the I enjoy and I like to see that kind of stuff I think that I think to a certain degree I'd like at some point in time when you fade somebody did the videos you're gonna say something that contradicts what you said before you know like I think that's part of it I also think that they do just see that it's trendy I see I see multiple channels like trying do it to avoid people like us yeah i reaiiy really do because like i I mean I've made I've made no mr. wemmick sitting to say I'm coming for you [ __ ] you know like I mean like you know be mindful because if you're spreading if you're spreading stupid [ __ ] up you'll eventually get around to you you know I mean my whole my whole my whole my I'm I have I'm writing a book called be so good they can't ignore you you know like I I will not like I will make sure I'm knowledgeable enough and I know enough and I've got my [ __ ] together enough and I if I don't know it I'll talk to people that know about it and I'll make sure that I can come and if I if I not if I if you I think you're you're out the wrong people or hurt people or any like that when I come kicking on your door you better be [ __ ] ready you know because I because I reached a stage now where it's not a jump no more like I mean like the whole this is the best pre-workout you but you over by and you'll make your tits light on fire and show like that okay like I mean like what the [ __ ] I mean that's that's that day is over like people are actually getting sick and [ __ ] yeah yeah so if you're part of the problem you better let the [ __ ] out I agree I agree I think there's a there are a lot of people they just want they want that attention grab I don't think there's anything wrong with that but when you're not authentic that's why people's channels get uh they get old they get stale people don't adapt with the times and it's it's more than that the message is good but I think if you're coming from it coming at it from a good place like we all are that's why there's positive feedback and that's why it's it'll still rub people the wrong way when you have a different opinion that's fine and I think it would be a little bit less aggressive from all of us if it wasn't just like literally facts versus feelings it's not you know have to go as I mean it's not as like its it wouldn't be as obvious if it's like oh you believe in God you don't believe in God when you're getting angry it's like well I mean look I belief is a belief there's no proof either way and then I mean which is why you might be atheist or someone else might believe and it's like okay what you've been indoctrinated what you were taught when you were three you know Easter Bunny [ __ ] like that I mean everyone has their own opinions there but when you have okay again obesity versus it's where's the real where's the real debate that's why I wouldn't Michelle we're talking about Oh aren't you Alan you're gonna debate someone or the directors gonna set it up it's like who's gonna who would debate that how what are you gonna bring to the table that will prove that well how you go change your mind anything like if it's anything like the film first Laramie like what you hate fat people like I don't think it's but I mean here to the oh and I hate to make Conners job harder but to the likely person that's going to sit down and debate me you're gonna accuse me of fat shaming I'm gonna let you know that I've been obese and I I I'm you 100 some morbidly obese clients that I care about dearly that I spend pretty much every waking hour trying to take care of and get healthy because I just know I can prove actually that it's not healthy where does the debate go from water like what else you got are you gonna produce are you to produce an article that says being obese is just as healthy I mean I you know that with the the [ __ ] you know sources they come up with like when you reference a book healthy called healthier sighs like you can't reference a study you just reference the book that's not a study that's not reality talk to talk to a doctor like I mean let me let you but I always said I have always said before I would love love love love to debate any any morbidly obese person from the FedEx lipless community on anything we can just both do it like we'll walk up a flight of like three flight of stairs together and the camera be right there when we start you know and the story I it's that's exactly how is that how would that happen how would I mean it's just like I still he says he's good he says he thinks he has somebody to bake me I'm just like okay I cannot wait I'm super I'm super stoked for that I'd be more I would I would definitely be tuning in for the Hat okay I'm not meeting with that guy till tomorrow now oh you got that so I mean you can let me know if about the the streaming [ __ ] well yeah well you can help me after work together and then maybe maybe we'll all go live later on a machi yeah that'd be cool it's just this was actually this was actually like choppy and stuff at the beginning cuz I had like a setting wrong and it was like so we actually restarted it like just before you came in it would it would be probably but like I'm thinking probably like noon tomorrow though because it's my mama's birthday yeah that's ed yeah also I'm not good enough for you but dude my mom almost not a couple years ago so I you know I appreciate it it would be really fun like I mean I'm talking like something like something would like she'd want to be on the [ __ ] show for me to [ __ ] be understood good I don't like but you should she almost passed away a couple years ago so every minute I can but cuz I'm not a big person for for birthdays but someone brought that that point up and I'm like you know I'm gonna go look at birthdays a little bit different because like you know you're like for example I'm 36 and it's like okay it's my birthday I should be it doesn't have to be like all party like oh you go it's my birthday by the same time it's like well a lot