The DEATH Of Fitness Channels?! (Greg Doucette, Alan Roberts, Michelle Mcdaniel)

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[Music] okay so in 2021 i believe that michelle mcdaniel woke up and she decided that she was going to choose violence that is the only way to explain this video that she made i'm being a little hyperbolic but she made this video this is actually on her second channel so if you're like wait i didn't see that video that's probably why um but this is the video right here it says why fitness channels die and some don't greg ducette and alan roberts so that's the title of the video and so i've actually full disclosure normally i don't watch the videos before but i i'm sorry your boy your boy likes drama okay i don't the t i can't i can't help it i can't help it i like the tea just like everyone else does so i was like i have to watch it so i actually listened to it which is probably what a lot of you guys are doing right now just listening um listen to it as i was start warming up for my workout so i actually do know what's going to be said here okay just full disclosure so let's go ahead and uh hear what she has to say again this is on her second channel so it's gonna be a little bit different than our other videos my fitness channels die and some don't why do you think some fitness channels die get slashed murdered let's talk about it hello welcome to my i'm gonna turn this down it's a little loud there we go second channel michelle mcdaniel after dark but i post in the morning because of the algorithm this is where we get a little bit more crazier a lot less edited way more personal where we basically talk a lotta and today we're gonna so basically what she's saying here is that this video this channel is a lot more like john's channel okay where he doesn't care about the editing and he just uploads live stream clips which everyone loves no one complains about it at all answer the question why fitness channels die which can probably be applied to like other normal channels but i'm talking specifically fitness channels channels geared toward fitness i feel a lot of channels that only cater to fitness die literally fall off the face of the earth this is i mean this is true but to be fair this is true with any channel on youtube like channels die that is just a fact that happens right actually kicked off the face of the earth by the youtube algorithm falls into a deep dark pit to be forever forgotten or maybe people just lose interest and stop tuning in i don't know you guys telling me so i see on many fitness channels because i am an avid comment reader i love reading comments and whenever facts same it's one of my favorite things is to read comment honestly half of the reason i watch youtube videos i don't a lot of times i'll put a video up and i don't watch it i just go to the comments and i a lot of times i try and make a comment that's funny and try and get it uploaded a lot just because i i like attention i guess but it's one of my favorite things to do every fitness channel kind of breaks out of the fitness realm i will see a few comments saying stick to fitness i came here for fitness i need to learn no i need you to teach me because you promised you have fitness in your name about lunges and squats and i need you to tell me that in every single video don't ever break away from that i actually saw this in great new set's comment section where i was reading comments the normal [ __ ] i do because i am making a main channel video on him watch out for that one it's coming hard like everywhere all over the wall but i know okay saying they hate when he talks about the drama and he should just keep it 100 fitness because that's what they like and i personally think that greg's channel is thriving growing and not dead because he doesn't only do workout healthy meal or gaining muscle type videos i mean that's just that's just the fact like if you if like i i left a comment on this video um i think she pinned it yeah she did she said i said spot on people say they only want fitness videos but the numbers do not lie if you look at the the on most fitness channels if you look at the numbers even if it's a fitness channel that doesn't do commentary videos if the title of the video is back day i promise you that video is not going to do as well as a as a title that's going to be more catching to the eye and that's going to be a little bit more mysterious like this is stuff that i deal with right like when i make videos when i make like people complain especially if i make a vlog and the the title is kind of like cryptic people are like oh i would watch anything that you put out you don't have to be clickbaity and it's like dude i appreciate that but the fact of the matter is if i named a video to one vlog right or uh january first vlog i promise you the amount of people that would click on that video is drastically lower than if i just made it a clickbaity or more enticing title and thumbnail like that is just the truth but people seem to not get that like they don't seem to understand that but like this is a hundred percent this is just true it's just it's just how it works and that's not just with fitness it's with any youtube channel right he does the natty or not videos which drums up drama and people love drama i think many fitness channels become so repetitive which you will see later on in this video i've gotten that comment too where i never said sir or ma'am who decides to comment in my comment section that i'm a fitness channel do you see that in my name no just because i got these doesn't mean i'm completely fitness i mean one facts she's jacked um but two michelle i think has done genuinely i believe this and like this isn't me just trying to like you know stand michelle or whatever but like genuinely i think that she has done a great job of being able to talk about fitness a lot