Looking Up Star Party: Part Four with Pastor Troy Brewer

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well hello everybody blessing a piece on you welcome back to the living room here some Wednesday night and we're all in a good mood right y'all a good mood we all woke up this morning God was in a good mood I love that about God he's pretty dadgum consistent I just don't know if you know that about him or not so the past four weeks we have been going through how the heavens declare the glory of God through my book looking up and I mean we have barely scratched what's in this book just barely I've had so many people going why don't why didn't you make it bigger am i dude if you can learn this because I have not learned all this like what's your notes well yeah it's my notes I got all kinds of crazy notes but I'm still learning this thing and this is an ongoing journey it's an ongoing discovery just to just to make everybody jealous right you guys are the calling team and this is our calling center team and you guys answer the phone all the time what's been your favorite part who has who who's somebody who can tell me what your favorite part has been about the study of all this what you got back here my favorite part of that call center is prayer okay okay but the favorite part of this study is that the more you talk the more we learn and it's always ongoing and that's my favorite part yeah there's no end to this concerning his kingdom and up his piece there should be no end you're never gonna tap out go oh I guess there's nothing else to figure out about God that's never gonna happen that's good stuff so who else well what is your favorite part brother Levi prayer prayers one the biggest things the more I give them my stuff the more I get back and it just it just awesome just to be able to serve I mean you know I never thought that serving could be so much pleasure and getting back you know what I mean you know I do you know I back in the 80s I worked at the 700 club calling center right they used to have an office in Dallas off of Walnut Hill Road and I was a traveling musician so they hired me and let me blow in blow out brother by the name of Marc Barry was my boss and he's also the guy who helped me get started in the open door Food Bank right but I can just tell you that the Lord would prepare me spiritually and supernaturally for the people that gonna call me have you guys noticed that happening yet my God gives you a working light this is a person with that word is for right there that's it or oh that's what guy that's why God was talking to me about this this week or having me looking up that look oh my gosh I got this word that I've already looked up but he just fits perfectly here right the Lord does that okay that's because God knows what's in your firmament right on he knows the things that you're gonna see so what has been what has been your favorite thing in the study of all this well the growth of it you know that the fact that I'm growing so much and what it was is that before I came to open doors I mean I was just kind of there you know what I mean but since I've been doing the call center and learning so much it's like the universe has opened up it's just like it's endless it's just like it's kind of like overwhelming and scared and good that's a good place to be there's nothing boring about it no it's it's a man if you're if you're bored Christian you ain't walk-in a walk alright okay well friends we're gonna we're going to continue this and we're actually gonna close this up tonight and if everybody's like oh man I missed the first three it's okay you can still look it up also for everybody that partners with me we have our conferences point click watch have your life change so we have lots of resources and you all are the ones that if they call the calling center y'all are the ones that they actually talked to you and so you can call and you could ask any of these guys all right okay so last week whenever we were whenever we were doing this we're actually talking about the 12 major signs or the 12 major constellations that are actually signs going all the way back to Genesis 124 that God created the Sun and the moon and stars for signs and for seasons and for days and for years and that those signs are not demonic those signs are actually God planted and the heavens declare are they prophecy right and so these these are all a prophetic picture of the story of redemption and we've learned that it's prone in this rotational meaning God wants you to keep looking at it and keep looking at it and keep looking at it he'll give you a new layer and a new they're in a new layer and everything that is prophetic works in circles everything everything that is wildly prophetic is circular or slick or cyclical right and so everything that is linear is short time frames that has beginning and it has in but when it comes to the heart of God is circular right on and so I know they just calendar wise whenever you and I look at a calendar we tend to think in terms of lines like we think of time lines on a Gregorian calendar there's always lines right but how the Hebrews think about the calendar is it's a big circle right and it goes around and around been around and around and we have to learn we have to learn how to think like that so one of the great circles in the sky there's so many of them is the the story of redemption and we know where it begins and we know where it ends because we know King Jesus we learned where it begins and where it ends we learn