of people haven't been able to experience their 36 birthday or their 40th birthday it's like they passed away too young it's like you know what I felt like a dick after that was a really good really really good point and a whole mental shift of like I mean I am appreciative to be here today and every day but when I thought about that it's like yeah that's that makes it it's no different than another day but the concept was really just gonna tag by the [ __ ] / the it's flashing trash is the new one my home I abide by trollee big troll Orson flaccid trash is the name of the [ __ ] thing also provides flash and trash being appreciative for Allen's he was saying something about maybe tomorrow he's going live earlier with that guy oh and now we're welcome and they were talking about his mom's birthday and appreciating birthdays yeah you know the weird weird thing is I just turned 48 not too long ago you know and yeah it was just another day I worked all day you know I mean but never like that but like my wife made sure to make make it's made sure to make it special and she like that like to me like they should be celebrated because like in reality like I'm 40 years old I can physically do [ __ ] that people can't you know most most people can i age I'm on no medications enough like that like so like a lot of [ __ ] to be [ __ ] thankful for it's like [ __ ] you know it's better as you get older like especially because we're people as you get older the weird thing is like all my friends are like you guys like younger but talking like all the people and all the people I associate with on a daily basis like I you know friends is like online people because I it's me and this outs outside my household its online people you know that are all younger because like in reality most people my age don't understand me they don't train they don't think that only people I mean I know it's like but the only people that are really having a hard time getting older are usually people who are overweight obese not happy with their body they're eating crappy I mean I had I'm in my twenties but I have friends my later twenties but I have friends already freaking out about being 30 and it's I mean they gain weight they're eating unhealthy and they feel like crap I felt so much better than what I felt like when my TVs cuz I'm no longer overweight you know that's the thing like wait wait wait a couple years my mom she works out healthy and whatnot and her friends name age look 20 years older than her yeah I mean like that's the thing too like like even like the people you see like all the time are people at the gym most of time probably that we like like going to the supermarket is [ __ ] scary like I mean you can you can put like you can go the supermarket it'd be like you'll walk down the middle aisles and just like play a game called how long they got to live that's a good one I [ __ ] hate to be that rude but like like the [ __ ] diabetes aisles like that like the aisles of like chips and soda and candy they're always right in a row chips soda candy always right in a row because like people's like people can see highest pilot sugared food stuff that they know is sweet and it has a dopamine response in their brain like they like just from seeing it it has a slight dopamine response so then they're [ __ ] they start grabbing [ __ ] you know like it's [ __ ] science it really is that'd be a good show man that'd be good YouTube channel just blur out the blur out the the faces and stuff I think I might have a new playlist coming right that's a [ __ ] dude how long yeah you better have a good lawyer I'll work I'll blur it out you get a good lawyer still real cuz they're not they're not I'm not talking like the lawyer like the [ __ ] troll hats where you live oh God so yeah so tomorrow what's at what time tomorrow just to like let everyone know like you're like I'm thinking I'm thinking somewhere about noon but but I will I'll talk to you offline about it in a little bit okay I mean I got I getting a hold of Connor find out what you find out when he's available if you if he can't go we'll just all go yeah I mean I'm fine with that I mean it depends on if you if you can't do it if you want to just do like a regular cast or whatever so if you can get up there early because noon for me is what seven four two three nine for you right yeah five hours you have a 3:30 even on [ __ ] Saturday yeah because I thought I got a brother god damn well that's why I get up early but [ __ ] I got that for today I was like God I'm up early the shells are I'm trying to reset my sleep schedule when I went to sleep late a couple nights and like I try to get up early it hit me like a ton of bricks I can't do it anymore I used to be up late and up early and I know it's like oh you're younger but I was just really I just wow I could really run on some fumes for a point but now it's like I need to sleep I need slow period we're adjusting from Florida because you know it's going to be nicer later and [ __ ] like that you know so we're just a for Florida as we speak III I love I love Pittsburgh I grew up here but I'm not from here anymore like I said no time like lived in South Carolina for a long time you know and I love the South I absolutely absolutely [ __ ] love it I think I think besides the racism which you find anywhere you know you know down south there just like openly racist there everybody faces I mean Pittsburgh horrible but they're they're much more very very in-your-face people they're like my people they're they're much more like they will tell you what's on their mind very very clearly um I love Florida though like Florida's I'm like amazing I love it my wife's from Florida and we're going back down there and my parents doing I moved back to Pittsburgh from South Karen kind of ill-health and they're doing great now and there's like lots of other reasons like no state tax when you own three corporations you start taking about these things no state tax and then