and obviously people see that as part of her channel but she absolutely doesn't only focus on fitness and i think that this is something that i wish i was better at because she is much better at that i am she absolutely doesn't just focus on fitness she talks about like 90 day fiance and those tlc shows and all that stuff like she has definitely been able to step out of fitness and still do really well i think because her her videos are just great right the production quality is great like she she does the cosplay most the time that's really interesting so she has more than just oh i'm mad about this thing fitness guy raw it's like there's a lot more to her channel than just that so she's done a really good job at being able to do that um also yes so buzz to victory said plus she's hot i mean i think that being attractive helps but i would say that's a tiny part of why she is successful personally i watch anime i quote chowder spongebob is my leader i dress up i like the theater there's so much more going on in here and here then just there you go i don't remember again i didn't watch this video i just listened to it but they oh man okay okay and how many times how many times is someone going to explain hypertrophy it's boring fitness is honestly boring it's the same [ __ ] it's repetitive it's routine it's all been said so my theory the channels that constantly talk about fitness type things squash calorie deficit muscle group bloody body blob it's been done it's boring and repetitive and that's why people stop tuning in a lot of people so this is to relate this to to me and to my like my channel a lot of people are like oh you don't ever talk about weight loss anymore and i'm just like okay one i do talk about it but at the same time i i'm not going to make every every video that i make isn't going to be how to lose weight because like i've i've made very i've made a few very comprehensive videos on how to track your tdee how to understand how many calories you should be eating how to understand those things like i've made multiple videos on that so i'm not gonna every month rehash the same stuff that i've talked about over and over and over again this is a big reason why i like doing these uh commentary based videos and like that's why i've switched a lot of my content and a lot of people don't like it and that's fine like that's fine i can't not everyone's gonna like everything that i do but if we're to look at the views the videos do well like i'm not trying to sound like a jerk but like obviously people are interested in this stuff right but it's a big reason why i've switched my content over to doing these types of videos because it's just for one it's different and two it keeps me sane because i'm doing something different right like it's i can't always talk about weight loss weight loss weight loss weight loss there's only so much i can say until i'm just saying the same thing over and over and over and over again and just packaging it in a different way i just don't want to do that i would go insane from my main channel was in my instagram inbox saying you need to talk about alan you need to put allen in check oh and while you're at it you need to educate papa slowly yo i need to do what with my time what do i what what are you trying to tell me i need to do what are you demanding that me a grown-ass woman do trust me if something irritates me or just tickles my tits and seems like it would be very entertaining for me to make and it just interests me i'll make a video please stop demanding things from me it's very odd you are not my leader spongebob is if spongebob demands it i'll do it but what i will do is use them for an example for my topic today papa spoglio has been talking about mooc bonds and fat activists every single day or i don't know how long in fact i think he posts multiple videos a day podcast everything and i think has gotten very repetitive for people i can personally understand that i think he's also said that he doesn't care if people don't tune in so he's just gonna keep doing what he's doing for me the fat positive videos do great on my channel and it's something that's very easy for me to talk about just because personal training has been my main job since i was like 22. and the fact that just the fat positive lifestyle is just complete bonkers to most people so it's just very interesting for most rational people to hear about all of their odd posts and all their odd demands but like i said it can get very repetitive and to me to keep talking about the same thing it can get pretty boring i gotta fit in some 90 day fiance i gotta do some some ed video some trisha videos which begs the question do i only purposely talk about fat people or is it the fact that most of these creators are just obese something to think about obesity is rising you guys especially with quarantine people are sitting more than ever but anyway so okay i wanted to let that play out before i like interrupted her a bunch of times um but i think like i i think that what she's saying here is true right like a big i think a big reason why um you know their channels might be dying or whatever or why they're not getting as many views is because it's the same stuff over and over and over again and i understand people might argue that like a lot of my videos are the same stuff but i i believe and i try to make sure i'm not just talking about the same thing every single video try to throw in a an interview with someone i try and throw in a topic about something else and and like i i honestly like i know you guys probably don't believe this but i get a lot of dms about posts on instagram that people want me to make videos on because it's like um you know fat people being crazy or like oh this person said being fat is healthy and it's just like dude i don't have anything new to say about it like people know my thoughts on