that the Sphynx in front of the great astrological structure that is that is the Great Pyramid it has the head of a woman and the body of a lion we also by the way I did I didn't tell you this but the word Spinks means to bind together the head of a woman in the body of a lion it's where you is where you is where the zodiac begins where it ends now even the word zodiac is like a very very tableau thing among Christians the word zodiac is a Greek word okay and the Hebrew version of the Greek word zodiac is Nazareth so the word Nazareth is in the Bible three different times and I think all three of them are in the book of Job where the Lord says consider the mazzaroth and he's like you know the story I mean he's like he expected all all human beings to be able to look up at the mazzaroth and know how God does things right and so he's like you know one of the things he says all right well you want to talk about how things work let me ask you this can you loose the bands of Orion all right well we can go into all the star speech that God was talking to this ancient man by the name of Jobe because the anxious didn't have the Bible in the book they had the vibe in the heavens and that's why in job which is the oldest book in the Bible it's even older than Genesis even though Genesis is telling a story that is older than that but it's the most ancient book it's probably the most ancient book on the planet earth is the book of Job so how God deals with ancient human beings is you know what's in the heavens in other words you've read it right I just love it so so last week we talked about the major constellations and what they all represent beginning at Virgo and we went through and we learned that Virgo says that there is the promise of a messiah and that he's going to be a human being then from Virgo we go into Levi's which is the next up every month there's a new one up every month there's a new there's a new segment of the story for us to learn the next one is Levi's which means we had to be redeemed and he will be our Redeemer the next one which which was also about the price has to be paid the balance is off right the scales then the next one after Libra is Scorpio which means death has to be taken on Oh death where is your sting o grave where is your victory then the next one after that is Sagittarius which means he is the Conqueror on the on the white horse he has slapped death in the face then the next one is a strange one which is Capricorn which means out of the part of him laying down his life we find life so the body of Christ looks like Jesus laying down his life and giving us life it is the the the body of a dying sacrifice and the tail of a living fish okay and then the next one after that is Aquarius and Aquarius is when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon his body the power of the Holy Spirit it's beautiful isn't it what the story stocked out there I'd be a great story but it's not the story does not end so the next month comes Pisces the fish it's the seventh sign and I want to just tell you that there there are three constellations around every major every major constellation there are three minor constellation and the sign of Pisces the fish is a fish that is vertical in a fish that is horizontal bound by a covenant that's the Old Testament and the New Testament two covenants becoming one covenant it is also Israel and the church becoming one new man it is all these different layers of Revelation these two different fish one this horizontal and one this vertical well a line that is horizontal and aligned that is vertical intersects is something called a cross right but it is a band of Covenant the brightest star that is in that literally it is a star that means band of Covenant right and that's how they know what that is okay so but there are also three around it and the three that are around it is one that is just called the band or the ring again speaking of Covenant there's another one that is Andromeda which is the chained woman who as she goes through the sky she is made upright she starts upside down and as Orion rises she is righted as Jesus is resurrected our righteousness is given to us or our right standing or we are righted right and then I'll show you that in the heavens not whenever we go out there it's just gonna blow your bag you're gonna go okay and then the next one is Cephas which is the crowned king so those are the minor constellations around this major constellation of now we have entered into the age of the church we actually entered into the age of the church beginning Aquarius okay he's pouring out his spirit upon all of his flesh now it's all about this now it's not it's not just the new it's not just the Old Testament now it's the inĂ¡cio Testament and the New Testament becoming word becoming one word the Old Testament the law has been fulfilled and now life and life more abundantly is being offered and it's a band of covenant you guys tracking with me it's beautiful and it's amazing that it falls after Aquarius amazing okay now that I've given you my power now go out and make this thing work it's incredible now the next one is Aries the RAM so Aries the RAM is very unlike Capricorn and that Capricorn is a goat that is its legs are floating up underneath it and it still is becoming alive like a fish Aries is a realm that is fully horned and it's seated in power so what is that okay what the eighth part of the story tells us is this the Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive power and honor as