you know just with the weather it's much more conducive the cold the cold weather like I've got some decent injuries you know like I'm like I'm missing you guys I don't think you guys can see that I'm like misses a tendon they might go configure and show like that so in my arthritis is crankin and I'm arthritis my right shoulder so the winner this the last couple winners have been not great on this this old frame but when I was down in Florida [ __ ] it felt great and uh when we look back up here I realized I'm like I grew up here but I'm not from here anymore like and like everybody like most of the people I went to high school with and a few guys are watching you know it's true like most of them like married out of the person that were dating in high school were the person their best friend was dating in high school like they all still hang out together like well like it's so [ __ ] weird you know because like they haven't grown as people like I've lived all over I've lived a bunch of places and been around the world and show like that I'm like I knew I when I moved back here I had it beers with one of my buddies who hadn't been out of the county like Allegheny County like Pittsburgh in like ten years I'm like [ __ ] like you know that's and like and his idea of vacation was like one of like Deep Creek Maryland which is like two hours away you know that's that's a small ass [ __ ] world you live in you know and you know it's just not the same and there's no connection besides my parents and we're at we're at a stage now we'll we probably were Prague and I like fly back up here once every like four to six weeks anyway just to like just to see them we've got a filming things set up in their house already there are like that too so we're definitely moving like I'm hoping while we're down there in September to actually sign a lease when we're down there yeah well then we'll have the place we're just going to spend a couple months moving and then by New Year like New Year's will be will be living there it's like full full full time you know you're going to ask you're going West Coast right oh yeah somewhere between Sarasota and Naples that's nice I kind of want that because that South Florida I'm in South America because I'm like I'm on the East Coast and it's like as busy as it gets and it's just overpopulated and it's I mean it the west coast is still a lot of people but I mean the weather is as much as there's always something is always pros and cons but the weather is definitely nice is to be able to like in the winter I'll wear a long I'll wear a hoodie like a maybe and honestly if you were Pittsburgher you probably would even wear that I grew up in Connecticut so like north Noreen cuz that's like I know cold and I'm looking at the temperature I'm like why am i freezing it's 65 degrees and yeah and I'm freezing now and I'm looking at that temperature I'm like you're such a [ __ ] man it's [ __ ] 65 degrees I used to like you know when it was 50 after the winter you'd be outside in t-shirt and shorts like oh my god it's 50 it's super nice now let you came I'm not leaving the house of it's 50 degrees that's super super dry in Arizona that's just like an oven yeah damn oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] I live in Arizona one time it was [ __ ] boiler plate it was like baking like I like the humidity I like yeah yeah I mean it's better for your skin and she'll like that too you enjoy I loved Florida what my wife and I have been doing this you know as a tradition I've been vacationing down there like from the day after Christmas until like into the new year for last couple years and last year we stayed right by right by siesta key oh that's one of the nicest beaches in the country it's like awards for it they have it like on the F side that's a number one rated not Florida or the world no Beach it's so awesome it really is like awesome Beach and they're like awesome little town around it like you can get great food live music a little strip that little strip and walks down it's a cool spot and this and we're staying at Cape Coral this time nice nice so alright so everyone that's watching we got a potential live cast tomorrow Allen will talk and you know I can I'll blast it to two people so maybe tomorrow you don't know if it's with that guy though right I don't know what were the other ones playing on noon that's cold so Michelle if you're awake or whatever you're doing they'll be awesome do you have any you have any videos that um interview a Michelle you want to promote like anything that you just posted they want to give a send some people over that maybe haven't I oh my god I got I got I got bombarded you make Alan dress up like Pikachu and I'm like out of all the characters you guys wow I get just like boom bar like your video release in like 30 minutes later I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on like just like it was so [ __ ] crazy like I got one bar like and I'm you know well I get a lot of messages to begin with like quite a lot of messages but holy [ __ ] it was like crazy like I was like my phone's broken why is it [ __ ] beeping so much what the [ __ ] and then I kiss people people are always like trying to get me to they want me they want me to do the agent 47 the hitman thing either that Acronis you know from you you got a bunch you got a bunch you got that uh what's his name like the the rock the stone guy from Fantastic Four yeah Grimm Drax yeah that's like that that's a really that's a Batista a that's an easy that's an easy one that's a lot a lot of makeup though it's not happening like a Moroccan Aaron [ __ ] T in what history of in what history of what do you think that would work but I will say I will say that John is John is the perfect spider-man he's the perfect Peter Parker I don't even know how he's friends with us he's like the nicest guy ever my team I did my idea ideas with him or hilarious but by dealings with him are hilarious I'm like I tore this [ __ ] up upset him so he was like oh that was nice shucks he's our shield like if we go into like a big like the the virtual Crowley would put him first and then like he steps aside and then we'll just like rush through it like you know he's the reason that he's reasoning that account got shut down I really believe God because he he like because he likes shared on his Instagram like oh this person's not being so nice to me his fans his fans were like [ __ ] rabid dogs man like I mean I got so I got took your own some of my fan got some pretty heavy hitters like some of my some of the people that like control the people that I that I say [ __ ] about are not [ __ ] I'm like cool [ __ ] they scare me but his fans were [ __ ] relentless man thanks for that ass up that's like okay that's crazy that he was getting tagged in that [ __ ] like what does John ever said anything like it do you know what and that's when they like I talked about that a time that's one of the reasons why like I kind of like I think I even told I told you guys to like it you might like I give people like the Association warning like you might not want to be associated with me because ABCD like how many people people tend to like [ __ ] no matter what but like how can [ __ ] anybody like he is like the nicest guy like that's what people are saying like I can't believe you brought up Johnny's the sweetest person alive and you know like that's what like he was the only person we're like fat people that like when when test said those tested something about him like about his transformation pictures they were like you need to shut the [ __ ] up I love you but stop it here what I can't like that was [ __ ] so but he's like he's like a super super super nice guy and he knows his [ __ ] I mean he knows his [ __ ] he wants to help people like I said you know audience I mean talk about like a walking talking you know poster boy literally for what he says like literally practices what he preaches and shares his story that's all he does well that's what like supposedly there's gonna be something to debate him to like what are they gonna say like you're fat phobic no well then they're really you should go back way more than you gonna be like like show it that way [ __ ] you know like where he waits like 380 pounds that's amazing it's empowering and it just it's more evidence that oh this is possible oh you can do it you just have to [ __ ] do it and then okay dude dudes working on his hand stands right now you know you know I mean like that's the thing like imagine that 308 like now he where he works on handstands like year a few years ago when Tori's [ __ ] shoulders off to try that [ __ ] like that's what it does for you though it it gives you a life it just absolutely does like I talked about that even even just in general fitness I just staying active gives you a life compared to you because I know plenty of dudes my age that are that are not fat but they just can't go like they can't do something like my wife could be like hey we're gonna go hiking right now I [ __ ] get the day pad we need the day packs for the overnights you know like 48 48 almost a 50 like they aren't doing those kind of things yeah my dad he's about your age and he is very he can barely walk that's nuts that's that's tough well you're hearing a football player T right now yeah there's some other things that you don't well most and most most professional a personal being a professional football player is like one of the least healthy things you can do during the abuse to your body both lifting weights keeping action away the the knees are always almost always shot in the head smashed around yeah the concussions alone you know but then what happens is they're used to that [ __ ] then they retire and then they don't move because they're all banged up eating the same he was getting older he was now not moving at all just hooking and then it so quickly you don't know I mean when you're active and like that it's that's a whole another level of active when you're that active your whole life a lot of people don't let because you just don't want to work out anymore because you were forced to because you had to know like I don't feel like training anymore like a lot of these like big-time athletes they just stop yeah they just stop it's like I don't wanna I'm not training I'm not playing anymore so I don't want to beat my [ __ ] up that's why I think oh you know who how he long is yeah he's on what like the NFL Network now yeah he was on he was a linebacker if you have the Raiders for a long time and he was a monster he's like he was one of the first linebackers oh wait like 260 or 270 pounds you know like because back back then like now they all do but back then that was huge for a linebacker you know and he said the first like they were like he retired but he retired without he didn't get injured realized that he just retired and they asked what he was gonna do he's like the first time to do is lose 50 pounds well he really liked it when they asked the one who can do a retirement that was the first he said was like I'm gonna lose 50 pounds you know like immediately you know because I mean I think now look at him you know he's he's [ __ ] well order them ease and like almost 60 probably and [ __ ] in decent shape [ __ ] active [ __ ] like that you know you can't keep weight on like that and you and you can't just sit the [ __ ] down like you have to stay in motion like you must stay moving or you end up dying you know it goes back to like okay well if you're still eating like Michelle you're saying you're slow in the same way you were when you were utilizing 4,000 calories a day and then you're not using that energy oh I guess that's caloric surplus and caloric deficit I guess it doesn't matter because they were so used to being told what to do all the time they were working out for nothing and then they almost didn't stop they don't know what to do they don't know it's eat know how to workout always