it people know how i feel about it if if there is something that it's i feel like there's something for me to like bite into and actually like explain an idea then i'll do that but if it's just me being like oh fat people again what are you gonna do like i'm sorry i'm just like i can't i can't bring myself to do it i i i would just especially because a lot of them are live so you guys would be it would be very easy for you guys to see that i'm not into it right like i'm not good at acting your boy is just a normal dude right and so if it doesn't interest me i'm just i'm not going to do it and so the fact that like with alan and with uh papa swolyo i feel so weird calling a dude that but um because they it's it seems to be the same topic and then it's the same things said about the topic right it's not that it's oh it's it's not that it's like people are sick of hearing about that because like if there's something new to be said then i'm sure people would love to hear that but it's the same it's the same topic with the same things being said about the topic just with a different thumbnail on it and people are just like after a point people like i'm kind of over this right there was a period where you guys were only requesting like fat positive type videos and sending me like just an abundance of these fat positive and body positive you guys still do i just kind of ignore them because it's very repetitive i've said what i said i don't need to like constantly constantly constantly constantly talk about that positivity so like i said before i get very bored talking about the same thing and i lose my motivation even though that's what you guys request all the time if i look at my inbox i'll get requests all the time to talk about this fat chick or that fat chick or chess holiday said this and that's fine sometimes it does seem very interesting and i'm like oh this is so like crazy that we we have to talk about it on the channel but a lot of it is just repetitive things that i don't feel like making a video about but we did have that lizzo video that i found was interesting that she just did a clean so you guys can go check that out it's on my main channel but anyway me and michelle very similar because i did the same thing right like i again in that video i felt like there was something interesting to be said that wasn't just like oh lizzo's a big person and i want to make a video about it it's like there was a lot more nuance to it that i wanted to share my opinions on just like the the video where i talked about uh the cosmopolitan magazine cover right like i was i ended up that video i wasn't even that mad about it right and i'm sure a lot of people were expecting me to be upset about it but i was just like yo is i'm not that mad right anyway if i get bored talk about obesity all the time i would think that the watcher also gets bored talking about the same thing all the time whether it's fat chicks or workouts even though there's variety there but how many times are you going to ask someone how to grow your butt and how many times are they going to say do hip thrusts or squats and eat at a calorie surplus and get enough protein it's been said so what i've seen from comments are just people sending me messages what i understand is that a lot of people are irritated that he talks about the same thing usually fat women and mooc bangers and literally in papa solo's case it's every damn day and since we're on the topic of every damn day and a reading comment when it comes to alan the critique was basically his i was beautiful segway i'm sorry beautiful constant is repetitive kind of just ranting with absolutely no effort in his content along with no fitness which i thought ranting was personally his thing if i ever click on alan's channel i never expect heavily edited like bought out videos or fart noises or outfits i would absolutely love that if he edited more videos and like dressed up i'm sorry [Laughter] would you imagine alan just cosplaying in his videos dressed up as like drax from [Laughter] just screaming at the oh no i'm sorry oh that just made me laugh oh i don't think that that's ever gonna happen like basically did exactly what i did on my channel but that's not his thing so i don't know what to tell you but i do think that's one of the reasons the views are down he had a boost of views from like test holiday videos and vince videos and yelling at people and then once it got very repetitive with content and content that you literally just turn on a camera and then post very similar to trisha paytas type thing you know like very early 2000s type youtube i think that's one of the reasons that a lot of people aren't tuning in anymore it's repetitive i think youtube is really turning into a show people really want to show and it shows in the things that i watch i want to feel like i'm watching tv i also see that he's not called every damn day fitness anymore he's just called every [ __ ] opinion i'm just kidding he's not called that it's called alan roberts now so he took the fitness out of his name because people were complaining that aren't you a fitness channel you shouldn't be talking about all these other things that you're talking about so okay i actually want to share my opinion now so um i think that i don't disagree with what she's saying but again like just to tie this into youtube as a whole like this is a problem that happens with any content creator really when you end up finding a niche your videos typically will do well in that niche right like oh okay i'm going to talk about this thing and a lot of people start watching and then you kind of feel like you're pigeonholed so it is a very normal for a creator to want to get out of that niche but the the fact of the matter and just the truth of the matter is is that sometimes it just doesn't work like sometimes people just aren't interested in your