king he will make his bride righteous he will bind the enemy and remove all power and authority from the devil and this is what it means it means this his kingdom come his will be done upon earth as it is in heaven it's what the church is supposed to be living out okay and it literally means his kingdom come that's what it is and when you study all the stars and when you study all the other constellations that are around the major constellations that's the story that it tells all right after we have that then everything changes so guys you remember we had the first segment the first four constellations tells us what happens all the way up to the resurrection of King Jesus the next four constellations which are which are Capricorn aquarius pisces and aries okay the church being born Capricorn aquarius the church being empowered by the holy spirit then the next one and that's Aquarius and the next one is Pisces which is the band of Covenant in the two becoming one unity right Old Testament and New Testament and then the next one is Aries which is bringing his kingdom to earth after those for now we're going to end the church age and now we're gonna get into the return of King Jesus because the next bull out of the chute pardon the pun is Taurus the Bull and Taurus the Bull is always seen as half way you can only see half of Taurus why because he's because he's breaking through he's changing things you can see the part of him that is actually broke through it represents the coming of King Jesus Taurus represents the return of the Lord that's what Taurus represents which means it's unstoppable now remember everything in in all the all the other constellations that I've given you had to do with the heart of God and how he cooperates with man this right here needs no cooperation whatsoever it's unstoppable Jesus is not coming back according to our faith he's coming back whether you wanted to or not so everything changes it Taurus the Bull now when Taurus the Bull shows up he shows up his halfway and in his neck as a constellation is called the Seven Sisters he comes back with the church the brightest star that is within Taurus the Bull is the eye and what does the Bible say every eye shall see him okay so he's coming back and he ain't plan and he's unstoppable right okay after Taurus the Bull comes the Gemini twins what's that when we see him we should be like him come on and all that all those stars and all the constellations around that tell that story that when Jesus shows up and when we see him we shall be like him His Holiness will be our holiness his right since to be our righteousness all that good stuff I don't need that I'm good all right so here's the next one that's the tenth part the next one is is a little bit difficult to understand I'm going to make it real easy it's cancer the crab well even the word cancer is offensive to us today and can I tell you what that is it's an abomination of cancer the crab that we would that we would turn cancer into a very scary and horrible thing into the most beautiful thing in the world now the reason why we call the disease cancer is because when they first discovered it the thing that he understood about cancer cells is that cancer cells have claws and they go out and they grab other cells okay something with claws is called cancer so this this thing doesn't have to be a crab it just means they got the claw part right because what is it it's eternal security it's Jesus saying I will hold you in my hand and none shall pluck you out it's him saying I have paid a huge price for you and I will never let you go it's eternal security it is the most beautiful thing in the whole world okay so what does the story say beginning at Taurus Jesus is coming back and they're in there none can stop him the next part is Gemini when we see him we should be like him all that he has he's given us and you can't tell the difference right all right then the next one is this we're a part of his possession we are the possession of the Lord Cancer the crab right and then the last part the twelfth part is Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Lion of the tribe of Judah will come back and he will utterly destroy his enemy he will pour out his wrath and he will try to all enemies under foot he will put down the enemy as a warrior king he will dish out his judgment and fury upon the Serpent and afterward the birds of the air will feast upon the armies of the enemy he shall roar on high and descend from heaven with a mighty shout then he will rule and reign forever and ever like how do you get out of that out of all the names of all the stars that's what that the names of all the stars tell you so guys you guys to remember that I told you that around every major constellation there are three minor constellations let me tell you what is around Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah which represents revelation number one is Hydra the destroyed serpent number two is crater the cup of wrath being poured out and number three is Corvis the bird of prey which is Armageddon are you kidding me listen when I first started looking at their stuff I was like ah and then I started trying to tell people they're like that's the devil right that's the Bible that is the Bible our redeemer lives and before it was written in the book it was written in the heavens and everybody has a front-row seat to that but if you don't see it it's on you and it's not because he didn't put it right in front of you so let's go over very quickly the story of all 