I'm gonna have the team like around all team mentality yeah probably a lot of the well in college especially in college they have like team meals like they eat with the team like so they're not charge of their own food like I mean the cut like the concept of how unhealthy is like when they tell linemen like 300-pound linemen that they need to try to gain weight I mean that's just so bad like I mean you're working out for four hours a day you're 300 pounds lifted weights doing all sort of stuff and you've got you've got they're not even just 300 pounds they're like a huge amount of lean mass to so they like that means their metabolisms even higher because muscle more than that you know and so this the calories they must be eating the quantity of food that's when they that's how that you see these guys they just eat straight garbage because it's so calorically dense and then when they get there done all of a sudden 400 pounds you know like look at the refrigerator Perry the old time photo player from the Bears that caught on the freight bridge yep he retired he got to be like 600 pounds I know yeah yeah well he was a big he was [ __ ] enormous when he was he was when he was in football too but I mean it's all about building that momentum where they were trying to lose weight or you get that consistency you get that inertia you get that flow and I think it comes down to community and accountability having people around you that aren't [ __ ] running their mouths with [ __ ] like if you surround yourself with people that exercise that want the best for you that are inspiring you to be that's why you know Michelle your community Allen yours mine if you create that online culture of negativity or fat acceptance and you're fine the way you are you don't have to lose weight and this kind of indoctrination of lack of change you know in the face of all these facts it's about who you surround yourself with what messages are you listening to and we allow all these different things come on our phone and just kind of pop in our face and how this is what you should do this is what you should do people don't filter their [ __ ] they follow too many people they read too much [ __ ] and they just everyone's getting inundated with information oh there's too much information I mean if you're if you're following every [ __ ] thing and watching every news outlet and on Twitter all [ __ ] day and you're watching all these things and consuming all of it of course you can be confused you're listening to a thousand different [ __ ] things I literally someone was telling me something you should watch this video I'm like I don't need that in my head I just don't have enough space I don't have enough space for my own thoughts if I'm just like watching all this [ __ ] so I barely watch videos and movies I just don't have mental capacity anymore there's too much too much out there I can't worry about these shows and [ __ ] well like people people understand like necessarily understand our lives like I had I recently had a I had a guy said like he sent me a couple messages to ask about like asking about something I responded to a couple of time I try to get I really do try to get as many messages as possible that are applicable you know and I'm like I you know just and this was last night where the guy the guy like posted like you know I just asked you a question he didn't answer me like dude [ __ ] yeah he posted on my Facebook page like like I asked you a question you never responded like I responded you four [ __ ] times yeah I didn't get to the last one [ __ ] off you know like you want to know if you don't want to know what hip tip is how do you not want to know what a [ __ ] hip tip is if you don't [ __ ] look it up there's a buck a thousand videos on [ __ ] YouTube I try to get to the requests I try to get their requests to the new messages if it's someone like responding or just kind of like you know hitting like the celebration thing from the story it's like you know if the respond to each one but this someone has a question you respond but then they're gonna respond and then it as you get like hundreds of requests and all these different things like I can't continue conversations with each person no one can but you try to get to as many as you can and I was like always priding myself and answering every single comment everywhere every message and then it just got to the point where oh like you just you hit that breaking point where you literally can most people most people don't understand like how many messages you might you would get Michelle like it people don't understand okay one hundred and twenty thirty thousand followers you know you have like a community of 200 300 plus people it's like thousand people even if like one message you it's like okay that's 300 a day or you know and then you respond to one or ten or twenty and then twenty respond back and then you get another 300 it's like yeah it's a lot we prioritize like we have to like you know we I mean we have like we have we have clients are just ours like the hardest cases we take for just us now and then we have assistant coaches that help us and but we're still involved on a daily basis with those people too so so we are we touch everyone at some point time we check out every message from every client every day and we there's 100 and so I like 140 150 then right now so of course but your your boy you have your own yeah yeah right those clients so clients are first and then I try to like do Instagram at BOTS so like people people need that like don't get like a lot of times people see like people like especially like like I think you guys because you guys edit your videos a little more than I do or they think like that's all you do you know like that's so [ __ ] crazy like I mean it's just the same like answer like I swear and this is no [ __ ] if we get to the point like our next phase is we if you know when we add more coaches on and we have more clients we're gonna have