opinions outside of the thing that or or even not just opinions right this isn't just based on commentary even if you're a youtuber that like i don't know did skateboarding videos then you try to do videos about you i don't know eating or something i don't know but like people are just like oh well i don't i like that thing i don't really care about this thing like i'll watch someone else then it's just what happens right like you you're that is that is a risk that you have to be willing to take and like that was something for me that was very very very scary when i first started uploading the live reaction type stuff li the live commentaries type stuff i didn't i was terrified that people were going to hate it like i was scared that people were not going to like it at all but it ended up being some people hated it it's fine but like a lot of people seem to like it and i was like okay cool this is this is an avenue i can explore but for some people they try a thing that maybe they're really excited about and it just flops and no one cares and that sucks but if that's what you're passionate about what's better like doing what people are actually going to watch or doing what you actually are passionate about that's the decision up to the content creator right okay so he changed it and then of course the whole elephant in the room that you guys were kept trying to make me to make videos about was his like he's been on like a huge coveted kick and a huge political kick and so that's why a lot of people were like isn't this a fitness channel so i can't speak for him but i think he kind of knows that like just talking about the whole fitness thing over and over again can get very bored i also saw that papa spoglio has like another channel for just politics so you know i think they both if you guys see this my heating pad you know what's going on down there pain i think a lot of people know that fitness channels get boring after well okay to be fair she kind of glanced over this but i think that this is an important thing to talk about um with the whole covet thing and um just like allen has definitely started to share much more about his political opinions in his videos that is going to be polarizing no matter what your political opinions are i've i've brought it up a little bit and people get upset with me about it right and i'm very much so very light when i sprinkle it in there um if you're going to be overly like very very loud about your opinions it's fine you can absolutely believe whatever you want but at the same time whatever you do you have to expect that you are going to also get backlash or support or whatever like every action has an equal and opposite reaction right shout out to my man albert einstein but like that is what is going that's gonna happen right so you have to expect if you start talking about especially if it's something that's very polarizing like political stuff right now in the us there is going to be a lot of people that for better or worse are going to start watching more and be very much more invested and be like yes we are the same or they're gonna be like yo full break stop not watching that anymore that is just a fact and if you are fine with taking that step and you are fine with taking that chance that's fine that's your decision i'm not gonna hate you for it but there's going to be consequences good or bad from that decision after a while i even know like there's some fitness people that i forgot all about like i used to check in also i've been told that that's not albert einstein whatever okay some scientists died from a long time ago that's what matters oh man this is why i see i just need to stay in my lane i tried to start talking about science and see what happens and all the time when i wanted to know something or i wanted like a refresher but i don't watch it all the time i watch topics that i'm interested in like i said how many times am i gonna listen to someone say that i need to squat or lunge or do kickbacks or keep it calorie surplus or deficit i personally don't need to watch it every single video let's be real people want drama that is like the basis of what i watch i want to know the juice i want to know the t actually when i was looking at allen's channel that guy scott herman who he called out who has over 2 million subscribers looks like many people are not really tuning in like they used to but the video where he does call okay so this is important and i'm glad that she brought this up so scott herman has been someone that's been on youtube for a very very very very long time okay so if we look at he has over two million subscribers now look at this so he has a video right here grow your quads fast 26 000 views grow your biceps 54 000 which isn't terrible but considering how many how many subscribers he has but whenever it's about something that's drama look at this one 46 thousand views whenever it's something about drama 128 130 138 000 252 000 views like that that is a like those videos are making him three to four times as much money as the videos where he's showing a workout like that's just just how it works is it good or bad i don't that's for you to decide if you hate drama stuff then that's probably gonna be frustrating to you but if you like watching that stuff which i'm sure a lot of you guys do you're like cool it's cool with me it's i the numbers are right there the numbers are right there pullout videos gets a lot of views the greg ducette vid did way better than a 12 minute at home full body fat melting workout light dumbbells only the type of videos that people complain that aren't on people's platforms well there it is your fitness and it got 12 000 views okay 17 000 now i don't post these the day of god anyway i'm not saying the videos are bad he seems to have a lot of helpful videos what i am saying is many people either aren't interested or bored