12 and number one these are the scriptures Psalms 19 verses one through to set it says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork day into day utter speech and night unto night reveals knowledge that's beautiful in it so the author of the Bible and the signs of the heavens is the same the hero in the Messiah and the redemption story are all the say nothing is left out Isaiah chapter 40 verse 26 says this lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things who brings out their hosts by number who caused them all by name by the greatness of his might in the strength of his power not one is missing it's all there brother Isaiah was walking around naked one night whenever he said that y'all don't have any idea what I'm just talking about you do know that Isaiah walks around completely buck naked right y'all don't know that okay no you need to know that so for all you all you haters are saying I'm too weird you would have hated Isaiah I wonder if you two supported that brothers ministry dude your neck in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God there is one star in all the heavens that represents the throne of God in its the North Star it's Polaris everything circles it right and I'm gonna point that out to you tonight and we're gonna talk a lot about the throne of heaven and how that once you see Jesus on the throne you'll never be lost again the North Star come on okay so here's all twelve constellations this is how it works number one is Virgo the Messiah is coming right on scene of a woman 100% God 100% man there is a messiah that is coming there's a fixer of the problem right the second one is Libra he is going there as a price that has to be paid but he's going to pay it and he is the Redeemer he is a redeemer Messiah a Messiah Redeemer the next one is Scorpio there will be war and he will die there will be war and he will lay down his life the next one is Sagittarius he will resurrect and he will conquer death and he'll slap it in the face for all of us beautiful the next one is Capricorn from his death of living people will be born I love that one the next one is Aquarius he will pour out his Spirit upon all of us Alleluia the next one is Pisces his people will multiply and bless the whole earth like that one Aries his kingdom will come and his will will be done then up next is Taurus Jesus will return with his people upon behalf of Israel the next one is Gemini his people will be just like him hallelujah the next one is cancer he will never let go of them as his precious possession and then the last one is Leo he will rule and reign supreme throughout the universe that is how the heavens declare the glory of God let's give King Jesus a great good faith okay all right so what's your favorite part in that guy's who's got a favorite part but you got talking too much I'm blown away and I hadn't heard it all of this and then a Christian for 60 years or plus and like you said before we were robbed because we thought that it was wrong to study the Stars and God is sitting here showing us that he is the Stars that's right yeah you know again he telleth them all by name and nothing is left out that's what I was asked us well thank you for that again we don't have to turn that over to the Babylonians or the Medes and Persians or to the Greeks or the Romans what a bunch of knuckleheads why would I turn that over to them right no man I want I want to hear what God wants to say to all of those things so so friends I want to just I want to say this to you that are watching right now thank you so much for joining us on the open door experiences Wednesday night experience and if you like this resource man you need to get this book and if you call us if you call eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight if you call new beginning for the church eight seven seven Philippians four one three is aaaa King Jesus is 888 right on if you do that if you call that these are the people who answer the phone and these people are dedicated to praying with you to loving you to helping you and you know what we're not going to judge you we're not gonna be mad at you if if there's some way that we can help you come on don't be scared call us that's what the calling center is there for and the Lord gives us words man to give to you I mean he does and so we want to pray with you we wanted to make decrees and declarations but if you want this resource just call us and one of my friends here will walk you through that we have conferences that you can view online I have books I have a brand new poster and it's crazy cool that hang up and you know what I have a really cool star poster in my office and people think I'm so smart when they come off they're like wow that is awesome people thank you smart if you hang that about I know from experience thank you I just tell you people go dang my brother got a star chart dang I like oh yeah man I'm a bad motor scooter so so anyway I encourage you guys to get that and also I encourage you guys to keep looking up and don't give up stay strong and guys let's all do this together you ready I call you the head and not the tail above and not to me and highly favored of the Lord alright guys blessing a piece on you bye bye [Applause]
Channel: OpenDoor Experience
Views: 440
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: OpenDoor Church, Burleson Texas, OpenDoor, Texas Church, Burleson Church
Id: 9yI1xxRcWc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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