to have somebody who like you know answers emails and [ __ ] like that like I mean like and I hate that [ __ ] do that like our son our son our son works for us and hit that'll partly become his job too but it's like when you have hundreds of messages in a day you know you have to prioritize and then still remain sane because I mean as like fully self-employed people our schedules are from when we wake up to when we go to sleep you know and that's people don't grasp that and like the the sense of like never done this like I have yet to have in last like year a day where I felt like I got everything like I mean like I mean I've I to do this right over here is still like there's I do the ABCs you guys not the ABCs are always because we actually needs to actually needs done a day before the end of the week you can wait till next week now when I say when I think of a B see I think of Glengarry Glen Ross you'll always be closing the alley and alec baldwin speech like but like it's ABC from i'd like to do like absolutely done today before report in a week and then can we come next week right the A's are very big and like normally I don't kept all the A's so they just become B's become they become 80s the next day and an A plus or I don't know but crazy [ __ ] but that's one of the things that I had to come to grips with because when I answered and I would do that I would stay up till 4:00 a.m. and I would you do everything you've done for today but then I started to realize oh I'm gonna have literally the same mantel list tomorrow and oh that's gonna be the same on Saturday and Sunday like that's never gonna change oh so what has to change is my approach to it and my ability to be like you know what I can do this tomorrow no one's gonna be like oh he didn't post at 4 p.m. today like he normally does yeah no one's gonna be pissed and DMing me because everyone when you realize where i realized and it's a strange realization for a lot of people but because I don't follow many people so I don't get stuff in my feed I realize how everyone's following thousands of people and you're they're not seeing whether I poster or not and it's like right it's a grab for attention and you're trying to get your message out at the same time you have to pace yourself so you don't burn out and that's what either focus on self care and yeah we're done recently and I've been talking about that my podcast that now I'm doing I've upped my yoga game I'm prioritizing my own personal training over doing some things like I'll work out before the podcast no matter what like I'm getting mine in I know it's hard to it's hard to sometimes unplug or to back off a little bit but when you're the one that's making the videos when you're the one that has to be on you're the one that has to be positive and you know you're the business essentially I mean Allen you got people you know working for you and you got people underneath it's just but still it's it's you it's still you you're the you're the buck stops here you know well and like in reality is we still like deal with all the clients every day like I mean we plan on to it we plan on it when they see what it's like at 500 collect our clients because we hope we hope to be helping as many people as possible you know for real like we hope to be helping like I would love to build a tiered system some way to like have a thousand whatever people trying to get healthy like that would make me very happy because it's desperate right now like desperate desperate but the thing is like we always try to make sure the last couple growth spurts we've taken we really weren't ready for so now it's like okay let's get [ __ ] straight like I was talking about website [ __ ] which we still got to talk about because goddamn like I mean I my wife and I have two separate websites that does not [ __ ] work anymore at all because we people buy [ __ ] over here people buy over here and we cross promote them just let's get one [ __ ] website like one [ __ ] website because I mean her business has taken off too you know like where it's like you know she's just you know a lot of classes like that but also we've been doing life like live prep cooking it's like that to help our clients and people that have our service to like learn how to [ __ ] cook no [ __ ] like that like anything we can do to help out so but we desperately need to [ __ ] desperately need to [ __ ] organize so but hey guys I do need to run let's so what I'll do is I will you know we'll talk and then I'll just I'll broadcast you know whatever time is is happening tomorrow I guess we'll plan around noon and then Michelle love to have you to join in I mean as always that I'm sure yeah well hammer out this more and I'm sure we'll do it again but um so Michelle you got your new video the Peter Parker video if you haven't checked her out my thoughts will probably offend you right here on YouTube and of course alan over at every damn day fitness what your latest video was about the was about boogie was that was recent one so if you haven't checked it out go check that out and we'll see you all i guess on your channel tomorrow right that's the plan yeah sounds good a rad alright fam we'll see everyone tomorrow and both of you and you can stay on the line for a second after yeah all right cool I'll just uh outro this and everyone thanks for watching peace out fam you [Music]
Channel: The Daily Swole
Views: 28,336
Rating: 4.9264555 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you, every damn day fitness, fat acceptance, healthy at every size, fatopia, fat-topia, haes, body positivity, tess holliday, madalin giorgetta, sonalee rashatwar, boogie2988, weight loss, diet culture, lose weight, fat loss, belly fat, obesity, morbid obesity, obesity epidemic, health care, strength training, dr oz, biggest loser
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 36sec (9396 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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