because fitness is very repetitive or they really just want some juicy drama it's just something to think about if you are starting a fitness channel mostly everything has been done and this is proof no one gives a [ __ ] about a 12-minute at-home full-body fat melting workout they act like they do but they really aren't i'm not i don't care i want the juice give me that tea [ __ ] who's fighting i want to hear about it now my theory on greg is he talks a lot about fitness but he talks about drama he also posts all the time sometimes multiple times a day and he's a [ __ ] character when i first heard him i was like iago is that you [Laughter] the same um yeah i i remember at first when greg just at first started getting popular there would be comments all in my section like oh great just that's so annoying i hate him his voice is so annoying but now whenever if i ever talk about him it's like oh at first i didn't like greg but now i actually listen to what he's saying and i actually agree and he's actually pretty funny blah blah blah it's like facts here oops if you want to avoid all artificial sweeteners and only eat organic and perfect foods be my guest i can't do it i don't got that kind of willpower i also think he's doing super well because these other channels these other men that hate him keep talking about him bringing him more drama drama the thing that people love to watch like i said i do i am not tuning in to your grow a bigger butt routine i'm not tuning in to your top chest exercises routine i'm tuning in to you telling someone off because i'm a nosy ass [ __ ] and that's the truth and i'll i mean this is again whether whether or not you like that this is the fact or you don't that's just the truth right the reason greg got so popular one i mean he is very consistent with what he posts but once he started posting the natty or not videos the drama videos right talking about different drama that's when his channel blew up it's like that's just how it works man like people will click on that stuff it's those are just the facts like it it just is like that's i don't a lot of y'all are nosy [ __ ] too there are special cases like chloe ting who gets 50 million views per fitness video but she is cute she does challenges people post said challenges and constantly replay her super quick videos along with her eye-catching thumbnails that you guys have made it clear to me now that are clickbait titles to get people to click and people make a ton of call-out videos to her videos drama people love drama i was watching a random video of greg's and he even said you guys don't click on the workout videos the top supplement videos the health videos you guys click on the natty or not aka the drama and since we're on the subject of fitness channels being extremely repetitive athlean x i mean i think he obviously has a really big following two because he works with professional athletes if you look at athlean x he's made one two three four five six seven eight nine there's more i'm just tired of counting how many times how many times does he need to show you um shoulder workouts a while ago i'm not gonna go back and try to find the comment but i saw he made like some kind of like weird video and the exercise was just kind of odd and the comments were like you're really running out of content huh uh yeah because how many times how many [ __ ] times it's repetitive but that's my opinion why a lot of fitness channels die which like i said can be applied to other channels on my main channel we are going to get into this hater nation saga and that michael b petty guy even said that talking about the same person every single day alr amberlynn reed got very repetitive and he got very nitpicky and just very petty so so oh man gosh i i really don't like talking about amberlynn reed it's but this is very true and this is one this has been one of my biggest criticisms of that whole community dude it was crazy to me that it's i mean there still are some channels that do this but it's crazy to me that there were so many channels so many channels that would watch every single amberlyn read video and then react to it and post it themselves like and they they would they would pick on the littlest things and it's like the fork she was using to eat and i was just like dude why what what are you adding to this like sorry that's just my opinion um so it can be applied to anything anything super repetitive is just gonna be boring like if i ate hot cheetos every single day i'm gonna get well maybe not but there's a chance that i will get bored okay do you understand what i'm saying or are you just like mad that i'm saying it i love when people hop on my comment section saying i need to only talk about fitness hmm look at the name of my channel where does this say only talk about fitness no i talk about my thoughts my thoughts that obviously offended you because i'm not talking about the thing that you want me to talk about how about you create your own fitness channel and you can only talk about fitness that's an option you can do that let me know in the comment section what your channel is but of course there's some people that really enjoy just talking about fitness i think papa spolio and alan has said that they don't give a [ __ ] if you tune in or not and they're gonna talk about whatever they want and i think if you're going to make a channel that is dedicated to one thing then there's a chance of people getting bored and even you getting bored but you either have to deal with that or you make another channel that will satisfy you i don't know those are just my thoughts about why fitness channels die and you guys kept messaging me about about people allen and papaswolio and how their channels are dying because of certain things and that's why i think a lot of fitness channels in general just die people like the drama for sure i'm guilty of that i watched 90 day fiance so that's kind of what i thought about when i first started doing my channel like do i only want to talk about so with this i think it's i don't know i think it's important to say like i don't think i don't think that it's only because people got like sick of things like i genuinely do think part of it was people were annoyed with hearing a p like thi like the people talking about like things like the coronavirus like the blm stuff and like people really shoving their opinion in their videos where people just weren't that's not what they were there for right like if i started in all of my videos started like preaching um you know blm or like tried to really promote like being a you know a leftist or really being like uh you know not right wing or whatever because i'm definitely not right wing right but if i tried to shove that into my videos i would not be surprised but a lot of people were like i'm done watching this you know and fair play like you can make that decision like i think that that's a huge reason why the two channels that she mentioned are having you know quote unquote like issues is because those things turned a lot of people off that that's my opinion maybe i'm wrong but one thing just one like that's i would oh i couldn't do that i don't know how papa solio does it every single day i can't keep up i think before i started my youtube channel i was looking at the worst mistakes that a lot of youtubers will do and they said to gear your channel toward one thing because they even said usually people get bored and the channel either will die or the person just gets so like bored of talking about the same thing or the same subject that they just stopped and when i heard that i was like i can understand that because i get bored very easily but like alan and papa solio i guess they don't really care and so for the people who keep messaging me saying that i need to put people in check uh no i don't they are grown men and they can post about whatever the hell they want many of you are saying that alan and papaswagio need to be d platform just because they share a different opinion about politics than you just because you don't agree with their political opinion does not mean they need to be de-platformed we do have freedom of speech here not freedom of speech but only if i agree with you i don't agree with everything they say at all but i'm not demanding they stop posting or tell them what they can and can't post and if you don't now again i agree with that but the thing the the fact of the matter is there right like while you have freedom of expression and freedom of choice and freedom of speech uh people also have freedom of no longer watching and i think that's what's happening right like people are like okay well if you're gonna continue down this road i'm a peace out you know what i'm saying peace out dog it was nice to know you like i think that's what's happening you know i like it i'm not too sure what to tell you it's like if you message someone about me saying that they need to tell me to change my content i don't think so i'm gonna post more of what you don't like just just cause i'm petty anyway what's your favorite fitness channel i mean completely fitness are they thriving are they struggling are they still posting even i feel like a lot of them just get so bored and they're just they're just done but i do have influencers that i like that i notice and they even say that their views are so much lower than what they used to but they love posting they love interacting on the internet and so they continue which i'm so happy for because there's just some people i love their personality i don't care how many views people get i just want some awesome content that's fun to watch and that i think they put a lot of time into or they just have a vibrant personality and then i'll be tuning in okay me and the girls thank you for being here bye so i i think that so this is a good comment that i just that i just read um i think a lot of strictly fitness channels are also struggling amid the virus because of a lot of people have no access to a gym um if you make content helping people in the gym it's not exactly useful right now yeah that's definitely uh definitely true um i think that again like this is she obviously used like fitness and that was kind of the conduit that she used to talk about this subject but i mean this is a fact of the matter regardless of what um what kind of niche you are in youtube like this this is stuff that happens like and there's nothing wrong with trying to step out of the box that you've put yourself in because a lot of us do it like i've done it right a lot of us do it ourselves like we want to be the channel that talks about this thing but eventually after years and years and years it's like do you want to be the person that talks about that one thing i would say luckily for me um i am genuinely very very um passionate about helping people lose weight and like and granted like the whole fat positivity and health at every size and that whole thing has like really been really interesting for me to explore but it's not like the only thing that i talk about so that's why i feel like i've been able to make content around weight loss and around other things as well um but yeah i thought that was a great video i think it's it's very interesting i think that it's great that she posted it um and again that she i mean it's not a surprise that she's sharing her her thoughts but yeah i think that was a really interesting video
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 91,186
Rating: 4.9231906 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, alan roberts, greg douette, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: f0PhN8p78n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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